One word for forever love

I’m in love with my spouse and I don’t know how to express it. I love him so much but how do I tell him? How do I express it? How do I assure him that he’s in my heart forever?
Do you find yourself in this position right now? Where you lack the words to express your emotions? It could be any of both sexes (I Love You forever Quotes for Boyfriend or Girlfriend).

Well, I’ve got you covered. Here are some lines to help you out.

My Love for You is forever Quotes

It is a beautiful thing to love. Here are Best My Love for You is Forever Quotes you can send to your lover.

1. I meant it when I said I love you;
I meant it when I said I wanted to grow old with you;
I still mean it even now. I love you

2. Let the rain come and go;
Let the sun stop shinning;
Let the moon and the stars suddenly go to rest;
I will still love you even when the world ends.

3. Don’t even think I will ever leave you.
I love you and that’s the fact.
Not even the devil can stop it, Sweetheart.

My Love for You is forever Quotes

My Love for You is forever Quotes

4. Sometimes, you just can’t understand the dynamics of love;
It can be a sweet feeling impelling you to things you’ve never done;
That’s how I feel every time I’m with you.
I love you.

5. I love you like my very soul;
My heart beats continually because of you.
Love me forever baby otherwise, it would stop beating.

6. You are my first and you will be my last;
My whole life revolves around you.
You are my happiness and joy.
I want to keep feeling this until my last breath.

7. I wait daily for your response;
I lay, listening instinctively to the day you would say yes;
And I would keep waiting until I hear it. I love you for real.

8. I don’t know why I keep feeling butterflies in my tummy every time I hear you;
Every time I hear you say the words “I love you”
I love you too Dearest.

9. I want you to love me the way I love you;
That you cherish the times we spent together;
That our tears and joy in good and bad times were worth it.
I love you and will always do.

10. See what love does to me every day:
I smile even when I’m eating;
I laugh. I merry and even talk to the air because of you.
I love you.

Amazing Quotes to show that you would always love Him or Her.

11. If there’s anything I would ever wish for life,
It is to have you in my life;
To have you live in my world, even in my dreams.

12. Look behind you and you’ll see the handwriting on the wall;
The words that have left a blueprint in my heart;
It is the words “I Love You”

13. It’s the tingle I feel every time I see you;
It is the excitement I get every time I touch you;
I just know one thing: I love you and I want to love you forever.

I Will Always Love You Forever

I Will Always Love You Forever

14. I know the way you feel;
I understand the way you perceive me.
Just know this one thing, I love you and nothing can change the fact that I care.

15. Today I was thinking about you;
How you came into my life for the first time and how we’ve lasted this long.
It’s going to be forever Sweetheart because I’ll never stop loving you.

16. There are many times you made me angry;
Many times you pushed me to the wall with attitudes;
In everything, I still love you and will always do whether you like it.

17. It is normal for humans to make mistakes;
It is normal for the same humans to forgive,
How we fall in love, however, I can’t tell. I’ll keep loving you even in my dreams.

18. Life throws many darts at us,
Only the ones with courage and determination conquer.
But Love strengthens and gives you all. Tell me why I will ever stop loving you.

19. I don’t need any special time, any special season.
I do not need any day of the month; not a special day of the year to express my love.
Every day is special already because of you, my love.

20. When I look and behold the stars, the moon and other heavenly bodies at nights,
I remember you. That is because you are just more beautiful than they are.
I love you.

Love You Forever Messages

Love You Forever Messages you can use.

21. Every three hundred and sixty-five days, every thirty-one and thirty days,
Every seven and one days, I will always love you. My heart belongs to you.

22. Wow! Is this the power or love?
That every time I feel lonely, the thoughts of you alone becomes my company.
I love you so much.

23. You are beautiful in and out;
The perfect woman every man would crave. I thank God I’m the lucky one here.
I will keep cherishing you like a diamond.

Love You Forever Messages

Love You Forever Messages

24. Love was always a fairy tale to me;
It had always been tales to the moon until I met you. You changed my notion.
I love you real good.

25. The moon gives light to humanity at night;
The sun gives light during the day so we do not gape,
Today your love has become my light and it lightens my whole being.
How can I let my angel and light go?

26. Love has inherent therapeutic powers.
When you’re down, when you face challenges,
In good and bad times, love gives you strength.
You see why I cannot just let you go.

27. You are my inspiration, you are my muse.
You are my strength, you are my courage;
You are my everything because I love you that much.

28. I wish sometimes that the heart is not a secret place;
You would have seen how deep my love is for you.
You would have seen that my beats for you as well.

29. You bring joy to my life;
You bring healing, you bring warmth.
I will always love you just the way I have always done.

30. My love for you is like the morning dew,
It falls moisturizing your thoughts;
My love for you is like the morning sun,
Nourishing and refreshing you every day.

31. Have you ever been in love before?
That moment that you feel you could do anything and everything for the one you love.
That’s how I feel every moment with you.

32. You have brought me fortune and wisdom ever since the day I fell for you.
I love you and will never leave your side.

33. You know why I love you?
Because you are just who you are supposed to be;
Because you are natural in and out.
I love you and I want to always do.

34. I love you because you are humble;
I love you because you are beautiful;
I love you because you are sweet;
I love you because I love you.

Love You Forever Messages

Love You Forever Messages

35. There is no greater assurance of your love for me except with the words “I love you”
I am satisfied and at rest when I hear you say it.
I love you too like forever.

36. I may not have gold to give;
I may not be able to give you diamonds.
But I can give you one priceless thing: it is my HEART.
Take it and love me forever.

37. You are my dreams.
You are my reality.
Even when I am half-awake, you’re still the one.
I have always loved you and I still do.

38. What is love without friendship, they work in unison.
You have been my friend and equally my lover, what more can I demand?
That you spend the rest of your life with me.

39. Don’t ever stop being your best;
Don’t ever stop being you.
You are perfect the way you are and I love it.

40. Even of if it takes many a year;
Even if it takes many years;
My love for you will never dwindle. It is an everlasting one.

I Will Love You Forever Quotes

Best Quotes to tell Him or Her the extent of your love.

41. You give me a reason every day to smile.
Who can indeed find a virtuous woman to fill his vacuum?
I just can’t stop loving you.

42. Love is like a candle,
Without wax, the thread burns immediately out.
I’ll keep watering what we have with my last breath.

43. Whenever you are out there on the streets;
When the weight of this world is hanging right on your shoulder,
Just remember that I love you and will forever do.

44. Petals are beautiful,
Roses are a sight to behold you,
But you My Love are more beautiful and fairer than them.
I love you so much.

I Will Love You Forever Quotes

I Will Love You Forever Quotes

45. Love is a symbol of life;
It is a symbol of living.
To live is not a choice anymore for me because I love you.

46. Because of you, my ink never ceases to dance and flow with sweet love messages.
I love you Sweet and it is forever.

47. I know you love me, admit it.
I know you care about me. Just admit because my heart keeps beating for you.
I love and do care about you too.

48. In the night, I roll in my bed smiling just for you;
In the day, I work enthusiastically because I must make my lady happy.
My love for you never fails Honey.

49. I love you like my body;
I love you like my life;
I love you every minute and hour of the day.

50. You mean the world to me please don’t ever doubt it.
I could not; cannot have done it on my own. Love lifted me.

I Will Love You Forever Messages

I Will Love You Forever Messages you can send to your Lover.

51. There is this fragrance about you that draws me every day to you;
it is the taste of your lips on mine in our secret;
I want to always do it every day of my life cox I love you.

52. Take me with you and let’s ride on the Horses of love.
Let’s get merry and lose ourselves in love you.
I love you and I can’t just stop.

53. Baby, I am with you for everywhere you go.
Think about us even in your place of work.
You are the of my life.

I Will Love You Forever Messages

I Will Love You Forever Messages

54. I am not after your money;
I am not after your riches.
All I want is your heart. Let it be mine forever.

55. Tell me!
Tell me, Sweetheart,
Over and over again;
That our love is forever;
That our love is until death.

56. You are full of all loveliness Dearest.
Your hair that falls so freely, gracing your cheeks tickles me.
Let me be the only one to feel it forever.

57. May the Lord grant you speed at work Dearie,
So you can come back into my arms.
I want to feel and perceive your perfume while I lie on your chest. I love you like no other.

58. How handsome you are in every sense.
You find ways to put butterflies in my tummy every day.
Let me wake up every morning beside you while you take me in your arms.

59. I remember those beautiful moments we shared.
Your beautiful smiles while we rolled together on the grasses;
You’re swelling chest while I made you lay beside the ocean waves.
Let’s do this together for life.

60. Life is full of ups and downs but your love encourages me.
And like the Lilies among thorns, I shine always.
I love you with everything that I have.

Love Forever Quotes for Her

Love Forever Quotes you can send to her.

61. In my whole life, I have never like you.
You weaken me with your softness.
I want to spend the rest of my days with you. I love you.

62. In my quiet time, I sit and I smile within myself,
The thoughts of your love and your passion envelopes me.
So I just can’t stop loving you. Our hearts are sewn together.

63. I feel safe and warm when I rest my head on your left hand,
I feel love and warmth when your right-hand does wonders to my body.
You are mine forever.

Love Forever Quotes for Her

Love Forever Quotes for Her

64. I know when something’s right and when something’s wrong,
Because your heart is tied to mine already.
Nothing dear can separate us.

65. I miss you dearly.
I miss your waking up beside me,
I miss the tender kisses you lavish on me,
I miss your fondness.
I just miss you Dearest. I say yes let’s get married cox I don’t want to miss you too much.

66. Why were you not answering my calls earlier,
You made me panic like a nursing mother.
What would I do without you?

67. In the cold of the night I want to snuggle next to you;
I want to behold your pretty face every morning;
I want to share my simple life with you forever dear.

68. I went to bed yesterday and I dreamt about you;
I dreamt of your love and sweetness while you whispered them to my ears.
I love you, darling.

69. Sometimes, I wonder why many relationships suffer break-up
Cox every time I’m with you I see a future.
You gave me the reason to always see and hope the best.

70. Now I know why our love is till eternity.
We understand each other,
We respect each other
And above all we let our love cover our very many multitudes of weaknesses.
I love you, dear.

Love Forever Quotes for Him

Love Forever Quotes you can send to him.

71. My Queen, My Princess, My woman. I will continue to care for you all my life.
I love you like myself.

72. You are smart, you are intelligent, you are beautiful and honest.
I love you and I love your personality.

73. You are the treasure I wake every morning to check if you are still intact;
To see whether the termite men have not stolen you from me.
You are very precious to me.

74. I love the way you look at me you say the words;
I love the way you smile at me when you talk.
I love your body, mind and soul.
We are intertwined already never to unwind.

Love Forever Quotes for Him

Love Forever Quotes for Him

75. My heart bleeds for you;
My heart sings for you;
My heart will love you;
My heart will take care of you forever.
I love you like plant loves water.

76. Come with me and let’s go to film houses;
Come with me and let’s climb the mountains together.
Come with me to my bed.
Come and let heaven bless our union forever.

77. I will stand by you in time of good and bad;
I will hold your hands in times of lack and want.
I want to share all your moments; to love you.

78. You finally stole my heart,
Let me then always do everything for you;
Allow me to lavish my love on you forever.

79. The taste of your lips is like honey;
The fragrance of your body is like sweet corn.
I love you in every sense and want to always make sweet love to you.

80. You are so sweet, Dearie,
I just want to spend my every moment with you.

Love You Forever and Always

Messages to show that you would love him or Her forever.

81. I will hang on every word you say in the morning when the gentle breeze blows across;
In the dark when the moon and stars will smile at us. Love you.

82. You eyes in the way they travel around my body;
Your hands in the way they handle them;
And your lips when they taste them plays in my head like music.
You make me fall in love for life.

83. Your heart is a fertile soil;
A secret garden growing and nourishing big dreams and ideas.
I can’t let you go. You re mine!

Love You Forever and Always

Love You Forever and Always

84. Women are indeed Roses.
When you feed and water them with the right proportion of love,
They blossom and fill your mornings with joy all the time.

85. I want to make you happy till heaven calls me.
Be the love of my life and I will love you for life.

86. The day I met you I knew it, I felt it, I saw it,
That you were going to be the one take my heart and keep it evermore.

87. Love and passion are intertwined.
I love you because I can buy the world to your feet.
I want to also burn my love on you even in bed.

88. Without you I am but an empty street;
An empty pit; an empty human walking on the street without a destination.
You fill the vacuum in my heart.

89. It is you that I love baby;
It is you I want to live for;
It is you I want to die for.
I love you with all my heart.

90. I heard them say you can never find a perfect one,
But you proved them wrong because you are an embodiment of perfection.
Love to the soul.

I Love You Now and Forever

I Love You Now and Forever Quotes.

91. You are gracious.
Like a real gentle lady, you walk gracefully, commanding respect and love.
You captivated my heart, now I never want to come out of love again.

92. Look what your love does to me.
I sleep with my heart still very awake.
Awake so I could hear when you knock and I can come and open to you.

93. You know my heart beats for you.
I want you to close your heart to every other man but me;
That you hold no one else but me. Let me your all for now and ever.

I Love You Now and Forever

I Love You Now and Forever

94. Love is very powerful and overwhelming.
You fall and fall very hard without even caution.
That’s how yours did to me Dearest.

95. It is like a flame burning deep in the pit of my heart.
My love is unquenchable.
When you stop loving me, I can’t stop love you in return.

96. Just say yes to me baby and I will cloth your feet with silver.
You will walk on gold and I will lead you to the everlasting bed of roses, to love and cherish you forever.

97. I think we were meant for each other.
For every hope, dreams and love that we hold and share together,
It is forever because you will be my life.

98. No man can replace you in my heart.
You are sweet in every sense.
You make me laugh when I want to cry;
You handle me like an egg when I’m weak and fragile. I will always love you.

99. Why do I want to hold you every minute?
Why do I want to hug and take you with me everywhere?
I just want to be with you for a lifetime; to love you.

100. Love is some feelings God created do beautifully.
You can’t comprehend it.
You just know it is special and the person is special as well.
You want to spend the rest of your life with her.

Beautiful Love Message: Love is a beautiful feeling, and we need to express it often. You should always let him/her know how deep your love is for him/her. If you are pondering what to say to your loved ones, you are welcome on this page. We’ve compiled a list of beautiful love messages for you to send to the one you care about. These are the best love words that will help you express your beautiful love.

I love you and you love me. In my heart, you will always be. Here or there, near or far, my love will be wherever you are.

A doctor can save my life. A lawyer can defend my life. A soldier can fight for my life, but only you can give me the true meaning of life. I love you!

To survive, humans need air, food, and water. I just need your hugs, smiles, and kisses. I love you.


You are the most beautiful and best half of me and I love you better than I love me.

Every single day with you makes me experience a whole lifetime together! You make each day feel like a lifetime! I will love you in each lifetime, no matter what!

Before meeting you, I never thought love is this deep and beautiful. You have completed me, baby, with your love. Please be with me forever.

Baby, your love is the cure to all my pain.

Your love is not one of the things I need to survive – it is the ONLY thing I need to survive. I love you, baby.

I am so lucky because you are the girl I am in love with.

Baby, with the passing of time, I can feel your love more deeply. Every day, I am falling for you more deeply. Thanks for making every day beautiful.

Your eyes are like a beautiful mirror; when I look into your eyes, I can see myself more clearly. Baby, you always support me and give me the strength to fight with the world.

My love, when I am with you, I feel like the time has stopped. There is no one except us. Your love makes me the happiest person on earth.

Your love is so precious to me. I love you.

There was a time when I was suffering alone, but then you came and rescued me from the darkness. I am never gonna hurt you ever, my princess.


Sweetheart, thanks for always being with me. I feel safest whenever I am with you. Everything gets easy when you know you have someone who will fight for you no matter what.

Dear husband, the day my eyes met with yours, I knew that you are one. And till now you make me go crazy with your love. Thanks for making my life so beautiful every day.

Holding hands, going on coffee dates, having dinner together, everything that we do together is really special to me. I love you so much, my love.

I can’t thank God enough to send you into my life. I am so lucky to have it. May God bless our love and always keeps you healthy and safe. I want to be with you till my last breath.

Darling, I lack in many ways, but you embrace my imperfections with your open arms and love me the way I am. I can’t live without you anymore.

Love is a noble act of self-giving. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself. Yet you do not become less of who you are, but you end up being complete!

Your touch does to me what a pebble does when dropped into the calm waters of a lake. You send ripples through my body and my soul. I love you, sweetie.

beautiful message for my love

My greatest desire is that our beautiful love lasts forever throughout this life and after death, we love even other even more.

My love for you is not a waste of your time. When I am with you I lose track of time. My love is long-term, not part-time. I’ll love you now and for a lifetime!

When I see you, my heart drops. When I hear your voice, my heart melts. When you look at me, I instantly fall. Please catch me, for I have fallen in love with you.

I trust you, babe. And you know what? That’s a better compliment than I love you. Want to know why? Because you don’t always trust someone you love, but you can always love the person you trust- forever.

You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun. You are sure of my fulfillment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.


Kiss you, think about you, hug you, drool over you, miss you, dream about you – these are the things I can do anytime, anywhere and all day long. I love you.

Words alone will never be enough to express the depth of my love for you. It needs lots of hugs and kisses to describe. I love you!

A special smile, a special face, a special someone I can’t replace. I love you and I always will. You’ve filled a space no one can fill!

The day you said “I DO”. My “ME” changed to “YOU”. The center of my world now is God and “YOU”. You are dear to me this heart of mine now beats only for “YOU”!

Love is a promise that no matter how many thorns come your way, you’ll always have a sweet-smelling rose around you.

I don’t care, whether it is a selfie or a belfie – any photo that has you in it, makes me go crazy. I love you.

Read: Romantic Love Messages For Him or Her

Romantic Love Words

Let me kiss you and wash away all the bitterness inside you and fill it with everything good and sweet. I love you!

Do you know why there are spaces between your fingers? So that I could fill in the spaces by holding your hand.

What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky? What am I without you, that is why I tell you… I love you!

words of love

The problem with love is there’s always too little, or too much. What I’ve come to learn is you should always be with someone you can’t live without, not someone you just want to live with. And that’s you!

The path that leads to love is so narrow that two can’t walk on it unless they become one.

I am going to stop calling you my girlfriend because you are not a girl, you are an angel. I love you.

I knew I was in love when I stopped thinking about how pretty you look and started seeing the beauty within you.

I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart’s desire. I wish you a great ride in there – but mind your steps. You are welcome.

Every time I see you, I feel something in my heart. It’s like a little flame. And now that I love you so much, that little flame feels like an inferno in my chest!

If you were on Facebook, I would check your updates 24/7. If you were twittering, I would keep tweeting I Love You constantly. If you were Instagram, I would keep uploading selfies all day long. If you were Pinterest, I would pin my heart on you.

Love is a heart composed of two different parts. In math, this equation simply means “less than three”. And in real life, love has NO space for a third. Love can only be you and me!


I knew I started falling in love with you when my ears couldn’t listen to anything you said but my heart could feel every drop of expression on your beautiful face. I love you.

You can fall from a mountain, you can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with me.

I’d rather be with someone who loves me more than I love him. I’m 100% sure that my happiness is his priority and no more sleepless nights.

I don’t know what relationship status I should use for my Facebook because there is nothing called ‘madly in love’, which I am with you. I love you.

I love all those things you don’t do: you never tried to change me, you never minded my quirky moods, you never laughed when I attempted to be serious, and you never turned away when I needed you most. I love you.

Read More: 300+ Best Love Messages

Strong Romantic Words

I promise you that I will protect you from all the negativity of this world. You only promise to stay with me always. I love you.

Baby, we may not be attached to the red string of fate, but I do not doubt that you are my soulmate forever.

If a perfect couple exists, we would have the strongest couple ever! My love for you will never fade away, baby.

I had no idea what love was until I met you, and then I discovered genuine love when you became mine. And I can’t afford to lose you! I love you so much.

Dear, I engraved your name in my soul, and it will be there forever.

strong romantic words

Your love reminds me of spring, for it brings me endless laughter and the fresh air of joy! I love you, baby!

What always brightens my day when I open my eyes is seeing your face. You are a wonderful addition to my life, and I count that as a blessing.

Even though we were imperfect, true love made everything so perfect.

Sweet Love Words

My life has a purpose, and that is to make you the purpose of life! I love you, sweetheart

I never knew that life could be so amazing! Thank you for being so amazing. Thank you for also being in my life. That’s why my life is amazing!

My life is a dream, and you are the beautiful fairy in it. The best thing is you never disappear even when I wake up. Love you, dearest.

If I were to go on without you, I don’t think I’d be able to do it for very long since you make my heart flutter and fill my world with joy. Happily, you belong to me.

From the time I fell in love with you, you have supported me in ways I can never explain with words; you have been a blessing in my life. So thankful for you.

The more you distance yourself from me, the closer I become to you. Nothing can change the way I feel about you. You complete me.

Darling! Looking into your eyes makes me forget the world.

Baby, your presence gives me goosebumps till now.

I am so grateful and the luckiest that I found my best friend, soulmate, and home all in one person. You are my strength and joy.

Read: Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Expressing love through words is necessary. You don’t need any special day or occasion to do that. Express your love often to your partner and let them feel your feelings. If you are searching for unique messages or romantic words that can express your most inner feelings, we are here to help you. We have a great collection of beautiful love messages. Send these love words to your partner and make their day beautiful. Believe me; one beautiful love message can make your partner’s day better. Your partner will be over the moon when they read your text. So, don’t feel shy. Without wasting any more time, send your partner a beautiful love message now!

Last updated on August 31, 2022

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Forever Love

вечно любовь


Your forever love will be your life companion and your partner in every sense of that word.

Ваша вечная любовь будет вашим спутником жизни и вашим партнером во всех смыслах этого слова.

He is my first and forever Love.

There’s no forever love in this world.

I am looking for my forever love.

Do you believe in forever love?

Do you believe in forever love?

It’s called «Forever Love

Or will it be a Forever Love?

Forever Love and Memories.

On the other side, our forever love is usually someone of totally opposite qualities to our soulmate.

С другой стороны, наша вечная любовь — это, как правило, кто-то, кто обладает совершенно противоположными качествами нашей души.

To my forever love and my daily inspiration.

Who would not want to have a forever love?

The stories helped you believe in a forever love.

Фотографии, которые заставят вас поверить в вечную любовь!

He placed my hand in the hand of my forever love.

Harry Potter is my forever love.

Not many of the people are aware of the fact that the artist had a massive love for toys and thus he never missed an opportunity for portraying his forever love for them in his paintings.

Не многие люди знают о том, что у художника была огромная любовь к игрушкам, и поэтому он никогда не упускал возможности изобразить свою вечную любовь к ним в своих картинах.

Although many people connect the term «forever love» with the concept of a soulmate and use these terms interchangeably, they are actually two different things.

Хотя многие люди связывают термин «вечная любовь» с понятием родственной души и используют эти термины взаимозаменяемо, на самом это две разные вещи!

You are my first and last and always and forever love.

Ты моя ПОСЛЕДНЯЯ, Ты ПЕРВАЯ, Ты моя единственная И вечная любовь.

Hollie Davidson has written a wonderfully heart-warming story with FOREVER LOVE.

Даррен Хейз слащавым голосом пел что-то о вечной любви.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Forever Love

Результатов: 75. Точных совпадений: 75. Затраченное время: 84 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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