One word for solution to all problems

I’m looking for a word to describe a solution that solves all problems, but such a solution is impractical or impossible.

For example, let this word be X: «Having a billion dollars is the X that would solve all my problems».

What candidates for X are there?

asked Apr 1, 2015 at 3:29

FreshAir's user avatar


Panacea: an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties.

There is also the connotation that there is no such thing as a panacea, because such an all-encompassing solution would be impossible.

answered Apr 1, 2015 at 3:37

Mike's user avatar


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pipe dream

an unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme.
— Google

answered Apr 1, 2015 at 3:35

Chris Sunami's user avatar

Chris SunamiChris Sunami

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In computational complexity, such problems are classified as «NP-completete».
ie., We don’t know if any NP problem can be solved quickly; but if we find a quick solution to one such problem, then every other NP problem can be solved quickly.

PS: This might not be the right answer in this context (language question), but nevertheless is a technically correct answer. :)

answered Apr 1, 2015 at 9:15

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Q: What is a one word substitute for easy solution to all problems?

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one word substitute for «easy solution for all problems»

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Answer this Question

  • #1


Is it correct to say: «i have a solution to that problem»? or is correct with «for»?

I think «to» is correct, but I’m not sure.. Can you help me??


  • timpeac

    • #2

    «To» is fine. «For» is possible, but not quite so usual, I’d say.

    • #3

    Thanks!! :)

    • #4

    Hi there everyone! My question is: There is a solution to or for your problem? Are both right?

    Thanks in advance.


    • #5

    Hi there everyone! My question is: There is a solution to or for your problem? Are both right?

    Thanks in advance.


    I would vote for to.


    • #6

    I would also, like audio, vote for «to»:)

    • #7

    Hello, I’d like to know which of the following sentences is correct:

    -«We have the solution to all your gifts»
    -«We have the solution for all your gifts»

    I don’t really know the difference between «solution to» and «solution for» so it’d be great if someone could help me. Thanks in advance :)


    • #8

    Technically, neither. A gift is not something that begs a solution.

    However, problems beg solutions, so the one to use is:

    We have the solution to all your problems.

    You can use «solutions for» when speaking of the recipient of the solution, as opposed to linking a solution to a problem:

    We have solutions for your family in your time of need.

    • #9

    Neither one is correct. The second sentence is almost right. Try this — «We have the solution for all


    your gift needs». If you wrote «We have the solution for all


    your gifts», you are implying that your gifts have problems that require solutions.


    • #10

    << Moderator note.
    Please remember to look for the answer in the forum before posting a question.
    Today’s question has been added to previous threads — easily found by using the dictionary and thread title search for solution for to. >>


    • #11

    Neither one is correct. The second sentence is almost right. Try this — «We have the solution for all


    your gift needs». If you wrote «We have the solution for all


    your gifts», you are implying that your gifts have problems that require solutions.

    Yes — «gift needs», exactly what I was going to suggest.

    • #12

    Can I say to their problem or for their problem?

    People often see cosmetic surgery as a solution to their problem of been unsatisfied with their look.


    • #13

    In English, the expression is normally «the solution to a problem».

    PS: You mean being, not been, right?


    • #14

    << Moderator note.
    Please remember to look for the answer in the forum before posting a question.
    Today’s question has been added to previous threads — easily found by using the dictionary and thread title search for solution for to. >>

    • #15


    I have a solution to that problem.
    I have a remedy for that problem.

    It is interesting that we probably say «solution to«, but «remedy for«, although the meanings is similar.
    I feel like understanding it. What do you feel when you say that? Why do you possibly feel uneasy with these collocations: «solution for» and «remedy to«?

    • #16

    I don’t think there’s anything inherent in the words «to» or «for» that makes either one of them more appropriate in a given context, Tommy. The sad truth is that these little words are just used so much over time that a very weighty precedent is established, according to which a speaker would more probably choose one over another in a different context.

    You can see this working very interestingly in some of the answers given on this thread. To whit, look at the sentences that follow these forms:

    He came up with a very ingenious solution to the problem.
    We offer a range of solutions for all of your home-remodeling problems!
    (BUT: The philosopher offered ingenious solutions to the three problems first posed by Leibniz.)

    My sense is that when «problems» are counted as a non-finite set, «for» collocates better. (Or is it that when the problem is seen as more open-ended «for» is preferred?) But it’s also true that in advertising «for» is more common, probably for no reason except tradition. Prepositions in all languages are entirely arbitrary, after a certain point, and the only way to learn how to use them is by amassing a large familiarity with the language as it is used.


    • #17

    Over the years, remedy … [n./np] has been followed by of, against, for and to.

    Of is obsolete, a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John’s Cambr.) (1872) IV. 11 Alisaundre..axede a tool to slee hymself in remedie of sorwe [L. in remedium doloris].
    against is archaic, 1837 C. R. Goring & A. Pritchard Microgr. 168 In this respect..we have a remedy against those optical deceptions.
    for is usual a1862 H. T. Buckle Hist. Civilisation Eng. (1873) II. viii. 582 The only remedy for superstition is knowledge.

    Remedy to is OK in the right context:
    OED: 1985 A. Downs in P. E. Peterson New Urban Reality iii. 287 What remedies to these rather staggering problems have been proposed by the authors of the essays in this volume?

    For is most popular as it is instrumental and intended-possessive «The remedy for your problem is posting on WRF.»

    The solution to is most popular as it has the idea of going towards a resolution of a problem, although the for version (for the reasons above) is also used.

    As always, much is dependent upon context.:)

    • #18

    lucas-sp, PaulQ, great, thank you!

    Over the years, remedy … [n./np] has been followed by of, against, for and to.

    Of is obsolete, a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John’s Cambr.) (1872) IV. 11 Alisaundre..axede a tool to slee hymself in remedie of sorwe [L. in remedium doloris].
    against is archaic, 1837 C. R. Goring & A. Pritchard Microgr. 168 In this respect..we have a remedy against those optical deceptions.
    for is usual a1862 H. T. Buckle Hist. Civilisation Eng. (1873) II. viii. 582 The only remedy for superstition is knowledge.

    Remedy to is OK in the right context:
    OED: 1985 A. Downs in P. E. Peterson New Urban Reality iii. 287 What remedies to these rather staggering problems have been proposed by the authors of the essays in this volume?

    Could you please share your sources, e.g. internet links?

    • #19

    I think all of Paul’s citations are from the OED.


    • #20

    Indeed. Thanks lucas. I spent time formatting and not giving my sources.


    • #21

    Indeed. Thanks lucas. I spent time formatting and not giving my sources.

    Can we use «for» after «solution», please?
    «However, let it be clear that peer-to-peer technology can at best be only a partial solution to solving administrative scalability. Eventually, it will have to be dealt with.»

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Перевод «решение всех проблем» на английский

    solution to all problems

    solution of all problems

    solution to all the problems

    answer to every problem

    solution to every problem

    solution to everything

    solution of all the problems

    solve all problems

    solution to any problem

    solution for all problems

    resolution of all problems

    resolve all the problems

    solve all the problems

    Просто заполнить космический корабль пиццей — не есть решение всех проблем.

    Это мое твёрдое убеждение, что решение всех проблем лежит в диалоге.

    Иногда лучшее решение всех проблем — отсутствие каких-либо действий и гордое молчание.

    Поэтому, это движение сознания Кришны — окончательное решение всех проблем жизни.

    В таких инициативах демократия и политический плюрализм подаются как чудодейственное решение всех проблем региона.

    Such initiatives have advanced democracy and political plurality as the magic solution to all the problems of the region.

    Превосходное решение всех проблем одним махом!

    Она знаменует счастливую развязку и решение всех проблем.

    Насилие, как решение всех проблем.

    Современные технологии подсказывают нам решение всех проблем и отказываться от них, определенно, не стоит.

    Задача хорошего консультанта — обеспечить успешное решение всех проблем, с которыми может столкнуться его клиент.

    Идейный смысл — решение всех проблем — главной и дополнительных — или указание на возможный путь решения.

    The ideological meaning is the solution of all problems — the main and additional ones — or an indication of a possible solution.

    Royalty free музыка — решение всех проблем

    Наконец, она представляет свободу перемещения лиц и капиталов как решение всех проблем, связанных с рабочей силой и инвестициями.

    Finally, it presents the freedom of circulation of people and capitals as the solution to all problems of labour and investment.

    Первые крупные плотины начали строиться около 1900-х годов и долгое время приветствовались как решение всех проблем нехватки воды, ее распределения и использования.

    The first large dams began to be made around the 1900s and for a long time were hailed as the solution to all problems of water shortage, distribution, and use.

    В лучшем случае, вторая половина дня обещает удачное решение всех проблем.

    Так как такой способ приема пищи — не уникальное решение всех проблем и не наиболее продуктивный способ похудения.

    Since this method of eating is not a unique solution to all problems and is not the most productive way to lose weight.

    Поэтому, мои возлюбленные, люди сами должны встать и потребовать, чтобы их лидеры находили мирное решение всех проблем.

    The people themselves must stand up and demand that their leaders find peaceful solutions to all problems.

    Ключевым преимуществом предлагаемых технических средств заключается в том, что при правильной установке обеспечивается решение всех проблем в любых сетях.

    The key advantage of the offered technical means is that at correct installation the solution of all problems in any networks is provided.

    Дисциплина — верное решение всех проблем.

    Ни в коем случае не претендуя на решение всех проблем, несколько самых распространённых заблуждений я все-таки постараюсь рассеять..

    In no way claiming to be the solution to all problems, some of the most common misconceptions I still will try to dispel.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 275. Точных совпадений: 275. Затраченное время: 157 мс


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    context icon

    context icon

    We offer continuous improvement, training and wellness programs, backed by a corporate culture that


    context icon

    Мы предлагаем программы непрерывного совершенствования, образования и реабилитации, поддерживаемые корпоративной культурой,



    for the provision of a service or group of services from internal staff


    a qualified service provider.


    context icon

    Хотя передача на внешний подряд не может рассматриваться как решение всех проблем, она позволяет руководству переложить обязанность оказывать определенный вид

    или группу услуг с собственного персонала на квалифицированного поставщика услуг.


    Ivar Jacobson was a founding father of RUP, but

    but a clear shared understanding of the software development




    context icon

    Ивар Якобсон, будучи сам отцом- основателем RUP, пришел к пониманию того,

    что нужно не предписывание единого решения для всех проблем, а четкое общее понимание проблемного пространства разработки ПО.



    context icon

    Свободные рынки не гарантируют решения всех проблем, будь то на национальном или на международном уровне.



    context icon

    После массажа забываются ненужные заботы, находятся методы решения проблем.

    Is the Parliament able


    give legislative solutions to all problems regarding state functioning of the Republic by convening

    a plenary sitting once in a month?


    context icon

    Удается ли парламенту давать законодательное решение всем проблемам государственной жизни республики, созывая

    заседание раз в месяц?


    context icon

    context icon

    context icon


    context icon

    У нас в штате опытные специалисты,


    with pristine cooking temperature for 3-6 hours.


    context icon

    которая содержит пищу с первозданной температурой готовки в течение 3- 6 часов.


    The candidate for President of Moldova, Mihai Ghimpu, said at TVR Moldova that the

    context icon

    В ходе передачи« Punctul pe azi» на телеканале TVR Moldova кандидат на должность президента Михай Гимпу заявил,

    Both sides agree


    intensify their efforts


    reach a negotiated solution to all problems existing between them, starting with a

    cease-fire agreement


    be negotiated by UNPROFOR.


    context icon

    Обе стороны соглашаются активизировать свои усилия по достижению путем переговоров решения всех проблем, существующих в отношениях между ними, начиная с соглашения о прекращении огня,

    которое должно быть выработано на основе переговоров СООНО.


    By the same token, we continue


    advocate and


    work internationally for a world of peace and


    context icon

    В то же время мы по-прежнему выступаем и прилагаем усилия


    международной арене во имя достижения мира во всем

    мире и гармонии, с тем чтобы обеспечить возможность изыскать пути решения проблем на основе диалога и переговоров.


    The Government was also considering the issue of equality

    between men and women in family matters, as part of its concern


    find a definitive solution to all problems relating


    the exercise of women’s civil and political rights.


    context icon

    Правительство также учитывает вопрос равенства мужчин и

    женщин в семейных вопросах в рамках своих действий по изысканию окончательного решения всего круга проблем, связанных с осуществлением женщинами своих гражданских и политических прав.


    Working with the ROK in the quest for strengthening peace and stability in Northeast Asia,

    Russia proceeds from the perception that the ultimate solution to all problems on the Korean peninsula,

    including the nuclear one, is possible only through negotiations that would take into account the legitimate interests of


    regional states with no exception.

    context icon

    Сотрудничая с РК в поисках путей укрепления мира и стабильности в

    Северо-Восточной Азии, Россия исходит из того, что окончательное решение всех проблем Корейского полуострова,

    включая ядерную, возможно только путем переговоров и с учетом законных интересов


    без исключения государств региона.

    The work of that United Nations body must be guided by objective and unbiased assessment of human rights issues.

    It must assist in elaborating constructive solutions to all problems that arise, instead of being used for political purposes.


    context icon

    Деятельность этой структуры Организации Объединенных Наций должна исходить из объективной и беспристрастной оценки ситуации в правозащитной сфере и

    содействовать выработке конструктивных решений всех возникающих проблем, а не использоваться в политических целях.


    The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia supports the initiative and efforts


    define the criteria and foundations of international relations and the appropriate role of the United Nations in the new conditions established in the post-cold-war period,


    context icon

    Союзная Республика Югославия поддерживает инициативу и усилия, направленные на определение критериев и основ международных отношений и соответствующей роли Организации Объединенных Наций в новых условиях, сложившихся в период после окончания» холодной войны»,

    в частности настойчивое стремление Генерального секретаря искать пути разрешения всех проблем и конфликтов мирными средствами.


    The agreement between


    the parties


    the Karabakh conflict should include solutions to all problems and the mechanisms that would ensure the implementation of those


    in a single package.


    context icon

    Согласие между


    сторонами карабахского конфликта должно включать в один пакет как решение всех имеющихся проблем, так и механизмы, обеспечивающие реализацию этих



    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    If we wish


    meet the 1996 deadline,


    context icon

    И чтобы соблюсти намеченный на 1996 год


    Both sides agreed


    intensify their efforts


    reach a negotiated


    to all problems existing between them,

    starting with a cease-fire agreement


    be negotiated by UNPROFOR.


    context icon

    Обе стороны согласились активизировать свои усилия с целью достижения на основе переговоров решения всех проблем в отношениях между ними, начиная с соглашения о прекращении огня,

    переговоры по которому будут проводиться под эгидой СООНО.


    I’m sure you’ve heard people say “Solution For” and “Solution To”, used in different situations. But which one should we choose? And when? What’s the rule?

    More specifically, we want to know what is the correct form: to say “Solution For” or “Solution To” a problem? Let’s find out.

    In general, both “Solution For” and “Solution To” can be correct. But in this example, specifically, that includes the word “problem” the correct one is “Solution To”. Here, the idea is that the solution belongs to the problem, so we should use “Solution to” a problem, and not “Solution For”.

    solution to or for a problem

    Let’s see some examples, before digging deeper into the two forms and making sense of them:

    • I’m sure there’s a solution to the problem.
    • Janet couldn’t find the solution to the problem.
    • Is there a solution for Bryan’s problem?

    “Solution For” has a less common use. You see it in the third sentence, referring to Brian’s problem, not any general random problem. That is what makes an exception, where the preposition “for” can be correctly used.

    However, every time we see a problem being mentioned by itself, “Solution To” is the form we should use to address it.

    Solution For a Problem

    “Solution For” can be used in some cases, but shouldn’t usually be used to discuss a problem. Every problem has a solution to it, and consequently “to” should be the preposition of choice in those cases. We can find a solution to a problem for someone, for example.

    Let’s see what “Solution For” looks like in a sentence:

    1. Does anyone in the class have a solution for number eight?
    2. I need to find a solution to the problem for my boss.
    3. Think about it: there has to be a solution for this.
    4. The solution for Anna is to break up and move on.
    5. We should be searching for a solution to the problem.

    There are some cases (not many, actually) where you can use “Solution For”. Usually, it involves a subject (like Anna, in our examples).

    Anna’s sentence suggests a solution for her, and not to her, because Anna isn’t the problem – she’s the person with a problem to solve, which is different. In that sentence the solution is for Anna, and although there’s a problem to solve it’s not front and center.

    This is clear in sentence number 2, where a solution to a problem must be found for the boss (who’s paying for the solution to the problem to be found, and expected answers).

    Another example is “searching for a solution”. In this case, the preposition “for” complements the verb “search” and not the word problem.

    For illustration purposes, let’s try to remove “for” from the sentence: “we should be searching a solution to the problem.” It doesn’t work, right? That’s because the verb “search” needs the complement and should appear as “search for”.

    Solution To a Problem

    Every problem has a solution. We can say that the solution we’re looking for belongs to that particular problem. That’s why “to” should be the preposition of choice when referring to a problem, making “Solution To” the correct form to use in those cases.

    Here’s what “solution to a problem” would look like in a sentence:

    1. Theo is trying to find a solution to the house’s plumbing problem.
    2. The solution to the problem is right in front of you!
    3. Please, can you just help him find a solution to the problem?
    4. Charlotte finally found a solution to her problem.
    5. It was up to the school to find a solution to the problem caused by teacher shortage.

    In this specific situation, which involves the word “problem”, the only correct way to go about it is to use “Solution To”.

    We should think of the solution as an attribute to the problem, like they’re somehow connected. In other words, like one thing is connected to the other, the solution is connected to the problem.

    Solution Of a Problem

    “Solution of” when connected to the word problem is only correct when used to describe a chemical or mathematical problem. Its use is very specific and not seen as frequently as the other examples we saw.

    This is what “solution of a problem” looks like in a sentence:

    1. The solution of the equation was written on the board.
    2. The solution of problems can be fun, if you enjoy Math.
    3. That drink was a simple solution of water and sugar.
    4. The solution of the problem shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes.
    5. We used a weak solution of calcium chloride in water.

    “Solution Of” generally refers to a scientific topic, in Mathematics and Chemistry, for example. It indicates an equation, a problem or a liquid used in chemical experiments. It’s a very specific use, certainly infrequent.

    Note that even in that sentence that contains the word “problem” it implies specifically to Mathematical problems (and not problems in the broad concept we are discussing here).

    Which Is Used the Most?

    When talking about a solution, which form is used more frequently? Let’s look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below.

    solution to the problem,solution for the problem,solution of the problem

    According to the graph, “Solution For the Problem” is the least used. It makes sense to us, since in most cases it’d be an incorrect form, that should be avoided

    “Solution of the problem” was used more often in the past, but we see the decline in its usage since particularly since the 1960’s.

    “Solution to the problem” appears more often and we believe it’s because it’s the most correct form, which people choose more often in their daily lives.

    Final Thoughts

    When discussing a problem, should we use “Solution For”, “Solution To”, or “Solution Of”? “Solution Of” should exclusively be used for scientific sentences. “Solution For” is correct in a few cases, but not when the word “problem” is present. “Solution To a Problem” is the correct form to use.

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    Mark Twain? H. L. Mencken? Peter Drucker? Anonymous?

    Dear Quote Investigator: A popular saying presents a vivid warning about apparent solutions which are too good to be true. Here are four versions:

    1. There is a solution to every problem: simple, quick, and wrong.
    2. For every problem there is a solution that is simple, neat—and wrong.
    3. Every complex problem has a solution which is simple, direct, plausible—and wrong.
    4. There’s always an easy solution to every human problem—neat, plausible and wrong.

    These expressions have been attributed to the famous humorist Mark Twain, the witty curmudgeon H. L. Mencken (Henry Louis Mencken), and the insightful management guru Peter Drucker. Which version is correct and who should receive credit?

    Quote Investigator: The third version above was a close match to a remark written by H. L. Mencken in a 1920 collection of essays called “Prejudices: Second Series”. The third chapter titled “The Divine Afflatus” discussed the mysterious spark of inspiration and creativity in the arts and letters. Boldface has been added to excerpts:[1] 1920, Prejudices: Second Series by H. L. Mencken (Henry Louis Mencken), Chapter 4: The Divine Afflatus, Start Page 155, Borzoi: Alfred A. Knopf, New York. (Google Books Full View) link

    Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible, and wrong. The ancients, in the case at bar, laid the blame upon the gods: sometimes they were remote and surly, and sometimes they were kind. In the Middle Ages lesser powers took a hand in the matter, and so one reads of works of art inspired by Our Lady, by the Blessed Saints, by the souls of the departed, and even by the devil.

    Mencken’s original statement used the phrase “well-known solution”, but modern instances sometimes substitute “easy solution”. Latter-day expressions have been constructed with a variable set of adjectives including: “simple”, “direct”, “clear”, “obvious”, “neat”, “quick”, “plausible”, and “straight-forward”. The stinging final word “wrong” has usually been preserved.

    Mencken published an earlier version of the essay “The Divine Afflatus” in “The New York Evening Mail” on November 16, 1917, but quotation expert Fred R. Shapiro of “The Yale Book of Quotations” stated that the quotation was absent from this initial work.[2] 2006, The Yale Book of Quotations by Fred R. Shapiro, Section H. L. Mencken, Quote Page 511, Yale University Press, New Haven. (Verified on paper)

    Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

    The popular columnist Walter Winchell often included a section called “Quotation marksmanship” in his pieces. In November 1949 he credited Mencken with a variant using “easy solution” instead of “well-known solution”:[3] 1949 November 9, The Laredo Times, Walter Winchell On Broadway, Quote Page 9, Column 2, Laredo, Texas. (NewspaperArchive)

    H. L. Mencken There is always an easy solution to every human problem—neat plausible and wrong.

    In December 1949 the saying ascribed to Mencken appeared as a filler item in an Omaha, Nebraska newspaper:[4] 1949 December 26, Morning World-Herald (Omaha World Herald), (Filler item titled “Three Solutions”), Quote Page 18, Column 3, Omaha, Nebraska. (GenealogyBank)

    H. L. Mencken quotes in Partners
    There is always an easy solution to every human problem—neat; plausible and wrong.

    In 1952 a Lebanon, Pennsylvania newspaper printed an instance without attribution in a small box in the upper right corner of the front page:[5] 1952 September 12, Lebanon Daily News, (Box in upper right of front page titled “GOOD EVENING”), Quote Page 1, Column 1, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. (NewspaperArchive)

    There is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible and wrong.

    The saying was included in a 1955 compilation titled “Speaker’s Handbook of Epigrams and Witticisms” by Herbert V. Prochnow:[6] 1955, Speaker’s Handbook of Epigrams and Witticisms by Herbert V. Prochnow, Section: Life, Quote Page 170, Harper & Brothers, New York. (Verified with scans)

    There is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible and wrong. H. L. Mencken

    In 1972 an article in “The Saturday Review” by educator Paul N. Ylvisaker presented a variant with “simple” and “quick”:[7] 1972 November 11, The Saturday Review, Beyond ’72: Strategies for Schools by Paul N. Ylvisaker Start Page 33, Quote Page 33, Saturday Review Associates, New York. (Unz)

    What I fear, however, is that Americans—this time under the flag of the critics rather than the crusaders—will again be led into the trap of the simple solution. And as Mencken once said: “There is a solution to every problem: simple, quick, and wrong.”

    In 1976 “The Boston Herald” published an instance with a different combination of adjectives:[8] 1976 October 24, The Boston Herald, Candidates need ‘workable’ theories by Avi Nelson, Section 5, Quote Page A5, Column 6, Boston, Massachusetts. (GenealogyBank)

    H. L. Mencken wrote that for every complex human problem, there is a solution that is neat, simple and wrong. Government hiring as a solution to unemployment is such a case.

    In 1983 an article in “Reason” magazine presented another instance of the saying:[9] 1983 August, Reason, Freaked Out by Technology by Paul Ciotti Start Page 34, Quote Page 37, Reason Foundation, Los Angeles, California. (Unz)

    Unfortunately, as H. L. Mencken once observed, for every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, obvious, and wrong.

    In 1991 a U.S. Congressman attributed an instance of the adage to the quotation magnet Mark Twain:[10] 1991 October 6, The Palm Beach Post, If only compassion cured AIDS by Randy Schultz, Section E, Quote Page 1, Column 1, West Palm Beach, Florida. (Google News Archive)

    Gerry Studds, D-Mass., sat on the subcommittee that heard Ms. Bergalis and her father. He commented that, in the words of Mark Twain, there is for so many problems a solution that is “simple, obvious — and wrong.”

    In 1992 a column by a medical doctor in “The Lethbridge Herald” of Alberta, Canada included a version of the maxim with another combination of adjectives:[11] 1992 August 13, Lethbridge Herald, Doctor Game: Cholesterol theories confusing, frustrating by W. Gifford-Jones, Quote Page C2, Column 1, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. (NewspaperArchive)

    The American journalist H. L. Mencken had this to say about quick fixes: “Every complex problem has a solution which is simple, direct, plausible — and wrong.”

    In 2011 a chapter epigraph in the book “Best Practices for Corporate Libraries” mentioned three distinct attributions:[12]2011, Best Practices for Corporate Libraries, Edited by Sigrid E. Kelsey and Marjorie J. Porter, Series: Libraries Unlimited Library Management Collection, (Chapter 6 epigraph ascribed to Ron Zemke … Continue reading

    For every problem there is a solution that is simple, neat—and wrong. This maxim has been attributed at various times to Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, and Peter Drucker as a wake-up call to managers who mistakenly think that making a change in just one part of a complex problem will cure the ails of an entire system.

    In conclusion, H. L. Mencken should be credited with the quotation he wrote in the 1920 citation. A variety of inaccurate statements evolved from Mencken’s words. There was no substantive evidence that Mark Twain used this expression.

    (Great thanks to Rick Diamond whose inquiry led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration.)

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