One word for disappointment


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Disappointment Thesaurus

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disappointing, disappoint, disappointed, disappointedly

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A Man in Red Shirt Covering His Face Man Holding His Face Woman And Man Sitting on Brown Wooden Bench Man Wearing Brown Suit Jacket Mocking on White Telephone Sad Child sitting on a White Chair Close-up Photo of Sad Child leaning on a Wooden Chair

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family, divorce, separation man, board, drawing loser, failure, board loser, failure, finger man, mourning, despair despaired, businessman, business

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Synonyms for Disappointment. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 11, from

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Synonyms for Disappointment. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a root or base word?
  2. What is the origin of the word disappoint?
  3. What is the suffix of disappointed?
  4. What is the root word in Disappointed?
  5. What’s another word for disappointment?
  6. How do you describe disappointment?
  7. Can God be disappointed?
  8. How do you express disappointment in one word?
  9. What is a big word for disappointment?
  10. How do you show displeasure politely?
  11. What is a weaker word for disappointed?
  12. What is the opposite of being a disappointment?
  13. What’s worse than being a disappointment?
  14. What is the opposite of a disappointment?
  15. Whats the opposite of the opposite of 4?
  16. What do you call a fake smile?
  17. How do you express deep sadness?
  18. What do you call a person who loves sad music?
  19. Why do I cry when I get nostalgic?
  20. What is emotional contagion theory?
  21. How do you develop positive emotional contagion?
  22. What is emotional contagion examples?
  23. What is alexithymia?

Although the prefix “dis” in “disappoint,” as usual in English, means “not,” the story of “disappoint” is more than just a simple negation of “appoint” in its various senses.

What is a root or base word?

Root Words vs. A base word is a standalone English word that can also form other words with affixes (prefixes and suffixes). A root word is the Latin or Greek basis of a word that, generally speaking, can’t be used as a standalone word.

What is the origin of the word disappoint?

Etymology. Disappoint is traced to the Middle English disappointen by way of the Old French desapointer. Its use in the sense of general frustration traces to the late 15th century, and it first appears recorded in English as an emotional state of dejection in the middle 18th century.

What is the suffix of disappointed?

Only the noun retains evidence of its French origins, the suffix -ment in disappointment. The root of this word, French point, is what is left of Latin punctus “pricked, dot left by pricking”, the past participle of pungere “to prick”.

What is the root word in Disappointed?

The original French root of disappointed is desappointer, which has one meaning that’s basically “to fail to keep an appointment.” So you might imagine the word disappointed like this: you made an appointment with a friend, but he blew it off.

What’s another word for disappointment?

In this page you can discover 97 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disappointment, like: displeasure, discouragement, despondency, frustration, defeat, blighted hope, unfulfillment, distress, delusion, pleasure and dissatisfaction.

How do you describe disappointment?

1 : unhappiness from the failure of something hoped for or expected to happen To her disappointment, the cookies were gone. 2 : someone or something that fails to satisfy hopes or expectations The movie was a disappointment.

Can God be disappointed?

While there’s no specific verse that exactly says you can’t disappoint God, Scripture as a whole shows us that we simply can’t disappoint God.

How do you express disappointment in one word?


  1. disappointed. adjective. unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected.
  2. disillusioned. adjective.
  3. dismayed. adjective.
  4. inconsolable. adjective.
  5. disenchanted. adjective.
  6. disgruntled. adjective.
  7. crestfallen. adjective.
  8. bitter. adjective.

What is a big word for disappointment?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for disappointed. disenchanted, disillusioned, frustrated, unfulfilled.

How do you show displeasure politely?

Start the conversation by thanking them and asking how they’re doing. Before you start expressing your disappointment, take a moment to thank the person for taking the time to meet with you and gauge their mood. Ask them how they’re doing and if they’re prepared to talk with you about the issue.

What is a weaker word for disappointed?

saddened, upset, let down, disheartened, downhearted, cast down, downcast, depressed, dispirited, discouraged, despondent, dismayed, crestfallen, distressed, chagrined. disenchanted, disillusioned. displeased, discontented, dissatisfied, frustrated, disgruntled.

What is the opposite of being a disappointment?

Opposite of a feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations. gratification. satisfaction. happiness. joy.

What’s worse than being a disappointment?

“Despite all the hype, the event turned out to be a huge disappointment.”…What is another word for disappointment?

regret dissatisfaction
dejection discontent
disenchantment disillusionment
dismay displeasure
despondency disgruntlement

What is the opposite of a disappointment?

Opposite of sad or displeased because of unfulfilled hopes or expectations. satisfied. delighted. fulfilled.

Whats the opposite of the opposite of 4?

For example, the opposite of 4 is -4, or negative four. On a number line, 4 and -4 are both the same distance from 0, but they’re on opposite sides. This type of opposite is also called the additive inverse.

What do you call a fake smile?

Eccedentesiast — one who fakes a smile, as on television. This word is from a list I had called Unusual Words. To add to this: Eccedentesiast is derived from Latin ecce, ‘I present to you,’ dentes, ‘teeth,’ and –iast, ‘performer. ‘ An eccedentesiast is therefore someone who “performs by showing teeth,” or smiling.

How do you express deep sadness?

6 Common Sad Idioms & Phrases in English

  1. Down in the mouth. The first idiom on our list that expresses sadness means to look unhappy.
  2. Down in the dumps.
  3. Reduce to tears.
  4. Lump in your throat.
  5. Feeling blue/to have the blues.
  6. Face like a wet weekend.

What do you call a person who loves sad music?

Saudade (English: /ˌsaʊˈdɑːdə/, European Portuguese: [sɐwˈðaðɨ], Brazilian Portuguese: [sawˈdad(ʒ)i], Galician: [sawˈðaðɪ]; plural saudades) is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves.

Why do I cry when I get nostalgic?

Nostalgic people tend to remember memories that involve other people, even when the memories are sad or stressful. In truth, nostalgia is not always going to bring you the warm and fuzzies, so it’s normal to feel sad or bummed out when you think back on certain memories.

What is emotional contagion theory?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Emotional contagion is the phenomenon of having one person’s emotions and related behaviors directly trigger similar emotions and behaviors in other people. Emotions can be shared across individuals in many different ways both implicitly or explicitly.

How do you develop positive emotional contagion?

Action Steps:

  1. Be consciously aware of your own mood. If it’s not one that will be useful to your team, change it.
  2. Use your nonverbal behaviors to communicate emotional contagion.
  3. Make direct eye contact with everyone on the team.
  4. Neutralize a negative team member.
  5. Create a positive emotional culture within the team.

What is emotional contagion examples?

Someone with depression, for example, might express their feelings through body language, speech patterns, or facial expressions as well as words. “This can induce a similar emotional reaction in people who have more vulnerability to these cues,” he explains.

What is alexithymia?

Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to “no words for emotion.” While the condition is not well-known, it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people has it.

synonyms for disappointment

  • blow
  • defeat
  • disaster
  • failure
  • mistake
  • obstacle
  • setback
  • blunder
  • bummer
  • bust
  • calamity
  • discouragement
  • downer
  • downfall
  • drag
  • dud
  • error
  • fiasco
  • fizzle
  • impasse
  • inefficacy
  • lemon
  • miscalculation
  • mischance
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • slip
  • washout
  • bitter pill
  • blind alley
  • bringdown
  • false alarm
  • faux pas
  • flash in the pan
  • old one-two
  • adversity
  • blow
  • chagrin
  • defeat
  • discontent
  • disenchantment
  • disillusionment
  • dissatisfaction
  • failure
  • frustration
  • letdown
  • regret
  • setback
  • bafflement
  • despondency
  • discouragement
  • disgruntlement
  • disillusion
  • distress
  • mortification
  • adverse fate
  • lack of success
  • nonsuccess
  • the knocks
  • unfulfillment

On this page you’ll find 138 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to disappointment, such as: blow, defeat, disaster, failure, mistake, and obstacle.

  • achievement
  • aid
  • attainment
  • blessing
  • boon
  • contentedness
  • encouragement
  • happiness
  • help
  • pleasure
  • satisfaction
  • success
  • triumph
  • win
  • boost
  • comfort
  • delight
  • euphoria
  • miracle
  • relief
  • wonder

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING disappointment

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use disappointment in a sentence

Then, having shot nothing that day, he turned towards the Pole with a feeling of disappointment.


Now that Lawrence was out of the army, he was in hopes that he would stay out, and he showed his disappointment in his face.


However that may be, he wrote, and never did letter carry more bitter disappointment to a Christian community.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • disappointment
  • disaster
  • failure
  • fiasco
  • misadventure
  • bathos
  • comedown
  • decline
  • descent
  • disappointment
  • drop
  • letdown
  • slump
  • disappointment
  • discouragement
  • downfall
  • lapse
  • meltdown
  • relapse
  • reversal
  • reverse
  • annoyance
  • bad trip
  • bummer
  • disappointment
  • disaster
  • downer
  • drag
  • irritation
  • misfortune
  • bind
  • bother
  • concern
  • danger
  • deep trouble
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • dire straits
  • disappointment
  • distress
  • grief
  • headache
  • hindrance
  • hot water
  • inconvenience
  • mess
  • misfortune
  • nuisance
  • pain
  • predicament
  • problem
  • struggle
  • torment
  • woe
  • affliction
  • balk
  • bolt from the blue
  • bombshell
  • calamity
  • casualty
  • chagrin
  • comedown
  • debacle
  • disappointment
  • disaster
  • disgruntlement
  • frustration
  • jolt
  • letdown
  • misadventure
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • reverse
  • setback
  • shock
  • tragedy
  • upset

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

In this spoken English lesson you will learn to use slang words to express disappointment & sadness. Disappointment is not an easy thing to face, and expressing sadness or dissatisfaction is all the more difficult. Most of the times you don’t want to mention any details so to cut it short use the slang terms below related to sadness and disappointment. These are slang English words and you are not supposed to use in a formal situation.

1) Bummer / Bummer Days – Something that depresses or disappoints you is a bummer or any unpleasant situation or disappointing experience you face for couple of days are called as bummer days.
Example – I have been sick all week,bummer days!
Example – Getting stranded at the airport was a real bummer.

2) Boohoo – An exclamation to represent the sound of someone crying noisily or sobbing.
Example – Boohoo,nobody loves me!

3) In a funk – To be sad
Example – I’m in a funk today.

4) Burst one’s bubble – To be disappointed because of something.
Example – We had planned to go for camping but the rain burst our bubble.

5) Soul sucking – Depressing
Example – I need a break from the soul sucking job.

6) In the dumps – Feeling sad or depressed
Example – He’s been in the dumps since she dumped him for another guy.

7) Butt-hurt – to be upset , usually by a friendly insult
Example – I was just kidding,don’t get butt-hurt.

8) Depressica – Refers to a female who is depressed over a guy
Example – Mary has been a depressica after she broke up with John.

Complete Lesson Transcript :-

You know it's very difficult to face disappointment and expressing it it's all the more difficult, right? Hello everyone , I am Niharika and in today's lesson we're gonna look at some slang terms to express disappointment or some word that would help you to talk about sadness but they are all slang terms, Now of course it's very difficult to face disappointment and expressing it it's all the more difficult, right? So at times you don't want to get into details like people would love to dig into your life and would love to ask you questions about why are you so sad and why you so upset and you really don't want to get into details, you just wanna  cut them off, so these are the right words that you can use, okay. So rather than just crying your lungs out just use these words. So let's get started, the first one is bummer or bummer days, now bummer is a situation that depresses you, or you really feel frustrated or really upset about something so that situation can be called as bummer.... being stranded in a line or being stranded at the airport was such a bummer so you are really disappointed with the way everything was going in the airport like you were stranded in the flights were delayed so you are not very happy about it so you can use the slang term as bummer, okay.  Now, Bummer days.. Now bummer days you can use it for the days that you have been upset so probably you've been upset because you were sick throughout the week so you gonna say I've been sick throughout the week uh...bummer days you see so you are upset ok these are the two slang terms that you can use when you are upset, okay. The other one is boohoo now this is a very kiddish slang term but it is an exclamation of unhappiness or it is an expression of representing the sound of crying. Crying nosily or sobbing. You know how kids cry? Boohoo. So it represents, like you know how kids say boohoo nobody loves me! So, boohoo is an exclamation that you can use that you can say it loud when you are really upset about something.
The next one, Blargh. Now, blargh is another interjection or exclamation of unhappiness. Ok! Like “I broke up with my boyfriend, Blargh!”  So you are just kind of using an exclamation to show that you are sad, you are upset or you are depressed. Ok! So that’s another term that you can use.
The next one In a Funk.  In a funk is when you feel really sad or just when you are down. Down or maybe you are very sad. “SO don’t mess with me today I am in a funk” I am in a funk because I am upset about something. So probably you don’t want to get into details , you don’t want to tell someone why you are upset , then just use this, I am in a funk today, so I am in a bad mood, I am sad, I am upset. 
The next one burst one’s bubble. Now a situation that disappoints you a situation that upsets you , is when your bubble is bursted.  So a situation that upsets you or disappoints you or someone who upsets you well that’s when you can use this slang term or a slang phrase. Well for example you thought of camping the last weekend however it just didn’t stop raining it burstedout bubble so basically it dis[pointed you so much because you were all set to camp last weekend with your friends and the rains well, that was not really great, you were upset about it. Right! So this is one of the phrase that you can use. 
The next one soul sucking. Soul sucking is something or someone who is extremely depressing. Or, something that depresses you way too much.  So for example, probably at your work place there is this one person who keeps annoying you, probably he is your boss, who keeps annoying you and you are just so done working for him.  For example my boss is such a soul sucker, basically it means that he depresses you way too much or my job is so soul sucking. SO, probably you are not very  happy with you job, It depresses you way too much and that’s why you are using this term. 
Then the next one is butt hurt. Now, that sounds funny right?  Well, what does it mean? Butt hurt, it means you know when you get a little offended or when you get a little upset because of a friendly insult, probably a friend is just making fun of you and you get upset, or you are a little offended then you gonna say “Hey I am a little butt hurt” Ok! So it means that you are a little upset. So it’s just because of a friendly insult you get upset or you are upset because of a friendly insult. Or probably you just insulted someone, and you think that person is a little butt hurt right now so you gonna say “Hey I was just kidding, stop being butt hurt “ so this means stop being upset . Right! So this is the way you can use this term. 
And then the last one, Depressica. Now that’s quite an interesting word Depressica ,Yes it is a slang term used for a female who is very depressed over a boy. So probably her relationship has failed with her boyfriend and now she’s really upset about it.  So the woman who is very upset or depressed because of her relationship with her guy can be called as Depressica.  So a female who is upset over a guy. SO a female who is extremely  upset because of a guy, because maybe she had a break up or the guy cheated on her and that has quite depressed her  or disturbed her  then she can be called as Depressica.  Ok, like my best friend, she broke up with her boyfriend and she is a depressica now, Ok! So that’s the way you can use the term.  So hope you like these terms, start using them, you will really sound very fluent in English. But, remember these are all slang terms so you can use it in a very informal way, don't use it at work would not sound really great. But yes, you can use them when you are with your friends and family.  I will be back with a new lesson, till then take care and be happy don’t be sad. Right? I will be back, take care.

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