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Photo search results for End result

Woman in Black Brassiere and Blue Denim Bottoms Woman in Black Bra and Black Denim Jeans Holding White Strap Yellow and Green Led Light Young troubled woman using laptop at home Crop chemist holding in hands molecule model Woman in Black Leather Jacket Sitting on Brown Wooden Floor

Image search results for End result

abstract, arch, architecture film, filmstrip, black film, filmstrip, black hand, finger, end

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Synonyms for End result. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from

Synonyms for End result. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for End result. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

Asked by: Rafel Peterssohn

asked in category: religion and spirituality Last Updated: 17th September, 2020

What is another word for end result?

aftermath outcome
success ripple effect
net result finale
climax final result
followup creation

Click to explore further. Thereof, what is another word for as a result?

Definition: in an appropriate, suitable way. Synonyms: appropriately, as a consequence, consequently, correspondingly, duly, equally, ergo, fitly, hence, in respect to, in that event, properly, resultantly, so, subsequently, suitably, then, therefore, thus, under the circumstances.

Likewise, what does result mean? A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened. A result is the number that you get when you do a calculation. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.

Considering this, what is the end result?

end result. Word forms: end results. countable noun. The end result of an activity or a process is the final result that it produces. The end result is very good and very successful.

Is end goal a word?

end goal: “objective.” “aim.” One can also use “end.” Meaning: no matter what you do, as long as it gets you to your goal, it is acceptable.

  • 1
    end result

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > end result

  • 2
    end result

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > end result

  • 3
    end result

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end result

  • 4
    end result

    Politics english-russian dictionary > end result

  • 5
    end result

    English-russian dictionary of physics > end result

  • 6
    end result

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > end result

  • 7
    end result

    Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > end result

  • 8
    end result

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > end result

  • 9
    end result

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > end result

  • 10
    end result

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > end result

  • 11
    end result

    Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > end result

  • 12
    end result

    The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > end result

  • 13
    end result

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > end result

  • 14
    end result of a production cycle

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > end result of a production cycle

  • 15
    the end result

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the end result

  • 16
    the end result of my work is just the icing on the cake

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the end result of my work is just the icing on the cake

  • 17
    Show end result on/off toggle

    Показать конечный результат вкл/выкл

    The terms and expressions program 3DS Max. English-Russian dictionary > Show end result on/off toggle

  • 18

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > result

  • 19

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > result

  • 20

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > result


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  • 2
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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • end result — noun The final result or outcome • • • Main Entry: ↑end * * * ˌend reˈsult [end result end results] noun usually singular the final result of a particular activity or process …   Useful english dictionary

  • end result — end results N COUNT: usu the N The end result of an activity or a process is the final result that it produces. The end result is very good and very successful… The end result of this will be unity …   English dictionary

  • end result — end product, end result These have both been criticized for containing an element of redundancy, since both a product and a result must necessarily come at the end, but they are well established. End product was first used in chemistry by… …   Modern English usage

  • end result — end re sult n [C usually singular] the final result of a process or activity ▪ If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • end result — index amount (result), conclusion (outcome), destination, effect, outgrowth, proceeds, product …   Law dictionary

  • end result — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms end result : singular end result plural end results the result of an activity or process …   English dictionary

  • end result — noun (countable usually singular) the final result of a process or activity: If present trends continue, the end result will inevitably be socialized medicine …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • end result — end re sult noun count the result of an activity or process …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • end result — Synonyms and related words: accomplishment, answer, ascertainment, bitter end, catastrophe, clearing up, climax, completion, conclusion, consummation, cracking, culmination, decipherment, decoding, denouement, determination, disentanglement, end …   Moby Thesaurus

  • end result — (also end product) noun the final result or outcome of an activity or process …   English new terms dictionary

  • end result — final outcome, what happens in the end …   English contemporary dictionary

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In other words, the end-result may be smaller than the sum of the intermediate results.


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Иными словами, итоговый результат может оказаться меньше, чем сумма промежуточных



Important is the team is to be focused on the end-result of the project and could find correct technical solutions.


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Важно, чтобы команда была настроена на конечный результат проекта и умела находить правильные технические решения.


All Mini Mills can be configured to suit the user’s production goals and produce an end-result with consistent, uniform bulk-density and particle size distribution.

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Все мини-

мельницы могут настраиваться для подходят пользователя производственных целей и производить конечный результат с последовательной, равномерное распределение размера насыпной плотности

и частиц.

The second objective and possible end-result of this cooperation is that firms producing the same goods

and clustered together may compete with larger enterprises, for example, in a consortium.


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Второй задачей и возможным конечным результатом этого сотрудничества является то, что фирмы, производящие одинаковые товары

и сведенные воедино, могут конкурировать с более крупными предприятиями, например, в рамках консорциума.


Both researchers also concluded that such coercive

persuasion succeeded only on a minority of POWs, and that the end-result of such coercion remained very unstable,

as most of the individuals reverted to their previous condition soon after they left the coercive environment.

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Они также заключили,

что такое принудительное убеждение преуспело только на меньшинстве военнопленных, и что конечный результат такого принуждения оставался очень непостоянным,

поскольку большинство индивидуумов вернулось к их предыдущему состоянию вскоре после того, как они оставили принудительную окружающую обстановку.

The end-result of this process will be the establishment of a new

social pact to regulate and guide a new form of social coexistence, to be reflected, in turn, in a new institutional set-up.


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В результате указанного процесса должен быть заключен новый общественный договор,

который позволит регулировать, определять новые формы социального общежития и найдет свое выражение в новых институционных формах.


With respect to the draft article, the view was expressed that the

current wording emphasized too much the end-result of»preventing circulation» and that the reference to the word»circulation» was not clear.


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В связи с данным проектом статьи было высказано мнение,

что в нынешней формулировке слишком явно выделяется конечная цель» предотвратить дальнейшее обращение» и что не совсем понятна ссылка на слово» обращение.


Both Moore and Taylor noted that the end-result occasionally suffers from what they called the phantom limb-like

effects that are inevitable when a last-minute re-structuring is done, referring to subtle changes in tone and performance that hint at scenes no longer included or included in a different order.

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И Мур, И Тейлор отметили, что конечный результат иногда вызывает то, что называют фантомными болями,

что неизбежно, когда требуется внести изменения в последнюю минуту, имея в виду тонкие изменения в тональности и ритме, которые больше не намекают на сцены, поставленные в другом порядке.

However, the end-result of such an option would not address the volatility issue

and other weaknesses of the current methodology and formula, in particular, the inability to take into account and finance backstopping of completed and closed missions.


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Однако конечный результат этого варианта не затрагивает вопроса о неустойчивости и

других недостатков нынешних методологии и формулы финансирования, в частности о неспособности учитывать и финансировать мероприятия по поддержке завершенных и свернутых миссий.


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The end result is that we do not support intellectual innovation as much as we ideally should.

The end result is reduced intracranial compliance, elevation in intracranial pressures, and reduced pressures ofcerebral perfusion.

The end result, in this formula, is the pleasure of the male consumer.

Linguistic meaning depends on variable convention, and is not the end result of any «rule-driven» process open to prior analysis.

The establishment of the leader-order longitudinal flow is the end result of the separate initiating mechanism for this model.

The end result was that no official student list from the movement was agreed upon, and the student organisation essentially self-destructed.

The end result has been to use my original subject as a means to reflect on some of the presuppositions that can limit historical research.

Either way, the end result is a system that can produce visual imagery.

The end result of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways is the activation of the initiator procaspases 2, 8, 9 and 10.

Although there may be some differences in scale and type of rural firms, the end result seems remarkably similar.

The end result is disconnection of the regions of the brain that regulate the motor expression of emotion.

In an attempt to validate this conclusion she recorded her performances and listened critically to her interpretation, but with the same end result.

The end result would not be a true nanobot it is concluded, but something much bigger.

The end result would be that it is necessary that a causal loop not happen.

The end result is the destruction of the tumour cells with surrounding tissues being left unaffected.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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