One word for not able to be heard

I cannot hear the distinction between certain sets of vowel sounds. Normally the words in each of these sets (and of several others) all sound identical to me: Don, Dawn; marry, merry, Mary; ah, awe; cot, caught; ferry, fairy. If the speaker’s accent heightens the differences between them I might be able to tell them apart, but cannot tell which word is intended by which of the different pronunciations. I can do that only from context.

This may not be uncommon in American English; maps of regional variations in pronunciation suggest that about half of the country pronounce Don and Dawn the same way. This would explain why I hear those names the same way, but only if I lived in that part of the country.

What is this trait called? I wish I knew.

ermanen's user avatar


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asked Feb 27, 2014 at 0:10

Joan Pederson's user avatar


I believe the term is phonological unawareness. It can be related to the different levels of phonological awareness and it can involve listening skills as well:

Phonological awareness is an individual’s awareness of the phonological structure, or sound structure, of words.

Listening skills
The ability to attend to and distinguish environmental and speech sounds from one another

  • Alertness: Awareness and localization of sounds
  • Discrimination: Recognize same/different sounds
  • Memory: Recollection of sounds and sound patterns
  • Sequencing: Identify order of what was heard
  • Figure-ground: Isolate one sound from background of other sounds
  • Perception: Comprehension of sounds heard

Wikipedia / Phonological Awareness

Phonics deals with phonological awareness:

Phonics is a method for teaching people how to read and write an alphabetic language (such as English, Arabic or Russian). It is done by demonstrating the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language (phonemes), and the letters or groups of letters (graphemes) or syllables of the written language. In English, this is also known as the alphabetic principle or the Alphabetic code. — Wikipedia

Another related and useful question:
How are ‘marry’, ‘merry’, and ‘Mary’ pronounced differently?

answered Feb 27, 2014 at 1:51

ermanen's user avatar


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When in college I wrote one paper 17 times, my teacher said I have sound deficit syndrome. Also when reading words, I know what they mean, I just can’t pronounce them correctly, especially medical terms. Background noise always bothers me. I can hear most anything when quiet, if TV on then it’s hard for me to hear.!
What would you say, I am 60 + now still same problem.

KillingTime's user avatar


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answered Feb 26, 2021 at 19:01

Mary Jane's user avatar


The first term that comes to mind is «tone deafness».

I don’t know if this is the correct term for the inability you describe. Wikipedia says «Tone deafness is the lack of relative pitch, or the inability to distinguish between musical notes that is not due to the lack of musical training or education.» The article in question does not mention hearing «the distinction between certain sets of vowel sounds.»

answered Feb 27, 2014 at 1:01

Cyberherbalist's user avatar


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be able to hear — перевод на русский

We should be able to hear the countdown from the street.

Мы сможем услышать обратный отсчет с улицы.

If we’re lucky, and we’re really, really, really quiet we may be able to hear the sound of a condom breaking.

Если нам повезёт, и мы будем вести себя очень-очень тихо мы сможем услышать, как порвался презерватив.

We’ll be able to hear them through the wall.

Мы сможем услышать их через стенку.

We’ll be able to hear everything you say through these earpieces.

Мы сможем услышать все, что вы говорите через эти наушники.

If we were to get very close to it, we’d be able to hear the voices of each of the Indians and the disappeared.

Если мы подберёмся к ней поближе, мы сможем услышать голоса каждого из индейцев и всех сгинувших.

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It’s one-way,but we’ll be able to hear everything that happens.

Он одноканальный, но мы услышим все, что будет происходить.

Nah,no point.We’re not gonna be able to hear you.Music’ll be too loud,but we’ll be right across the street,And you will have… can I trade you?

В этом нет смысла, мы всё равно вас не услышим. Музыка слишком громко играет, но мы будем на другой стороне улицы, а у вас будет… Давай поменяемся?

No, no, we need to hear. — Shut it off. #Just in case we… in case he drives by or he lives around here, we’ll be able to hear him. #We’re gonna keep filming.

-нам надо слушать -выключи на случай если он проедет мимо или он живёт где рядом, то мы услышим так что продолжим снимать

This gives us the added advantage that we won’t be able to hear any of Sergeant Hogg’s shit jokes.

Это даст нам дополнительное преимущество — мы не услышим идиотских шуток сержанта Хогга.

If it comes in contact with any metal, then it’ll close the circuit and we should be able to hear it.

Когда он обнаружит металл, замкнется цепь, и мы это услышим.

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No, ’cause then we won’t be able to hear the navigator.

Нет, потому что тогда мы не сможем слышать навигатор.

Sure we’re gonna be able to hear each other?

Уверен, что мы сможем слышать друг друга?

You’ll be able to hear a whole lot better… than that dirty little mutt you gave me.

Ты сможем слышать гораздо лучше… чем эта грязная маленькая собачонка, что ты мне подарил.

We should be able to hear it on the car speakers. — …plugged in. #It’s on…

-мы сможем слышать его через динамики

Well… will he be able to hear with it on?

И он сможет слышать?

Показать ещё примеры для «сможем слышать»…

If anybody so much as bends a blade of grass in this place, I want to be able to hear it.

И если хоть одна травинка шелохнётся, я хочу это слышать.

Wearing your earpiece, he’s not going to be able to hear me, so I can help you with your interrogation.

Наденьте наушник чтобы он не мог меня слышать, и я смогу помочь тебе с допросом.

Take away 2 days… and let people be able to hear my voice… don’t you have something like that?

Забери два дня… и позволь людям слышать мой голос… можно такое сделать?

You think he needs to be able to hear me to understand what I’m saying?

Думаешь, ему нужно слышать меня, чтобы понять что я сказала?

If I just remove the bones, she’ll be able to hear again.

Если я удалю кости, она снова будет слышать.

Показать ещё примеры для «слышать»…

I was trying to see what it feels like to talk without being able to hear yourself.

Я хотела узнать, как это, когда говоришь, и не можешь слышать себя.

You’ll be able to hear and talk with the rest of the team.

Ты можешь слышать и говорить с остальной командой.

I’ve heard doctors say that even when someone’s in a coma, they may be able to hear when people talk to them.

Я… я слышал, доктора говорят, что даже когда люди впадают в кому, они могут слышать, когда другие разговаривают с ними.

But not too loud, ’cause I want to be able to hear the kids.

Но не слишком громко, чтобы я могла слышать детей.

I used to be able to hear the sounds of the world.

Когда-то я мог слышать звуки мира.

Показать ещё примеры для «можешь слышать»…

I need to be able to hear better.

Мне нужно место, где я буду слышать лучше.

I won’t be able to hear her.

Я её не буду слышать.

I’ll be able to hear everything.

Я буду слышать все.

— And you’ll be able to hear everything too?

— И вы будете слышать все?

We’ll be able to hear everything that’s going on, and we will not make any moves till we confirm that Grimes has the list with him.

Будем слышать всё происходящее и не будем рыпаться, пока не будет подтверждения, что список у Граймса.

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Употребление конструкции to be able to в английском языке

Сегодня мы поговорим о конструкции to be able to в английском языке. Эта конструкция похожа на модальный глагол can, но имеет свои отличия. С ее помощью вы можете сказать, что у вас есть возможность сделать что-либо.

Хотите заговорить на английском?
Приходите на наш бесплатный онлайн мастер-класс «Как довести английский язык до автоматизма»

Также Вы можете ознакомиться со всеми онлайн-курсами английского языка.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, в каких ситуациях можно употреблять эту конструкцию и как правильно использовать ее.

Перевод и использование to be able to в английском языке

To be able to является конструкцией, заменяющей глагол can. Она переводится как «могу/способен что-либо сделать». Мы можем использовать эту конструкцию во всех трех временах: настоящем, прошедшем и будущем.

Слово able означает обладающий всем необходимым, чтобы сделать что-то. Это могут быть необходимые инструменты, знания, сила — всё что угодно, требующееся для совершения действия.

Это конструкцию мы употребляем, когда:

1. У вас есть навыки, сила, знания и т. д., которые вам нужны, чтобы сделать что-либо.
Например: «Она может прочитать книгу на английском языке».

He is able to play the guitar.
Он может играть на гитаре.

They are able to sing very well.
Они могут петь очень хорошо.

2. Вы находитесь в ситуации, в которой для вас возможно/невозможно сделать что-либо.
Например: «Я могу прочитать твой доклад сейчас».

He is able to fix the sink this afternoon.
Он сможет починить раковину в полдень.

They are not able to call you.
Они не могут позвонить тебе.

3. Мы говорим о том, что кто-то имел возможность в прошлом делать что-либо, имел какие-то достижения.
Например: «Они смогли выиграть чемпионат».

I was able to find a good babysitter.
Я смогла найти хорошую няню.

He was able to answer the question correctly.
Он смог ответить на вопрос правильно.

4. Кто-то мог делать что-то в прошлом, но сейчас уже не делает это.
Например: «В школе она могла играть на гитаре, но сейчас уже не играет».  

She used to be able to dance all night.
Она раньше могла танцевать всю ночь.

They used to be able to speak Japan.
Они раньше могли говорить по-японски.

5. Мы говорим о будущих возможностях.
Например: «После месяца занятий вы сможете говорить на простом английском».

I will be able to come with you.
Я смогу пойти с тобой.

You will be able to see him tomorrow.
Ты сможешь увидеть его завтра.

Утвердительные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Эту конструкцию мы можем использовать в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Для того чтобы построить утвердительное предложение с be able to, мы должны поставить be в нужное нам время, часть able to всегда остается неизменной. Схема образования будет следующей.

Тот, о ком идет речь + be в нужном времени + able to + действие.

Давайте рассмотрим более подробно образование предложений в каждом из 3-х времен.

Конструкция to be able to в настоящем времени

Когда речь идет о событиях, происходящих в данный момент, наш be меняется на am, are, is в зависимости от того, кто совершает действие.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + able to + действие

I am
We are play
They able to swim
She cook
He is


My little sister is able to count to 100.
Моя маленькая сестра может считать до 100.

They are able to answer all your questions.
Они могут ответить на все твои вопросы.

Конструкция to be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда речь идет о прошлом (действия происходили какое-то время назад), be превращается в was/were в зависимости от того, о ком идет речь.

Тот, о ком идет речь + was/were + able to + действие.

I was
We were play
They able to swim
She cook
He was


I was able to speak to Tom before he left.
Я смог поговорить с Томом перед тем, как он ушел.

They were able to finish the work.
Они смогли закончить работу.

Конструкция to be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы говорим о будущих возможностях, то есть о том, что мы сможем сделать через какое-то время, мы добавляем will перед нашим be.

Тот, о ком идет речь + will be + able to + действие.

We play
They will be able to swim
She cook


I will be able to translate this document without your help.
Я смогу перевести этот документ без твоей помощи.

She will be able to have lunch with you.
Она сможет пообедать с тобой.

Отрицательные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Чтобы сказать, что у нас нет возможности сделать что-либо, нам нужно поставить отрицательную частицу not после нашего глагола be. Схема образования будет следующей.

Тот, о ком идет речь + be + not + able to + действие.

Так же, как и в утвердительных предложениях наш глагол be меняется в зависимости от того, о каком времени идет речь.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в настоящем времени

Когда мы говорим, что мы не можем сделать что-либо в данный момент, мы ставим not после нашего be в настоящем времени: am/are/is.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + not + able to + действие.

I am
We are play
They not able to swim
She cook
He is


I am not able to buy it.
Я не могу купить это.

They are not able to ski.
Они не могут кататься на лыжах.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда мы говорим, что не могли сделать что-либо, и что у нас не было возможности сделать что-то, то добавляем not к нашему be в прошедшей форме (was/were).

Тот, о ком идет речь + was/were + not + able to + действие.

I was
We were play
They not able to swim
She cook
He was


We were not able to buy tickets, so we didn’t go to the concert.
Мы не смогли купить билеты, так что не пошли на концерт.

He asked me a few questions that I was not able to answer.
Он задал мне несколько вопросов, на которые я не смогла ответить.

Отрицательные предложения с be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы говорим, что у нас не будет возможности сделать что-то в будущем, мы ставим частицу not между will и be.

Тот, о ком идет речь + will + not + be able to + действие.

We play
They will not be able to swim
She cook


I will not be able to meet you tomorrow.
Я не смогу с тобой завтра увидеться.

We will not be able to solve this problem by ourselves.
Мы не сможем решить эту проблему самостоятельно.

Вопросительные предложения с конструкцией be able to

Для того чтобы спросить, может ли человек сделать что-либо, мы выносим наш be на первое место. Давайте рассмотрим, как это происходит в каждом из 3-х времен.

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в настоящем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, может ли кто-либо сделать что-нибудь в настоящий момент, мы выносим am/are/is (наш be в настоящем времени) на первое место.

Am/are/is + тот, о ком идет речь + able to + действие?

Am I
Are we play?
they able to swim?
he cook?
Is she


Are you able to swim?
Ты можешь плавать?

Is she able to speak French?
Она может говорить по-французски?

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в прошедшем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, была ли у кого-то возможность сделать что-либо в прошлом, мы выносим was/were (be в прошедшем времени) на первое место.

Was/were + тот, о ком идет речь + able to + действие?

Was I
Were we play?
they able to swim?
he cook?
Was she


Was he able to give up smoking?
Он смог бросить курить?

Were you able to talk to them?
Ты смог поговорить с ними?

Вопросительное предложение с be able to в будущем времени

Когда мы спрашиваем, будет ли у кого-нибудь возможность сделать что-либо, то мы выносим will на первое место.

Will + тот, о ком идет речь + be able to + действие?

we dance?
Will they be able to cook?
she write?


Will you be able to open a bottle?
Ты сможешь открыть бутылку?

Will I be able to see you next Monday?
Смогу я увидеть вас в следующий понедельник?

Вопросительные предложения с уточняющими словами

Чтобы уточнить какую-либо информацию, мы используем следующие слова:

  • what — что;
  • where — где;
  • who — кто;
  • which — какой;
  • why — почему;
  • when — когда.

Они ставятся на первое место, а дальше порядок слов следует как в обычном вопросе, в соответствии с используемым временем.


Who is able to explain this to me
Кто может объяснить это мне?

How were you able to do that?
Как ты смог сделать это?

When will you be able to find a job?
Когда ты сможешь найти работу?

Итак, мы рассмотрели конструкцию to be able to и теперь вы знаете еще один способ выразить свои мысли и сказать, что вы можете/способны сделать что-либо. А теперь давайте перейдем к практике.

Задание на закрепление

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Он не может починить мой компьютер.
2. Они смогут помочь тебе завтра.
3. Он смог закончить университет.
4. Почему ты работаешь завтра?
5. Ты смог отправить ей письмо?
6. Мы не сможем добраться туда вовремя.
7. Она сможет спроектировать здание?
8. Моя сестра не смогла приехать вчера.

Ответы оставляйте в комментариях под статьей. 


  • 1 Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Modal verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice
    • 1.1 Diagnostic Test: Modal Verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to
    • 1.2 Grammar Explanation: Modal verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to
      • 1.2.1 Ability
      • 1.2.2 Possibility, Deduction And Speculation
      • 1.2.3 Arrangements, Suggestions, Offers, Etc.
      • 1.2.4 Asking For And Giving /Refusing Permission
    • 1.3 Modal verbs: Practice Exercises with answers
    • 1.4 Answer Key for Diagnostic Test
    • 1.5 Answer Key for Practice Exercise

Although there isn’t a dedicated grammar component on the IELTS exam, good scores are still dependent on knowing the fundamentals of English grammar. All four IELTS exam skills—listening, reading, writing, and speaking—require enough and acceptable grammar knowledge. The degree of its significance, nevertheless, may differ from module to module. So, in this article, we will discuss some important aspects of Modal verbs.

Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Modal verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice

Modal verbs are the helping verbs that express ideas like a possibility, impossibility, certainty, ability, seeking permission, making requests and so on. Many modal verbs have more than one meaning and are followed by the simple form of the verb.

Modal verb  Expression Example
Can Possibility It can be very cold here in winter
Could General statements about the future from the past It could be very cold there in winter
May Something that is possible, but not certain They may come by car.
Might Guesses about the past/ possible but uncertain It’s ten o’clock. They might have arrived by now.

These modal verbs are mainly used for academic writing task 2. You must know where to use these modal verbs, in order to get a better IELTS band score in the exam.

Diagnostic Test: Modal Verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to

Fifteen of the sentences below contain mistakes with modal verbs. Tick (✓) the correct sentences, then find and correct the mistakes.


  • We took an exam yesterday and I couldn’t answer any of the questions. ✓    
  • I could be promoted last year but I preferred to stay on the shop floor.  ==> could have been
  1. When I finish the course next year I can speak perfect French.
  2. You’ll have to call a cab. I can’t have been able to drive since I broke my arm last June.
  3. This computer is so simple that it is able to be operated by anyone.
  4. The job interview was a disaster; I could only answer half the questions!
  5. When she was riding in the woods last week, Helen fell off her horse but luckily she could get back on and ride home.
  6. It’s really annoying. Surely you knew they didn’t accept traveller’s cheques at that hotel. You could warn me before I left!
  7. These days she is rather slow but as a child, she could run like the wind.
  8. What an excellent choice of restaurant. I can’t have chosen better if I’d made the reservation myself!
  9. There can be life on Saturn.
  10. My father could be a star in the 1980s, it’s a pity that he never really tried.
  11. Watching TV soaps can become very addictive.
  12. Jane’s late. She can be stuck in a traffic jam.
  13. A new car! What can she be thinking of!
  14. I heard your sales results were excellent. May you get a bonus this year?
  15. Don’t get too anxious; there may well be a simple explanation for it.
  16. Don’t bother replying as I may have changed address by the time you read this.
  17. Steve couldn’t steal it. I’m sure he was at home all week.
  18. Elizabeth can get better results if she paid more attention to her homework.
  19. I’ll be able to meet you after the lesson.
  20. I’m not sure about tomorrow night. I may be on call.
  21. Excuse me. Am I able to use your phone?
  22. Well, don’t worry. You could always try again tomorrow.
  23. I could leave work early yesterday – my boss gave me permission.
  24. You might get me some bin liners if it’s not too much trouble.
  25. People might not smoke on British Airways flights; it’s forbidden.

Grammar Explanation: Modal verbs (1): Can, Could, May, Might, Be able to

Modal verbs can be confusing for learners because individual modal forms can be used to express a number of different meanings. This unit looks at the modals we use to describe ability and possibility, to make deductions, arrangements, suggestions, and offers, and to ask for and give permission.


Present and future

We use can to describe ability and cannot or can’t to describe a lack of ability in the present.


  • She can speak Spanish but she can’t speak Italian.

If the present ability is surprising or involves overcoming some difficulty, we can also use is/are able to.


  • Despite being a handicap, he is able to drive a car.

Note: We cannot usually use be able to with a passive.


 X  This book is able to be used by complete beginners.

 ✓  This book can be used by complete beginners.

To emphasize the difficulty or to suggest a great effort (in the present, past or future) we use manage to. In more formal English we can also use succeed in + -ing form.


  • Do you think she’ll manage to get a visa?
  • The army succeeded in defeating their enemy.

To describe the future ability we use will be able to, not can.


 X  Can I speak fluently by the end of the course?

 ✓  Will I be able to speak fluently by the end of the course?

We also use be able to where can/could is grammatically impossible, for example:

  • I haven’t been able to drive since I dislocated my wrist. (with the perfect aspect)
  • We love being able to talk in the local language. (within forms and infinitives)

Another form for not be able to is be unable to. It is more common in formal English:


  • The lawyer was unable to persuade the jury of her client’s innocence.
  • We use can (present) and could (past) before sense verbs.


  •  I think I can smell something burning in the kitchen.


We use could to describe the possession of an ability in the past.


  • Past Mozart could play the piano at the age of five.

Note: To describe the successful use of an ability on a specific occasion we do not use could, we use past tense or was/were able to.


 X Mike’s car broke down but fortunately, he could repair it.

 ✓  Mike’s car broke down but fortunately, he was able to repair it.

But we can use could in questions, and in sentences with limiting adverbs such as only or hardly.


  • Could you fix the computer yourself?’ ‘No, I could only back up the key files.’
  • She was so exhausted she could hardly speak. 

We use couldn’t or was/were not able to describe a lack of ability or success.


  • Mozart couldn’t speak French.
  • Despite being a mechanic, Mike couldn’t fix his car when it broke down yesterday.

We use could/ might have + past participle to describe a past ability which wasn’t used or a past opportunity which wasn’t taken. The meaning is similar to ‘would have been able to.


  • She could have paid by credit card but she preferred to use cash. (She had the ability to pay by credit card but she didn’t use it.)
  • I might have gone to university after leaving school but I chose to get a job instead. (I had the  opportunity to go, but I didn’t take it.)
  • We often use these forms to make criticism.


  • You might/ could have told me about the party! (= You had the chance to tell me but you didn’t.)

We can use couldn’t have + past participle + comparative adjective when we want to emphasize a past action or feeling.


  • They couldn’t have tried harder to make me feel welcome. (= They tried very hard.)
  • I couldn’t have been more pleased when I heard about your results – congratulations! (= I was very pleased.)

Possibility, Deduction And Speculation


We use can to describe things which are generally possible (we know they sometimes happen).


  • Drinks in restaurants can be very expensive. (= Drinks are sometimes expensive.)

In scientific and academic English we use may in the same way.


  • Over-prescribing of antibiotics may lead to the rapid development of resistant strains.

To talk about specific possibilities we use may, might and could (but not can). The meaning is similar to ’perhaps’ or ’maybe’.


 X There can be life on Mars.

 ✓  There may be life on Mars. (Perhaps there is life on Mars.)

  • The rash could be a symptom of something more serious. (Maybe it is a symptom)

We use the same forms when we are making a deduction based on evidence or on our experience.


  • He always wears smart suits. He could be a businessman.
  • Why isn’t she here yet?’ ‘I don’t know. The train may be running late. ’

We can use well after may, might and could if we think the possibility is quite strong. (If we are very certain of the possibility, we use must)


  • Don’t worry, the contract could well be in the post. (= It is probably in the post.)

To describe possibilities which depend on certain conditions we use could or might.


  • She could learn much more quickly if she paid attention. (= She would be able to learn more quickly if               she paid attention.)

We use can or could (but not may) to talk about specific possibilities or with adverbs such as only or hardly.


 X Who may that be at this time of night?

 ✓  Who can/could that be at this time of night?

  • Where can/could that noise be coming from?
  • It can/could hardly be the postman, he only comes in the morning.
  • It can/could only be Steve. He’s the only one with a key. 

We use might for a more tentative (less direct) question.


  • Might the losses be due to currency fluctuations?

We use can’t or couldn’t for things which we know are impossible and to make negative deductions.


  • You can’t get blood out of a stone. (I’m sure about this, it’s impossible.)
  • He couldn’t be a doctor, he isn’t wearing a white coat. (I’m certain he isn’t …)

We also use this form to say that something is impossible because we are unwilling to do it.


  • I couldn’t pick up a spider; they terrify me.

When we think that something is possibly not the case we use might not or may not.


  • The shops may not/ might not be open today; it’s a bank holiday. (Perhaps they are not open.)

Note: In spoken English we often contract might not to mightn’t. We don’t usually use may not.


We use could to talk about the general possibility in the past (things which sometimes happened).


  • Teachers could be very strict at my old school. (Sometimes they were strict.)

In scientific and academic English we use might in the same way.


  • Wealthy Victorian families might keep as many as a dozen indoor servants.

We use could/might have for a specific past possibility.


  • She might have done it; she had the opportunity and the motive. (Perhaps she did it …)
  • John could have posted the letter. (I’m not sure whether he did or not.)

We also use might have for a past opportunity which we know was not taken.


  • I might have gone to drama school, but my parents wouldn’t let me. (I had the opportunity but I didn’t go.)

We express a negative deduction about the past with can’t have or couldn’t have.


  • She can’t have fixed the computer, it’s still not working properly. (I’m sure she didn’t fix it.)

When we are less certain we use may not have or might not have.


  • We’d better phone them, they might not have heard the news. (Perhaps they haven’t heard the news yet.)

We often use can’t have or couldn’t have to express surprise or disbelief.


  • She couldn’t have done it; she’s such a nice woman.


If we are certain that something will be possible or impossible in the future we can use will / won’t be able to.


  • We‘ll be able to travel to the moon, but we won’t be able to travel to Mars.

For predictions which are less certain, we use may, might or could. Could usually describes a weaker possibility than may or might.


  • The directors may call a stockholders’ meeting. (Perhaps they will call a meeting.)
  • You never know, she could meet someone suitable tomorrow. (It’s possible but unlikely.)

We sometimes use may/might have + past participle to talk about a possible completed action by a time in the future.


  • Call me next Tuesday; I might have finished the project by then.

Arrangements, Suggestions, Offers, Etc.


We use can, could or be able to to describe possible arrangements for a time in the future.


  • The doctor could see you at six; he can’t see you before then as he’s too busy.
  • I’ll be able to see you after the lesson.

If the arrangement is uncertain we use may or might.


  • The dentist might be free to see you immediately after lunch; I’ll have to check the diary.
  • I’m not sure if I’m available; I may be working that weekend.

Suggestions, Offers, and Requests

The choice of modal verb for suggestions, offers and requests depends on the formality of the situation. May and might tend to be more formal and tentative than can and could:

Less format Offers Requests Suggestions
Can I help you? Can you close the window? We can try that new cafe.
We could do that for you. Could you pass me the salt? You could lose some weight.
More format May I help you? You might get me some milk while you’re there. You might give John a ring.
Might I be of some assistance?

We use can/could always for an alternative or more tentative suggestion.


  • We could always go to the Italian place.

When we want to make a suggestion with the meaning ‘there is no better choice available’, we can use the phrase might as well.


  • Now the children have left we might as well sell the house and get something smaller.

Asking For And Giving /Refusing Permission

Present / Future

We use can/can‘t for permission granted or refused by the person being asked and for permission subject to some external authority such as the law.


  • Can I use your phone?’ ‘Yes, of course, you can./ No. I’m afraid you can’t.’ (I give/refuse permission.)
  • You can’t smoke on the underground. (The law doesn’t allow you to do this.)

In more formal situations we can use may and may not in the same way.


  • May I interrupt?
  • Candidates may not bring calculators into the examination room.

We use could or might to ask for permission in a more tentative way (might is very formal).


  • Excuse me, could I leave my coat here?
  • Might I ask the court for an adjournment at this point?


To describe general permission in the past we use could/couldn’t.


  • In the 1950s British children could leave school at the age of fourteen.

But to talk about permission on a specific occasion in the past, we do not use could, we use was /were allowed to.


 X I could leave early yesterday.

 ✓  I was allowed to leave early yesterday.

Also check:

  • Grammar for IELTS
  • IELTS Grammar books
  • English Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdf

Modal verbs: Practice Exercises with answers

Q 1.

Choose a suitable form of can, could, be able to, manage to or succeed in to complete the sentences below.

  1. The manager of the shop was a bit reluctant but in the end, I____________ get a refund.
  2. It was really annoying; I___________ get on to any of the websites you recommended.
  3. What’s her phone number? I___________ remember it.
  4. Although Stephanie is deaf and mute, she__________ communicate with the aid of a special computer.
  5. They finish the new motorway next month so we__________ get to the coast much more quickly.
  6. Most of the big hotels were full, but we__________ find a room in one of those small guesthouses near the station.
  7. Would you speak more slowly? I__________ follow what you’re saying.
  8. I really appreciate __________ speak to you so frankly about this.
  9. After I move to the country I’m not going to__________ visit you so often.
  10. Over the last few months the government’s fuel tax levy__________ generating over a billion pounds in revenue.
  11. This new mobile phone is fantastic. It__________ be used anywhere in the world.
  12. The shopping channel is a real boon for Liz; she adores__________ buy clothes at any time of day or night!
  13. I__________ walk properly since I had that skiing accident.
  14. Sadly, many of the indigenous people__________ resist the diseases brought by the European settlers.
  15. The non-fiction section__________ be found on the third floor of the library.

Q 2.

Match the situations (A-D) with the sentences (1-4).

  1. Samantha is going to work at a ticket agency next year.
  2. Judy went to the theatre yesterday and told the box office clerk that she was a theatre critic.
  3. Liz went to the theatre yesterday to buy some tickets. They didn’t tell her about the special ‘free ticket’ offer.
  4. Carol works at a ticket agency.
  1. She was able to get free tickets.
  2. She can get free tickets.
  3. She will be able to get free tickets.
  4. She could have got free tickets.

Q 3.

Match the two parts (1-4 and A-D) to form sentences.

  1. He could do it
  2. He couldn’t do it
  3. He might have done it
  4. He can’t have done it
  1. he had plenty of opportunities.
  2. he wasn’t even in the country.
  3. he seems a very capable person.
  4. he doesn’t look old enough.

Q 4.

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. You must use a suitable form of can, could, may or might in each sentence. The exercise begins with an example (0).

  • I was absolutely thrilled when I heard about your engagement.
  • I couldn’t have been more thrilled when I heard about your engagement.
  • I’m very angry with you – you knew I was having problems with the car and you didn’t bother to help me!

1. You ____

  • Twenty years ago my neighbour offered me his apartment for $30,000 but I didn’t buy it.

2. Twenty years ago I ____

  • It would be possible for us to issue the tickets today if you gave us your credit card number.

3. We ____

  • The service in British restaurants is sometimes quite surly.

4. The service ____

  • Might the disparity in the figures be due to a computer error?

5. Is it ____

  • Don’t worry, they’ll probably be on the next train.

6. They ____

  • I’m certain he isn’t responsible for the error; he looks too experienced.

7. He ____

  • Perhaps the shuttle bus isn’t working at the moment – it is the low season.

8. The shuttle bus ____

  • It’s so annoying. You knew their phone number but you didn’t give it to me!

9. You ____

  • I’m afraid it isn’t possible to grow bananas in the British climate.

10. Unfortunately, you ____

  • Given some luck, our team has a good chance of winning the championship next month.

11. With any luck ____

  • Perhaps Jim took it; he was in the office all day yesterday.

12. Jim ____

  • It’s possible that the results will have arrived by tomorrow lunchtime.

13. The results ____

  • Who do you think is making all that noise next door?

14. Who ____

  • Perhaps there are other intelligent life-forms in the universe.

15. There ____

  • Thanks to satellite technology, it is now possible to predict hurricanes quite accurately.

16. We ____

  • The lights are off so maybe he isn’t at home.

17. He ____

  • With a little bit of luck my sister has the potential to be a huge star.

18. My sister ____

  • They offered Carrie a job in New York, but she didn’t want to work there.

19. Carrie  ____

  • I would never be able to live in a house without a garden.

20. I ____

Q 5.

Complete the following article by writing the missing words. Use no more than two words for each space. The exercise begins with an example (0).

The worst experience of my life? I (0)__can__ remember it as if it were yesterday.

I was staying at a beautiful hotel on the coast. My room was on the second floor. It was about two o’clock on my first night when I suddenly woke up. There was a very strong smell of burning but I (1)___ tell where it was coming from. I jumped out of bed, ran to the door and opened it. I (2) ____see smoke coming from the staircase. I suppose I (3) ____tried to run down the stairs, but I knew I wouldn’t have made it. It was impossible, the smoke was too dense, I (4) ____got further than the first landing before choking.

I went back into my room, slammed the door behind me and ran to the window. I had to escape. I (5) ____jumped out of the window but I felt too scared. It was too high, I needed something to climb down. Suddenly I had a brainwave and ran over to the bed. By tying the bedsheets together I (6) ____ make a kind of ladder. I tied one end of the sheets to the foot of the bed and I threw the other end out of the opened window. Despite my fear of heights I (7) ____climb out onto the window ledge. A small group of people had gathered on the ground and were shouting encouragement to me.

‘Come on,’ they said, ‘you (8)____ do it!’ I was shaking with fear, but by refusing to look down and concentrating on the rope in my hands I eventually (9)____lowering myself from the ledge. Very slowly, putting one hand below the other, I (10)____ climb down the bedsheet rope to safety.

Q 6.

Choose the correct description, A or B.

  1. They allowed me to bring my dog.
  1. They usually allow dogs.
  2. They don’t usually allow dogs.
  1. The doctor could see you at eleven.
  1. I’m not sure if she’s free at eleven.
  2. I’m suggesting a time for an appointment.
  1. Might I borrow your calculator for a moment?
  1. Talking to your best friend.
  2. Talking to a clerk at the bank.
  1. Well, we could always go on the bus.
  1. I don’t really mind how we get there.
  2. I really want to go on the bus.
  1. I could wear anything I liked,
  1. When I worked as a secretary.
  2. On the day I took my secretarial exams.
  1. We can have a look at the shops.
  1. I’m making a suggestion.
  2. I’m describing a future ability.
  1. May I interrupt?
  1. At a formal business meeting.
  2. At a family lunch.
  1. You may not bring drinks into the auditorium during the performance.
  1. It’s up to you to decide.
  2. It’s forbidden.
  1. I might see you after the show.
  1. I probably will see you.
  2. I’m not sure if I’ll see you or not.
  1. We might as well go straight home.
  1. There’s nothing better to do.
  2. I really want to go home.

Q 7.

Fill the gaps in the dialogue using a suitable form of can, could, may, might, be able to, manage to or succeed in and a form of the verb in brackets. The exercise begins with an example (0).

MIKE: So how are the wedding arrangements going, Jane?

JANE: Not too bad. We’re seeing the vicar tomorrow so Harry and I (0) will be able to ask ( ask) him about hiring the church hall for the reception.

MIKE: It would be great if you (1)_____ (get) that place, it’s an ideal venue.

JANE:  Yes, I know. Although it (2) _____(be) a bit too small if all our friends turn up!

MIKE: It holds about a hundred people, doesn’t it?

JANE: Well, in fact, it (3)_____(accommodate) up to a hundred and twenty-five, apparently. But there are about a hundred and forty on our guest list. It’s a bit of a Catch-22 situation because I (4)    (not/invite) people until the reception is organized, but I (5) ____(not/organize) a venue until I know how many people are coming!

MIKE: Some of Harry’s cousins live in the States, don’t they?

JANE: Yes. I’m not sure if they’re coming. It’s quite an expensive trip so they (6) ____ (not/make) it over here. But I’m hoping at least some of them will come.

MIKE: They (7) _____(always/get) one of those cheap charter flights. I’ve seen a lot of them advertised on the Internet recently.

JANE:  Oh, I think Harry (8) ____(tell) them about that already. He said he’d sent them some Internet links.

MIKE: What about catering? Have you made any plans yet?

JANE:  I’ve arranged something with Quality Caterers in the High Street.

MIKE: Oh, I wish I’d known that before! I (9) ____(speak) to Liz Brown for you when I saw her last Tuesday. She’s the manager there and she goes to the same tennis club as me. You never know, I (10) .____ (even/get) you a discount!

JANE: That’s a pity. Still, they’ve given us a pretty good deal. By the way, Mike, there is one favour I wanted to ask you.

MIKE: Sure. What is it?

JANE: (11) ____(we/borrow) your video camera?

MIKE: Of course. You (12) ____(have) the tripod as well, if you like.

JANE: Harry dropped his camera when we were in Tenerife. And since we’ve been back he (13)____ (not/find) anyone around here to fix it.

MIKE: What about music at the reception? Are you going to get a band?

JANE: No, we (14) _____(not/have) live music at the church hall, it doesn’t have a licence. But we (15) ____(have) a disco.

MIKE: You (16) ____(always/ask) Jackie Branson, she’s got one of those mobile disco things.

JANE:  I didn’t know that! I (17) ____(speak) to her about it yesterday – she was at my aerobics class. I thought she’d given up disc-jockeying ages ago.

MIKE: Well. I suppose she (18) ____ (give/it/up)when the kids were very young, but I’m pretty sure she’s back doing it now.

JANE: I expect she’ll be at the aerobics class next week; so I (19) _____ (ask) her about it then. Oh, that reminds me. Harry wondered why you weren’t at football practice on Wednesday.

MIKE: It’s that awful car of mine – it just wouldn’t start on Wednesday. Luckily, Jim down the road (20) ____ (fix) it, although it took him two hours!

Answer Key for Diagnostic Test

  1. can ==> will be able to
  2. can’t  have been able  ==> haven’t been able
  3. is able to be ==> can be
  4. could ==> was able to
  5. could warn ==> could have warned
  6. can’t ==> couldn’t
  7. can ==> may/might/could
  8. could be ==> could have been
  9. can ==> could/may/might
  10. May you get ==> Could/Might you get/ Is it possible you will get
  11. couldn’t steal ==> couldn’t have stolen
  12. can ==>could/might
  13. Am I able to use ==> Can/Could/May/Might I use
  14. could  ==> was able to
  15. might not ==> may not/can’t

Answer Key for Practice Exercise

Q 1.

1. managed to 2. couldn’t/ wasn’t able to 3. can’t 4. is able to/ can 5. will be able to
6. were able to/ managed to 7. can’t 8. being able to 9. be able to 10. has succeeded in
11. can 12. being able to 13. haven’t been able to 14. were unable to/ weren’t able to/ didn’t manage to l5. can

 Q 2.

  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 2

Q 3.

  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B

Q 4.

  1. You could/might have helped me (with the car)!
  2. Twenty years ago I could/might have bought that apartment for $30,000.
  3. We could issue the tickets today if you gave us your credit card number.
  4. The service in British restaurants can be quite surly.
  5. Is it possible that the disparity in the figures is due to a computer error?
  6. They could/might/may (well) be on the next train.
  7. He can’t/couldn’t be responsible for the error; he looks too experienced.
  8. The shuttle bus might/may not be working at the moment …
  9. You could/might have given me their phone number!
  10. Unfortunately, you can’t grow bananas in the British climate.
  11. With any luck, our team could/might win the championship next year.
  12. Jim might/could have taken it…
  13. The results may/might have arrived by tomorrow lunchtime.
  14. Who can/could be making all that noise next door?
  15. There may/could/might be other intelligent life-forms in the universe.
  16. We can now/are now able to predict hurricanes quite accurately thanks to satellite technology.
  17. He may/might not be at home; the lights are off.
  18. My sister could/might be a huge star with a little bit of luck.
  19. Carrie could/might have worked in New York …
  20. I couldn’t/could never live in a house without a garden.

Q 5.

  1. couldn’t
  2. could
  3. could have/might have
  4. couldn’t have/wouldn’t have
  5. could have/might have/may have
  6. was able to/managed to
  7. was able to/managed to
  8. can
  9. succeeded in
  10. managed to/was able to

Q 6.

  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A

Q 7.

1. could get/were able to get/managed to get 2. might be/maybe/could be 3. can accommodate 4. can’t invite 5. can’t organize
6. might/may not make 7. could always get 8. might/may have told 9. could have spoken 10. might even have got
11. Could/Can we borrow 12. can/could have 13. hasn’t been able to find 14. can’t have 15. can have
16. could always ask 17. could have spoken 18. might/could have given it up 19. will be able to ask/can ask/could ask 20. was able to fix/managed to fix

Модальный глагол can, could, be able to. 14 упражнений с ответами

Сегодня мы поработаем над модальными глаголами и, в частности над глаголом can. Вначале мы рассмотрим употребление can и выполним can упражнения для детей, а затем перейдем к более сложным аспектам – употребление can и could для выражения вероятности, а также отработаем употребление конструкции be able to вместо can.

Can упражнения для детей. Can exercises.

Упражнение 1. Write in can or can’t.

  1. I _______ draw.
  2. I _______
  3. My friends_______ roller-skate.
  4. My granddad _______sing.
  5. I_______ ride a bike.
  6. My mum _______ski.
  7. My dad _______skate.
  8. My pet _______play football.

Упражнение 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Can you roller-skate?
  2. Can your mum dance tango?
  3. Can your dad draw very well?
  4. Can your friends play tennis?
  5. Can your granny speak English?
  6. Can you sing very well?

Упражнение 3 . Постарайся составить как можно больше вопросов. Три из них напиши.

Упражнение 4. What can or can’t you do in these places? Make sentence. Use You can / You can’t

Упражнения на can и could.

Помните, could – это прошедшее время от can!

Упражнение 5. Underline the correct option.

  1. Can/Could Sally learn a long poem by heart when she was four?
  2. When Mrs. Rover was a teenager she couldn’t/can’t play the piano.
  3. John says he could/can speak French perfectly well.
  4. What can/could Melody do when she was nine?
  5. Yesterday Molly couldn’t/can’t borrow a book from the local library because she hadn’t returned another one.
  6. Rita said she couldn’t/can’t learn that because she was busy.

Упражнение 6. Fill in can / can’t/ could/ couldn’t.

1) You don’t need to shout. I ______ hear you perfectly well. 2) We______ go to safari because the trip was too expensive. 3) He eats in restaurants because he ______ cook. 4) I had an aisle seat on the plane, so I ______see the landscape below. 5) When we used to live in China, I______ speak some Chinese, but now I______ say a word. 6) ______ you play the piano at the age of six? 7) He______ speak English so fast that I______understand him (now). 8) I’m afraid, Nickolas ______talk to you now. He has to arrive at school in time. 9) I______get a good mark in Literature because I didn’t know the theme. 10) I______retell my friend the whole story because I had read it.

Упражнение 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. Mark / seven / by / could / speak / foreign / of / age / fifteen / languages / well / the / perfectly.
  2. phone / use /mobile / a / you / when / you / were / four / Could?
  3. my / girl / mum / swim / was / little / a / well / When / she / could.
  4. age / the / is / three / Nobody / to / climb / trees / at / of / able.

Упражнения на can, could и be able to.

Упражнение 8 . Вставьте will be able или won’t be able + to

  1. When her sight is better, Melody ________ play the guitar again.
  2. Max _________ eat sugar when the GP allows him.
  3. The couple _________ catch the morning bus if they don’t get up much earlier.
  4. Sally _________ go out to discos until she is 16.
  5. Andy _________ hear better if he sits in the front row.

A) can B) could D) couldn’t E) be able to C) can’t

  1. Mark stepped aside so that Molly _________ go in.
  2. Peter and Greg ________ catch fish as they had fish hooks.
  3. Sandy used to _________ speak Norwegian well.
  4. Megan ________lie comfortably as the raft was small.
  5. Meredith _________ wash her hair as she hadn’t bought shampoo.
  6. Mary _________ stop crying then.
  7. When Megan was an infant, she_________only cry.
  8. In a year, Melody will_________ speak Chinese.
  9. The information _________ be true! I don’t believe Nickolas.
  10. Jane ________read any of the books she’d borrowed from Greg.
  11. Melody’s brother__________ understand her ambitions.
  12. Why don’t you ask Sally? Sally might _________ help you.
  13. Benny ________walk because of sharp pain in his left foot, that’s why he got a taxi.
  14. Bob wasn’t ________ make his decision yesterday.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте can, could, be able to в нужной форме.

  1. Michael __________now speak Norwegian rather fluently.
  2. Michael used to _________ speak Norwegian rather fluently.
  3. Nick __________marry Lisa, but he__________make her love him.
  4. Sally used to__________eat a kilo of chocolate for lunch.
  5. Megan’d like to __________ surf very well.
  6. Luckily Melody __________find a taxi.
  7. Jillian __________drive when she was 12.
  8. Megan sighed. Fred __________ feel her hands shaking.
  9. The secretary ________ to type 150 words a minute.
  10. Children ________ enter this territory. It’s highly dangerous!

Упражнение 11. Translate the words in brackets. Используйте can или be able в нужной форме.

  1. Children (нельзя) discuss such things.
  2. Certainly, Nick (мог) translate that article.
  3. (мог бы) Nick show me that? (polite)
  4. Molly (не могла) wait for us.
  5. You (можете) get there in 10 minutes.
  6. The swimmer (смог) reach the sea shore.
  7. Steven (мог) work fifteen hours a day before his illness

Упражнения на can / could + нужная форма инфинитива.

Упражнение 12. Find the right option.

  1. Seventeen people looked at each other and no one _________ words to say.
  2. a) could have found b) could find
  3. The wind was still blowing but Philip _____________ no sound of rain.
  4. a) could have heard b) could hear
  5. The police were quite sure that nobody __________ house before they got there.
  6. a) could leave b) could have left
  7. We ______________ anything definite out of their neighbors.
  8. a) couldn’t get b) couldn’t have got

Упражнение 13 . Вставьте could + нужную форму инфинитива.

  1. If Greg had prepared all the documents, he _____________ (get) a credit.
  2. Greg ___________ (be) there tomorrow.
  3. Greg ____________ (be) there yesterday.
  4. If Molly had told us about her delay, we _________ (cancel) the meeting.
  5. Yesterday Greg _________ (crash).

Can / could для выражения вероятности.

Упражнение 14. Выразите сомнения при помощи can/could.

  1. Едва ли Салли была дома.
  2. Возможно, он навестит бывшую жену, когда приедет в Сочи.
  3. Разве Николас мог такое сказать?
  4. Разве Катерина отказалась ехать с тобой?
  5. Василий мог бы заехать завтра.
  6. Салли не могла так быстро прочесть роман.
  7. Не может быть, что Грег попал в аварию.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Exercises 1 – 4 – your own answers.

1 -> Could, 2 -> couldn’t, 3 -> can, 4 -> could, 5 -> couldn’t, 6 -> couldn’t

1 -> can, 2 -> couldn’t, 3 -> can’t 4 ->couldn’t, 5 -> could / can’t, 6 -> Could, 7 -> can / can’t, 8 -> can’t, 9 couldn’t, 10 ->could

1b, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7b, 8e, 9c, 10a или 10с, 11d или 11с, 12e, 13d, 14e

1 can, 2 be able to, 3 can / can’t, 4 be able to, 5 be able to, 6 was able to, 7 could, 8 could, 9 is able, 10 can’t

Could have got / could be / could have been или could be / could have cancelled / could have crached

  1. Sally can’t или couldn’t + have been at home.
    2. He can visit his ex-wife when he comes to Sochi.
    3. Can / could Nicholas have said this?
    4. Can / could Katerina have refused to go with you?
    5. Basil could come tomorrow.
    6. Sally could not have read the novel so fast.
    7. Greg can’t have had a car accident.

Надеюсь, предложенные can exercises были полезными и интересными.

Также на сайте Вы можете найти хорошие упражнения на модальный глагол must и на модальный глагол may.

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1 Комментарий для “Модальный глагол can, could, be able to. 14 упражнений с ответами”

А разве в 9 упражнении в 10 задании можно поставить CAN, если после него идет TO ?

Источник статьи:

Упражнения “Модальные глаголы can, could и be able to” (с ответами)

1. Переведите предложения и определите значение модального глагола (способность или неспособность делать что-либо, выражение сомнения, недоумения, запрет или разрешение, вежливая просьба) .

  1. You can’t be rude to your sister.
  2. Could you drive me to work?
  3. Could Greg have said this?
  4. Next year I’ll be able to speak English fluently.
  5. I’m sorry but I can’t come to the party.
  6. You can take my dictionary if you need it.
  7. My old grandparents are not able to look after themselves.
  8. Can she still be having a shower?
  9. Could you close the door?
  10. I will be able to play billiards with you tonight.

2. Преобразуйте предложения в прошедшее время Past Simple. Сделайте необходимые изменения.

Н-р: Sally can speak on the phone for hours. – Sally could speak on the phone for hours.

  1. I can dance a waltz round the room right now. (last night)
  2. My little son can read 100 words a minute. (when he was six)
  3. No, he can’t be in London now. (yesterday)
  4. Cindy can’t carry this heavy box.

3. Преобразуйте предложения в прошедшее время Future Simple. Сделайте необходимые изменения.

Н-р: I can join you today. (next Sunday) – I will be able to join you next Sunday.

  1. He can’t lend you his bike. (tomorrow)
  2. We can buy some aspirin at the chemist’s.
  3. Dad can sell his car now. (when he reduces the price)
  4. Our managers can solve the problem. (next week)

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, could, be able to в необходимой форме.

  1. Rita … cook perfect steaks as the meat was fresh.
  2. You … work as a waiter until you are 18.
  3. I don’t believe the latest news. It … be true!
  4. When he lived in Canada he … speak French quite well.
  5. We … see the ballet better if we buy the first row tickets.
  6. Mary is depressed, she … stop crying.
  7. Mother caught a taxi because she had a terrible backache, and she … walk.
  8. … you speak slower, please?
  9. I … play the violin now but I … play it two years ago.
  10. You … get to the station in half an hour.


  1. Запрет (Ты не можешь грубить своей сестре.)
  2. Просьба (Ты мог бы подвезти меня до работы?)
  3. Сомнение, недоумение (Неужели Грег мог такое сказать?)
  4. Способность (В следующем году я смогу бегло говорить по-английски.)
  5. Неспособность (Извини, но я не могу прийти на вечеринку.)
  6. Разрешение (Ты можешь взять мой словарь, если нужно.)
  7. Неспособность (Мои старые дедушка с бабушкой не могут за собой ухаживать.)
  8. Недоумение (Как она до сих пор может принимать душ?)
  9. Просьба (Не могли бы вы закрыть дверь?)
  10. Способность (Я смогу поиграть с тобой в бильярд сегодня вечером.)
  1. I could dance a waltz round the room last night. (Я смогла станцевать вальс по всей комнате вчера ночью.)
  2. My little son could read 100 words a minute when he was six. (Мой маленький сын мог читать 100 слов в минуту в 6 лет.)
  3. No, he couldn’t be in London yesterday. (Нет, он не мог быть в Лондоне вчера.)
  4. Cindy couldn’t carry this heavy box. (Синди не могла нести эту тяжелую коробку.)
  1. He won’t be able to lend you his bike tomorrow. (Он не сможет одолжить тебе свой байк завтра.)
  2. We’ ll be able to buy some aspirin at the chemist’s. (Мы сможем купить аспирин в аптеке.)
  3. Dad will be able to sell his car when he reduces the price. (Папа сможет продать свою машину, когда снизит цену.)
  4. Our managers will be able to solve the problem next week. (Наши менеджеры смогут решить эту проблему на следующей неделе.)
  1. could (Рита смогла приготовить отличные стейки, поскольку мясо было свежим.)
  2. won’t be able to (Ты не сможешь работать официантом до 18 лет.)
  3. can’t (Я не верю последним новостям. Это не может быть правдой!)
  4. could (Когда он жил в Канаде, он мог говорить по-французски довольно хорошо.)
  5. will be able to (Мы сможем увидеть балет лучше, если купим билеты в первый ряд.)
  6. can’t (У Мэри депрессия, она плачет без остановки.)
  7. couldn’t (Мама поймала такси, потому что у нее была сильная боль в спине, и она не могла ходить.)
  8. Could (Не могли бы вы говорить помедленнее?)
  9. can – couldn’t (Я могу играть на скрипке сейчас, но не могла на ней играть два года назад.)
  10. will be able to (Ты сможешь добраться до станции через полчаса.)

Источник статьи:

Упражнения на модальный глагол Can, Could, Be Able To

Эти упражнения помогут вам лучше закрепить тему “Модальный глагол Can (Could)”.

Упражнение 1: Can или Could?

В этом упражнении вам нужно выбрать между глаголами can и could, учтите, что они могут использоваться в утвердительной или отрицательной форме, то есть возможны варианты can’t (cannot), couldn’t (could not).

1. John is a strong man, he can lift a horse! – Джон очень сильный мужчина, он может поднять лошадь!

2. When I was at your age, I could party all night. – Когда я был в твоем возрасте, я мог гулять всю ночь.

Кстати, а вы уже скачали таблицы времен и словари?

  • Словарь 500 – учебный словарь для начинающих
  • Словарь 3000 – подборка из 3000 употребительных слов по частям речи и темам
  • Все времена глагола в таблицах – полезный справочник-шпаргалка по грамматике

3. You could help your friend but did not do that. – Ты мог помочь своему другу, но не сделал этого.

4. I’m sorry but you can’t park here. Parking here is not allowed. – Извините, но здесь нельзя парковаться. Здесь парковка не разрешена.

5. He said that he could see a UFO in the sky. – Он сказал, что видел НЛО в небе.

Упражнение 2: Can или Could?

В этом упражнении вам нужно выбрать между глаголами can и could в утвердительной или отрицательной форме.

1. I can help you if you want. What should I do? – Я могу помочь тебе, если хочешь. Что мне сделать?

2. My neighbor Nina can’t sing but she sings every day. It’s horrible. – Моя соседка Нина не умеет петь, но она поет каждый день. Это ужасно.

3. I could run much faster and longer just thirty years ago. – Я мог бегать гораздо быстрее и дольше всего лишь тридцать лет назад.

4. She can’t see you from there. Come closer. – Она не видит тебя оттуда. Подойди поближе.

5. Michael couldn’t find his dog and asked me to help him. – Майкл не мог найти свою собаку и попросил меня о помощи.

Упражнение 3: Can, Could или Be Able To?

В этом упражнении нужно выбрать между глаголами can, could, be able to. Глаголы могут употребляться в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. Если вам нужно повторить эту тему, прочитайте статью “Модальный глагол Can (Could)”.

1. You will be able to walk properly after the surgery. – Ты сможешь ходить нормально после операции.

2. Sorry, I can’t hear you. – Простите, я вас не слышу.

3. James can cook very well, he is a chef in an Italian restaurant! – Джеймс умеет готовить очень хорошо, он работает поваром в итальянском ресторане!

4. You lived in England. You must be able to speak English like a native speaker. – Ты жил в Англии. Ты, должно быть, говоришь по-английски, как носитель языка.

5. My mother told me that my uncle could dance like a professional when he was younger. – Моя мама сказала мне, что моя дядя умел танцевать как профессиональный танцор, когда был моложе.

6. When I was a child I used to be able to touch my toes, but I can’t now. – Когда я был ребенком, я мог дотянуться до пальцев ног, сейчас я этого не могу.

7. We could have purchased more timber, but I thought I should talk to you first. – Мы могли бы закупить и больше леса, но я подумал, что нужно сперва поговорить с вами.

Упражнение 4: Оборот Can (could) + Have + Past Participle

Это упражнение затрагивает тему не только модальных глаголов, но и условных предложений.

Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор сайта и книг по английскому языку.

Друзья! Меня часто спрашивают, но я сейчас не занимаюсь репетиторством. Если вам нужен учитель, рекомендую этот чудесный сайт . Здесь вы найдете преподавателя, носителя языка😛 или не носителя, на любой случай и карман😄 Я сам прошел там более 100 занятий, рекомендую попробовать и вам!

Источник статьи:

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