One word for hard working person

With this post of EnglishBix, you would be able to know various interesting adjectives that can be used to describe a Hard Working Person.

There is an old saying – “Hard work is the key to success”.  We all see people who truly live every day by this 7-word sentence. Most people underestimate the power of hard word but it is surely a path to fame and success. But remember your hard work never goes unrewarded.

Following is a concise list of another words for hard working individual who gives his very best at work.

1. Efficient: Someone who is efficient works well and quickly and is good at organizing their work in a way that gets the best results

Example: Everything is meant to be utilitarian and efficient, at the expense of relaxation or comfort.

2. Productive: working hard and producing or achieving a lot

Example: Development controls might encourage landholders to use their lands for both scenic and productive purposes, and to retain native vegetation.

3. Committed: loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it

Example: His injury-time matchwinner was a fitting reward for a tireless, wholehearted, committed performance.

4. Hard-working: a hard-working person puts a lot of effort into their work

Example: I am hard-working, conscientious, honest and have a lifetime of experience to offer.

5. Conscientious: working hard and careful to do things well

Example: They solicited civic protection for their own conscientious practice of religion, pleading freedom from all oppression and molestation.

6. Diligent: Someone who is diligent works very hard and very carefully.

Example: For flowerbeds, a good hoe or cultivator will be a lot more labor-intensive, but probably as effective if you are diligent.

7. Industrious: always working very hard

Example: She was resourceful, industrious and an extremely skillful and creative cook and homemaker.

8. Assiduous: hard-working and thorough

Example: All involve an assiduous application, as well as research for continuous improvement, and all require a lifelong daily effort.

9. Tireless: working very hard without stopping

Example: The winner will be one local whose tireless efforts continue the tradition of making our area special.

10. Agile: marked by an ability to think quickly; mentally acute or aware

Example: To compete successfully in these events, runners must train arduously and consistently, be agile and maintain a strategy for the race.

11 Determined: decided; settled; resolved

Example: Determined to make a go of their new life, they decide that women are a distraction they can do without and swear off them for three years.

12. Dexterous: skillful or adroit in the use of the hands or body

Example: To build with any efficiency and skill, the colonial crafts-person needed a dexterous hand when wielding both kinds of axes.

13. Diligent: constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything

Example: They will make room in their lives for you only if you are diligent in writing truly impactful blogs.

14. Dynamic: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic

Example: Instead she makes expansive, wall-filling abstractions in her unique vocabulary of dynamic brushstrokes.

15. Energetic: possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous

Example: Further data of the energetic cost of breeding for males and females of other ratite species would be valuable for testing that hypothesis.

16. Enthusiastic: full of or characterized by enthusiasm; ardent

Example: My inner voice, still remained a loud, enthusiastic, untrained child, frequently shushed and disciplined to sit still.

17. High-spirited: characterized by energetic enthusiasm, elation, vivacity

Example: When Cary shows up to a high-spirited clambake with Ron and his pals, she’s uncomfortable and overdressed in a tight gray ensemble.

18. Painstaking: taking or characterized by taking pains or trouble; expending or showing diligent care and effort; careful

Example: She had personally verified about 2,000 casualties through painstaking casework, although she knew these were just the tip of the iceberg.

19. Disciplined: systematic training in obedience to regulations and authority

Example: They are so well-tutored, so disciplined, that they almost relish such examinations of skill and character.

20. Organized: having a formal organization or structure, especially to coordinate or carry out for widespread activities

Example: Towards this objective, HelpAge India has organized a series of physical events for senior citizens including golf tournaments and walkathons.

21. Sedulous: diligent in application or attention; persevering; assiduous.

Example: She wondered what sort of herbs they were, which the old man was so sedulous to gather.

22. Ambitious: having the ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.

Example: The pair sensibly attempted a less ambitious integration of moderate-size compositions in the more restricted space upstairs.

23. Hustling: to proceed or work rapidly or energetically

Example: Saturday mornings were usually busy and the park had always been hustling and bustling with morning walkers.

24. Progressive: characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.

Example: But the mantras actually promote Progressive values if you correct just one bit of raging illogic.

25. Studious: marked by care and effort

Example: Made a studious attempt to fix the television set

26. Expeditious: characterized by speed and efficiency

Example: These issues have been dealt with in an expeditious manner

27. Untiring: characterized by hard work and perseverance

Example: Put on your work shoes, make untiring efforts of dedication, and thus build virtue earnestly

28. Prompt: quick in apprehending or reacting

Example: A prompt or ready response

29. Thoughtful: a considerate and thoughtful act

Example: When you begin eating consciously, with compassion and thoughtfulness, you attain a certain lightness and inner peace

30. Tenacious: having greater than average range

Example: A tenacious memory

31. Preoccupied: engrossed in thought;

Example: He seemed a bit preoccupied.

32. Immersed: involve oneself deeply in a particular activity,

Example: He immersed herself in his work.

33. Vigorous: strong, healthy, and full of energy,

Example: A tall, vigorous, and muscular man is good for beautiful women.

34. Dormant: temporarily inactive or inoperative,

Example: that dormant urge to write fiction has re-emerged

35. Hopping: very active or lively.

Example: He apparently is in the Airline business and is presently island hopping in his work.

36. Engaged: busy; occupied.

Example: He is too much engaged in her work.

37. Employed: having a paid job.

Example: He is employed as a network engineer in the company.

38. Bustling: full of activity.

Example: an absurd and bustling busybody

39. Active: engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.

Example: although he was seventy he was still robust and active. 

40. Indefatigable: persisting tirelessly.

Example: He is an indefatigable defender of human rights.

41. Intent: intention or purpose.

Example: Mark intended on achieving greater efficiency in his work.

42. Laborious: requiring considerable time and effort.

Example: His years of laborious training finally paid off.

43. Persevering: continuing in a course of action despite difficulty.

Example: He has been a remarkably steadfast and persevering man.

44. Persistent: continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Example: His persistent efforts have finally made him rich.

45. Pertinacious: holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action.

Example: He worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions.

46. Unflagging: persistent.

Example: His apparently unflagging enthusiasm impressed her.

47. Busy: having a great deal to do.

Example: He had been too busy to enjoy himself.

48. Dedicated: devoted to a task or purpose.

Example: He is dedicated to achieve his goals by 2024. 

49. Diligent: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.

Example: after diligent searching, he found a parcel.

You can use the words from the above list whenever you want to write about a person who is known for his hard work. Make sure you bookmark it and Keep it handy for your future reference.

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  1. Adjectives for Describing Men
  2. Words to Describe Personality Characteristics

There are a few adjectives for a hard working person, they are diligent, assiduous, and indefatigable. All these adjectives have a similar meaning which is working hard persistently. The adjective diligent is describe someone who is willing to work hard and not lazy.

For example, “She is a diligent student who always gets good grades.” The adjective assiduous is to describe someone who put a lot of effort into their work. For example, “He is very assiduous in his work and always gets the job done.

The adjective indefatigable describes someone who never gets tired even though they work for a long time or do something difficult. For example, “The athlete shows her indefatigable spirit by winning the marathon.”

All in all, these adjectives are Positive words to describe someone who works hard. Nevertheless, too much work can also lead to burnout, so it is important to find a balance between work and play.

How to describe a hardworking person with adjectives?


  • How to describe a hardworking person with adjectives?
  • Adjectives Words To Describe Hard Working Person
    • Adjectives For Hard Worker That Starts With A | B | C | D | E
    • E | F | H | I | K | L | O
    • O | P | S | T | U | V | W
  • How to compliment a hard-working person?

There are many words that can be used to describe a hard working person. Some adjectives that come to mind include: dedicated, diligent, tireless, and relentless. A hard working person is someone who is always willing to put in the extra effort to get the job done. They never give up, no matter how difficult the task may seem. And they always maintain a high level of professionalism even when things get tough.

A hard working person is someone who is always looking for ways to improve their skills and knowledge. They are always willing to learn new things, and they never stop trying to get better. And they are always willing to help out others, no matter how busy they may be themselves.

  • Dedicated: A hard working person is someone who is always dedicated to their job. They never waver in their commitment, and they always put 110% into their work.
  • Diligent: A hard working person is always diligent in their efforts. They never take shortcuts, and they always make sure that all the details are taken care of.
  • Tireless: A hard working person never stops working, no matter how tired they may be. They push themselves to the limit, and they never give up.
  • Relentless: A hard working person never gives up, no matter how difficult the task may be. They keep pushing forward until they achieve their goal.
  • Professional: A hard working person always maintains a high level of professionalism, even when things get tough. They know that their work is important, and they never let their standards slip.
  • Always Learning: A hard working person is always looking for ways to improve their skills and knowledge. They never stop trying to get better, and they are always willing to learn new things.
  • Helpful: A hard working person is always willing to help out others, no matter how busy they may be themselves. They know that teamwork is essential, and they are always willing to lend a helping hand.

These are just a few of the many adjectives that can be used to describe a hard-working person. If you know someone who fits this description, then be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their dedication and determination.

Adjectives Words To Describe Hard Working Person

When it comes to describing a hard worker, there are a few keywords and phrases that come to mind. Some of the most common words used to describe someone who is hardworking include diligent, responsible, and disciplined. Other words that are often used to describe a hard worker include being focused, ambitious, and committed.

When it comes to giving a specific example of someone who is a hard worker, one individual who comes to mind is my former boss. She was always the first one in the office in the morning and the last one to leave at night.

Adjective for Hard Working Person

She was always working on something, whether it was preparing for a meeting or catching up on paperwork. Even when she wasn’t physically in the office, she was always available via email or phone. She was truly dedicated to her job and always went above and beyond what was required of her.

If you are looking for someone who is a hard worker, these are some of the words and qualities you should keep in mind. With dedication and determination, anyone can be a hard worker.

Adjectives For Hard Worker That Starts With A | B | C | D | E

absorbed busy dexterous
active committed diligent
agile concentrating disciplined
ambitious conscientious dormant
assiduous dedicated dynamic
bustling determined efficient

E | F | H | I | K | L | O

employed focused indefatigable
energetic hard-working industrious
engaged high-spirited intent
engrossed hopping knee-deep
enthusiastic hustling laborious
expeditious immersed occupied

O | P | S | T | U | V | W

organized progressive tied-up
painstaking prompt tireless
persevering sedulous unflagging
persistent studious untiring
pertinacious swamped vigorous
preoccupied tenacious working
productive thoughtful

There are a lot of different words that can be used to describe someone who is hardworking. Some other words for hardworking include diligent, responsible, and determined. People who are hardworking are usually the ones who get things done and don’t give up easily. They have a strong work ethic and are usually very reliable. If you’re looking for someone who is going to be able to get the job done, then you should look for someone who is hardworking.

Hopping Hustling Immersed Indefatigable

How to compliment a hard-working person?

Anytime you take the time to recognize someone else’s hard work, you’ll not only make them feel appreciated – you’ll also give them a much-needed boost of motivation. Here are a few thoughtful ways to show your appreciation for a hardworking individual:

  • Tell them specifically what you admire about their work ethic. Whether it’s their dedication, tenacity, or focus, let them know that you’ve noticed and appreciated their efforts.
  • Share how their hard work has positively impacted you or others. For example, if they’ve helped to increase productivity at your company, or made your team more cohesive, be sure to mention it.
  • Offer to help with any upcoming projects or goals they may have. Showing that you’re willing to invest your time and energy in their success will mean a lot.

By taking the time to compliment a hardworking person, you can show them just how valued they are – and help them stay motivated to continue doing great things.

Final words

In conclusion, there are many adjectives for hard working that can be used to describe hardworking people.

While “hardworking” is certainly an accurate word, it only scratches the surface of what these individuals are capable of. These men and women are driven, motivated, and always looking for ways to improve.

They set high standards for themselves and always try to exceed expectations. Simply put, they are the kind of people who never give up and always find a way to get the job done. Whether they’re tasked with a difficult project at work or a challenging home improvement project, they will stop at nothing until they see it through to the end. And that, ultimately, is what makes them so successful.

We always want to write our resumés to impress the people who might be hiring us. That’s why it’s a good idea to use words like “hard-working” to show what you can do. This article will explore some alternatives that might work well in place of “hard-working.

Good Synonyms For Hard-Working On Your Resumé

The preferred version is “diligent.” It’s the best way to show that you work hard while also showing a potential employer that you perform to the best of your abilities. Diligent workers are usually some of the most desirable workers to hire.


“Diligent” is the best way to show you work hard. We can use it to show that you put a lot of care, thought, and effort into the work you complete. It’s always impressive to see this from an employer’s perspective.

The definition of “diligent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “careful and using a lot of effort.”

  • I consider myself to be a very diligent worker. My motto is always to be the hardest working employee in the room.
  • I’m diligent, and I know when I’ve made mistakes. I’ll happily work through them to make sure they don’t happen whenever they arise.
  • I like being diligent. It allows me to show what I’m capable of, and it’s always a good way to show my boss that I’m worth my wage.


“Industrious” is also a good choice. We use this one to mean that we work hard regularly. It comes from the root word “industry,” which shows that it has strong roots in business contexts already.

The definition of “industrious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “regularly working very hard.”

  • I’m very industrious. I look for opportunities that will help me to expand my knowledge or understanding of the workload.
  • My industrious nature gets me through the working day. I will always find things to keep myself busy with because I know I can.
  • It’s good to be industrious. I like to be proactive and work through things even when I’m not asked to.


“Assiduous” is great because there aren’t many cases where you might find it used in English. This would impress a potential employer because it shows that you have a great grasp of the English language and that you’re willing to try out interesting words.

Being assiduous means that you work hard and pay attention to detail. Both of these qualities are ideal when hiring a new candidate.

The definition of “assiduous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing hard work, care, and attention to detail.”

  • I am assiduous when it comes to working. I want to make sure I offer the best value for money to my employer whenever I’m around.
  • My assiduous characteristics make me a great hire. I’m worth looking into, and I’ll always find ways to keep myself busy.
  • I’m very assiduous. I believe this trait comes across on normal working days, and I’m ready to start applying myself to more important things.


“Persevering” shows that you do not quit. While not as direct as some of the other choices, it’s great in a resumé because it shows you will not give in.

 This is a great trait in a workplace because many people tend to get swamped under pressure, thus resulting in worse work.

The definition of “persevering,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having the quality of continuing to make an effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time.”

  • My persevering attitude is what got me through college. Now that I have my degree, I’m ready for a job that challenges it.
  • It’s good to be persevering. It gives me a chance to prove to everyone that I know what I’m doing at any given moment.
  • I’m persevering at the best of times. I make sure to always keep up with the tough workload, no matter what is asked of me.


“Studious” is a great way to show that you have good attention to detail. It also shows that you work hard because you’re paying attention to the finer details. The more you can spot the problems in the smaller details, the better your overall work will be.

The definition of “studious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful or paying attention to all the small details.”

  • I think it’s good to be studious. It shows character, and it makes me look like a much more impressive hire overall.
  • I want to be more studious. That’s why I’ve started taking courses to learn how to pay more attention to the finer details.
  • I’m very studious. I often pick apart the tasks I work on to make sure I’ve covered every possible angle before handing anything in.


“Untiring” is a simple choice. In a resumé, we can use it to show that we never back down from a challenging task. Being “Untiring” implies that you do not “weaken.” In a working context, this means you will keep going until you either finish or are told to stop.

The definition of “untiring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “If someone has untiring energy, interest, or enthusiasm, their energy, interest, or enthusiasm never becomes weaker.”

  • I’m untiring at work. I never back down from a challenge, and I’ll always be happy to head any projects you might have.
  • It’s good to be untiring. I think it pays to let everyone know that you’re the hardest working person in the room.
  • I think I’m untiring when it counts. That’s why you’ll always find me working through tasks in a persistent and diligent manner.


“Energetic” shows that you have a lot of energy in your character. This works well in a resumé because it shows a potential employer that you’re always looking for excuses to use that energy.

To some people, being energetic might seem a bit much. If you’re overly chatty or active, then maybe “energetic” isn’t the best word to describe yourself.

We’re strictly applying it to your capacity to work hard in this article.

The definition of “energetic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or involving a lot of energy.”

  • I’m known as the energetic one in the office. I’ll be the one working the hardest toward completing certain tasks throughout the week.
  • I want to be the most energetic version of myself. I think it’s good to challenge yourself while at work.
  • I’m very energetic. If you ever have anything you need to do, I’ll be the guy to get that done for you.


“Enthusiastic” is another great choice. It’s a step up from “energetic” in some cases because it doesn’t come with the same negatives as being chatty. Instead, it just shows that you care about your work, and you’ll always find ways to show that off.

The definition of “enthusiastic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it.”

  • I’m very enthusiastic. I always make sure to show my employers that I’m working hard because I know they’ll appreciate that.
  • It pays to be enthusiastic. I may not love my job, but I work hard. That diligence proves itself time and again.
  • I want to be more enthusiastic. I wish I could find a job that would allow me to spread my wings and show off my hard work.


“Driven” is always a good choice. You can use this in a resumé to share many different characteristics about yourself. In this case, it means you’re hard-working because you’re always looking for ways to achieve goals.

These goals are often created once work has been completed. So, you know that when you work hard, you get the goals you’re looking for out of your job.

The definition of “driven,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “so determined to achieve something or be successful that all of their behavior is directed towards this aim.”

  • I’m driven at work. I always work hard, and I won’t hand in a single project until I’m convinced that I’ve covered every angle.
  • It’s good to be driven when you can be. It shows you’re a hard worker, and many employers will look at you kindly.
  • I’m a driven person. When I put my mind to a task, I don’t stop until it’s completed. It’s both my biggest strength and weakness.


“Zealous” is a synonym for “enthusiastic.” We can use it to show that we are excited about work. Often, it applies when we enjoy the work we do, and we will work hard as a result of that enjoyment.

The definition of “zealous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “enthusiastic and eager.”

  • I’m somewhat zealous when it comes to my workload. I always make sure to be the hardest working person around.
  • I have a zealous character, and I’m ready to share that with you. I want you to see how well I can work under pressure.
  • It’s good to be a little zealous in the workplace. It shows that you’re diligent, and you’ll work as hard as the next man if you need to.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What is another word for Hard-working?

  • diligent

    assiduous, painstaking

  • assiduous

    painstaking, diligent

  • industrious

    assiduous, determined

  • sedulous

    diligent, industrious

  • laborious

    painstaking, assiduous

  • studious

    diligent, assiduous

  • busy

    assiduous, energetic

  • conscientious

    diligent, meticulous

  • determined

    very involved in activity

  • enthusiastic

    determined, energetic

  • earnest

    meticulous, scholarly

  • unflagging

    determined, diligent

  • indefatigable

    determined, tireless

  • painstaking

  • tireless

  • energetic

    determined, tireless

  • keen

    energetic, very involved in activity

  • zealous

    energetic, very involved in activity

  • persevering

    tireless, meticulous

  • untiring


  • careful

    meticulous, scholarly

  • active


  • dynamic

    very involved in activity

  • contemplative


  • scrupulous


  • vigorous

  • enterprising

    very involved in activity

  • steadfast

  • resolute

  • meticulous

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Synonyms for Hard-working. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.


  • active,
  • assiduous,
  • bustling,
  • busy,
  • diligent,
  • employed,
  • engaged,
  • hopping,

What is the opposite of hard work?

Opposite of the quality of being willing to work hard. indolence. idleness. laziness. lethargy.

What do you call someone who works a lot?

workhorse. noun. someone who does a lot of hard or boring work.

How would you describe a dedicated person?

A person who is dedicated is defined as: devoted to a task or purpose. Having single minded loyalty or integrity. Over that last couple of days we have spent time talking about different ways you can change your life. Changing your attitude. Believing in yourself.

What do you call a busy girl?

1 active, assiduous, brisk, diligent, employed, engaged, engrossed, hard at work, industrious, in harness, occupied, on active service, on duty, persevering, rushed off one’s feet, slaving, working. 2 active, energetic, exacting, full, hectic, hustling, lively, on the go (informal) restless, strenuous, tireless, tiring.

How do you describe someone who is always busy?

Some common synonyms of busy are assiduous, diligent, industrious, and sedulous.

What to say instead of I was busy?

Busy comes from the Old English bisig, which means “careful, anxious, continually employed or occupied.” A quick survey of an online thesaurus produced the following synonyms for busy: unavailable, buried, overloaded, slaving, snowed, swamped, tied up. Eeeek! When we we’re busy, we’re not available.

What is another way to say busy?

18 Ways to Say Busy

  1. I am busy. The most basic way to express this.
  2. I’m as busy as a bee.
  3. I’m slammed.
  4. I’m so busy (that) I can’t even…
  5. I’m buried (in work).
  6. I’m overwhelmed (with work).
  7. I’m up to my ears in work.
  8. I’ve got a lot on my plate.

What do you call a busy man?

What is another word for busy person?

dynamo fireball
mover and shaker busy bee
active person powerhouse
hustler workhorse
sharpy self-starter

How do you say I’m not busy?

“I’m so busy” — three little words we say all the time as a way to decline invitations….Effective alternatives to ‘I’m so busy’

  1. Tell them what you’re up to. Let the other person know what you have going on.
  2. Take a rain check.
  3. Be honest, lend a hand.
  4. Just say yes.

What is opposite busy?

Antonyms: slothful, idle, unoccupied, work-shy, plain, inactive, not intrusive, unengaged, otiose, lackadaisical, bone-idle, indolent, faineant, lazy, bone-lazy, unintrusive, leisured. busy, occupy(verb)

What is opposite of tough?

tough. Antonyms: yielding, tender, soft, brittle, fragile, frangible, friable.

What is a quiet person called?

1 dumb, hushed, inaudible, low, low-pitched, noiseless, peaceful, silent, soft, soundless. 2 calm, contented, gentle, mild, motionless, pacific, peaceful, placid, restful, serene, smooth, tranquil, untroubled. 3 isolated, private, retired, secluded, secret, sequestered, undisturbed, unfrequented.

How do you describe a quiet person?


  • arcadian,
  • calm,
  • hushed,
  • peaceful,
  • placid,
  • restful,
  • serene,
  • still,

What is another word for be quiet?

What is another word for be quiet?

settle relax
become calm become peaceful
slow down become calmer
cool off pull oneself together
become quieter steady oneself

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