One word for five times

I forget what the word for 5 times is. I know it is single, double, triple, quadruple but forgot what the one for 5 is.

Matt E. Эллен's user avatar

Matt E. Эллен

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asked Apr 13, 2013 at 21:02

andreag's user avatar



From Google

Consisting of five parts or things.
Increase or cause to increase fivefold.
A fivefold number or amount; a set of five.

answered Apr 13, 2013 at 21:09

mmmmmm's user avatar


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The word for “five times” is quintuple. You can use it when something repeats five times. For instance, “that was a quintuple score!” It shows that something has come back multiple times and is one more than a “quadruple” (implying four times).

Here are some examples to show you how to use it:

  • I don’t understand why we need quintuple meetings up this. We will understand it without the extra help.
  • They still want quintuple repeats. So, have you looked into some ideas that might help?

“Quin-” is the correct root form for “five.” You should use it before “-tuple” to show that something repeats five times.

Interestingly, you can also use it as a verb. When used as a verb, it shows you can do something five times. You may also change the tense, depending on how you use it.

For instance:

  • We quintupled our earnings in the first quarter. We’re still very proud of that.
  • They are quintupling the workload again. I’ve got no idea how anyone will keep up, though.

As you can see, “-ed” works in the past tense, and “-ing” works in the future tense. It follows standard verb form rules, so you can show that something repeats five times in different tenses.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

quintuple; fivefold; five times.

Can you say thrice? Thrice can be used but should be followed by a word. For example, thrice married, thrice divorced, etc. You should not say something like: “I had to go to the store thrice.” The proper way is three times. A New York Times search reveals it is fairly common in the US.

Likewise What’s the word for 7 times?

Septuple Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster.

Is there a word for 10 times? ten times as great; tenfold. a tenfold quantity or multiple.

What is the word for 8 times?

eightfold; eight times as great.

Why do Americans say not that big of a deal? big of a deal” is incorrect, because a prepositional phrase like “of a deal” should not modify an adjective like “big.” Key is to have a noun before the of, as in “he wasn’t a giant [noun] of a man” or “he wasn’t that giant [adjective, no of] a man,” but not “he wasn’t that giant of a man.”

Is thrice a scrabble word?

Yes, thrice is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is thrice a British word? Unlike once and twice, thrice is somewhat dated in American and British usage, sometimes used for a comical or intentionally archaic effect; three times is the more standard and typical usage. On the other hand, once and twice are almost always preferred over one time and two times respectively.

What’s the word for 9 times?

Ninefold. Noncuple to: nine times as great as. B.

What’s the word for 11 times? See also

Coefficient Noun Result
8 octuple octuplet
9 nonuple nonuplet
10 decuple decuplet
11 undecuple hendecuple undecuplet hendecuplet

What does quintuple stand for?

1 : being five times as great or as many. 2 : having five units or members. 3 : marked by five beats per measure quintuple meter.

What is the word for 100 times? •a hundred times (noun)


What do you call 9 times?

Ninefold. Noncuple to: nine times as great as. B.

What is the word for 9? In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nine, like: niner, nonuplet, enneadic, nonagon, novenary, ninth, five, 9, ix, nina-from-carolina and fourteen.

What is the word for 11 times?

See also

Coefficient Noun Result
9 nonuple nonuplet
10 decuple decuplet
11 undecuple hendecuple undecuplet hendecuplet
12 duodecuple duodecuplet

What is Big A? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Big A or The Big A is the nickname of the following: Nickname for Atlanta, Georgia. Angel Stadium, Anaheim, California.

How big is a deal vs a deal?

big of a deal’? – Quora. “… big of a deal” is incorrect, because a prepositional phrase like “of a deal” should not modify an adjective like “big.” Key is to have a noun before the of, as in “he wasn’t a giant [noun] of a man” or “he wasn’t that giant [adjective, no of] a man,” but not “he wasn’t that giant of a man.”

What is a word for not a big deal? What is another word for no big deal?

trifling insignificant
trivial unimportant
small negligible
petty frivolous
inconsequential silly

Is Trice a Scrabble word?

Yes, trice is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Quarce a word? Quarce is a good word. It means “four times”, just as “once” means “one time”, “twice” means “two times”, and “thrice” means “three times”.

Why does no one say thrice?

This is a classic example of different dialects of English evolving differently. In the US, thrice is considered rather archaic. An American would understand what you mean, of course, but you’d sound dated, as though you’d walked out of a film set in, say, the early 20th century.

Does Trice exist? a very short time; an instant: in a trice.

Google appears to have fixed an obscure bug that made Google Docs crash after users typed in a simple, repeated word pattern. 

The Docs bug is a weird one that perplexed software developers on Hacker News and spawned conversations ranging from written languages, human coding errors, and programming language quirks, to speculation about what kind of text-parsing glitch could cause Docs to crash simply by typing “And. And. And. And. And.” into a document.

As Docs user Pat Needham reported on Google’s support pages yesterday, typing “And. And. And. And. And.” on a Docs page within Chrome caused the app to crash. The bug affected Docs in his personal, G Suite Basic, and work account. Other users on Hacker News confirmed the same issue affected Docs in Firefox. 

SEE: What is cloud computing? Everything you need to know about the cloud explained

The discovery inspired a collective hunt for other words in the same pattern that triggered the Docs crash. That is, by typing a trigger word five times, with each word followed by a period and a space.

Other words that users claimed to have found that would cause the Docs crash included “Therefore”, “Anyway”, “But”, “Who”, “Why”, “Besides”, “However”, “Dearness”, “Although”, “Besides”, and “Moreover”. 

One Hacker News user decided to automate the search for Docs-crashing words. 

“Started running through the entire dictionary in batches of 500 words to see if each batch of 500 triggered the behavior, then binary search within the batch to find the problem word(s). Got bored partway through D,” wrote JoshuaDavid. 

“Edit: Got unbored. Discovered that “Firstly”, “Secondly”, “Thirdly”, and “Fourthly” trigger the bug, but “Fifthly” and above do not.” 

However, Google now appears to have fixed the bug as ZDNet was unable to reproduce the crash. About two hours after Needham reported the issue, Google notified users on its support page that it was investigating the issue.

“Dear Google Docs users, we are aware of the issue and working on a fix right now. Thank for surfacing this issue and sharing it with us. We will keep you posted!” wrote a Google employee. 

Google has not provided further explanation. ZDNet has asked Google whether it can explain the mystery cause of the bug and will update the story if we receive a response. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Polar bears have actually been around for five times longer than previous studies suggested.

Таким образом, полярные медведи оказались примерно в пять раз старше, чем считалось ранее.

Since the beginning of the 50s of the last century, the demand for energy for transport needs has increased in the world for five times.

С начала 50-х годов прошлого века спрос на энергоресурсы для транспортных нужд увеличился в мире в пять раз.

If you linger on one post for five times longer than another, it’s likely that you found it engaging.

Если вы задерживаетесь на одной в пять раз больше, чем на другой, вероятно, что вы нашли ее интересной.

In fact, the UK capital accounts for five times more than Stockholm, its nearest competitor.

Столица Великобритании привлекает в пять раз больше неевропейских инвесторов, нежели ее ближайшие города-конкуренты, сообщает Корреспондент.

Opening of new production lines at the Polisan factory allowed for five times increase in the production of pharmaceuticals.

Открытие новых производственных линий на заводе «ПОЛИСАН» позволит в пять раз увеличить производство лекарственных препаратов.

The dollar holds strongly-reinforcing roles in trade invoicing — it accounts for five times the US share of world trade — and global banking.

Доллар играет важную роль в коммерческом выставлении счетов — его доля в мировой торговле и глобальном банковском обслуживании в пять раз выше, чем в США.

It’s a revolving door where as soon as people leave the government, they go and work for the exact people they were regulating for five times the money, and it’s all legal.

Это вращающаяся дверь, где, как только люди уходят с государственной работы, они идут работать на тех, кого пытались регламентировать, с зарплатой в пять раз больше, и всё это легально.

Diets in the highest-impact group accounted for five times the emissions of those in the lowest-impact group.

Диеты в группе с самым высоким воздействием в пять раз превышают выбросы в группе с самым низким воздействием.

Lenin read that novel for five times.

Ленин прочитал этот роман пять раз.

I also branded it, so I sold them for five times the normal cost.

Я также делал бренд для них, поэтому продавал в пять раз дороже обычной цены.

You start saying oil and silver, you ask for five times the price.

The father of four children has been convicted for five times life sentenced.

Mainstem height was measured for five times.

Значение этой величины было измерено 5 раз.

In some embodiments, the dosing frequency is once every two days for five times.

В определенных воплощениях частота введения доз составляет один раз каждые два дня, повторенное пять раз.

The general rule of thumb is that products retail for five times the cost of manufacturing.

Общее эмпирическое правило заключается в том, что цена продукта в розничной торговле в пять раз превышает затраты на производство.

These washing operations were repeated for five times.

Эту операцию промывки повторили 10 раз.

It entered into force on 5th December, 1887 and it has been revised for five times.

Он вступил в силу 5 декабря 1887 года и пять раз пересматривался.

If you started the restaurant, you would be back here in a year asking for five times this.

Если ты откроешь ресторан, то через год вернешься и будешь просить в 5 раз больше.

can be used again for five times.

Cereal and soup for five times the market price. $15 for a short phone call.

Хлопья для завтрака и суп обходятся в пять раз выше рыночной цены. $15 стоит короткий телефонный звонок.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 51. Точных совпадений: 51. Затраченное время: 223 мс


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