One word for happy ending

The word that comes to mind is ‘joy’:

Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness, or an instance of such feeling.

[joy. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved November 3 2015 from]

‘Joy’, however, does not denote relief; rather it denotes enormous satisfaction and contentment. In this way, ‘joy’ is properly esthetic: it is a static emotion. As James Joyce expresses it in his «Paris Notebook»,

… joy is excited by whatever is substantial or accidental [Yale MS. adds after «accidental», «general or fortuitous»] in human fortunes …

(From James Joyce: The Critical Writings, edited by Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellman, Viking, 1959.)

Later in the same paragraph, Joyce adds that

… even tragic art may be said to participate in the nature of comic art so far as the possession of a work of tragic art (a tragedy) excites in us the feeling of joy. … All art, again, is static for the feelings of terror and pity on the one hand and joy on the other hand are feelings which arrest us.

(op. cit.)

In a note on the text of the latter passage, the editors point out that «Joyce substitutes stasis for catharsis. That joy may result from tragedy as well as from comedy does not follow well from what he has said. In the Portrait he confines the discussion almost completely to tragedy and changes ‘joy’ to ‘the luminous silent stasis of aesthetic pleasure.'»

Aside from quibbles about whether the emotion occasioned by tragedy is, properly, joy, or rather the unadorned «stasis of aesthetic pleasure» (an overwrought expression more suited to the developing character of Stephen Dedalus in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man), it is the stasis of contentment or satisfaction that constitutes such relief as may be felt in the apprehension of tragedy.

1. Without hardship we would not have valued ease
Without hardship we would not have valued ease

2. It’s sad that some people aren’t waiting for their happy ending anymore. They’re just waiting for the end
It's sad that some people aren't waiting for their happy ending anymore. They're just waiting for the end

3. One Day I’ll Find My Happy Ending, Just Not With You
One Day I'll Find My Happy Ending, Just Not With You

4. I’m not a happy-ending person. I want to know what happens once Cinderella rides off with Prince Charming.
Melissa Joan Hart
I'm not a happy-ending person. I want to know what happens once Cinderella rides off with Prince Charming. Melissa Joan Hart

5. A happy ending is not promised, but it’ll be one amazing story
A happy ending is not promised, but it'll be one amazing story

6. I don’t want a happy ending, I just want happiness without ending
I don't want a happy ending, I just want happiness without ending

7. True love is not a Happy Ending… It’s a Perfect Beginning
True love is not a Happy Ending... It's a Perfect Beginning

8. Not everything has a happy ending, but thats life. Just pick up the pieces and move on to the next chapter
Not everything has a happy ending, but thats life. Just pick up the pieces and move on to the next chapter

9. If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention
If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention

10. You’ll know when a relationship is right for you. It will enhance your life, not complicate your life.
Brigitte Nicole
You'll know when a relationship is right for you. It will enhance your life, not complicate your life. Brigitte Nicole

11. And Maybe a happy ending doesn’t include a guy, maybe… it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is… just… moving on
And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something ...

12. Maybe the happy ending is… just… moving on
Maybe the happy ending is… just… moving on

13. Maybe a happy ending doesn’t include a guy, maybe… it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over
Maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe… it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over

14. There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or else you run out.
Sam Kinison
There's no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or else you run out. Sam Kinison

15. Telling the story had made me feel sick. Sick of talking, sick of remembering, but most of all sick of possessing this story that had no happy ending, no big redemptive moment, no lesson learned, just pain.
Telling the story had made me feel sick. Sick of talking, sick of remembering, but most of all sick of possessing this story...

16. Not everything in this life has a happy ending but this life is not the end of the story.
Rick Warren
Not everything in this life has a happy ending but this life is not the end of the story. Rick Warren

17. If you’re looking for a happy ending and can’t seem to find one, maybe it’s time you start looking for a new beginning instead
If you're looking for a happy ending and can't seem to find one, maybe it's time you start looking for a new beginning instead

18. Don’t lose hope,have faith…Your happy ending is somewhere out there
Don't lose hope,have faith...Your happy ending is somewhere out there

19. Life’s not a movie, so don’t wait around for someone else to write you a happy ending
Life's not a movie, so don't wait around for someone else to write you a happy ending

20. Life is a movie, and you’re the star. Give it a happy ending.
Joan Rivers
Life is a movie, and you're the star. Give it a happy ending. Joan Rivers

21. If you want a happy ending, learn to open up, because no one can finish a story with a closed book.
Nishan Panwar
If you want a happy ending, learn to open up, because no one can finish a story with a closed book. Nishan Panwar

22. Make every day a happy ending
Make every day a happy ending

23. I love a happy ending. They are so rare.
Stephanie Meyer
I love a happy ending. They are so rare. Stephanie Meyer

24. The problem with people is ,they try to create a happy ending but not a happy ending
The problem with people is ,they try to create a happy ending but not a happy ending

25. Today only the person who no longer believes in a happy ending, only he who has consciously renounced it, is able to live. A happy century does not exist; but there are moments of happiness, and there is freedom in the moment
Ernst Junget
Today only the person who no longer believes in a happy ending, only he who has consciously renounced it, is able to live.A happy.... Ernst Junget

26. You always get more respect when you don’t have a happy ending.
Julia Quinn
You always get more respect when you don't have a happy ending. Julia Quinn

27. Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending
Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending

28. In the old movies, yes, there always was the happy ending and order was restored. As it is in Shakespeare’s plays. It’s no disgrace to, in the end, restore order. And punish the wicked and, in some way, reward the righteous.
John Updike
In the old movies, yes, there always was the happy ending and order was restored. As it is in Shakespeare's plays. It's no disgrace to, in the.. John Updike

29. Go for the happy endings, because life doesn’t have any sequels
Go for the happy endings, because life doesn't have any sequels

30. This might be the happy ending without the ending.
David Levithan
This might be the happy ending without the ending. David Levithan

31. You’re my happy ending, and i’m your forever after
You're my happy ending, and i'm your forever after

32. If you’re looking for a happy ending and can’t seem to find one, a new beginning instead
If you're looking for a happy ending and can't seem to find one,  a new beginning instead

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33. Second chances don’t always mean a happy ending. Sometimes it’s just another chance to end things right
Second chances don't always mean a happy ending. Sometimes it's just another chance to end things right

34. There is no such thing as a happy ending. It’s always better to have a happy start because endings will be always the saddest part.
Shel Silverstein
There is no such thing as a happy ending. It's always better to have a happy start because endings will be always… Shel Silverstein

35. Don’t rush into love, because even in fairy tales, the happy ending takes place on the last page
Don't rush into love, because even in fairy tales, the happy ending takes place on the last page

36. Never skip right to the happy ending, you might miss the best part of the story
Never skip right to the happy ending, you might miss the best part of the story

37. God only makes happy endings. If it’s not happy, then it’s not the end
God only makes happy endings. If it's not happy, then it's not the end

38. Happy endings come after a story with lots of ups and downs
Happy endings come after a story with lots of ups and downs

39. You are the beginning of my happy ending
You are the beginning of my happy ending

40. Ill Get My Happy Ending
Ill Get My Happy Ending

41. I am going to write myself into a fairy tale. I desperately need a happy ending somewhere.
Macy Maywalall
I am going to write myself into a fairy tale. I desperately need a happy ending somewhere. Macy Maywalall

42. If you want a happy ending that depends of course on where you stop your story.
Orson Welles
If you want a happy ending that depends of course on where you stop your story. Orson Welles

43. The moral of this story is that no matter how much we want it …some stories just don’t have a happy ending.
Jodi Picoult
The moral of this story is that no matter how much we want it ...some stories just don't have a happy ending. Jodi Picoult

44. There’s no happy ending. Berlin (When Love Goes)
There's no happy ending. Berlin (When Love Goes

45. THIS IS a story with a happy ending.
Gerry Connolly
THIS IS a story with a happy ending. Gerry Connolly

46. It’s not always a happy ending.
Aimee Mann
It's not always a happy ending. Aimee Mann

47. I don’t want another Cinderella story. I don’t even want a Twilight story. All I want is You & Me, Me & You. Together, Our own story. Our own happy ending.
I don't want another Cinderella story. I don't even want a Twilight story. All I want is You & Me, Me & You. Together, Our own story. Our own happy ending.

48. The happy ending is our national belief.
Mary McCarthy
The happy ending is our national belief. Mary McCarthy

49. True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love never ends
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends

50. Never skip to the happy ending, you might miss the best part of the story
Never skip to the happy ending, you might miss the best part of the story

51. A second chance doesn’t always mean a happy ending.It’s just a chance to end things right
A second chance doesn't always mean a happy ending.It's just a chance to end things right

52. Every story has a happy ending, you just need to know when to stop.
Annie M.G. Schmidt
<Every story has a happy ending, you just need to know when to stop. Annie M.G. Schmidt

53. If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.
Orson Wells
If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story. Orson Wells

54. Remember, You Are My Happy Ending
Remember, You Are My Happy Ending

55. If You’re Looking For A Happy Ending And Can’t Seems To Find One, May Be It’s Time You Start Looking For A New Beginning Instead….
Ritu Ghatourey
If You're Looking For A Happy Ending And Can't Seems To Find One, May Be It's Time You Start Looking For A New Beginning Instead…. Ritu Ghatourey

56. Believe in happy endings. Because you are the author of the story of your life.
Douglas Pagels
Believe in happy endings. Because you are the author of the story of your life. Douglas Pagels

57. True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love doesn’t ends
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love doesn't ends

58. There are no happy endings.Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start
There are no happy endings.Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middleAnd a very happy start

59. There is no happy ending if only one person does his-her best to save the relationship
There is no happy ending if only one person does his-her best to save the relationship

60. Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe, it’s about the story
Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe, it's about the story

61. If there is no happy ending make one out of cookie dough.
Cooper Edens
If there is no happy ending make one out of cookie dough. Cooper Edens

62. If you want a happy ending you have to go out and take it.
Michael Buckley
If you want a happy ending you have to go out and take it. Michael Buckley

63. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing
Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing

happy ending — перевод на русский

You were all building up to a nice happy ending.

Все получили свой счастливый конец.

The happy ending.

Счастливый конец.

Oh, the trouble with you is you don’t believe in happy endings.

О, ну что с вами за беда, вы совсем не верите в счастливый конец?

And it’s a happy ending.

И это счастливый конец.

Here is a happy ending.

Всё венчает счастливый конец.

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Oh, I just love happy endings.

Обожаю хэппи-энды.

I love happy endings.

Люблю хэппи-энды.

I love a happy ending.

Обожаю хэппи-энды.

I think she figured out the Santa Claus thing already, and I do believe in happy endings, just not when it comes to the Ballad Of Hank And Karen.

Думаю, она уже поняла, что Санта Клауса нет, И я верю в хэппи-энды, если, это только не баллада, про Хэнка и Карен.

Well, the world loves a happy ending, I mean…

Ну, мир любит хэппи-энды.

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Not that that’s such a happy ending.

Не такой уж это счастливый финал.

That’s a happy ending.

Вот это счастливый финал.

Well, I guess it’s just the writer in me, but I’m hoping for happy ending.

Ну, наверное, во мне говорит писатель, но я надеюсь на счастливый финал.

It’s not a happy ending then.

Счастливый финал, да?

Happy ending?

Счастливый финал?

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And board members tend not to approve of clubs with coat-check girls who give happy endings. It was an honest mistake.

А члены совета склонны не одобрять клубы с девочками, что дарят счастье.

You’re my happy ending.

Ты моё счастье.

You should be helping me find my happy ending, or something else equally as precious.

Ты должна бы помочь мне найти мое счастье, или что-то столь же ценное.

This is how you take away a happy ending.

Вот как нужно отбирать счастье.

It’s time for villains to get their happy endings.

Пора и злодеям обрести счастье.

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Finally, a happy ending.

Наконец-то, счастливая концовка.

Well, that doesn’t sound like a happy ending.

Какая-то не очень счастливая концовка. Это точно.

Yes, there can be a happy ending to all of this, and there is indeed a cure for the radiation poisoning my body and hers.

Да, счастливая концовка возможна для всех нас, и существует вакцина от радиации, отравляющей мое тело и ее тоже.

It’s a happy ending.

Счастливая концовка.

It’s a happy ending.

Это счастливая концовка.

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Well, I fell in love, got married and moved to the suburbs for the whole fairy tale, happy ending thing.

Ну, я влюбилась, вышла замуж и переехала в пригород, чтобы, знаешь как в сказках говорится, жить долго и счастливо.

And villains don’t get happy endings.

А злодеи не живут долго и счастливо.

Villains don’t get happy endings.

Злодеи не живут долго и счастливо.

This must be Zelena’s happy ending.

Это, должно быть, «долго и счастливо» для Зелены.

My happy ending isn’t a man.

Мое «долго и счастливо» не мужчина.

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Happy ending, right?

Хэппи энд, верно?

The happy ending?

Хэппи энд?

There’s the happy ending.

Вот теперь хэппи энд!

You deserve the white dress and a happy ending.

Ты заслуживаешь белое платье… и хэппи энд.

You deserve the white dress and the happy ending.

Ты заслуживаешь белое платье… и хэппи энд,

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Do you believe in happy endings, Bean?

Ты веришь, что всё закончится хорошо, Бин?

I think this time it’ll have a happier ending.

Я думаю, что в этот раз всё закончится хорошо.

No matter what you do, Snow White will have her happy ending.

Как бы ты ни старалась, у Белоснежки всё закончится хорошо.

I promised all these people I’d get them their happy endings.

Я обещала им, что всё закончится хорошо.

I thought that if I could make Max Rager think that I was killing them, freeze them instead, you could come up with a cure, and there would be a big happy ending for everyone.

Мне казалось, если убедить Макс Рэйджер, что я их убиваю, заморозить их, ты придумаешь вакцину, и для всех всё закончится хорошо.

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I always hope for a happy ending.

Я всегда надеюсь на хороший конец.

It’s obvious that the story will have a happy ending!

И у истории, само собой, хороший конец!

And this one has a happy ending.

У неё хороший конец.

How does it have a happy ending?

— Откуда возьмётся хороший конец?

— Does it have a happy ending?

Будет хороший конец?

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It will be a quiet one with a happy ending.

Это тихая история со счастливым концом.

It has a happy ending.

Это история со счастливым концом.

It’s a sad story with a happy ending.

Это грустная история со счастливым концом.

‘Cause this is a happy story… with a happy ending.

Потому что это счастливая история со счастливым концом

Mm. It’s a sad story with a happy ending.

Грустная история со счастливым концом.

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  • счастливый конец
  • хэппи-энды
  • счастливый финал
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  • счастливая концовка
  • счастливо
  • хэппи энд
  • закончится хорошо
  • хороший конец
  • история со счастливым концом

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A happy ending
in a sentence and their translations

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Little Romeo& Juliet Find a happy ending for this adorable pair of lovers.

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И предпочитают добрых персонажей и сюжет с хеппи эндом.


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It’s my job, my mission, as it were, to find a happy ending to these stories.

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She replaced Romeo and Juliet’s original tragic conclusion with a happy ending.

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