One word for keen to learn

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стремятся узнать

стремится узнать

готовы учиться

хотелось узнать

стремитесь узнать

стремятся изучать

готов учиться

стремятся изучить

стремятся научиться

желая узнать

заинтересованы в том, чтобы узнать

хочет учиться

The participants I am finding are young and keen to learn what ‘meditation’ really is all about and how it can help.

Участники, с которыми я встречаюсь, молоды и стремятся узнать, что представляет собой «медитация» на самом деле и как она может помочь.

With the vast majority of all cancer suffering and death associated with metastasis, researchers are keen to learn more about what causes it.

Подавляющее большинство всех страданий и смертность связанны с распространением метастазов рака, поэтому исследователи стремятся узнать больше о том, что вызывает данный процесс.

You’re good at languages and keen to learn more.

When they don’t know, they are keen to learn.

With the vast majority of all cancer suffering and death associated with metastasis, researchers are keen to learn more about what causes it.

Обычно при раке и смертности, связанной с метастазами, исследователи стремятся узнать больше о том, чем он это вызвано.

We listen to others and are keen to learn.

I was keen to learn how the artist saw his creations.

You’ll be surrounded by people keen to learn the language.

There is also a museum on site for those keen to learn more.

Поэтому на его территории расположен тематический музей для тех, кто хочет знать больше.

Dark tourism intrigued us, and we were keen to learn more about this abandoned place and the disaster story behind it.

Темный туризм заинтриговал нас, и мы стремились узнать больше об этом заброшенном месте и истории бедствий, стоящих за ним.

I was keen to learn more about the communities and people living outside the capital and other major cities.

Мне очень хотелось узнать побольше о людях, живущих за пределами столицы и других крупных городов.

Perfect for those who are keen to learn how to explore the colours and clothing styles that are most suitable.

Этот курс для тех, кто хочет научиться подбирать те цвета в одежде, которые наиболее подходят.

Because he’s cheap and keen to learn, dear.

Потому что он дёшево обходится и готов учиться, дорогая.

Our children are keen to learn that trick with the button and the shilling.

Frequent travelers usually are keen to learn the language of the country they are visiting.

Частые путешественники обычно стремятся выучить язык страны, которую они посещают.

This is the easiest way to grab your boss’s attention and show that you are keen to learn.

Это самый простой способ привлечь внимание вашего начальника и показать, что вы стремитесь к обучению.

Australia is keen to learn from the experiences of other countries.

It is keen to learn from the best practices of other states and exchange experiences with them.

Always keen to learn new tricks.

I have a great class who are so full of energy and are keen to learn.

У меня замечательный класс, полный энергии и желания учиться.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

What do you call a person who is always ready and keen to learn new things?

Nathan Tuggy's user avatar

Nathan Tuggy

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asked Jul 6, 2015 at 19:37

Singh's user avatar

You might use:


answered Jul 6, 2015 at 20:04

user3169's user avatar


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The closest word I can think of would be receptive or eager. However, for preciseness, you should say eager to learn new things.

answered Jul 6, 2015 at 19:45

9Deuce's user avatar


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You could call them «curious».

Nathan Tuggy's user avatar

Nathan Tuggy

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answered Jul 6, 2015 at 19:54

rednaZ's user avatar


If you are looking for a noun, the best would be probably be polymath, or at least one seeking to become one.

a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning

answered Feb 1, 2016 at 22:19

Shawn's user avatar


You may also call them a ‘sophopile’ — lover of knowledge.

answered Jun 12, 2021 at 19:22

Michael's user avatar


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Our children are keen to learn that trick with the button and the shilling.

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Sutipon was so keen to learn that he used all the resources available


him online.


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Сутипон так стремился овладеть искусством фотографии, что использовал все доступные ему в сети ресурсы.


Myanmar was keen to learn from India’s best practices in poverty eradication and rural development.


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и развития сельских районов.


But it doesn’t occupy all my time and I’m keen to learn something of business, sir.

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Но это не занимает все мое время. И мне хотелось бы чему-нибудь научиться в бизнесе, сэр.

It is keen to learn from the best practices of other states and exchange experiences with them.


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The Committee was also keen to learn whether criminalization of»curb-crawling» was


be extended


Northern Ireland.


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Комитет хотел бы также выяснить, распространяется ли криминализация<< ползания по тротуару>> на Северную Ирландию.


Many delegates were keen to learn from the experiences of others on how


deal with the question of SMEs.


For most of the countries ecological monitoring is a new concept and they are keen to learn more from the technical team.


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Для большинства стран экологический мониторинг- это новая концепция и они стремятся многому научиться у технической группы.


In the assessment it was

noted that no beneficiary laboratories had such a recording systems but were keen to learn about their applications.


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В ходе оценки было отмечено,

что ни одна лаборатория у бенефициаров не использует такие системы, но хотели бы научиться их применять.


They were keen to learn about steps


implement procurement elements of the quadrennial review,

including building capacity of partner governments and systems.


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Они хотели узнать о мерах по реализации тех элементов закупочной деятельности, которые были указаны в четырехгодичном

обзоре, включая укрепление потенциала партнерских правительств и систем.


I feel they have changed their actions and are keen to learn and take part in first aid and disaster risk reduction trainings.


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Я вижу и чувствую по их действиям, что их отношение изменилось, они хотят участвовать и учиться оказанию первой помощи, снижению риска.


Feedback from these seminars has been extremely positive and

it is evident that all participants were keen to learn more about CEDAW and its provisions.


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Обратная связь по итогам проведения этих семинаров отличается высокой эффективностью, и представляется очевидным,

что все их участники проявляют значительный интерес к получению знаний о КЛДЖ и содержащихся в ней положений.


His delegation was keen to learn more about the Office’s plans


elevate and strengthen human rights,

particularly with regard


technical cooperation and capacity building.


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Делегации Судана хотелось бы подробнее узнать о планируемых Управлением мерах по повышению значимости и укреплению прав человека,

в частности в отношении технического сотрудничества и создания потенциала.


Belarus is keen to learn from international experience relating


the non-application of the death penalty,

including experience gained in the framework of the Council of Europe.


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Беларусь активно изучает международный опыт в отношении неприменения смертной казни, в

том числе накопленный в рамках Совета Европы.


The DAC has been expanding its engagement with Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan,

two providers of development co-operation that are keen to learn from the experience of DAC members.


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Комитет содействия развитию ОЭСР( DAC)

расширяет работу с Азербайджаном и Казахстаном, которые готовы перенимать опыт DAC.


Delegations were keen to learn more about the proposed eligibility options and allocation models

but cautioned about making firm decisions on the proposed options or models at that time.


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Делегации хотели больше узнать о предлагаемых вариантах правомочности получения помощи и моделях распределения ресурсов,

но в то же время предостерегали от принятия твердого решения в отношении предлагаемых вариантов или моделей.


The Board was keen to learn more about UNDP efforts


comply with the requirements

of the United Nations System-wide Action Plan(SWAP) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.


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Совет хотел больше узнать об усилиях ПРООН в плане выполнения требований

принятого Организацией Объединенных Наций Общесистемного плана действий( ОСПД) по вопросам гендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей женщин.


The Sudan was keen to learn from the experience of other Member States in promoting

the interests of persons with disabilities and looked forward


the High-level Meeting on Disability and Development,


be held in September 2013.


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интересов инвалидов и ожидает намеченного на сентябрь 2013 года Совещания высокого уровня по вопросу об инвалидах и развитии.


Given the importance of building local innovative capabilities in the technology transfer process, the international community can serve as an important knowledge hub for national governments that are looking for advice and


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Учитывая важность наращивания местного инновационного потенциала в процессе передачи технологии, международное сообщество может служить важным источником знаний для национальных правительств,


If you are going




a beautiful country Germany is just on vacation and

you always have the basic level and never need


strive for good and fast


grasp all the subtleties unique grammar and beautiful pronunciation.

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Если же вы собираетесь поехать в прекрасную страну Германию просто в отпуск и

вам в таком случае всегда хватит элементарного уровня и никогда не надо


к тому, чтобы хорошо и быстро постичь все тонкости уникальной грамматики и красивого произношения.

They therefore hope that they

have dealt with all matters about which the Committee was keen to learn in connection with the implementation of the provisions of the Convention in Kuwait

and express their willingness


provide further information at the time of the Committee’s consideration of this report in order


supplement the information already provided herein.


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Поэтому они надеются, что удалось затронуть все вопросы, по которым Комитет желал получить информацию в плане осуществления положений Конвенции в Государстве Кувейт,

но готовы представить дополнительные данные, если это потребуется, когда доклад будет обсуждаться в Комитете.


We, for our part,

would not only be prepared but also


to learn from others.


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Мы, со своей стороны, не только готовы, но и стремимся изучить опыт других.


Some training and preparations will be carried out on our craft beforehand, but you will not need much in that way,

as we know you are very adaptable and


to learn.

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и подготовка будут проходить заранее на наших кораблях, но вас не нужно будет тщательно готовить, так как мы знаем,

что вы очень легко адаптируетесь и способны к обучению.

Advanced students at the summer school, who were particularly


had the opportunity to learn how


develop scripts for direct data

downloading from Twitter based on Python- a popular programming language, which is often used for internet-related tasks.


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Продвинутые слушатели с повышенными запросами смогли получить на школе углубленные знания о том, как разрабатывать скрипты для прямой закачки данных из Твиттера на Питоне-

популярном языке программирования, часто используемом для задач, связанных с интернетом.


Reddington’s been speaking to Keen.

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Реддингтон разговаривал с Кин.

You need


keep learning and be keen


share your knowledge with others!


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Необходимо постоянно повышать свои знания и иметь огромное желание делиться своим опытом!


An Au-pair is expected




on learning new things and


adapt to different living conditions.


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От Ау- пэр ожидают, что он( а) хочет познакомиться с новым для себя и приспособится к новым условиям жизни.


  • 1
    keen to do something

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > keen to do something

  • 2
    keen as mustard

    полный энтузиазма, одержимый

    He was the kind of breezy, hearty cove, whom you’d expect to be as keen as mustard on having kids. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Footprints in the Jungle’) — Это был веселый, сердечный человек, который, как я подозревал, спит и видит, как бы ему обзавестись ребятишками.

    And they’re as keen as mustard to learn the business… (K. S. Prichard, ‘Haxby’s Circus’, ch. XXIII) — Ребята с большим энтузиазмом изучают цирковое искусство…

    ‘It’s on, Chris, it’s on!’ Andrew came back triumphant from the door. ‘Philip’s as keen as mustard. He doesn’t say much. But I know.’ (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Citadel’, book IV, ch. 18) — — План действует, Крис, действует! — торжествующе крикнул Эндрю, возвращаясь от двери. — Филип весь загорелся. Он не говорит, но я вижу.

    But there was no doubt he was keen as mustard for his bit of skirt. (R. Aldington, ‘Rejected Guest’, ch. 9) — Не было сомнения, что он жаждал добиться взаимности у этой девчонки.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > keen as mustard

  • 3
    (as) keen as mustard


       пoлный энтузиaзмa, oдepжимый [выpaжeниe ocнoвaнo нa игpe cлoв keen ocтpый и Keene’s mustard гopчицa Kинa (пo нaзвaнию фиpмы)]

    He was the kind of breezy, hearty cove, whom you’d expect to be as keen as mustard on having kids (W. S. Maugham). And they’re as keen as mustard to learn the business (K. S. Prichard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > (as) keen as mustard

  • 4

    1. сущ.
    1) соблюдение( закона, обычаев и т. п.) Syn: observance
    2) а) наблюдение empirical observation ≈ эмпирическое наблюдение scientific observation ≈ научное наблюдение The first thing for a boy to learn, after obedience and morality, is a habit of observation. ≈ Первой вещью, которой должен овладеть мальчик, после того как он научился послушанию и основам нравственности, это привычка к наблюдению. keep under observation Syn: notice, remark б) наблюдательность a man of little observation ≈ ненаблюдательный человек в) воен. разведка, наблюдение
    3) обыкн. мн. результаты научных наблюдений, наблюдения personal observations ≈ личные наблюдения
    4) определение координат по солнцу или другим небесным телам
    5) высказывание, замечание astute, keen, penetrating, shrewd observation ≈ мудрое высказывание, точное замечание She made the astute observation that the whole matter had been exaggerated. ≈ Как она тонко заметила, все было преувеличено. make an observation Syn: remark, comment, statement
    2. прил. наблюдательный observation post ≈ наблюдательный пункт
    наблюдение — * of fire (военное) наблюдение за ведением огня — to keep under * держать под наблюдением;
    установить слежку — to escape * остаться незамеченным, ускользнуть от наблюдения изучение, наблюдение — * data данные наблюдения — * tower наблюдательная вышка — * platform смотровая площадка — record of * запись результатов наблюдений — * of natural phenomena изучение природных явлений — he was sent to the hospital for * его положили в больницу для( клинического) исследования( морское) наблюдение, обсервация наблюдательность — a man of keen * очень наблюдательный человек сведения, полученные путем наблюдений;
    результаты наблюдений;
    данные изучения или исследования — *s on the habits of ants наблюдения за поведением муравьев — have your *s led to any new discoveries? привели ли ваши наблюдения к каким-нибудь новым открытиям? замечание, высказывание — a very childish * совершенно наивное замечание — to make an * on smth. сделать замечание по поводу чего-л. — he didn’t make a single * during the whole dinner он просидел весь обед молча соблюдение (правил, обычаев) — * of laws соблюдение законов измерение высоты или азимута небесного тела (в навигации) (военное) ближняя разведка
    ~ наблюдение;
    to keep under observation держать под наблюдением;
    he was sent to hospital for observation его положили в больницу для клинического исследования
    ~ наблюдение;
    to keep under observation держать под наблюдением;
    he was sent to hospital for observation его положили в больницу для клинического исследования
    ~ замечание, высказывание;
    to make an observation сделать замечание
    ~ наблюдательность;
    a man of little observation ненаблюдательный человек
    mental ~ психиатрическое освидетельствование
    observation высказывание ~ замечание, высказывание;
    to make an observation сделать замечание ~ замечание ~ измерение ~ изучение ~ наблюдательность;
    a man of little observation ненаблюдательный человек ~ наблюдение ~ наблюдение;
    to keep under observation держать под наблюдением;
    he was sent to hospital for observation его положили в больницу для клинического исследования ~ определение координат по высоте солнца ~ (обыкн. pl) результаты научных наблюдений ~ соблюдение (законов, правил и т. п.) ~ экспериментальное определение
    ~ attr. наблюдательный
    ~ car вагон с большими окнами (для туристов) ~ car ж.-д. служебный вагон для проверки состояния пути;
    observation satellite воен. разведывательный спутник
    ~ car ж.-д. служебный вагон для проверки состояния пути;
    observation satellite воен. разведывательный спутник
    ~ station( или point) воен. наблюдательный пункт
    random ~ случайное наблюдение
    statistical ~ статистическое наблюдение
    weighted ~ взвешенное наблюдение

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > observation

  • 5

    муж. mind;
    brains мн.;
    (разум) wit, intellect человек большого ума ≈ man of great intellect;
    very clever man, person of keen intellect человек выдающегося ума ≈ master-spirit от большого ума ≈ in one’s infinite wisdom спятить, свихнуться, своротить, сбрендить с ума ≈ разг. to go out of one’s mind/head вы с ума сошли! ≈ are you out of your senses? держать в уме ≈ to keep smth. in one’s head перебирать в уме ≈ to turn smth. over in one’s mind доходить до чего-л. своим умом ≈ to work smth. by oneself, to come to smth. on one’s own раскидывать умом ≈ разг. to think smth. over жить своим умом ≈ to think for oneself, to live his own way жить чужим умом ≈ to live as others tell one to счет в уме ≈ mental arithmetic считать в уме ≈ to count in one’s head;
    to do mental arithmetic у него что на уме, то и на языке разг. ≈ he wears his heart on his sleep у него другое на уме разг. ≈ he has something at/in the back of his mind, he’s thinking of something else у него что-то на уме ≈ he has smth. on his mind у него только развлечения на уме ≈ he thinks of nothing but pleasure у него свое на уме ≈ he has smth. up his sleeve ум хорошо, а два лучше ≈ two heads are better than one;
    four eyes see more than two сколько голов — столько умов ≈ many men, many minds выживший из ума ≈ cracked выживший из ума ≈ шотланд. doited гибкий ум, живой ум ≈ nimble mind, quick mind с умом ≈ sensibly, intelligently сходить с ума ≈ to go mad, to go off one’s head сводить с ума ≈ to drive smb. mad браться за ум ≈ to come to one’s senses, to become/grow reasonable наставлять на ум ≈ to teach smb. some sense лишаться ума ≈ to go mad/crazy, to lose one’s mind набираться ума ≈ to get some sense into one’s head выживать из ума ≈ to lose one’s mind, to have one’s mind gone себе на уме ≈ canny в своем уме ≈ in one’s senses, in one’s right mind не в своем уме ≈ not right in the head, out of one’s sense научиться уму-разуму ≈ to learn sense, to grow wise научить уму-разуму ≈ to teach smb. some good sense задним умом крепок ≈ be wise after the event ум за разум заходит разг. ≈ be crazy ум короток разг. ≈ be dull or dense ему пришло на ум ≈ it occured to him;
    it crossed his mind это не его ума дело разг. ≈ it is none of his business это у него из ума нейдет разг. ≈ he cannot get it out of his head/mind быть себе на уме разг. ≈ to know on which side one’s bread is buttered быть без ума от кого-л. ≈ to be crazy/wild about smb. ума не приложу разг. ≈ I am at a loss, I am at my wit’s end, I have no idea уму непостижимо ≈ it’s beyond all understanding у него ума палата ≈ разг. he is big/long on brains в здравом уме, в полном уме ≈ in one’s right mind, of sound mind доводить до ума ≈ to shape smth. up, to get smth. into shape

    м. mind, intellect;
    (сообразительность) intelligence;
    brains pl., sense разг. ;
    он человек большого ума he has a splendid mind/intellect;
    быть без ума от кого-л., чего-л. be* crazy/mad about smb., smth. ;
    (быть влюблённым) be* wildly in love with smb. ;
    браться за ум come* to one`s senses;
    в уме mentally;
    считать в уме reckon in one`s head;
    решать задачи в уме do* sums in one`s head, do* mental arithmetic;
    один в уме carry one;
    в своём уме in one`s right mind;
    быть не в своём уме be* out of one`s mind/senses;
    в своём ли ты уме? are you in your right mind/senses?;
    у меня и в уме не было… it never entered my head…;
    из ума вон! I quite forgot!;
    у меня это из ума нейдёт I can`t forget it!;
    у него на уме ничего, кроме… he thinks of nothing but…;
    он себе на уме he is very shrewd/canny;
    he knows how many beans make five;
    сколько голов — столько умов so many men so many minds;
    there are as many different opinions as there are people in this world;
    ум хорошо, а два лучше two heads are better than one;
    учить кого-л. уму-разуму teach* smb. in the way he, she should go;
    не вашего ума дело! that`s beyond you!;
    довести до ума get* smth. into shape;
    утечка ~ов за границу brain drain.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ум

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    nuts and bolts

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > nuts and bolts

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    The first thing for a boy to learn, after obedience and morality, is a habit of observation. — Первое, чему должен научиться мальчик после послушания и основ нравственности, это привычка к наблюдению.

    She has good powers of observation. — Она наделена большой наблюдательностью.

    2) наблюдение, замечание, высказывание

    astute / keen / shrewd observation — мудрое, тонкое наблюдение

    to make an observation on / about smth. — высказать наблюдение по какому-л. поводу

    She made the astute observation that the whole matter had been exaggerated. — Она сделала тонкое замечание о том, что всё было преувеличено.


    3) наблюдение, результат научных и личных наблюдений

    This book contains observations about the causes of addictions. — В книге содержатся наблюдения о причинах пагубных пристрастий.

    4) соблюдение, следование



    (ближняя) разведка, наблюдение

    Англо-русский современный словарь > observation

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • learn — verb past tense and past participle learned or learnt especially BrE 1 SUBJECT/SKILL (I, T) to gain knowledge of a subject, or skill in an activity, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught: What s the best way to learn a language? |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • keen as mustard — (informal) Intensely enthusiastic • • • Main Entry: ↑mustard * * * (as) keen as mustard Brit : very excited and interested : very enthusiastic I gave him the job because he was willing to learn and seemed as keen as mustard. • • • Main Entry …   Useful english dictionary

    • keen — keen1 W3S3 [ki:n] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(want something)¦ 2¦(like)¦ 3¦(hobby/interest)¦ 4¦(eager to work/learn)¦ 5¦(sight/smell/hearing)¦ 6¦(mind)¦ 7¦(feeling)¦ 8¦(competition)¦ 9¦(attracted)¦ 10¦(sharp)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • Commander Keen — 5 title screen Developer(s) id Software (DOS) David A. Palmer Productions (GBC …   Wikipedia

    • as keen as mustard — (as) keen as mustard Brit : very excited and interested : very enthusiastic I gave him the job because he was willing to learn and seemed as keen as mustard. • • • Main Entry: ↑keen (as) keen as mustard see ↑keen, 1 • • • Ma …   Useful english dictionary

    • List of Heartbeat characters — This is a list of characters from the British period police drama Heartbeat. The 18th and final series ended on 12 September 2010. Within each category, characters are listed in order of first appearance. Only regular and recurring characters are …   Wikipedia

    • List of minor The Worst Witch characters — Contents 1 Miss Bat 2 Griselda Blackwood 3 Agatha Cackle 4 Ruby Cherrytree 5 Clarice Crow …   Wikipedia

    • Nicholas Phipps (rugby) — Nicholas James Phipps Personal information Full name Nick Phips Date of birth 9 January 1989 (1989 01 09) (age 22) Place of birth Australia Height 180 cm (5 ft 11 in) Weight 87 kg (13 st 10 lb)… …   Wikipedia

    • Benjamin Walker — Infobox Writer name = Benjamin Walker imagesize = 200px caption = G.B. Walker, taken in 1976 by Derek Abbott pseudonym = Benjamin Walker, Jivan Bhakar birthname = birthdate = Birth date and age|1913|11|25|mf=y birthplace = Calcutta, India… …   Wikipedia

    • Wilhelm Bleek — Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek (March 8, 1827 August 17, 1875) was a German linguist. His work included A Comparative Grammar of South African Languages and his great project jointly executed with Lucy Lloyd: The Bleek and Lloyd Archive of ǀXam… …   Wikipedia

    • Al Ain English Speaking School — Infobox School name = Al Ain English Speaking School motto = established = 1979 session = principal = Peter Hodge city/town = United Arab Emirates school code = enrollment = 700+ (Exact of 31st January 2007) colours = homepage = [http://www.aaess …   Wikipedia

    Some people really love to learn about new things. It might help to know of a few words we can use to describe these people (who love to seek knowledge). This article will help you to come up with the best words for such cases.

    What Do You Call Someone Who Loves Seeking Knowledge?

    We could share plenty of examples to use to talk about lovers of knowledge. Maybe one of these will be most suitable for you:

    • Epistemophilia
    • Philosopher
    • Knowledge seeker
    • Avid Learner
    • Geek
    • Philomath
    • Curious
    • Inquisitive
    • Philonoist
    • Thirst for knowledge
    • Inquiring mind

    Words For Someone Who Loves Seeking Knowledge

    The preferred version is “epistemophilia” because it means that someone loves knowledge and learning about new things. It’s the best way to show that someone is always keen to find out more information, and they won’t stop until they do.


    “Epistemophilia” uses the Greek suffix “-philia” to show that someone “loves” something. In this case, it means that they love “knowledge,” which is why it’s such a great word to use for this case.

    The definition of “epistemophilia,” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “love of knowledge.”

    Here are a few ways to use it:

    • My epistemophilia makes it so much more enjoyable for me to get through lessons. I can’t wait for another day!
    • I love knowledge, and I think they call that phenomenon epistemophilia! Whatever it is, I’ve got it!
    • I’m an epistemophile. You’ll always find my nose buried in a book or browsing forums online!


    A “philosopher” is somebody who is constantly questioning and studying the meaning of life. They will always look for new ways to answer difficult questions, which often shows that they’re happy to possess knowledge that others might find boring.

    The definition of “philosopher,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who studies or writes about the meaning of life.”

    Here are some examples:

    • As philosophers, it’s our duty to make sure we keep practicing our knowledge until we know what’s what!
    • You are a philosopher, which explains why your mind can think in the way it does. I simply couldn’t do anything like that!
    • He’s a philosopher and loves to find out more information about just about everything!

    Knowledge Seeker

    A “knowledge seeker” is a simple way to refer to somebody who loves to find out more knowledge about things. They will “seek” it out until they find it, and they do not care how long it might take them.

    The definition of “seeker,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who searches for something or tries to find or obtain something.”

    These examples will help you with it:

    • As a knowledge seeker, I always look for the best answers to life’s most difficult questions.
    • I’m a knowledge seeker, which is why I don’t believe things at face value. At least not until I’ve verified them!
    • He’s too much of a knowledge seeker for me! No one should be that smart! I don’t want to be around him!

    Avid Learner

    “Avid learners” can refer to any subject. However, if you are “avid,” it means you are always keen and eager to learn more about something, and you won’t stop until you’re satisfied (which usually never happens).

    The definition of “learner,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is still learning something.”

    Here are a few examples to help you with it:

    • I’m an avid learner, so I’m happy to learn whenever I can! Do you think you could pick out some books to help me with that?
    • She’s my most avid learner, and she’s very ambitious on top of that!
    • He’s an avid learner, and I think you’ll be able to get a lot out of him! He’ll make a great tutor for you!


    “Geek” means that someone has a lot of knowledge on a subject and is always happy to learn more. Often, “geeks” are self-proclaimed, and their knowledge closely relates to their favorite hobbies or subjects they’re most comfortable with.

    The definition of “geek,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is very interested in a particular subject and knows a lot about it.”

    These examples will help you with it:

    • I’m a geek, and I’ll admit that any day! I’m just happy to keep learning new and interesting things about my hobbies.
    • You’ll find that she’s as much of a geek as you are! You’ll certainly hit it off when you start speaking with her.
    • Don’t worry; you’re a geek, and that’s okay! We all love you, and we love that you can share such interesting facts with us!


    A “philomath” is somebody who loves to learn. They will often be the most attentive people within a classroom and will try to answer as many questions as they can. They are always looking for ways to improve their learning experience.

    The definition of “philomath,” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “a lover of learning.”

    Check out these examples to see how it works:

    • He’s a philomath, which explains why he is always happy to be the first in and last out of the classroom.
    • I can’t stand her philomath trait! It’s my least favorite thing about her because it makes me feel stupid.
    • You need to stop acting like such a philomath! You’ll run out of friends if you keep it up!


    “Curious” works well to show that someone is interested in learning and knowledge. While they might not possess it at first, they will ask questions to make sure they fully understand something that they might not have come across before.

    The definition of “curious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “interested in learning about people or things around you.”

    Some of these examples should help you with it:

    • I’m very curious, and I can’t turn my brain off! I think that’s why I’m always hungry to find out more information.
    • They say that I’m too curious for my own good! I say that you can never get enough knowledge and information in this world.
    • I think you’re more curious than you need to be. Sometimes, it’s okay not to know something!


    “Inquisitive” means that someone always strives to discover more information about things. It works well to show that someone is keen to learn, and they will listen to anybody who is happy to explain how certain things happen or work.

    The definition of “inquisitive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people.”

    Here are a couple of examples to help you with it:

    • I’m very inquisitive, and I’ll always make sure to find the best way to complete a task.
    • He’s our most inquisitive student. If you ask him any question, he won’t rest until he’s figured out the answer and given it to you.
    • You need to find someone who is as inquisitive as you are. Otherwise, no one else will be able to keep up!


    The definition of “philonoist,” according to The Oxford Lexico Dictionary, is “a lover of knowledge.”

    Some of these examples might help you with this one:

    • As a philonoist, I find that knowledge is the most beautiful thing in the world. You have got to have it if you want to learn from it.
    • For some reason, he calls himself a philonoist. I don’t even know what that means, but I know it makes him sound pretentious.
    • She’s a philonoist, which is why she’s always studying and trying to find new ways to do things!

    Thirst For Knowledge

    “Thirst for knowledge” is a great way to show that someone is “thirsty” for more information. This means that they’re always eager to learn new things (as if they are always eager to drink water to quench their thirst). It’s a great metaphor to use.

    Here are a couple of examples that might help you with it:

    • I have a real thirst for knowledge. I will always make sure to update myself on all the most important things going on at the time!
    • We need to find someone with a thirst for knowledge. Then we can guarantee that they’ll be interested in doing this job.
    • You have a keen mind and thirst for knowledge! If only I had met you a few years ago; we would be so much further ahead already!

    Inquiring Mind

    “Inquiring mind” means that someone is always looking for answers. They will usually ask questions that will help to further their understanding of certain things, which is a helpful way for someone to learn new things they didn’t already know.

    These examples will help you make more sense of it:

    • Joseph has a really inquiring mind, which is why so many of his teachers think he’s going to amount to great things.
    • I like to think that I have an inquiring mind, and I will always make sure to find the best sources when learning new things.
    • Her inquiring mind makes it much harder for me to get anything past her! It’s very annoying!

    You may also like: 10 Words For A Person Who Loves To Share Knowledge

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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