One word for thinking on your feet

to make someone concentrate so that they are ready to deal with anything that might happen. He keeps changing the rules, just to keep us on our toes.

Similarly, What does it mean to stay on your toes?

Staying or keeping on your toes not only means to pay close attention. It also means to be ready to act. For example, when trying something dangerous, you need to keep on your toes. You want to be ready for anything that may happen. . As we said, when you are on your toes, you are prepared to take action.

Also, What is it called when a ballet dancer stands on their toes? raised. Relevé is a classical ballet term meaning “raised.” It describes the action when a dancer rises up and seemingly is standing “on their toes” in a demi-pointe or a fully en pointe. Relevé is a ballet step that is taught to beginner’s in some of the earliest classes.

What does quick on your feet mean?

“Quick on your feet” means to be agile and responsive, quick to adapt appropriately to changing situations. It could come from boxing where an opponent wins both by landing punches on his or her opponent and by avoiding getting hit, which requires being quick on their feet.

Why do ballerinas cut their feet with razors?

Physicians see a break of the long bone on the outside of the foot so often among dancers, they call it the « Dancer’s Fracture. » But even if most of the cutters are mimicking their peers and seeking attention, the act of cutting is a sign of disturbance or emotional difficulty that needs to be recognised.

Do ballerinas stand on the tips of their toes?

Pointe shoes enable the dancer to balance, spin, hop, pounce, slide, and linger on the tips of her toes. Before the advent of the modern reinforced pointe shoe, around 1900, ballerinas wore soft slippers and could not perform the steps, turns, and sustained balances on pointe that we expect of today’s dancers.

Can ballet ruin your feet?

The hard truth is this: Ballet definitely takes a toll only a dancers feet. But does it ruin your feet? Yes and no. . Blisters, bunions, corns and ingrown nails are common problems that occur when dancing on pointe, but they can be greatly exacerbated if untreated.

What is a word for a quick thinker?

Frequently Asked Questions About quick-witted

Some common synonyms of quick-witted are alert, clever, and intelligent.

What is a word for thinking on your feet?

improvise. make it up as one goes along. think on one’s feet.

Do ballerinas wear bras?

Ballerinas often wear bras under their leotards in order to get support for their breasts while performing. There are many different kinds of bras available that are specially designed to be worn under leotards by ballet dancers.

Do ballerinas cut their feet with razors?

Some dancers have more eccentric rituals, such as blowing into shoes before putting them on, or covering their feet in glue and other chemicals to make them stick. More dangerously still, many attack their feet with scissors and razor blades.

Do male ballerinas wear cups?

Do male ballet dancers wear a cup? . Yes, male ballet dancers wear a dance belt, which some people refer to as a cup. This belt provides support and slight protection for the male genitalia but mostly it streamlines the appearance of the male anatomy for costume purposes.

How do ballerinas not get dizzy?

Their brains adapt over years of training to suppress that input. Consequently, the signal going to the brain areas responsible for perception of dizziness in the cerebral cortex is reduced, making dancers resistant to feeling dizzy.

Can you wear pointe shoes for fun?

Do male dancers wear pointe shoes? Normally, only female dancers dance on pointe and wear pointe shoes! However, many professional male dancers also try pointe work in order to strengthen their feet. Modern ballets have male dancers wearing pointe shoes only for comedic effect.

What grade in ballet do you start pointe?

Planning. The minimum age recommended by most authorities for starting pointe work is 12, with 13 strongly recommended and 16 listed as not too late to begin pointe, even for a professional career.

Why do ballerinas have to be skinny?

Most ballet dancers suffer from Anorexia Nervosa

The reason that most of these dancers look that way is because of an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa, in which the person starves themselves. This problem affects around 45% of professional dancers, and is even worse in non-professionals.

Does ballet destroy your body?

Ballet can cause foot pain, injury, and in some cases, even foot damage for dancers. . If untreated, this can lead to an injury and even long-term foot damage. Read on to learn about how ballet dancing affects your feet, the most common foot injuries, and what types of feet are more prone to injury.

Who is the youngest person to go on pointe?

Some believe that even 11 is pushing it. « The earliest age a child should be dancing on pointe is 11. However, 12 or 13 is more common, » warned the Royal Academy of Dance in a 2016 statement. RAD alumni who dance with The Royal Ballet, The Washington Ballet and Staatsballett Berlin chimed in with their support.

How do you describe a quick-thinking person?

alert, astute, perceptive, quick, quick-thinking, sharp-witted, sharp, shrewd, penetrating, discerning, perspicacious.

What is a quick witted person?

Anyone whose mind is sharp can be called quick-witted, especially if they’ve got a great sense of humor and are speedy with a comeback. . Quick-witted comes from wit, which doesn’t just mean « sense of humor, » but also « intelligence. »

Is quick minded a word?

adjective. Having a quick or ready mind; quick-witted.

What does it mean to be good on your feet?

to have good ideas and make decisions quickly in a difficult situation. You have to think on your feet in this job. Synonyms and related words. To make a decision.

What is Extemporize mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to do something extemporaneously : improvise especially : to speak extemporaneously.

Whats it called when you have to think on the spot?

imperative. importunate. insistent. instantaneous. on-the-spot.

think on (one’s) feet

To be able to think clearly in times of stress, especially when forming a solution to a pressing problem. Thank goodness you were able to think on your feet and find another way to stop the pipe from leaking. The whole basement would have flooded otherwise.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

think on your feet

If you think on your feet, you make good decisions quickly and react quickly when things change. We always have room for a guy who can think on his feet. Being a parent means thinking on your feet and adapting as you go along.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

think on your feet

react to events quickly and effectively.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

think on your ˈfeet

think very quickly: When he asked me why I wasn’t at work, I had to think on my feet and I invented an excuse about going to see the doctor.Lawyers in court need to be able to think on their feet.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • think on (one’s) feet
  • think on feet
  • think on one’s feet
  • have (one’s) kicking boots on
  • go critical
  • get through to (someone or something)
  • able to take just so much
  • able to take only so much
  • all able-bodied people
  • bodied
  • 1

    sorry, I wasn’t thinking clearly désolé, je n’avais pas les idées claires;

    familiar to think big voir les choses en grand ;

    think big! sois ambitieux! ;

    (b) penser, réfléchir;

    think again! repensez-y!; vous n’y êtes pas, réfléchissez donc!;

    you just don’t think, do you! jamais tu ne réfléchis, hein!;

    I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking désolé, je l’ai fait/dit sans réfléchir;

    if you think I’d lend you my car again… si tu t’imagines que je te prêterai encore ma voiture…;

    just think! imaginez(-vous) un peu!;

    just think, you might have married him! imagine(-toi) que tu aurais pu l’épouser!

    (d) penser, croire;

    (a) penser à, réfléchir à;

    I kept thinking «why me?» je n’arrêtais pas de me dire: pourquoi moi?;

    to think deep/evil thoughts avoir des pensées profondes/de mauvaises pensées

    I don’t think so, I think not je ne crois pas;

    he’s a crook — I thought so or I thought as much c’est un escroc — je m’en doutais;

    I should think so! je crois bien!;

    do you think they’ll agree? — I should think so croyez-vous qu’ils accepteront? — je pense que oui;

    he’s going to apologize — I should think so (too)! il va s’excuser — j’espère bien!;

    he apologized — I should think so (too)! il s’est excusé — ce n’est pas trop tôt!;

    I think you mean Johnson, not Boswell je crois que tu veux dire Johnson, pas Boswell;

    more tea? — I don’t think I will, thank you encore un peu de thé? — non merci, je ne pense pas;

    what does he think I should do? que pense-t-il ou croit-il que je doive faire?;

    he wants cream walls — what do you think? il veut des murs crème — qu’est-ce que tu en penses?;

    it’s expensive, don’t you think? c’est cher, tu ne trouves pas?;

    familiar oh, he’s so honest, I don’t think! honnête, mon œil, oui!;

    that’s what you think! tu te fais des illusions!;

    what will people think? qu’en dira-t-on?, qu’est-ce que les gens vont penser?;

    it is thought that… on suppose que… + indicative;

    (just) who does he think he is? (mais) pour qui se prend-il?;

    you always think the best/the worst of everyone vous avez toujours une très bonne/mauvaise opinion de tout le monde

    (c) juger, considérer;

    I hardly think it likely that… il me semble peu probable que… + subjunctive

    one would have thought that… c’était à croire que…+ indicative;

    who’d have thought he’d become president! qui aurait dit qu’elle serait un jour président!;

    who’d have thought it! qui l’eût cru!;

    just think what we can do with all that money! imaginez ce qu’on peut faire avec tout cet argent!;

    (e) penser à, se rappeler;

    did you think to buy some bread? as-tu pensé à acheter du pain?

    (f) penser, s’attendre à;

    esp literary I only thought to help you ma seule pensée était de vous aider

    do you think you could help me? pourriez-vous m’aider?

    think thin! pensez minceur!

    familiar you’ve got another think coming! tu te fais des illusions!


    to think about sth/doing sth penser à qch/à faire qch;

    what are you thinking about? à quoi pensez-vous?;

    it’s not a bad idea, if you think about it ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée, si tu réfléchis bien;

    I’ll give you something to think about! je vais te donner de quoi réfléchir!

    he’s always thinking about food — what else is there to think about? il ne pense qu’à manger — c’est ce qu’il y a de plus intéressant, non?;

    I’ve got my family/future to think about il faut que je pense à ma famille/mon avenir

    what do you think about him? que pensez-vous de lui?;

    what do you think about it? qu’en pensez-vous?


    (a) penser à, envisager de;

    what were you thinking of giving her? que pensais-tu lui donner?

    whatever were you thinking of? où avais-tu la tête?;

    come to think of it, that’s not a bad idea à la réflexion, ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée;

    I couldn’t think of it! c’est impossible!

    (c) penser à, se rappeler;


    I’ve just thought of something, she’ll be out j’avais oublié ou je viens de me rappeler, elle ne sera pas là;

    why didn’t you phone? — I didn’t think of it pourquoi n’avez-vous pas téléphoné? — je n’y ai pas pensé;

    whatever will they think of next? qu’est-ce qu’ils vont bien pouvoir trouver ensuite?;

    thank you — think nothing of it! merci — mais je vous en prie ou mais c’est tout naturel!


    what do you think of the new teacher? comment trouvez-vous le ou que pensez-vous du nouveau professeur?;

    what do you think of it? qu’en pensez-vous?;

    she thinks very highly of or very well of him elle a une très haute opinion de lui;

    to think a great deal of oneself, to think too much of oneself avoir une haute idée de soi-même ou de sa personne;

    just think of it, me as president! imaginez un peu: moi président!, vous m’imaginez président?;

    when I think of what might have happened! quand je pense à ce qui aurait pu arriver!;

    you might have married him, think of that! tu aurais pu l’épouser, imagine un peu!

    (g) penser à, considérer;

    think of how much it will cost! pense un peu à ce que ça va coûter!;

    élaborer, préparer; bien étudier ou examiner; bien étudier;

    bien examiner, bien réfléchir à;


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  • 2

    1 (hold view, believe) croire (that que) ; I think this is their house je crois que c’est leur maison ; when do you think he will come? quand crois-tu qu’il viendra? ; we’d better be going, don’t you think? il vaudrait mieux que nous partions, tu ne crois pas? ; I think so je crois ; I don’t think so, I think not sout je ne crois pas ; ‘the wine is free, isn’t it?’-‘I don’t think so!’ ‘le vin est gratuit, n’est-ce pas?’-‘ça m’étonnerait!’ ; ‘can I stay out till midnight?’-‘no, I think not!’ ‘je peux sortir jusqu’à minuit?’-‘non, sûrement pas!’ ; ‘is he reliable?’-‘I’d like to think so but…’ ‘peut-on lui faire confiance?’-‘j’espère bien mais…’ ; to think it best to do/that penser qu’il serait préférable de faire/que (+ subj) ; to think it better to do/that… penser qu’il vaudrait mieux faire/que… (+ subj) ; I think it better to wait, what do you think? je pense qu’il vaudrait mieux attendre, qu’est-ce que tu en penses? ; I think it’s going to rain j’ai l’impression qu’il va pleuvoir ; what do you think it will cost? combien ça va coûter à ton avis? ; him, a millionnaire? I don’t think! iron lui un millionnaire? sans blague! ;

    2 ( imagine) imaginer, croire ; just think! yesterday we were slaving away in the office and today… imagine! hier encore on bossait

    au bureau et aujourd’hui… ; just think what might happen! imagine ce qui pourrait arriver! ; who’d have thought it! qui l’aurait cru?, qui l’eût cru? hum ; I’d never have thought it! je n’aurais jamais cru ça! ; I never thought you meant it! je ne t’ai jamais pris au sérieux! ; I can’t think how/why etc je n’ai aucune idée comment/pourquoi etc ; I can’t think who did it/what it’s about je n’ai aucune idée qui a pu faire ça/de quoi il s’agit ; I can’t think where I’ve put my keys je ne sais pas du tout où j’ai mis mes clés ; I really don’t know what to think je ne sais vraiment pas quoi penser ; who do you think you are? injur pour qui vous prenez-vous? ; what on earth do you think you’re doing? mais qu’est-ce que tu fais? ; I thought as much! je m’en doutais! ; six weeks’ holiday! that’s what you think! six semaines de vacances! tu te fais des idées! ; and to think that I believed him/that I once thought him charming! GB et dire que je le croyais/que je lui trouvais du charme! ;

    3 (have thought, idea) penser (that que ; to do à faire) ; I didn’t think to phone/check je n’ai pas pensé à appeler/vérifier ; did you think to bring a corkscrew/to ring him to confirm? as-tu pensé à apporter un tire-bouchon/à l’appeler pour confirmer? ; I think I’ll take the car/go for a swim je pense que je vais prendre la voiture/me baigner ; to think beautiful thoughts penser à de belles choses ; to think deep thoughts avoir des pensées profondes ; I was just thinking: suppose we sold the car? je me posais la question: si nous vendions la voiture? ; we’re thinking money/sex here

    c’est de fric

    /sexe qu’il s’agit ; let’s think thin/Green ! pensons minceur/écolo

    ! ; ‘what a horrible man,’ she thought ‘quel horrible individu,’ s’est-elle dit ; ‘oh do come in!’ (thinks) ‘oh God not him again !’ ‘oh entrez donc!’ (à part) ‘bon dieu encore lui!’ ;

    4 (rate, assess) to think a lot/not much of penser/ne pas penser beaucoup de bien de [person, work] ; what do you think of him/his work? que penses-tu de lui/son œuvre? ;

    5 ( remember) penser (to do à faire) ; to think where/how se rappeler où/comment ; I’m trying to think just where the house was/what her husband’s called j’essaie de me rappeler où était la maison/le nom de son mari.

    2 ( take into account) to think about ou of sb/sth penser à qn/qch ; I can’t think of everything! je ne peux pas penser à tout! ; think of your family/about the future pense à ta famille/à l’avenir ; she only thinks of herself elle ne pense qu’à elle ;

    5 ( imagine) to think of penser à ; just think of the expense! pense seulement à ce que cela va coûter! ; a million pounds, think of that! un million de livres, t’imagines

    ! ; and to think of her dying just like that! quand on pense qu’elle est morte, là, comme ça! ;

    6 ( tolerate idea) ( tjrs nég) not to think of doing ne pas penser à faire ; I couldn’t think of letting you pay/of making an exception for her il n’est pas question que je te laisse payer/que je fasse une exception pour elle ;

    think again ( reflect more) se repencher sur la question ; ( change mind) changer d’avis ; if that’s what you think, you can think again si c’est ça que tu penses, tu te trompes.

    think back se reporter en arrière (to à).

    think out [sth], think [sth] out bien réfléchir à ; you must think out what you’re going to do il faut que tu réfléchisses bien à ce que tu vas faire ; well/badly thought out bien/mal conçu.

    think over [sth], think [sth] over réfléchir à [proposal] ; I’d like time to think it over j’ai besoin de temps pour y réfléchir.

    think through [sth], think [sth] through bien réfléchir à [proposal, action] ; faire le tour de [problem, question].

    think up [sth] inventer [plan] ; what can we think up for her 21st birthday? qu’est-ce qu’on pourrait faire d’original pour ses vingt-et-un ans?

    Big English-French dictionary > think

  • 3



    we think [that] he will come — wir denken od. glauben, dass er kommt

    I thought to myself… — ich dachte mir [im stillen]

    …, don’t you think? —…, findest od. meinst du nicht auch?

    who does he/she think he/she is? — für wen od. wofür hält er/sie sich eigentlich?

    you or one or anyone would think that… — man sollte [doch] eigentlich annehmen, dass…

    I should think so/think not! — das will ich meinen/das will ich nicht hoffen

    yes, I think so too — ja, das finde ich auch

    that’ll be great fun, I don’t think — das kann ja lustig werden

    to think [that] he should treat me like this! — man sollte es nicht für möglich halten, dass er mich so behandelt!

    3) sich (


    ) vorstellen



    1) [nach]denken

    think [to oneself]… — sich (Dat.) im stillen denken…



    have a [good] think — es sich (Dat.) gut überlegen

    you have [got] another think coming! — da irrst du dich aber gewaltig!

    Phrasal Verbs:»>think about

    * * *


    1) denken

    2) halten für/von

    3) überlegen

    4) (sich)denken


    der Gedanke


    — -thought-out
    — think better of
    — think highly
    — well
    — badly of
    — think little of / not think much of
    — think of
    — think out
    — think over
    — think twice
    — think up
    — think the world of

    * * *


    to have a think about sth sich dat etw überlegen, über etw akk nachdenken

    to have another think coming auf dem Holzweg sein fam

    II. vi

    <thought, thought>

    1. (believe) denken, glauben, meinen

    yes, I think so ich glaube [o denke] schon

    no, I don’t think so ich glaube [o denke] nicht

    2. (reason, have views/ideas) denken

    not everybody thinks like you nicht jeder denkt wie du

    to think logically logisch denken

    to think positive optimistisch [o zuversichtlich] sein

    I want you to think of me as a friend ich möchte, dass du mich als Freund siehst

    think nothing of it! keine Ursache [o gern geschehen]!

    to think fit [to do sth] es für richtig [o angebracht] halten[, etw zu tun]

    to think oneself fortunate [or lucky] sich akk glücklich schätzen

    to think highly [or well] of sb/sth viel von jdm/etw halten

    to think little/nothing of sb/sth wenig/nichts von jdm/etw halten

    to not think much of sb/sth auf jdn/etw nicht viel geben

    to not think much of doing sth nicht [gerade] begeistert davon sein, etw zu tun

    to think nothing of doing sth nichts dabei finden, etw zu tun

    to think of sth an etw akk denken

    I thought as much! das habe ich mir schon gedacht!, nicht den Mut verlieren

    to think of sth an etw akk denken

    what will they think of next? was lassen sie sich wohl noch alles einfallen?

    how clever! I never thought of that! wie schlau! daran habe ich noch gar nicht gedacht!

    to think of doing sth erwägen [o daran denken], etw zu tun

    we were thinking of starting a family wir spielten mit dem Gedanken, eine Familie zu gründen

    to think of sth sich dat etw ausdenken [o einfallen lassen]

    just a minute — I think I’ve thought of something warte mal — ich glaube, ich habe da eine Idee

    why didn’t I think of it earlier! warum bloß bin ich nicht schon früher darauf gekommen!

    she couldn’t think what to do sie wusste nicht, was sie machen sollte

    to think of an idea/a solution auf eine Idee/Lösung kommen

    I can’t think when/where/who… ich weiß nicht mehr, wann/wo/wer…

    I’m trying to think when/where/who… ich überlege krampfhaft, wann/wo/wer…

    I can never think of your surname ich vergesse immer deinen Nachnamen

    8. (reflect) [nach]denken, überlegen

    I’d think again if I were you ich würde mir das an deiner Stelle noch einmal überlegen

    that’ll give him something to think about das sollte ihm zu denken geben

    think fast! überleg [es dir] schnell!

    I haven’t seen him for weeks, in fact, come to think of it, since March ich habe ihn seit Wochen nicht mehr gesehen, wenn ich es mir recht überlege, seit März nicht

    sorry, I wasn’t thinking tut mir leid, da habe ich nicht [richtig] mitgedacht

    to think better of sth sich dat etw anders überlegen

    to think long and hard es sich dat reiflich überlegen

    to be unable to think straight keinen klaren Gedanken fassen können

    to think for oneself selbstständig denken, seine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen

    without thinking gedankenlos, ohne nachzudenken

    to think of sth sich dat etw vorstellen

    to think of sb/sth an jdn/etw denken

    what are thinking of [now]? woran denkst du [gerade]?

    to think of sth etw bedenken

    when you think of how… wenn man bedenkt, wie…


    to think big im großen Stil planen

    to be unable to hear oneself think sein eigenes Wort nicht mehr verstehen

    III. vt

    <thought, thought>

    1. (hold an opinion)

    to think sth etw denken [o glauben] [o meinen]

    what do you think of [or about] Jane? wie findest du Jane?

    to think the world of sb/sth große Stücke auf jdn/etw halten

    to think that… denken [o glauben], dass…

    I think she’s stupid ich finde sie dumm

    it’s thought that… man nimmt an, dass…

    to think to oneself that… [bei] sich dat denken, dass…

    and I thought to myself, what a wonderful day! und ich dachte [leise] bei mir: was für ein wunderbarer Tag!

    to think sb/sth [to be] sth jdn/etw für etw akk halten

    who do you think you are? für wen hältst du dich eigentlich?

    to think it [un]likely that… es für [un]wahrscheinlich halten, dass…

    to think sth etw denken

    who would have thought [that]…? wer hätte gedacht[, dass]…?

    who would have thought it? wer hätte das gedacht?

    I’m going out to play — that’s what you think! ( iron) ich gehe raus spielen — das denkst du aber auch nur!

    to think that…:

    I think I’ll go for a walk ich denke, ich mache einen Spaziergang

    to think to do sth daran denken, etw zu tun

    6. (find surprising, strange, foolish)

    to think that… kaum zu glauben, dass…

    to think [that] I loved him! kaum zu glauben, dass ich ihn einmal geliebt habe!

    to think that I lent him all that money! kaum zu glauben, dass ich so dumm war, ihm so viel Geld zu leihen!


    to think the world well lost BRIT den lieben Gott einen guten Mann sein lassen

    think sb:

    she’ll manage [think Mrs Kern] sie wird es schaffen (denken wir doch nur mal an Frau Kern)

    * * *









    think before you speak/act —

    it’s a good idea, don’t you think? — es ist eine gute Idee, findest or meinst du nicht auch?

    just think, you too could be rich where was it? think, man, think! — stell dir vor or denk dir nur, auch du könntest reich sein wo war es?, denk doch mal nach!

    listen, I’ve been thinking,… — hör mal, ich habe mir überlegt…

    sorry, I just wasn’t thinking — Entschuldigung, da habe ich geschlafen

    you just didn’t think, did you? — da hast du dir nichts gedacht, oder?

    you just don’t think, do you? — du denkst auch immer nur an dich; was denkst du dir eigentlich?


    1) denken; glauben, meinen, denken

    I think it’s too late —

    and what do you think? asked the interviewer —

    I think you’d better go/accept/be careful — ich denke, Sie gehen jetzt besser/Sie stimmen lieber zu/Sie wären besser vorsichtig

    well, I THINK he’ll understand — na ja, ich nehme zumindest an, dass er das verstehen wird

    I don’t think so, I shouldn’t think so, I think not — ich denke or glaube nicht

    I’ll take this one then – I think not, Mr Green — dann nehme ich dieses – das glaube ich kaum, Herr Green

    I hardly think/think it likely that… — ich glaube kaum/ich halte es nicht für wahrscheinlich, dass…

    one would have thought there was an easier answer —

    what do you think I should do? —

    well, what do you think, shall we leave now? — nun, was meinst du, sollen wir jetzt gehen?


    you must think me very rude —

    he thinks he’s intelligent, he thinks himself intelligent — er hält sich für intelligent, er meint, er ist or sei intelligent

    3) sich (


    ) denken, sich vorstellen

    who do you think you are! —

    I can’t think what he means! — ich kann mir (gar) nicht denken, was er meint; was er damit bloß meinen kann or meint?

    anyone would think he was dying —


    to think how to do sth — sich überlegen, wie man etw macht


    I didn’t think to see you here — ich hätte nicht gedacht or erwartet, Sie hier zu treffen or dass ich Sie hier treffen würde

    I thought as much, I thought so — das habe ich mir schon gedacht


    * * *

    think [θıŋk] prät und pperf thought [θɔːt]

    A v/t

    who does he think he is? für wen hält der sich eigentlich?;

    think away (sich) jemanden, etwas wegdenken;

    a) sich etwas ausdenken,

    think to o.s. that … bei sich denken, dass …;

    think up einen Plan etc aushecken, sich etwas ausdenken, sich etwas einfallen lassen

    2. überlegen, nachdenken über (akk)

    3. sich etwas denken oder vorstellen:

    I can’t think how you do it umg es ist mir schleierhaft, wie du das machst;

    I can’t think what his name is umg ich kann mich an seinen Namen nicht erinnern

    4. bedenken:

    think what your father has done for you!

    5. denken, meinen, glauben, vermuten ( alle:

    6. a) halten oder erachten für:

    think o.s. clever sich für schlau halten;

    b) etwas halten (of von):

    what do you think of it? auch wie gefällt es dir?

    7. denken an (akk):

    8. beabsichtigen, vorhaben, sich mit


    Gedanken tragen ( alle:

    think (to do) no harm nichts Böses im Sinn haben

    B v/i

    1. denken (of, about an akk):

    a) vorausdenken,

    b) vorsichtig sein;

    think aloud, think out loud laut denken;

    a) wenn ich es mir recht überlege,

    b) da fällt mir ein;

    think for o.s. selbstständig denken

    a) sich besinnen auf (akk), sich erinnern an (akk):

    think of it! denke daran!;

    c) sich etwas denken oder vorstellen:

    think of o.s. as sich halten für

    d) einen Plan etc ersinnen, sich etwas ausdenken

    I shouldn’t think of doing such a thing so etwas würde mir nicht im Traum einfallen

    3. überlegen, nachdenken (about, on, over über akk):

    I’ve been thinking ich habe nachgedacht;

    only think! denk dir nur!, stell dir nur vor!;

    4. denken, glauben, meinen:

    he’s got more of it than he thinks er hat mehr davon, als er glaubt; so1 A 5

    C s umg

    a) (Nach)Denken n:

    have a (fresh) think about sth über etwas nachdenken (etwas noch einmal überdenken)

    b) Gedanke m:

    D adj umg

    a) Denk…

    b) (geistig) anspruchsvoll

    * * *



    we think [that] he will come — wir denken od. glauben, dass er kommt

    I thought to myself… — ich dachte mir [im stillen]

    …, don’t you think? —…, findest od. meinst du nicht auch?

    who does he/she think he/she is? — für wen od. wofür hält er/sie sich eigentlich?

    you or one or anyone would think that… — man sollte [doch] eigentlich annehmen, dass…

    I should think so/think not! — das will ich meinen/das will ich nicht hoffen

    yes, I think so too — ja, das finde ich auch

    that’ll be great fun, I don’t think — das kann ja lustig werden

    to think [that] he should treat me like this! — man sollte es nicht für möglich halten, dass er mich so behandelt!

    2) :

    3) sich (


    ) vorstellen



    1) [nach]denken

    think [to oneself]… — sich (Dat.) im stillen denken…

    let me think — lass [mich] mal nachdenken od. überlegen



    have a [good] think — es sich (Dat.) gut überlegen

    you have [got] another think coming! — da irrst du dich aber gewaltig!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *

    (of) v.

    denken (an) v.

    glauben v.

    meinen v. v.

    (§ p.,p.p.: thought)

    = denken v.

    (§ p.,pp.: dachte, gedacht)

    meinen v.

    English-german dictionary > think

  • 4



    1) pensar

    2) pensar, creer

    3) pensar

    4) pensar, imaginar, esperarse


    reflexión, pensamiento, (have a think: pensar/meditar algo)

    — — thought-out
    — think better of
    — think highly
    — well
    — badly of
    — think little of / not think much of
    — think of
    — think out
    — think over
    — think twice
    — think up
    — think the world of



    pensar / opinar


    nowadays, young people think differently hoy en día, los jóvenes piensan de otra manera

    2 (have in mind, consider) pensar

    what are you thinking about? ¿en qué piensas?

    come to think of it,… ahora que lo pienso,…

    what were you thinking of? ¿en qué estabas pensando?

    3 (intend, plan) pensar

    5 (remember) acordarse (of, de), recordar

    what do you think of the government? ¿qué opinas del gobierno?

    what did you think of the film? ¿qué te pareció la película?

    well, what do you think? ¿bueno, qué te parece?

    just think of it! ¡fíjate!, ¡imagínate!

    1 (reflect, ponder) pensar

    just think how lucky you are! ¡piensa en la suerte que tienes!

    2 (imagine, suppose) pensar, imaginarse, creer

    who would have thought it? ¿quién se lo hubiera imaginado?

    anyone would think that… cualquiera diría que…

    that’s what you think! ¡eso es lo que tú te crees!

    do you think they’ll come? ¿crees que vendrán?

    who do you think you are? ¿quién te crees que eres?


    think nothing of it! ¡no tiene importancia!

    to think aloud / think out loud pensar en voz alta

    to think big tener grandes proyectos, ser ambicioso,-a


    pensar, creer, opinar

    pensar, reflexionar

    ocurrirse, concebir

    pensar, razonar

    pensar, considerar


    1. θɪŋk

    (past & past p thought) intransitive verb

    think hard/carefully — piénsalo mucho/bien

    it makes you think, doesn’t it? — da qué pensar or te hace pensar ¿no?

    to think OF something/somebody — pensar* en algo/alguien

    come to think of it… — ahora que lo pienso…

    to think better of something: I was going to ask her but thought better of it se lo iba a preguntar pero recapacité y cambié de idea; to think twice — pensarlo* dos veces

    2) (intend, plan)


    a) (find, come up with)

    to think OF something: can you think of anything better? ¿se te ocurre algo mejor?; I couldn’t think of anything to say — no se me ocurrió qué decir

    she thinks nothing of spending $500 in a restaurant — ella gasta 500 dólares en un restaurante como si tal cosa




    a) (reflect, ponder) pensar*


    a) (suppose, imagine, expect) pensar*

    that’s what you think — eso es lo que tú crees or piensas

    I thought him rude/pleasant — me pareció or lo encontré grosero/agradable

    I think so/I don’t think so — creo que sí or me parece que sí/creo que no or me parece que no

    Phrasal Verbs:


    if you think that, you’ve got another think coming — si te crees eso estás muy equivocado or (Esp fam) lo llevas claro








    1) pensar; reflexionar

    I think, therefore I am — pienso, luego existo

    I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking — lo siento, estaba distraído

    now let me think, where did I last see it? — a ver, déjame pensar, ¿cuándo lo vi por última vez?

    to think about sth — pensar en algo; pensar algo

    did you think I was going to give you the money? well, think again! — ¿creíste que iba a darte el dinero? ¡vamos, piensa un poco!

    think carefully before you reply — piénsalo bien antes de responder

    to think for o.s. — pensar por sí mismo

    I think of you always, I am always thinking of you — pienso constantemente en ti

    to think twice before doing sth — pensar algo dos veces antes de hacerlo

    2) imaginarse

    just think! — ¡fíjate!, ¡imagínate!, ¡te das cuenta!

    think of the expense — imagínate lo que costaría

    and to think of her going there alone! — ¡y pensar que ella fue allí sola!


    now I come to think of it… — ahora que lo pienso…


    see what you think about it and let me know — piénsalo y dime luego tu opinión

    I didn’t think much of the play — la obra no me convenció, la obra no me gustó mucho

    what do you think of it? — ¿qué te parece?

    to think highly of sb — tener muy buena opinión de algn, tener a algn en muy buen concepto

    I told him what I thought of him — le dije lo que pensaba de él

    well II, 1., 1)




    1) pensar

    to think great thoughts — pensar cosas profundas, tener pensamientos profundos

    think what you’ve done — piense en lo que hizo

    2) creer

    she’s very pretty, don’t you think? — es muy guapa, ¿no crees?

    he’ll be back, I don’t think! * — ¿que volverá? ¡no creo!

    I think so — creo que sí, me parece que sí

    now I don’t know what to think — ahora estoy en duda

    who do you think you are? — ¿quién te crees que eres?

    anyone would think she was dying — cualquiera diría que se estaba muriendo

    I would have thought that… — hubiera creído que…

    that’s what you think! — ¡(que) te crees tú eso!

    3) imaginar(se)

    I can’t think what he can want — no me puedo imaginar qué quiere

    I thought as much — ya me lo figuraba, ya lo sabía

    I never thought that… — nunca pensé or imaginé que…

    who’d have thought it? — ¿quién lo diría?

    4) recordar

    5) opinar

    this is my new dress, what do you think? — este es mi vestido nuevo, ¿qué te parece? or ¿qué opinas?

    I think we should wait, what do you think? — creo que deberíamos esperar, ¿qué opinas?


    I was thinking that… — estaba pensando que…

    I thought/I’d thought I might go swimming — pensé/había pensado en ir a nadar

    7) pensar, esperar

    we little thought that… — estábamos lejos de pensar que…

    «is she going?» — «I should/shouldn’t think so» — -¿va a ir? -yo diría que sí/no

    «I paid him for it» — «I should think so too!» — -se lo he pagado -¡faltaría más!



    to have a think, I’ll have a think about it — lo pensaré

    I was just having a quiet think — meditaba tranquilamente



    think piece N — (Press) artículo de opinión

    * * *

    1. [θɪŋk]

    (past & past p thought) intransitive verb

    think hard/carefully — piénsalo mucho/bien

    it makes you think, doesn’t it? — da qué pensar or te hace pensar ¿no?

    to think OF something/somebody — pensar* en algo/alguien

    come to think of it… — ahora que lo pienso…

    to think better of something: I was going to ask her but thought better of it se lo iba a preguntar pero recapacité y cambié de idea; to think twice — pensarlo* dos veces

    2) (intend, plan)


    a) (find, come up with)

    to think OF something: can you think of anything better? ¿se te ocurre algo mejor?; I couldn’t think of anything to say — no se me ocurrió qué decir

    she thinks nothing of spending $500 in a restaurant — ella gasta 500 dólares en un restaurante como si tal cosa




    a) (reflect, ponder) pensar*


    a) (suppose, imagine, expect) pensar*

    that’s what you think — eso es lo que tú crees or piensas

    I thought him rude/pleasant — me pareció or lo encontré grosero/agradable

    I think so/I don’t think so — creo que sí or me parece que sí/creo que no or me parece que no

    Phrasal Verbs:


    if you think that, you’ve got another think coming — si te crees eso estás muy equivocado or (Esp fam) lo llevas claro

    English-spanish dictionary > think

  • 5

    recevoir1A (a), 1A (d), 1A (g), 1A (i), 1B (b) avoir1A (a), 1A (b) toucher1A (a), 1A (b), 1B (b) trouver1A (b), 1A (h) obtenir1A (b), 1A (h) tenir1A (c) offrir1A (e) acheter1A (f) prendre1A (f), 1A (k), 1A (l) gagner1A (i) chercher1A (j) attraper1A (k), 1A (l), 1B (a) réserver1A (m) répondre1A (n) faire faire1C (b)-(d) préparer1D (a) entendre1D (b) comprendre1D (d) atteindre1E (a) devenir2A (a) se faire2A (b) commencer à2A (c), 2B (c) aller2B (a) réussir à2B (e)


    (a) recevoir, avoir; recevoir, toucher; suivre;

    familiar you’re really going to get it! qu’est-ce que tu vas prendre ou écoper!;

    familiar I’ll see that you get yours! je vais te régler ton compte!

    (b) avoir, trouver, obtenir; se procurer, obtenir; obtenir; avoir, obtenir;

    where did you get that book? où avez-vous trouvé ce livre?;

    I got the job! ils m’ont embauché!;

    can you get them the report? pouvez-vous leur procurer le rapport?;

    I’m going to get something to drink/eat je vais chercher quelque chose à boire/manger; je vais boire/manger quelque chose;

    can I get a coffee? je pourrais avoir un café, s’il vous plaît?;

    to get (oneself) a wife/husband se trouver une femme/un mari;

    I’ll do it if I get the time/a moment je le ferai si j’ai le temps/si je trouve un moment;

    I got a lot from or out of my trip to China mon voyage en Chine m’a beaucoup apporté;

    (c) tenir;

    what did you get for your car? combien est-ce que tu as vendu ta voiture?;

    what did she get him for Christmas? qu’est-ce qu’elle lui a offert ou donné pour Noël?;

    (g) recevoir, apprendre;

    she just got news or word of the accident elle vient juste d’apprendre la nouvelle de l’accident;

    (h) trouver; obtenir;

    (i) recevoir, gagner, toucher; gagner; se faire;

    plumbers get £20 an hour un plombier gagne ou touche 20 livres de l’heure;

    he got a good name or a reputation as an architect il s’est fait une réputation dans le milieu de l’architecture;

    (j) (aller) chercher;

    get me my coat va me chercher ou apporte-moi mon manteau;

    what can I get you to drink? qu’est-ce que je vous sers à boire?;

    can I get you anything? est-ce que vous avez besoin de quelque chose?;

    (k) attraper; prendre, attraper;

    did you get your train? est-ce que tu as eu ton train?

    (l) attraper, prendre; prendre, saisir;

    (I’ve) got you! je te tiens!

    (m) réserver, retenir;

    (n) répondre;

    the doorbell’s ringing — I’ll get it! quelqu’un sonne à la porte — j’y vais!;

    will you get the phone? peux-tu répondre au téléphone?


    familiar to get it bad for sb avoir qn dans la peau

    (b) recevoir, ressentir, avoir; avoir;

    to get a thrill out of sth/doing sth prendre plaisir à qch/faire qch;

    familiar to get religion devenir croyant



    (with adj or past participle)

    she managed to get the window closed/open elle a réussi à fermer/ouvrir la fenêtre;

    don’t get your feet wet! ne te mouille pas les pieds!;

    I finally got her on her own or alone j’ai fini par réussir à la voir en tête à tête;

    I got it to work, I got it working j’ai réussi à le faire marcher;

    how do you get jasmine to grow indoors? comment peut-on faire pousser du jasmin à l’intérieur?


    (with past participle)

    to get sth done/repaired faire faire/réparer qch;


    how are you going to get this package to them? comment allez-vous leur faire parvenir ce paquet?;

    they eventually got all the boxes downstairs/upstairs ils ont fini par descendre/monter toutes leurs boîtes;

    I managed to get the old man downstairs/upstairs j’ai réussi à faire descendre/monter le vieil homme;

    can you get me home? pouvez-vous me raccompagner?;

    how are we going to get the bike home? comment est-ce qu’on va ramener le vélo à la maison?;

    I can’t get my boots off/on je n’arrive pas à enlever/mettre mes bottes;

    figurative where has all this got us? où est-ce que tout ça nous a menés?;

    that won’t get you very far! ça ne te servira pas à grand-chose!, tu ne seras pas beaucoup plus avancé!


    (a) préparer;

    who’s going to get the children breakfast? qui va préparer le petit déjeuner pour les enfants?;

    did you get the number you wanted? avez-vous obtenu le numéro que vous vouliez?;

    I don’t get it, I don’t get the point je ne comprends ou ne saisis pas, je n’y suis pas du tout;

    I don’t get you or your meaning je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire;

    get it?, get me?, get my drift? tu saisis?, tu piges?;

    (I’ve) got it! ça y est!, j’y suis! ;

    oh, I get you! ah! j’ai pigé!

    did you get his address? lui avez-vous demandé son adresse?

    get him! who does he think he is? vise un peu ce mec, mais pour qui il se prend?;

    get (a load of) that! vise un peu ça!

    get a load of this! écoute un peu ça!;

    get him! écoute-le, celui-là!;


    we’ll get you for this! on te revaudra ça!;

    I’ll get him for that! je lui revaudrai ça!


    I’m getting hungry/thirsty je commence à avoir faim/soif;

    get dressed! habille-toi!;

    don’t get lost! ne vous perdez pas!;

    how did that vase get broken? comment se fait-il que ce vase soit cassé?;

    to get used to sth/doing sth s’habituer à qch/à faire qch;

    familiar will you get with it! mais réveille-toi un peu!


    (with present participle)

    commencer à, se mettre à;

    let’s get going or moving! allons-y!; dépêchons(-nous)!, grouillons-nous!; au travail!;


    (a) aller, se rendre; arriver;

    when did you get home? quand es-tu rentré?;

    how do you get to the museum? comment est-ce qu’on fait pour aller au musée?;

    how did you get in here? comment êtes-vous entré?;

    how did you get here? comment es-tu venu?;

    how did that bicycle get here? comment se fait-il que ce vélo se trouve ici?;

    are you getting anywhere with that report? il avance, ce rapport?;

    now you’re getting somewhere! enfin tu avances!;

    I’m not getting anywhere or I’m getting nowhere with this project je fais du surplace avec ce projet;

    she won’t get anywhere or she’ll get nowhere if she’s rude to people elle n’arrivera à rien en étant grossière avec les gens;

    where’s your sister got to? où est passée ta sœur?;

    where did my keys get to? où sont passées mes clés?

    get in or into the car! monte dans la voiture!;

    get over here! viens ici!;


    (with infinitive)

    commencer à, se mettre à;

    get! fous le camp!, tire-toi!

    (a) se déplacer;

    how do you get about town? comment vous déplacez-vous en ville?;

    she gets about on crutches/in a wheelchair elle se déplace avec des béquilles/en chaise roulante;

    (d) se répandre, circuler;

    the news or it got about that they were splitting up la nouvelle de leur séparation s’est répandue

    (a) faire traverser;


    to get ahead in life or in the world réussir dans la vie;

    if you want to get ahead at the office, you have to work si tu veux de l’avancement au bureau, il faut que tu travailles

    (a) aller;

    how are you getting along? comment vas-tu?, comment ça va?;

    (b) avancer, progresser;

    we get along fine nous nous entendons très bien, nous faisons bon ménage;

    (d) s’en aller, partir; aller, se rendre;

    it’s time for me to be getting along, it’s time I was getting along il est temps que je parte;

    British get along with you! va-t’en!, fiche le camp!; familiar à d’autres!

    contourner; tourner;

    there’s no getting around it, we’ll have to tell her il n’y a pas d’autre moyen, il va falloir que nous le lui disions;

    (a) atteindre; parvenir à, atteindre;

    familiar just let me get at him! si jamais il me tombe sous la main!

    (c) entendre;

    just what are you getting at? qu’est-ce que vous entendez par là?, où voulez-vous en venir?;

    what I’m getting at is why did she leave now? ce que je veux dire, c’est pourquoi est-elle partie maintenant?

    she has to get away from home/her parents il faut qu’elle parte de chez elle/s’éloigne de ses parents;

    will you be able to get away at Christmas? allez-vous pouvoir partir (en vacances) à Noël?;

    get away from it all, come to Florida! quittez tout, venez en Floride!;

    get away from that door! éloignez-vous ou écartez-vous de cette porte!;

    get away from me! fichez-moi le camp!

    (c) s’échapper, se sauver;

    there’s no getting away from or you can’t get away from the fact that the other solution would have been cheaper on ne peut pas nier (le fait) que l’autre solution aurait coûté moins cher;

    you can’t get away from it, there’s no getting away from it c’est comme ça, on n’y peut rien

    get away (with you)! à d’autres!


    get that child away from the road! éloignez cet enfant de la route!;

    get me away from here! fais-moi sortir d’ici!;

    get your dog away from my garden! faites sortir votre chien de mon jardin!;

    I can’t believe you got away with it! je n’arrive pas à croire que personne ne t’ait rien dit!;

    get back! éloignez-vous!, reculez!

    get back in bed! va te recoucher!, retourne au lit!;

    I got back in the car/on the bus je suis remonté dans la voiture/dans le bus;

    getting or to get back to the point pour en revenir au sujet qui nous préoccupe;

    do you think the Democrats will get back in? croyez-vous que le parti démocrate reviendra au pouvoir?

    (a) récupérer; reprendre, récupérer; retrouver;

    se venger de;

    rester à l’arrière, se laisser distancer;


    se laisser distancer;


    prendre du retard;


    (b) passer, être acceptable;

    (c) se débrouiller, s’en sortir;

    how do you get by on that salary? comment tu te débrouilles ou tu t’en sors avec un salaire comme ça?;

    can you get by the washing machine? est-ce que vous avez assez de place pour passer à côté de la machine à laver?

    (b) échapper à;


    get down off that chair! descends de cette chaise!;

    may I get down (from the table)? puis-je sortir de table?;

    get down! couchez-vous!; bas les pattes!

    (a) descendre

    (b) faire baisser;

    (d) déprimer, démoraliser;

    (e) avaler, faire descendre

    se mettre à;

    when you get down to it, there’s very little difference between them en fin de compte, il y a très peu de différence entre eux

    we got in about 4 a.m. nous sommes rentrés vers 4 heures du matin

    what time does your plane get in? à quelle heure ton avion arrive-t-il?

    (d) se faire admettre; entrer, être admis ou reçu;

    (e) être élu; accéder au pouvoir

    «what about me?» she managed to get in «et moi?» réussit-elle à glisser

    (c) rentrer, engranger; recouvrer; percevoir

    (e) faire venir; faire rentrer;

    shouldn’t Elaine be in on this meeting? — of course, could you get her in? on n’a pas besoin d’Elaine pour cette réunion? — si, bien sûr, tu peux lui demander de venir?

    (f) rendre, remettre;

    did you get your application in on time? as-tu remis ton dossier de candidature à temps?

    (g) faire admettre ou accepter; faire élire

    (h) planter, semer; planter

    entrer dans; monter dans;

    faire participer à;

    (a) entrer dans; monter dans

    (c) mettre; enfiler, mettre; endosser;

    can you still get into your jeans? est-ce que tu rentres encore dans ton jean?

    (d) entrer dans;

    what’s got into you? qu’est-ce qui te prend?, quelle mouche te pique?;

    familiar when will you get it into your thick head that I don’t want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?

    (b) faire entrer à; faire entrer dans;

    (d) impliquer dans, entraîner dans;



    faire découvrir ; habituer à, faire prendre l’habitude de ;

    (a) s’insinuer dans ou s’attirer les bonnes grâces de, se faire bien voir de;

    (b) fréquenter;

    (a) descendre;

    familiar I told him where to get off! je l’ai envoyé sur les roses!, je l’ai envoyé promener!;

    familiar where do you get off telling me what to do? qu’est-ce qui te prend de me dicter ce que je dois faire?

    (b) s’en aller, partir; démarrer; décoller; partir;

    figurative the project got off to a bad/good start le projet a pris un mauvais/bon départ

    (c) finir, s’en aller; se libérer;

    what time do you get off? à quelle heure finissez-vous?;

    can you get off early tomorrow? peux-tu quitter le travail de bonne heure demain?

    (d) s’en sortir, s’en tirer, en être quitte;

    the students got off with a fine/warning les étudiants en ont été quittes pour une amende/un avertissement

    hey! get off! that’s MY book! hé! laisse ça! c’est mon livre ou c’est à moi ce livre!

    (a) descendre de

    (b) descendre de;

    (c) partir de, décamper de;

    get off the grass! ne marche pas sur la pelouse!;

    get off me! laisse-moi tranquille!, lâche-moi!

    (e) se libérer de; échapper à;

    how did you get off doing the housework? comment as-tu fait pour échapper au ménage?

    (a) faire descendre;

    figurative try to get her mind off her troubles essaie de lui changer les idées

    (b) envoyer, faire partir;

    (c) enlever, ôter; faire partir ou disparaître, enlever;

    get your hands off that cake! ne touche pas à ce gâteau!;

    get your hands off me! ne me touche pas!;

    get your feet off the table! enlève tes pieds de sur la table!;

    figurative he’d like to get that house off his hands il aimerait bien se débarrasser de cette maison

    (d) tirer d’affaire; faire acquitter;

    to get a day/week off prendre un jour/une semaine de congé;

    can you get tomorrow afternoon/next week off? est-ce que tu peux prendre un congé demain après-midi/la semaine prochaine?

    is that what you get off on? c’est comme ça que tu prends ton pied?;

    figurative he gets off on teasing people il adore taquiner les gens ;

    I really get off on hip-hop! j’adore le hip-hop!

    British familiar

    (a) monter; monter à bord


    how’s your husband getting on? comment va votre mari?;

    how did he get on at the interview? comment s’est passé son entretien?, comment ça a marché pour son entretien?;

    how’s your work getting on? ça avance, ton travail?

    to get on in life or in the world faire son chemin ou réussir dans la vie;

    some say that in order to get on, you often have to compromise il y a des gens qui disent que pour réussir (dans la vie), il faut souvent faire des compromis

    do you think we can get on with the meeting now? croyez-vous que nous puissions poursuivre notre réunion maintenant?;

    get on with your work! allez! au travail!;

    to be difficult/easy to get on with être difficile/facile à vivre


    it was getting on in the evening, the evening was getting on la soirée tirait à sa fin

    (h) se faire vieux (vieille);

    get on with it! continuez!; allez! au travail!; mais dépêchez-vous enfin!;

    monter dans; monter dans, monter à bord de; monter à bord de; monter sur;

    how did these papers get on my desk? comment est-ce que ces papiers se sont retrouvés ou sont arrivés sur mon bureau?;

    figurative it took the patient a while to get (back) on his feet le patient a mis longtemps à se remettre

    (a) faire monter dans; faire monter sur;

    figurative the doctor got her on her feet le médecin l’a remise sur pied

    (b) mettre, enfiler; mettre;

    to get onto a subject or onto a topic aborder un sujet;

    how did we get onto reincarnation? comment est-ce qu’on en est venus à parler de réincarnation?;

    I’ll get right onto it! je vais m’y mettre tout de suite!

    (c) prendre contact avec, se mettre en rapport avec; parler à; téléphoner à, donner un coup de fil à

    (e) harceler;

    (b) faire parler de, amener à parler de;

    (a) sortir; descendre; quitter;

    get out! sortez!;

    (c) sortir

    (d) se répandre, s’ébruiter;

    (a) sortir; (faire) sortir;

    (b) publier, sortir; établir, dresser

    familiar to get out from under s’en sortir, s’en tirer

    (d) libérer

    (e) enlever; arracher; retirer; faire disparaître

    (a) sortir de; descendre de;

    to get out of prison/the army sortir de prison/quitter l’armée;

    very familiar get the hell out of here! fiche(-moi) le camp!

    (b) éviter, échapper à; se dérober ou se soustraire à;

    how did you get out of doing the dishes? comment as-tu pu échapper à la vaisselle?;

    we have to go, there’s no getting out of it il faut qu’on y aille, il n’y a rien à faire ou il n’y a pas moyen d’y échapper;

    there’s no getting out of it, you were the better candidate il faut le reconnaître ou il n’y a pas à dire, vous étiez le meilleur candidat

    how can I get out of this mess? comment puis-je me tirer de ce pétrin?

    how many books did you get out of the library? combien de livres as-tu emprunté à ou sorti de la bibliothèque?

    figurative the phone call got her out of having to talk to me le coup de fil lui a évité d’avoir à me parler;

    he’ll never get himself out of this one! il ne s’en sortira jamais!;

    (c) sortir de; enlever de; faire partir de, enlever de;

    the police got a confession/the truth out of him la police lui a arraché une confession/la vérité;

    (a) traverser, franchir; franchir, passer par-dessus

    (b) se remettre de, guérir de; se remettre de; se remettre de, se consoler de;

    I can’t get over how much he’s grown! qu’est-ce qu’il a grandi, je n’en reviens pas!;

    I can’t get over it! je n’en reviens pas!;

    he’ll get over it! il n’en mourra pas!

    (c) surmonter; surmonter, venir à bout de;

    (b) faire passer

    to get over to France/America aller en France/Amérique;

    (b) passer

    (b) faire le tour de; passer

    despite the crowds, I managed to get through malgré la foule, j’ai réussi à passer

    (b) réussir; être reçu, réussir;

    (c) passer, être adopté ou voté

    (a) passer par; se frayer un chemin à travers ou dans; percer, franchir

    (b) survivre à; se sortir de, se tirer de;

    (c) finir, terminer; achever, venir à bout de;

    (d) consommer, utiliser;

    (e) faire passer;

    how will I get through this without you? comment pourrai-je vivre cette épreuve sans toi?;

    (g) passer;

    (a) faire parvenir;

    (b) faire passer, transmettre, faire parvenir;

    can you get this letter through to my family? pouvez-vous transmettre ou faire parvenir cette lettre à ma famille?

    familiar when will you get it through your thick head that I don’t want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?

    (d) faire adopter, faire passer;

    terminer, finir

    where have you got to? où en es-tu?;

    don’t let it get to you! ne t’énerve pas pour ça!

    (a) se réunir, se rassembler;

    can we get together after the meeting? on peut se retrouver après la réunion?

    réunir, rassembler; rassembler, ramasser; rassembler;

    familiar to get one’s act together se secouer;

    familiar she’s really got it together elle sait ce qu’elle fait ; elle domine son sujet ;

    familiar I never thought he would get it together je n’aurais jamais pensé qu’il y arriverait

    get up! sors du lit!, debout!, lève-toi!

    (b) se lever, se mettre debout;

    get up off the floor! relève-toi!;

    get up! allez!

    (a) faire lever; réveiller

    how are we going to get this desk up to the fifth floor? comment allons-nous monter ce bureau jusqu’au cinquième étage?;




    organiser, monter ; organiser ; monter ; fabriquer, forger

    what have you been getting up to lately? qu’est-ce que tu deviens?

    where have you got up to? où en êtes-vous?

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > get

  • 6


    1) pie

    2) pie

    3) pie

    — football
    — foothill
    — foothold
    — footlight
    — footman
    — footmark
    — footnote
    — footpath
    — footprint
    — footsore
    — footstep
    — footwear
    — follow in someone’s footsteps
    — foot the bill
    — on foot
    — put one’s foot down
    — put one’s foot in it

    foot six feet


    the mountain is 1,000 feet high la montaña tiene 1.000 pies de altura


    to fall on one’s feet / land on one’s feet caer de pie, tener buena suerte

    my foot! ¡qué va!, ¡ni hablar!



    I fʊt

    to get o rise to one’s feet — ponerse* de pie, levantarse, pararse (AmL)

    to go/come on foot — ir*/venir* a pie or caminando or andando

    a foot in the door: it’s a way of getting your foot in the door es una manera de introducirte or de meterte en la empresa (or la profesión etc); my foot! (colloq): delicate condition my foot! estado delicado mi or tu abuela! (fam); not to put a foot wrong no dar* un paso en falso, no cometer ni un error; the shoe’s o (BrE) boot’s on the other foot se ha dado vuelta la tortilla; to be able to think on one’s feet ser* capaz de pensar con rapidez; to be dead o asleep on one’s feet no poder* tenerse en pie; to be rushed o run off one’s feet estar* agobiado de trabajo; to fall o land on one’s feet: she always seems to land on her feet siempre le sale todo redondo; to find one’s feet: it didn’t take him long to find his feet in his new school no tardó en habituarse a la nueva escuela; to get cold feet (about something): she got cold feet le entró miedo y se echó atrás; to get off on the wrong foot empezar* con el pie izquierdo or con mal pie; to have itchy feet ser* inquieto; to have one’s feet on the ground tener* los pies sobre la tierra; to put one’s best foot forward ( hurry) apretar* el paso; ( do one’s best) esmerarse para causar la mejor impresión; to put one’s foot down ( be firm) imponerse*, no ceder; ( accelerate vehicle) (colloq) meterle (AmL fam), apretar* el acelerador; to put one’s foot in it (colloq) meter la pata (fam); to stand on one’s own two feet valerse* por sí (or etc) mismo; to sweep somebody off her/his feet: she was swept off her feet by an older man se enamoró perdidamente de un hombre mayor que ella; under somebody’s feet: the cat keeps getting under my feet — el gato siempre me anda alrededor or siempre se me está atravesando; hand I 2)

    2) (bottom, lower end) (no pl) pie m



    ( infantry) (

    esp BrE dated

    ) (before




    transitive verb





    1) (Anat) pie ; pata

    to get to one’s feet — ponerse de pie, levantarse, pararse (LAm)

    lady, my foot! * — ¡dama, ni hablar!

    on foot — a pie, andando, caminando (LAm)

    to rise to one’s feet — ponerse de pie, levantarse, pararse (LAm)

    I’ve never set foot there — nunca he estado allí

    it’s wet under foot — el suelo está mojado

    — put one’s best foot forward

    — get cold feet

    — get one’s foot in the door

    — put one’s foot down

    — drag one’s feet

    — fall on one’s feet

    — find one’s feet

    — have one foot in the grave

    — have one’s feet on the ground

    — put one’s foot in it

    — start off on the right foot

    — shoot o.s. in the foot

    — sit at sb’s feet

    — stand on one’s own two feet

    — sweep a girl off her feet

    he’s six foot or feet tall — mide seis pies, mide un metro ochenta



    — foot the bill for sth


    to foot it — ir andando or (LAm) caminando; bailar



    * * *

    I [fʊt]

    to get o rise to one’s feet — ponerse* de pie, levantarse, pararse (AmL)

    to go/come on foot — ir*/venir* a pie or caminando or andando

    a foot in the door: it’s a way of getting your foot in the door es una manera de introducirte or de meterte en la empresa (or la profesión etc); my foot! (colloq): delicate condition my foot! estado delicado mi or tu abuela! (fam); not to put a foot wrong no dar* un paso en falso, no cometer ni un error; the shoe’s o (BrE) boot’s on the other foot se ha dado vuelta la tortilla; to be able to think on one’s feet ser* capaz de pensar con rapidez; to be dead o asleep on one’s feet no poder* tenerse en pie; to be rushed o run off one’s feet estar* agobiado de trabajo; to fall o land on one’s feet: she always seems to land on her feet siempre le sale todo redondo; to find one’s feet: it didn’t take him long to find his feet in his new school no tardó en habituarse a la nueva escuela; to get cold feet (about something): she got cold feet le entró miedo y se echó atrás; to get off on the wrong foot empezar* con el pie izquierdo or con mal pie; to have itchy feet ser* inquieto; to have one’s feet on the ground tener* los pies sobre la tierra; to put one’s best foot forward ( hurry) apretar* el paso; ( do one’s best) esmerarse para causar la mejor impresión; to put one’s foot down ( be firm) imponerse*, no ceder; ( accelerate vehicle) (colloq) meterle (AmL fam), apretar* el acelerador; to put one’s foot in it (colloq) meter la pata (fam); to stand on one’s own two feet valerse* por sí (or etc) mismo; to sweep somebody off her/his feet: she was swept off her feet by an older man se enamoró perdidamente de un hombre mayor que ella; under somebody’s feet: the cat keeps getting under my feet — el gato siempre me anda alrededor or siempre se me está atravesando; hand I 2)

    2) (bottom, lower end) (no pl) pie m



    ( infantry) (

    esp BrE dated

    ) (before




    transitive verb

    English-spanish dictionary > foot

  • 7



    bear or keep something in mind — an etwas (Akk.) denken; etwas nicht vergessen

    put something/somebody out of one’s mind — etwas/jemanden aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen

    in or to my mind — meiner Meinung od. Ansicht nach

    be of one or of the same mind, be in one mind — einer Meinung sein

    I have a good mind/half a mind to do that — ich hätte große Lust/nicht übel Lust, das zu tun

    make up one’s mind, make one’s mind up — sich entscheiden

    give or put or turn one’s mind to — sich konzentrieren auf (+ Akk.) [Arbeit, Aufgabe, Angelegenheit]

    I have had somebody/something on my mind — jemand/etwas hat mich beschäftigt; ich habe mir Sorgen wegen jemandem/etwas gemacht

    something preys or weighs on somebody’s mind — etwas macht jemandem zu schaffen

    4) Denkweise, die

    5) Geist, der

    nothing could be further from my mind than… — nichts läge mir ferner, als…

    6) Verstand, der; Intellekt, der

    7) Verstand, der

    lose or go out of one’s mind — den Verstand verlieren


    transitive verb

    let’s do it, and never mind the expense — machen wir es doch, egal, was es kostet

    I can’t afford a bicycle, never mind a car — ich kann mir kein Fahrrad leisten, geschweige denn ein Auto

    never mind him/that — er/das kann dir doch egal sein

    never mind how/where… — es tut nichts zur Sache, wie/wo…

    don’t mind me — nimm keine Rücksicht auf mich; lass dich [durch mich] nicht stören; nimm bloß keine Rücksicht auf mich



    neg. or interrog.

    5) aufpassen auf (+



    mind the shop or the store — sich um den Laden kümmern


    intransitive verb


    mind! — Vorsicht!; Achtung!

    follow the signposts, mind, or… — denk daran und halte dich an die Wegweiser, sonst…

    I didn’t know that, mind, or… — das habe ich allerdings nicht gewusst, sonst…


    do you mind? — hätten Sie etwas dagegen?; ich muss doch sehr bitten

    never [you] mind — macht nichts; ist nicht schlimm; sei nicht so neugierig

    never mind: I can do it — schon gut — das kann ich machen

    Phrasal Verbs:»>mind out

    * * *


    der Verstand


    1) aufpassen

    2) sich etwas machen aus

    3) sich in Acht nehmen

    4) beachten



    — —minded

    — mindful
    — mindless
    — mindlessly
    — mindlessness
    — mindreader
    — at/in the back of one’s mind
    — change one’s mind
    — be out of one’s mind
    — do you mind!
    — have a good mind to
    — have half a mind to
    — have a mind to
    — in one’s mind’s eye
    — in one’s right mind
    — keep one’s mind on
    — know one’s own mind
    — make up one’s mind
    — mind one’s own business
    — never mind
    — on one’s mind
    — put someone in mind of
    — put in mind of
    — speak one’s mind
    — take/keep one’s mind off
    — to my mind

    * * *


    I. n

    she’s one of the greatest minds of today sie ist einer der größten Köpfe unserer Zeit

    it’s a question of mind over matter das ist eine reine Willensfrage

    he’s got the mind of a four-year-old! er hat den Verstand eines Vierjährigen!

    it was a triumph of mind over matter hier war der Wille stärker

    in one’s mind eyes vor seinem geistigen Auge

    frame of mind seelische Verfassung

    a fine mind ein großer Geist

    to have a good mind einen klaren Verstand haben

    to have a logical mind logisch denken können

    to the Victorian mind nach der viktorianischen Denkweise

    to use one’s mind seinen Verstand gebrauchen

    to be in one’s right mind noch ganz richtig im Kopf sein

    to be out of one’s mind den Verstand verloren haben

    to drive sb out of his/her mind jdn wahnsinnig machen

    the idea never entered my mind auf diesen Gedanken wäre ich gar nicht gekommen

    it went out of my mind ich hab’s vergessen

    you put that out of your mind! das kannst du dir aus dem Kopf schlagen!

    I can’t get that song out of my mind das Lied will mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen!

    sorry, my mind is on other things tut mir leid, ich bin mit den Gedanken ganz woanders

    to be on one’s mind einen beschäftigen

    you’re always on my mind ich denke die ganze Zeit an dich

    what’s on your mind? woran denkst du?

    what’s on your mind! woran du nur wieder denkst!

    to be in the back of sb’s mind in jds Hinterkopf sein

    to bear [or keep] sth in mind etw nicht vergessen

    bearing in mind that… angesichts der Tatsache, dass…

    to have sb/sth in mind an jdn/etw denken

    did you have anything special in mind? dachten Sie an etwas Bestimmtes?

    to have a lot of things on one’s mind viele Sorgen haben

    to keep one’s mind on sth one’s work sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren

    sth puts sb in mind of sth esp BRIT etw erinnert jdn an etw akk

    to put sb out of one’s mind jdn aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen

    to read sb’s mind jds Gedanken lesen

    to set one’s mind to do sth sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren

    to take sb’s mind off sth jdn auf andere Gedanken bringen [o von etw dat ablenken

    nothing could be further from my mind than… nichts läge mir ferner als…

    to have in mind to do sth vorhaben, etw zu tun

    to know one’s [own] mind wissen, was man will

    to make up one’s mind sich akk entscheiden

    my mind is made up! ich habe einen Entschluss gefasst!

    to set one’s mind on sth sich dat etw in den Kopf setzen

    5. usu sing (opinion) Meinung f, Ansicht f

    to my mind… meiner Meinung nach…

    to give sb a piece of one’s mind jdm seine Meinung sagen

    to be of the same mind der gleichen Meinung [o derselben Ansicht] sein

    I’m of the same mind as you ich bin deiner Meinung

    to be in [or of] two minds about sth sich dat über etw akk nicht im Klaren sein

    to change one’s mind es sich dat anders überlegen

    to have a mind of one’s own seinen eigenen Kopf haben

    to have half a [good] mind to… gute Lust haben,…

    to be of a mind to do sth ( form) geneigt sein, etw zu tun


    to be bored out of one’s mind sich akk zu Tode langweilen

    great minds think alike ah, ich sehe, wir verstehen uns!

    II. vt

    to mind sth auf etw akk aufpassen

    mind your head Vorsicht mit dem Kopf!

    here, mind, he said when she trod on his foot passen Sie doch auf, sagte er, als sie ihm auf den Fuß trat

    mind the step! Vorsicht Stufe!

    mind how you go pass doch auf!; (as farewell) pass auf dich auf!

    mind your language! ( dated) pass auf, was du sagst!

    to mind sb sich akk um jdn kümmern

    don’t mind me kümmer dich nicht um mich

    don’t mind what she says kümmer dich nicht darum, was sie sagt

    and never mind the expense und vergiss jetzt einfach mal die Kosten

    never mind them — what about me? was kümmern mich die — was ist mit mir?

    never mind her! vergiss sie doch einfach!

    never mind how you got there… ist doch egal, wie du da hinkamst,…

    mind your own business! kümmer dich um deine eigenen Angelegenheiten!

    I don’t mind the heat die Hitze macht mir nichts aus!

    I don’t mind what she does es ist mir egal, was sie macht!

    to mind that… denk daran, dass…

    mind you close the door when you leave vergiss nicht, die Tür zuzumachen, wenn du gehst

    mind you get this done before she gets home sieh zu, dass du damit fertig wirst, bevor sie nach Hause kommt

    to mind sb/sth auf jdn/etw aufpassen; ( fig)

    I’m minding the shop ich kümmere mich hier um den Laden

    to not mind sth nichts gegen etw akk [einzuwenden] haben

    would you mind holding this for me? würden Sie das [kurz] für mich halten?

    do you mind my asking you a question? darf ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen?

    do you mind calling me a taxi? würde es dir was ausmachen, mir ein Taxi zu rufen?

    do you mind my smoking? stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?

    I don’t mind her ich habe nichts gegen sie

    I wouldn’t mind a new car/a cup of tea gegen ein neues Auto/eine Tasse Tee hätte ich nichts einzuwenden!


    to mind one’s p’s and q’s sich akk gut benehmen

    mind you allerdings

    mind you, I’d love to have a cup of tea! also, gegen eine Tasse Tee hätte ich jetzt nichts einzuwenden!

    mind you, she did try immerhin hat sie es versucht!

    III. vi

    1. (care) sich dat etwas daraus machen

    I don’t mind das ist mir egal

    sometime I wish he minded a little more manchmal wünsche ich mir, dass es ihm ein bisschen mehr ausmachen würde

    never mind! [ist doch] egal!

    never mind, I’ll do it myself! vergiss es, ich mach’s selbst!

    never mind, one day… mach dir nichts draus — eines Tages…

    never mind about that mistake vergiss den Fehler einfach!

    never mind about that now vergiss das jetzt mal

    never mind about her — what about you? jetzt vergiss sie doch mal — was ist mit dir?

    never you mind! jetzt kümmer dich mal nicht drum!

    2. (object) etwas dagegen haben

    do you mind if I…? stört es Sie, wenn ich…?

    do you mind! (don’t!) ich muss doch sehr bitten!; (may I?) darf ich?

    nobody will mind das wird niemanden stören

    if you don’t mind… wenn du nichts dagegen hast,…

    if you don’t mind me saying so,… ich hoffe, es macht dir nichts aus, dass ich dir das jetzt sage, aber…

    I don’t mind if I do ich hätte nichts dagegen


    never mind… geschweige denn…

    * * *


    to have a good mind —

    it’s all in the mind —

    2) Denkweise

    ; Geist

    , Kopf

    to the child’s/Victorian mind — in der Denkweise des Kindes/der viktorianischen Zeit

    to have a literary/logical etc mind — literarisch/logisch etc veranlagt sein

    she couldn’t get or put the song/him out of her mind —

    I’ve half a mind/a good mind to… —

    with one mind —

    nobody in his right mind —


    to bear or keep sth in mind — etw nicht vergessen; etw im Auge behalten

    with this in mind… — mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf…

    to have sb/sth in mind — an jdn/etw denken

    it puts me in mind of sb/sth — es weckt in mir Erinnerungen an jdn/etw

    to go out of one’s mind with worry/grief — vor Sorge/Trauer den Verstand verlieren

    1) aufpassen auf ; frei halten

    2) aufpassen auf ; achten auf ; beachten

    mind what you’re doing! —

    3) sich kümmern um; etwas haben gegen

    she minds/doesn’t mind it — es macht ihr etwas/nichts aus

    I don’t mind what he does —

    do you mind my smoking? —

    I don’t mind telling you, I was shocked — ich war schockiert, das kannst du mir glauben

    I hope you don’t mind my asking you/sitting here — ich hoffe, Sie haben nichts dagegen, wenn ich Sie frage/dass ich hier sitze

    don’t mind me — lass dich (durch mich) nicht stören; nimm auf mich keine Rücksicht

    never mind your back, I’m worried about… — dein Rücken ist mir doch egal, ich mache mir Sorgen um…

    1) sich kümmern, sich etwas daraus machen; etwas dagegen haben

    he doesn’t seem to mind about anything —

    nobody seemed to mind — es schien keinem etwas auszumachen, niemand schien etwas dagegen zu haben

    I’d prefer to stand, if you don’t mind — ich würde lieber stehen, wenn es Ihnen recht ist

    never mind, you’ll find another — mach dir nichts draus, du findest bestimmt einen anderen

    oh, never mind, I’ll do it myself — ach, lass (es) or schon gut, ich mache es selbst

    never mind about that now! —

    never mind about what you said to him, what did he say to you? — es ist doch egal or unwichtig, was du zu ihm gesagt hast, was hat er zu dir gesagt?

    I’m not going to finish school, never mind go to university — ich werde die Schule nicht beenden und schon gar nicht zur Universität gehen kümmere du dich mal nicht darum

    2) aufpassen

    mind and see if… — sieh zu, ob…

    I’m not saying I’ll do it, mind — ich will damit aber nicht sagen, dass ich es tue

    he’s not a bad lad, mind, just… — er ist eigentlich kein schlechter Junge, nur…

    he didn’t do it, mind — er hat es (ja) nicht getan

    mind you, I’d rather not go — ich würde eigentlich or allerdings lieber nicht gehen

    it was raining at the time, mind you — allerdings hat es da geregnet

    mind you, he did try/ask — er hat es immerhin versucht/hat immerhin gefragt

    he’s quite good, mind you — er ist eigentlich ganz gut

    * * *

    A s

    1. Sinn m, Gemüt n, Herz n:

    go through sb’s mind jemandem durch den Kopf gehen;

    have sth on one’s mind etwas auf


    Herzen haben;

    2. Seele f, Verstand m, Geist m:

    before one’s mind’s eye vor seinem geistigen Auge;

    see sth in one’s mind’s eye etwas im Geiste vor sich sehen;

    be of sound mind, be in one’s right mind bei (vollem) Verstand sein;

    be out of one’s mind nicht (recht) bei Sinnen sein, verrückt sein;

    lose one’s mind den Verstand verlieren;

    close ( oder shut) one’s mind to sth sich gegen etwas verschließen;

    cast back one’s mind sich zurückversetzen (to nach, in akk);

    enter sb’s mind jemandem in den Sinn kommen;

    give ( oder put, set) one’s mind to sth sich mit einer Sache befassen, sich einer Sache widmen;

    put sth out of one’s mind sich etwas aus


    Kopf schlagen;

    read sb’s mind jemandes Gedanken lesen;

    set one’s mind on sth sich etwas in den Kopf setzen;

    set one’s mind on doing sth es sich in den Kopf setzen, etwas zu tun;

    3. Geist m ( auch PHIL):

    4. Meinung f, Ansicht f:

    a) meiner Ansicht nach, meines Erachtens,

    b) nach meinem Sinn oder Geschmack;

    be of sb’s mind jemandes Meinung sein;

    change one’s mind sich anders besinnen, es sich anders überlegen;

    change one’s mind about seine Meinung ändern über (akk);

    speak one’s mind (freely) seine Meinung frei äußern;

    know one’s (own) mind wissen, was man will;

    many men, many minds (Sprichwort) viele Köpfe, viele Sinne

    5. Neigung f, Lust f, Absicht f:

    make up one’s mind

    a) sich entschließen, einen Entschluss fassen,

    b) zu


    Schluss oder zu der Überzeugung kommen ( that dass), sich klar werden ( about über akk);

    have you made up your mind yet? (im Restaurant) haben Sie schon gewählt?;

    I can’t make up your mind! du musst deine Entscheidung(en) schon selbst treffen!

    6. Erinnerung f, Gedächtnis n:

    bear ( oder keep) sth in mind (immer) an eine Sache denken, etwas nicht vergessen, etwas bedenken, etwas im Auge halten;

    a) etwas ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, an eine Sache erinnern,

    b) sich etwas ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, sich an eine Sache erinnern;

    I can’t get it out of my mind ich muss ständig daran denken, es beschäftigt mich ständig;

    B v/t

    1. beachten, achtgeben oder achten auf (akk):

    2. achtgeben auf (akk), sich hüten vor (dat):

    mind your head! stoß dir den Kopf nicht an!; step A 1, A 7, A 9

    3. sorgen für, sehen nach:

    never you mind what … umg es geht dich gar nichts an, was …;

    don’t mind me lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht stören!

    4. etwas haben gegen, etwas nicht gern sehen oder mögen, sich stoßen an (dat):

    do you mind my smoking? haben Sie etwas dagegen oder stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?;

    would you mind coming? würden Sie so freundlich sein zu kommen?;

    she was, she didn’t mind admitting, very lonely sie war, wie sie unumwunden oder freimütig zugab, sehr einsam;

    I don’t mind it ich habe nichts dagegen, meinetwegen, von mir aus (gern);

    5. schott sich erinnern an (akk)

    C v/i

    1. aufpassen:

    a) wohlgemerkt,

    b) allerdings;

    he’s very nice, mind you, but … er ist eigentlich sehr nett, aber …;

    never mind lass es gut sein!, es hat nichts zu sagen!, macht nichts!, schon gut! ( C 2)

    2. etwas dagegen haben:

    I don’t mind ich habe nichts dagegen, meinetwegen, von mir aus (gern);

    I don’t mind if he goes meinetwegen kann er gehen;

    do you mind if I smoke? haben Sie etwas dagegen oder stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?;

    I don’t mind if I do umg

    a) ja, ganz gern oder ich möchte schon,

    b) ich bin so frei;

    do you mind!

    a) ich muss doch sehr bitten!,

    b) passen Sie doch auf!;

    do you mind!, can’t you see I’m busy? sehen Sie (denn) nicht, dass ich beschäftigt bin?;

    never mind mach dir nichts draus! ( C 1)

    * * *



    bear or keep something in mind — an etwas (Akk.) denken; etwas nicht vergessen

    put something/somebody out of one’s mind — etwas/jemanden aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen

    in or to my mind — meiner Meinung od. Ansicht nach

    be of one or of the same mind, be in one mind — einer Meinung sein

    I have a good mind/half a mind to do that — ich hätte große Lust/nicht übel Lust, das zu tun

    make up one’s mind, make one’s mind up — sich entscheiden

    give or put or turn one’s mind to — sich konzentrieren auf (+ Akk.) [Arbeit, Aufgabe, Angelegenheit]

    I have had somebody/something on my mind — jemand/etwas hat mich beschäftigt; ich habe mir Sorgen wegen jemandem/etwas gemacht

    something preys or weighs on somebody’s mind — etwas macht jemandem zu schaffen

    5) Geist, der

    nothing could be further from my mind than… — nichts läge mir ferner, als…

    6) Verstand, der; Intellekt, der

    lose or go out of one’s mind — den Verstand verlieren


    transitive verb

    let’s do it, and never mind the expense — machen wir es doch, egal, was es kostet

    I can’t afford a bicycle, never mind a car — ich kann mir kein Fahrrad leisten, geschweige denn ein Auto

    never mind him/that — er/das kann dir doch egal sein

    never mind how/where… — es tut nichts zur Sache, wie/wo…

    don’t mind me — nimm keine Rücksicht auf mich; lass dich [durch mich] nicht stören; nimm bloß keine Rücksicht auf mich



    neg. or interrog.

    5) aufpassen auf (+



    mind the shop or the store — sich um den Laden kümmern


    intransitive verb


    mind! — Vorsicht!; Achtung!

    follow the signposts, mind, or… — denk daran und halte dich an die Wegweiser, sonst…

    I didn’t know that, mind, or… — das habe ich allerdings nicht gewusst, sonst…


    do you mind? — hätten Sie etwas dagegen?; ich muss doch sehr bitten

    never [you] mind — macht nichts; ist nicht schlimm; sei nicht so neugierig

    never mind: I can do it — schon gut — das kann ich machen

    Phrasal Verbs:

    * * *


    Absicht en f.

    Ansicht en f.

    Geist er m.

    Gemüt er n.

    Meinung en f.

    Phantasie n f.

    Sinn e m.

    Verstand ¨e m. v.

    beachten v.

    English-german dictionary > mind

  • 8

    to be/to go out of one’s mind être/devenir fou(folle);

    are you out of your mind?, you must be out of your mind! est-ce que tu as perdu la tête?;

    what’s going on in her mind? qu’est-ce qui se passe dans son esprit ou sa tête?;

    to have sb/sth in mind penser à qn/qch de précis;

    who do you have in mind for the role? à qui songez-vous pour le rôle?, qui avez-vous en vue pour le rôle?;

    what kind of holiday did you have in mind? qu’est-ce que tu voulais ou voudrais faire pour les vacances?;

    to put or set sb’s mind at rest rassurer qn;

    it’s all in your mind! tu te fais des idées!;

    American don’t pay him any mind ne fais pas attention à lui

    it went clean or right out of my mind cela m’est complètement sorti de l’esprit ou de la tête;

    to put sb in mind of sb/sth rappeler qn/qch à qn;

    to bear or keep sth in mind songer à qch; tenir compte de qch; ne pas oublier qch, garder qch à l’esprit;

    familiar to have a mind like a sieve avoir (une) très mauvaise mémoire ;

    British time out of mind I’ve warned him not to go there cela fait une éternité que je lui dis de ne pas y aller

    proverb great minds think alike(, fools seldom differ) les grands esprits se rencontrent;

    humorous how about a drink? — great minds think alike! si on prenait une verre? — les grands esprits se rencontrent!

    you’ve got a dirty mind! tu as l’esprit mal placé!;

    to be of the same or of like or of one mind être du même avis;

    they’re all of one or the same mind ils sont tous d’accord ou du même avis;

    to my mind,… à mon avis,…, selon moi,…;

    make up your mind! décidez-vous!;

    mind your own business! occupe-toi de ce qui te regarde!, mêle-toi de tes oignons!;

    mind your language! surveille ton langage!;

    mind the cat! attention au chat!;

    mind what you say réfléchissez à ou faites attention à ce que vous dites; mesurez vos paroles;

    mind what you’re doing! regarde ce que tu fais!;

    would you mind where you’re putting your feet, please? est-ce que tu peux faire attention où tu mets les pieds, s’il te plaît?;

    mind you write to him! n’oubliez pas de lui écrire!;

    mind you don’t fall! faites attention de ne pas tomber!;

    mind you’re not late! faites en sorte de ne pas être en retard!;

    (c) faire attention à, s’inquiéter de ou pour;

    don’t mind me, I’ll just sit here quietly ne vous inquiétez pas de moi, je vais m’asseoir ici et je ne dérangerai personne;

    don’t mind him, he’s always like that ne fais pas attention à lui, il est toujours comme ça;

    ironic don’t mind me, I only live here! je t’en prie, fais comme chez toi!;

    I really don’t mind what he says/thinks je me fiche de ce qu’il peut dire/penser

    you don’t mind me using the car, do you? — I mind very much cela ne te dérange pas que je prenne la voiture? — cela me dérange beaucoup;

    do you mind going out when the weather’s cold? est-ce que cela vous ennuie de sortir quand il fait froid?;

    do you mind me smoking? cela ne vous ennuie ou dérange pas que je fume?;

    did you mind me inviting her? tu aurais peut-être préféré que je ne l’invite pas?, ça t’ennuie que je l’aie invitée?;

    would you mind turning out the light, please? est-ce que tu peux éteindre la lumière, s’il te plaît?;

    how much do you earn, if you don’t mind my or me asking? combien est-ce que vous gagnez, sans indiscrétion?;

    (e) garder; garder, surveiller; garder, tenir; s’occuper de, prendre soin de;

    can you mind the house for us while we’re away? pouvez-vous surveiller la maison pendant notre absence?; pouvez-vous vous occuper de la maison pendant notre absence?

    mind (you), I’m not surprised remarque ou tu sais, cela ne m’étonne pas;

    mind you, he’s a bit young ceci dit, il est un peu jeune;

    mind you, I’ve always thought he was a bit strange remarquez, j’ai toujours trouvé qu’il était un peu bizarre;

    but, mind you, it was late mais, voyez-vous, il était tard;

    never mind that now ne vous occupez pas de cela tout de suite; ce n’est plus la peine de s’en occuper;

    never mind what people say/think peu importe ce que disent/pensent les gens;

    never mind his feelings, I’ve got a business to run! je me moque de ses états d’âme, j’ai une entreprise à diriger!;

    never mind him, just run for it! ne t’occupe pas de lui, fonce!


    do you mind if I open the window? cela vous dérange si j’ouvre la fenêtre?;

    would you mind if I opened the window? est-ce que cela vous dérangerait si j’ouvrais la fenêtre?;

    do you mind if I smoke? est-ce que cela vous gêne ou dérange que je fume?;

    if you don’t mind si vous voulez bien, si vous n’y voyez pas d’inconvénient;

    do you mind if I take the car? — of course I don’t mind est-ce que cela vous ennuie que je prenne la voiture? — bien sûr que non;

    familiar I don’t mind if I do je ne dis pas non, ce n’est pas de refus


    I don’t mind if people laugh at me — but you should mind! je ne me soucie guère que les gens se moquent de moi — mais vous devriez!;

    if you don’t mind, I haven’t finished si cela ne vous fait rien, je n’ai pas terminé;

    do you mind? vous permettez?;

    ironic do you mind! non mais!;

    never mind cela ne fait rien, tant pis; ne vous en faites pas;

    never you mind! ne vous en faites pas!; ce n’est pas votre affaire!;

    mind! attention!

    mind out! attention!;

    mind out for the rocks! attention aux rochers!

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > mind

  • 9


    1) sentir

    2) tocar, palpar

    3) sentir

    4) sentirse, encontrarse

    5) creer

    — feeling
    — feel as if / as though
    — feel like
    — feel one’s way
    — get the feel of



    sentir / notar

    creer / pensar


    1 (sense, texture) tacto

    3 (sense, experience) sentir, experimentar, tener la impresión

    1 (be) sentir(se), encontrarse, experimentar

    how are you feeling? —I feel terrible ¿cómo te encuentras? —me encuentro fatal

    we were feeling cold, tired and hungry teníamos frío, sueño y hambre

    how does it feel to be famous? ¿qué se siente cuando se es famoso?

    3 (perceive, sense) sentir

    as I walked in, I felt the tension in the room al entrar, sentí la tensión en la sala

    how do you feel about exams? ¿qué opinas de los exámenes?


    to feel as if / feel as though sentir como si, tener la impresión de

    sentirse, encontrarse


    parecerse, opinar, pensar

    tocar, palpar


    sentir, creer, considerar




    1. fiːl

    (past & past p felt) intransitive verb

    how do you feel o how are you feeling? — ¿cómo or qué tal te encuentras or te sientes?

    to feel hot/cold/hungry/thirsty — tener* calor/frío/hambre/sed

    2) (emotionally, mentally) sentirse*

    how does it feel, what does it feel like? — ¿qué se siente?

    I feel that… — me parece que…, opino or creo que…


    I feel like a cup of tea — tengo ganas de tomar una taza de té, me apetece una taza de té (esp Esp)

    5) (seem, give impression of being)

    6) (search, grope)



    1) ( touch) <<surface/body>> tocar*, palpar

    2) (perceive, experience) <<sensation/movement/indignation/shame>> sentir*

    Phrasal Verbs:




    a) (atmosphere — of house, room) ambiente m








    1) tocar, palpar; tomar

    I’m still feeling my way — (fig) todavía me estoy familiarizando con la situación/el trabajo etc

    2) sentir; ser consciente de

    3) sentir

    the consequences will be felt next year — las consecuencias se harán sentir el año próximo

    they are beginning to feel the effects of the trade sanctions — están empezando a sentir or notar los efectos de las sanciones económicas

    I feel no interest in it — no me interesa en absoluto, no siento ningún interés por ello

    I felt myself blush — noté que me estaba sonrojando

    4) ser sensible a

    don’t you feel the heat? — ¿no te molesta el calor?

    he feels the loss of his father very deeply — está muy afectado por la muerte de su padre


    he felt it necessary to point out that… — creyó or le pareció necesario señalar que…

    to feel cold/hungry/ sleepy — tener frío/hambre/sueño

    do you feel sick? — ¿estás mareado?

    how do you feel about him/about the idea? — ¿qué te parece él/la idea?

    I feel as if there is nothing we can do — tengo la sensación de que no hay nada que hacer, me da la impresión de que no podemos hacer nada

    he feels bad about leaving his wife alone — siente haber dejado sola a su mujer

    I feel for you! — ¡lo siento por ti!, ¡te compadezco!

    since you feel so strongly about it… — ya que te parece tan importante…

    I feel sure that — estoy seguro de que




    I felt like a new man/woman — me sentí como un hombre nuevo/una mujer nueva



    to feel hard/cold/damp etc — ser duro/frío/húmedo etc al tacto

    5) : feel around) tantear, ir a tientas

    she felt in her pocket for her keys — rebuscó en el bolsillo para encontrar las llaves


    4) (fig) ambiente , aspecto

    to get the feel of — (fig) ambientarse a, familiarizarse con; familiarizarse con

    to have a feel for languages/music — tener talento para los idiomas/la música

    * * *

    1. [fiːl]

    (past & past p felt) intransitive verb

    how do you feel o how are you feeling? — ¿cómo or qué tal te encuentras or te sientes?

    to feel hot/cold/hungry/thirsty — tener* calor/frío/hambre/sed

    2) (emotionally, mentally) sentirse*

    how does it feel, what does it feel like? — ¿qué se siente?

    I feel that… — me parece que…, opino or creo que…


    I feel like a cup of tea — tengo ganas de tomar una taza de té, me apetece una taza de té (esp Esp)

    5) (seem, give impression of being)

    6) (search, grope)



    1) ( touch) <<surface/body>> tocar*, palpar

    2) (perceive, experience) <<sensation/movement/indignation/shame>> sentir*

    Phrasal Verbs:




    a) (atmosphere — of house, room) ambiente m

    English-spanish dictionary > feel

  • 10

    1. rest

    1) descanso, reposo

    2) descanso, sueño

    3) apoyo, soporte

    4) en reposo


    1) descansar, reposar

    2) descansar, reposar(se)

    3) descansar sobre, apoyar(se)

    4) relajarse, estar tranquilo

    5) depender de

    6) corresponder

    — restfully
    — restfulness
    — restless
    — restlessly
    — restlessness
    — rest-room
    — at rest
    — come to rest
    — lay to rest
    — let the matter rest
    — rest assured
    — set someone’s mind at rest

    II rest

    descanso / reposo

    I’m tired, I need a rest estoy cansado, necesito un descanso

    los demás

    el resto




    1 quedar

    you may rest assured that… puede tener la seguridad de que…

    1 el resto

    Tom came, but the rest stayed at home vino Tom, pero los demás se quedaron en casa




    give it a rest! ¡déjalo ya!, ¡basta ya!

    reposar, descansar

    quedarse tranquilo

    pararse, detenerse

    basarse (en), descansar (sobre), depender (de)

    to rest on apoyarse en, descansar sobre








    rest FROM something: I need a rest from cooking/work necesito descansar de la cocina/de mi trabajo; to give something a rest (colloq) dejar de hacer algo; give it a rest! — basta ya!, cambia de disco! (fam)

    try to get some/a good night’s rest — trata de descansar un poco/de dormir bien esta noche

    the rest: the rest of the money el resto del dinero, el dinero restante; the rest of them have finished los demás han terminado; the rest of the children los demás niños, los otros niños; and all the rest of it — y todo eso, etcétera, etcétera


    intransitive verb


    a) ( relax) descansar

    b) ( lie buried) (liter) descansar (liter)


    to rest ON something: his head rested on my shoulder tenía la cabeza recostada en or apoyada sobre mi hombro; the structure rests on eight massive pillars — la estructura descansa sobre ocho columnas gigantescas

    b) (be based, depend)

    to rest ON something — <<argument/theory>> estar* basado or basarse en algo, descansar sobre algo

    to rest ON something/somebody — <<eyes/gaze>> detenerse* or (liter) posarse sobre algo/alguien


    the prosecution/defense rests — ha terminado el alegato del fiscal/de la defensa



    1) ( relax) descansar

    I stopped for a while to rest my feet/eyes — paré un rato para descansar los pies/ojos; case I 5)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    I [rest]

    I need a rest — necesito descansar, me hace falta un descanso

    to be at rest — estar en reposo; euph descansar

    to come to rest — pararse, detenerse; posarse

    day of rest — día de descanso

    I need a rest from gardening — me hace falta descansar de la jardinería

    try to get some rest — intenta descansar

    to give sth a rest — dejar algo (por un tiempo)

    to have or take a rest — tomarse un descanso

    why don’t you have or take a rest? — ¿por qué no te tomas un descanso?; ¿por qué no descansas un rato?

    to lay sb to rest — enterrar a algn

    to lay or put sth to rest — enterrar algo

    bed 3., change 1., 1), mind 1., 1), wicked

    2) (Mus) silencio

    3) apoyo

    , soporte

    ; (


    ) soporte

    ; (


    ) horquilla

    1) descansar

    God rest his soul! — ¡Dios le acoja en su seno!

    2) apoyar (on en, sobre) ( against contra)


    to rest one’s eyes/ gaze on sth — posar la mirada en algo

    1) descansar

    may he rest in peaceeuph que en paz descanse


    2) apoyarse (on en); estar sostenido (on por); (


    ) pesar (on sobre)

    3) posarse

    4) basarse (on en); depender (on de)

    5) quedar

    the decision rests with her, it rests with her to decide — la decisión la tiene que tomar ella, ella es la que tiene que decidir, la decisión es suya

    assure, easy 1., 2)


    the defence/prosecution rests — la defensa/el fiscal concluye su alegato



    rest area N — (Aut) área de descanso

    rest stop N — parada para descansar, parada de descanso



    ) rest area




    the rest — el resto; el resto, los/las demás

    he was from a wealthy family, went to Eton, Oxford and all the rest of it — era de familia rica, estudió en Eton, Oxford etcétera, etcétera *

    only there did his age show, for the rest, he might have been under seventy — solo en eso se le notaba la edad, por lo demás, podía haber tenido menos de setenta años


    * * *




    rest FROM something: I need a rest from cooking/work necesito descansar de la cocina/de mi trabajo; to give something a rest (colloq) dejar de hacer algo; give it a rest! — basta ya!, cambia de disco! (fam)

    try to get some/a good night’s rest — trata de descansar un poco/de dormir bien esta noche

    the rest: the rest of the money el resto del dinero, el dinero restante; the rest of them have finished los demás han terminado; the rest of the children los demás niños, los otros niños; and all the rest of it — y todo eso, etcétera, etcétera


    intransitive verb


    a) ( relax) descansar

    b) ( lie buried) (liter) descansar (liter)


    to rest ON something: his head rested on my shoulder tenía la cabeza recostada en or apoyada sobre mi hombro; the structure rests on eight massive pillars — la estructura descansa sobre ocho columnas gigantescas

    b) (be based, depend)

    to rest ON something — <<argument/theory>> estar* basado or basarse en algo, descansar sobre algo

    to rest ON something/somebody — <<eyes/gaze>> detenerse* or (liter) posarse sobre algo/alguien


    the prosecution/defense rests — ha terminado el alegato del fiscal/de la defensa



    1) ( relax) descansar

    I stopped for a while to rest my feet/eyes — paré un rato para descansar los pies/ojos; case I 5)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > rest

  • 11



    1) Fuß, der

    have both [one’s] feet on the ground — mit beiden Beinen [fest] auf der Erde stehen

    on one’s/its feet — auf den Beinen

    put one’s foot down — energisch werden; [Voll]gas geben

    start [off] or get off on the right/wrong foot — einen guten/schlechten Start haben

    set foot in/on something — etwas betreten

    stand on one’s own [two] feet — auf eigenen Füßen stehen

    rise or get to one’s feet — sich erheben; aufstehen

    get/have cold feet — kalte Füße kriegen/gekriegt haben

    2) unteres Ende; Fußende, das; Fuß, der

    at the foot of the list/page — unten auf der Liste/Seite

    3) Fuß, der; Füßling, der

    4) : [Vers]fuß, der


    transitive verb

    * * *


    1) der Fuß

    2) der Fuß

    3) der Fuß (-0,31m)»>footing

    — football
    — foothill
    — foothold
    — footlight
    — footman
    — footmark
    — footnote
    — footpath
    — footprint
    — footsore
    — footstep
    — footwear
    — follow in someone’s footsteps
    — foot the bill
    — on foot
    — put one’s foot down
    — put one’s foot in it

    * * *


    I. n

    <pl feet>

    [pl fi:t]

    what size are your feet? welche Schuhgröße haben Sie?

    to be [back] on one’s feet [wieder] auf den Beinen sein

    to set foot in sth einen Fuß in etw akk setzen


    <pl foot or feet>


    <pl feet>

    at the foot of one’s bed am Fußende des Betts

    at the foot of the page am Seitenende


    <pl feet>


    to be [caught] on the back foot unvorbereitet sein

    the boot [or shoe] is on the other foot die Situation ist umgekehrt

    see, the boot is on the other foot now siehst du, das Blatt hat sich gewendet

    to get a foot in the door einen Fuß in die Tür kriegen fam, [mit einem Fuß] hineinkommen

    to get off on the right/wrong foot einen guten/schlechten Start haben

    to have a foot in both camps auf beiden Seiten beteiligt sein

    to have one foot in the grave mit einem Bein im Grab stehen

    to put one’s best foot forward sich akk anstrengen

    to put one’s foot to the floor AM Gas geben

    to never/not put [or set] a foot wrong nie einen Fehler machen

    to run [or rush] sb off his/her feet jdn beschäftigen

    II. vt

    to foot sth etw bezahlen

    to foot the bill die Rechnung begleichen [o bezahlen

    to foot up an account die Spalten eines Kontos addieren

    * * *


    to get/be under sb’s feet — jdm im Wege stehen or sein; jdm vor den Füßen herumlaufen

    to get off on the right/wrong foot — einen guten/schlechten Start haben

    to have/get one’s or a foot in the door — einen Fuß in der Tür haben/in die Tür bekommen

    3 foot or feet wide/long — 3 Fuß breit/lang

    bezahlen, begleichen

    * * *

    A s; pl feet [fiːt]

    1. Fuß m:

    my foot! umg (so ein) Quatsch!;

    at sb’s feet zu jemandes Füßen;

    be at sb’s feet fig jemandem zu Füßen liegen;

    a) im Gange sein,

    b) in Vorbereitung sein;

    be on one’s feet

    a) auf den Beinen sein,

    b) sich erheben, aufspringen (um zu sprechen);

    fall asleep on one’s feet im Stehen einschlafen;

    find one’s feet

    b) fig sich freischwimmen; lernen, selbstständig zu handeln,

    c) fig sich eingewöhnen;

    have feet of clay auch seine Schwächen haben, auch nur ein Mensch sein;

    keep one’s feet sich auf den Beinen halten;

    keep one’s foot down AUTO mit Bleifuß fahren umg;

    put one’s foot down

    a) AUTO (Voll)Gas geben,

    b) fig energisch werden, ein Machtwort sprechen;

    put one’s best foot forward

    a) die Beine unter den Arm nehmen fig,

    put one’s foot in it, US a. put one’s foot in one’s mouth ins Fettnäpfchen treten, sich in die Nesseln setzen (beide fig);

    rise ( oder get) to one’s feet sich erheben, aufstehen;

    shoot o.s. in the foot sich selbst schaden;

    stand on one’s own (two) feet auf eigenen Beinen stehen;

    stay on one’s feet sich auf den Beinen halten;

    2. (pl auch foot) Foot m, Fuß m (= 0,3048 m):

    3. (kein pl) MIL besonders Br

    a) Infanterie f:

    b) HIST Fußvolk n:

    4. Gang m, Schritt m

    5. Fuß m, Füßling m (am Strumpf)

    6. Fuß m (eines Berges, eines Glases, einer Säule, einer Treppe etc), Fußende n (des Bettes, Tisches etc), unteres Ende:

    7. (adv foots) Bodensatz m, Hefe f

    9. MUS Refrain m

    10. Stoffdrückerfuß m (einer Nähmaschine)

    B v/i:

    foot up to obs od dial sich belaufen auf (akk)

    C v/t

    a) marschieren, zu Fuß gehen,

    b) tanzen

    2. einen Fuß anstricken an (akk)

    foot up bes US zusammenzählen, addieren

    f. abk

    ft abk

    * * *



    1) Fuß, der

    have both [one’s] feet on the ground — mit beiden Beinen [fest] auf der Erde stehen

    on one’s/its feet — auf den Beinen

    start [off] or get off on the right/wrong foot — einen guten/schlechten Start haben

    set foot in/on something — etwas betreten

    stand on one’s own [two] feet — auf eigenen Füßen stehen

    rise or get to one’s feet — sich erheben; aufstehen

    get/have cold feet — kalte Füße kriegen/gekriegt haben

    2) unteres Ende; Fußende, das; Fuß, der

    at the foot of the list/page — unten auf der Liste/Seite

    3) Fuß, der; Füßling, der

    6) Fuß, der; Sockel, der


    transitive verb

    * * *


    (§ pl.: feet)

    = Basis Basen f.

    Fuß ¨-e m.

    Standvorrichtung f.

    English-german dictionary > foot

  • 12

    [fʊt] n <pl feet> [pl fi:t]

    1) ( limb) Fuß m;

    what size are your feet? welche Schuhgröße haben Sie?;

    to be [back] on one’s feet [wieder] auf den Beinen sein;

    sb can barely [or hardly] put one foot in front of the other jd hat Schwierigkeiten beim Laufen;

    to set foot in sth einen Fuß in etw akk setzen;

    at the foot of one’s bed am Fußende des Betts;

    at the foot of the page am Seitenende


    the boot [or shoe] is on the other foot die Situation ist umgekehrt;

    see, the boot is on the other foot now siehst du, das Blatt hat sich gewendet;

    to have a foot in both camps auf beiden Seiten beteiligt sein;

    to have feet of clay auch nur ein Mensch sein, seine Schwächen haben;

    to get a foot in the door einen Fuß in die Tür kriegen ( fam), [mit einem Fuß] hineinkommen;

    to put one’s foot to the floor (Am) Gas geben;

    to have one foot in the grave mit einem Bein im Grab stehen;

    to have both feet on the ground mit beiden Beinen fest auf der Erde stehen;

    to get one’s feet under the table ( Brit) sich etablieren;

    to have the world at one’s feet die Welt in seiner Macht haben;

    to put one’s best foot forward sich akk anstrengen;

    to get off on the right/wrong foot einen guten/schlechten Start haben;

    to get one’s feet wet nasse Füße bekommen;

    to drag one’s feet herumtrödeln;

    to put one’s foot down ( insist) ein Machtwort sprechen;

    to think on one’s feet eine schnelle Entscheidung treffen;

    to be under sb’s feet zwischen jds Füßen herumlaufen;

    to foot sth etw bezahlen

    English-German students dictionary > foot

  • 13

    prendre1A (a), 1A (b), 1B (a), 1B (c)-(e), 1C (b), 1D (a), 1D (b), 1E (a), 1F (a), 1G (a), 1G (b), 1G (d), 1H (a), 1H (b), 1I (a), 1I (c), 1I (d), 1I (f), 1I (g), 2 (a)-(c) porter1B (a) mener1B (b) conduire1C (a) recevoir1D (c) croire1F (b) supporter1F (d) supposer1G (c) contenir1I (e) passer1I (i)


    (a) prendre; prendre, saisir;

    (b) prendre, capturer; prendre, attraper;


    prendre, s’emparer de;


    (a) porter, apporter; prendre, emporter;

    she took some towels up(stairs)/down(stairs) elle a monté/descendu des serviettes;

    figurative the committee wanted to take the matter further le comité voulait mener l’affaire plus loin;

    the devil take it! que le diable l’emporte!;

    (b) mener, emmener; accompagner;

    could you take me home? pourriez-vous me ramener ou me raccompagner?;

    may I take you to dinner? puis-je vous inviter à dîner ou vous emmener dîner?;

    humorous I can’t take you anywhere tu n’es pas sortable;

    whatever took him there? qu’allait-il faire là-bas?;

    (c) prendre, tirer; prendre, enlever;

    (d) prendre, voler;

    (e) prendre, tirer;


    (a) conduire, transporter;

    will this train take me to Cambridge? est-ce que ce train va à ou passe par Cambridge?

    (b) prendre; prendre, suivre;

    American take a right prenez à droite


    (a) prendre; faire; prendre;

    to take a photo or a picture prendre une photo;

    she took his picture or a picture of him elle l’a pris en photo;

    familiar he takes a good photo il est photogénique

    (c) recevoir; remporter, obtenir; obtenir, avoir;

    the bookstore takes about $3,000 a day la librairie fait à peu près 3000 dollars (de recette) par jour;

    how much does he take home a month? quel est son salaire mensuel net?;

    Cards we took all the tricks nous avons fait toutes les levées;


    (a) prendre;

    the boy took an oath or a vow to avenge his family le garçon a fait serment ou a juré de venger sa famille;

    may I take the liberty of inviting you to dinner? puis-je me permettre de vous inviter à dîner?;

    he took the opportunity to thank them or of thanking them il a profité de l’occasion pour les remercier


    (a) prendre, accepter; accepter;

    the owner won’t take less than $100 for it le propriétaire en veut au moins 100 dollars;

    does this machine take pound coins? cette machine accepte-t-elle les pièces d’une livre?;

    I won’t take «no» for an answer pas question de refuser;

    it’s my last offer, (you can) take it or leave it c’est ma dernière offre, c’est à prendre ou à laisser;

    take it from me, he’s a crook croyez-moi, c’est un escroc

    how did she take the questioning? comment a-t-elle réagi à ou pris l’interrogatoire?;

    they took the news well or in their stride ils ont plutôt bien pris la nouvelle;

    familiar to take things easy or it easy se la couler douce;

    (d) supporter; subir;

    don’t take any nonsense! ne te laisse pas faire!;

    esp American I’m not taking any! je ne marche pas!;


    to take an interest in sb/sth s’intéresser à qn/qch;


    (a) prendre, considérer;

    to take sb/sth seriously prendre qn/qch au sérieux

    do you take me for an idiot? vous me prenez pour un idiot?;

    what do you take me for? pour qui me prenez-vous?;

    to take the news as or to be true tenir la nouvelle pour vraie;

    how old do you take her to be? quel âge est-ce que tu lui donnes?

    (c) supposer, présumer;

    he’s never been to Madrid, I take it si je comprends bien, il n’a jamais été à Madrid;

    (d) prendre, comprendre;


    how long will it take to get there? combien de temps faudra-t-il pour y aller?;

    what kind of batteries does it take? quelle sorte de piles faut-il?;

    to have what it takes to do/to be sth avoir les qualités nécessaires pour faire/être qch;

    familiar he’s so lazy — it takes one to know one! il est vraiment paresseux — tu peux parler!

    «falloir» takes the subjunctive «falloir» est suivi du subjonctif;

    noun that takes an «s» in the plural nom qui prend un «s» au pluriel


    (a) prendre;

    do you take milk in your coffee? prenez-vous du lait dans votre café?;

    how do you take your coffee? qu’est-ce que tu prends dans ton café?;

    how many pills has he taken? combien de comprimés a-t-il pris ou absorbé?;

    what size shoe do you take? quelle est votre pointure?

    (c) prendre, choisir; prendre, acheter; prendre, louer;

    what newspaper do you take? quel journal prenez-vous?;

    (d) prendre, s’asseoir sur;

    take your seats! prenez vos places!;

    is this seat taken? cette place est-elle occupée ou prise?

    (e) contenir, avoir une capacité de;

    (f) prendre;

    to take sb’s pulse/temperature prendre le pouls/la température de qn;

    (g) prendre;


    to take a chill, to take cold prendre froid;

    to take sick, to be taken ill tomber malade;


    Football to take a penalty tirer un penalty

    Law they intend to take the case to the High Court ils ont l’intention d’en appeler à la Cour suprême

    Law they took legal proceedings against him ils lui ont intenté un procès

    to take sb by surprise or off guard surprendre qn, prendre qn au dépourvu;

    (p) franchir, sauter; prendre, négocier

    (a) prendre;

    did the dye take? est-ce que la teinture a pris?;

    (b) prendre, avoir du succès

    what’s your take on her attitude? comment est-ce que tu interprètes son attitude?

    étonner, ébahir; déconcerter;

    ressembler à, tenir de;

    figurative they took the room apart looking for evidence ils ont mis la pièce sens dessus dessous pour trouver des preuves

    prendre à part, emmener à l’écart;

    euphemism the police took his father away son père a été arrêté par la police;

    (b) emporter; emmener;

    to take away from the pleasure/value of sth diminuer le plaisir/la valeur de qch

    (a) reprendre;

    (b) reprendre

    (c) rapporter; raccompagner;

    (d) retirer, reprendre;

    all right, I take it back! d’accord, je n’ai rien dit!

    it takes you back a bit, doesn’t it? ça ne nous rajeunit pas tout ça, hein?

    (a) descendre; faire descendre;

    can you help me take the curtains down? peux-tu m’aider à décrocher les rideaux?;

    (d) démonter

    se démonter

    (a) faire entrer; rentrer

    (b) héberger; prendre; recueillir;


    (e) saisir, comprendre;

    (f) reprendre; diminuer;

    Nautical to take in a sail carguer ou serrer une voile

    (g) comprendre, englober; embrasser;

    (h) aller à;

    (a) enlever;

    Cars to take off the brake desserrer le frein (à main);

    figurative he didn’t take his eyes off her all night il ne l’a pas quittée des yeux de la soirée;

    familiar his retirement has taken ten years off him sa retraite l’a rajeuni de dix ans ;

    (f) supprimer; annuler

    they took off for or to Heathrow ils se sont envolés pour Heathrow

    (a) prendre, accepter;

    (b) lutter ou se battre contre; jouer contre;

    (c) prendre, revêtir;

    don’t take on so! ne t’en fais pas!

    (a) prendre, sortir; ôter, enlever; arracher;

    Medicine to take out sb’s appendix/tonsils enlever l’appendice/les amygdales à qn;

    figurative to take the food out of sb’s mouth retirer le pain de la bouche de qn

    (b) sortir; faire sortir; emmener;

    to take sb out to dinner/to the movies emmener qn dîner/au cinéma;

    would you take the dog out? tu veux bien sortir le chien ou aller promener le chien?

    (d) prendre; souscrire à, prendre; se procurer; (→ patent) prendre;

    to take sb out of himself/herself changer les idées à qn;

    familiar working as an interpreter takes a lot out of you le travail d’interprète est épuisant ;

    familiar the operation really took it out of him l’opération l’a mis à plat;

    familiar it takes the fun out of it ça gâche tout ;

    familiar to take it out on sb s’en prendre à qn ;

    familiar he took his anger out on his wife il a passé sa colère sur sa femme ;

    familiar don’t take it out on me! ne t’en prends pas à moi!

    will you be taking over his job? est-ce que vous allez le remplacer (dans ses fonctions)?

    (b) s’emparer de;

    who will take over now that the mayor has stepped down? qui va prendre la relève maintenant que le maire a donné sa démission?;

    will he allow her to take over? va-t-il lui céder la place?;

    (b) prendre le pouvoir

    (a) se prendre d’amitié ou de sympathie pour, prendre en amitié; prendre goût à;

    to take to drink or to the bottle se mettre à boire;


    (a) monter; faire monter;

    (b) ramasser, prendre; prendre; enlever;

    (e) prendre, tenir; prendre, demander;

    (f) se mettre à; prendre; commencer, embrasser;

    when did you take up Greek? quand est-ce que tu t’es mis au grec?;

    (g) reprendre, continuer;

    (h) prendre, adopter; adopter; prendre; adopter;

    (i) accepter; suivre; relever

    (j) discuter, parler de; aborder;

    (k) souscrire à

    reprendre, continuer


    he might take you up on that someday! il risque de vous prendre au mot un jour!;

    Take me to your leader Il s’agit de la formule prononcée par les extra-terrestres fraîchement débarqués sur terre dans les vieux films de science-fiction et adressée au premier terrien rencontré. On emploie cette phrase («menez-moi jusqu’à votre chef») de façon humoristique lorsque, dans une situation donnée, on désire parler au responsable.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > take

  • 14



    1) aguantar, sostener

    2) apoyar, secundar, respaldar

    3) corroborar, confirmar

    4) mantener


    1) apoyo, soporte

    2) soporte

    — supporting






    ser de


    2 (back, encourage) apoyar, respaldar, ayudar; (cause, motion, proposal) apoyar, estar de acuerdo con

    which team do you support? ¿de qué equipo eres?

    4 (keep, sustain) mantener, sustentar, sostener; (feed) alimentar

    5 (corroborate, substantiate) confirmar, respaldar, apoyar, respaldar


    in support of somebody/something en apoyo de alguien/algo, a favor de alguien/algo

    to drum up support for somebody/something conseguir apoyo para alguien/algo

    apoyar, respaldar

    mantener, sostener, sustentar

    sostener, apoyar, apuntalar, soportar



    (moral), ayuda





    pret: -tuv-

    pret: -tuv-

    I sə’pɔːrt, sə’pɔːt

    transitive verb

    1) ( hold up) <<bridge/structure>> sostener*


    a) (maintain, sustain) <<family/children>> mantener*, sostener*, sustentar


    a) ( back) <<cause/motion>> apoyar

    4) ( corroborate) <<theory>> respaldar, confirmar, sustentar







    ( financial) ayuda


    (económica), apoyo





    (backing, encouragement) apoyo


    , respaldo


    a) ( Mil) apoyo m, refuerzo m

    b) ( backup) servicio m al cliente

    technical/dealer support — servicio técnico/de ventas; (before n) <package, material> adicional, suplementario



    c) (Med) soporte

    to give sb support — dar apoyo a algn, apoyar a algn

    moral support — apoyo moral

    their capacity to act in support of their political objectives — su capacidad de actuar en pos de sus objetivos políticos

    d) (esp Comm) servicio de asistencia (al cliente)

    after-sales support — servicio posventa, asistencia posventa

    technical support — servicio de asistencia técnica

    e) (Mil) apoyo


    in support of this argument he states that… — para apoyar or respaldar este argumento aduce que…

    1) sostener

    raise your upper body off the ground, supporting your weight on your arms — apoyándose en los brazos levante el tronco del suelo

    to support o.s. — apoyarse (on en)


    b) mantener; financiar

    to support o.s. — ganarse la vida

    3) apoyar

    5) respaldar, confirmar


    8) (Mus) actuar de telonero/teloneros de

    9) (Cine, Theat) secundar



    * * *

    I [sə’pɔːrt, sə’pɔːt]

    transitive verb

    1) ( hold up) <<bridge/structure>> sostener*


    a) (maintain, sustain) <<family/children>> mantener*, sostener*, sustentar


    a) ( back) <<cause/motion>> apoyar

    4) ( corroborate) <<theory>> respaldar, confirmar, sustentar







    ( financial) ayuda


    (económica), apoyo





    (backing, encouragement) apoyo


    , respaldo


    a) ( Mil) apoyo m, refuerzo m

    b) ( backup) servicio m al cliente

    technical/dealer support — servicio técnico/de ventas; (before n) <package, material> adicional, suplementario


    English-spanish dictionary > support

  • 15



    1) stinken (of nach); [Angelegenheit, Korruption:] zum Himmel stinken

    2) :



    1) Gestank, der

    2) : Stunk, der

    kick up or raise a stink about something — wegen etwas Stunk machen

    * * *




    der Gestank

    * * *


    I. n

    1. usu sing (smell) Gestank m

    what’s that stink? was ist das für ein Gestank?

    to cause a stink Stunk geben fam, Staub aufwirbeln fam

    please don’t raise a stink bitte mach jetzt keinen Aufstand fam

    to work like stink BRIT hart [o wie ein Verrückter] schuften fam

    stinks + sing vb Chemie f

    II. vi

    <stank or stunk, stunk>

    your feet stink! du hast Käs[e]füße pej sl

    to stink of sth nach etw dat stinken

    to stink to high heaven furchtbar [o sl zum Himmel] stinken

    his acting stinks er ist ein miserabler Schauspieler

    to stink at cooking ein miserabler Koch sein fam

    to stink at maths/sports in Mathe/Sport eine Niete sein fam

    I think her whole attitude stinks ich finde ihre ganze Einstellung einfach zum Kotzen sl

    I think the whole business stinks ich finde, die ganze Angelegenheit stinkt sl

    to stink of money vor Geld stinken sl, Geld wie Heu haben fam

    to stink of wealth stinkreich sein sl

    * * *








    1) Gestank

    (of nach); , (Ge)ruch

    1) stinken

    2) sauschlecht or miserabel sein

    * * *

    A v/i prät stank [stæŋk], stunk [stʌŋk], pperf stunk

    1. stinken (of nach), unangenehm oder übel riechen:

    2. fig stinken:

    3. fig umg (hunds)miserabel sein

    B v/t

    a) ausräuchern,

    b) jemanden durch Gestank vertreiben:

    C s

    1. Gestank m:

    2. umg Stunk m:

    * * *



    1) stinken (of nach); [Angelegenheit, Korruption:] zum Himmel stinken

    2) :



    kick up or raise a stink about something — wegen etwas Stunk machen

    * * *


    (§ p.,p.p.: stank, stunk)

    = stinken v.

    (§ p.,pp.: stank, gestunken)

    English-german dictionary > stink

  • 16

    [stɪŋk] n

    what’s that stink? was ist das für ein Gestank?

    to cause a stink Stunk geben ( fam), Staub aufwirbeln ( fam)

    please don’t raise a stink bitte mach jetzt keinen Aufstand ( fam)

    to work like stink ( Brit) hart [o wie ein Verrückter] schuften ( fam)

    stinks + sing vb Chemie f vi < stank or stunk, stunk>

    your feet stink! du hast Käs[e]füße ( pej) (sl)

    to stink of sth nach etw dat stinken;

    to stink to high heaven furchtbar [o (sl) zum Himmel] stinken;

    2) (fig fam: be bad) sauschlecht [o miserabel] sein ( fam)

    his acting stinks er ist ein miserabler Schauspieler;

    to stink at cooking ein miserabler Koch sein ( fam)

    to stink at maths/ sports in Mathe/Sport eine Niete sein ( fam)

    I think her whole attitude stinks ich finde ihre ganze Einstellung einfach zum Kotzen (sl)

    I think the whole business stinks ich finde, die ganze Angelegenheit stinkt (sl)

    to stink of money vor Geld stinken (sl), Geld wie Heu haben ( fam)

    to stink of wealth stinkreich sein (sl)

    English-German students dictionary > stink

  • 17


    1) recibir

    2) traer, ir a buscar, procurar; comprar

    3) ir, cruzar, atravesar; tomar

    4) meter, arrastrar, poner

    5) hacerse (por ej. mayor), volverse, convertirse

    6) convencer, persuadir

    7) llegar

    8) conseguir, llegar a, lograr

    9) coger, pillar, cazar, agarrar, contraer

    10) atrapar, coger

    11) coger, pillar, comprender, entender

    — get-together
    — get-up
    — be getting on for
    — get about
    — get across
    — get after
    — get ahead
    — get along
    — get around
    — get around to
    — get at
    — get away
    — get away with
    — get back
    — get by
    — get down
    — get down to
    — get in
    — get into
    — get nowhere
    — get off
    — get on
    — get on at
    — get out
    — get out of
    — get over
    — get round
    — get around to
    — get round to
    — get there
    — get through
    — get together
    — get up
    — get up to


    coger / tomar

    recibir / conseguir


    hacer / ponerse


    could you get me a coffee, please? ¿me puedes traer un café, por favor?

    buscar / recoger



    1 obtener, conseguir

    what did you get in maths? ¿qué sacaste en mates?

    2 recibir

    how did you get that cut? ¿cómo te hiciste ese corte?

    3 comprar

    where did you get your jeans? ¿dónde compraste tus vaqueros?

    4 traer

    5 coger

    6 captar, recibir, coger

    7 pedir, decir; persuadir, convencer

    can you get her to lend us the money? ¿puedes convencerla para que nos deje el dinero?

    8 preparar

    can I get you something to eat? ¿te preparo algo para comer?

    9 familiar entender, captar, coger

    10 familiar poner nervioso,-a, fastidiar

    11 ganar, cobrar

    12 poner con; contestar, atender, coger; abrir

    can you get me the Embassy Hotel? ¿me puede poner con el Hotel Embassy?

    13 conseguir, lograr

    14 hacer algo a uno

    15 dar, alcanzar

    1 ponerse, volverse

    2 ir

    how do you get there? ¿cómo se va hasta allí?

    can you get there by bus? ¿se puede ir en autobús?

    where do you think she’s got to? ¿dónde crees que se ha metido?

    1 llegar

    how did you get home? ¿cómo llegaste a casa?

    2 llegar a

    3 llegar a

    4 empezar a

    we got talking empezamos a hablar, nos pusimos a hablar


    get along with you! ¡déjate de bobadas!, ¡no seas bobo,-a!

    conseguir, obtener, adquirir



    he gets $10 an hour: gana $10 por hora


    tomar (un tren, etc.), agarrar (una pelota, una persona, etc.)

    contagiarse de, contraer

    preparar (una comida)

    persuadir, mandar a hacer


    ponerse, volverse, hacerse

    ir, avanzar


    to get along llevarse bien (con alguien), congeniar



    or p.p.: gotten•) = lucrarse




    or p.p.: gotten•) = adquirir


    pret: -tuv-




    a) ( obtain) <<money/information>> conseguir*, obtener*; <<job/staff>> conseguir*; <<authorization/loan>> conseguir*, obtener*; <<idea>> sacar*

    these pears are as good as you’ll get, I’m afraid — estas peras son de lo mejorcito que hay (fam)

    to get something from somebody/something: we get our information from official sources sacamos la información de fuentes oficiales; you can get any information from my secretary — mi secretaria le podrá dar toda la información que necesite

    b) ( buy) comprar

    to get something from somebody/something: I get my bread from the local baker le compro el pan al panadero del barrio; I got it from Harrods lo compré en Harrods; we get them from Italy — ( they supply our business) los traen de Italia

    c) (achieve, win) <<prize/grade>> sacar*, obtener* (frml); <<majority>> obtener* (frml), conseguir*


    a) ( receive) <<letter/reward/reprimand>> recibir

    do I get a kiss, then? — ¿entonces me das un beso?

    to get something from somebody: all I ever get from you is criticism lo único que haces es criticarme; she got a warm reception from the audience el público le dio una cálida bienvenida; I do all the work and she gets all the credit yo hago todo el trabajo y ella se lleva la fama; I seldom get the chance rara vez se me presenta la oportunidad; the kitchen doesn’t get much sun — en la cocina no da mucho el sol

    b) (Rad, TV) <<station>> captar, recibir, coger* (esp Esp fam), agarrar (CS fam)

    c) ( be paid) <<salary/pay>> ganar

    I got £200 for the piano — me dieron 200 libras por el piano

    d) ( experience) <<shock/surprise>> llevarse

    I get the feeling that… — tengo or me da la sensación de que…

    4) (find, have) (colloq)

    5) ( fetch) <<hammer/scissors>> traer*, ir* a buscar; <<doctor/plumber>> llamar


    a) ( reach) alcanzar*

    c) (catch, trap) pillar (fam), agarrar (AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    d) (assault, kill) (colloq)

    7) ( contract) <<cold/flu>> agarrar, pescar* (fam), pillar (fam), coger* (esp Esp)

    8) ( catch) <<busain>> tomar, coger* (Esp)

    9) (colloq)

    what gets me is how… — lo que no entiendo es cómo…


    get it? — ¿entiendes?, ¿agarras or (Esp) coges la onda? (fam)

    b) (hear, take note of) oír*

    11) ( answer) (colloq) <<phone>> contestar, atender*, coger* (Esp); <<door>> abrir*

    13) (bring, move, put) (+ adv compl)

    I can’t get the window open/shut — no puedo abrir/cerrar la ventana

    they got their feet wet/dirty — se mojaron/se ensuciaron los pies

    15) to get somebody/something + pp

    16) (arrange, persuade, force)

    to get somebody/something to + inf: I’ll get him to help you ( order) le diré que te ayude; ( ask) le pediré que te ayude; ( persuade) lo convenceré de que te ayude; she could never get him to understand no podría hacérselo entender; you’ll never get them to agree to that no vas a lograr que acepten eso; I can’t get it to work — no puedo hacerlo funcionar

    to get somebody/something -ing: it’s the sort of record that gets everybody dancing es el tipo de disco que hace bailar a todo el mundo or que hace que todo el mundo baile; can you get the pump working? — ¿puedes hacer funcionar la bomba?


    1) ( reach) (+ adv compl) llegar*

    to get there: it’s not perfect, but we’re getting there — perfecto no es, pero poco a poco…


    b) (be) (colloq)

    3) to get to + inf

    a) ( come to) llegar* a + inf

    to get -ing — empezar* a + inf, ponerse* a + inf

    right, let’s get moving! — bueno, pongámonos en acción (or en marcha etc)!

    Phrasal Verbs:








    When get is part of a set combination, eg get the sack, get hold of, get sth right, look up the other word.

    1) conseguir; sacar, obtener

    he got it for me — él me lo consiguió

    you need to get permission off or from the owner — tienes que conseguir el permiso del dueño

    I got the idea off ** or from a TV programme — saqué la idea de un programa de televisión

    we shan’t get anything out of him — no lograremos sacarle nada

    2) tener


    a) recibir; ganar, cobrar; coger, captar

    how much did you get for it? — ¿cuánto te dieron por él?

    he gets his red hair from his mother — el pelo rojizo lo ha heredado de su madre

    neck 1., 1)


    Some get + noun combinations are translated using a more specific Spanish verb. If in doubt, look up the noun.

    I never got an answer — no me contestaron, no recibí nunca una respuesta

    they get lunch at school — les dan de comer en el colegio

    I got a shock/ surprise — me llevé un susto/una sorpresa

    fine II, 1., sentence 1., 2)

    4) comprar

    I got it cheap in a sale — lo conseguí barato en unas rebajas

    5) ir a buscar, traer; ir a buscar, ir a por; recoger

    quick, get help! — ¡rápido, ve a buscar ayuda!

    to get sth for sb, to get sb sth — ir a buscar algo a algn, traer algo a algn

    to go/ come and get sth/sb, I’ll go and get it for you — voy a buscártelo, voy a traértelo

    6) llamar

    7) contestar

    8) ganar, llevarse, conseguir; marcar; ganarse

    correct, you get 5 points — correcto, gana or consigue 5 puntos

    he got a pass/an A in French — sacó un aprobado/un sobresaliente en francés

    9) encontrar, conseguir

    10) coger, agarrar (


    ); coger, atrapar (


    ); coger, tomar (


    ); pescar

    got you! * — ¡te pillé! *, ¡te cacé! *, ¡te agarré! (LAm)

    to get sb by the throat/arm — agarrar or coger a algn de la garganta/del brazo

    sorry, I didn’t get your name — perdone, ¿cómo dice que se llama?, perdone, no me he enterado de su nombre

    did you get his (registration) number? — ¿viste el número de matrícula?

    to get it from sb —

    bad 3., religion


    get me Mr Jones, please — (Telec) póngame or (esp LAm) comuníqueme con el Sr. Jones, por favor

    you’ll get him at home if you phone this evening — si le llamas esta tarde lo pillarás * or encontrarás en casa

    you can get me on this number — puedes contactar conmigo en este número

    I’ve been trying to get you all week — he estado intentando hablar contigo toda la semana

    13) dar en



    how can we get it home? — ¿cómo podemos llevarlo a casa?; ¿cómo podemos traerlo a casa?

    I tried to get the blood off my shirt — intenté quitar la sangre de mi camisa

    I couldn’t get the stain out of the tablecloth — no podía limpiar la mancha del mantel

    to get sth past customs — conseguir pasar algo por la aduana

    we’ll get you there somehow — le llevaremos de una u otra manera

    we can’t get it through the door — no lo podemos pasar por la puerta

    to get sth to sb — hacer llegar algo a algn

    where will that get us? — ¿de qué nos sirve eso?

    16) preparar, hacer

    This construction is often translated using a specific Spanish verb. Look up the relevant adjective.


    to get sb to do sth — conseguir que algn haga algo, persuadir a algn a hacer algo; decir a algn que haga algo



    you’ll get yourself arrested looking like that — vas a acabar en la cárcel con esas pintas

    to get the washing/dishes done — lavar la ropa/fregar los platos

    when do you think you’ll get it finished? — ¿cuándo crees que lo vas a acabar?

    you’ll get yourself killed driving like that — te vas a matar si conduces de esa forma


    to get one’s hair cut — cortarse el pelo, hacerse cortar el pelo

    I’ve got it! — ¡ya caigo!, ¡ya lo entiendo!; ¡ya tengo la solución!, ¡ya he dado con la solución!, ¡ya lo tengo!

    point 1., 7), wrong



    molestar, fastidiar


    to have got sth — tener algo

    1) llegar

    I’ve got as far as page 10 — he llegado hasta la página 10

    to get from A to B — ir de A a B, trasladarse de A a B

    not to get anywhere —

    to get nowhere —

    we’re getting absolutely nowhere, we’re getting nowhere fast — no estamos llegando a ningún sitio

    to get somewhere —

    to get there —

    «how’s your thesis going?» — «I’m getting there» — -¿qué tal va tu tesis? -va avanzando

    — get to sb

    don’t let it get to you * — no dejes que te afecte; no te molestes por eso

    lane 1., 3)

    2) ponerse, volverse, hacerse

    As expressions with get + adjective, such as get old, get drunk etc, are often translated by a specific verb, look up the adjective.

    how did it get like that? — ¿cómo se ha puesto así?

    how stupid can you get? — ¿hasta qué punto llega tu estupidez?, ¿cómo puedes ser tan estúpido?

    to get used to sth — acostumbrarse a algo

    — get with it


    BECOME, GO, GET in become


    he often gets asked for his autograph — a menudo le piden autógrafos

    we got beaten 3-2 — perdimos 3 a 2

    to get killed — morir, matarse

    he got run over as he was coming out of his house — lo atropellaron al salir de casa

    4) empezar a , ponerse a

    I got to thinking that… * — me di cuenta de que…, empecé a pensar que…


    he eventually got to be prime minister — al final llegó a ser primer ministro

    when do we get to eat? — ¿cuándo comemos?

    to get to know sb — llegar a conocer a algn

    he got to like her despite her faults — le llegó a gustar a pesar de sus defectos

    so when do I get to meet this friend of yours? — ¿cuándo me vas a presentar a este amigo tuyo?

    I never get to drive the car — nunca tengo oportunidad de conducir el coche

    to get to see sth/sb — lograr ver algo/a algn

    get! — ¡lárgate! *


    * * *




    a) ( obtain) <<money/information>> conseguir*, obtener*; <<job/staff>> conseguir*; <<authorization/loan>> conseguir*, obtener*; <<idea>> sacar*

    these pears are as good as you’ll get, I’m afraid — estas peras son de lo mejorcito que hay (fam)

    to get something from somebody/something: we get our information from official sources sacamos la información de fuentes oficiales; you can get any information from my secretary — mi secretaria le podrá dar toda la información que necesite

    b) ( buy) comprar

    to get something from somebody/something: I get my bread from the local baker le compro el pan al panadero del barrio; I got it from Harrods lo compré en Harrods; we get them from Italy — ( they supply our business) los traen de Italia

    c) (achieve, win) <<prize/grade>> sacar*, obtener* (frml); <<majority>> obtener* (frml), conseguir*


    a) ( receive) <<letter/reward/reprimand>> recibir

    do I get a kiss, then? — ¿entonces me das un beso?

    to get something from somebody: all I ever get from you is criticism lo único que haces es criticarme; she got a warm reception from the audience el público le dio una cálida bienvenida; I do all the work and she gets all the credit yo hago todo el trabajo y ella se lleva la fama; I seldom get the chance rara vez se me presenta la oportunidad; the kitchen doesn’t get much sun — en la cocina no da mucho el sol

    b) (Rad, TV) <<station>> captar, recibir, coger* (esp Esp fam), agarrar (CS fam)

    c) ( be paid) <<salary/pay>> ganar

    I got £200 for the piano — me dieron 200 libras por el piano

    d) ( experience) <<shock/surprise>> llevarse

    I get the feeling that… — tengo or me da la sensación de que…

    4) (find, have) (colloq)

    5) ( fetch) <<hammer/scissors>> traer*, ir* a buscar; <<doctor/plumber>> llamar


    a) ( reach) alcanzar*

    c) (catch, trap) pillar (fam), agarrar (AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    d) (assault, kill) (colloq)

    7) ( contract) <<cold/flu>> agarrar, pescar* (fam), pillar (fam), coger* (esp Esp)

    8) ( catch) <<bus/train>> tomar, coger* (Esp)

    9) (colloq)

    what gets me is how… — lo que no entiendo es cómo…


    get it? — ¿entiendes?, ¿agarras or (Esp) coges la onda? (fam)

    b) (hear, take note of) oír*

    11) ( answer) (colloq) <<phone>> contestar, atender*, coger* (Esp); <<door>> abrir*

    13) (bring, move, put) (+ adv compl)

    I can’t get the window open/shut — no puedo abrir/cerrar la ventana

    they got their feet wet/dirty — se mojaron/se ensuciaron los pies

    15) to get somebody/something + pp

    16) (arrange, persuade, force)

    to get somebody/something to + inf: I’ll get him to help you ( order) le diré que te ayude; ( ask) le pediré que te ayude; ( persuade) lo convenceré de que te ayude; she could never get him to understand no podría hacérselo entender; you’ll never get them to agree to that no vas a lograr que acepten eso; I can’t get it to work — no puedo hacerlo funcionar

    to get somebody/something -ing: it’s the sort of record that gets everybody dancing es el tipo de disco que hace bailar a todo el mundo or que hace que todo el mundo baile; can you get the pump working? — ¿puedes hacer funcionar la bomba?


    1) ( reach) (+ adv compl) llegar*

    to get there: it’s not perfect, but we’re getting there — perfecto no es, pero poco a poco…


    b) (be) (colloq)

    3) to get to + inf

    a) ( come to) llegar* a + inf

    to get -ing — empezar* a + inf, ponerse* a + inf

    right, let’s get moving! — bueno, pongámonos en acción (or en marcha etc)!

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > get

  • 18

    ‘bi: ɡi:

    licenciatura en Ingeniería




    costar / valer / ser

    how much is it? ¿cuánto cuesta? / ¿cuánto vale? / ¿cuánto es?



    look, it’s snowing mira, está nevando

    be sustantivo femenino: name of the letter b, often called be largaor grande to distinguish it from v
    be‘ also found in these entries:
    A — abasto — abate — abismo — abotargarse — abreviar — abrirse — absoluta — absoluto — abultar — abundar — aburrir — aburrirse — acabose — acariciar — acaso — acertar — achantarse — acometer — acostada — acostado — acostumbrar — acostumbrada — acostumbrado — acreditar — activa — activo — adelantar — adelantarse — adentro — adivinarse — admirarse — adolecer — aferrarse — afianzarse — aficionada — aficionado — afligirse — agonizar — agotarse — agradecer — agua — ahogarse — ahora — aire — ajo — ala — alarmarse — alcanzar — alegrarse
    aback — abate — about — absent — accordance — account for — accountable — accustom — acquaint — action — addicted — address — adequate — adjust — admit — affiliated — afford — afraid — agenda — agree — agreement — ahead — air — airsick — alert — alive — alone — along — aloof — alphabetically — always — am — ambition — amenable — amusing — anathema — annoyance — anomaly — anxious — apologetic — appal — appall — are — arm — around — arrears — as — ashamed — aspire — assert



    intransitive verb (pres 1ª pers am, 2ª pers sing y todas del pl are, 3ª pers sing is; pt 1ª y 3ª pers sing was, 2ª pers sing y todas del pl; pp been)

    how are you? ¿cómo estás?

    a single ticket is £9.50 un billete de ida cuesta £9.50

    14 tener

    he’s hot/cold tiene calor/frío

    we’re hungry/thirsty tenemos hambre/sed

    the house has been sold la casa ha sido vendida, la casa se ha vendido, han vendido la casa

    phrase there is / there are

    1 hay

    1 había

    were there many people? ¿había mucha gente?

    1 habrá

    1 habría

    if Mike came, there would be ten of us si viniera Mike, seríamos diez


    to be about to «+ inf» estar para + inf, estar a punto de + inf

    I think, therefore I am: pienso, luego existo


    pret: estuv-•)

    subj: se-

    biːˌ weak form bi


    1) (pres am, are, is; past was, were; past p been) intransitive verb [See notes at ser and estar]


    she’s French/intelligent — es francesa/inteligente

    he’s worried/furious — está preocupado/furioso

    the gazpacho is delicious, did you make it yourself? — el gazpacho está delicioso ¿lo hiciste tú?

    Tony is married/divorced/single — Tony está or (esp AmL) es casado/divorciado/soltero


    it’s me/Daniel — soy yo/es Daniel

    if I were you, I’d stay — yo que tú or yo en tu lugar me quedaría


    she’s pregnant/tired — está embarazada/cansada

    I’m cold/hot/hungry/thirsty/sleepy — tengo frío/calor/hambre/sed/sueño

    he’s a lot older/younger — es mucho mayor/menor

    c) (giving cost, measurement, weight)

    how much is that? — that’ll be $15, please — ¿cuánto es? — (son) 15 dólares, por favor

    they are $15 each — cuestan or valen 15 dólares cada una

    how tall/heavy is he? — ¿cuánto mide/pesa?


    a) (exist, live)

    I think, therefore I am — pienso, luego existo

    to let something/somebody be — dejar tranquilo or en paz algo/a alguien

    I’m drying my hair, I won’t be long — me estoy secando el pelo, enseguida estoy

    6) (be situated, present) estar*



    a) (talking about physical conditions, circumstances)

    it’s sunny/cold/hot — hace sol/frío/calor

    it’s so noisy/quiet in here! — qué ruido/silencio hay aquí!

    I have enough problems as it is, without you… — yo ya tengo suficientes problemas sin que tú encima…

    hi, Joe, it’s been a long time — qué tal, Joe, tanto tiempo (sin verte)


    a) (introducing person, object) ser*

    b) (in conditional use) ser*

    if it hadn’t been o had it not been for Juan, we would have been killed — si no hubiera sido por Juan or de no ser por Juan, nos habríamos matado


    she was leaving when… — se iba cuando…

    he is o will be arriving tomorrow — llega mañana

    2) (in the passive voice) ser* [The passive voice, however, is less common in Spanish than it is in English]

    it was built in 1903 — fue construido en 1903, se construyó en 1903, lo construyeron en 1903

    she was told that… — le dijeron or se le dijo que…

    it is known that… — se sabe que…

    3) to be to + inf

    if a solution is to be found… — si se quiere encontrar or si se ha de encontrar una solución…

    am I to understand that… ? — ¿debo entender que… ?


    she’s right, isn’t she? — tiene razón, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?

    so that’s what you think, is it? — de manera que eso es lo que piensas

    are you disappointed? — yes, I am/no, I’m not — ¿estás desilusionado? — sí (, lo estoy)/no (, no lo estoy)

    she was told the news, and so was he/but I wasn’t — a ella le dieron la noticia, y también a él/pero a mí no

    I’m surprised, are/aren’t you? — estoy sorprendido, ¿y tú?/¿tú no?



    am, is or are


    was or were



    1) ser

    if I were you… — yo en tu lugar…, yo que tú… *

    it’s round/enormous — es redondo/enorme

    Use [estar] with past participles used as adjectives describing the results of an action or process:

    she’s bored/ill — está aburrida/enferma

    I’m very well, thanks — estoy muy bien, gracias

    In certain expressions where English uses [be] + adjective to describe feelings ([be cold]/[hot]/[hungry]/[thirsty]), Spanish uses [tener] with a noun:

    I’m cold/hot — tengo frío/calor

    I’m hungry/thirsty — tengo hambre/sed

    afraid, sleepy, right

    «how old is she?» — «she’s nine» — -¿cuántos años tiene? -tiene nueve años

    6) ser

    7) estar

    we’ve been here for ages — hace mucho tiempo que estamos aquí, llevamos aquí mucho tiempo, estamos aquí desde hace mucho tiempo

    here you are(, take it) — aquí tienes(, tómalo)

    there’s the church — ahí está la iglesia

    it’s hot/cold — hace calor/frío

    b) ser

    wake up, it’s morning — despierta, es de día

    it’s 3 May or the 3rd of May — es 3 de mayo

    But note the following alternatives with [estar]:

    it’s 3 May or the 3rd of May — estamos a 3 de mayo

    is it certain that…? — ¿es verdad or cierto que…?

    is it fair that she should be punished while…? — ¿es justo que se la castigue mientras que…?

    it is unbelievable that… — es increíble que…

    it’s not clear whether… — no está claro si…

    it was then that… — fue entonces cuando…

    9) haber

    there is/are — hay

    there being no alternative solution… — al no haber or no habiendo otra solución…


    THERE IS, THERE ARE in there


    the book is £20 — el libro vale or cuesta 20 libras


    mother to be — futura madre or mamá

    my wife to be — mi futura esposa

    you’re busy enough as it is — estás bastante ocupado ya con lo que tienes, ya tienes suficiente trabajo

    if it hadn’t been for…, if it hadn’t been for you or frm had it not been for you, we would have lost — si no hubiera sido por ti or de no haber sido por ti, habríamos perdido

    let me be! — ¡déjame en paz!

    if that’s what you want to do, then so be it — si eso es lo que quieres hacer, adelante

    what is it to you? * — ¿a ti qué te importa?

    what’s it to be? — ¿qué va a ser?, ¿qué vas a tomar?

    The passive is not used as often in Spanish as in English, active and reflexive constructions often being preferred:

    it is said that… — dicen que…, se dice que…

    it’s a film not to be missed — es una película que no hay que perderse

    we searched everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be seen — lo buscamos por todas partes pero no lo encontramos en ningún sitio

    Use the present simple to talk about planned future events and the construction to talk about intention:

    «it’s a pity you aren’t coming with us» — «but I am coming!» — -¡qué pena que no vengas con nosotros! -¡sí que voy!

    The imperfect tense can be used for continuous action in the past:

    for, since


    «he’s going to complain about you» — «oh, is he?» — -va a quejarse de ti -¿ah, sí?

    «I’m worried» — «so am I» — -estoy preocupado -yo también

    «I’m not ready» — «neither am I» — -no estoy listo -yo tampoco

    «you’re tired» — «no, I’m not» — -estás cansado -no, ¡qué va!

    «you’re not eating enough» — «yes I am» — -no comes lo suficiente -que sí

    «they’re getting married» — «oh, are they?» — -se casan -¿ah, sí? or -¡no me digas!

    «he isn’t very happy» — «oh, isn’t he?» — -no está muy contento -¿ah, no?

    «he’s always late, isn’t he?» — «yes, he is» — -siempre llega tarde, ¿verdad? -(pues) sí

    «is it what you expected?» — «no, it isn’t» — -¿es esto lo que esperabas? -(pues) no

    «she’s pretty» — «no, she isn’t» — -es guapa -¡qué va!

    he’s handsome, isn’t he? — es guapo, ¿verdad?, es guapo, ¿no?, es guapo, ¿no es cierto?

    it was fun, wasn’t it? — fue divertido, ¿verdad?, fue divertido, ¿no?

    she wasn’t happy, was she? — no era feliz, ¿verdad?

    so he’s back again, is he? — así que ha vuelto, ¿eh?

    you’re not ill, are you? — ¿no estarás enfermo?


    I am to do it — he de hacerlo yo, soy yo el que debe hacerlo

    2) deber

    am I to understand that…? — ¿debo entender que…?

    she wrote «My Life», not to be confused with Bernstein’s book of the same name — escribió «Mi Vida», que no debe confundirse con la obra de Bernstein que lleva el mismo título



    if it was or were to snow… — si nevase or nevara…

    if I were to leave the job, would you replace me? — si yo dejara el puesto, ¿me sustituirías?


    «Ser» or «estar»?
    You can use «ser»:
    when defining or identifying by linking two nouns or noun phrases:

    Paris is the capital of France París es la capital de Francia

    He was the most hated man in the village Era el hombre más odiado del pueblo
    to describe essential or inherent characteristics (e.g. colour, material, nationality, race, shape, size {etc}):

    His mother is German Su madre es alemana

    She was blonde Era rubia
    with most impersonal expressions not involving past participles:

    It is important to be on time Es importante llegar a tiempo

    Está claro que is an exception:

    It is obvious you don’t understand Está claro que no lo entiendes
    when telling the time or talking about time or age:

    It is ten o’clock Son las diez

    It’s very late. Let’s go home Es muy tarde. Vamos a casa

    He lived in the country when he was young Vivió en el campo cuando era joven
    to indicate possession or duty:

    It’s mine Es mío

    This is your responsibility Este asunto es responsabilidad tuya
    with events in the sense of «take place»:

    The 1992 Olympic Games were in Barcelona Los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 fueron en Barcelona

    «Where is the exam?» — «It’s in Room 1» «¿Dónde es el examen?» — «Es en el Aula Número 1»
    NOTE: Compare this usage with that of estar (see below) to talk about location of places, objects and people.

    You can use «estar»:
    to talk about location of places, objects and people:

    «Where is Zaragoza?» — «It’s in Spain» «¿Dónde está Zaragoza?» — «Está en España»

    Your glasses are on the bedside table Tus gafas están en la mesilla de noche
    NOTE: But use ser with events in the sense of «take place» (see above)}.
    to talk about changeable state, condition or mood:

    The teacher is ill La profesora está enferma

    The coffee’s cold El café está frío

    How happy I am! ¡Qué contento estoy!
    NOTE: Feliz, however, which is seen as more permanent than contento, is used mainly with ser.
    to form progressive tenses:

    We’re having lunch. Is it ok if I call you later? Estamos comiendo. Te llamaré luego, ¿vale?

    Both «ser» and «estar» can be used with past participles
    Use ser in {passive} constructions:

    This play was written by Lorca Esta obra fue escrita por Lorca

    He was shot dead (by a terrorist group) Fue asesinado a tiros (por un grupo terrorista)
    NOTE: The passive is not used as often in Spanish as it is in English.
    Use estar with past participles to describe the {results} of a previous action or event:

    We threw them away because they were broken Los tiramos a la basura porque estaban rotos

    He’s dead Está muerto
    Compare the use of ser + ((past participle)) which describes {action} and estar + ((past participle)) which describes {result} in the following:

    The window was broken by the firemen La ventana fue rota por los bomberos

    The window was broken La ventana estaba rota

    It was painted around 1925 Fue pintado hacia 1925

    The floor is painted a dark colour El suelo está pintado de color oscuro
    Ser and estar are both used in impersonal expressions with past participles. As above, the use of ser implies {action} while the use of estar implies {result}:

    It is understood that the work was never finished Es sabido que el trabajo nunca se llegó a terminar

    It is a proven fact that vaccinations save many lives Está demostrado que las vacunas salvan muchas vidas

    «Ser» and «estar» with adjectives
    Some adjectives can be used with both ser and estar but the meaning changes completely depending on the verb:

    He’s clever Es listo

    Are you ready? ¿Estás listo?

    Chemistry is boring La química es aburrida

    I’m bored Estoy aburrido
    Other adjectives can also be used with both verbs but the use of ser describes a {characteristic} while the use of estar implies a {change}:

    He’s very handsome Es muy guapo

    You look great in that dress! Estás muy guapa con ese vestido

    He’s slim Es delgado

    You’re (looking) very slim ¡Estás muy delgada!
    For further uses and examples, see main entry

    * * *

    [biːˌ] weak form [bi]


    1) (pres am, are, is; past was, were; past p been) intransitive verb [See notes at ser and estar]


    she’s French/intelligent — es francesa/inteligente

    he’s worried/furious — está preocupado/furioso

    the gazpacho is delicious, did you make it yourself? — el gazpacho está delicioso ¿lo hiciste tú?

    Tony is married/divorced/single — Tony está or (esp AmL) es casado/divorciado/soltero


    it’s me/Daniel — soy yo/es Daniel

    if I were you, I’d stay — yo que tú or yo en tu lugar me quedaría


    she’s pregnant/tired — está embarazada/cansada

    I’m cold/hot/hungry/thirsty/sleepy — tengo frío/calor/hambre/sed/sueño

    he’s a lot older/younger — es mucho mayor/menor

    c) (giving cost, measurement, weight)

    how much is that? — that’ll be $15, please — ¿cuánto es? — (son) 15 dólares, por favor

    they are $15 each — cuestan or valen 15 dólares cada una

    how tall/heavy is he? — ¿cuánto mide/pesa?


    a) (exist, live)

    I think, therefore I am — pienso, luego existo

    to let something/somebody be — dejar tranquilo or en paz algo/a alguien

    I’m drying my hair, I won’t be long — me estoy secando el pelo, enseguida estoy

    6) (be situated, present) estar*



    a) (talking about physical conditions, circumstances)

    it’s sunny/cold/hot — hace sol/frío/calor

    it’s so noisy/quiet in here! — qué ruido/silencio hay aquí!

    I have enough problems as it is, without you… — yo ya tengo suficientes problemas sin que tú encima…

    hi, Joe, it’s been a long time — qué tal, Joe, tanto tiempo (sin verte)


    a) (introducing person, object) ser*

    b) (in conditional use) ser*

    if it hadn’t been o had it not been for Juan, we would have been killed — si no hubiera sido por Juan or de no ser por Juan, nos habríamos matado


    she was leaving when… — se iba cuando…

    he is o will be arriving tomorrow — llega mañana

    2) (in the passive voice) ser* [The passive voice, however, is less common in Spanish than it is in English]

    it was built in 1903 — fue construido en 1903, se construyó en 1903, lo construyeron en 1903

    she was told that… — le dijeron or se le dijo que…

    it is known that… — se sabe que…

    3) to be to + inf

    if a solution is to be found… — si se quiere encontrar or si se ha de encontrar una solución…

    am I to understand that… ? — ¿debo entender que… ?


    she’s right, isn’t she? — tiene razón, ¿no? or ¿verdad? or ¿no es cierto?

    so that’s what you think, is it? — de manera que eso es lo que piensas

    are you disappointed? — yes, I am/no, I’m not — ¿estás desilusionado? — sí (, lo estoy)/no (, no lo estoy)

    she was told the news, and so was he/but I wasn’t — a ella le dieron la noticia, y también a él/pero a mí no

    I’m surprised, are/aren’t you? — estoy sorprendido, ¿y tú?/¿tú no?

    English-spanish dictionary > be

  • 19






       a. ( = have, receive, obtain) avoir


    avoir covers a wide range of meanings, and like get is unspecific.



    ► Some get + noun combinations may take a more specific French verb.


    have/has got

    you’re okay, I’ve got you! ne t’en fais pas, je te tiens !

    you get different kinds of… on trouve plusieurs sortes de…

       h. ( = catch) [+ disease, fugitive] attraper ; [+ name, details] comprendre

    let me get this right, you’re saying that… alors, si je comprends bien, tu dis que…

    to get + adjective


    ► This construction is often translated by a verb alone. Look up the relevant adjective.



    réussir or pouvoir may be used when speaking of achieving a result.


    to get sb/sth somewhere

       a. ( = go) aller( to à, ( from de ) ;) ( = arrive) arriver ; ( = be) être

    to get + adverb/preposition

    to get + adjective


    ► This construction is often translated by a verb alone.


    to get used to sth/to doing s’habituer à qch/à faire


    ► Reflexive verbs are used when the sense is not passive.


    to get to + infinitive

    you’ve got to be joking! tu plaisantes !to get + -ing ( = begin)

    I got to thinking that… (inf) je me suis dit que…

    he gets about with a stick/on crutches il marche avec une canne/des béquilles

    the story had got about that… des rumeurs circulaient selon lesquelles…

    it has got about that… le bruit court que…

    [person crossing] traverser ; [meaning, message] passer

    the message is getting across that people must… les gens commencent à comprendre qu’il faut…

    [+ person crossing] faire traverser ; [+ ideas, intentions, desires] communiquer ( to sb à qn)

    to get along without sth/sb se débrouiller sans qch/qn

       c. ( = progress) [work] avancer ; [student, invalid] faire des progrès

     → get about

     → get round

       a. [+ object, person, place] atteindre

       a. ( = take) emmener ; ( = move away) éloigner ; ( = send off) expédier

    ( = suffer no consequences)

       b. ( = move backwards) reculer

       a. ( = recover) [+ sth lent, sth lost, stolen] récupérer ; [+ strength] reprendre ; [+ one’s husband, partner] faire revenir

    get down! ( = climb down) descends ! ; ( = lie down) couche-toi !

       c. ( = make note of) noter

       a. [person] ( = enter) entrer ; ( = be admitted to university, school) être admis

       b. ( = arrive) [train, bus, plane] arriver

       a. ( = enter) [+ house, park] entrer dans ; [+ car, train] monter dans

       b. ( = depart) [person] partir ; [car] démarrer ; [plane] décoller

       d. ( = leave work) finir ; ( = take time off) se libérer

       b. [+ clothes, shoes] enlever

       a. to get off a bus/a bike descendre d’un bus/de vélo

       b. ( = advance, make progress) avancer

    if you want to get on, you must… si tu veux réussir, tu dois…

    ( = put on) [+ clothes, shoes] mettre

       a. ( = get in touch with) se mettre en rapport avec ; ( = speak to) parler à ; ( = ring up) téléphoner à

       b. ( = start talking about) aborder

    you’ll have to do it, you can’t get out of it il faut que tu le fasses, tu ne peux pas y échapper

       a. ( = bring out) [+ object] sortir

       b. ( = remove) [+ nail, tooth] arracher ; [+ stain] enlever

       a. [+ road] traverser ; [+ obstacle, difficulty] surmonter ; [+ problem] résoudre

    I can’t get over the fact that… je n’en reviens pas que… + subj

    = get about

       a. [+ obstacle, difficulty, law] contourner

       b. ( = be accepted, pass) [candidate] être reçu ; [motion, bill] passer

       c. ( = use) [+ supplies] utiliser ; [+ money] dépenser ; [+ food] manger ; [+ drink] boire

    to get the message through to sb that… faire comprendre à qn que…

    [+ people, ideas, money] rassembler ; [+ group] former

    to get under a fence/a rope passer sous une barrière/une corde

       b. (on a chair, on stage) monter

    * * *

    Note: This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeuner

    get is used in many idiomatic expressions ( to get something off one’s chest etc) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc). This is also true of offensive comments ( get lost etc) where the appropriate entry would be lost

    When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc) as a single verb often suffices ( s’enrichir, s’enivrer etc)


    1) () recevoir [letter, grant]; recevoir, percevoir [salary, pension]; Television, Radio capter [channel]

    to get something from somebody — lit hériter quelque chose de quelqu’un [article, money]; fig tenir quelque chose de quelqu’un [trait, feature]

    3) () () obtenir [permission, divorce, licence]; trouver [job]; () trouver [plumber]; appeler [taxi]; () acheter [item] ( from chez); avoir [ticket]

    to get something for nothing/at a discount — avoir quelque chose gratuitement/avec une réduction

    to get somebody something —

    4) () acheter [newspaper]

    5) () se faire [reputation]

    6) () obtenir [grade, mark, answer]

    7) () chercher [object, person, help]

    to get somebody something —

    8) ()

    to get somebody/something upstairs/downstairs — faire monter/descendre quelqu’un/quelque chose

    12) () préparer [breakfast, lunch etc]

    13) () attraper [person] (by par)

    I’ve got you, don’t worry — je te tiens, ne t’inquiète pas

    to get something from ou out of somebody — faire sortir quelque chose à quelqu’un [money]; fig obtenir quelque chose de quelqu’un [truth]

    15) (colloq) () gen arrêter [escapee]

    17) () prendre [bus, train]

    21) () prendre [five years etc]; avoir [fine]

    to get somebody/something with — toucher quelqu’un/quelque chose avec [stone, arrow]

    23) () comprendre

    now let me get this right… — alors si je comprends bien…

    ‘where did you hear that?’ — ‘I got it from Paul’ — ‘où est-ce que tu as entendu ça?’ — ‘c’est Paul qui me l’a dit’

    24) (colloq) ()

    what gets me is… — ce qui m’agace c’est que…

    25) ()

    how did you get to know ou hear of our organization? — comment avez-vous entendu parler de notre organisation?

    to get to do — avoir l’occasion de faire, pouvoir faire

    then I got to thinking that… — puis je me suis dit que…

    you’ve got to realize that… — il faut que tu te rendes compte que…


    1) () devenir [suspicious, old]

    how lucky/stupid can you get! — il y en a qui ont de la chance/qui sont vraiment stupides!

    to get into — mettre, enfiler (colloq) [pyjamas, overalls]

    Phrasal Verbs:


    get away with you! — (colloq) arrête de raconter n’importe quoi! (colloq)

    I’ll get you (colloq) for that — je vais te le faire payer (colloq)

    to get with it — (colloq) se mettre dans le coup (colloq)

    English-French dictionary > get

  • 20

    1. сущ.
    1) а) ступня, лапа( у зверей) ;
    носок( у чулка) arch of foot ≈ свод стопы to gain to one’s feet, get to one’s feet ≈ встать на ноги to shuffle one’s feet ≈ шаркать ногами to stamp one’s foot, tap one’s foot ≈ наступать на ногу in one’s stocking feet ≈ в чулках, без туфель The dog lay at her feet. ≈ Собака лежала у нее в ногах. They came on foot. ≈ Они пришли пешком. on foot set foot on flat feet be on one’s feet б) опора, основание, подножие в) ножка( у предмета мебели) ;
    подножка, стойка г) бот. нижняя часть лепестка, которой он крепится к цветоложу д) лапка( у швейной машинки)
    2) а) поступь, походка, шаг I was not aware of your presence. Your foot is so light. ≈ Я не заметил, как вы вошли. У вас такая неслышная походка. at a foot’s pace light foot heavy foot run a good foot fleet of foot swift of foot б) воен. пехота At the close of the reign of Charles the Second, most of his foot were musketeers. ≈ К концу правления Карла II большую часть его пехоты составляли мушкетеры.
    3) а) фут (мера длины, равная 30, 48 см, составляет одну треть ярда;
    также используется как мера в ряде ремесел) a square foot of land б) стих. стопа
    4) а) нижняя часть, нижний край at the foot at the foot of a page at the foot of a table б) подножие, основание A forest of dark pines at the foot of the mountain. ≈ Лес темных сосен у подножия горы. foot of perpendicular в) осадок Syn: bottom, dregs г) биол. часть волоса ниже эпидермиса ∙ to be on foot ≈ проектироваться to set/put/have one’s foot on the neck of smb. ≈ поработить кого-л. to put one’s foot in/into it разг. ≈ влипнуть, обмишулиться;
    совершить бестактный поступок;
    сесть в лужу to know (или to get, to find, to have, to take) the length of smb.’s foot ≈ узнать чью-л. слабость, раскусить человека under foot ≈ на земле, под ногами my foot! ≈ (какая) чепуха!;
    как бы не так! to drag one’s feet ≈ едва волочить ноги to get a foot in the door ≈ сделать первый шаг, начать to put one’s foot in one’s mouth ≈ сказать невпопад She always lands on her feet. ≈ Ей всегда удается выйти сухой из воды. to put one’s feet up ≈ бездельничать to carry smb. off his feet ≈ вызвать чей-л. восторг;
    сильно взволновать, возбудить кого-л. to fall on one’s feet ≈ счастливо отделаться, удачно выйти из трудного положения to put one’s foot down ≈ занять твердую позицию;
    принять твердое решение решительно воспротивиться to put one’s best foot forward ≈ пытаться произвести хорошее впечатление
    2. гл.
    1) а) идти пешком foot it Syn: step, pace, walk б) разг. наносить удар ногой (в частности, в футболе) в) перемещать ноги в каком-л. ритме, т.е. маршировать, танцевать и т.п. г) наступать на что-л., ходить по чему-л.;
    попирать что-л. д) схватывать когтями (о птицах)
    2) идти за кем-л. по следам;
    искать кого-л., преследовать
    3) а) подытоживать, подсчитывать (тж. foot up to) foot the bill б) достигать, доходить, составлять His losses foot up to L
    100. ≈ Его убыток достигает 100 фунтов( стерлингов).
    нога, ступня — big feet большие ноги — non-kicking * (спортивное) опорная нога (футбол) — on * пешком;
    на ходу;
    в процессе — to recover one’s feet встать на ноги, подняться — to keep one’s feet твердо /прочно/ держаться на ногах;
    устоять — not to lift /to move, to stir/ a * с места не двинуться — to be at smb.’s feet (быть) у чьих-л. ног — to be /to get/ on one’s feet встать с места, взять слово( на собрании) ;
    встать, поправиться (после болезни) ;
    стать на ноги, быть самостоятельным /независимым/ материально лапа, нога (животного) — the fore feet передние ноги /лапы/ (кулинарное) ножки — jellied feet заливное /студень/ из ножек шаг;
    походка — at a *’s pace шагом — swift of * легкий на ногу — light feet легкие шаги;
    легкая поступь — to be light on one’s feet иметь легкую походку — to miss one’s * сбиться с ноги, идти не в ногу основание, нижняя часть — at the * of the bed в ногах кровати — the * of a ladder основание лестницы — at the * of a table в конце стола — at the * of a page в конце /внизу/ страницы — the * of the procession конец процессии — at the * of the class последние /самые плохие/ ученики в классе подножие, подошва( горы и т. п.) след (чулка, носка) пехота — * and horse пехота и кавалерия — a regiment of * батальон пехоты фут — his height is 6 * and 2 его рост 6 футов и 2 дюйма — * measure размер или измерение в футах (стихосложение) стопа (техническое) ножка, лапа, опора (геология) постель, почва( пласта) ;
    лежачий бок сошник( сеялки) (химическое) осадок (в нефти и т. п.) (математика) основание перпендикуляра > * to * в рукопашном /пешем/ бою > (with one’s) feet foremost ногами вперед( о покойнике) > (to be) under /beneath/ smb.’s * /feet/ (быть) под чьим-л. башмаком, под пятой /в полном подчинении/ у кого-л. > to lick smb.’s feet лизать кому-л. пятки, унижаться перед кем-л. > to have /to put, to set/ one’s * on smb.’s neck порабощать /угнетать/ кого-л., всецело подчинять себе кого-л. > to trample /to tread/ under * притеснять, угнетать;
    попирать > to set smb. beneath the feet (шотландское) презирать кого-л., считать кого-л. ниже себя > to carry /to sweep, to take/ smb. off his feet поразить /потрясти/ кого-л.;
    вызвать чей-л. восторг /энтузиазм/ > to die on one’s feet (шотландское) скоропостижно скончаться;
    провалиться( о пьесе и т. п.) ;
    лопнуть( о предприятии и т. п.) > to think on one’s feet говорить /выступать/ без подготовки > good debaters speak on their feet хорошие полемисты за словом в карман не лезут > to find /to get, to have, to know, to take/ the length of smb.’s * (стараться) узнать чьи-л. слабые стороны;
    присматриваться к кому-л.;
    раскусить кого-л. > to get one’s * on the ladder сделать первые успехи > to get /to have/ the * of smb. опередить /обогнать/ кого-л., действовать быстрее кого-л. > to get one’s * in проникнуть( куда-л.) ;
    втереться в доверие( к кому-л.) ;
    ввязаться( во что-л.) > to get up with one’s wrong * foremost встать с левой ноги > to get off on the wrong * неудачно начать, произвести плохое (первое) впечатление > to catch smb. on the wrong * застать кого-л. врасплох > to get /to have/ cold feet струсить, смалодушничать > to have /to put, to stretch/ one’s feet under smb.’s mahogany пользоваться чужим гостеприимством, жить за чей-л. счет > to pull * бежать со всех ног, дать тягу > to put /to set/ one’s * down занять твердую /решительную/ позицию;
    решительно воспротивиться, запретить > to put /to set/ (one’s) * at /in, on/ высадиться, вступить на > to put /to set/ one’s /the/ best * first /foremost, forward/ прибавить шагу, идти очень быстро;
    сделать все возможное > to put one’s * in /into/ it сплоховать, попасть впросак, сесть в калошу > to put /to set/ smb. on his feet поставить кого-л. на ноги, вывести в люди > to put /to set/ smth. on * пускать что-л. в ход, начинать осуществлять что-л.;
    снаряжать( экспедицию) > feet to the fire прижигание пяток (пытка) ;
    (американизм) (политика) безжалостное давление (с целью добиться чего-л.) > put his feet to the fire! нажмите на него как следует! > to take to one’s feet идти пешком /на своих двоих/;
    удирать > with both feet (американизм) полностью, целиком;
    решительно, твердо > to have the ball at one’s feet иметь шансы на успех > to fall /to drop/ on one’s feet счастливо отделаться;
    удачно выйти из затруднительного положения > to shake one’s * /feet/ отбивать чечетку > my *! так я и поверил!, ври больше!, как бы не так! > to measure another man’s * by one’s own last мерить на свой аршин > to put one’s * in the door не давать захлопнуть перед собой дверь;
    сделать первый шаг, расчищая себе путь > to have both feet on the floor крепко стоять на ногах надвязывать след (чулка) протанцевать, проплясать подытожить, подсчитывать ( разговорное) оплачивать (расходы) — to * the bill заплатить по счету;
    расплачиваться( за что-л.) ;
    брать на себя ответственность( за последствия, ущерб и т. п.) идти пешком, шагать( по чему-л.) > * it идти пешком;
    ~ шаг, походка, поступь;
    at a foot’s pace шагом;
    fleet( или swift) of foot поэт. быстроногий
    ~ нижняя часть, нижний край;
    at the foot (of the bed) в ногах (кровати)
    at the ~ of a page (of a table) в конце страницы (стола)
    ~ носок (чулка) ;
    to be on foot проектироваться;
    to put one’s feet up бездельничать
    ~ (pl feet) ступня;
    нога (ниже щиколотки) ;
    лапа (животного) ;
    to be on one’s feet быть на ногах, оправиться после болезни;
    перен. стоять на своих ногах, быть самостоятельным, материально, обеспеченным
    to carry (smb.) off his feet вызвать (чей-л.) восторг;
    сильно взволновать, возбудить (кого-л.)
    crow’s ~ ав. гусиные лапы crow’s ~ (pl feet) pl морщинки в уголках глаз crow’s ~ воен. проволочные силки
    ~ (pl часто без измен.) фут (= 30,48 см) ;
    cubic foot кубический фут;
    a square foot of land пядь земли
    to fall on one’s feet счастливо отделаться, удачно выйти из трудного положения
    ~ шаг, походка, поступь;
    at a foot’s pace шагом;
    fleet( или swift) of foot поэт. быстроногий
    foot идти пешком ~ разг. лягать ~ надвязывать (чулок) ~ нижняя часть, нижний край;
    at the foot (of the bed) в ногах (кровати) ~ ножка (мебели) ;
    подножка, стойка ~ носок (чулка) ;
    to be on foot проектироваться;
    to put one’s feet up бездельничать ~ (pl s) осадок;
    подонки ~ основание, опора, подножие;
    the foot of a staircase основание лестницы ~ воен. пехота ~ подсчитывать ~ подытоживать;
    to foot the bill разг. оплатить счет( или расходы) ;
    перен. испытывать на себе последствия, расплачиваться ~ подытоживать ~ составлять, достигать;
    his losses foot up to;
    100 его убыток достигает 100 фунтов (стерлингов) ~ прос. стопа ~ (pl feet) ступня;
    нога (ниже щиколотки) ;
    лапа (животного) ;
    to be on one’s feet быть на ногах, оправиться после болезни;
    перен. стоять на своих ногах, быть самостоятельным, материально, обеспеченным ~ (pl часто без измен.) фут (= 30,48 см) ;
    cubic foot кубический фут;
    a square foot of land пядь земли ~ шаг, походка, поступь;
    at a foot’s pace шагом;
    fleet (или swift) of foot поэт. быстроногий
    to ~ it разг. идти пешком to ~ it разг. танцевать
    ~ основание, опора, подножие;
    the foot of a staircase основание лестницы
    ~ подытоживать;
    to foot the bill разг. оплатить счет( или расходы) ;
    перен. испытывать на себе последствия, расплачиваться
    ~ up to составлять в итоге
    ~ составлять, достигать;
    his losses foot up to;
    100 его убыток достигает 100 фунтов (стерлингов)
    to know (или to get, to find, to have, to take) the length of (smb.’s) ~ узнать (чью-л.) слабость, раскусить человека;
    under foot на земле, под ногами
    light (heavy) ~ легкая (тяжелая) поступь;
    on foot пешком;
    перен. в движении, в стадии приготовления
    my foot! (какая) чепуха!;
    как бы не так!
    light (heavy) ~ легкая (тяжелая) поступь;
    on foot пешком;
    перен. в движении, в стадии приготовления
    to put one’s best ~ forward делать все возможное;
    to run a good foot хорошо бежать (о лошади) to put one’s best ~ forward прибавить шагу, поторопиться
    ~ носок (чулка) ;
    to be on foot проектироваться;
    to put one’s feet up бездельничать
    to put one’s ~ down разг. занять твердую позицию;
    принять твердое решение;
    решительно воспротивиться
    to put one’s ~ in (или into) it разг. влипнуть, обмишулиться;
    совершить бестактный поступок;
    сесть в лужу
    to put one’s best ~ forward делать все возможное;
    to run a good foot хорошо бежать (о лошади)
    to set (или to put, to have) one’s ~ on the neck (of smb.) поработить (кого-л.)
    ~ (pl часто без измен.) фут (= 30,48 см) ;
    cubic foot кубический фут;
    a square foot of land пядь земли
    trench ~ мед. траншейная стопа
    to know (или to get, to find, to have, to take) the length of (smb.’s) ~ узнать (чью-л.) слабость, раскусить человека;
    under foot на земле, под ногами

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > foot

  • think on your feet — перевод на русский

    Think on Your Feet.

    думать на ходу.

    You have to be able to think on your feet.

    Вы должны думать на ходу.

    Always got to think on your feet.

    Всегда приходится думать на ходу.

    I overestimated your ability to think on your feet.

    Я переоценила ваши способности думать на ходу.

    I would’ve thought Aguirre could think on his feet.

    Я думала, Агирри умеет думать на ходу.

    Показать ещё примеры для «думать на ходу»…

    Well, because he can’t think on his feet.

    — Потому что черные не умеют думать.

    I admire your ability to think on your feet.

    Я восхищен твоей способностью думать.

    Think on your feet.

    Думай вперёд. Борись

    Think on your feet.

    Думай вперёд.

    We need people who think on their feet, not another clone with a rod up his ass.

    Нам нужен человек, который может думать сам, а не еще один клон, с шилом в заднице.

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