One word for many words in english pdf

This article will provide a list of One Word Substitution PDF which forms an important part of competitive examination.

Candidates preparing for various Government exams are advised to go through the one-word substitution list carefully as English language is a part of the syllabus for most of these exams. 

What is One Word Substitution in English Language?

One word substitution is the use of one word in place of a wordy phrase in order to make the sentence structure clearer. The meaning, with the replacement of the phrase remains identical while the sentence becomes shorter. 

One Word Substitution Example:

My friend drives me in a car around town. Using one-word substitution in this sentence would give something like this – My friend chauffeurs me around town.

To avoid confusion, we have categorized the list of one-word substitution into 8 categories:

For their convenience, candidates may download the one-word substitution pdf containing more than 200 words from the links given below and at the bottom of the article.

List Of One Word Substitution PDF:-Download PDF Here

Government Exam 2023

The table below highlights the one-word substitution related to generic terms, for competitive exams:

One Word Substitution For Generic Terms

List Of One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution Generic terms
An act of abdicating or renouncing the throne Abdication
An annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables Almanac
A cold-blooded vertebrate animal that is born in water and breathes with gills Amphibian
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one Allegory
A statement or proposition on which an abstractly defined structure is based Axiom
A nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law Belligerent
An examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause or extent of a disease Biopsy
The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk Blasphemy
The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence Chronology
A vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change Crusade
Lasting for a very short time Ephemeral
Spoken or done without preparation Extempore
Release someone from a duty or obligation Exonerate
Fond of company Gregarious
Making marks that cannot be removed Indelible
Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong Infallible
Certain to happen Inevitable
A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past Nostalgia
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases Panacea
A doctrine which identifies God with the universe Pantheism
Excessively concerned with minor details or rules Pedantic
The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own Plagiarism
Safe to drink Potable
The emblems or insignia of royalty Regalia
Violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred Sacrilege
A position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit Sinecure
A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event Souvenir
An imaginary ideal society free of poverty and suffering Utopia
Denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace Venial
In exactly the same words as were used originally Verbatim

Candidates can download the comprehensive One word Substitution PDF for all the categories given after the lists. Below given is the one word substitution for Government Or Systems. 

One Word Substitution For Government/Systems

One Word Substitutes Government/System
A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems Anarchy
A form of government in which power is held by the nobility Aristocracy
A system of government by one person with absolute power Autocracy
A self-governing country or region Autonomy
A system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives Bureaucracy
A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives Democracy
A state, society, or group governed by old people Gerontocracy
A state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens Kakistocracy
Government by new or inexperienced hands Neocracy
Government by the populace Ochlocracy
A small group of people having control of a country or organization Oligarchy
Government by the wealthy Plutocracy
Government not connected with religious or spiritual matters Secular
A form of government with a monarch at the head Monarchy
A political system based on the government of men by God Thearchy

Candidates preparing for any Government exam can check other important topics for English language section.

For more articles based on the concepts, rules and sample questions check General English For Competitive exams page.

One Word Substitution For Venue Or Spot

List of One Word Substitutions Venue/Spot
A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people Archives
A large cage, building, or enclosure to keep birds  Aviary
A building where animals are butchered Abattoir
A place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives Apiary
A building containing tanks of live fish of different species Aquarium
A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict Arena
A collection of weapons and military equipment Arsenal
An institution for the care of people who are mentally ill Asylum
A hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling Burrow
A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place Cache
A public room or building where gambling games are played Casino
A large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard Cemetery
A room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left Cloakroom
A place where a dead person’s body is cremated Crematorium
A Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows Convent
Nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day Creche
A stoppered glass container into which wine or spirit is decanted Decanter
A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution Dormitory
The nest of a squirrel, typically in the form of a mass of twigs in a tree Drey
A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise Gymnasium
A storehouse for threshed grain Granary
A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft Hangar
A box or cage, typically with a wire mesh front, for keeping rabbits or other small domesticated animals Hutch
A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill Infirmary
A small shelter for a dog Kennel
A place where wild animal live Lair
A place where coins, medals, or tokens are made Mint
A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition Menagerie
A building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows Monastery
A place where bodies are kept for identification Morgue
A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees Orchard
A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply Reservoir
A small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes and another dirty household work Scullery
A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword Sheath
A room or building for sick children in a boarding school Sanatorium
A place where animal hides are tanned Tannery
A large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored Wardrobe

Candidates preparing for competitive exams must update themselves with the basic differences between the confusing but common words in English Language. Check the links given below:

More such articles on various concepts of English as well as other subjects, important topics, etc are given in the 100 Difference Between Articles on the given link.

One Word Substitution For Group/Collection

One Word Substitution Group/Collection
A group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place Battery
A large bundle bound for storage or transport Bale
A large gathering of people of a particular type Bevy
An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present Bouquet
A family of young animals Brood
A group of things that have been hidden in a secret place Cache
A group of people, typically with vehicles or animals travelling together Caravan
A closed political meeting Caucus
An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose Clique
A group of followers hired to applaud at a performance Claque
A series of stars Constellation
A funeral procession Cortege
A group of worshippers Congregation
A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body Drove
A small fleet of ships or boats Flotilla
A small growth of trees without underbrush Grove
A community of people smaller than a village Hamlet
A group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals Herd
A large group of people Horde
A temporary police force Posse
A large number of fish swimming together Shoal
A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid Torrent

One Word Substitution List for a Person Or People

One Word Substitution  Person/People
One who is not sure about God’s existence Agnostic
A person who deliberately sets fire to a building Arsonist
One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession Amateur
One who can use either hand with ease Ambidextrous
One who makes an official examination of accounts Auditor
A person who believes in or tries to bring about a state of lawlessness Anarchist
A person who has changed his faith Apostate
One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute Arbitrator
One who leads an austere life Ascetic
An unconventional style of living Bohemian
One who is bad in spellings Cacographer
One who feeds on human flesh Cannibal
A person who is blindly devoted to an idea/ a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism Chauvinist
A critical judge of any art and craft Connoisseur
Persons living at the same time Contemporaries
One who is recovering health after illness Convalescent
A girl/woman who flirts with a man Coquette
A person who regards the whole world as his country Cosmopolitan
One who is a centre of attraction Cynosure
One who sneers at the beliefs of others Cynic
A leader or orator who espouses the cause of the common people Demagogue
A person having a sophisticated charm Debonair
A leader who sways his followers by his oratory Demagogue
A dabbler (not serious) in art, science and literature Dilettante
One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking Epicure
One who often talks of his achievements Egotist
Someone who leaves one country to settle in another Emigrant
A man who is womanish in his habits Effeminate
One who is hard to please (very selective in his habits) Fastidious
One who runs away from justice Fugitive
One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters Fanatic
One who believes in fate Fatalist
A lover of good food Gourmand
Conferred as an honour Honorary
A person who acts against religion Heretic
A person of intellectual or erudite tastes Highbrow
A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments Hypochondriac
A person who is controlled by wife Henpeck
One who shows sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality Indefatigable
Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions Iconoclast
One who does not express himself freely Introvert
Who behaves without moral principles Immoral
A person who is incapable of being tampered with Impregnable
One who is unable to pay his debts Insolvent
A person who is mentally ill Lunatic
A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society Misanthrope
A person who is primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics Mercenary
Someone in love with himself Narcissist
One who collect coins as hobby Numismatist
A person who likes or admires women Philogynist
A lover of mankind Philanthropist
A person who speaks more than one language Polyglot
One who lives in solitude Recluse
Someone who walks in sleep Somnambulist
A person who is indifferent to the pains and pleasures of life Stoic
A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman Termagant
A person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife Uxorious
One who possesses outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field Virtuoso

This table highlights the one word substitution pdf for words related to murder or death.

One Word Substitution For Death/Murder

One Word Substitution Murder/Death
A solemn procession, especially for a funeral Cortege
A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead Elegy
A phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died Epitaph
Killing of one’s son or daughter Filicide
Destruction or abortion of a fetus Foeticide
Killing of one’s brother or sister Fratricide
Killing of a large group of people Genocide
Killing of one person by another Homicide
Killing of infants Infanticide
Burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb Interment
Killing of one’s mother Matricide
A room or building in which dead bodies are kept Mortuary
A news article that reports the recent death of a person Obituary
Killing of a parent or other near relative Parricide
Killing of one’s father Patricide
An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death Postmortem
Action of killing a king Regicide
Killing of one’s sister Sororicide
Act of intentionally causing one’s own death Suicide
Killing of one’s wife Uxoricide

List of One Word Substitutes For Profession/Research

One Word Substitution Profession/Research
The medieval forerunner of chemistry Alchemy
A person who presents a radio/television programme Anchor
One who studies the evolution of mankind Anthropologist
A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft Astronaut
The scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification and economic importance of plants Botany
A person who draws or produces maps Cartographer
A person who writes beautiful writing Calligrapher
A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance Choreographer
A person employed to drive a private or hired car Chauffeur
A person who introduces the performers or contestants in a variety show Compere
A keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection Curator
The branch of biology concerned with cyclical physiological phenomena Chronobiology
A secret or disguised way of writing Cypher
The study of statistics Demography
The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas Dactylology
A person who sells and arranges cut flowers Florist
A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor Genealogy
The therapeutic use of sunlight Heliotherapy
The art or practise of garden cultivation and management Horticulture
One who supervises in the examination hall Invigilator
The theory or philosophy of law Jurisprudence
A person who compiles dictionaries Lexicographer
The scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth Odontology
One who presents a radio programme Radio Jockey
The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing Rhetoric
The branch of science concerned with the origin, structure and composition of rocks Petrology
One who studies the elections and trends in voting Psephologist
An artist who makes sculptures. Sculptor
The scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification and distribution of animals Zoology

 Candidates preparing for competitive exams must check the following for English language section:

  • Active and Passive Voice Rules
  • Conjunctions List & Rules
  • Rules For Prepositions
  • Rules For Tenses

One Word Substitution For Sound

One Word Substitution Sound
The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound Acoustics
The sound of Alligators Bellow
The sound of Deers Bell
The sound of Crows Caw
The sound of Geese Cackle
The sound of Hens Cluck
The sound of Dolphins Click
The sound of Frogs Croak
The sound of Crickets Creak
The sound of Monkeys Gibber
The sound of Camels Grunt
The sound of Owls Hoot
The sound of Penguins Honk
The sound of Cattle Moo
The sound of Horses Neigh
The sound of Nightingales Pipe
The sound of Ducks Quack
The sound of Parrots Screech
The sound of Rats Squeak
The sound of Birds Twitter
The sound of Elephants Trumpet
The sound of Mosquitoes Whine

To get all one-word substitution words, candidates are advised to download the One Word Substitution PDF, for convenience in preparation.

Online Quiz 2023

List Of One Word Substitution PDF:-Download PDF Here

Sample Question – One Word Substitutions For the English Language

To better understand the concept of one word substitution and its relevance for the competitive examination, it is important to know the types of questions asked in exams, based on the same. 

Hence, given below are a few sample questions on one word substitution asked in various government examinations.

Directions – In questions given below, out of the four options, pick the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.

Q.1. The Government wing responsible for making Rules

  1. Judiciary
  2. Executive
  3. Court
  4. Legislature

Answer (4) Legislature

Q.2. Life history of a person written by that person

  1. Autobiography
  2. Topography
  3. Flexography
  4. Biography

Answer (1) Autobiography

Q.3. One who does not take any alcoholic drink

  1. Saint
  2. Teetotaller
  3. Forestaller
  4. Vegetarian

Answer (2) Teetotaller

Q.4. A speech delivered without any previous preparation

  1. Elocution
  2. Dialogue
  3. Extempore
  4. Dialect

Answer (3) Extempore

Q.5. A disease which attacks many people in a particular area in one time

  1. Epidemic
  2. Pandemic
  3. Sardonic
  4. Academic

Answer (1) Epidemic

Apart from the above-given questions, one-word substitute can be asked in the form of spotting the error, word replacements as well as in reading comprehension passages. Candidates can go through the exercise on One Word Substitution Questions and Answers for practice and revision. 

Also, go through the questions and answers of other relevant topics of English Language covered in the syllabus of various competitive exams.

  • Tenses Questions And Answers
  • Idioms and Phrases Questions and Answers
  • Prepositions Questions And Answers

For more such articles on the questions and answers on various English topics check the Verbal Ability page.

Therefore, candidates should check the Previous Year Question Papers PDF with Solutions to understand the scope and difficulty level of questions that appear in the exams.

Almost all the exams such as SSC exam, Bank exam, RRB exam, Insurance exam or any other Government exams have a separate section for the English Language in both objective and descriptive paper.

Candidates preparing for the various government exams can refer to the detailed exam syllabus in the links given below:

Most important one Word substitution for Exams with PDF. 300 One word Substitute list for SSC CGL UPSC, CSS, Class 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 5th with Examples.  This set helps preparing most important topics in English Comprehension and all Competitive exams.

            PHRASE ONE WORD One who looks at the bright side of things Optimist One who looks at the dark side of things  Pessimist One who does not believe in God Atheist One who believes in God Theist One who knows everything Omniscient One who is present everywhere Omnipresent One who is all powerful Omnipotent One who cannot read and write Illiterate One who acts against religion Heretic One who offers one’s services, Volunteer One who loves mankind Philanthropist Love for mankind. Philanthropy One who hates mankind Misanthrope One who is out to destroy the government Anarchist One who eats human flesh Cannibal Those who live at the same time Contemporary One who is more than a hundred years old Centenarian One who is eighty years old Octogenarian One for whom the world is a home Cosmopolitan One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure Stoic One who is given to pleasures of the flesh Epicure One that lives on others Parasite One who is sympathetic to mankind Humanitarian One who walks on foot Pedestrian One who studies things of the past Antiquarian One who is gifted with several talents, Versatile One who does not drink wine, Teetotaler One who is new to a profession Novice One who is a habitual drunkard  Sot One who settles in another country Immigrant One who knows many languages  Polyglot One who carves in stones Sculptor One who cuts precious stones Lapidary One who deals in cattle, Drover One who cures eye diseases Oculist One who sells sweets and pastries Confectioner One who collects postage stamps, Philatelist One who loads and unloads ships, Stevedore One who compiles a dictionary Lexicographer One who walks in one’s sleep Somnambulist One who has an irresistible tendency to steal Kleptomaniac One who breaks images or idols Iconoclast One who retires from society to live a solitary life Recluse One who has special skill in judging art, music Connoisseur One who is devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking  Epicure One who is given to the sensual pleasures of body Voluptuary One who pretends to be what he is not. Hypocrite One who imitates the voice and gestures of another Mimic A professional rider in horse races Jockey A place with gambling tables Casino A number of sheep Flock A number of sailors working on a ship  Crew A collection of flags Bunting A number of ships Fleet A cluster of houses in a village Hamlet A number of stars grouped together Constellation The house of an Eskimo  Igloo The house of an Arab Dower A factory for manufacturing beer  Brewery A place for the collection of dried plants  Herbarium A building for lodging of oldies Barrack A place where money is coined Mint A place where orphans are housed Orphanage An institution for reforming young offenders Reformatory A place for improving one’s health Resort A case in which the sword is kept Sheath A substance that destroys  germs Antiseptic A medicine which produces insensitivity Anesthetic A medicine to counteract poison Antidote An instrument for listening to the activities of the heart and lungs Stethoscope Free from infection Immune A cure for all diseases Panacea A place where dead bodies are kept Mortuary A place thought of as the opposite to utopia  Dystopia A place where dead bodies are kept for identification  Morgue A place where dead bodies are buried Cemetery An examination of a dead body Post-mortem Occurring after death Posthumous An inscription on a tomb Epitaph The dead body of an animal Carcass The science of colours Chromatics The science of the structure of human body  Anatomy The art of effective speaking  Elocution The study of the human mind   Psychology A man addicted to lewdness,  Lecher The study of physical life Biology The study of plants Botany The study of animals Zoology The study of rocks and soils  Geology The study of birds  Ornithology The study of mountains Orology The study of languages Philology The study of stars  Astronomy The study of the origin and history of words  Etymology The study of ancient writing Paleography The art of beautiful handwriting Calligraphy The art of preserving skin  Taxidermy Government by the nobility Aristocracy Government by a few  Oligarchy



One word, many meanings



great many words in English have more than one meaning. Linguists call this
aspect of vocabulary polysemy.

at these sentences and think about how you would translate the words in
italics into your own language.


It’s only fair that we should share the

The Frankfurt Book Fair is a very important event
for most publishers.

The forecast is for the weather to stay fair for
the next week.

I’ve got fair skin and burn easily in the sun.

His marks in his final exams ranged from excellent to fair.


The firefighters managed to save the children from the
burning third-floor flat.

The countryside round here is terribly flat and

To join the Fitness Club, you pay a flat fee of

The sonata is in B flat minor.

She finished the exercise in five minutes flat.


Fill in the form in capital letters.

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

You need plenty of capital to open a restaurant.

Capital punishment
has been abolished in many countries.


What does ‘coagulate’ mean?

I didn’t mean to hurt you.

He’s far too mean to buy her flowers.

The mean temperature for July is 25oC.

You shouldn’t be so mean to your little sister.

probably need a different word to translate fair, flat, capital
and mean in each sentence. Sometimes the meanings are clearly
related – flat as in countryside has a connection with flat as
in apartment in that they both include an idea of being on one level. Sometimes,
however, there is no connection at all. For example, the meaning of fair as
in Book Fair has no obvious connection with any of the other meanings
of fair. Words like this can be called homographs (words with
the same spellings but different meanings).


Being aware of polysemy

is useful to be aware of polysemy in English for several reasons.

You need to remember that the meaning you first learnt for a word may not be
the one that it has in a new context.

You need to be aware that in English, words can sometimes be used as
different parts of speech. Flat with its apartment
meaning, for instance, can become an adjective, e.g. a set of flat keys.

Learning about the range of meanings that a word can have can help you to
learn several meanings for the price of one.

It will also help you to understand jokes in English, as these are often
based on polysemous words.


context of a word with multiple meanings will usually make it absolutely
clear which of the word’s possible meanings is intended. So you can
understand what, for example, the noun drill
probably means in (a) a dental context, (b) an army context, (c) a
road-building context, or (d) a languagelearning context.



the example sentence in A opposite in which fair, flat, capital or mean has
the following meaning.



proper, just

city with the seat of government

light in colour



neither very good nor very bad


unwilling to spend money


part of speech is the italicised word in each of the example sentences in A?

a synonym or explanation for each of the examples not used in 91.1.


are some more examples of polysemous words in English. Which word can fill
all the gaps in each group of sentences?

He struck a ____________ and we slowly began to look around the dark cave.

teenage cooks in the competition were a ____________ for any of the adults.

marriage has been called a ____________ made in heaven.

That bird has an unusually long ____________.

forget to keep the receipt when you pay your hotel ____________.

is currently discussing a ____________ proposing changes to copyright

Hannah gave us a lovely ____________ of glasses as a wedding present.

now try and ____________ a date for our meeting next week.

father has very ____________ opinions about how people should behave.

I’ve applied for a ____________ in our company’s Paris office.

end of the race is indicated by a ____________ with a flag on it.

not ____________ your query on an online forum? You’re bound to get a quick

I didn’t get my assignment back because the teacher hadn’t had time to ____________

have already passed the million ____________.

got a red ____________ on your cheek. It looks like lipstick.

You need to be a special kind of person to ____________ a successful

you fancy going for a ____________ this evening?

to the hot weather, our shop has had a ____________ on ice cream.


at the Language help box. What does drill
mean in each of the four contexts suggested?


would the given word be most likely to mean in each of the contexts
suggested? Use a dictionary if necessary.




a primary school


a post office




people planning a festival


a bank




a kitchen


people playing a board game




people playing tennis


in a restaurant




in a lawyer’s office


at an airport




people playing snooker


in the theatre


these one-line jokes. They are all based on polysemy.

I wondered why the tennis ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me!

Smaller babies may be delivered by a stork but the heavier ones need a

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

You know prices are rising when you buy a winter jacket and even down is



intend: I didn’t mean to hurt you.
2 exactly: She finished the exercise in five minutes flat.
3 proper, just: It’s only fair that we should share the housework.
4 city with the seat of government: Wellington is the capital of New
5 light in colour: I’ve got fair hair and burn easily in the sun.
6 unkind: You shouldn’t be so mean to your little sister.
7 fixed: To join the Fitness Club you pay a flat fee of £500.
8 neither very good nor very bad: His marks in his final exams ranged from
excellent to fair.
9 money: You need plenty of capital to open a restaurant.
10 unwilling to spend money: He’s far too mean to buy her flowers.


only fair: adjective (right)
The Frankfurt Book Fair: noun (large show)
the weather to stay fair: adjective (pleasant)
I’ve got fair skin: adjective (light)
ranged from excellent to fair: adjective (satisfactory)
the burning third-floor flat: noun (apartment)
terribly flat and boring: adjective (level)
a flat fee of £500: adjective (fixed)
B flat minor: noun (
a note that is a semitone lower than B itself)

five minutes flat: adverb (only; emphasises how quick a time is)
in capital letters: adjective (upper case)
the capital of New Zealand: noun (city where the country’s government
capital to open a restaurant: noun (money)
Capital punishment: adjective (punishable by death)
‘coagulate’ mean: verb (convey a meaning, express an idea)
mean to hurt you: verb (intend)
too mean to buy her flowers: adjective (opposite of generous)
be so mean: adjective (unkind)


match      4 post

bill           5 mark

set            6 run


an instrument a dentist uses to make holes in your teeth

training for marching

a powerful tool used for making holes in a road

an exercise practising grammar in a fairly mechanical way


a the list on which students are marked present or absent every day
b to send a letter or parcel in a special way so it has protection against
being lost
2 a how much performers might appeal to the public
b money earned on an investment or paid for a loan
3 a to cut up into small cubes (usually vegetables)
b a cube with a number from one to six on each side
4 a throwing the ball into the air and hitting it at the start of a turn
b the attention given to customers by staff
5 a specific problem being dealt with by lawyers
b a piece of luggage
6 a the long stick that players use in snooker or billiards
b the words or actions that tell an actor that it is his or her turn to speak


Then it hit me! This means ‘then I suddenly understood and then the ball
suddenly struck my body.’
2 This is based on the traditional saying that babies are delivered to a home
by a big bird called a
stork. A crane is another kind of large bird rather like a stork. But a crane
can also be a piece of
heavy machinery used to lift heavy objects.
3 In the first sentence, flies is a verb and like is a
preposition – the sentence is comparing the flight
of time with that of an arrow. In the second sentence, flies is a noun
and like is a verb and the
sentence says that fruit flies [very small insects] enjoy bananas.
4 As well as being a preposition, down is the word for very soft
feathers used to stuff, for example,
pillows or winter jackets. If prices are up, they have risen and if
they are down they have fallen.

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS!

The Top 1000 Words You Need To Know for the IELTS! These Words are Most Important for the IELTS and we have selected these words based on the previous IELTS tests with experience and expert guides.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation.

We Have Provided the pdf of this IELTS Vocabulary at the end of this lesson, don’t forget to download that.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Here is the list of 1000 Vocabulary Words for Ielts with their meanings.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List 1

  • Curlerroller
  • Graspinggreedy
  • Skullcranium
  • Conscientiousvirtuous
  • Hateloathe
  • Foyerlobby
  • Maneuvermanipulate
  • Numerousmany
  • Wonderfulmarvelous
  • Bloodbathmassacre
  • Cruelmean
  • Importantmeaningful
  • Quitefairly
  • In the meantimemeanwhile
  • Reminiscencememory
  • Obligatorycompulsory
  • Unforeseenunexpected
  • Afterfollowing, next
  • Intellectualmental
  • Contemporarymodern
  • Humblemodest
  • Religiousdevout
  • Impoliterude
  • Secondmoment
  • Tempermood
  • Immobilemotionless
  • Mobilemoveable
  • Hearsayrumor
  • Patternsample
  • Homicidemurder
  • Incidentallyby the way
  • To condemnto sentence
  • Devilsatan
  • Passablesatisfactory
  • Contentedsatisfied
  • Warrantyguarantee
  • Meagerscanty
  • Almostnearly
  • Afraidscared
  • Dullblunt
  • Comiccomedian
  • Stupidsilly
  • To renewto resume
  • Hinttrace, tip
  • Uncared forneglected
  • Damagehurt
  • Easysimple
  • Transparentobvious
  • Momentoccasion
  • To beatto defeat
  • Unbiasedimpartial
  • Rudeimpolite
  • Desertedabandoned
  • To denoteto indicate, to represent
  • Unmarriedsingle
  • Crysob
  • Foxycunning
  • Depravedwicked, evil
  • Abilityskill
  • Scrumptiousdelicious
  • Mysteriousoccult
  • Couchsofa
  • Vacancyemptiness
  • Specialexceptional
  • Daybreakdawn
  • Trivialworthless
  • Nakedbare
  • To bring sth. Backto reintroduce
  • Ariseoccur
  • Conventionconference
  • Uninjuredunhurt
  • Mildgentle
  • Earthsoil
  • Moviefilm
  • Beneficialfavorable

Ielts Vocabulary Words List 2

  • To illustrateto demonstrate
  • To hazardto endanger
  • Wornold
  • Everlastingeternal
  • Enemyopponent
  • Moderncontemporary
  • Uncommonunusual
  • Non – stop
  • Pressingurgent
  • Amateurbeginner
  • To narrateto relate
  • Possibilityopportunity
  • Abandonforsake
  • Contraryopposite
  • Famousfamed, renowned
  • Militantcombative
  • Poisonoustoxic
  • Dirtysoiled
  • Helpaid
  • To intendto mean
  • Associationorganization
  • Continuepersist
  • Branchdepartment
  • Foolidiot
  • Particularspecific
  • Upsetperturb
  • Inventorystock
  • Independentautonomous
  • To bring sb. Upto raise
  • Conservativecautious
  • To overseeto supervise
  • Surplusexcess
  • Decontrolderegulate
  • Nervousperturbed
  • Choosypicky
  • Midwayhalfway
  • Deliberateplanned
  • Fantasticgreat, brilliant
  • Impatienteager
  • Believableplausible
  • Omnipotentall
  • To imitateto mimic
  • Bellystomach
  • Nicepleasing
  • Gratisfree of charge
  • Well manneredpolite
  • Ablecapable
  • To glitterto sparkle
  • Ballotpoll
  • Formerlypreviously
  • Newfresh
  • Preceptprinciple
  • Approveendorse
  • Beforeprior

Must Learn: Most Basic Vocabulary words for Beginners

  • Fanaticenthusiast
  • Precedencepriority
  • Yieldproduce
  • Economicprofitable
  • Suggestpropose
  • Inheritorheir
  • Unusualstrange
  • Impassedeadlock
  • Thriveprosper
  • Successfulprosperous
  • Hypothesisspeculation
  • Hardfirm
  • Backbonespine
  • Constitutionstructure
  • Sunrisedawn
  • Valuelessworthless
  • Awfulatrocious
  • To demonstrateto protest
  • Adultgrown
  • Measuredegree
  • Dividesplit
  • Manmadeartificial
  • To put sth. Backto postpone
  • Cussedstubborn
  • Loveablehabitable
  • Obduratestubborn
  • Intermittentsporadic
  • Drasticextreme
  • Moreoverin addition
  • Detachedindifferent
  • Immaculatespotless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 3

  • Dedicatedcommitted
  • Ignorantunaware
  • Constantfixed
  • Intolerantbigoted
  • Congestedstuffed
  • To symbolizeto represent
  • Dashsprint
  • Hungerstarvation
  • Stablesteady
  • Stablesteady
  • Egocentricselfish
  • Hospitablecordial
  • Legitimatevalid, leva
  • Mindlesssenseless
  • Destinyfate
  • Touchysensitive
  • Loopycrazy
  • Imperativevital
  • Businesscommerce, trade
  • Honesttruthful
  • Napkinserviette
  • Disgraceshame
  • Confederateaccomplice
  • To enquireto investigate
  • Surecertain
  • To provideto supply
  • Phantasmillusion
  • Scarcityshortage
  • Delicatefragile
  • Dull (person)stupid
  • Dawndaybreak
  • Aboutapproximately
  • To hawkto peddle
  • Constantlyalways
  • To overlookto miss
  • Barreninfertile
  • Mercilesscruel
  • Bizarreweird
  • Continuouscontinual
  • Maximumuppermost
  • Bumbackside, behind, bottom
  • To mirrorto reflect
  • Commencementgraduation
  • Dumbstupid
  • Usuallygenerally, normally
  • Becomingfitting
  • Concordharmony
  • Alwaysforever
  • Bashfulshy
  • Soileddirty
  • Daringbold
  • To expireto run out
  • Insufficientinadequate
  • Signalsign
  • Foolishsilly
  • Candysweet
  • Happilyfortunately
  • Wordsynonym
  • Inflowinflux
  • Surroundingsenvironment
  • Tailoredtailor
  • Impassiveemotionless
  • Dociletame
  • Transitorytemporary
  • Internalinner
  • A narrativea story
  • To mimicto imitate
  • Gayhomosexual
  • Bidtender
  • Organicbiological
  • To confineto restrict
  • Convenienthandy
  • To migrateemigrate

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 4

Blameless  innocent
Crazy  insane
Noted  famous
Madness  insanity
Arrogant  haughty
Awful  terrible
To disclaim  to deny
To vary  to differ
Accurate  correct
Sacristy  vestry
Dreadful  terrible
Immoderate  excessive
Cozy  comfortable
Garbage can  trashcan
Perception  insight
Hang  out
Immediate  instant
Mind  intellect
Vague  indistinct
Understandable  comprehensible
Indisputable  undeniable
Terror  terrorism
Highbrow  intellectual
Cube  dice
Remoted  isolated
Well timed  timely
Gratuity  tip
Disadvantaged  deprived
Abundant  ample
To misconceive  to misunderstand
Denims  jeans
Connect  join
Ecstasy  joy
Magistrate  justice of the peace
Eager  keen
Wise  knowing
Crusade  campaign
To establish  to set up
Neutral  impartial
Vicious  ferocious
Interplay  interaction
To desert  to abandon
Touchdown  landing
Oblique  indirect
To accomplish  to achieve
Hashish  cannabis
To close  to shut
Defective  faulty
Mischievous  impish
Dormant  inactive
Idle  lazy
Turbulent  blustering
To disclose  to reveal
Dally  loiter
Isolated  lonely
Missing  lost
Drab  dull
Fortunate  lucky
Off  season
Mendacity  lying
Superb  magnificent
Leading  main
Chiefly  mainly
Aggressive  militant
Noon  midday
Vague  indistinct
Misfortune  mishap
Misread  misinterpret
Deceptive  misleading
Lacking  missing
Jealous  envious
Doubt  mistrust
Wrong  mistaken
Away  absent
To notify  to inform
Mannequin  model
Dicey  risky
Empty  drain
Misery  distress
Impartial  neutral
Impartial  neutral
To behave  to act
Bendy  flexible
Extra  additional

Words for Ielts List 4

To administer  to manage
Murderer  assassin
To maintain  to preserve
Mediocre  fair
Aromatic  fragrant
Dispute  debate
Ambitious  aspiring
To foretell  to predict
To ignore  to disregard
Virtue  advantage
To cope  to manage
Appreciable  considerable
Disagreeable  unpleasant
Rubbish  nonsense
To bear on sth.  to affect
Lousy  awful
To consult  to refer to
Cranky  cross
Mackintosh  waterproof coat
Pocket book  notebook
Middleman  intermediary
Paper money  notes
Infamous  notorious
Mirth  fun
Selection  choice
To quake  to tremble
Today  nowadays
Self  assured
Mean  unkind
Contaminate  defile
Impediment  obstacle
Construction (lit.)  interpretation
Hostile  antagonistic
To function  to operate
Apparent  obvious
Comfort  consolation
Unstated  unspoken
Enormous  huge, immense
Sincere  honest
Imperfect  faulty
Obsolete  out of date
Above  overhead
Total  entire,
Twosome  pair
Especially  particularly
Monotonous  boring
To hurry  to rush
Ardor  passion
Gut  intestine
Identical  duplicate
Immodest  conceited
Untrue  unfaithful
Achieve  accomplish
To annoy  to irritate, to bother
Awkward  clumsy
Completely  totally
To elevate  to raise, to promote
Insolvent  bankrupt
To rue  to regret
Essential  fundamental
Peaceable  peaceful
Nightfall  dusk
Handsome  good
Stupid  dense
Zenith  peak
Vacant  empty
Fragrance  perfume
Maybe  perhaps, possibly
Aid  help, assist
Bad (not good)  poor, naughty
Magician  conjuror
Unfortunate  unlucky
Gravestone  headstone
Housebreaking  burglary
To grab  to seize
Refrain  chorus
To disappear  to vanish
Painting  portray
Adjourn  postpone
Instructions  directions
Momentous  powerful
Priority  precedence
Stationary  fixed
Praise  compliment
Insufferable  unbearable
Previous  preceding
Exactly  precisely
Mistrust  distrust
Early  premature
Untimely  premature
Antagonize  provoke
Citation  quotation
Naughty  disobedient
Cheesy  corny, tacky
Huge  vast
Hole  gap
Magnify  expand
Lethal  deadly
Immune  exempt
Mourn  grieve
Ban  forbid
Infrequent  rare
Spontaneous  automatic
To cite  to quote
Uncooked  raw
Arrive  reach, come
Dark  dismal
Unlawful  illegal
Knowingly  deliberately
Moderately  reasonably
Insurgent  rebel
Uprising  rebellion
Clerk  receptionist
Miserable  depressing
Curative  healing
Equity  fairness
Immature  inexperienced
Artful  crafty
Practically  virtually
Conscious  aware
To arrive  to reach
Apparent  evident
Crook  criminal
Unvoiced  voiceless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 5

Negligent  inattentive
To differentiate  to distinguish
Inferior  substandard
Win  succeed
Hold  grasp
To nominate  to appoint
To near  to approach
To impact  to affect
Charter  constitution
Eccentric  unusual
Consecutive  successive
Morose  sullen
Disagree  differ
Invoice  bill
To withstand  to resist
Insupportable  intolerable
Meeting  assembly
To convey  to communicate
To denationalize  to privatize
Abstract  summary
Attractive  appealing
Illiberal  intolerant
To overhaul  to overtake
Anyway  besides
To respond  to reply
Precis  summary
Dry  arid
To minimize  to play down
Satisfied  convinced
Vain  useless
To conform  to comply
Conflict  clash
Twister  tornado
To float  to drift
Instinct  intuition
To admit  to confess
To intensify  to heighten
Intriguing  fascinating
Moderate  lenient
Minor  lesser
To infect  to contaminate
To vacuum  to hoover
Removable  detachable
Sundown  sunset
Joy  delight
Encourage  support
Class  lesson, course
To vanquish  to conquer
Turmoil  disturbance
To transform  to convert
To deprave  to corrupt
To chop  to cut
To diminish  to decrease
To involve  to entail
To magnify  to exaggerate
Constancy  fidelity
Ornament  decoration
Diminish  curtail
Nugatory  worthless
Revolting  disgusting
Torpid  lethargic
Prompt  immediate
To operate  to function
Vast  huge
To inspect  to examine
To collect  to gather
Impetuous  reckless
To receive  to get
Beneficent  generous
Nameless  anonymous
To confuse  to mix up
Overseas  abroad
To deduce  to infer
High  elevated
Convalesce  recover
Outside  external
To renounce  to give up
More and more  increasingly
To grouse  to grumble
To assure  to guarantee
Advocate  support
Coiffure  hairstyle
Forehead  brow
Discount  reduction
To appear  to seem
Except  apart from
To survive  to outlive
Migrant  drifting
Dead  lifeless
Notwithstanding  however
A native  a local
To visualize  to imagine
Informal  casual
To begin  to start
Infuriate  enrage
Animated  lively
Chorus  refrain
Necessary  essential
Provided  if
Remorse  regret
Domesticate  cultivate
Steady  regular
Testament  testimony
If  whether
Applicable  relevant
Difficult  hard
Trustworthy  reliable
Mend  repair
Moral  ethical
Nobility  the aristocracy
Repute  reputation
Abbreviate  condense
Unhurt  unharmed
Imperative  crucial
Dilute  weaken, thin
Prosperous  affluent
To fabricate  to manufacture
Reasonable  fair
Idler  loafer
Mandatory  required
Suppress  restrain
Dossier  file
Lucid  clear
Complete  total
Diverse  distinct
Backside  behind, bottom
To answer  to reply
Home  domestic
Matters  things
Correct  right
Brow  forehead
Remainder  the rest
Object  thing
Hermetic  airtight
To learn  to memorize
Considerate  thoughtful
Considerate  thoughtful
Urgent  important
Inconsiderate  thoughtless
Silly  foolish

Ielts Vocabulary Words with Meaning List 6

Words  Meanings
To evaluate  to assess
Substantially  considerably
Dangerous  unsafe
Hall  corridor
French dressing  vinaigrette
To explode  to blow up
To collapse  to break down
To accumulate  to build up
Livid  furious
Remark  comment
Vibrate  tremble
Inflexible  rigid
To select  to choose
Spotlight  highlight
To illuminate  to clarify; to light up
Disaster  catastrophe
To encounter  to come across
To emphasize  to stress
Innocent  harmless
Undeniable  indisputable
Humiliate  embarrass
Beautiful  attractive
To impeach  to question
Bloodless  cold
Hard  tough
Dubious  doubtful
Reliable  dependable
Material  fabric
Infantile  childish
To imagine  to suppose, to assume
Clever  intelligent
Deliberately  intentionally
Last  final
Brave  courageous
Winery  vineyard

Related: 1000 Synonyms Words List in English

Infographics (Vocabulary words for IELTS with Meanings)

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

List of Vocabulary Words for IELTS

IELTS Vocabulary Words

basic vocabulary for IELTS Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning 1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning

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1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS in PDF (Download HERE)

Some Premium Tips For IELTS vocabulary!

How can I improve my IELTS vocabulary?

Follow these tips to Improve your IELTS Vocabulary:

  1. Make a good timetable for your study, and learn 10 new important IELTS words every day.
  2. Your first focus is on making your own dictionary, must put new words into your own dictionary, and revise them.
  3. Must practice the new words in your friend’s circle.
  4. Try to write something using new words that you learn every day.
  5. Have a significant focus on the IELTS speaking section.

How much vocabulary is enough for IELTS?

As an IELTS Vocabulary learner, you must have a collection of 6000 to 7000 most used vocabulary words. And be focused that these words cover every aspect of nature so that you can speak fluently about any topic.

How can I study for IELTS at home?

That’s the question of every second student preparing for IELTS, I will give you some promising tips that will help you and even boost your IELTS preparation at home.

  1. Learn new vocabulary Words Daily (At Least 10)*
  2. Practice these words with your speaking partner or a friend.
  3. Buy Some Good Vocabulary books for IELTS.
  4. For Making your interest, do a bit case study of some successful.
  5. Do a bit of research on IELTS.
  6. Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
  7. Revise your vocabulary every day.
  8. Join an online IELTS Preparation Program *

About The Author

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