One word for mentioned above

Above mentioned

Definitions of Above mentioned not found.

Mentioned above and above mentioned are semantically related. In some cases you can replace phrase «Mentioned above» with «Above mentioned», this phrases are similar.

Mentioned above

Definitions of Above mentioned not found.

Above mentioned and mentioned above are semantically related. Sometimes you can replace phrase «Above mentioned» with «Mentioned above», this phrases are similar.

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Google Ngram Viewer shows how «above mentioned» and «mentioned above» have occurred on timeline

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Many of the classic texts mentioned above were re-published during this period.

Многие из классических текстов, упомянутых выше, были повторно опубликованные в течение этого периода.

Fact is we are light years behind the countries mentioned above

Факт в том, что мы — светлые годы позади упомянутых выше стран…

These are unlike any lock mentioned above.

The bushcraft knives mentioned above are among the best you can buy.

Ножи кустарника, упомянутые выше, являются одними из лучших, которые вы можете купить.

The procedures mentioned above are organization specific.

Процедуры, упомянутые выше, являются специфическими для организации.

The third party information requirements mentioned above also apply.

Действуют также требования относительно информации о третьей стороне, упомянутые выше.

Study modules mentioned above are indicative only.

Учебные модули, упомянутые выше, являются лишь ориентировочными.

In Fibromyalgia all tests mentioned above are generally in the normal range.

В фибромиалгии все тесты, упомянутых выше, как правило, в пределах нормального диапазона.

All the amounts mentioned above must be transferred to Cyprus legally from abroad.

Все суммы, упомянутые выше, должны иметь доказательство, что они переведены в Республику Кипр на законных основаниях из-за рубежа.

Follow the healthy lifestyle habits mentioned above.

Испытайте на себе те шесть принципов здорового образа жизни, которые изложены выше.

We have astute writers who are specialists in the fields mentioned above.

В нашем штате имеются профессиональные авторы, которые являются профессионалами в перечисленных выше областях научного знания.

It raises the problems I mentioned above.

The brands I mentioned above didn’t happen overnight.

Метаморфозы, о которых я упомянул, не происходят в одночасье.

Provide mainly search portals mentioned above.

Предоставляют в основном поисковые порталы, указанные выше.

The harm to coffee for health mentioned above is associated with caffeine.

The services mentioned above have certain analytical tools.

Other studies often accompany those mentioned above.

В других исследованиях часто сопровождают тех, которые упомянуты выше.

Customer may contact our contact person mentioned above for updating his/her personal data.

Кроме того, клиент может связаться с нашим контактным лицом, указанным выше для обновления своих персональных данных.

The issues mentioned above can be dealt with like other relationship issues.

Проблемы, о которых я писал выше, можно решить точно так же, как и другие проблемы в отношениях.

These are the external influences mentioned above.

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Flo Mosciski

Score: 4.1/5
(62 votes)

above mentioned isn’t really two words. It’s a one-word adjective.

Which is correct above mentioned or abovementioned?

To write clearly and effectively, avoid legal jargon like the word above-mentioned or aforementioned. Instead, use words such as previously, earlier or above. Legal jargon: The above-mentioned documents are available on our website.

How do you use above mentioned?

Not all sets of points enjoy the above-mentioned proper ties. The above-mentioned doses of the drugs were chosen because they produced the most prominent effects on refractive development. They do so by using the above-mentioned colonial archives to show that conflicts also existed before.

What is meant by above mentioned?

used to refer to things or people in a document or book that have been mentioned earlier: All of the above-mentioned movies won Oscars.

What is the difference between aforementioned and abovementioned?

is that abovementioned is (literary) mentioned above while aforementioned is previously mentioned.

23 related questions found

Can you say as aforementioned?

Something that was mentioned before is aforementioned. Once you’ve written about something, it can then be referred to as aforementioned.

Is above name one word?

Abovenamed meaning

Alternative spelling of above-named.

How do you write over a mentioned subject?

You can say:

  1. As regards to the above-mentioned subject.
  2. Regarding the subject mentioned above.
  3. With respect to the subject perviously mentioned.

How do you use aforementioned in a sentence?

Aforementioned in a Sentence ?

  1. Any of the aforementioned applicants will make great company employees.
  2. Before any of the aforementioned performers take the stage, the judges will decide which individual will leave the contest tonight.

What does a aforesaid mean?

: said or named before or above.

Is Beforementioned a word?

is that aforementioned is previously mentioned while beforementioned is previously mentioned.

What’s the meaning of undermentioned?

British. : mentioned below : included in the list that follows : following.

What is mean by surpassing?

transitive verb. 1 : to become better, greater, or stronger than : exceed surpassed her rivals surpassed all expectations. 2 : to go beyond : overstep. 3 : to transcend the reach, capacity, or powers of a beauty that surpasses description.

What is the synonym of above?

greater than, more than, higher than, exceeding, in excess of, over, over and above, beyond, surpassing, upwards of. less than, below.

What does above name mean?

: mentioned by name previously on the same page or on a preceding page For a long time I have taken a deep interest in the efforts being made to induce the abovenamed distinguished clergymen … to come out here and occupy the pulpit … —

Is it aforementioned or forementioned?

As adjectives the difference between forementioned and aforementioned. is that forementioned is mentioned earlier or above; already cited while aforementioned is previously mentioned.

What is a aforementioned statement?

: mentioned previously. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About aforementioned.

What is another word for in order to?

synonyms for in order to

  • after.
  • as.
  • concerning.
  • during.
  • notwithstanding.
  • pro.
  • supposing.
  • to.

Is Aforereferenced a word?

cited or mentioned earlier or previously.

Is Aforelisted a word?

Listed earlier in a document.

What part of speech is aforementioned?

adjectivecome before; previous.

What is the difference between aforesaid and aforementioned?

As adjectives the difference between aforesaid and aforementioned. is that aforesaid is of a previously stated list, the earlier of the list items, usually the first in two or three mentioned list items while aforementioned is previously mentioned.

What does save as aforesaid mean?

save as aforesaid means EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE.

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As has been mentioned above, effective cooperation among members of Partnership has

been well established.


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Как было отмечено выше, было налажено эффективное сотрудничество между членами механизма Партнерства.


As mentioned above, there was also an endowment contribution from a private donor.


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Кроме того, как было отмечено выше, поступил дарственный взнос от одного частного донора.


Continue the treatment according to the dosage mentioned above or prescribed by your doctor.


As it was mentioned above, in accordance with provisions of Article 12 of the.


To build a future IT infrastructure, complying with the two objectives mentioned above.


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Создание будущей инфраструктуры ИТ, обеспечивающей решение двух вышеперечисленных задач.


The proposed amendments are consistent with the Depositary Notification mentioned above C.N.76.2009. TREATIES-1.


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Эти предлагаемые поправки соответствуют вышеупомянутому уведомлению депозитария C. N. 76. 2009.



All the characteristics mentioned above make this suite ideal for a small family holiday.


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Все вышеперечисленные особенности делают этот апартамент идеальным для небольшой семьи.


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And Genius Bank of which we mentioned above, already managed to report about fortnight work.


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Ну а Genius Bank, которого мы упомянули выше, уже успел отчитаться о своей двухнедельной работе.


The official surveys mentioned above are conducted at sector, organisation, aimags and city levels.


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Официальные исследования, упоминавшиеся выше, проводятся в отраслях, организациях, аймаках и на городском уровне.


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Таким образом, вышеуказанное утверждение на сегодняшний день уже не действует.


The six-month qualification period mentioned above does not apply, in general, to the members of EEA.


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Вышеупомянутое требование о шестимесячном периоде в целом не применяется к членам ЕЭЗ.


Other brands I mentioned above also have created some spectacular jewellery with melee garnets.


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Остальные же бренды, которые я указала выше, эффектно использовали в своих изделиях гранатовую россыпь.


The functional mentioned above has become available in the latest version

of the trading-analytical platform NetTradeX.


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Указанный выше функционал, стал доступен в последней версии торгово-

аналитической программы NetTradex.


In accordance with the Council Regulation mentioned above, the controls cover also re-exports of dual-use goods.


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Вышеупомянутое постановление Совета ЕС распространяет контроль также на реэкспорт товаров двойного использования.


Mentioned above diversity relates both to the sound and the general mood of the release.


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Вышеупомянутое разнообразие относится как к звучанию, так и к общему настроению пластинки.


In the situations mentioned above, the safety of defenders’ families

and relatives should also be assessed.


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В упоминавшихся выше ситуациях необходимо также оценивать безопасность семей

и родственников правозащитников.


The ad hoc commission of inquiry mentioned above was constituted with the following terms of reference.


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Была сформирована вышеназванная специальная комиссия по расследованию со следующим кругом ведения.


As mentioned above, to create a minimum client that captures video we need three scripts.


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Как мы упоминали выше, для создания минимального клиента, захватывающего видео, необходимо три скрипта.


The Leniency Notice mentioned above was qualified as a soft law instrument.


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Уведомление о смягчения наказания, указанное выше, квалифицировалось как подзаконный акт.


Article 2 of Directive 2003/35(already mentioned above) in conjunction with Annex I thereto;


The Working Party took

note of the information transmitted by Belarus in the document mentioned above.


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Рабочая группа приняла

к сведению информацию, представленную Беларусью в документе, указанном выше.


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Iii любые обстоятельства, аналогичные по характеру тем, что упомянуты выше;


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If not within the time limits laid down by the authorities mentioned above.


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Если это не укладывается в сроки, установленные вышеуказанными органами.


Press the controller button once to change the color in the sequence mentioned above.


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Нажмите на кнопку контроллера 1 раз, чтобы изменить цвет в последовательности, указанной выше.


Results: 5270,
Time: 0.0638





mentioned above

Математика: вышесказанный, указанное выше

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «mentioned above» в других словарях:

  • above — [ə buv′] adv. [ME above(n) < OE abūfan, onbūfan, overhead, above < on , intens. + bufan < be, BY + ufan, over, on high] 1. in, at, or to a higher place; overhead; up 2. in or to heaven 3. at a previous place (in a piece of writing):… …   English World dictionary

  • Above — A*bove , adv. 1. In a higher place; overhead; into or from heaven; as, the clouds above. [1913 Webster] 2. Earlier in order; higher in the same page; hence, in a foregoing page. That was said above. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. Higher in rank or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • above-mentioned — adjective mentioned or named earlier in the same text (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑above named • Similar to: ↑preceding * * * aboveˈ mentioned adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑above * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • above — a|bove1 W1S2 [əˈbʌv] adv, prep 1.) in a higher position than something else = ↑over ≠ ↑below ▪ Our office is above the hairdresser s. ▪ He had a bruise just above his left eye. ▪ I heard a strange noise coming from the room above. ▪ The great… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • above — adv 1. overhead, over one s head, on a higher place, at a higher place, in a higher place; atop, at the top, on the top; aloft, high up, up in the air or sky, far above the ground; skyward or skywards, toward the sky; in or to heaven, on high, in …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • above */*/*/ — UK [əˈbʌv] / US adjective, adverb, preposition Summary: Above can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): The birds were flying high above the trees. as an adverb (without a following noun): She stared up at the… …   English dictionary

  • above — prep., adv., adj., & n. prep. 1 over; on the top of; higher (vertically, up a slope or stream etc.) than; over the surface of (head above water; above the din). 2 more than (above twenty people; above average). 3 higher in rank, position,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • above — a|bove [ ə bʌv ] function word *** Above can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): The birds were flying high above the trees. as an adverb (without a following noun): She stared up at the stars above. as an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • above*/*/*/ — [əˈbʌv] grammar word summary: Above can be: ■ a preposition: The birds were flying high above the trees. ■ an adverb: She stared up at the stars above. ■ an adjective: Please reply to the above address. 1) in a higher position at a higher level… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Above the line (filmmaking) — See Above the line for other meanings and uses of the phrase. In the movie industry, above the line expenditures are those that are negotiated or spent before filming begins. These costs can include rights for the material on which the screenplay …   Wikipedia

  • above-mentioned — aˌbove ˈmentioned adjective [only before a noun] written formal already mentioned on the same page or on a previous page; = AFORESAID: • the above mentioned sale of the company …   Financial and business terms

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