One word for keep going

What is another word for Keep going?

  • support

    keep up

  • continue

    leave, extend

  • run on

  • persist

    keep at, extend

  • endure

    extend, keep at

  • preserve

    keep up

  • sustain

    keep up

  • keep alive

    keep up

  • prolong

    extend, keep up

  • carry on

    keep at

  • go on

    keep at

  • keep on

    keep at

  • hold on

  • persevere

    continue activity

  • press on

  • tide over

  • maintain

    continue activity

  • perpetuate

    continue activity

  • keep

  • extend

    extend time of action

  • patronize

  • patronage

  • uphold

  • retain

  • keep up

  • last

    continue activity

  • proceed

    continue activity, move forward

  • remain

  • protract

    extend, extend time of action

  • drag on

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Synonyms for Keep going. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

Synonyms for Keep going. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Keep going. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.



Автоматический перевод

помочь материально, сохранять чью-л. жизнь

Перевод по словам

keep  — держаться, держать, сохранять, содержание, прокорм, главная башня, пища
go  — идти, ехать, ходить, переходить, ездить, ход, движение, попытка, ходьба


Keep going; you’re getting warm.

Продолжайте идти, вам будет становиться теплее.

Keep going until I tell you to stop.

Продолжайте идти, пока я не скажу остановиться.

Try to keep going for as long as possible.

Постарайся продержаться как можно дольше.

Don’t stick at small difficulties, but keep going.

Не расстраивайтесь из-за пустяков, идите вперёд.

Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.

Проявите упорство и продолжайте работать до тех пор, пока вы не достигнете идеального веса.

He had to call upon his inner reserves of strength to keep going.

Ему пришлось призвать все свои внутренние резервы силы, чтобы продолжать идти.

Sales can’t keep going up, but that doesn’t mean the industry is going in the tank.

Продажи не могут всё время идти вверх, но это не означает, что данная отрасль идёт на спад.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That woman’s been through such a lot — I don’t know how she keeps going.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

keep going — перевод на русский

Good! And keep going

Браво, продолжай.

Keep going, old chap.

Продолжай, старина.

«Keep going, Peete, don’t break the rhytm»

«Продолжай, Пити, держи ритм»

Keep goin’, teacher lady.

Продолжай, учительница.

Keep going, Michel.

Продолжай, Мишель.

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— Yeah. Keep going.

Не останавливайся.

Keep going, ten. Come on.

Не останавливайся, десять, давай.

Five. Keep going.

Пять, не останавливайся.

No, keep going!

Нет, не останавливайся!

— Just keep going.

Не останавливайся.

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Well, if we keep going, we must eventually come to an entrance.

Ну, если мы продолжем идти, в конечном счете мы должны прийти к выходу.

We get to keep going.

Надо идти.

It’s very far away— you must keep going west.

— Очень далеко — надо идти на запад.

No, I gotta keep going.

Нет, нет, нужно идти.

Or do we just keep going, digging, peeling until we’ve peeled it all away?

«ли мы должны идти, копать, снимать слой за слоем пока не снимем всЄ?

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You wanna keep goin’, that’s fine.

Захочешь продолжить — хорошо.

I could have kept going, but I sprained my finger yesterday.

Я могла бы продолжить, но поранила палец вчера.

I suggest you keep going back just to be sure.

Я предлагаю вам продолжить работу, просто чтобы быть уверенным.

Well, I had been swimming for three hours and I was in a real groove, so I decided to keep going.

Я плавал три часа вошел в хороший ритм, так что я решил продолжить.

I wanna keep going.

Я хочу продолжить.

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If we keep going, we must find a way out.

Если продолжать идти, мы найдем выход.

Well, we’ll just have to keep going.

Ќу, мы просто должны будем продолжать идти.

We can keep going this way, but it’s going to get expensive.

Мы можем продолжать идти этим путем, но это будет дорого обойтись.

When you get to where you wake up, stay relaxed and keep going.

Когда вы туда, где вы просыпаетесь, оставаться спокойным и продолжать идти.

Life is.. to keep going forward even though you are being pulled backwards.

Жизнь это… умение продолжать идти вперед, даже если ты откатился назад.

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All right. Let’s keep going.

Хорошо, пошли дальше!

Keep going.

Дальше, в углу.

Price is going to keep going down.

Цена будет и дальше падать.

We stopped somewhere near here, then we kept going on foot.

Мы остановились как раз где-то здесь и дальше пошли пешком.

Keep going, Mom.

Дальше, мам

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Keep pulling. Keep going.

Давай, давай!

Keep going, Michelot. Left, right.

Давай, Мишло, он почти готов!

Hey, let’s just keep going like this forever!

Слушай, а давай всегда так кататься!

Keep going, sarge!

Давай, сержант!

Keep going, that’s good.


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Come on. Let’s keep going.

Надо идти дальше.

We’ve got to keep going.

Мы должны идти дальше.

We musn’t try to keep going.

Не должны. Нам нельзя идти дальше.

I can’t keep going.

Я не могу идти дальше.

— We can keep going.

— Мы можем идти дальше.

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Why can’t we just keep going?

Почему бы не ехать дальше?

Honus we gotta to keep going.

Хонес, мы должны ехать дальше.

Keep going?

Ехать дальше?

Keep going.

Ехать дальше.

Should I keep going or turn around?

Ехать дальше или развернуться?

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And we keep goin’ until we can retire… or we get caught.

И будем двигаться, пока не сможем выйти на пенсию… или пока нас не поймаю.

— Then keep going.

— Потом двигаться.

— We gotta keep going.

— Надо двигаться.

Come on, keep going.

Давай, двигайся.

— Just keep going.


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keep going

не останавливаться, продолжать действовать; держаться, не сдаваться

Having paying guests here just enables us to keep going… (A. Christie, ‘Mrs. McGinty’s Dead’, ch. 4) — Мы живем только тем, что сдаем квартиру постояльцам…

This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going. (ALD) — Это изнурительная работа, но я все же продолжаю ею заниматься.

He looks terribly ill; I don’t know how long he’ll be able to keep going. (DEI) — У него очень больной вид. Не знаю, сколько он еще продержится.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «keep going» в других словарях:

  • keep going — index adhere (persist), keep (continue), maintain (carry on), persevere, proceed (go forward …   Law dictionary

  • keep going — verb 1. continue uninterrupted The disease will run on unchecked The party kept going until 4 A.M. • Syn: ↑run on • Hypernyms: ↑continue, ↑go on, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep going — (from Idioms in Speech) to keep him alive; help him with money, etc. I kept myself going on black coffee, whisky and cigarettes. (A. Cronin) … and she was so tired herself that she did not know how long she could keep going. (D. Cusack) …… …   Idioms and examples

  • keep going — 1) to continue to do something although it is difficult They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 2) to continue moving without stopping The truck kept going and disappeared from view …   English dictionary

  • keep going — Synonyms and related words: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, drag on, endure, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep alive, keep at, keep at it, keep busy, keep driving, keep moving, keep on, keep… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • keep going — verb a) to continue functioning The grandfather clock keeps going for over a week without winding. b) to continue …   Wiktionary

  • keep going — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. progress, proceed, persevere, keep on; see advance 1 , continue 1 , endure 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • keep going — continue on …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Sing, But Keep Going — Infobox Album Name = Sing, But Keep Going Type = studio Artist = Sherwood Released = May 31, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = 33:52 Label = SideCho Records Producer = Michael Rosas Reviews = * (88%)… …   Wikipedia

  • Don’t Stop, Keep Going On — Don’t Stop, Keep Going On! (Turkish: Durmak Yok, Yola Devam) is one of the slogans used by the AK Party in the General Elections of 2007. It is the main slogan of the campaign, in which the actions of the Government, which could be able to bring… …   Wikipedia

  • keep — I (continue) verb be constant, be steadfast, carry forward, carry on, endure, extend, forge ahead, go on, keep going, last, lengthen, live on, maintain, move ahead, never cease, perpetuate, perseverare, persevere, persist, press onward, progress …   Law dictionary


  1. Keep going — перевод на русский
  2. Словосочетания
  3. Автоматический перевод
  4. Перевод по словам
  5. Примеры
  6. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  7. keep going
  8. Смотреть что такое «keep going» в других словарях:
  9. keep going
  10. Смотреть что такое «keep going» в других словарях:
  11. keep going
  12. См. также в других словарях:
  13. Что значит keep going
  14. Полезное
  15. Смотреть что такое «keep» в других словарях:

Keep going — перевод на русский


Автоматический перевод

Перевод по словам


Keep going; you’re getting warm.

Продолжайте идти, вам будет становиться теплее. ☰

Keep going until I tell you to stop.

Продолжайте идти, пока я не скажу остановиться. ☰

Try to keep going for as long as possible.

Постарайся продержаться как можно дольше. ☰

Don’t stick at small difficulties, but keep going.

Не расстраивайтесь из-за пустяков, идите вперёд. ☰

Persevere and keep going until you reach your ideal weight.

Проявите упорство и продолжайте работать до тех пор, пока вы не достигнете идеального веса. ☰

He had to call upon his inner reserves of strength to keep going.

Ему пришлось призвать все свои внутренние резервы силы, чтобы продолжать идти. ☰

Sales can’t keep going up, but that doesn’t mean the industry is going in the tank.

Продажи не могут всё время идти вверх, но это не означает, что данная отрасль идёт на спад. ☰

At meetings, we just keep going over the same ground (=talking about the same things).

На совещаниях мы просто топчемся на одном месте (т.е. говорим об одном и том же). ☰

Don’t keep going on so! *

Ты когда-нибудь молчишь? ☰

It’s just as much as I can do to keep going. *

Я, можно сказать, еле хожу. ☰

The price of fuel keeps going up.

Цена на топливо продолжает повышаться. ☰

That stupid song kept going around in my head.

Глупая песенка продолжала крутиться у меня в голове. ☰

The road got worse, but they kept going anyway.

Дорога стала хуже, но они всё равно продолжали идти. ☰

The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up.

Цены на съёмное жильё продолжают расти. ☰

I’ll have a biscuit to keep me going until dinner time.

Я возьму печенье, чтобы продержаться до ужина. ☰

Her letters were the only thing that kept me going while I was in prison.

Её письма были единственной вещью, которая поддерживала меня, пока я был в тюрьме. ☰

The library costs £5 million a year to run, and the council can’t afford to keep it going.

Содержание библиотеки обходится в пять миллионов фунтов в год, и совет не устраивает такое положение дел. ☰

She was dead on her feet and didn’t have the energy to argue (=used when someone keeps going even though they are very tired).

Она валилась с ног от усталости, и сил спорить у неё не было (так говорят, когда кто-то продолжает идти, даже несмотря на большую усталость). ☰

Books kept going adrift from the library. *

Книги продолжали пропадать из библиотеки. ☰

Примеры, отмеченные * , могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That woman’s been through such a lot — I don’t know how she keeps going. ☰

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.


keep going

Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь . ramix . 2012 .

Смотреть что такое «keep going» в других словарях:

keep going — index adhere (persist), keep (continue), maintain (carry on), persevere, proceed (go forward … Law dictionary

keep going — verb 1. continue uninterrupted The disease will run on unchecked The party kept going until 4 A.M. • Syn: ↑run on • Hypernyms: ↑continue, ↑go on, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

keep going — (from Idioms in Speech) to keep him alive; help him with money, etc. I kept myself going on black coffee, whisky and cigarettes. (A. Cronin) . and she was so tired herself that she did not know how long she could keep going. (D. Cusack) . … … Idioms and examples

keep going — 1) to continue to do something although it is difficult They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 2) to continue moving without stopping The truck kept going and disappeared from view … English dictionary

keep going — Synonyms and related words: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, drag on, endure, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep alive, keep at, keep at it, keep busy, keep driving, keep moving, keep on, keep… … Moby Thesaurus

keep going — verb a) to continue functioning The grandfather clock keeps going for over a week without winding. b) to continue … Wiktionary

keep going — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. progress, proceed, persevere, keep on; see advance 1 , continue 1 , endure 1 … English dictionary for students

keep going — continue on … English contemporary dictionary

Sing, But Keep Going — Infobox Album Name = Sing, But Keep Going Type = studio Artist = Sherwood Released = May 31, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = 33:52 Label = SideCho Records Producer = Michael Rosas Reviews = * (88%)… … Wikipedia

Don’t Stop, Keep Going On — Don’t Stop, Keep Going On! (Turkish: Durmak Yok, Yola Devam) is one of the slogans used by the AK Party in the General Elections of 2007. It is the main slogan of the campaign, in which the actions of the Government, which could be able to bring… … Wikipedia

keep — I (continue) verb be constant, be steadfast, carry forward, carry on, endure, extend, forge ahead, go on, keep going, last, lengthen, live on, maintain, move ahead, never cease, perpetuate, perseverare, persevere, persist, press onward, progress … Law dictionary


keep going

Having paying guests here just enables us to keep going. (A. Christie, ‘Mrs. McGinty’s Dead’, ch. 4) — Мы живем только тем, что сдаем квартиру постояльцам.

This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going. (ALD) — Это изнурительная работа, но я все же продолжаю ею заниматься.

He looks terribly ill; I don’t know how long he’ll be able to keep going. (DEI) — У него очень больной вид. Не знаю, сколько он еще продержится.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа». . 2006 .

Смотреть что такое «keep going» в других словарях:

keep going — index adhere (persist), keep (continue), maintain (carry on), persevere, proceed (go forward … Law dictionary

keep going — verb 1. continue uninterrupted The disease will run on unchecked The party kept going until 4 A.M. • Syn: ↑run on • Hypernyms: ↑continue, ↑go on, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

keep going — (from Idioms in Speech) to keep him alive; help him with money, etc. I kept myself going on black coffee, whisky and cigarettes. (A. Cronin) . and she was so tired herself that she did not know how long she could keep going. (D. Cusack) . … … Idioms and examples

keep going — 1) to continue to do something although it is difficult They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 2) to continue moving without stopping The truck kept going and disappeared from view … English dictionary

keep going — Synonyms and related words: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, drag on, endure, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep alive, keep at, keep at it, keep busy, keep driving, keep moving, keep on, keep… … Moby Thesaurus

keep going — verb a) to continue functioning The grandfather clock keeps going for over a week without winding. b) to continue … Wiktionary

keep going — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. progress, proceed, persevere, keep on; see advance 1 , continue 1 , endure 1 … English dictionary for students

keep going — continue on … English contemporary dictionary

Sing, But Keep Going — Infobox Album Name = Sing, But Keep Going Type = studio Artist = Sherwood Released = May 31, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = 33:52 Label = SideCho Records Producer = Michael Rosas Reviews = * (88%)… … Wikipedia

Don’t Stop, Keep Going On — Don’t Stop, Keep Going On! (Turkish: Durmak Yok, Yola Devam) is one of the slogans used by the AK Party in the General Elections of 2007. It is the main slogan of the campaign, in which the actions of the Government, which could be able to bring… … Wikipedia

keep — I (continue) verb be constant, be steadfast, carry forward, carry on, endure, extend, forge ahead, go on, keep going, last, lengthen, live on, maintain, move ahead, never cease, perpetuate, perseverare, persevere, persist, press onward, progress … Law dictionary


keep going

1 keep going

Having paying guests here just enables us to keep going. (A. Christie, ‘Mrs. McGinty’s Dead’, ch. 4) — Мы живем только тем, что сдаем квартиру постояльцам.

This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going. (ALD) — Это изнурительная работа, но я все же продолжаю ею заниматься.

He looks terribly ill; I don’t know how long he’ll be able to keep going. (DEI) — У него очень больной вид. Не знаю, сколько он еще продержится.

2 keep going

3 keep going!

4 keep going

5 keep smb. going

. two hundred pounds, once I was in chambers, would keep me going for two years. (C. P. Snow, ‘Time of Hope’, ch. 19) —. В то время, когда я готовился стать адвокатом, двухсот фунтов мне хватило бы на два года.

Sometimes I think it’s that that keeps me going. (A. Hailey, ‘In High Places’, ch. 19) — я порой думаю, что наши отношения придают мне силы.

I was very ill, but the medicine he gave me kept me going. (DEI) — я был тяжело болен, но его лекарство спасло мне жизнь.

6 keep the reaction going

7 keep somebody going

8 keep (one’s) career going

9 keep (smb.) going

10 keep (smth.) Going

11 keep momentum going

12 keep one’s front going

13 keep the lead going

14 keep smb going

15 keep career going

16 keep recovery going

17 keep someone going

18 keep the lead going

См. также в других словарях:

keep going — index adhere (persist), keep (continue), maintain (carry on), persevere, proceed (go forward … Law dictionary

keep going — verb 1. continue uninterrupted The disease will run on unchecked The party kept going until 4 A.M. • Syn: ↑run on • Hypernyms: ↑continue, ↑go on, ↑proceed, ↑go along, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

keep going — (from Idioms in Speech) to keep him alive; help him with money, etc. I kept myself going on black coffee, whisky and cigarettes. (A. Cronin) . and she was so tired herself that she did not know how long she could keep going. (D. Cusack) . … … Idioms and examples

keep going — 1) to continue to do something although it is difficult They forced themselves to keep going even though they felt exhausted. 2) to continue moving without stopping The truck kept going and disappeared from view … English dictionary

keep going — Synonyms and related words: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, drag on, endure, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep alive, keep at, keep at it, keep busy, keep driving, keep moving, keep on, keep… … Moby Thesaurus

keep going — verb a) to continue functioning The grandfather clock keeps going for over a week without winding. b) to continue … Wiktionary

keep going — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. progress, proceed, persevere, keep on; see advance 1 , continue 1 , endure 1 … English dictionary for students

keep going — continue on … English contemporary dictionary

Sing, But Keep Going — Infobox Album Name = Sing, But Keep Going Type = studio Artist = Sherwood Released = May 31, 2005 Recorded = Genre = Rock Length = 33:52 Label = SideCho Records Producer = Michael Rosas Reviews = * (88%)… … Wikipedia

Don’t Stop, Keep Going On — Don’t Stop, Keep Going On! (Turkish: Durmak Yok, Yola Devam) is one of the slogans used by the AK Party in the General Elections of 2007. It is the main slogan of the campaign, in which the actions of the Government, which could be able to bring… … Wikipedia

keep — I (continue) verb be constant, be steadfast, carry forward, carry on, endure, extend, forge ahead, go on, keep going, last, lengthen, live on, maintain, move ahead, never cease, perpetuate, perseverare, persevere, persist, press onward, progress … Law dictionary


Что значит keep going

you may keep the book for a month мо́жете держа́ть э́ту кни́гу ме́сяц

to keep hold of smth. не отдава́ть, держа́ть что-л.

to keep the children after school заде́рживать ученико́в по́сле заня́тий

to keep a shop име́ть магази́н

to keep a garden име́ть сад

to keep a family содержа́ть семью́

to keep house вести́ хозя́йство

do they keep postcards here? здесь продаю́тся откры́тки?

he kept me waiting он заста́вил меня́ ждать

I won’t keep you long я вас до́лго не задержу́

keep moving! проходи́те!, не заде́рживайтесь!

he kept laughing the whole evening он весь ве́чер не перестава́л смея́ться

the matter will keep till tomorrow с э́тим мо́жно подожда́ть до за́втра

it’s only good news that keeps то́лько до́брые ве́сти мо́гут ждать

meat will keep in the cellar мя́со в по́гребе не испо́ртится

to keep a secret не выдава́ть та́йну

you are keeping smth. from me вы что́-то от меня́ скрыва́ете

the weather keeps fine де́ржится хоро́шая пого́да

to keep one’s bed остава́ться в посте́ли, не встава́ть с посте́ли

to keep the town against the enemy защища́ть го́род от врага́

to keep the goal стоя́ть в воро́тах (о вратаре)

to keep (in) one’s feelings сде́рживать свои́ чу́вства

to keep a cook име́ть по́вара

to keep one’s birthday справля́ть день рожде́ния

where do you keep? где вы обрета́етесь?

how are you keeping? как пожива́ете?

school keeps today сего́дня в шко́ле есть заня́тия

he kept hard at work for a week он упо́рно рабо́тал це́лую неде́лю

keep knives away from children пря́чьте ножи́ от дете́й

he kept the news back он утаи́л э́ту но́вость

to keep down prices не допуска́ть повыше́ния цен

he can’t keep down his food его́ всё вре́мя рвёт

what kept you from doing it? почему́ вы э́того не сде́лали?

he kept his anxiety from showing он стара́лся не вы́дать своего́ волне́ния

to be kept in быть оста́вленным по́сле уро́ков, без обе́да (о школьнике)

to keep in fire подде́рживать ого́нь

to keep in with smb. остава́ться в хоро́ших отноше́ниях с кем-л.

keep off! наза́д!

keep off the subject! не каса́йтесь э́того вопро́са!

keep off the grass! не ходи́те по траве́!

keep your mind off this не ду́майте об э́том, вы́киньте э́то из головы́

to keep on reading продолжа́ть чита́ть

to keep on fire подде́рживать ого́нь

he was kept on at his old job его́ оста́вили на пре́жней рабо́те

to keep on one’s hat не снима́ть шля́пы

to keep on at a person разг. беспреста́нно брани́ть кого́-л.

to keep children out of mischief не дава́ть де́тям шали́ть

to keep out of smb.’s way избега́ть кого́-л.

to keep out of smth. избега́ть чего́-л.

keep to the right! держи́тесь пра́вой стороны́!

to keep to the subject держа́ться те́мы

to keep the prices under препя́тствовать повыше́нию цен

to keep up a correspondence подде́рживать перепи́ску

to keep up old traditions соблюда́ть или подде́рживать ста́рые тради́ции

to keep up on international law хорошо́ знать междунаро́дное пра́во

keep it up! не остана́вливайтесь!, продолжа́йте!

to keep company

to keep covered воен. держа́ть на прице́ле

to keep (smb.) going

to keep oneself to oneself быть за́мкнутым, необщи́тельным; сторони́ться люде́й, избега́ть о́бщества

to keep up with the Joneses жить не ху́же люде́й

to keep watch дежу́рить

to earn one’s keep зарабо́тать на пропита́ние

in good (in low) keep в хоро́шем (в плохо́м) состоя́нии

Англо-русский словарь. — М.: Советская энциклопедия . В.К. Мюллер . 1969 .


Смотреть что такое «keep» в других словарях:

Keep — (k[=e]p), v. t. [imp. & p. p. (k[e^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. .] [OE. k[=e]pen, AS. c[=e]pan to keep, regard, desire, await, take, betake; cf. AS. copenere lover, OE. copnien to desire.] 1. To care; to desire. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

keep — [kiːp] verb kept PTandPP [kept] 1. [transitive] to store something that will be useful: • The Credit Reference Agency keeps files on individuals debt records. • You should keep a supply of forms. 2 … Financial and business terms

Keep — Keep, v. i. 1. To remain in any position or state; to continue; to abide; to stay; as, to keep at a distance; to keep aloft; to keep near; to keep in the house; to keep before or behind; to keep in favor; to keep out of company, or out reach.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

keep — vb 1 Keep, observe, celebrate, solemnize, commemorate are comparable when they mean to pay proper attention or honor to something prescribed, obligatory, or demanded (as by one s nationality, religion, or rank), but they vary widely in their… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

keep — [kēp] vt. kept, keeping [ME kepen < OE cœpan, to behold, watch out for, lay hold of, akin to MLowG kapen, ON kopa, to stare at < ? IE base * ĝab , to look at or for] 1. to observe or pay regard to; specif., a) to observe with due or… … English World dictionary

keep — ► VERB (past and past part. kept) 1) have or retain possession of. 2) retain or reserve for use in the future. 3) put or store in a regular place. 4) (of a perishable commodity) remain in good condition. 5) continue in a specified condition,… … English terms dictionary

Keep — Keep, n. 1. The act or office of keeping; custody; guard; care; heed; charge. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Pan, thou god of shepherds all, Which of our tender lambkins takest keep. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being kept; hence, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

keep — keep; green·keep·er; house·keep; house·keep·er; keep·able; keep·er·ing; keep·er·ship; keep·sake; store·keep; keep·er; … English syllables

Keep — 〈f. 20; Seemannsspr.〉 Kerbe, Rille * * * Keep, die; , en [aus dem Niederd. < mniederd. kēp, wohl verw. mit ↑ kappen] (Seemannsspr.): Rille, Kerbe (in einer Boje, einem Block, Mast o. Ä.), die einem darumgelegten Tau Halt gibt. * * * I Keep … Universal-Lexikon

keep — I (continue) verb be constant, be steadfast, carry forward, carry on, endure, extend, forge ahead, go on, keep going, last, lengthen, live on, maintain, move ahead, never cease, perpetuate, perseverare, persevere, persist, press onward, progress … Law dictionary

keep — The construction keep + object + from + ing verb is idiomatic in current English: • His hands held flat over his ears as if to keep his whole head from flying apart Martin Amis, 1978. The intransitive use of keep + from + ing verb is recorded in… … Modern English usage


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