One word for life changing

О книге «One Word That Will Change Your Life, Expanded Edition»

The guide to creating simplicity in your world and developing a discipline for life, now in a full-color, expanded edition One Word explains how to simplify your life and business by focusing on just ONE WORD for the entire year. The simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst for life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. By celebrated authors Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon, One Word That Will Change Your Life shows you how to cut through to the core of your intention for the next year. It offers an action plan and simple process to discover your word for the year. It also explains how your one word will impact the six dimensions of your life—mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. This beautifully illustrated full-color Second Edition includes even more stories demonstrating the impact of embracing the One Word call to action. It explores the legacy of taking a focused approach to your life and outlines six new dimensions to the Action Plan. Includes additional material on developing the One Word for teams and families, specifically how a group of people can also have a One Word Demonstrates how to establish a simple, disciplined, and focused approach to the next year of your life Discover how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of One Word.

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Oftentimes, in order to move on with their lives, people need a bit of encouragement and inspiration. In the darkest moments, even single motivational words can make a huge difference. Perhaps a random person on the street told you to “Smile,” which resulted in your mood being improved throughout the whole day. Or maybe you came across a one-word quote like “Strength” on social media, and that was the little push you needed to take action.

Such single motivational words have the power to lift people up in the most unexpected of ways. In this article, I have gathered some of the most effective single motivational words, which you can use to pick yourself up when you are feeling down.

40 Single Motivational Words to Lift Your Spirits

Single Motivational Words to Inspire

1. “Inspire.” — You can change someone’s life. You can be a person that others turn to for advice and guidance.

2. “Freedom.” — You will not be here forever. You are free to go wherever you want and do whatever you want to do.

3. “Fly.” — Take the risk. Do not worry about what will happen if you fall. What if you start flying instead?

4. “Dream.” — Never give up on your dreams. Focus on your goals, and nothing will be able to stop you.

5. “Motivate.” — You are capable of anything. Stop wasting time and become the best possible version of yourself.

6. “Believe.” — If you believe in good, good things will happen to you. Never surrender to despair, as the good times are just around the corner.

7. ”Karma.” — Everything you do eventually comes back to you. Patience will deliver you the sweetest revenge imaginable.

8. “Goals.” — Do you want to achieve something? Concentrate on your goals and don’t let anything get in your way.

9. “Bless.” — Every person is blessed in one way or another. You know what your strengths and talents are, so use them!

10. “Imagine.” — Imagination allows us to see the world from a different angle. Create your own scenario, and work to bring it to life.

11. “Compete.” — Don’t let people ignore you. Work with maximum effort, and make yourself known.

12. “Classy.” — It’s always good to be classy, just because it annoys the hell out of other people.

13. ”Confidence.” — Walk tall, and act with confidence. You are just that awesome.

14. “Focus.” — Don’t let the noise distract you from your goals and dreams.

15. “Brave.” — Bravery makes you strong. When you are at your lowest, show bravery and face your fears.

16. “Opportunities.” — People only get a few chances to make a real change and better themselves. Make sure you don’t miss out on yours.

17. “Win.” — The will to win against all odds is one of the most effective motivators you can use to succeed.

18. “Mistake.” — A mistake is just a way for you to learn and improve. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and use your newfound knowledge to better yourself.

19. “Strength.” — Your true strength lies in your heart. Learn to endure, forgive, and ask for forgiveness. There is no shame in any of that.

20. “Success.” — Success should never be taken for granted. If you want to achieve your goals, get ready to be persistent and work harder than ever.

Single Motivational Words to Make You Smile

21. “Smile.” — Never forget to smile. Your smile can change the world and influence everything around you.

22. “Enjoy.” — Don’t forget that you only have one life to live. Take some time to enjoy even the smallest things.

23. “Relax.” — Slow down a bit and just relax. Take five, find your center, and take care of yourself.

24. “Positive.” — You need to train your mind to think positively. A positive outlook will reshape your life and the lives of the people around you.

25. “Alive.” — Always appreciate the fact that you are here and now. Make your presence known, and good things will start to happen.

26. “Happy.” — Everyone deserves to be happy, so go ahead and do the things that make you happiest. Do not let anyone take away your happiness.

27. “Breathe.” — Stop for a second and just breathe. Feel the air circulating within you. Life is yours, and everything will be alright.

28. “Laugh.” — Laughter is the best therapy. Never make the mistake of taking yourself too seriously.

29. “Cuddle.” — Don’t be afraid to get close to someone. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and at peace.

30. “Blissful.” — Learn to take pleasure in everything that happens. Life is always worth living, no matter how complicated things get.

31. “Wander.” — You don’t have to be lost to wander. It actually shows that you are alive and kicking.

32. “Appreciate.” — If you appreciate everything you have in life, you will learn to enjoy it more.

33. “Forgive.” — Negative energy is poison for the soul. If you learn to forgive, your wounds will mend quicker, and life will be easier.

Single Motivational Words to Make You Think

34. “Infinity.” — The only limits are the ones we impose on ourselves. Don’t be afraid to dream of infinity and beyond.

35. “Hope.” — You never know what tomorrow will bring. Never give up hope, as things have a way of working themselves out.

36. “Fantasy.” — Fantasy often helps us deal with reality. Look at life from a different angle, and you might see things you couldn’t before.

37. ”Love.” — Treasure this priceless feeling that is out of your control. Loving somebody or something is not something you choose to do.

38. “Beautiful.” — The beauty of the soul usually outweighs the benefits of a good physical appearance.

39. “Meditate.” — Focus on your breathing, and sink deep within your mind. It often holds the answers to everything, even though you couldn’t see them before.

40. ”Creativity.” — Present yourself to the world through your creativity. The ingenuity of each soul is what makes life interesting, after all.

Even Single Motivational Words Are Enough to Make a Difference

Use my list of single motivational words to help yourself during difficult days. If a friend of yours is in a dark place, send them one of these inspiring words. Even though it might not seem like much, you will certainly make a positive difference in their life.

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Gloria Louden

Gloria Louden

I am Gloria Louden, the head writer and editor here at VLaurie. I wanted to write about the things that actually mattered and would make a difference in someone’s life. VLaurie has been a true passion project of mine, and I’ve dedicated myself to it fully.

The guide to creating simplicity in your world and developing a discipline for life, now in a full-color, expanded edition One Word explains how to simplify your life and business by focusing on just ONE WORD for the entire year. The simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst for life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. By celebrated authors Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon, One Word That Will Change Your Life shows you how to cut through to the core of your intention for the next year. It offers an action plan and simple process to discover your word for the year. It also explains how your one word will impact the six dimensions of your life—mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. This beautifully illustrated full-color Second Edition includes even more stories demonstrating the impact of embracing the One Word call to action. It explores the legacy of taking a focused approach to your life and outlines six new dimensions to the Action Plan. Includes additional material on developing the One Word for teams and families, specifically how a group of people can also have a One Word Demonstrates how to establish a simple, disciplined, and focused approach to the next year of your life Discover how to create simplicity in your world and develop a discipline for life through the power of One Word.


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Profile Image for Molly.

295 reviews8 followers

November 11, 2018

Garbage. I rolled my eyes about nine million times. The concept? Eh, ok, it could work for some people, but it just isn’t for me. Too preachy. Too blech. I hate self-help books.


Profile Image for Lisa Power.

8 reviews2 followers

December 28, 2016

A quick and easy read. The design is pleasant and modern. The concept is interesting enough, but the process built around finding one word to use as a guide for the coming year seemed to fit somewhere between contrived and anecdotal. Each reader will likely come to a word differently, making this book unnecessary. Content seemed more appropriate for a website or blog.

Profile Image for Ada-Marie.

378 reviews6 followers

January 21, 2018

Quick and powerful read. Got my 2018 word. Time to bring it!!!!

Profile Image for Becky Pavich.

12 reviews

December 31, 2021

Great idea and a quick, easy to follow process. Excited to get 2022 started with an impactful word!

Profile Image for Joeann Fossland.

82 reviews12 followers

December 29, 2014

Great little book. I have used the one word process with my coaching clients for years and know how powerful it is! The authors have done a very nice job in succinctly explaining the power, the process and the joy of distilling the Focus for a year into 1 word! I recommend this for individuals, businesses and families!

Profile Image for Susan.

454 reviews3 followers

January 5, 2019

Great concept! The book was short and sweet and covered the concept well. I found some parts of the book to be a little over the top and all the examples of the many groups adopting the concept to be unnecessary but interesting. I have my word and I’ve already done a few things differently as a result, so it does work!

Profile Image for Moh. Nasiri.

293 reviews95 followers

March 9, 2019

One Word , a book to read for the new year vision.
Every New Year, 87 percent of adults —more
than 206 million people—create new goals and
resolutions, only to experience the same frustrating
results: false starts and failure. In fact, 50
percent of resolution makers will fail by the end
of January! You read that right. Only half of us
stick to our convictions for even 30 days. Most
resolutions are long forgotten by summer. We
derail and give up. That ’s why an endless number
of books and articles are written each year
promising a “new you” and “your best life now.”

87 percent of us make New Year ’s resolutions every year!

Although these resolutions are meant to be good
and well-intentioned solutions, unfortunately they
are built on a flawed foundation of more effort,
willpower, and goal setting. We set to-do goals
instead of to-be goals. Success is measured by
what we accomplish instead of who we become.
Making resolutions convinces us that all we
have to do is roll up our sleeves again and get
The Story of One Word 3
to work. The practice encourages us to put the
power of life change in our heads and hands with
a game plan to change our habits and then turns
us loose. This approach ignores the most important
part of life change: the heart .

Something Needed to Change

In 1999 we discovered the solution to failed
resolutions and unrealized goals. Instead of trying
to develop more willpower, we found a simple
way to live more powerfully. Instead of creating
goals and resolutions, we found a single word
that would be our driving force for the year. No
goals. No resolutions. Just One Word! We simply
developed a One Word theme for the year. It
became a One Word vision for everything, and it
changed our lives.

Some of you are probably thinking, “ One Word? ”
That ’s right, just a single word . Not a phrase, not
a statement, not a list—just a single word.
Our initial desire was to create a well-crafted
mission statement or cool slogan, because
something inside us always wants to make
things more complicated than they need to
be. But the truth is, people do not remember
paragraphs or even sentences. Such complexity
leads to procrastination and even paralysis.
One Word is sticky and memorable. We ’ve never
forgotten our word!

We ’ve learned firsthand that the secret to a
simplified life is One Word . Words such as
Serving, Purpose, Grace, Surrender, Power , and
Discipline have shaped and molded us in amazing
ways. By embracing, owning, and living a single
6 One Word That Will Change Your Life
word for 365 days, our lives changed. Instead of
being weighed down with unrealistic resolutions
and unmet goals, One Word provides an entirely
new perspective on how we approach our year. It
frees us up. One Word gives us renewed purpose
and meaning.

One Word creates laserlike focus that lasts.

For us, this One Word process has created laserlike
focus throughout the year. It has become a
driving force and stretches us in all six dimensions
of life: spiritual, physical, mental, relational,
emotional, and financial.
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    business psychology-self-help

Profile Image for زهرا نجاری.

Author 1 book407 followers

April 21, 2021

به عنوان یک کتاب، کوتاه بود و در همین کوتاهیش هم به نظر من بسیاری از صفحه ها اضافی بودن و ازشون گذشتم.
اما به عنوان ایده، پیشنهاد خیلی خوبی میده به کسانی که با هدفگذاری مشکل دارن
اگه شما اول سال کلی هدف برای خودتون می نویسید اما یک ماه نشده همش یادتون میره و کاری از پیش نمی برید، پیشنهاد می کنم این کتاب رو بخونید. ایده ی خیلی خوبی براتون داره!

Profile Image for Nate Balcom.

516 reviews34 followers

January 1, 2023

Reread 01/01/2023
First book of 2023 is in the books! Much like last year I’ve been pondering my One Word over the past few days, and reread this book to help me in discovering my word for 2023. I feel that my word is close… but hasn’t quite chosen me yet.


Reread 01/01/2022
First book of 2022 is in the books! I’ve been pondering my One Word over the past few days, and reread this book to help me in discovering my word for 2022.


Reread 01/01/2021
First book of 2021 is in the books! Now time to sit down and let my word choose me! What will my one word for 2021 be?

First Read 2019:
I did it!! Book #30 of my #30BookSummer Challenge!
From Memorial Day to Labor Day I read 30 books!!! It was a challenge and a stretch but I completed the mission!

One Word by Jon Gordon is a great idea and a fantastically fast read. What will your one word be?


Profile Image for Brian Decker.

13 reviews1 follower

January 12, 2018

I likely would never have read this book had someone higher up at my employer not sent it as a Christmas gift (a thoughtful gesture I certainly appreciated!). I could have done without the apocryphal quotes and dubiously-cited anecdotes (at one point the authors cite ‘a sports team in China’ as employing their method), but the book nonetheless has some worthwhile lessons and strategy to find clarity and purpose in your professional and personal life. Much of the method is very similar to a lot of other writing on mindfulness. The book is very easy to digest and can be read in a single evening.

Profile Image for Daniel MH.

21 reviews6 followers

May 23, 2020

Yep, another «Christian» self-help book! You call it God I call it subconscious..
The core of this book is good, the authors are giving a good lesson. BUT.. this book could be summed up in about 3-4 pages. For marketing and business purposes the authors decided to make it 66 pages going for that «extra buck».
Anyway, It’s pretty much a waste of time. A perfect book for closed-minded people. That’s where the authors are aiming.. I do not recommend it!

Profile Image for Benjamin Barnes.

794 reviews13 followers

March 23, 2018

This book was a true waste of Paper

Profile Image for John.

44 reviews

April 27, 2018

Apparently the flying spaghetti monster, if you pray hard enough, has Santa Claus put your one word in your stocking on Christmas Eve.


Profile Image for Lanae.

54 reviews

January 2, 2022

The concept here is good, but this would have been better as a blog post. It’s best to cut to the chase here and focus.

March 30, 2022

Very Motivational

I really enjoyed this book. It motivates individuals, family, faith organizations, business organizations, community organizations, educational and sports organizations to commit to one character trait and name it. The focus on one word by each individual builds community strength.

Profile Image for Eileen.

1,878 reviews73 followers

January 15, 2019

3.5 stars. I am very intrigued by this concept and will be applying it to try to figure out my word. The audiobook is easy to understand (as is the book), but implementing it will require you actually doing it. I think that this has the potential to really impact my 2019 year and I’m excited to put it into practice. But I don’t know that this necessarily needed to be a book. It could all have been summarized on their website, in a blog post or something along those lines. It’s a very quick read in any case, and I did enjoy some of the examples he used to illustrate the one word in practice. In any case, I look forward to using their action plan, which can be found on their website,

    2019 inspirational nonfiction

Profile Image for Nabeel Hassan.

146 reviews12 followers

December 5, 2020

It’s a straightforward book that guide you to choose your word of next year, after read it you can apply it’s basic concept with you family member to set individual word and family word.

It’s and 50 min book.

Profile Image for Heather Montville.

6 reviews1 follower

May 12, 2021

Great book! Such a quick read and a really simple theme that makes you wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. Definitely a book that can change your life if you take it to heart. Highly recommend.

Profile Image for Katie Feist.

6 reviews

January 27, 2023

I don’t think a book was necessary to understand the idea. I liked the idea more before I read the book.

I do have a new drinking game though; take a shot every time you read the words “One Word” in this book.

Profile Image for Katja.

12 reviews1 follower

February 22, 2021

Надзвичайно проста інструкція по втіленню надзвичайно важливих змін у життя :) особисто для мене практика одного слова на рік замість захмарного списку цілей дуже органічно увійшла в моє повсякдення і стала якісно корегувати мої відносини з людьми та Богом. Рекомендую!

Profile Image for Stacey Johnson.

111 reviews

January 11, 2023

This book is a great way to start each year with a focus instead of resolutions. It is a quick but powerful book that enables readers to work through a process and discover the path God intends for the year. I highly recommend that you read it at the beginning of each year.

Profile Image for Heather.

423 reviews12 followers

January 6, 2021

Short and inspirational. Some religion. A motivational tool for those who are searching for their one word to guide each year.

Profile Image for Jaymie.

581 reviews2 followers

January 24, 2019

I forgot to rate this read from last year.
I loved the idea of it. I loved that my word helped me to stay on track for what I wanted and wanted to be last year.
Need to narrow down my word for this year.

Profile Image for Shareen Ghabrial.

100 reviews12 followers

January 9, 2023

We have nothing to lose except for clutter and crap after this quick read.

Profile Image for Tim Sullivan.

9 reviews

September 27, 2022

I don’t believe this should have been a book. I believe it reads like a blog post. It took approximately 30 minutes to read the book. A majority of it is personal experiences. There was about 5 to 10 pages of material worth reading, but 2 of those pages referred to a deity and using a deity to guide your ability to successfully use the one word method. This seemed like a money grab.

Focus on one word for the year that you believe would change your life in a positive way and then reflect on that word as often as you can. During your reflection, determine if you are implementing the word in a transformational way. If you are courageous, share the word with others who will hold you accountable. Finally, don’t keep the same word for the next year. I just saved you $10 and an extra 28 minutes of reading.

If you want more information on how One Word can change your life or how it has changed others, don’t read the book — just Google or read reviews.

Profile Image for Therese.

58 reviews

January 28, 2015

The price for this «Expanded» edition is absolutely a theft of your funds. The whole book is only 54 pages long and cost me, for the electronic version, $11.49. Total waste of not only my money but my time to read it as well.

A better alternative at a great price, less than $5, with more pages, in-depth instructions and enjoyable to read with a great come away, is My One Word: Change Your Life With Just One Word by Mike Ashcroft. Read this one instead.

The Power of One Word


New Year’s Resolutions don’t work!

50% of resolution-makers fail by the end of January and 9 out of 10 quit by March! So instead of resolutions, get One Word for the year…but be careful! It might just change you.

If you have the “get-it-done” mindset like we do, you’ve done your fair share of goal–setting at the start of each New Year. However, as time goes by, we felt frustration as we fell short on our ambitious plans. We tried to do too much and as a result, we didn’t do anything very well.

In 1999, we started the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme for the upcoming year. That’s right—One Word. Not a phrase or a statement, just a single word. By focusing on just One Word we have experienced incredible life-change year after year. When you discover your One Word for the year, it gives you more clarity, passion and purpose for life.

The One Word exercise brings simplicity and focus. It cuts through the distractions and keeps us focused on what really matters. It has stretched us in all areas: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally and financially. God has transformed us through this exercise; God delights in life change.

There is a reason why we say, “Get One Word for the year…but be careful.” As soon as you discover your word, the battle will begin. It will initiate a process of teaching, developing, refining, and molding. God will use your word as a light and a mirror – illuminating your path and revealing things that need to change. It facilitates a great journey of highs and lows all designed to make you into the person you are created to be.

It has been our experience that God quickly reveals His plans for the year regarding your One Word. That word (be it a discipline, fruit of the Spirit, character trait, or attribute of God) will brand you for the year! So discover your One Word for the year and share it with others! It might just change your life!


1. What is God saying to you this past year?

2. What area does God want to take hold of in your life and use for His glory?

3. How does God want to position you for the upcoming year?


Psalm 27:1-14; Luke 18:22; Mark 10:21


«Dear Lord, I ask that you will make it a life-changing year. Reveal Yourself to me as You show me what my One Word theme will be. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I realize that it is a journey of learning not a task to accomplish. Strengthen me as I live out my One Word every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.»

Want to get the One Word Action Plan? Download it at

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