I’m looking for the correct term for the «end of an era», preferably a single word. Essentially I’m looking for the antonym of epoch.
Google’s dictionary defines epoch as
The beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.
I’m looking for a word that means the following:
The end of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.
None of my searches have turned up anything.
This is my first question here, please let me know if I’m doing it wrong.
58.4k5 gold badges93 silver badges193 bronze badges
asked Sep 17, 2013 at 22:28
I don’t know if this is quite what you’re looking for, but two words that came to mind were sunset and twilight. For example:
sunset of the British Empire
twilight of the British Empire
While I’d guess that the usage in that specific sense came about due to the «sun never sets…» quote regarding the Empire, it seems like it could fit in a more generic sense.
answered Sep 17, 2013 at 23:24
17.7k6 gold badges53 silver badges91 bronze badges
There’s a word that fits, but only if I amend your request a little.
Götterdämmerung is «the last in Richard Wagner’s cycle of four operas titled Der Ring des Nibelungen» and means «the twilight of the gods.» (Wikipedia). (Metaphorically speaking, the end of an epoch.)
It has come to mean «A turbulent ending of a regime or an institution.» (The Free Dictionary).
The amendment is a slight reordering of «The end of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something» to «The distinctive end in the history of someone or something.»
Of course, götterdämmerung only works if something ends with a bang, rather than a whimper. I rather like sunset if it ends quietly.
Author Margaret Mitchell has heroine Scarlett stumble over some German word in Gone with the Wind. (Rhett expresses surprise that Scarlett has even heard of the word.) And the article The American Gotterdammerung begins with
Throughout the book “Gone with the Wind” there is a recurring theme of the Gotterdammerung, a winnowing out of the weak and the strong coming through.
A handful will give you points for a literary reference, but unfortunately, many will think you’re uttering a profanity.
answered Sep 18, 2013 at 0:19
16.1k5 gold badges33 silver badges67 bronze badges
The French have an interesting phrase:
Fin de siècle (French pronunciation: [fɛ̃ də sjɛkl])
From Wikipedia’s entry for the phrase: «Fin de siècle means literally ‘end of the century.’ The term typically encompasses not only the meaning of the similar English idiom ‘turn of the century’ but also both the closing and onset of an era, as the end of the 19th century was felt to be a period of degeneration, but at the same time a period of hope for a new beginning. The ‘spirit» of fin de siècle often refers to the cultural hallmarks that were recognized as prominent in the 1880s and 1890s, including boredom, cynicism, pessimism, and a widespread belief that civilization leads to decadence.»
I’m not suggesting fin de siècle is necessarily a good fit for what you are seeking, but it could describe the two phenomena you describe, which comprise both a rise and a fall (as in The History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, 1737–1794).
A few words that come to mind are decay/decadence, decline/declension, and denouement (see bib’s list, above).
answered Sep 18, 2013 at 0:57
19.2k2 gold badges27 silver badges60 bronze badges
- culmination
- denouement
- climax
- epilogue
- coda
- final curtain
- finis
answered Sep 17, 2013 at 23:59
72.3k12 gold badges117 silver badges224 bronze badges
- finale
- next millenium
- new age
- turn of the millenium
- eclipse
- close
- closure
- farewell
- departure
- expiration
- death
- retirement
- revolution
- period
- epoch-pause
- conclusion
- end
- tail
- forerunner
- Ragnarok
- phase-out
answered Sep 17, 2013 at 23:34
Ace FrahmAce Frahm
6894 silver badges7 bronze badges
I’m looking for the correct term for the “end of an era”, preferably a single word. Essentially I’m looking for the antonym of epoch.
Google’s dictionary defines epoch as
The beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.
I’m looking for a word that means the following:
The end of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.
None of my searches have turned up anything.
This is my first question here, please let me know if I’m doing it wrong.
I don’t know if this is quite what you’re looking for, but two words that came to mind were sunset and twilight. For example:
sunset of the British Empire
twilight of the British Empire
While I’d guess that the usage in that specific sense came about due to the “sun never sets…” quote regarding the Empire, it seems like it could fit in a more generic sense.
Source : Link , Question Author : Colin Basnett , Answer Author : Lynn
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When something big and important comes to an end, you may hear a lot of people comment that it is the “end of an era”. What does this mean? What kind of situations does it apply to?
How would you use this if you had something that you wanted to talk about? In this post, we will examine the phrase “an end of an era” and discuss when it would be appropriate to talk about it.
Saying that something is the end of an era is an idiom. While it is used to talk about an actual era, that is not always how it is used.
For example, an era is a long period in time that has a very distinct and special characteristic. It has to be long enough to develop something very peculiar. In addition, it has to be set apart from the periods that come directly before and after it by something that you can point to. That is not easy. Human history has only existed for so long. Having something that is an era is not something that lasts just in your lifetime.
End of an Era Usage: End of an Era in a Sentence
When people say that something is the end of an era, they usually mean that something very important to them is ending. This is usually something that has influenced their lives for the better. It makes them nostalgic to think of all the memories that they made.
Most of the time, it has to do with the people around them. For example, you are much more likely to talk about the end of an era if your friend is getting married rather than if you are moving to a job that just pays the bills but you actually hate.
Examples of Era
Examples of eras include graduating college, leaving a job where one has gained a lot, and any time period that has significant personal meaning and a deep connection with peers. These eras are often defined by the unique experiences and relationships that occur during them and can be marked by significant life changes.
Note that the term is always used as something positive. It is associated with a feeling of nostalgia and sadness, but a lot of optimism and excitement for what comes next. The best way to describe it is a very bittersweet kind of feeling.
Example Sentences
- I know this is the end of an era, but the friendships that we forged throughout these years together will never die!
- Tomorrow is the end of an era, but I know that there are many things that we can each look forward to.
- The end of FRIENDS the TV show was the end of a great era, and we have all learned a lot from seeing the group of 6 friends and following their journey.
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Your DVD»The End of an Era» will be released in france in the beginning
Ваше двд» Конец эры» будет выпущен в Франции в начале июля.
For those like me,
Death Dealer this signaled the end of an era.
Для нас, называющих себя» несущими смерть» это означало конец эпохи.
Не для того, чтобы сказать прощай, но, эм, как ознаменование конца эпохи.
Он видел закат эры, и мир вокруг него изменился.
Mr. LARRAIN(Chile) said that the end of an era
confrontation had conferred a changed role
and a new importance on the Special Committee.
Г-н ЛАРРАИН( Чили) говорит, что конец эпохи конфронтации привел к изменению роли
и придал новое значение Специальному комитету.
end of
the cold war marked the end of an era when the major Powers could settle
the terms among themselves over the heads
lesser countries.
Окончание<< холодной войны>> ознаменовало собой конец эры, когда великие державы могли договариваться
между собой через головы менее могущественных стран.
Bramblerose: According to
newspaper article the name„End of an Era“ has already been chosen
while before the last concert took place.
Bramblerose: Исходя из того, что пишут газеты, название» Конец эры» было выбрано до того, как вы отыграли последний концерт.
The final closing
the cycle
duality, will be the end of an era
many battles between the dark and the Light forces.
Финальное закрытие цикла дуальности будет концом эры многих сражений между темными и Светлыми силами.
The DVD‘End of an Era‘ by Nightwish definitely is the
end of an era-
namely the one with Tarja Turunen.
ДВД» Конец Эры» на самом деле и является
концом эры,
а именно
с Тарьей Турунен.
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end of an era — перевод на русский
The end of an era, it’s history in the making.
Конец эпохи, это живая история.
Come on, it’s like the end of an era.
Да ладно, это же как конец эпохи.
The end of an era, you might say.
Конец эпохи, ты могла бы так сказать.
I was thinking about how it’s an end of an era.
Просто я подумала, что это конец эпохи.
I mean, it’s the end of an era!
Но это ведь конец эпохи!
Показать ещё примеры для «конец эпохи»…
Well, it’s the end of an era. Yeah.
Вот и настал конец эры.
Wow,the end of an era.
Вау, конец эры.
— MANNION: End of an era.
Это конец эры.
End of an era, huh, Charlie?
Конец эры, а, Чарли?
Well, that’s the end of an era.
Это конец эры.
Показать ещё примеры для «конец эры»…
Yeah. There’s an end of a era.
— Конец целой эпохи.
End of an era, huh, Charlie?
Конец целой эпохи, правда, Чарли?
It is the end of an era.
Это конец целой эпохи.
It’s the end of an era.
Конец целой эпохи.
Well, it’s the end of an era.
Это же конец целой эпохи.
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End of an era
A band named FYNX first EP. It consists of 8 songs (intro, half dead, legends never die, chemical addiction, snakes, just saying, blackout and never the same). It’s really good you should check it out!
Person1: have you heard about End of an era EP? It’s so good I love it!
Person2: No but I’m gonna go listen right now
by SnakeMarta December 22, 2019