One word for day after tomorrow

level 1

· 3 yr. ago · edited 3 yr. ago

Overmorrow is the day after tomorrow.

Ereyesterday is the day before yesterday.

Edit: link to wiktionary

level 2

In German it’s übermorgen which also means over(to)morrow

level 2

Finnish, though not a Germanic language, conceptualizes «the day after tomorrow» the same way:

ylihuomenna = yli [over] + huomenna [(to)morrow]

Portuguese takes a morphologically different but semantically similar approach:

depois de amanhã (lit. «after tomorrow»)

level 2

Wow! Those words are new to me! I’m a native speaker, and I have never heard those words used before.

level 1

Not in English.

In Japanese the day before yesterday is ototoi (一昨日) and the day after tomorrow is asatte (明後日)

level 1

I would say ‘day of the week’ just one like Wednesday just gone. Or ‘this’ Friday.

level 1

Go for threemorrow (rather than twomorrow) and yestestday (the superlative of yester is yestest, after all)

level 2

Lewis Carroll, is that you?

level 2

I think that yestestday should be the farthest back day in human memory since it is the most yest. Day before yesterday could be yestererday.

level 1

I also speak a native language that has those words.

level 1

In Chinese the day before yesterday is 前天 while the day after tomorrow is 后天

level 1

overmorrow; and day before yesterday is ereyesterday

level 2

I legit had to look this up.

Are you trying to figure out what to call the day after tomorrow? “Day after tomorrow” is a bit long-winded, so maybe a one-word synonym is more what you’re looking for.

Luckily, we’re here to help. We’ve provided the best synonyms to say “day after tomorrow.”

The word for the day after tomorrow is “overmorrow.” It is an old-fashioned word that people don’t use today. However, it’s the only acceptable word that once referred to the day after tomorrow. So, you would say “I will see you overmorrow.”


  • There is only one word for the day after tomorrow and it is “overmorrow.”
  • You should stick to “the day after tomorrow” as a phrase.
  • “Overmorrow” is obsolete today, meaning most native speakers won’t understand it.

Here are some examples showing you how the word might apply:

  • They will be back overmorrow to tell us more about this. We still need to figure out the next steps.
  • So, overmorrow is coming up, and we haven’t decided on the theme for the party.

“Overmorrow” is an old-fashioned term. You should not use it today. In fact, people haven’t used it for the last few centuries, meaning it’s not something you will find native speakers using.

You should use “the day after tomorrow” in every situation. It’s generally the only phrase that people recognize without explanations.

After all, using a term like “overmorrow” will complicate things. “The day after tomorrow” already does everything you need to do.


Technically, “overmorrow” is correct. However, it is obsolete because it’s old-fashioned.

So, you should say “the day after tomorrow” in English. After all, it’s the only appropriate phrase that works well.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

The day after tomorrow is also called “Overmorrow”. It is however normal to just use the phrase “The day after tomorrow”.

Likewise, What means day after tomorrow?

At a specific time in the future. tomorrow. no/not later than. at the latest.

Also, Why is there no word for the day after tomorrow?

There isn’t an official word for day after tomorrow in English. Though there once was a word that was literal translation of the German word übermorgen and the literal translation was overmorrow. You can say it is obsolete now, nonetheless you can use it in informal writings.

Secondly, What language has a word for the day after tomorrow?

The German word for ‘the day after tomorrow’, is Übermorgen, which literally translates to ‘over tomorrow’.

Furthermore What do you call the day after today? The day after today is called tomorrow.

What means day after?

phrase. If something happens day after day, it happens every day without stopping. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day. Synonyms: continually, regularly, relentlessly, persistently More Synonyms of day after day. See full dictionary entry for day.

Who were the leading actors in the day after tomorrow?


  • Dennis Quaid as Jack Hall, a NOAA paleoclimatologist.
  • Jake Gyllenhaal as Samuel « Sam » Hall, Jack’s son.
  • Sela Ward as Dr. …
  • Emmy Rossum as Laura Chapman, Sam’s friend and love interest.
  • Ian Holm as Terry Rapson, a Scottish oceanographer of Scotland’s Hedland Centre.

What is over tomorrow?

overmorrow (uncountable) (archaic) The day after tomorrow. quotations ▼ Antonym: (obsolete) ereyesterday.

What’s a word for 2 days?

The abbreviation QOD or QAD (from Latin mean Quaque Alternis Die ») means ‘every other day’ or ‘every two days’. Modern style in medical situations recommends using using the spelled out English ‘every other day’ because the Latin abbreviations are often misread.

What day is tomorrow’s yesterday?

It’s Sunday! The day after tomorrow becomes yesterday on Wednesday.

What day was yesterday if Monday is in 2 days?

What day was yesterday, if Monday is in two days? A) Wednesday.

Is Overmorrow obsolete?

There isn’t an official word for day after tomorrow in English. Though there once was a word that was literal translation of the German word übermorgen and the literal translation was overmorrow. You can say it is obsolete now, nonetheless you can use it in informal writings.

How do you say a day after a day?

Synonyms of ‘day after day’

  1. regularly.
  2. relentlessly.
  3. nonstop.
  4. unremittingly.
  5. monotonously.
  6. twenty-four-seven (informal)
  7. unfalteringly.

What does night after night mean?

: every night for a period of time People keep coming back night after night.

What is the difference between day by day and day after day?

day after day implies that there is a regular continuous monotonous sequence of days. day by day implies that there is a regular progression from one day to the next. day-to-day implies that you cannot predict tomorrow’s events from today’s events.

Who was the president in the day after tomorrow?

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) – Perry King as President Blake – IMDb.

What caused the ice age in the day after tomorrow?

In the movie « The Day After Tomorrow, » the Earth is thrown into an ice age after ocean currents in the Atlantic Ocean grind to a halt. That ocean current system, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is responsible for western Europe’s warm temperatures.

Who was the dog in the day after tomorrow?

Buddha the Dog

Buddha, the homeless man Luther’s best friend, was played by a black and white border collie/Australian shepherd mix.

What does Crapulence mean?

1 archaic : sickness occasioned by intemperance (as in food or drink) 2 : great intemperance especially in drinking.

Can I use Overmorrow?

The word isn’t very commonly used in everyday conversation. It’s perfectly acceptable. , Grammatically correct! You can and it seems logical to use overmorrow.

What is once every 2 days?

Great question, the phrase “every two days” means something that happens every 48 hours. For instance, you might have to take a medicine once, and then take it again at the same time of day, 48 hours later. Doctors write the phrase QOD on prescriptions for this. People also say “every other day’ or “on alternate days”.

Is every 2 days every other day?

« Every two days » is the same as « every other day. » If you wanted to describe a two-day break, it would be « every third day. This is what is not clear either in the similar thread on the forum, or in the Collins’s definition.

What does 2 days ago mean?

The difference is, the second sentence explicitly states when I went grocery shopping (« two days before today ») while the first sentence implies it (« two days ago » means « two days before today » without saying « today » directly).

What comes first yesterday or tomorrow?

Wiktionary defines today and tomorrow as adverbs first and nouns second but yesterday as a noun first and an adverb second. categories yesterday and today as an adverb, noun, and adjective but tomorrow as only a noun and adverb.

What is yesterday’s tomorrow and tomorrow’s yesterday?

Tomorrow’s Yesterday means a day before yesterday i.e. Today and Yesterday’s Tomorrow means a day after Yesterday i.e. Today.

What day is tomorrow of the day before yesterday was the day after Monday?

Today is Monday then the day after the day becomes Tuesday but before the day it becomes Monday again and obviously before the tomorrow also is Monday. So basically the answer is Monday. In this context, tommorow is Tuesday, the day before that is Monday, the day before that is Sunday, and the day after that is Monday.

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Asked by: Caroline Krausskopf

asked in category: religion and spirituality Last Updated: 28th October, 2020

overmorrow (uncountable) (archaic) The day after tomorrow.

Find out all about it here. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is a day after tomorrow called in one word?

There isn’t an official word for day after tomorrow in English. Though there once was a word that was literal translation of the German word übermorgen and the literal translation was overmorrow. You can say it is obsolete now, nonetheless you can use it in informal writings.

Furthermore, is Overmorrow an English word? overmorrow. MEANING: noun: The day after tomorrow. adjective: Of or relating to the day after tomorrow.

Secondly, what is day before yesterday called?

There is no single modern English word for “the day before yesterday”. The only modern way to express it is “the day before yesterday” or “two days ago”. Actually, there was an obsolete word, “ereyesterday”, to describe it, but it is no longer used.

Is next tomorrow correct?

Next to tomorrow” may be said colloquially intenteding to mean the second day after the present day but formally or ideally it’s “day after tomorrow”. Though there is no such evidence neither it’s formally taught I personally do not think the phrase “next to tomorrow” is part of formal English.

Table of Contents

  1. What’s it called when you throw something out the window?
  2. How do you use the day after tomorrow?
  3. What day is it when the day after tomorrow is yesterday?
  4. What’s the day before yesterday called?
  5. What is the day before the day after the day before tomorrow?
  6. What was the day before yesterday if Thursday was the day after tomorrow?
  7. Is yesterday a day ago?
  8. Is there a word for 2 days ago?
  9. Is the day before yesterday two days ago?
  10. What is the day after 4 days after 2 days before the day before tomorrow?
  11. What day is yesterday if Monday is in two days?
  12. What is the day before day after the day after the day before yesterday Amazon?
  13. What means day after?
  14. Which day is two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday?
  15. Which airline has started Amazon quiz?
  16. What is Day Amazon quiz?
  17. Which airline has started serving meals on board and Airbus?
  18. Which airline has started serving meals on board an Airbus a380 as a marketing drive while the aircraft is packed at the Changi Airport?
  19. What day will come 3 days after Sunday?
  20. What day comes immediately?
  21. What day is two days before the day immediately?
  22. Which day comes a day before yesterday if today is Tuesday?
  23. What does 2 days before mean?
  24. What comes before Wednesday?

The day after tomorrow is also called “Overmorrow”.

What’s it called when you throw something out the window?

1 : a throwing of a person or thing out of a window assassination by defenestration.

How do you use the day after tomorrow?

Please, call me Miriam, and I leave the day after tomorrow . The materials were scheduled to be delivered the day after tomorrow . They’re going to roast her the day after tomorrow .

What day is it when the day after tomorrow is yesterday?

Now we can solve for the other days of the week. The daytoday‘ takes place when the day after tomorrow would be referred to as yesterday. Relative to today, tomorrow is x + 1, and the day after tomorrow is x + 2. One more day forward, x + 3, is when the day after tomorrow would be called yesterday.

What’s the day before yesterday called?

We used to have “ereyesterday” (and “overmorrow” for the day after tomorrow) but they are archaic now, and people will not understand those words if you use them. “The day before yesterday” or “day before last” are the common ways to say it.

More About The Day Before Two Days After the Day Before Tomorrow is Saturday Riddle. The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday.

What was the day before yesterday if Thursday was the day after tomorrow?

This can be reversely calculated as well. If we consider Thursday as four days before the day after tomorrow then four days after will be Monday and hence Monday is day after tomorrow. Then today is Saturday and yesterday is Friday.

Is yesterday a day ago?

If it is 6 o’clock in the morning, then yesterday could refer to any time before you went to bed for the night during the previous day, including for example 6 at night. On the other hand, a day ago would be more apt to refer to a time close to exactly 24 hours earlier, so 6 in the morning again.

Is there a word for 2 days ago?

Member. There are in fact two ways of saying it (that I know of): nudiustertian (of Latin origin) and ereyesterday (of Germanic origin). However, both forms are obsolete and most people would have to consult a dictionary in order to understand what you’re saying.

Is the day before yesterday two days ago?

“The day before the day before yesterday” is three days ago. “The day before yesterday” is certainly the most common way of saying “two days ago.”

What is the day after 4 days after 2 days before the day before tomorrow?

The day before two days after is one day after. 2.) 1 day after the day before tomorrow is tomorrow. That is Saturday.

What day is yesterday if Monday is in two days?

Answer: Two days after Monday is Wednesday. If this was the day before yesterday, then it was 2 days ago. That would make today Friday.

What is the day before day after the day after the day before yesterday Amazon?

Yesterday is The Day Before Day After The Day After The Day Before Yesterday.

What means day after?

phrase. If something happens day after day, it happens every day without stopping. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day.

Which day is two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday?

Tuesday – the day before Friday is Thursday. Two days after that is Saturday. Three days before that is Wednesday. The day immediately following that is Thursday, Two days before that is Tuesday, so the final and correct answer is Tuesday.

Which airline has started Amazon quiz?

Singapore Airlines

What is Day Amazon quiz?

Amazon Daily Quiz is a contest on the online shopping app portal that rewards the winner with Amazon shopping credit points.

Which airline has started serving meals on board and Airbus?

Singapore Airlines

Which airline has started serving meals on board an Airbus a380 as a marketing drive while the aircraft is packed at the Changi Airport?

Singapore Airlines

What day will come 3 days after Sunday?

Poroper Nouns – Days of the Week

Question Answer
2. What day comes before Saturday? Friday
3. What day comes after Tuesday? Wednesday
4. What day comes before Sunday? Saturday
5. What day comes after Sunday? Monday

Wednesday comes immediately after Tuesday. Tuesday comes the day before Wednesday.

The answer is Tuesday. This is how I got this answer: The day that comes immediately after Thursday is Friday. Four days before Friday is Monday.

Which day comes a day before yesterday if today is Tuesday?

Step-by-step explanation: because day after the day before yesterday is equal to yesterday and day before the day after tomorrow is equal to tomorrow. if yesterday is tuesday, today is Wednesday or if tomorrow is Thursday, today is Wednesday. Therefore today is Wednesday.

What does 2 days before mean?

Two days prior means 2 calendar days. So if your flight is on friday, then you can upgrade on wednesday. It becomes wednesday, at midnight tuesday night/wednesday morning.

What comes before Wednesday?

Tuesday comes after Monday. 2. Tuesday comes before Wednesday.


  • #2

No, there is no word for the day after tomorrow. None in common use, none that most people know — someone might ‘find’ an extremely obscure word somewhere and like to mention it, but that doesn’t make it acceptable in actual use.

sound shift

  • #5

Allegedly, «overmorrow» existed in Middle English, which was spoken between 1150 and 1450. The Dutch and German cognates are still in use.

  • #7

It is a phrase, not a word.:D


That’s the point :)

  • #10

Allegedly, «overmorrow» existed in Middle English, which was spoken between 1150 and 1450. The Dutch and German cognates are still in use.

It’s also in use in the Scandinavian languages (and in Finnish, even if it’s not a cognate).

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