One word for facial expressions

You’re about to learn 27 words for facial expressions in English. You might also like 60 Negative Emotion Adjectives to Describe Negative Feelings.

Facial expressions can tell us how other people are feeling.

They’re a very important part of how we communicate with each other.

Let’s look at different facial expressions for looking happy, sad and confused, plus other facial expressions with your mouth, eyes, nose and your whole face.

102 Little Drawings eBook

Ways of smiling


smile (facial expression)

What does it mean?

OK. We all know what this means, right?

Good. Let’s move on!

Examples, please!

You can use “smile” as a verb:

“The old woman on the bus spent the whole journey looking and smiling at me.”

Or a noun — often with “on his face”:

“As soon as he walked into the room with that smile on his face, I knew we’d won.”


grin (facial expression)

What does it mean?

You know that feeling when you smile a lot, and you just can’t control it?

That’s a grin: a big smile — sometimes out of your control.

Examples, please!

Again, you can use it as a verb. Like most of the verbs in this post, use “at” if you want to add an object:

“Stop grinning at me like that and just tell me what happened!”

When we use “grin” as a noun, we can go for the phrase “ear-to-ear.”

“She ran around with an ear-to-ear grin on her face, holding her new toy.”


beam (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Normally, a beam is just a ray of light.

So when you’re beaming, you’re smiling so much it’s like there’s light coming out of you.

Examples, please!

“Have you seen Alex? She’s been beaming all day. I wonder what happened last night?”


smirk (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Some people are kind of evil.

Like Tony from my negative personality adjectives lesson:

Tony - Mr Self-Important

When Tony smiles at you, you know it’s not a good smile.

When Tony smiles at you, he’s really saying, “Haha! You think that’s a good idea? Well, I think you’re stupid!”

It’s THAT smile.

Examples, please!

As usual, use “at.”

“Don’t just sit there and smirk at me like that! Tell me what you’re thinking!”

We also have this phrase:

Wipe that smirk off your face, will you?”

And like all the smiles, we can add “on your face”:

“Why has he always got that horrible smirk on his face? Can’t he just smile nicely or just not at all?”


sneer (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is similar to “smirk.”

Examples, please!

“I tried to talk to the boss about the new ideas during the meeting, but he just sat there and sneered at me whenever I tried to say anything. I think he doesn’t like me.”

While we’re here, did you notice that we use “smirk” and “sneer” with phrases like “Don’t just sit there and …” or “He just sat there and …”

But why? Why are we talking about sitting?

Well, when someone’s doing something useless or unpleasant (or both), we can add the phrase “just sit there and …” (or “just stand there and …”).

When we do this, we’re drawing attention to the fact that this person is not being very helpful.

Other mouth facial expressions

Pursed lips

purse your lips (facial expression)

What does it mean?

When you bring your lips into your mouth.

Sometimes it’s when you’re angry with someone.

Or sometimes it’s when you’re concentrating on something.

Or sometimes it’s when you’re worried about something.

Examples, please!

“His pursed lips told me something was wrong.”


pout (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is basically the opposite of pursed lips.

When you purse your lips, you bring them inside.

When you pout, you push them out. (It rhymes, so it must be true.)

Think about Instagram photos and teenagers who don’t get what they want.

And especially of teenagers who don’t get what they want and then put a selfie on Instagram to complain about it.

They’re seriously just the worst, aren’t they?

Examples, please!

“You won’t get what you want just by sitting there and pouting.”

Your jaw dropped

jaw dropped (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Imagine you’re walking along the street, and you suddenly see an elephant selling insurance. How do you think you’d react?

You’d certainly feel shocked, right?

And your mouth — what do you think would happen to your mouth?

It would be wide open, wouldn’t it?

The sight of the insurance-selling elephant would cause your jaw (the lower part of your mouth) to drop (or open).

Examples, please!

OK. So you can just use the verb:

“His jaw is going to drop when he sees what we’ve done to his car!”

But we also have the adjective “jaw-dropping” to describe something really impressive or amazing.

“The election? What a jaw-dropping experience. No one would’ve thought that THAT guy would win!”

Stick your tongue out

stick your tongue out (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Take your tongue (not with your hands, please) and put it outside your mouth.

Examples, please!

Like with many facial expressions, you can add “at” if you want to direct the gesture towards someone.

“The kids took my wallet straight out of my pocket, stuck their tongues out at me and ran off laughing.”

You can also say “poke your tongue out”:

“Did you see what that monkey just …? I promise you! It just poked its tongue out at me!”

Facial expressions with your eyebrows

Just so we all know what eyebrows are, here are a pair of bushy ones:

Bushy eyebrows

eyebrows.jpg by Jen | CC BY 2.0

Raise your eyebrows

raise your eyebrows (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Move your eyebrows upwards.

If you do this, you might be surprised.

Or you might be doing that expression that says, “Yes, yes, yes. You saw a horse with five legs. The thing is, I don’t believe you.”

Examples, please!

Again, if you want to include the object of the sentence, use “at.”

“Don’t raise your eyebrows at me like that! I swear! It had five legs. And two heads. I’m not making this up!”

So the subject can be the person whose eyebrows are raised.

But if we want to talk about some shocking or surprising news, for example, we can use “the news” as the subject:

“The news of the marriage between the rival gang members raised eyebrows.”

Raise an eyebrow

raise an eyebrow (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is different from “raise your eyebrows.”

When you raise both eyebrows, your face is saying “Wow! I’m shocked!”

When you just raise one, it’s much cooler.

It’s like your face is saying, “Hey! I see what you’re doing. I don’t quite understand it, but I’m still in complete control here.”

Examples, please!

“When I told her I was making ice cream curry for dinner, she raised an eyebrow at me.”


frown (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Do the opposite of raising your eyebrows.

Bring them down so you look angry.

Congratulations! Now you’re frowning!

Examples, please!

Again — you can use “at”:

“He just sat there and frowned at the piece of paper for hours before suddenly jumping out of his chair and running out of the room. What a strange doctor.”

Facial expressions with your eyes


wide-eyed (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is an adjective, and we use it to describe someone’s face when they have their eyes completely open — usually because they’re shocked or amazed by something.

Examples, please!

We often use “wide-eyed” to describe youth or people who have little experience of the big, bad world.

“When we got off the bus, we were immediately surrounded by friendly, wide-eyed kids.”

We can also use it as an adverb:

“‘Is that your real hair?’ she asked me, wide-eyed.”


squint (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Close your eyes about 80 percent of the way.

That’s squinting.

You probably do it when you go out without your sunglasses on a sunny day.

Or if you’re looking at someone you hate.

Examples, please!

“His writing was so small that the whole class was squinting at the board trying to read it.”

Sideways glance

sideways glance (facial expression)

What does it mean?

When you look at someone next to you without moving your head.

Examples, please!

A sideways glance can be something positive or something negative.

When you’re kind of suspicious of someone, but in a playful way, you can give them a sideways glance:

“‘You’re not a professional footballer! I don’t believe you!’ she said with a sideways glance.”

But it can also happen when you don’t trust someone, and even when you want to be quite aggressive:

“I caught his sideways glance and immediately knew he didn’t want to work with me on this.”

There are a few common verbs you can use with this:

“She cast him a sideways glance.”

“Eric shot his father a sideways glance and went back to his newspaper.”

“I saw you throw me a sideways glance! I hate it when you do that!”

Roll your eyes

roll your eyes (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Quick! Look up at the inside of your head!

That’s it! You’ve just rolled your eyes.

It’s that expression we use when we think someone’s being stupid or annoying.

Examples, please!

“So I went to the embassy to report my stolen passport, and the guy there just rolled his eyes at me! Ridiculous!”


wink (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Quickly close one eye and open it again.

That’s it — you’ve winked!

This means slightly different things in different cultures, but in my experience, when someone winks at you, they’re basically saying, “Hey! I’m on your side!”

Sometimes it can even mean “Don’t worry! I won’t tell anyone — this can be our little secret!”

Examples, please!

“Charlie paid for his bag of sweets. Just as he was leaving, the shopkeeper handed him a Plonka Bar and winked at him.”

By the way, I heard that you really shouldn’t wink at people in Pakistan. It’s considered quite aggressive.

Give someone a dirty look

dirty look (facial expression)

What does it mean?

What do you do when someone does something you really hate?

Or when they’ve just said something horrible to you?

You look at them in an angry way, right? You want them to know you’re not happy.

That’s a dirty look.

Examples, please!

“Don’t ask that guy for help. I just asked him the time, and he threw me this really dirty look!”

Look down your nose at someone

look down your nose (facial expression)

What does it mean?

There are some people in this world who somehow think they’re superior — that they’re better than everyone else.

Remember Tony?

Here he is again, looking down his nose at everyone else:

A Patronising Man

Examples, please!

“That shop sucks! All the staff just sort of look down their noses at you. Not fun shopping.”

Glazed over

glazed over (facial expression)

What does it mean?

You know when someone’s talking to you, and it’s just not interesting at all.

Sometimes you start staring into space and imagining building a castle made of chocolate.

Or you start thinking about what to buy from the shops that evening.

Either way — whether it’s chocolate castles or supermarkets — the other person can see in your eyes that you’re somewhere else.

Because your eyes have glazed over.

Examples, please!

“I started talking to him about the best way to avoid traffic on the M25 during Friday evening rush hour, but his eyes just glazed over.”

Facial expressions with your nose

Wrinkle your nose

wrinkle your nose (facial expression)

What does it mean?

When did you last say, “Eugh! That food stinks!”?

Try to remember how your face looked.

It’s that face we make when we feel something in between disapproval and complete disgust.

Examples, please!

“The kids showed their auntie their drawings, but she just wrinkled her nose at them. She’s not very good with kids.”

Facial expressions with your whole face

Long face

long face (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is basically an unhappy expression.

It’s the opposite of a smile.

Examples, please!

Let’s say you run into one of your friends, and she’s looking quite unhappy.

You want to ask her why she looks sad.

So you can say:

“Hey! Why the long face?”

This leads me to a very famous and very bad joke:

“A horse walks into a bar, and the barman says, ‘Why the long face?’”


Blank expression

blank expression (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is also known as “poker face.”

When someone just doesn’t show any emotion or expression at all.

You just can’t read them.

Examples, please!

We can use “don’t just sit there with …” with this expression:

Don’t just sit there with that blank expression on your face! Say something!”

You can also use it with the verb “have”:

“Have you met Yami? She’s the one who constantly has a blank expression on her face. Aliens could land outside her café, and she wouldn’t look surprised.”


grimace (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is when you make a particularly ugly face as a reaction to something.

Maybe you’re disgusted at something, like while watching Cannibal Holocaust or Texas Chainsaw Massacre or some other ridiculously violent film.

Maybe you disapprove of something, like when you hear that your best friend has started going out with Tony, even though he’s the worst man in the world.

Or maybe it’s out of fear of something you need to do, like when you’ve just been told that you’ll have to swim across that alligator river again.

Examples, please!

We often use “grimace” with “make”:

“Every time he wears those green shorts, it makes me grimace. I can’t help it!”

It can be a verb:

“As soon as they walked into the room, she grimaced.”

Or a noun — sometimes with “on her face”:

“With a grimace on her face, she stood up and walked onto the stage.”


wince (facial expression)

What does it mean?

A grimace is a big, obvious expression.

And a wince is like a mini grimace.

It isn’t easy to spot, and it’s often gone in a few seconds.

Examples, please!

A wince is often associated with pain:

“He pulled the knife out of his arm with just a wince of pain and then jumped off the waterfall into the river and beat up a crocodile.”

A lot of examples I found also talk about avoiding wincing:

“Emma tried not to wince, but the pain was just too much.”

Neutral expression

neutral expression (facial expression)

What does it mean?

This is the same as a blank expression.

You just can’t tell what this person is thinking.

Examples, please!

We often use the phrase “met with a neutral expression.”

“I told the cop that my bike had been stolen, but I was met with a neutral expression. She then said that I shouldn’t have parked it outside that notorious bowling alley.”

Quizzical expression

quizzical (facial expression)

What does it mean?

Have you noticed that thing that YouTubers use for the preview image of their videos?

They’re always looking either shocked or quizzical.

You know, that expression that says “Hmmm… That’s interesting, but how did it happen? I’m a bit confused but also interested!”

Possibly with one finger on their lips and with their eyebrows raised.

Examples, please!

We often use the phrase “with a quizzical expression on her face.”

“She looked down and saw the cat looking up at her with a quizzical expression on its face. She had no idea what on earth it wanted.”

OK! Good work!

We’ve just covered a lot of different facial expressions in English.

So, let’s practice!

Take a look at these questions:

  1. What makes you grimace?
  2. What’s it like dealing with bureaucracy in your country? How often do you get met with blank expressions and rolling eyes?

Answers in the comments.

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by Kate Woodford

Have you ever given anyone a withering look (= a disapproving look intended to make them feel ashamed)? Of course you haven’t – you’re far too kind! But you may have shot someone a curious (= showing interest) look when they told you something you didn’t know. By now, you’ve probably guessed that this week’s post is about facial expressions. There are lots of useful adjectives for describing these so this post will be in two parts. Note that many of these adjectives are also used with –ly as adverbs.

An inquiring/enquiring look shows that you want to know more about something: She looked at me with an enquiring expression and I tried to explain what I meant. / He looked at her enquiringly. If someone looks thoughtful, their face shows they are thinking carefully about something: He looked thoughtful for a moment and then replied. / She nodded thoughtfully.

A puzzled look shows that you are confused because you don’t understand something: He was staring at the instructions with a puzzled look on his face. Quizzical, meanwhile, describes an expression that is both confused and questioning: He listened to what she was saying with a quizzical look on his face. / He frowned at her, quizzically.

An appealing look is intended to get someone to help you or do something for you: She turned to him with an appealing expression. / The little dog looked appealingly at its owner who was eating a burger. The adjective imploring is stronger and shows that you urgently want someone to do something for you: It was her imploring face – I found I couldn’t refuse her.

If someone looks startled, they look suddenly shocked or frightened by something: I wasn’t expecting to see a face at the window. I probably looked startled! Slack-jawed describes someone whose mouth is open in amazement: Passers-by stood still, slack-jawed in disbelief, as she started to sing.

A person with a smug expression looks pleased with themselves about something they have achieved, in a way that is annoying to others: I knew he was right but I just couldn’t bear his smug expression.

A pitying look shows you feel sympathy for someone else’s situation, sometimes in a way that shows a lack of respect: I was aware of the pitying stares of other drivers, but no one stopped to help me.

In the next post about facial expressions we’ll look at words for worried and sad expressions, among others.

This list of facial expressions for writers is one of my all-time most popular posts. It came about because I started to list facial expressions in a spiral notebook for my own reference, and then I figured I’d share. A lot of writers keep this page bookmarked! 

Writers need good facial expression descriptions in their writing to help the readers picture the characters and to convey emotions. However, it’s easy for us to rely on the same descriptions over and over again. And sometimes in the middle of writing, when we’re trying to find the words to describe an angry expression or a sad expression, we draw a blank.

The expressions are broken down by the part of the face. Note that some of them work for more than one emotion—a person might narrow their eyes out of vindictiveness or skepticism, for instance, and their face might turn red out of anger or out of embarrassment. Some of them require a little more explanation on your part. You’ll have to say what she’s glaring at, or if his face is contorting in rage, or grief, or what. And not all of these will work for every character. In many cases I’ve given several ways to describe the same thing. While I have included some longer phrases, they are not proprietary and it’s fine to use them.

Some of these aren’t exactly words to describe facial expressions, but they’re useful for dialogue tags. In fact, I started this list in a notebook for myself as a reference so I would stop using “he said” and “she said” so often…and as any editor or writing coach will tell you, just using tons of synonyms for “said” does not solve this problem; it makes it worse! By using a facial expression as a dialogue tag, you can also convey the tone of voice.

Here’s the facial expressions list. You might want to pin it for future reference!

WORDS TO DESCRIBE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: A Master List for Writers! #Master Lists for Writers free pdf #Master Lists for Writers free ebook #facial expressions list #facial expression descriptions #list of facial expressions for writers #master lists for writers #ways to describe facial expressions #words for facial expressions

Ways to Describe Expressions Related to the Eyes and Eyebrows

his eyes widened

their eyes went round

her eyelids drooped

his eyes narrowed

his eyes lit up

his eyes darted

he squinted

she blinked

her eyes twinkled

his eyes gleamed

her eyes sparkled

his eyes flashed

her eyes glinted

his eyes burned with…

her eyes blazed with…

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her eyes sparked with…

her eyes flickered with…

_____ glowed in his eyes

the corners of his eyes crinkled

she rolled her eyes

he looked heavenward

she glanced up to the ceiling

she winked

tears filled her eyes

his eyes welled up

her eyes swam with tears

his eyes flooded with tears

her eyes were wet

their eyes glistened

tears shimmered in her eyes

tears shone in his eyes

her eyes were glossy

he was fighting back tears

tears ran down her cheeks

his eyes closed

she squeezed her eyes shut

he shut his eyes

his lashes fluttered

she batted her lashes

his brows knitted frowning, glaring man | FACIAL EXPRESSIONS LIST

her forehead creased

his forehead furrowed

her forehead puckered

a line appeared between their brows

his brows drew together

her brows snapped together

his eyebrows rose

she raised a brow

he lifted an eyebrow

his eyebrows waggled

she gave him a once-over

he sized her up

her eyes bored into him

she took in the sight of…

he glared

she peered

he gazed

she glanced

he stared

she scrutinized

he studied

she gaped

he observed

she surveyed

he gawked

he leered

his pupils (were) dilated

her pupils were huge

his pupils flared

Ways to Describe Expressions Related to the Nose

her nose crinkled

his nose wrinkled

she sneered

his nostrils flared

she stuck her nose in the air

he sniffed

she sniffled

Ways to Describe Expressions Related to the Mouth

she smiled

he smirked

she grinned

he simpered

she beamed

her mouth curved into a smile

the corners of his mouth turned up

the corner of her mouth quirked up

a corner of his mouth lifted

his mouth twitched

he gave a half-smile

she gave a lopsided grin

his mouth twisted woman's mouth quirked to the side | FACIAL EXPRESSIONS LIST #Master Lists for Writers free pdf #Master Lists for Writers free ebook #words to describe facial expressions

he plastered a smile on his face

she forced a smile

he faked a smile

their smile faded

his smile slipped

he pursed his lips

she pouted

his mouth snapped shut

her mouth set in a hard line

he pressed his lips together

she bit her lip

he drew his lower lip between his teeth

she nibbled on her bottom lip

he chewed on his bottom lip

his jaw set

her jaw clenched

his jaw tightened

a muscle in her jaw twitched

he ground his jaw

he snarled/his lips drew back in a snarl

her mouth fell open

his jaw dropped

her jaw went slack

he gritted his teeth

she gnashed her teeth

her lower lip trembled

his lower lip quivered

Ways to Describe Reactions Related to the Skin

she paled

he blanched

she went white

the color drained out of his face

his face reddened

her cheeks turned pink

his face flushed

she blushed

he turned red

she turned scarlet

he turned crimson

a flush crept up her face

Ways to Describe Expressions Having to Do With the Whole Face

he screwed up his face

she scrunched up her face

they grimaced

she winced

she gave him a dirty look

he frowned

she scowled

he glowered

her whole face lit up

she brightened

his face went blank

her face contorted

his face twisted

her expression closed up

his expression dulled

her expression hardened

she went poker-faced

a vein popped out in his neck

awe transformed his face

fear crossed her face

sadness clouded his features

terror overtook his face

recognition dawned on her face 


It may seem a little obsessive to list facial expressions, but there’s almost nothing I like better than making lists! I have many more lists like this in my book Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More. I think it’s a great tool for making “show don’t tell” easier and for inspiration during every part of the writing process. Check it out!

Master Lists for Writers by Bryn Donovan #master lists for writers free pdf #master lists for writers free ebook

Thank you so much for reading, and happy writing! 

absent dreamy, inattentive, daydreaming, distracted aggressive hostile, angry, feisty, surly, huffy, prickly agonised aching, grief-stricken, suffering, grieving, tortured, troubled alluring magnetic, enticing, entrancing, charming, appealing angry furious, irate, mad, enraged, outraged, annoyed, seething angular pointed, sharp, crooked, jagged, tight anxious worried, uneasy, concerned, troubled, nervous, tense, edgy apologetic sorry, regretful, remorseful, shamefaced, repentant appealing inviting, agreeable, delightful, angelic, pleasing, radiant bashful reserved, coy, timid, withdrawn, sheepish, meek, apprehensive batted lagged, limped, chilled, ambled, tarried, lingered beaming radiant, cheerful, glowing, joyous, bright, blissful, thrilled befuddled bewildered, confused, perplexed, muddled, mystified bilious irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crabby, cranky, touchy, crotchety black gloomy, miserable, sad, wretched, glum, bleak, dismal blank vacant, expressionless, deadpan, empty, stony, glazed, cold blazing passionate, intense, emotional, raging, searing, hot, sultry bleak gloomy, dismal, sombre, miserable, dreary, glum, sullen, grim blissful delighted, cheerful, joyful, elated, enraptured, overjoyed blithe carefree, merry, buoyant, breezy, upbeat, light-hearted, jolly bored jaded, listless, weary, apathetic, disinterested brooding gloomy, dark, glum, grim, ominous, heavy, scowling bug-eyed interested, excited, fascinated, absorbed, exuberant bulging swollen, raised, extended, popping, elevated, prominent burning intense, passionate, fiery, emotional, eager, spirited, charged calculating reflective, absorbing, philosophical, thoughtful, contemplative cautious alert, guarded, wary, vigilant, measured, watchful chagrined bothered, flustered, agitated, embarrassed, unsettled cheeky mischievous, devilish, roguish, playful, wicked, joking, cheerful glad, jolly, merry, joyful, jovial, chirpy, bright, sprightly cheerless miserable, bleak, depressing, drab, gloomy choleric angry, irate, enflamed, enraged, furious, hot, incensed clenched tense, tight, pressed, closed, snared, squashed cold unfriendly, frosty, inhospitable, stiff, sullen, icy, chilly compassionate understanding, tender, empathetic, caring, merciful, giving composed calm, cool, collected, unfazed, poised, emotionless concealed covered, obscured, hidden, cloaked, private, masked concentrating focused, gathered, fixated confident assured, assertive, collected, cool, calm cool frosty, chilly, snappy, remote, distant, smooth, cultivated coy withdrawn, reserved, sheepish, unassertive, meek, timid creased crinkled, furrowed, puckered, crumpled crestfallen downcast, sad, despondent, miserable, sorrowful, low crimson blush, flush, glow, bloom, radiance, warmth crinkled creased, puckered, crumpled, furrowed, grooved, ribbed curious probing, questioning, enquiring, examining, inquisitive curved bent, twisting, slanted, rounded, hooked, deformed dark gloomy, black, sombre, dismal, pessimistic, melancholy, glum deadpan expressionless, blank, vacant, emotionless, stony, fixed deceitful insincere, dishonest, deceptive, untrustworthy, sly, cunning dejected gloomy, miserable, downcast, melancholy, unhappy, sad demure shy, modest, reserved, bashful, humble, sheepish, coy derisive scornful, scathing, mocking, sarcastic, contemptuous despondent sad, dejected, miserable, downcast, glum, dismal determined unwavering, firm, intent, driven, resolute, earnest disappointed disillusioned, dispirited, dejected, miffed, beaten disapproving critical, denouncing, scornful, negative, antagonistic, severe disbelieving suspicious, mistrustful, doubtful, sceptical, questioning disgusted displeased, appalled, repulsed, outraged, repelled distasteful dreadful, vile, nauseating, foul, objectionable, sickening doleful sorrowful, mournful, sad, melancholy, forlorn, gloomy dour stern, grim, dismal, sullen, surly, frowning, dreary, fierce downcast despondent, sad, dispirited, crestfallen, brokenhearted dreamy whimsical, surreal, vague, wistful, whimsical, fantastical drooped closed, fallen, diminished, dwindled, decreased, collapsed ecstatic elated, delighted, stoked, rapturous, overjoyed, thrilled enraged furious, incensed, angry, livid, ballistic envious jealous, green-eyed, desiring, covetous etched fixed, impressed, engraved, imprinted, stamped, set evil wicked, immoral, sinful, bad, wrongful, sinister, devilish evil-looking menacing, frightening, scary, spooky, eerie, creepy exasperated irritated, cross, annoyed, infuriated, irked, irate, vexed exhausted fatigued, weary, tired, wasted, spent, beat expressionless deadpan, blank, poker-faced, unemotional, glazed, wooden faded lifeless, lacklustre, dull, washed-out, sombre, weak faint weak, feeble, infirm, frail, soft, fatigued fake artificial, false, phoney, insincere, hollow, unnatural fixed expressionless, emotionless, glazed, cold, glassy, soulless flared raged, fumed, boiled, steamed, enraged flushed fiery, hot, burning, feverish, torrid, scalding fluttering vibrant, pulsating, palpitating, quavering, trembly, jittery frustrated discontented, irritated, agitated, afflicted, bothered full ample, detailed, lavish, abundant furrowed wrinkled, crinkled, creased, grooved, puckered furtive secretive, covert, sneaky, undercover, stealthy, sly, hidden gazing staring, gaping, peering, contemplative, eyeballing, scanning gentle kind, compassionate, tender, calm, soft, tranquil, placid glancing quick, brief, hurried, fleeting, hasty, passing, momentary glaring obvious, blatant, unmistakable, noticeable, open, overt glazed blank, expressionless, vacant, fixed, empty, glassy gleaming bright, glimmering, glowing, sparkling, radiant glossy sleek, brilliant, glistening, smooth, glassy, slick glowing dazzling, luminous, beaming, splendid, sunny grave solemn, lifeless, serious, weighty, severe, sober, grim grieving anguished, mournful, sorrowful, aching, inconsolable grim stern, steely, sullen, glum, stony, stark, grave grimacing frowning, scowling, sneering, puckering guilty shamefaced, remorseful, regretful, sorry, sheepish, defeated happy joyful, merry, exuberant, ecstatic, cheery, elated hard determined, formidable, resolute, stern, strong, tough haunted tormented, tortured, tortured, anxious, frightened, terrified haunting eerie, spooky, creepy, affecting, stirring honest truthful, sincere, forthright, genuine, candid, frank hopeless helpless, despairing, wretched, dejected, anguished horrified scared, alarmed, terrified, fearful hostile unfriendly, unkind, antagonistic, militant, intimidating hot searing, boiling, roasting, steaming, fiery, flaming hunted harassed, panic-stricken, unsettled, frightened, tormented hurt aching, suffering, wounded, bruised, injured hysterical frantic, uncontrollable, crazed, unrestrained, neurotic idiotic foolish, witless, mindless, irrational, senseless, absurd impassive emotionless, expressionless, blank, deadpan, unmoved indifferent apathetic, disinterested, casual, lukewarm, oblivious innocent pure, sinless, righteous, upright, pristine, holy inscrutable mysterious, unexplainable, confusing, cryptic, bewildering interested curious, fascinated, eager, absorbed, inquisitive, keen jeering mocking, sneering, taunting, scornful, disrespectful joyful delighted, happy, glad, merry, cheerful keen eager, anxious, enthusiastic, earnest, willing knitted furrowed, frown, confused, quizzical languid sluggish, lethargic, sleepy, inactive, slothful, impassive leering staring, gawking, ogling, eyeing, gazing, gaping lifted raised, elevated, hoisted, proud, airy lonely alone, solitary, isolated, deserted, removed lovestruck captivated, infatuated, charmed, spellbound, obsessed masked concealed, covered, hidden, screened, veiled, disguised meaningful expressive, suggestive, significant, pointed, deep, revelatory meditative reflective, contemplative, pensive, thoughtful, brooding mesmerising captivating, enthralling, entrancing, alluring, gripping, absorbing mild gentle, temperate, delicate, pleasant, calm, mellow mischievous playful, devilish, wayward, troublesome, wicked, rebellious miserable depressed, down, sad, melancholy, unhappy moody sullen, temperamental, emotional, grumpy morose brooding, moody, grouchy, cranky, surly mournful grieving, heavy, lamentable, sombre, heavyhearted negative pessimistic, defeatist, gloomy, fatalistic obstinate firm, dogged, determined, inflexible, headstrong optimistic hopeful, optimistic, reassuring, heartening, upbeat pained aggrieved, disgruntled, displeased, offended, distressed pale sickly, ashen, leaden, ghastly, deathlike, anaemic paranoid distrustful, doubtful, suspicious, cynical, sceptical, guarded peeved annoyed, bothered, irked, irritated, vexed, aggravated perplexed confused, bewildered, bemused, baffled, puzzled petulant surly, cranky, grumpy, irritable, uptight, testy piercing intense, fierce, severe, stabbing, powerful, penetrating pitying compassionate, sympathetic, caring, comforting, merciful pleading imploring, urgent, earnest, begging, tenacious pouting frowning, grimacing, scowling, sulking prudish virtuous, good, wholesome, pure, innocent puckered wrinkled, crumpled, crinkled, ruffled, contracted, knitted, pursed pursed creased, tightened, pouted, pressed, puckered, gathered puzzled baffled, confused, mystified, perplexed, stumped quivering trembling, shaking, shuddering, fluttering quizzical curious, questioning, enquiring, probing, baffled, perplexed radiant bright, brilliant, glowing, luminous, beaming regretful apologetic, remorseful, repentant, sorry, contrite relieved appeased, reassured, eased, consoled, grateful, solaced roguish mischievous, devilish, playful, wicked, sly round circular, curved, bulbous, plump, ample, fleshy sad unhappy, sorrowful, miserable, upset, depressed, somber, blue sardonic sarcastic, caustic, mocking, cutting, scathing, biting satisfied content, gratified, fulfilled, pleased scarlet red, ruby, cherry, claret, rose scornful contemptuous, scoffing, sneering, abhorrent, belittling scowled grimaced, frowned, pouted, smirked, contorted, distorted scrunched crushed, compacted, puckered, crinkled, creased, furrowed searching probing, enquiring, curious, interested set parked, planted, settled, put shamefaced ashamed, embarrassed, guilty, humiliated, sheepish, mortified sheepish self-conscious, awkward, humiliated, blushing, shy, abashed shocked stunned, amazed, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, startled slack-jawed open-mouthed, big-mouthed, dazzled, stupefied slanting titled, angled, crooked, distortion, untrue, false sly cunning, devious, crafty, shifty, small trivial, insignificant, irrelevant, minor, negligible, immaterial smile grin, beam, leer, smug, broad, smirk smirked grinned, sniggered, sneered, leered smooth suave, debonair, mannerly, sophisticated, refined smug conceited, egotistical, vain, pompous, arrogant, prideful snarling scowling, sneering, abusing, spiteful, gruff, tense solemn sombre, glum, serious, sedate, profound, staid sombre bleak, dreary, gloomy, grim, drab, forlorn sorrowful sad, melancholy, miserable, unhappy, downcast, crestfallen sour bitter, disagreeable, spiteful, crotchety, churlish sparkling lively, animated, vivacious, vibrant, dazzling squinted peered, peeked, peeped, leered, glinted stern serious, sombre, steely, harsh, humourless, frowning stolid apathetic, dull, emotionless, stoic, blank, expressionless straight-faced deadpan, grave, cheerless, expressionless, stern, grim sulky surly, sullen, moody, petulant, pouting, grumpy sullen sulky, pouting, glum, cranky, brooding surly irritable, cross, curt, glum, moody, prickly surprised shocked, stunned, dumbfounded, startled, astonished sweet agreeable, pleasant, kindly, good-natured, amiable, affable sympathetic compassionate, kindly, thoughtful, caring, kindhearted taunting mocking, scoffing, scornful, spiteful, insulting, snide, scathing taut rigid, extended, stiff, tense, inflexible, tough, stressed tear-filled dewy-eyed, teary, weeping, unhappy, miserable, emotional tense worried, edgy, uptight, agitated, perturbed, nervy, antsy thick solid, bulky, stocky, beefy, plump, heavyset thin slim, slender, lean, bony, slight, scrawny, gaunt, willowy thoughtful reflective, meditative, dreamy, engrossed, contemplative tight taut, rigid, tense, stiff, stressed, firm, solid, inflexible tight-lipped stern, grim, grave, disapproving, steely, sombre, stark trembling quaking, shaking, nervous, apprehensive, cowardly, timid troubled worried, anxious, bothered, unsettling, afflicted turned up grinning, smiling, laughing, snarling twisted warped, bent, curved, angled, corrupt, distorted, tangled twitching quivering, fluttering, darting, flapping, trembling, agitated undecided unsure, uncertain, doubtful, wavering, indecisive vacant blank, expressionless, deadpan, stony, lifeless, empty veiled concealed, disguised, masked, hidden, camouflaged, covert wary cautious, alert, watchful, guarded, suspicious, mistrustful weary drained, fatigued,. spent, jaded, worn, drowsy white sickly, anaemic, deathlike, drained, sapped, washed-out wide-eyed naive, innocent, simple, unsuspecting, gullible, withdrawn introverted, reserved, quiet, shy, coy, bashful withering drooping, shrinking, shrivelling, wilting, decaying woeful sorrowful, mournful, heartbroken, grieving worried troubled, anxious, bothered, uneasy, distressed, tense wrathful incensed, enraged, livid, furious, angered, outraged wrinkled lined, creased, furrowed, grooved, shrivelled, puckered wry annoyed, disgusted, displeased, offended, unimpressed, irked


The rules of English can be different when you write in the language and when you speak in the language. Facial expression is an important form of non-verbal communication.For example on a Monday morning, when you sit in that conference room putting your face in the computer, you give out an absent look. In short, you are not interested in what’s happening around as your mind is wandering elsewhere.

Usually, when describing a person’s facial expressions we fall short of words. A writer needs to use good descriptions for facial expressions in order to help the reader visualize the character and get the right emotion. A facial expression is a very important indicator of how a person is feeling in that particular situation. For instance, she was beaming. It means she was smiling broadly or grinning. It is important to read other people’s facial expressions to understand the emotion that might be running in their mind, which they may never speak out loudly.Facial expressions

15 English words to describe facial expressionsUpbeat or bleak, how would you define a facial expression when you narrated your new marketing idea? These are just two words that can define facial expressions, but the English language is full of such words. Let us look at some commonly used words.

1. Appealing – a look of approval or agreement
2. Winced – a look of sudden pain
3. Puzzled – a facial expression for confusion
4. Big smile – a facial expression to describe a smile that goes from ear to ear
5. Dirty look – a word to describe an angry face
6. Glazed over – an expression to describe lack of interest or emotion
7. Long face – a facial expression to show unhappiness or disappointment
8. Beatific – a look of happiness or content
9. Curious – a look of excitement
10. Deadpan – a facial expression to show interest when a person is mocking
11. Doleful – a look of sadness
12. Expressionless – a look that does not give away the emotion underneath
13. Grave – a look that expresses seriousness and worry
14. Radiant – a facial expression for happiness
15. Unreadable — a person’s eyes, face or voice, does not give away what the person is thinking

In conclusionFacial expressions can be described in a number of interesting ways. Stay tuned to our blogs to learn more about phrases that can be used to describe expressions. You can also join our online spoken English class and get the confidence to speak English with confidence.

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