One word for love and hate

Mia Florentine Weiss – Love/Hate

By Google Arts & Culture

Words by Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Lüdeking

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

German artist Mia Florentine Weiss created an ambigrammatic sculpture which can be either read as Love or Hate depending on which side it is looked at. Learn more about the artist’s sculpture in an editorial written by Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Lüdeking (Berlin University of the Arts).

Explore the artwork in 3D and Augmented Reality here (Original Version), here (Glass) and here (Brandenburg Gate). 

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

International artist Mia Florentine Weiss lives and works in the conflicted world of Goethe’s Faust and the ambivalence of opposing feelings. Her art is based on the balancing act between pairs of complementary opposites: 

The push and pull between obedience and rebellion, calm and panic, helplessness and proactiveness, creation and acceptance, reality and dreams, light and shadow, life and death, love and hate. This duality inspired the Berlin-based artist to create an ambigram back in 1999, which was turned into a sculpture and the first of its kind worldwide: LOVE HATE! 

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

We know all too well that love and hate are closely linked. Why that is and what that means, however, is not immediately clear. In cases where intuition prevails with no rational explanation, artistic minds typically tend to give the problem a suitable form first. So the irritating reversal from love to hate led the artist to set out the written forms of the words «Love» and «Hate» in such a way that each of them appears as a reflection of the other.

A difficult endeavor, as some of the shapes of the letters in both words differ greatly. After countless attempts inspired by all possible iterations, Mia Florentine Weiss finally managed to create a continuous line.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

It is truly impressive that we can recognize the words «Love» and «Hate» in this continuous line with no major issue—the way in which the individual letters are written is sometimes far removed from typical and standard writing styles.

The fact that both words can be universally read may seem trivial and hardly worthy of mention. However, it is fundamental for understanding this work. The calligraphic discovery has had an affinity for attracting huge amounts of publicity from the very beginning. It can and must escape the hermetic environment in which it was created. It cannot be hidden away in the exclusive confines of an art gallery. It wants to be out in the world where we find it today. Only there does it make its impact.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

This could be observed for the first time in 2015, when a three-metre-tall steel version of the lettering was erected in front of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt am Main. The work could be visited at all times by anyone who wanted to see it, with no entry fee and no limitations due to restricted opening hours. It was only under these conditions that the work became what it still is today: a catalyst for public reactions.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

The work passed the initial test with its opening debut in Frankfurt. It could even be said that it toured the globe, as it was now accessible and available to the whole world—at least virtually—on the Internet. The work only appeared again in its material form in autumn 2018, when two physically identical versions were set up to the north and south of the Siegestor in Munich. Here it yet again proved to be a huge «Instagram hit.»  Due to the work’s popularity, the sculpture was built in numerous other locations, including in Brussels and Wrocław, in Munich, Goslar, Moscow and Prague, on Arcachon beach, and in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Love and hate are phenomena. You can find them everywhere you look. For Mia Florentine Weiss, her preoccupation with the relationship between love and hate inevitably stemmed from her investigation into complementary opposites wrestling exclusively with one another. But in the end, the result was something universal and abstract. The work accordingly takes on a form that cannot be any more general or more abstract. No story is told. No image is shown. Not even a phrase is spoken. All we see is one word—a narrative that anyone can associate with.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture (3D Preview)

But you would be right to argue here that precisely what’s so special about this sculpture is that there is not just one word visible but two, in multiple dimensions. This is undoubtedly true. On the other hand, note that you never see both words at the same time. In fact, you only ever see one of the two words: either «Love» or «Hate.» And both words, united here by one single continuous line, are in no way equal—the term «Love» undeniably takes full priority.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture (3D Preview)

The reason for this is easy to see: love is something we all yearn for. Hate, in contrast, is something we would prefer to be without. It comes as no surprise that love, not hate, is always sung about in pop music. The word «love» has appeared in song titles since records began, being the most used word by far. But love was already being depicted 50 times more often than hate in emblem books of the Baroque period.

Cupid as Victor (around 1601) by CaravaggioGemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Those in love feel irresistibly drawn to one—and typically only one—person. This feeling is often so strong that everything else seems irrelevant. Omnia vincit amor. Caravaggio spread this message in an allegorical painting that can be viewed today in the Berlin Gemäldegalerie. 

The son of the goddess of love Venus, named Amor or Cupid by the Romans, is shown here as an adolescent street urchin in a provocative pose. At his feet lay notations and musical instruments, as well as a pair of compasses and a straight edge, but also pieces of a suit of armor. The boy, who holds in his right hand the arrows which he shoots into the hearts of men to awaken their desire, not only triumphs over the liberal arts but the art of war as well. The phrase «Make love not war» already held true in 1602. 

Empedocles, standing frontally with his head turned in three-quarter view, directs his gaze toward a flame (the crater of Mount Aetna?) emerging from a horizontal ground line, a walking stick leans toward the right margin (ca. 1545–63) by René Boyvin|Rosso FiorentinoThe Metropolitan Museum of Art

In addition to its individual-emotional and social-ethical meanings, the term «love» has yet another use which should be mentioned—one that could be deemed ontological. 2,500 years ago, Empedocles developed the theory that our cosmos consists of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. And everything is created and maintained by just two opposing forces: attraction and repulsion. 

Empedocles named these forces φιλότης (philótēs) and νεῖκος (neíkos). In Ancient Greek, these two expressions are used to mean harmony and strife, friendship and hostility, love and hate. 

By Alfred EisenstaedtLIFE Photo Collection

This expands the conflict between love and hate that we are all first familiar with from the human relationships we experience into a universal constellation of forces binding the whole universe together at its core. It is amazing how much those speculations from ancient times still resonate in current mechanics and modern nuclear physics. 

Einstein himself said the following about love: «This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. It is the invisible force that we have ignored for too long. Maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.»

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture (3D Preview)

What we can learn from this brief overview of the history of the term is obvious. Clearly, the word «love» can have an extraordinary range of meanings and associations. This in turn suggests that these circumstances also explain the public’s enthusiasm for the sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss. When this work—in accordance with its inherent tendency—is presented in the public sphere, multitudes of people encounter it in continuously new, incidental, and unforeseeable ways, considering and interpreting the work from all possible angles.

LOVE (1966) by Robert IndianaIndianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

This explanation seems plausible, highlighting again that the public sphere is indispensable for the existence of an artwork such as this. But there’s more to it than that. We only get the full picture when we consider the profound restructuring of society created by the onslaught of electronic media over the last few decades.

The fundamental changes that have taken place can be most easily seen when compared to an artwork from the predigital age. The visualization of the word «love» is particularly suitable for this purpose. For this we can thank artist Robert Clark, who gave himself the artist pseudonym «Robert Indiana.» His most famous work originally came from a Christmas card design which he created for the New York Museum of Modern Art in 1965.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

But this is also a work based on lettering. It had already become one of the best-known Pop Art works and a symbol of the hippie movement when it was also made into a sculpture for the first time in 1970. While Indiana’s love sculpture exhibits a carefree self-confidence through its strong colors alone, the love-hate sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss is far more prudent and reflective. 

Despite its substantial scale, its unpainted rust-brown steel plates appear fragile in comparison. The principles of the design of Indiana’s work originate from information graphics and commodity esthetics. For this reason, his sculpture appears to be a cross between a road sign and a consumer product, greatly enlarged in size and with a focus on minimalist clarity. Indiana’s sculpture therefore embodies the modern commodity.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture (3D Preview)

50 years ago, however, consumers were still relentless in their judgment of overly esthetic commodities which were presented to them in the most alluring, desirable way possible. Today, we are increasingly the objects being judged. In the new digital media age, we and everything we put about ourselves in public is constantly subject to the judgment of an anonymous audience that decides what it likes and what it doesn’t. Even teenagers style their appearance and behavior primarily on how many likes and rejections they generate on so-called «social» media. The digital public sphere has become an arena for the constant redistribution of love and hate.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

The interplay between love and hate is not just a popular theme among the digitally literate public. Rather, it is an inherent working principle. Whoever cries out for love today is also inviting hate. It is simply not immediately obvious because it looks just like love. It is its reversal and twin. In Goethe’s Faust, the «force of hate» and the «power of love» could still be considered symptoms of an individual youthful energy that diminish with age. Today, this energy feeds an entire social system. Love and hate have always featured in the feelings of individuals. They only became powerful driving forces in society in the digital public sphere.

The Two-Word Poem «Love/Hate» Sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss

Here, in this digital public sphere, the love-hate sculpture by Mia Florentine Weiss became what it is today. At the same time, however, it highlights—as we are slowly coming to realize—the fundamental forces we are all exposed to by this public sphere. From this interaction between the opposing momenta of love and hate grows a coincidentia oppositorum—a unity of opposites—that defines our lives across the whole world.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Love–hate» redirects here. For other uses, see Love Hate.

A Love–Hate Relationship is an interpersonal relationship involving simultaneous or alternating emotions of Love and Hate—something particularly common when emotions are intense.[1]

The term is used frequently in psychology, popular writing and journalism. It can be applied to relationships with inanimate objects, or even concepts,[2][3] as well as those of a romantic nature or between siblings and parents/children.[4]

Psychological roots[edit]

A love–hate relationship has been linked to the occurrence of emotional ambivalence in early childhood;[5] to conflicting responses by different ego states within the same person;[6] or to the inevitable co-existence of egoistic conflicts with the object of love.[7]

Narcissists and borderlines have been seen as particularly prone to aggressive reactions towards love objects,[8] not least when issues of self-identity are involved:[9] in extreme instances, hate at the very existence of the other may be the only emotion felt, until love breaks through behind it.[10]

Research from Yale University suggests love–hate relationships may be the result of poor self-esteem.[11]

Family and development[edit]

Love–hate relationships also develop within a familial context, especially between an adult and one or both of their parents.[12] Love–hate relationships and sometimes complete estrangement between adults and one or both of their parents often indicates poor bonding with either parent in infancy, depressive symptoms of parents, borderline or narcissistic pathology in the adult child, and/or parental alienation in childhood. Parents who alienate their children from the other parent frequently suffer from Borderline personality disorder or Narcissistic personality disorder.[13] Children who experience parental alienation techniques by a borderline parent report a higher prevalence of low self-esteem, low self-sufficiency, insecure attachment styles, and higher levels of depression in adulthood. One of the development tasks for humans is to balance the primary love and hate drives as to tolerate ambivalence toward a loved object. When this task is unsuccessfully accomplished, severe psychopathology can ensue. Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) often fail to accomplish the task of ambivalence. They are unable to be simultaneously angry at someone they love, without destroying the love (Corradi, 2013). Children are unable to tolerate the ambivalence, and are indoctrinated to choose. Despite feeling love for their alienated parent, they let go entirely of the loved object. This creates an occasion for the development of ego defenses in the child referred to as “splitting.”

As a way of understanding splitting, a common feature of BPD and NPD, is described as “a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 663).[14]

A love–hate relationship may develop when people have completely lost the intimacy within a loving relationship, yet still retain some passion for, or perhaps some commitment to, each other, before degenerating into a hate–love relationship leading to divorce.[15]


  • The Japanese word “tsundere” is derived from two Japanese terms: “tsun tsun” (ツンツン) (adverb, ‘morosely, aloofly, offputtingly’) and “dere dere” (でれでれ) (adverb, ‘in a lovey-dovey or infatuated manner’). A tsundere character is one who frequently switches between insulting their love interest and acting lovestruck or kind toward them. Tsundere characters usually belittle their love interest at first but eventually become kinder to them over time.[16]
  • Catullus introduced the love–hate theme into Western culture with his famous lines: «I hate and yet love. You may wonder how I manage it. I don’t know, but feel it happen, and am in torment».[17]
  • The concept of a love–hate relationship is frequently used in teen romance novels where two characters are shown to «hate» each other, but show some sort of affection or attraction towards each other at certain points of the story.[18]

See also[edit]

  • Actaeon
  • Ambivalence
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • False dilemma
  • Femme fatale
  • Frenemy
  • Love triangle
  • Madonna–whore complex
  • Jealousy
  • Petrarch
  • Private Lives
  • Psychoanalytic concepts of love and hate
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Splitting (psychology)
  • Tough love
  • On-and-off relationship
  • Shipping (fandom)


  1. ^ Eric Berne, A Layman’s Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1976) p. 86
  2. ^ «A love-hate relationship». The Economist. 19 January 2008.
  3. ^ «Skyhook’s love/hate relationship with GPS».
  4. ^ M. A. Skura, Shakespeare the Actor (1993) pp. 286–7
  5. ^ Sigmund Freud, On Metapsychology (PFL 11) p. 137
  6. ^ Eric Berne, Sex in Human Loving (1970) p. 222
  7. ^ Freud, p. 137
  8. ^ Jacques Lacan, Écrits (1997) pp. 24–5
  9. ^ R. D. Laing, Self and Others (1969) p. 110
  10. ^ Neville Symington, Narcissism (2003) pp. 85–6
  11. ^ «The mystery behind love-hate relationships —». 8 June 2006.
  12. ^ Fingerman, KL; Pitzer, L; Lefkowitz, ES; Birditt, KS; Mroczek, D (1 November 2008). «Ambivalent Relationship Qualities between Adults and Their Parents: Implications for Both Parties’ Well-being». The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 63 (6): P362–P371. doi:10.1093/geronb/63.6.p362. PMC 2749877. PMID 19092039.
  13. ^ Baker, AJL (2006). «Patterns of Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Qualitative Study of Adults Who were Alienated from a Parent as a Child» (PDF). The American Journal of Family Therapy. 34 (1): 63–78. doi:10.1080/01926180500301444. S2CID 219638766. Retrieved 22 September 2020.
  14. ^ Jaffe, AM; Thakkar, MJ; Piron, P (11 May 2017). «Denial of ambivalence as a hallmark of parental alienation». Cogent Psychology. 4 (1): 1–15. doi:10.1080/23311908.2017.1327144.
  15. ^ A. Pam and J. Pearson, Splitting Up (1998) p. 24
  16. ^ «tsundere | Origin and History». Retrieved 2023-04-13.
  17. ^ J. Boardman et al eds, The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 489
  18. ^ «LOVE-HATE | Definition of LOVE-HATE by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of LOVE-HATE». Lexico Dictionaries | English. Archived from the original on October 31, 2020. Retrieved 2021-09-29.

Further reading[edit]

  • John Gottman, Why Marriages Succeed and Fail (1994)

3 pages, 1032 words

Love and Hate Emotions are the strongest feelings that come to life through our highest highs and our lowest lows. The two most extreme emotions known to man are love and hate. As experience has taught me, Love conquers all. With love, you can do anything. The power of love is stronger than hate because love gets you where you want to go and hate only brings pain and sorrow in its wake. When we begin to read Wuthering Heights, we begin to realize that the story is built around love. Heathcliff and Catherines love was unsurpassed. When Hindley begins to abuse on Heathcliff and Catherine marries Edgar Linton, Heathcliff exacts his revenge. Heathcliff throughout most of the novel uses his hate to try to destroy all those around him.

One can see to what great lengths he would actually go with this quote; Im trying to settle how I shall pay Hindley back. I dont care how long I wait, if I can only do it at last. I hope he will not die before I do. (Bronte).

Love does prevail in the novel however because no matter how much revengeful Heatcliff will try to destroy any site of love, he would realize that what he does doesnt affect them because they have love. You can see this with young Catherine and the abused Hareton overcome all obstacles and fall in love.

Then if we begin to read The House of Spirits we realize that also in this book that love conquers all obstacles especially hate. In The House of Spirits, Esteban plays the same role Heatcliff plays in Wuthering Heights. Esteban is a person that is capable of love, but only brings out the hate in him with his actions. He may raise a pile of dirt into a plantation with the use of his intellect, but through his raping and bullying he is portrayed as someone full of hate. One would see after reading this quote how much Estebans hate has hurt people throughout the novel, I set my curse on you, Esteban; you will always be alone! Your body and soul will shrivel up and you’ll die like a dog. No matter how much he oppressed women in the novel, you see that love will always conquer hate but if there were No Hate, There would be No Love.

2 pages, 881 words

The Essay on Heathcliff And Catherine Earnshaw In Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights

Love is an amazing emotion. People spend much of their lives searching for true love. When true love is found, people will do everything possible to hold on to and cherish it for eternity. It is said that true love can only be found once in a lifetime that is filled with intense everlasting emotions. A classic example of this powerful emotion is displayed by the characters Heathcliff and Catherine …

Detest, abhor, loathe and hate all means the same, but most people are common with only one of these words, and that word is hate. Hate is extremely strong word, but it often slips off out tongue without thinking that it might offend someone. Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary defines the word hate as “to feel strong aversion of intense dislike for.” My definition of the word “hate” is strong dislike towards somebody or something, because of their race, actions, or accomplishments. Racial hatred has been at its highest point during the Civil War years. Slavery was one of the major factors that started the racial hatred. Dispute between different beliefs about black rights, was a spark that started the racial war. During those years numerous hate groups had been formed, from KKK, and the Blood Brotherhood to the Black Panthers.

Every one of these groups believed that their race was superior to the rest. Sometimes, these hate groups would result in violence to demonstrate to what extremes they would result to prove how deep their believes were. Symbols like the swastika, and expressions like “white power” are still used today to express racial hatred. Feeling hate towards someone can happen as fast as a speeding bullet hitting your love one or it can build on inside of you for years. Hate because of someone’s actions is particularly common today. Couple of weeks ago, a lady killed and cut open a pregnant woman named Theresa Andrews, and she took her baby and claimed it hers.

2 pages, 916 words

The Essay on Suicide Loves People

I choose the Kurt Cobain suicide note because I felt someone of his popularity should be harder to break down because we really don’t know what goes through celebrities minds. Even though Idon’t think that his super stardom had anything to do with his suicide. I don’t know much about Kurt Cobain I just feel it is going to fun to give my opinions on why he decided to commit suicide. Kurt Cobain …

If I were a husband of a victim that was brutally slaughtered, I would not be able to be next to the murderer without trying to somehow get revenge. Loss of a loved one can drive someone to the point of insanity, where the person believes that only way to continue their normal life is to seek revenge. Freeing yourself from hate is as difficult as trying to quit heroin or cocaine. First, person has to completely change their living habits. They have to get rid of everything that reminds them of the one they hate. Second, they should be involved in many group activities, so they can see that most people are friendly and fun to be around. The hardest part is to face the person that they hate, this will allow them to see if they accomplished the goal.

I the person can calmly talk to the one that they used to hate, than they succeeded in getting rid of hate, but if the person starts stuttering, shaking, forming a fist, or clenching their teeth, than we know that they are on the edge of losing the control over themselves. Finally, there is hatred because of someone’s achievements, or in another words, hatred because of jealousy. This form of hatred is not as severe as the previous two. People’s nature is to compete for the best luxuries that they can get. Everyone wants to be richer, more popular or on higher standards than their neighbor or their friends. Having more money gives people more confidence, and people with less confidence look at it with jealousy, which can overtime turn into hate.

What most people do not understand is that if there were no hate, there would be no love. Reason for this is that everyone would feel no dislikes for each other, and love would not be as special as it is. Hatred because of race, actions, or jealousy can have a positive effect on the person as long as it is not in extreme quantities. A great man named Fuller once said “Hatred is blind, as well as love.” To me this means that hatred is as strong as love, and that person with extreme hate is willing to go as far as the person with extreme love..

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  1. Любовь прежде всего
  2. С глаз долой из сердца вон
  3. Еще немного о любви

Существует множество английских пословиц про любовь, ведь любовь это самое трепетное и сильное чувство на земле. Любовь вдохновляет, но может и погубить. Ради любви люди совершают подвиги и самые страшные преступления. «Любви все возрасты покорны», «Насильно мил не будешь», «Любовь не картошка — не выбросишь в окошко». А какие именно в английском языке используют пословицы про любовь? Давайте рассмотрим некоторые из них.


Любовь прежде всего

Самые древние выражения о любви вы можете почерпнуть из библейских текстов, и именно этому чувству учат духовные наставники и сейчас. Именно любовь всегда считалась самой большой силой человеческой души. Поэтому неудивительно, что большое количество поговорок и пословиц говорят о том, насколько важным и всесильным является это чувство, и о том, что никакие преграды не страшны, если в душе у тебя настоящая LOVE:

  • Love makes the world go round. – Любовь движет миром.

Кстати, именно так называется один из величайших хитов поп-дивы XX века Мадонны.

  • Love will find a way. – К милому другу семь верст не околица (любовь сама проложит себе тропу).

Так называется и саундтрек к любимому всеми мультфильму Король Лев II.

  • Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. – Любовь это дар небес.
  • Love laughs at locksmiths. – Любовь смеется над цепями (на любовь закона нет).
  • Love and cough cannot be hidden. – Любви, огня да кашля от людей не спрячешь.

С глаз долой из сердца вон

С глаз долой из сердца вон

Пожалуй, чувством «поэпичнее», чем любовь может быть только ее трагический конец. Об этом писали Шекспир  и Бронте, об этом сложены целые саги. И если именитые писатели использовали свои поэтические приемы, чтобы описать боль от расставания с любимым человеком, то жизненные наблюдения и опыт простых людей нашли свое отображение в некоторых последующих поговорках:

  • Salt water and absence wash away love. – С глаз долой из сердца вон.
  • Love makes time pass; time makes love pass. – Любовь со временем проходит.
  • Hot love is soon cold. – Горячая любовь быстро остывает.
  • The love of a woman and a bottle of wine, are sweet for a season but last for a time. – Женская любовь и бутылка вина сладки в свое время, но их хватает ненадолго.

Еще немного о любви

Существует еще очень много выражений о любви, которые говорят о том, как нужно бороться за свое чувство, или как чувствуют себя несчастные при неудачной попытке влюбиться. Давайте рассмотрим некоторые из них:

  • Love is blind. – Любовь слепа.

Пожалуй, эту фразу мы употребляем чаще всего, говоря о неудачном выборе партнера в отношениях, что часто приводит к расставанию. Стихов и песен с таким названием просто не сосчитать. Но, пожалуй, самые известные произведения последних годов это, конечно же, один из саундтреков к фильму «The Great Gatsby», который вы, кстати, можете посмотреть с помощью новых летних мультимедийных программ, разработанных онлайн школой Englishdom.

  • All is fair in love and war. – В любви и на войне все средства хороши.

Не всегда это прекрасное чувство приходит легко: иногда нужно бороться за свое счастье.


  • All is fair in love and war the man thought when he asked his colleague for a date. – Мужчина считал, что в любви и на войне все дозволено, когда приглашал свою коллегу на свидание.
  • Absence makes the heart grow. – От разлуки любовь горячей; разлука усиливает любовь.
A penny-weight of love is worth a pound of law. Пенни любви стоит фунта закона.
Absence makes the heart grow. Разлука укрепляет чувства. (Разлука для любви, что ветер для искры: маленькую затушит, а большую сделает еще сильнее. Реже видишь — больше любишь.)
Affection blinds reason. Любовь ослепляет здравый смысл. Любовь не благоразумна. (Любовь зла — полюбишь и козла. Любовь слепа.)
All is fair in love and war. Все честно в любви и на войне. (В любви, как на войне — все методы хороши.)
As good love comes as goes. Поскольку хорошая любовь прибывает, как идет.
Biting and scratching is Scots folk’s wooing. Кусание и царапанье — народное шотландское ухаживание. (Милые бранятся — только тешатся.)
Calf love, half love. Юношеское увлечение — половина любви.
Far from eye, far from heart. Далеко от глаз, далеко и от сердца. (С глаз долой — из сердца вон.)
Fear is stronger than love. Страх сильнее чем любовь.
Follow love and it will flee thee: flee love and it will follow thee. Следуйте за любовью и она будет бежит от вас, бегите от любви, и она будет следовать за вами.
Hatred is blind, as well as love. Ненависть является слепой, как и любовь.
He that cannot hate cannot love. Кто не может ненавидеть, не может любить.
Hot love is soon cold. Горячая любовь быстро остывает.
Hе that has no children knows not what love is. Тот, у кого нет детей, не знает, что такое любовь.
Hе that loves the tree, loves the branch. Тот, кто любит дерево, любит и ветку. [Кто любит женщину (мужчину) — любит и её (его) ребёнка.]
I love you well but touch not my pocket. Я тебя люблю, но на мой кошелек не рассчитывай. (Дружба-дружбой, а денежки врозь!)
If Jack’s in love, he’s no judge of Jill’s beauty. Влюбленный Джек — не судья красоты Джилл.
It is a weakness to love, it is sometimes another weakness to attempt to cure it. Любовь — слабость, иногда другая слабость — попытаться излечиться от неё.
Long absent, soon forgotten. Досл. перевод: Когда долго отсутствуешь, о тебе скоро забывают. (С глаз долой — из сердца вон.)
Looks breed love. Взгляды рождают любовь. (Любовь начинается с глаз.)
Love and a cough cannot be hidden Любовь и кашель нельзя спрятать. (Любви, огня да кашля от людей не утаишь.)
Love and hate are blood relations. Любовь и ненависть — близкие родственники.
Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. В любви нужна вера, в вере нужно твердость.
Love begets love; Любовь порождает любовь;
Love can be a blessing or a curse Любовь может быть благословением или проклятием. (Любовь лечит или калечит.)
Love cannot be compelled. Любовь нельзя вызвать силой. (Сердцу не прикажешь.)
Love comes by looking. Любовь начинается со взглядов. (Любовь начинается с глаз.)
Love conquers all. Любовь все побеждает.
Love converts a cottage into a palace of gold.
(Love makes a cottage a castle.)
Любовь превращает дом во дворец. (С милым рай и в шалаше.)
Love does much, money does everything /but money goes all. Любовь может многое, а деньги всё.
Love in a hut with water and crust is cinders, ashes, dust. Любовь в хижине с водой и коркой хлеба становится прахом. (Когда в дверь входит бедность, любовь вылетает в окно. С деньгами мил, без денег постыл.)
Love is a fair garden and marriage a field of nettles. Любовь — прекрасный сад и брак — поле крапивы
Love is a flower which turns into fruit at marriage. Любовь — цветок, который в браке превращается в плод.
Love is a game in which both players always cheat. Любовь — игра, в которой всегда жульничают оба игрока.
Love is above King or Kaiser, lord or laws. Любовь выше короля и кайзера, лорда и законов.
Love is as strong as death. Любовь столь же сильна как смерть.
Love is blind. Любовь слепа. (Любовь слепа. У любви нет глаз. Любовь зла — полюбишь и козла.)
Love is full of (busy) fear. Любовь полна страха. (за любимого)
Love is lawless. Любовь не подчиняется законам. (Любовь закона не знает, годов не считает.)
Love is neither bought nor sold. Любовь ни купишь, ни продашь.
Love is never without jealousy. Не бывает любви без ревности.
Love is not found in the market. Любовь на рынке не найдешь. (Любовь за деньги не купишь.)
Love is the fruit of idleness. Любовь — плод безделья.
Love is the loadstone of love. Любовь — магнит любви.
Love is the true price (reward) of love. Любовь — истинная цена (награда) любви.
Love is without reason. Любовь рассудку не подвластна. (Любовь зла — полюбишь и козла.)
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. Любовь, прежде всего, дар. (Любовь — это дар небес.)
Love laughs at locksmiths. Любовь смеется над цепями [букв. слесарями]. (Любовь на замок не закроешь.)
Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. Любовь живёт и в лачугах, и в дворцах.
Love locks no cupboard. Любовь не запирает шкаф / буфет / чулан. (Для милого дружка и сережка из ушка.)
Love makes all hard hearts gentle. Любовь делает все жесткие сердца нежными.
Love makes all men equal. Любовь всех делает равными. (Любовь чинов не различает.)
Love makes men orators. Любовь делает мужчин ораторами.
Love makes the world go round. Любовь заставляет мир вращаться. (Любовь движет миром.)
Love makes time pass; time makes lovepass. С любовью время проходит, со временем проходит любовь. (Любовь со временем проходит.)
Love me little, love me long. Люби меня не сильно, люби меня долго.
Love me, love my dog. Любишь меня, так люби и собачку мою.
Love sees no faults. Любовь не видит недостатков. (Любовь слепа. Покажется сатана лучше ясного сокола.)
Love thy neighbour as thyself. Возлюби ближнего своего как самого себя (из Библии).
Love to live and live to love. Любите жить и живите, чтобы любить.
Love will creep where it cannot go. Любовь проползёт туда, куда она не может пойти. (Любовь дорогу найдёт.)
Love will find a way. Любовь найдет путь. (Любовь сама проложит себе тропу. К милому другу семь верст не околица.)
Love will go through stone walls. Любовь пройдет и сквозь каменные стены. (Любовь на замок не закроешь.)
Love without end has no end. Любовь без конца не имеет конца. (Любовь — кольцо, а у кольца нет конца.)
Love without return is like a question without an answer. Любовь без взаимности, как вопрос без ответа.
Lovers’ tiffs are harmless. Размолвки влюблённых безопасны. (Милые бранятся — только тешатся.)
Lovers’ time runs faster than the clock. Время влюбленных бежит быстрее чем часы. (Счастливые часов не наблюдают.)
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. Счастливый в картах, несчастлив в любви. (Не везет мне в картах — повезет в любви.)
Many a heart is caught in the rebound. Много сердец поймано рикошетом.
Marriage is the tomb of love. Брак — могила любви.
Marry first, and love will follow (come afterwards ). Сначала женись, потом придёт любовь. (Стерпится — слюбится. Что стерпится, то и слюбится.)
Money is the sinews of love as well as of war. Деньги — опора любви , как и войны.
Never rely on love or the weather. Никогда не доверяйте любви или погоде.
No herb will cure love. Никакая трава не вылечит любви. (Любовь не пожар, а загорится — не потушишь.)
No love like the first love. Никакая любовь не сравнится с первой любовью.
No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold. Нет человека, который любит свои оковы, даже если они из золота. (Любви золотом не купишь.)
Of soup and love the first is the best. Из супа и любви первое лучше.
Old love does not rust. Старая любовь не ржавеет.
Old love will not by forgotten. Старая любовь не будет забыта. (Старая любовь не забывается.)
One cannot love and be wise. Нельзя любить и быть мудрым. (Любовь и умника в дураки ставит.)
One love expels another. Одна любовь вытесняет другую. (Любовь любовью губится.)
Pity is akin love. Жалость сродни любви. (Жалеет — значит любит.)
Praise the child, and you make love to the mother. Похвалите ребёнка и вас полюбит его мать.
Puddings and paramours should be hotly handled. Пудинги и любовники хороши горячими.
Salt water and absence wash away love. Слезы (солёная вода) и разлука смывают любовь. (С глаз долой из сердца вон.)
Sound love is not soon forgotten. Настоящая любовь не скоро забудется.
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love. Самая большая ненависть возникает из самой большой любви.
The love of a woman and a bottle of wine, are sweet for a season but last for a time. Любовь и бутылка вина сладки в свое время, но их хватает ненадолго.
The new love drives out the old love. Новая любовь изгоняет старую. (Любовь любовью губится.)
The quarrel (The falling out) of lovers is the renewal of love. Ссора (разлад) влюбленных — возобновление любви.
(Милые бранятся — только тешатся.)
There is more pleasure in loving than in being beloved. Большее счастье любить чем быть любимым.
Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Лучше любить и проиграть, чем вообще никогда не любить вообще.
True love never grows old. Истинная любовь никогда не стареет.
When love is greatest, words are fewest. Большой любви слова ненужны.
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window. Когда в дверь входит бедность, любовь вылетает в окно.
Where love is, there is faith. Где есть любовь, есть вера.
Where love’s in the case, the doctor is an ass. Где любовь диагноз, доктор в заднице.
Where there is no trust there is no love. Где нет доверии, там нет любви.
Where there’s marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. Где есть брак без любви, будет любовь вне брака.
Who marries for love without money, has good nights and sorry days. У женившегося без денег по любви хорошие ночи и жалкие дни.
Whom the gods love die young. Те, кого любят боги умирают молодыми.

Кто сказал, что время и расстояние убивают чувства? Возможно, развитие событий в ситуации разлуки зависит исключительно от их глубины и зрелости партнеров.

Некоторые поговорки затрагивают не только чувства, но и дальнейшие взаимоотношения, которые начались благодаря этому прекрасному чувству. Например, до сих пор на свадебных церемониях произносят поговорку «marriages are made in heaven» («браки совершаются на небесах / суженого конем не объедешь и водой не обойдешь»).

Именно любовь и позитивные, добрые чувства движут миром и каждым из нас. Помните, что нужно «love your neighbor as yourself» («полюбить ближнего как самого себя»), и ваш разум и сердце всегда будут наполнены только хорошей энергетикой. Изучая английский в нашей онлайн школе, вы всегда будете в курсе самой интересной информации о разнообразных сферах языка. Учите английский с удовольствием. Любите и будьте любимы.


A Love/Hate relationship is usually between two people who deep down love each other. Insted of actually expressing their feelings, they bicker. Sometimes they will atomaticly say, «I hate him/her» so no one leads on maybe they do love that person. Also they may say «I don’t care» when really they do. Fights are cuased over jelousy, maybing hating the person because their with someone else, but really love the other person. Love/hate relationships are complicated, but in the end they’re exciting and intoxating because there is a fine line between love and hate.

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The dynamics of the love/hate relationship are based on both mutual admiration and irritation.

Usually such a relationship is formed unintentionally by people who are complete opposites being flung together, such as an introduction through a mutual friend.

Although unsuited to each other’s presence, the lover/haters will usually find it hard to exclude the other from their life and day-to-day activities.

Similar to an abusive relationship, the lover/haters constantly crave more conflict while subconsciously seeking the other’s approval.

Previously, those engaged in a love/hate relationship were commonly referred to as lover/haters, however the term «pevy» as now surpassed the phrase lover/haters.

I can’t stand being in their presence. Talk about a love/hate relationship; those two are constantly bickering. They’re such a pevy.

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