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Wistful man pouring sand through fingers Unhappy thoughtful teen girl arms crossed in rainy day Through window side view of melancholic girl with dark hair thinking on problem in rainy day Through glass of pensive teenager with red lips thoughtfully looking over shoulder at camera Female ophthalmologist in white coat watching through magnifier device for vision measurement while standing in blue background and looking at camera Woman touching window at bright sunlight

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Synonyms for Not thought through. (2017). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

Synonyms for Not thought through. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Not thought through. 2017. Accessed April 14, 2023.

There are people saying both impulsive and compulsive. Impulse is correct, acting on an impulse is to react without thought. The difference is that to be «impelled» implies some sort of driving force, something that can be resisted, but still something that pushes you towards doing something. The word literally means «to drive forwards; propel».

Compel is quite similar, but implies the driving force can not be resisted. Consider «The power of Christ compels you», its very much saying «The power of Christ forces you». Also, consider that acting on compulsivity is very different from acting on impulse — an impulsive person is thoughtless or reckless, and may do something in the spur of the moment. Compulsive people, using for example OCD, are very much not spur of the moment people (They will lock a door 10 times just to make sure it’s locked). Very constant thought, and those thoughts are near impossible not to abide.

Предложения с «not thought through»

So not long after the fated Rome event, I chatted this through with a friend of mine who is a mathematician, and we thought it was a problem we could do something about.

Так что вскоре после рокового недоразумения в Риме мы болтали об этом с моим другом — математиком, и пришли к выводу, что эту проблему мы могли бы решить.

And when I thought about the unspeakable horrors that my ancestors had been through in this country so that I could have it better, my shame grew even deeper.

Когда я думала о невыносимых ужасах, которые пришлись на долю моих предков в этой стране ради лучшей жизни для потомков, мой стыд только увеличивался.

Because I thought we had to study the performance of AI in comparison to humans, especially on the skills and expertise which are believed to be acquired only by humans and only through education.

Потому что я подумала, что нам нужно изучить производительность ИИ в сравнении с человеком, особенно в тех областях, где, кажется, лишь люди могут преуспеть и только благодаря обучению.

Having thought that through , I decided denial was not going to be on my agenda.

Учитывая это, я решила, что не буду отрицание даже рассматривать.

And we thought : Is it possible that the mother is somehow reprogramming the gene of her offspring through her behavior?

И мы подумали: Возможно ли, что мать своим поведением как — то перепрограммирует ген детёныша?

You don’t think I’ve thought this through ?

А ты не думал, что я уже обдумывал это?

But I thought through the possibilities I’d considered today.

Но я думала о вариантах, которые рассматривала сегодня.

He believed he’d thought the matter through and come up with the only logical conclusion possible.

Он полагал, что всесторонне обдумал это дело и пришел к единственно возможному логическому выводу.

The thought of Your Majesty’s grace and beauty sustained me through my long hours of confinement.

Мысль о милости и красоте ее величества поддерживала меня в долгие часы заключения.

He glanced through the archway, and thought of the tall doors to the promenade.

Он глянул сквозь арку прохода и подумал о высоких дверях, ведущих на галерею.

The thought of Windreaver’s spirit writhing through my grasp as it sought eternity left me burning with anticipated bliss.

Мысль о душе Виндривера, корчащейся в моей хватке, вечно, заранее грела мою душу блаженством.

We need to look at these unexplained deaths and disappearances through the prism of rational thought .

Нам нужно взглянуть на все эти необъяснимые смерти и исчезновения сквозь призму рационального мышления.

Maud, peeping through the curtains, thought herself the victim of a monstrous betrayal or equally monstrous blunder.

Мод, выглядывавшая из — за занавески, почувствовала себя жертвой чудовищного предательства или чудовищного просчета.

They all thought about hundreds of lean, hungry bodies leaping through the night.

Все разом подумали о сотнях поджарых, голодных тел, прыгающих сквозь ночь.

For a brief second the thought flashed through Cully’s mind that this might be an elaborate scam.

На долю секунды у Калли мелькнула мысль, что это могло бы быть изощренным мошенничеством.

I thought of the despairing yell of the tortured iguanodon-that dreadful cry which had echoed through the woods.

Я вспомнил отчаянный вопль обреченного на гибель игуанодона, разнесшийся по всему лесу.

You thought you could waltz through life and never bump into me again.

Ты думал что сможешь вальсировать по жизни и никогда со мной не столкнуться снова.

He thought he felt a slight shudder run through Oone as he embraced her.

Он обнял Оуне, и ему показалось, что дрожь пробежала по ее телу.

Now, it seems the enemies of those men thought they could attack them through him.

И враги этих могущественнейших людей решили, что смогут нанести удар по ним через этого человека.

The thought flashed through his mind that the strain of events had finally been too much for the mild little biologist.

Может быть, напряжение, вызванное последними событиями, оказалось чрезмерным даже для сдержанного биолога?

The illithid thought of levitating at the same moment that the point of a stalagmite drove through its backbone.

Иллитид подумал о левитации в тот самый момент, когда острый конец сталагмита пронзил его позвоночник.

You’re so smart and reasonable, I thought you’d be able to get through to Oliver, maybe knock some sense into Luke.

Вы такой умный и рассудительный, я была уверена, вы сможете найти подход к Оливеру и, возможно, втолковать что — то Люку.

He thought Mantus was going to climb in through the windows.

Он боялся, что Мантус залезет через окно.

Yes, the ad. I just happened to flip through it, and I thought why not call up.

Да, реклама, попалась как — то на глаза, думаю, почему бы не позвонить?

On second thought , you might want to run a comb through them.

Хотя, с другой стороны, можно их немножко и причесать.

I thought I saw you driving through town.

Так мне не показалось, что вы проезжали через наш город.

Who likes to spread rumors, who’s more than willing to announce to the world any inane thought that passes through his head.

Тот, кому нравится распускать слухи, кто с большой охотой озвучивает на весь мир любую дурацкую мысль, которая попадает в его голову.

And the wooden disk was really thought about as something that you’d want to hold on to, and that would glide easily through your hands.

Деревянный диск был придуман для того, чтобы за него захотелось подержаться, и что будет легко скользить в руках.

Right now my only thought is to make it through , Boss.

Сейчас у меня единственная мысль, как пройти, шеф.

Multiple IF statements require a great deal of thought to build correctly and make sure that their logic can calculate correctly through each condition all the way to the end.

Нужно очень крепко подумать, чтобы выстроить последовательность из множества операторов ЕСЛИ и обеспечить их правильную отработку по каждому условию на протяжении всей цепочки.

Meaning and intention — thought to be the defining characteristics of living systems — may then emerge naturally through the laws of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.

Смысл и намерение — которые считались определяющими характеристиками живых систем — тогда могут естественным образом возникать по законам термодинамики и статистической механики.

Altered epigenetics from physical inactivity, diet and environmental factors are now thought to be passed down through generations.

Сегодня некоторые считают, что эпигенетические изменения, произошедшие из — за привычек питания, окружающей среды и отсутствия физической активности, передаются через поколения.

I thought you were just another easy mark but you saw right through my little scam and taught me a thing or two about doing business in the Gamma Quadrant.

Я думал, что ты — очередная лёгкая добыча, но ты разглядел мою небольшую аферу и преподал мне пару уроков о ведении дел в Гамма квадранте.

He’s scooped you on your main idea, although he hasn’t thought through the implications, or worked out all the other ideas that comprise your theory.

Он раньше придал огласке Вашу главную идею, хотя и не продумал выводы из нее, или он изложил свои идеи, которые включают вашу теорию.

Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us.

Да, я подумал о том времени, когда Джерард держал меня и Эрику взаперти, мы были связаны электрическими проводами, которые проходили через нас.

Through mostly face-to-face interviews, respondents were asked to rate how satisfied they were with their lives and how satisfied they thought they’d be in five years.

Во время бесед, которые проходили почти с глазу на глаз, респондентов просили оценить, насколько они довольны своей жизнью, и насколько довольными, по их мнению, они были бы через пять лет.

That’s when another paranoid thought began to work its way through his mind: For the past 14 months, Yasinsky had found himself at the center of an enveloping crisis.

В этот момент в голове у Ясинского возникла другая неотступная мысль. Последние 14 месяцев он находился в эпицентре усиливавшегося кризиса.

I thought it would be exciting to create photographs that celebrated the joy of everyday life, seeing the world as if through the eyes of a child.

Я подумал, что было бы здорово сделать серию фотографий, которые отражали бы радость повседневной жизни, чтобы люди могли взглянуть на мир глазами ребенка.

The two of them drove to Vegas, had too much to drink, and thought it would be a riot to take a cab to a drive-through wedding chapel.

Они поехали в Вегас, слишком много выпили, и подумали, что это очень по — бунтарски — взять такси и махнуть в свадебную часовню.

I thought another cracker might push it through , but I was wrong.

Я думал, ещё один крекер поможет всё протолкнуть, но я ошибся.

Again and again, Bush and Obama have assessed Russia through an American prism and come away disappointed that the view from the Kremlin looks different than they thought it ought to.

Буш и Обама снова и снова смотрят на Россию через американские очки, и у них вызывает глубокое разочарование то, что кремлевские взгляды отличаются от американских представлений о них.

I saw your report a couple weeks back, thought I’d run it through our John Does.

Две недели назад видел ваш отчет, подумал, проверю неизвестных.

Of course if that fails, Rachel thought , Pickering could just fly by and send a Hellfire missile through the window and blow up the fax machine.

Но если вдруг это осуществить не удастся, то директора НРУ не затруднит подлететь к окну офиса на вертолете и разбить аппарат факсимильной связи ударом ракеты хеллфайер.

As the thought crept through his brain, he grew pale with terror, and the air seemed to him to have become suddenly colder.

При этой мысли Дориан бледнел и холодел от страха.

Which was what he was, he thought wryly, following the straight figure on the dainty mare through a stand of box and pine beyond the creek.

Да так оно и есть, сердито подумал он, проезжая за стройным всадником на изящной лошадке среди самшитов и сосен заречной рощи.

As the Tassos reached for him, a last ironic thought drifted through Hendricks’ mind.

Когда они добрались до него, забавная мысль мелькнула в сознании Хендрикса.

He cannot be in bed, I thought : those showers would drench him through .

Значит, не может он лежать в кровати, подумалось мне: промок бы насквозь.

We thought we were cutting through some old pipes, and unfortunately, it was electrical conduit.

Мы думали, что вырезаем старые трубы, но это, к сожалению, оказался кабелепровод.

Do you think I could stand the thought of my wife dragged through a sordid police case?

Неужели вы думаете, мне легко было примириться с мыслью, что моя жена будет замешана в грязном уголовном процессе?

Involuntarily his languid eyes closed, and still through his eyelashes a well-known form seemed to move amid the obscurity with which he thought himself enveloped.

Его утомленные глаза невольно закрылись, но сквозь сомкнутые веки ему мерещился неясный образ, и он его узнал, несмотря на темноту.

Charles’s conversation was commonplace as a street pavement, and everyone’s ideas trooped through it in their everyday garb, without exciting emotion, laughter, or thought .

Речь Шарля была плоской, точно панель, по которой вереницей тянулись чужие мысли в их будничной одежде, не вызывая ни волнения, ни смеха, ничего не говоря воображению.

When Siddhartha had already been walking through the forest for a long time, the thought occurred to him that his search was useless.

Но когда он успел уже пройти лесом значительное расстояние, у Сиддхартхи явилась мысль, что напрасны его поиски.

Tony, I should have thought that what we went through last night would have been a lesson to you never to be personal any more as long as you lived.

Тони, я полагаю, что все пережитое нами прошлой ночью послужит тебе уроком, и теперь ты до самой смерти не будешь переходить на личности.

At first I thought Mrs. Fitz’s intervention would disrupt my plans, but then I realized that with her at my side as a proper escort, my shadows would be less vigilant as I moved through the castle.

Поначалу я подумала, что вмешательство миссис Фитц сорвет мои планы, но потом я поняла, что с ней рядом, как c моим сопровождением, мои тени будут менее бдительны, пока я буду пробираться через замок.

My father thought he’d like to test the matter, so we hired a man for a shilling to break in through the kitchen window while the trainer held the dog by a chain.

Отец счел необходимым учинить проверку и сговорился за шиллинг с одним человеком, чтобы тот проник через окно в кухню, а дрессировщик в это время будет держать пса на цепи.

All the nurses thought he’d won through and would go home, when the doctor prescribed him an emetic.

Даже санитары думали, что дело его в шляпе и что его отпустят домой, а доктор возьми да пропиши ему рвотное.

He limped away through the fruit trees, drawn by the thought of the poor food yet bitter when he remembered the feast.

Ральф захромал прочь, к фруктовым деревьям, к жалкой еде, терзаемый горькой мыслью о пире.

My dad passed away, and the only thing that helped me through was the thought that I would be with him again, maybe on an astral plane, maybe back here.

Мой отец скончался, и единственное, что помогло мне пережить это — мысль, что я снова буду с ним, может, на небе, а может, и здесь.

And I thought of the dark steep path through the woods, and how, if a woman stood there behind the trees, her evening dress would rustle in the thin night breeze.

Я подумала о темной крутой тропинке в лесу и о том, как станет шелестеть под ночным ветерком вечернее шелковое платье женщины, стоящей за деревьями.

She thought he was going to the Three Mariners; but no, he elbowed his way through the gay throng to the shop of Woolfrey, the draper.

Она думала, что он пошел в Три моряка, но нет, — он проталкивался сквозь веселую толпу, направляясь к магазину торговца мануфактурой Вулфри.

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If you’re stumped for a decent word to use for when somebody is doing something without thinking, this article is your best bet. We’ll cover some of the best adjectives for this situation and cover as many of the implications as we can.

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

There are a few varying implications for doing something without thinking. Sometimes, it can be something silly that you shouldn’t have said. Other times, you might be falling in love (without realizing it). Sometimes, you don’t know what you’re doing.

Doing something without thinking isn’t always a “bad” thing. Some of the words we’ll cover in this article will demonstrate both the good and the bad sides of the word.

  • Subconsciously
  • Instinctively
  • Mindlessly
  • Inadvertently
  • Automatically
  • Unwittingly
  • Unknowingly

Which Words Can Describe Doing Something Without Thinking?

The preferred version from these words is “subconsciously” because it refers to doing something without thinking in many regards. We might simply forget about something, do something without knowing we’re doing it, or do something without realizing it’s happening.

You’ll also notice that all of the words are adverbs (ending in “ly”). That’s because these are the most appropriate words to use when talking about the way that somebody does things without thinking.


We’ll start with the closest relation of the group of words. “Subconsciously” is your best choice if you want to talk about something happening without somebody thinking about it.

“Subconsciously” means that someone hasn’t put any thought into what they’re doing and instead acts through their subconscious alone. Their subconscious is a part of their mind that notices and remembers information and actions without someone actively needing to think of it.

The definition of “subconsciously,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that uses or relates to the subconscious.”

We can use “subconsciously” in a few different ways. First, and most simply, it means that someone is doing something without thinking about it because their subconscious is acting for them.

Secondly, we can also say that somebody is doing something without necessarily thinking it through. Again, if their subconscious is acting for them, they don’t have to put any active thought into what’s happening and generally will still succeed.

Thirdly, someone might do something subconsciously without knowing it. As long as they’ve seen something done before, their subconscious might choose to do it too without them knowing they’re able to do it.

Lastly, it’s possible to do something without realizing it by using your subconscious. For example, you might fall in love with someone subconsciously, which refers to them doing things that appeal to your subconscious without you realizing they also appeal to you.

Here are some examples of it in use:

  • He kissed me subconsciously, but I knew he wanted to kiss me.
  • They acted subconsciously on the project, but it still turned out amazing.
  • I subconsciously fell in love with you, and I realize now that I’m ready for more.


“Subconsciously” is the most well-rounded word on this list. It applies to all situations where you might be able to act without thinking about it. However, “instinctively” works really well when we do something without knowing about it.

“Instinctively” means that we do something without knowing it. We might do something to protect ourselves or do something that we think is right without knowing that we should. It uses our “instincts” to do something for us, which is our animalistic ability to act without thought.

The definition of “instinctively,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not thought about, planned, or developed by training.”

Generally, “instinctively” refers to you doing something without knowing about it. This usually means that it’s a good thing, and you’re doing something to put yourself in a better position.

If you live a particular lifestyle (for example, as a military professional), you might instinctively choose to take some survival techniques into your everyday life when you’re not on a battlefield, which is a great example of how instincts might kick in for different people.

  • I instinctively search for an escape route from birthday parties because you never know what might happen.
  • You acted instinctively, and you managed to save us all from that building!
  • You appealed to me instinctively, and I knew that I needed to have you as my wife!


“Mindlessly” is the first word on this list that connotes something bad. Generally, we use it to insult somebody and say that they did something with very little thought or effort.

“Mindlessly” means that someone lacked their “mind” in the thinking process, thus making whatever action they did a silly thing to do. Generally, we use this for people who do something without thinking about the consequences.

The definition of “mindlessly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that does not involve thought or mental effort.”

Generally, “mindlessly” refers to somebody who does something without thinking about it. It’s generally an insult, meaning that if somebody just put in a little extra thought, things wouldn’t have gone wrong for them.

In some situations, “mindlessly” is also neutral. We might say that a boring task allows us to work mindlessly, meaning we can easily get through it and do the same thing every time without thinking about what we’re doing.

  • He worked mindlessly for days, and I didn’t see him leave his office.
  • You’re a mindless buffoon! I don’t know how we hired you.
  • I acted mindlessly, and I truly am sorry for the damage I caused you!


“Inadvertently” means that we did something without reason or intention. We might apply this to multiple situations where we act without thinking, though we generally do it in an accidental way, where harm can happen to somebody other than ourselves.

The definition of “inadvertently,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not intentional.”

“Inadvertently” is similar to “subconsciously,” but it implies more accidental behavior. It’s also a well-rounded word that allows us to talk about actions that we didn’t think about or think through, but we might also do things without knowing that we’ve done them.

Generally, “inadvertently” is used in a negative context, meaning that you or somebody else did something foolish without thinking about it. Even if it was accidental, you might have caused problems for others.

  • You inadvertently caused us to lose about three months work of work.
  • Inadvertently, I think I deleted the main hard drive from my computer.
  • They acted inadvertently to rescue the helpless, but they only caused more issues.


“Automatically” is an adverb we mostly use to talk about mechanical processes that happen without human input. In this context, we can apply it to someone’s mind acting without any mental input from that person, resulting in action without thinking about it.

The definition of “automatically,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “happening or reacting without the need to consider or do anything extra.”

Generally, “automatically” is a positive word. We talk about things that we do without thinking too much about them, and it works in a similar way to “subconsciously” (though it’s a little more restrictive in the cases we can use it).

If we work automatically, it means we’re not thinking too much about the thing and allowing the subconscious in our minds to think things through.

  • I automatically filled in all the documents, making my work much easier that day.
  • You always do things automatically, and sometimes I think you don’t care.
  • I can’t help but process things automatically when I’m around you.


“Unwittingly” means that we do something without knowing about it. Generally, we’ve done something accidentally without much planning going into it, and it can mean both good and bad things depending on the context.

The definition of “unwittingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is done without knowing or planning.”

“Unwittingly” refers to our mind’s “wit.” We use the prefix “un-” to show that there’s a lack of “wit” in our mind, meaning that we’re not thinking clearly or not allowing ourselves to plan and process things.

  • You unwittingly managed to stop the herd, though you had no idea what you were doing.
  • I’ve unwittingly caused a huge family rift, and I don’t know how to fix it.
  • She’s mad at me for something that I’m sure I did unwittingly because I can’t figure it out!


“Unknowingly” means that we do something without “knowing” or planning it. We might use it to talk about our subconscious acting for us to do something without knowing.

The definition of “unknowingly,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in a way that is not conscious of a particular situation or problem.”

“Unknowingly” uses the root word “know” to talk about what our brain processes. We again use the prefix “un-” to show that we don’t “know” anything that we’re doing.

  • He unknowingly fixed the issues in the system, and everything worked great.
  • You’ve unknowingly undone everything that we’ve worked so hard for.
  • I unknowingly fell in love with her, and I didn’t know what to do.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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А вот еще интересные статьи:

  • One word for not giving up
  • One word for not able to be heard
  • One word for no words to explain
  • One word for nice person
  • One word for next to last

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