One word for hidden meaning


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Photo search results for Hidden meaning

Red, Gray, and Yellow Abstract Painting Vertical Image of a Mouflon in Grass Backs of People Covered in Scarves Grayscale Photography of Girl's Face Womans Face Hidden by Curtain Grayscale Photo of Woman Peeking on Planks

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Synonyms for Hidden meaning. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

Synonyms for Hidden meaning. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Hidden meaning. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

                         PRESENT         MUMMY                   MIGHT                 FOX                         
      HUMBLE          GRAM                   BAG              BOX                CRANE                                                                                     COUNTER



         | existing or happening now
         | present situation

a thing that you give to somebody as a gift

         |  word for a mother

a dried and embalmed body (in ancient Egypt)

MIGHT (Modal V./N)
        | past tense of may (Modal V.)

energy, power, great strength

         | a wild animal of the dog family

a very attractive woman

deceive somebody

        | modest, kind
        | showing that you are not important as other people

to easily defeat an opponent, especially a strong or powerful one

     | a unit for measuring things


several beans used as a food for people and cattle

          a container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc, used to carry things in

an ugly or ill-tempered woman

hunting of birds and animals

to claim something as yours before somebody else claims it

         |   a container for holding things

evergreen shrubs or small trees

         | a tall machine with a long arm

a large bird with long legs and a long neck

to lean or stretch over something in order to see something better


         | a long flat surface over which goods are sold or business is done in a shop

a small disc used for playing or scoring in some board games

to reply to somebody by trying to prove that what they said is not true

a machine for counting 

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What does a hidden meaning mean?

1 : being out of sight or not readily apparent : concealed. 2 : obscure, unexplained, undisclosed.

What is it called when something has a hidden message?

A subliminal message is a technique used in marKEting and other media to influencE People without theiR bEing Aware of what the messenger is DoING. This may involve the use of split second flashes of text, hidden images, or subtle cues that affect the audience at a level below conscious awareness.

What’s another word for hidden gems?

hidden gem > synonyms »pot of gold exp. »treasure hidden exp. »buried treasure exp. »treasure trove exp.

What is the adjective of hide?

Invisible or unapparent. Obscure. That has been hidden.

What is it called when you say one thing but mean something else?

Irony is “the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” Inside jokes told subtly, so that outsiders don’t even know they are told, creates irony. Likewise, if I say something to you intending you to understand it one way, even though I mean it another way, I am speaking ironically.

What is it called when one object represents something else?

A symbol can be an object, shape, sign, or character used to represent something else. Something you need to be rich to have — like a limousine — is called a “status symbol.” Anytime one thing seems to represent a deeper meaning, it’s probably a symbol.

What is a synonym for undiscovered?

obscure, uncharted, undetected, unexplored, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unexposed, unknown, untraveled.

What’s another way to say diamond in the rough?

What is another word for diamond in the rough?

rough diamond design
first draft first stab
mock-up raw material
rough outline rough sketch
study unlicked cub

What are the two meanings of hide?

1a : to put out of sight : secrete hide a key under the doormat. b : to conceal for shelter or protection : shield They hid him from the police. 2 : to keep secret hide the truth. 3 : to screen from or as if from view : obscure clouds hid the sun.

Is there a word Hider?

Frequency: One who hides oneself or a thing.

What is it called when you say one thing but mean the opposite?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Antiphrasis is the rhetorical device of saying the opposite of what is actually meant in such a way that it is obvious what the true intention is. Some authors treat and use antiphrasis just as irony, euphemism or litotes.

When a person says one thing but means something entirely different or opposite?

irony: a contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality, or between what is expected and what actually happens. In verbal irony a person says one things and means another.

What is another word for hidden meaning?

Another word for hidden. Adjective. concealed, hidden, out of sight – not accessible to view. Example:- concealed (or hidden) damage. hidden, obscure – difficult to find. Example:- hidden valleys. hidden, secret – designed to elude detection. Example:- a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole.

What English words mean hidden?

Synonyms for hidden. belied, blanketed, blotted out, cloaked, concealed, covered, curtained, disguised,

Do some words have hidden meanings?

Many of the words we use have hidden meanings that probably go unnoticed because we use them so automatically. We use words everyday to communicate to others when we verbally speak. I found it fun and interesting in revealing some words that simply do reveal hidden definitions to their true meanings.

Can you find the hidden word?

Microsoft Word has a feature whereby you can hide text so that it does not visibly appear in the document. When the display of hidden text is turned off, the text is not deleted, its display is simply suppressed. You can read or print the document as if the text isn’t there.

Double entendre (edited Wiki excerpt):

A double entendre is a figure of speech or a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in either of two ways, having a double meaning. Typically one of the meanings is obvious, given the context whereas the other may require more thought. The innuendo may convey a message that would be socially awkward, sexually suggestive or offensive to state directly. (The Oxford English Dictionary describes a double entendre as being used to «convey an indelicate meaning», whilst Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines it as «a word or phrase that may be understood in two different ways, one of which is often sexual»)

A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning. Double entendres generally rely on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning. They often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text. Sometimes a homophone (i.e. another word which sounds the same) can be used as a pun.

A person who is unfamiliar with the hidden or alternative meaning of a sentence may fail to detect its innuendos, aside from observing that others find it humorous for no apparent reason. Perhaps because it is not offensive to those who do not recognize it, innuendo is often used in sitcoms and other comedy considered suitable for children, who may enjoy the comedy while being oblivious to its second meanings. For example, it has been suggested that Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing used this ploy to present a surface level description of the play as well as a pun on the Elizabethan use of «nothing» as slang for vagina.

hidden meaning

Макаров: скрытый смысл, тайный смысл

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «hidden meaning» в других словарях:

  • hidden meaning — index implication (inference), mystery, nuance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • hidden meaning — A refined or subtle meaning. 50 Am J1st Stat § 238 …   Ballentine’s law dictionary

  • hidden meaning — concealed intention or purpose, undisclosed significance …   English contemporary dictionary

  • of hidden meaning — index enigmatic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • meaning — noun 1 what sth means ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, exact, precise ▪ The context makes the meaning clear. ▪ What is the exact meaning of this phrase? ▪ intended …   Collocations dictionary

  • hidden — hid|den1 [ˈhıdn] the past participle of ↑hide hidden 2 hidden2 adj 1.) difficult to see or find ▪ the use of hidden cameras ▪ Some areas can hold hidden dangers for dogs. ▪ the hidden meaning behind his words ▪ Be on the lookout for hidden costs… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • meaning — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Significance Nouns 1. meaning, significance, signification, force; sense, expression; import, purport, implication, drift, tenor, spirit, bearing; scope, purpose, aim, intent, intention, object, thrust;… …   English dictionary for students

  • hidden —   Huna, nalowale, nalonalo, nalohia, nalo, ho onalonalo.   Also: ōhuna, po ohuna, uhi ia.    ♦ Hidden meaning, see meaning …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • hidden — hiddenly, adv. hiddenness, n. /hid n/, adj. 1. concealed; obscure; covert: hidden meaning; hidden hostility. v. 2. pp. of hide1. Syn. 1. secret, veiled; occult. * * * …   Universalium

  • hidden — adjective 1) a hidden camera Syn: concealed, secret, undercover, invisible, unseen, out of sight, closeted, covert; secluded, tucked away; camouflaged, disguised, masked, cloaked Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • hidden — adjective 1) a hidden camera Syn: concealed, secret, invisible, unseen, camouflaged 2) a hidden meaning Syn: obscure, unclear, concealed, cryptic, mysterious, secret …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

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