One word for hard to catch

What is a word for hard to catch?

eluding or failing to allow for or accommodate a clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define: an elusive concept. cleverly or skillfully evasive: a fish too elusive to catch.

What is an impossible task called?

A Sisyphean task seems impossible to complete. You can use Sisyphean to describe things that require a lot of hard work and yet will never be truly finished.

What is the synonym of catching?

seize, grab, snatch, grab hold of, seize hold of, take hold of, lay hands on, lay one’s hands on, get one’s hands on, grasp, grip, clutch, clench, fasten on, pluck, hold, hang on to. receive, acquire, get, come into possession of, intercept. drop.

What is an easy catch?

it means easy to get.

What is Sisyphean task mean?

Sisyphean describes a task as seemingly endless and futile—you keep doing it but it never gets done. The word comes from the name of Sisyphus, a character in Greek mythology who was punished by being forced to continuously roll a boulder up a steep hill.

What can I say instead of catch up?

What is another word for catch up?

acquaint advise
fill in wise up
update let know
keep posted tip off
notify prime

What are three synonyms for catching?

synonyms for catching

  • endemic.
  • epidemic.
  • pandemic.
  • taking.
  • communicable.
  • dangerous.
  • infectious.
  • pestiferous.

    What is a homeless person called?

    Instead, the stylebook recommends “homeless people,” “people without housing,” or “people without homes.” Other terms considered disparaging are “vagrant” or “derelict.”

    How does being homeless affect a child?

    Homelessness is linked to poor physical health for children including low birth weight, malnutrition, ear infections, exposure to environmental toxins and chronic illness (e.g., asthma). Homeless children also are less likely to have adequate access to medical and dental care.

    What is a Sisyphean Odyssey?

    Sisyphus (or Sisyphos) is a figure from Greek mythology who, as king of Corinth, became infamous for his general trickery and twice cheating death. He ultimately got his comeuppance when Zeus dealt him the eternal punishment of forever rolling a boulder up a hill in the depths of Hades.

    Which is the best definition of the word ” impossible “?

    A plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility. “I think that his plan to become a professional athlete is a pipe dream and that he should stay in school.” The brass ring – GEdgar Mar 26 ’12 at 14:06 A ten-percent growth rate is unrealistic: it is certainly possible on paper, but very difficult to accomplish.

    What’s the word for something difficult or nearly impossible?

    A ten-percent growth rate is a __: it is certainly possible on paper, but very difficult to accomplish. I can think of a castle in the air or an ideal prospect, but I would love to have a simple one-word substitute. Sorry for being off topic, but wicked problems are problems which are very tough to solve. – Jesvin Jose Mar 26 ’12 at 14:29

    What’s the best synonym for the word capture?

    Some capture maneuvers that come with no physical provocation, last longer and appear more intentional. STILL CAN’T BREATHE BY TOPHER SANDERS, PROPUBLICA, AND YOAV GONEN, THE CITY, VIDEO BY LUCAS WALDRON, PROPUBLICAJANUARY 21, 2021 PROPUBLICA Legislation gives firms a $35-a-barrel tax credit for this capture and use.

    Is there such thing as an inaccuracy in a photograph?

    The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth. ” ― Richard Avedon “You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again.

    What is an impossible synonym for the word impossible?

    the seemingly impossible problem of world hunger. fitting everything in my backpack seemed an impossible task. Synonyms for impossible. hopeless, insoluble, insolvable, insuperable, unattainable, undoable,

    A ten-percent growth rate is a __: it is certainly possible on paper, but very difficult to accomplish. I can think of a castle in the air or an ideal prospect, but I would love to have a simple one-word substitute. Sorry for being off topic, but wicked problems are problems which are very tough to solve. – Jesvin Jose Mar 26 ’12 at 14:29

    Which is the best antonym for the word capture?

    Antonyms for capture. forfeit, lose. 2 to take physical control or possession of (something) suddenly or forcibly. captured the cat just as it was about to escape out the front door.

    What does the idiom ” attempt the impossible ” mean?

    Not a single word, but here is an idiom which I casually came across that might interest future visitors. It means to attempt the impossible, or to place one difficulty on top of another. a. to make matters worse; aggravate or compound a situation.

    Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HARD TO CATCH [elusive]

    What do you call something that can’t be caught?

    synonyms for difficult to catch ambiguous. fleeting. illusory. puzzling.

    What does infeasible mean?

    : not feasible : impracticable.

    Which Cannot be described in words?

    If something is so powerful or emotional that you can’t even describe it, it’s ineffable. Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words. This word comes from the adjective effable, which means “something that can lawfully be expressed in words,” and isn’t used much anymore.

    What is something that Cannot be explained?

    The definition of incomprehensible is something that cannot be explained or cannot be understood. …

    How do you use Sisyphean in a sentence?

    Sisyphean in a Sentence 🔉

    1. We hired a dozen extra workers to help us with the Sisyphean task of moving out of our sixteen-bedroom mansion.
    2. Because my credit is still ruined three years after the identity theft incident, I feel like my life is a Sisyphean nightmare.

    What is meant by impracticality?

    adj. 1. Unwise to implement or maintain in practice: Refloating the sunken ship proved impractical because of the great expense. 2. Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters, especially finances.

    What is an infeasible problem?

    An infeasible problem is a problem that has no solution while an unbounded problem is one where the constraints do not restrict the objective function and the objective goes to infinity. Both situations often arise due to errors or shortcomings in the formulation or in the data defining the problem.

    How do you describe impossible?

    In this page you can discover 97 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for impossible, like: difficult, insurmountable, hopeless, vain, futile, impassable, illogical, unachievable, incredible, possible and a hundred to one.

    How do you say no in a nice way?

    How to Say “No” for Any Reason at All!

    1. I wish I could make it work.
    2. I wish I were able to.
    3. I’d rather not.
    4. I’m afraid I can’t.
    5. If only I could!
    6. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.
    7. Not this time.
    8. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.

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An intelligent psychopath, particularly a sadist, is very hard to catch.

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Интеллектуального психопата, в частности садиста, очень сложно поймать.

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It’s very hard to catch because it’s so fast and difficult



It’s hard to catch a killer when you don’t know who the victim is.

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Especially if there is no cat.

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Трудно поймать черного кота в темной комнате, тем более, если его там нет.

I think he must be,» said Mrs. Cole,

frowning slightly,»but it’s very hard to catch him at it.

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Я думаю, что он должен быть,- сказала госпожа Коул, хмурясь немного-

I didn’t like that, I was working hard to catch all this fish, and the mermaid was undoing my work.


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Это мне не понравилось, ведь мне пришлось постараться, что наловить столько рыбы, а сирена сводила на нет все мои труды.


Errors like this are pretty hard to catch as the program behavior may differ very

much in’Debug’ and’Release’ modes because of that very optimization-driven caching.


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Данные ошибки достаточно трудно отлавливаемы, так как именно из-за кеширования, проводимого при

оптимизации, поведение программы’ Debug’ и’ Release’ версиях может отличаться.


Because if you take off when I turn it’s not that hard to catch you and when I do I’m going



very unhappy with my little wolflings.

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Если вы сбежите, когда я повернусь, мне будет несложно поймать вас, и тогда я буду очень недоволен моими маленькими волчицами.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

сложно поймать

тяжело поймать

трудно уловить

поймать сложно

трудно обыграть

непросто поймать

трудно поймать

трудно выловить

трудно дышать

сложно заметить

An intelligent psychopath, particularly a sadist, is very hard to catch.

Вы знаете, интеллектуального психопата, в частности садиста, очень сложно поймать.

So easy to feel but so hard to catch.

The problem is, it’s hard to catch people in the act.

Но проблема в том, что тяжело поймать человека на месте преступления.

These symptoms are hard to catch since you might not think anything of it when you keep finding bruises.

Эти симптомы трудно уловить, так как вы можете не думать об этом, когда продолжаете находить синяки.

It’s hard to catch the rhythm or get into the music

It’s just so hard to catch them all.

Maybe that’s why they’re so hard to catch.

Even when they desperately need help, coyotes are famously hard to catch.

Даже когда они нуждаются в помощи, койотов сложно поймать.

The police are working hard to catch the criminals and put them in jail.

Negative thoughts are hard to catch because they have a tendency to become a part of who we are.

Негативные мысли очень трудно поймать, потому что они имеют тенденцию стать частью того, кто мы есть.

They’re hard to catch, but about 10,000 of them appear in the sky every night.

Их трудно поймать, но около 10000 из них появляются в небе каждую ночь.

They are only seen during winter, and even then it is hard to catch a glimpse of one.

Их можно увидеть только зимой, но даже тогда очень трудно заметить хоть одного.

Because of the night life and high speed of movement of the ants, they had to work hard to catch them.

Из-за ночного образа жизни и высокой скорости передвижения муравьев, пришлось как следует потрудиться, чтобы поймать их.

She had to study hard to catch up with her classmates.

You have to study hard to catch up with your class.

There is something that lies deeper, that is hard to catch sight of.

The truth is, these guys are hard to catch.

It’s very hard to catch because it’s so fast and difficult to see.

Его очень трудно поймать, потому что он мал, и его нелегко увидеть.

My mom used to say I was hard to catch.

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  • A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch.

I want to know how this could be?

-Pretty to see (someone) or to be see (by someone), or hard to be caught instead of hard to catch.

I think «pretty to be seen» and «hard to be caught» are more grammatical.

Because if we said that is pretty to see, that would mean if she is not beautiful, or ugly, she would not be able to see.

asked Aug 31, 2017 at 11:01


  • Pretty to see
  • Hard to catch

In modern grammar, these are called hollow non-finite clauses. These non-finite clauses have a non-subject gap (i.e. a missing constituent) that’s recoverable from the context. The gap usually corresponds the subject in the main clause. Herein, gaps are marked with strikethrough.

Pretty to see a butterfly

Hard to catch a butterfly

These hollow clauses are licensed by the adjectives, which are—in this particular context—pretty and hard.

The latter is commonly analyzed as a tough construction¹ because it’s ‘licensed’ by tough adjectives (e.g. hard, easy, difficult).

¹ Biber et al. in Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English analyze it as an object-to-subject raising.

answered Aug 31, 2017 at 11:53

Mohd Zulkanien Sarbini's user avatar


That construction, pretty to see is like «tasty to eat» or «nice to hear» or «good to know».

The stew is tasty to eat.

That music is pleasant to hear.

The stew isn’t eating and the music isn’t hearing. Rather the stew is eaten and the music is heard.

You can identify such constructions by the absence of the perceiver, who is present only indirectly by way of the adjective: things are tasty to someone. Music is pleasant to someone.

In a sense, the adjective in tandem with the non-finite verb acts as a proxy for an abstract perceiver.

That makes such constructions a cousin to the passive.

It is to die for.

answered Aug 31, 2017 at 14:02

Tᴚoɯɐuo's user avatar


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Think about the following expression:

easy to use

Nobody will ever say «easy to be used» even if it is implied that it’s ment to be used by somebody.
English is a language that tends to simplify. It’s not like ancient Greek where every little detail is reflected on the language itself. Don’t try to reason too much about every English expression ’cause sooner than later you will find yourself in trouble with idiomatic expressions and other quirks.

Also because the context of the above sentence is quite poetic, you should expect the author to take some artistic licenses to enhance the dramatic effect of his sentences.

answered Aug 31, 2017 at 11:25

Coreplo 's user avatar

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