One word for extraordinary

What is another word for Extraordinary?

  • exceptional

    remarkable, quality

  • singular

    strange, notable

  • remarkable

    wonderful, property

  • unusual

    strange, property

  • uncommon

    unusual, better

  • rare

    exceptional, quality

  • outstanding

    better, exceptional

  • phenomenal

    remarkable, portentous

  • odd

    characteristic, notable

  • peculiar

    characteristic, notable

  • wonderful

    remarkable, marvellous

  • amazing

    remarkable, property

  • strange

    notable, irregular

  • unique

    striking, unusual

  • surprising

    amazing, unusual

  • fantastic

    characteristic, wonderful

  • curious

    unusual, strange

  • special

    remarkable, unique

  • astonishing

    amazing, unusual

  • bizarre

    characteristic, strange

  • wondrous

    portentous, wonderful

  • terrific

    fantastic, strange and wonderful

  • prodigious

    wonderful, astounding

  • incredible

    portentous, marvellous

  • weird

    strange and wonderful

  • particular

    notable, strange and wonderful

  • preternatural


  • awesome

    better, wonderful

  • stupendous

    marvellous, fantastic

  • striking

    great, impressive

  • marvelous

    strange and wonderful

  • astounding


  • unprecedented

    strange and wonderful

  • impressive

    noteworthy, striking

  • great


  • marvellous

  • miraculous

    marvellous, supernatural

  • noteworthy


  • queer


  • unwonted

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Photo search results for Extraordinary

Unrecognizable Female Hand Holding Bunch of Exotic Extraordinary Flowers Side view eccentric bald female in pink top yelling loud in colorful studio Creative interior of room with dry plant in vase on white round table Phlegmatic young female in gray dress standing calmly in swimming pool with skirt floating on water surface in exotic resort Calm young female model with braids and purple paints on face wearing loose black jacket standing against white wall and looking away Young pensive serious African American female in white suit leaning back and looking at camera on red background

Image search results for Extraordinary

spider, scary, mistake chaos, unknown, unfamiliar citadel, mountain city, mountain chaos, unknown, unfamiliar cathedral, russian orthodox, architecture flower, violet, green

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Synonyms for Extraordinary. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

Synonyms for Extraordinary. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Extraordinary. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Archibald Corkery MD

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(35 votes)

synonyms for extraordinary

  • bizarre.
  • curious.
  • fantastic.
  • marvelous.
  • odd.
  • outstanding.
  • remarkable.
  • unheard-of.

What do you call someone who is extraordinary?

The definition of extraordinaire is someone who is out-of-the-ordinary and extremely skilled in a particular field. 3. 3. prodigious. Prodigious is defined as something very big or powerful, or something extraordinary.

Which word shares a similar meaning to the word extraordinary?

Answer: Exceptional is similar to extraordinary.

What is antonym for extraordinary?

extraordinary. Antonyms: wonted, common, usual, ordinary, frequent, unremarkable, unimportant. Synonyms: unwonted, uncommon, peculiar, unusual, unprecedented, wonderful, marvelous, prodigious, monstrous, remarkable, strange, preposterous.

How would you describe an extraordinary person?

Extraordinary people live the same life and face the same challenges as ordinary person do. … To me an extraordinary person is one who has a strong sense of what is right or wrong, and who chooses to stand by the right, no matter what the compulsions not to do so.

23 related questions found

Is extraordinary a good thing?

extraordinary Add to list Share. Something extraordinary goes above and beyond what is expected. This can be good or bad. Saving a child from a burning building is an extraordinary act of heroism, but a test score of 11 out of 100 is extraordinary too.

Is extraordinary positive or negative?

When I take the word ‘extraordinary’, ‘exceptional’ and ‘outstanding’ literally, it simply means something ‘out of the ordinary’, ‘rare and/or unusual’, or something which ‘stands out from the rest’, but not necessarily conferring any positive connotations. And indeed this is reflected in the dictionary.

What is the difference between extraordinary and extra ordinary?

Senior Member. Extraordinary is the normal spelling. Extra ordinary might suggest it was very ordinary, which is the opposite of what the song means.

What is another word for a child who has extraordinary talents?

noun, plural prod·i·gies. a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability: a musical prodigy.

What is a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What is the root word of extraordinary?

«being beyond or out of the common order or rule; not of the usual, customary, or regular kind,» early 15c., from Latin extraordinarius «out of the common order,» from extra ordinem «out of order,» especially the usual order, from extra «out» (see extra-) + ordinem, accusative of ordo «row, rank, series, arrangement» ( …

Is Extraordinaire a French word?

Extraordinaire, a French word meaning “extraordinary,” is first recorded in the English language around the 1940s.

What does extraordinary mean?

adjective. If you describe something or someone as extraordinary, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality. [approval]

What is extraordinary event?

An event or transaction was deemed extraordinary if it was both unusual and infrequent. An unusual event must be highly abnormal and unrelated to the typical operating activities of a company, and it should be reasonably expected not to recur going forward.

What is a Prodigium?

The word derives from the Latin prodigium, meaning «an omen or a sign of something to come.» Prodigies are kids who often seem so talented that their success must presage even greater mastery, though, of course, the irony is that most prodigies peak in their youth.

What is a protegee?

A protégé is a person who receives special protection and promotion from someone more established in a field. If your boss introduces you as his newest protégé, you’re off to a good start in your career. Essentially, a protégé is a teacher’s pet, someone who is given special status or favors.

Can adults be prodigies?

Child prodigies get a lot of attention because they seem magical. But do you know who’s even more impressive? Adult prodigies. … However, some new science is shedding light on the real reasons adults are able to successfully learn new skills, and exploding some myths in the process.

Why doesnt extraordinary mean extra ordinary?

Such is the case with the word extra and the prefix extra-. The word extra is used as a noun, adjective, and an adverb. … In contrast, the prefix extra- means “outside or beyond.” Attached to “ordinary,” in “It was an extraordinary day,” the meaning changes markedly, to “It was a day beyond ordinary.”

What’s a bigger word than extraordinary?

fantastic, remarkable, outstanding, unheard-of, marvelous, curious, bizarre, odd, special, unusual, incredible, phenomenal, singular, terrific, amazing, strange, unprecedented, unimaginable, exceptional, uncommon.

Why is extraordinary the opposite of ordinary?

The word “extraordinary” isn’t the opposite of “extra ordinary.” “Extraordinary” means very unusual or remarkable. It also means additional or specially employed or convened. Both senses are in keeping with the root meaning in Latin extra ordinem (‘outside the normal course of events’).

Is challenging a positive word?

People sometimes use challenging as a polite — and far more positive — substitute for troublesome or problematic, as in, «This challenging situation will require everyone’s patience.»

Is Challenging positive or negative?

A word can have a positive, neutral, or a negative connotation. … (The word «difficult» has a negative connotation. It suggests there are problems ahead. «Challenging» has a positive connotation.

How do you use the word extraordinary in a sentence?

Extraordinary sentence example

  1. My parents were extraordinary people. …
  2. He is well known because of an extraordinary practice. …
  3. The first fifteen years of the nineteenth century in Europe present an extraordinary movement of millions of people. …
  4. The wind in the upper atmosphere has extraordinary amounts of energy.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a word that starts with C that means beautiful?
  2. Is extraordinary a good thing?
  3. What makes a person extraordinary?
  4. How do you describe an extraordinary person?
  5. What is a meaning of extraordinary?
  6. What is an example of something extraordinary?
  7. How do you use the word extraordinary in a sentence?
  8. What are two synonyms for extraordinary?
  9. Is there a difference between extraordinary and extra ordinary?
  10. Why is it called extra ordinary?
  11. Why doesnt extraordinary mean extra ordinary?
  12. What is opposite word of extraordinary?
  13. What is another word for a child who has extraordinary talents?
  14. What is extraordinary event?
  15. What is the opposite word of extraordinary?
  16. Is unbelievable a compliment?
  17. What is the meaning of Unlittered?
  18. What is a good word for unbelievable?
  19. What’s the opposite of unbearable?

Extraordinary Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for extraordinary?

What is a word that starts with C that means beautiful?

Synonyms starting with letter C

  • comely attraction, handsome, attractive. beautiful and comely.
  • charming delicate, attractive, lovely. beautiful and charming.
  • cute handsome, great, attractive. beautiful and cute.
  • captivating attractive.
  • cool.
  • classy physically attractive.
  • choice.
  • creative property, aesthetic.
remarkable exceptional
unique amazing
astonishing phenomenal
rare unusual
odd singular

Something extraordinary goes above and beyond what is expected. This can be good or bad. Saving a child from a burning building is an extraordinary act of heroism, but a test score of 11 out of 100 is extraordinary too. The extra- in extraordinary means “outside” the ordinary.

That’s extraordinary. Someone who believes in something strongly enough to innovate, create, build, break, help, support, deny, accept, or decline an idea, product, or trait.

The definition of extraordinaire is someone who is out-of-the-ordinary and extremely skilled in a particular field. More than usual. Exceptional, conspicuous, outstanding, most usually in a negative fashion. Prodigious is defined as something very big or powerful, or something extraordinary.

1a : going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary extraordinary powers. b : exceptional to a very marked extent extraordinary beauty. c of a financial transaction : nonrecurring. 2 : employed for or sent on a special function or service an ambassador extraordinary.

The definition of extraordinary is something or someone that is unusual, exceptional or remarkable. An example of extraordinary is a special session of the city council called by the mayor. An example of extraordinary is the talent of an olympic skier.

  1. He told the extraordinary story of his escape.
  2. What an extraordinary thing to say!
  3. Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.
  4. The group suffered an extraordinary series of minor mishaps.
  5. He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.
  6. It took an extraordinary amount of work.

other words for extraordinary

  • bizarre.
  • curious.
  • fantastic.
  • marvelous.
  • odd.
  • outstanding.
  • remarkable.
  • unheard-of.

Is there a difference between extraordinary and extra ordinary?

While extraordinary means something outstanding in a positive way, extra ordinary is made of two words.

“Extraordinary” means very unusual or remarkable. It also means additional or specially employed or convened. Both senses are in keeping with the root meaning in Latin extra ordinem (‘outside the normal course of events’). The construction “extra ordinary” just means “very ordinary” — and stylistically inelegant.

Extraordinary means outside of the ordinary. “Extra,” as we use it as a standalone word in English, is literally a shortened form of “extraordinary.” Extra itself is a suffix meaning “outside” so, extraordinary (or just extra) is “outside the ordinary.”

extraordinary. Antonyms: wonted, common, usual, ordinary, frequent, unremarkable, unimportant. Synonyms: unwonted, uncommon, peculiar, unusual, unprecedented, wonderful, marvelous, prodigious, monstrous, remarkable, strange, preposterous.


adj. 1 very unusual, remarkable, or surprising. 2 not in an established manner, course, or order. 3 employed for particular events or purposes.

Is unbelievable a compliment?

If someone says “you’re incredible”, it’s a compliment; but if someone says “you’re unbelievable”…not so much.

What is the meaning of Unlittered?

adjective. having nothing extraneous. “the unlittered shoulders of the road” synonyms: uncluttered tidy. marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits.

What is a good word for unbelievable?


  • fantastic.
  • (also fantastical),
  • implausible,
  • inconceivable,
  • incredible,
  • incredulous,
  • uncompelling,
  • unconceivable,

What’s the opposite of unbearable?

What is the opposite of unbearable?

tolerable bearable
excusable forgivable
pardonable survivable
liveable slight
worthwhile reasonable

synonyms for extraordinary

  • amazing
  • bizarre
  • curious
  • exceptional
  • fantastic
  • incredible
  • marvelous
  • odd
  • outstanding
  • particular
  • phenomenal
  • rare
  • remarkable
  • singular
  • special
  • strange
  • surprising
  • terrific
  • uncommon
  • unheard-of
  • unimaginable
  • unique
  • unprecedented
  • unusual
  • weird
  • boss
  • fab
  • gnarly
  • heavy
  • inconceivable
  • off beaten path
  • out of the ordinary
  • peculiar
  • stupendous
  • unfamiliar
  • unthinkable
  • unwonted
  • wicked

On this page you’ll find 165 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to extraordinary, such as: amazing, bizarre, curious, exceptional, fantastic, and incredible.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use extraordinary in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • aberrant
  • anomalistic
  • anomalous
  • atypical
  • bizarre
  • curious
  • deviant
  • deviate
  • deviating
  • divergent
  • eccentric
  • exceptional
  • extraordinary
  • fantastic
  • funny
  • grody
  • gross
  • heteroclite
  • heterodox
  • heteromorphic
  • irregular
  • odd
  • off-base
  • off-color
  • out of line
  • peculiar
  • preternatural
  • queer
  • screwy
  • spastic
  • strange
  • uncommon
  • unexpected
  • unnatural
  • unorthodox
  • unusual
  • weird
  • bold
  • conspicuous
  • extraordinary
  • eye-catching
  • impressive
  • notable
  • observable
  • outstanding
  • pointed
  • prominent
  • pronounced
  • remarkable
  • salient
  • sensational
  • striking
  • stunning
  • amazing
  • astounding
  • bewildering
  • breathtaking
  • extraordinary
  • impressive
  • marvelous
  • miraculous
  • spectacular
  • staggering
  • startling
  • striking
  • stunning
  • stupefying
  • stupendous
  • wonderful
  • wondrous
  • aberrant
  • anomalistic
  • anomalous
  • atypical
  • deviant
  • extraordinary
  • irregular
  • odd strange
  • unnatural
  • weird
  • bugged out
  • camp
  • comical
  • curious
  • eccentric
  • extraordinary
  • fantastic
  • far-out
  • freakish
  • grody
  • grotesque
  • kooky
  • ludicrous
  • odd
  • oddball
  • off the wall
  • offbeat
  • outlandish
  • outre
  • outré
  • peculiar
  • queer
  • ridiculous
  • singular
  • unusual
  • way-out
  • weird
  • bizarre
  • exotic
  • extraordinary
  • marvelous
  • mysterious
  • novel
  • oddball
  • peculiar
  • puzzling
  • quaint
  • queer
  • rare
  • remarkable
  • singular
  • strange
  • unconventional
  • unexpected
  • unique
  • unorthodox
  • unusual
  • weird
  • wonderful

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ ik-strawr-dn-er-ee, ek-struhawr— ]

/ ɪkˈstrɔr dnˌɛr i, ˌɛk strəˈɔr- /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established: extraordinary costs.

exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable: extraordinary speed; an extraordinary man.

(of an official, employee, etc.) outside of or additional to the ordinary staff; having a special, often temporary task or responsibility: minister extraordinary and plenipotentiary.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of extraordinary

1425–75; late Middle English extraordinarie<Latin extrāordinārius beyond what is ordinary. See extra-, ordinary

OTHER WORDS FROM extraordinary

ex·traor·di·nar·i·ly [ik-strawr-dn-airuh-lee, ek-struh-awr-], /ɪkˌstrɔr dnˈɛər ə li, ˌɛk strəˌɔr-/, adverbex·traor·di·nar·i·ness, nounun·ex·traor·di·nar·y, adjective

Words nearby extraordinary

extraneous, extranet, extranuclear, extraocular muscle, extraordinaire, extraordinary, extraordinary general meeting, extraordinary jubilee, extraordinary ray, extraordinary rendition, extraordinary wave Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to extraordinary

amazing, bizarre, curious, exceptional, fantastic, incredible, marvelous, odd, outstanding, particular, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, singular, special, strange, surprising, terrific, uncommon, unheard-of

How to use extraordinary in a sentence

  • The Food That Built America, a new podcast from OZY and The History Channel, tells the extraordinary true stories behind some of your favorite foods and brands.

  • The thing that was so extraordinary about what happened in the pandemic is what happened in August and September.

  • As Henderson and Foege detail in their books, there were extraordinary challenges that often looked utterly insurmountable in the quest to eradicate smallpox.

  • On this front, outcomes from the Pfizer and Moderna trials are extraordinary.

  • The Food That Built America, a new podcast from OZY and the History Channel, tells the extraordinary true stories behind some of your favorite foods and brands.

  • This breach is an extraordinary emotional drag on the exhausted population.

  • And yet our country has redefined citizenship in some extraordinary ways since its inception.

  • This is an extraordinary recording that deserves to be much better known.

  • “It is extraordinary that in one week of contemporary art auctions almost $2 billion worth of art was sold,” he says.

  • The history of horrors in the North Caucasus is so extraordinary and so long as to seem almost otherworldly.

  • At this moment an extraordinary commotion began among the watches.

  • The fingers of all the clocks in the house were revolving with the most extraordinary rapidity—she was helpless.

  • An extraordinary eruption of mount Vesuvius commenced, which in ten days had advanced ten miles from its original source.

  • Why expect that extraordinary virtues should be in one person united, when one virtue makes a man extraordinary?

  • The only thing that at all tended to shake this conviction, was the extraordinary poltroonery of our new captive.

British Dictionary definitions for extraordinary


/ (ɪkˈstrɔːdənrɪ, -dənərɪ) /


very unusual, remarkable, or surprising

not in an established manner, course, or order

employed for particular events or purposes

(usually postpositive) (of an official, etc) additional or subordinate to the usual onea minister extraordinary

Derived forms of extraordinary

extraordinarily, adverbextraordinariness, noun

Word Origin for extraordinary

C15: from Latin extraordinārius beyond what is usual; see ordinary

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. extraordinary

    Odd is unmated, as an odd shoe, and so uneven, as an odd number. Singular is alone of its kind; as, the singular number. What is singular is odd, but what is odd may not be singular; as, a drawerful of odd gloves. A strange thing is something hitherto unknown in fact or in cause. A singular coincidence is one the happening of which is unusual; a strange coincidence is one the cause of which is hard to explain. That which is peculiar belongs especially to a person as his own; as, Israel was called Jehovah’s «peculiar people,» i. e., especially chosen and cherished by him; in its ordinary use there is the implication that the thing peculiar to one is not common to the majority nor quite approved by them, though it may be shared by many; as, the Shakers are peculiar. Eccentric is off or aside from the center, and so off or aside from the ordinary and what is considered the normal course; as, genius is commonly eccentric. Eccentric is a higher and more respectful word than odd or queer. Erratic signifies wandering, a stronger and more censorious term than eccentric. Queer is transverse or oblique, aside from the common in a way that is comical or perhaps slightly ridiculous. Quaint denotes that which is pleasingly odd and fanciful, often with something of the antique; as, the quaint architecture of medieval towns. That which is funny is calculated to provoke laughter; that which is droll is more quietly amusing. That which is grotesque in the material sense is irregular or misshapen in form or outline or ill-proportioned so as to be somewhat ridiculous; the French bizarre is practically equivalent to grotesque.

    anomalous, bizarre, comical, crotchety, curious, droll, eccentric, erratic, fantastic, funny, grotesque, laughable, ludicrous, odd, peculiar, preposterous, quaint, queer, ridiculous, singular, strange, uncommon, unique, unmatched, unusual, whimsical

    common, customary, familiar, natural, normal, ordinary, regular, usual

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. extraordinary

    unwonted, uncommon, peculiar, unusual, unprecedented, wonderful, marvelous, prodigious, monstrous, remarkable, strange, preposterous

    wonted, common, usual, ordinary, frequent, unremarkable, unimportant

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. extraordinaryadjective

    beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable

    «extraordinary authority»; «an extraordinary achievement»; «her extraordinary beauty»; «enjoyed extraordinary popularity»; «an extraordinary capacity for work»; «an extraordinary session of the legislature»

    over-the-top, sinful, extraordinary(p)

    routine, cut-and-dried, workaday, banausic, common, middling, quotidian, commonplace, indifferent, cut-and-dry, moderate, unexceptional, so-so(p), average, fair, usual, nondescript, run-of-the-mill, mine run, ordinary, run-of-the-mine, characterless, everyday, unremarkable, mundane, mediocre

  2. extraordinary, over-the-top, sinfuladjective

    far more than usual or expected

    «an extraordinary desire for approval»; «it was an over-the-top experience»

    ungodly, wicked, extraordinary(p), sinful, iniquitous, unholy, over-the-top

    mundane, average, run-of-the-mill, common, indifferent, routine, run-of-the-mine, banausic, unexceptional, mediocre, fair, moderate, commonplace, cut-and-dry, mine run, ordinary, quotidian, so-so(p), everyday, characterless, nondescript, middling, workaday, usual, cut-and-dried, unremarkable

  3. extraordinary(p)adjective

    (of an official) serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials

    «an ambassador extraordinary»

    middling, usual, workaday, banausic, characterless, indifferent, ordinary, unexceptional, routine, cut-and-dry, mine run, moderate, commonplace, fair, mediocre, cut-and-dried, run-of-the-mine, mundane, nondescript, average, quotidian, so-so(p), common, run-of-the-mill, unremarkable, everyday

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. extraordinaryadjective

    remarkable, unusual, signal, uncommon, singular, egregious, rare, extra, out of the way, unheard of, more than common

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «extraordinary»:

    exceptional, special, unusual, non-recurring, remarkable, outstanding, tremendous, amazing, extra, extraordinaire, wonderful, spec-tacular, superb, incredible, excellent, extra-ordinary, fantastic, unique, strange, extreme, astonishing, phenomenal

How to pronounce extraordinary?

How to say extraordinary in sign language?

How to use extraordinary in a sentence?

  1. Ren Larison:

    Really, the striping is kind of extraordinary, so you need something extraordinary to explain it.

  2. Joe Biden:

    I truly believe we’ve made extraordinary progress by laying a new foundation for our economy, which becomes clear once global inflation begins to recede.

  3. President Robert Kaplan on Friday:

    Until it’s clear that we’ve weathered this pandemic, the Fed needs to be aggressive in using its tools, after it’s clear that we’ve weathered this pandemic… I do think it would be healthy to be weaning off some of these extraordinary measures.

  4. Tim Madden:

    Those players who got the winnings got an extraordinary windfall to which they were not entitled, they just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

  5. Amnesty International deputy director:

    What we don’t need in the wake of this tragedy is another ‘extraordinary’ meeting that leads to a dead end. What would be truly out of the ordinary — but completely necessary — is real and concerted action.

Translations for extraordinary

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • استثنائيArabic
  • необикновенBulgarian
  • অলৌকিকBengali
  • dreistordinalBreton
  • extraordinariCatalan, Valencian
  • neobyčejný, mimořádnýCzech
  • außerordentlich, außergewöhnlichGerman
  • eksterordinaraEsperanto
  • extraordinarioSpanish
  • خارق العادهPersian
  • epätavallinen, kummallinen, erikoinenFinnish
  • extraordinaireFrench
  • extraordinarioGalician
  • rendkívüliHungarian
  • արտասովորArmenian
  • straordinaria, straordinarioItalian
  • יוצאת דופןHebrew
  • 並外れる, 非凡, 傑出するJapanese
  • 특별한Korean
  • insolitus, eximus, extraordinariusLatin
  • haraki, whakaharahara, autaiaMāori
  • luar biasaMalay
  • buitengewoonDutch
  • ekstraordinærNorwegian
  • extraordinárioPortuguese
  • ieșit din comun, neobișnuit, extraordinarRomanian
  • необычный, необычайный, экстраординарныйRussian
  • extraordinärSwedish
  • అసాధారణTelugu
  • olağanüstü, fevkaladeTurkish
  • 非凡Chinese

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Are we missing a good synonym for extraordinary?

What are words for extraordinary?

other words for extraordinary

  • bizarre.
  • curious.
  • fantastic.
  • marvelous.
  • odd.
  • outstanding.
  • remarkable.
  • unheard-of.

How many words are in gifted?

39 words

Is there a 26 letter word?

There are 0 26-letter words. There are 0 26-letter abbreviations.

Is extraordinary a negative word?

You can of course attach negative connotations using, for example, ‘exceptionally bad’ to attach ‘exceptionally’ to the first definition. But if I say, this taste is ‘extraordinary’, you’d immediately associate it with being positive, while it might just be plain weird.

How do you know if you are extraordinary?

You never stop asking questions. You are inquisitive and curious. You want to know how things work and you don’t take things at face value. Others may find you bothersome and irritating. But you are extraordinary because you care about the world.

How do you tell if you are being yourself?

You know you’re being true to yourself if….

  1. You’re honest with yourself about what you think, feel, want, and need.
  2. You freely share your thoughts and feelings.
  3. You honor your needs and say no to requests that conflict with them.
  4. Some people like you, some people don’t, and you’re okay with that.

What is a word for being true to yourself?

Integrity: Be true to yourself, your values, and your word.

How do I know who I am?

6 Steps to Discover Your True Self

  1. Be quiet. You cannot and will not be able to know yourself until you take the time to be still.
  2. Realize who you truly are, not who you want to be.
  3. Find what you are good at (and not good at).
  4. Find what you are passionate about.
  5. Ask for feedback.
  6. Assess your relationships.

How do I see myself for who I am?

The following tips can help you develop a better sense of who you are and increase self-awareness:

  1. Get to Know Yourself. Begin making a list of things about you.
  2. Listen to Your Mind and Body.
  3. Begin Making Decisions.
  4. Take Charge.

Who am I answer examples?

I feel as though I have lost myself and hopefully writing this will help me find myself again.

  • Who am I? This is what I know right now.
  • I am quirky.
  • I love with everything in me.
  • I am strong willed and independent.
  • I am very competitive.
  • I tell my family everything.
  • I help others.
  • I am extremely hardworking.

Who really I am or who really am I?

The question “Who am I?” is used when you question what type of person you are. “Who I am” is a sentence fragment and is part of a sentence or indirect question. “Do you know who I am?”

Do we say I really am?

Is ” I REALLY AM ” a correct sentence? Answer: Yes, it is a correct sentence. The sentence “I am” could be in response to “Are you up and out of bed, Johnny?” and that answer, “I am,” could be amplified with the addition of the word “really,” lest someone doubt that Johnny is truly doing what he says he is doing.

What actually I am meaning?

Actually means ‘in fact’ (de fato) when used this way. Sometimes we use it as an intensifier in the same way as ‘really’ I actually thought that she liked me. As an intensifier it goes before the verb.

Which one is you which one are you?

“Which one are you” The subject of the sentence is “you” so the verb is “are”. “One” is the direct object so it doesn’t determine the verb inflection.

Which is or which one?

The word which (alone) works the best. Your sentence starts off with “one or more”, so it is therefore better to use just “which” in the second half of the sentence because it’s unclear — “Which” can refer to “one” or “ones”.

Is you a singular or plural?

In Modern English, you is a singular and plural, second-person pronoun.

Is yall a real word?

Though “y’all” is inherently plural, in the instance of addressing a larger group of people, “all y’all” is more of a casual, slang phrase that’s sometimes used. The only right way to spell the contraction of “you” and “all” is “y’all.” “Ya’ll” is incorrect and a misspelling of the word, so don’t use it.

Is you all proper grammar?

In most contexts “all of you” would be considered the correct phrasing. Some listeners or readers perceive “you-all” to be incorrect. Both are technically correct, but the second (“you all”) is less preferable because of the ambiguity of whether you mean y’all * or simply you all.

Did English have a formal you?

Yes it did, and the formal version was (drumroll, please….) you. In Early Modern English, thou was the singular and you was the plural.


Synonyms of extraordinary

  • as in unusual

  • as in uncommon

  • as in unusual
  • as in uncommon

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Definition of extraordinarynext


as in unusual

being out of the ordinary

the marine is being cited for extraordinary courage

Synonyms & Similar Words


  • unusual

  • exceptional

  • unique

  • remarkable

  • outstanding

  • rare

  • abnormal

  • uncommon

  • incredible

  • odd

  • singular

  • phenomenal

  • exceeding

  • anomalous

  • atypical

  • peculiar

  • striking

  • noticeable

  • aberrant

  • especial

  • freak

  • unwonted

  • notable

  • uncustomary

  • conspicuous

  • bizarre

  • preternatural

  • prominent

  • extraordinaire

  • eccentric

  • salient

  • strange

  • unimaginable

  • aberrated

  • inconceivable

  • unthinkable

  • incomprehensible

  • outlandish

  • deviant

  • freakish

  • weird

  • quaint

  • oddball

  • monstrous

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • ordinary

  • normal

  • common

  • typical

  • usual

  • customary

  • unextraordinary

  • unexceptional

  • everyday

  • familiar

  • frequent

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  • ordinary

  • normal

  • common

  • typical

  • usual

  • customary

  • unextraordinary

  • unexceptional

  • everyday

  • familiar

  • frequent

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as in uncommon

noticeably different from what is generally found or experienced

no one noticed anything extraordinary about the airline passenger

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • unusual

  • uncommon

  • strange

  • funny

  • rare

  • weird

  • unique

  • peculiar

  • curious

  • odd

  • bizarre

  • special

  • singular

  • remarkable

  • offbeat

  • exceptional

  • uncustomary

  • unaccustomed

  • abnormal

  • eccentric

  • outoftheway

  • oddball

  • queer

  • outlandish

  • atypical

  • noteworthy

  • noticeable

  • outré

  • notable

  • aberrant

  • particular

  • newsworthy

  • farout

  • wayout

  • irregular

  • kooky

  • kookie

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • ordinary

  • common

  • usual

  • plain

  • normal

  • unexceptional

  • typical

  • regular

  • familiar

  • predictable

  • expected

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  • ordinary

  • common

  • usual

  • plain

  • normal

  • unexceptional

  • typical

  • regular

  • familiar

  • predictable

  • expected

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“Extraordinary.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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More from Merriam-Webster on extraordinary

Nglish: Translation of extraordinary for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of extraordinary for Arabic Speakers

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