One word for cute boy

Table of Contents

  1. How do you describe a boy?
  2. How would you describe a good boy?
  3. How do you describe a little boy?
  4. How do you say a cute baby boy?
  5. Can we use beautiful for a baby boy?
  6. Can I call a baby boy beautiful?
  7. What is beautiful boy meaning?
  8. How would you describe a cute boy in one word?
  9. How do you describe someone who is adorable?
  10. Can Adorable be used for a boy?
  11. What does adorable mean in English?
  12. How do you use the word adorable?
  13. What does it mean if a girl calls you adorable?
  14. What does adorable mean to a guy?
  15. Can you call a guy cute?
  16. Is being called cute by a guy a good thing?
  17. How do you respond to being called adorable?

“Their new baby boy is just so cute!”…What is another word for cute?

How do you describe a boy?

Words to Describe a Man’s Personality

  • aggressive.
  • arrogant.
  • assertive.
  • charming.
  • cocky.
  • confident.
  • dependable.
  • funny.

How would you describe a good boy?

Here are some adjectives for good boy: dear, prodigal, real, mighty, naughty, meek, extra, awful, able, plain, innocent, own, steady, nice, wonderful, glorious, classic, poor, splendid, little, typical, most, damned, same. You can get the definitions of these adjectives by clicking on them.

How do you describe a little boy?

Here are some adjectives for little boy: generally nasty, naughty and impertinent, pale and bright-eyed, extraordinarily devout, troublingly quiet, welly greedy, shy but well-behaved, particularly painstaking, adesperately unhappy, grubby but sweet, meek and apprehensive, smudged and ragged, ugly sad, defiant and …

adorable dear
amiable elegant
comely prepossessing
beguiling delectable
enticing gorgeous

How do you say a cute baby boy?

Ways to Describe a Cute Baby Boy

  1. fetching.
  2. fair.
  3. attractive.
  4. knockout.
  5. lovely.
  6. seemly.
  7. taking.
  8. well-favored.

Can we use beautiful for a baby boy?

Yes, you can absolutely use the word “beautiful” for a boy (or a man).

Can I call a baby boy beautiful?

If the boy is still a child, pre-adolescent, he can be described as being beautiful. sounds perfectly acceptable to my ears. The boy himself might object to being called beautiful once he turns into a teenager, as it is usually considered an effeminate term.

What is beautiful boy meaning?

1 adj A beautiful person is very attractive to look at., (Antonym: ugly) She was a very beautiful woman…, To me he is the most beautiful child in the world.

How would you describe a cute boy in one word?


  • attractive.
  • bonny.
  • comely.
  • easy on the eyes.
  • fine-looking.
  • good-looking.
  • gorgeous.
  • handsome.

How do you describe someone who is adorable?

Adorable means lovable, sweet, and childlike. The adjective adorable is mostly used to mean “cute,” when someone is describing something sweet or charming, like a baby or a pretty dress.

Can Adorable be used for a boy?

Yes. If the adult is adorable. Adorable can be used with adults, and domestic animals.

What does adorable mean in English?

extremely charming

How do you use the word adorable?

  1. He is adorable for his devotion to science.
  2. Your smile looks adorable. You should wear it more often.
  3. Your dress is absolutely adorable.
  4. My darling, you are adorable.
  5. The calves were really adorable.
  6. Oh what an adorable little baby!
  7. She has the most adorable two-year-old girl.
  8. What an adorable child!

What does it mean if a girl calls you adorable?

A girl calling you adorable, by itself, it wouldn’t mean much other than that she was complimenting you as a friend. If she also shows other signs of attraction around you then it would be more likely that she called you adorable due to being attracted to you.

What does adorable mean to a guy?

A guy calling you adorable might mean that he likes you especially if he only says it to you, if he says other similar things to you and if he shows other signs of attraction around you. He might also be teasing you, being condescending or doing it as a power-play.

Can you call a guy cute?

So yes, it is okay to call a guy cute. to me “handsome” always sounded like you’re calling the guy some baywatch character ripoff. it’s not an adjective i really like, lol. “cute” sounds much more of a genuine compliment, i think, and i never really associate it with something childish or girly.

Is being called cute by a guy a good thing?

Being called “cute” is a wonderful compliment to either a man or a woman. The word cute is typically used as a synonym to the words “very attractive”. Some people use “cute” instead of “beautiful” because the word cute has less of an emotional charge to it while conveying a similar idea.

How do you respond to being called adorable?

5 ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute: When it’s a crush

  1. 01“You must be looking at a mirror.”
  2. 02“Coming from you, that means a lot.”
  3. 03“I guess hanging out with you rubbed off on me.”
  4. 04“Sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.
  5. 05“I guess that makes two of us!
  6. 06“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

Are you looking for best compliments for boys? You have found the right place!

We have prepared for you a huge collection of compliments divided into several categories: about personality, beauty, effect on you, cute, flirty, funny, creative, and more…

You can jump directly to your favorite category:

Compliments for Boys about Personality

  1. I love how you can get along with anyone.
  2. You light up my world when you enter the room.
  3. You always know how to find that silver lining.
  4. Ever notice how easy it is for people to speak with you? It’s like you vibe out calmness.
  5. Your heart is made of gold.
  6. You are strong.
  7. It’s amazing to me how you always say the right thing.
  8. You have a beautiful inside.
  9. I’m curious – does intelligence run in your family? I ask because you are really smart.
  10. Thank you for being such a great listener.
  11. Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.
  12. I love the way your brain works. Your thought process is astonishing.
  13. You are special.
  14. The way you handled that challenging situation is really commendable.
  15. You bring out the best in other people.
  16. You make me smile.
  17. You are a good example.
  18. The way you are professionally driven is astounding.
  19. I’m impressed with how charming you can be with people. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you.
  20. You are so amazing to my friends. People just seem to gravitate to you.
  21. People just seem to like you naturally. It’s a gift.
  22. You always seem to come up with the most intelligent answers. Not everyone has that ability.
  23. You have a great heart.
  24. You have such a genuine, caring personality.
  25. You’re my inspiration.

Compliments for Boys about Personality

Compliments for Boys about Beauty / Physical Appearance

  1. You are as honest as an angel, and as handsome as a devil.
  2. You have such a well-toned body.
  3. You are so suave.
  4. You look really handsome.
  5. How do you manage to look cute and handsome at the same time?
  6. Your muscles are astonishing.
  7. You have such nice skin.
  8. You’re an eye candy.
  9. You are such a hunk.
  10. You look extra manly today. I like it.
  11. You look beautiful when you laugh.
  12. Your smile could disarm anyone.
  13. You have beautiful eyes.
  14. Those abs of yours are really nice.
  15. You are looking dapper today.
  16. Every time I see you, I notice how good you always look.
  17. I’m loving your sexy bed hair. The messy look works for you.
  18. You look so handsome in that outfit.
  19. You make sweating look good.
  20. You have nice lips.
  21. Wow… you weren’t kidding when you said you had been working out. Look at you!
  22. You have such impeccable style.
  23. Your hair looks amazing. How do you manage it so well?
  24. You are quite stylish and polished.
  25. Your good looks are always a pleasure to see.

Compliments for Boys about Beauty / Physical Appearance

Compliments for Boys about Effect on You

  1. Your eyes are so expressive. They keep telling me how much you love me.
  2. Your scent always attracts me towards you.
  3. I cannot control myself from noticing how good you look.
  4. You are the funniest guy I know.
  5. You turn me on more than anyone I’ve ever been with.
  6. I feel so deeply connected to you.
  7. Your good looks always steal my heart.
  8. I can’t help but blush around you.
  9. I know I can always count on you to help when I have a problem to solve.
  10. You make me feel like a special person with all your care and devotion.
  11. I respond to you on such a deep level.
  12. You never stop making me laugh.
  13. Your eyes are so captivating. I could get lost in them forever.
  14. I feel like I can accomplish so much more in my life because I have you as a safety net. I always feel supported by you and it means so much to me.
  15. I’ve never been more turned on by anyone. You make me weak in the knees so often.
  16. I’m so happy to have you in my life.
  17. I really appreciate everything that you do.
  18. You have an undisputed style that never fails to impress.
  19. Your smile is so captivating to me.
  20. I’ve never felt safer and more comfortable around any other person. I love being in your presence. 
  21. You always know how to make me smile.
  22. I feel so protected and comfortable around you. I love just being near you.
  23. Seeing you at the end of the day makes my life much better instantly.
  24. I’ve never met someone as kind as you are.
  25. I’m inspired by you.

Compliments for Boys about Effect on You

  1. You are cuter than any celebrity out there.
  2. Whenever I’m with you, I get butterflies in my tummy.
  3. You are so desirable.
  4. I love how much energy you put into lifting people up.
  5. Every time I see you, I notice how good you always look.
  6. I feel lucky when I’m with you.
  7. Oh! I just realized your soul animal is a cute puppy.
  8. You really are adorable.
  9. You got a sweet smile.
  10. Your charm is immeasurable.
  11. Whatever you’re doing to look this good, keep it up.
  12. I love talking to you and listening to you talk.
  13. You’re the reason why I can act all foolish and romantic.
  14. You are really so cute.
  15. Just looking at you makes me smile.
  16. The way you smile at me makes me lower my guard.
  17. You make me weak in the knees.
  18. I could get lost in your eyes, and never return to reality.
  19. Your attractiveness is off the charts.
  20. Your arms are my favorite place to be.
  21. Life with you is never boring.
  22. You smell fantastic.
  23. Your smile is my favorite thing.
  24. Your hug feels so warm and good.
  25. You continually impress me.

Cute Compliments for Boys

Flirty Compliments for Boys

  1. Your attractiveness is off the charts.
  2. There is not a sexier man on the planet than you. You look and smell amazing.
  3. I love being wrapped up in your sexy arms.
  4. Your eyes are so beautiful that I don’t want to look anywhere else.
  5. With just one smile of yours, you can make me lose my focus.
  6. Your scent always attracts me towards you.
  7. You are absolutely charming. I just can’t pull myself away from you.
  8. I don’t notice anyone when you are around because I am busy admiring you.
  9. Everything about you is sexy.
  10. When you give me attention, I feel I am the most special person on this planet.
  11. There’s something about your smile that gets me every single time.
  12. I cannot control myself from noticing how good you look.
  13. Spending time with you makes any day a special one for me.
  14. Your eyes are so captivating, I could wander in them forever.
  15. You are so attractive that I just can’t stay away from you.
  16. You are creative, open-minded, and insightful. Your way of thinking turns me on.
  17. Whenever I see you, I realize I have fallen for the most handsome man.
  18. Even on my worst days, I feel beautiful when you look at me.
  19. Your sexy voice makes me weak in the knees. I could listen to you talk forever.
  20. I find it difficult to resist your fit body and clean face cut.
  21. You are so irresistible.
  22. You sometimes hypnotize me!
  23. I love to make you happy because then I get to enjoy that beautiful smile of yours.
  24. You are so unbelievably sexy to me.
  25. Thank goodness, I have never been able to resist your charms.

Flirty Compliments for Boys

Creative/Unique Compliments for Boys

  1. Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time.
  2. Being around you is like being on a happy little vacation.
  3. You remind me of a search engine! I’m always impressed with how much you seem to know about just about everything. 
  4. Babies and small animals probably love you.
  5. Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right times is impressive.
  6. You always know – and say – exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
  7. You’re more fun than a ball pit filled with candy.
  8. You could survive a zombie apocalypse.
  9. You’re more fun than bubble wrap.
  10. You’re a candle in the darkness.
  11. In high school I bet you were voted “most likely to keep being awesome.”
  12. You’re like sunshine on a rainy day.
  13. Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and I get it. And I like that.
  14. Colors seem brighter when you’re around.
  15. Is that your picture next to “charming” in the dictionary?
  16. I bet you sweat glitter.
  17. You’re gorgeous – and that’s the least interesting about you, too.
  18. You’re better than a triple scoop ice cream one. With sprinkles.
  19. You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
  20. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  21. Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
  22. I bet you make babies smile.
  23. I like the look of your eyes. It is easy for me to get lost in them. It really makes you look like you have something deep to think about.
  24. You’re even better than a unicorn, because you’re real.
  25. You may dance like no one’s watching, but everyone’s watching because you’re an amazing dancer!

Creative/Unique Compliments for Boys

Funny/Cheesy Compliments for Boys

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  2. Your eyes are like the ocean; I could swim in them all day.
  3. Are you a time traveler? Because I absolutely see you in my future.
  4. There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you.
  5. I always thought happiness started with an ‘h’ but it turns out mine starts with ‘u.’
  6. You’re more fun than a pool filled with colorful balls and candy.
  7. I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.
  8. Let’s say you were cloned. I bet you’d still be one of a kind. And the better looking one!
  9. You’re more fun than a bubble wrap.
  10. I was wondering if you could tell me: if you’re here, who’s running heaven?
  11. You’re that “nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about.
  12. You could never be ice cream, because you’re so hot.
  13. You’re so adorable you could probably get away with murder.
  14. There’s ordinary. And then there’s you.
  15. In a world full of bagels, you’re a doughnut.
  16. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes.
  17. I would never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find.
  18. They say Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.
  19. If you were a song, you’d be the best track on the album.
  20. I’d say God bless you, but it looks like he already did.
  21. I ought to complain to Spotify for you not being named this week’s hottest single.
  22. If you were a fruit, you’d be a ‘fine-apple.’
  23. Are you a parking ticket? Cause you’ve got fine written all over you.
  24. Your face makes other people look ugly.
  25. Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’m searching for.

Funny/Cheesy Compliments for Boys

One Word Compliments for Boys

  1. Striking
  2. Strong
  3. Handsome
  4. Genuine
  5. Cool
  6. Brave
  7. Lively
  8. Hot
  9. Relaxed
  10. Incredible
  11. Calm
  12. Captivating
  13. Courageous
  14. Funny
  15. Honorable
  16. Breathtaking
  17. Extraordinary
  18. Respectful
  19. Resourceful
  20. Clever
  21. Irresistible
  22. Upbeat
  23. Intelligent
  24. Wise
  25. Outstanding

Check our other good collections:

  • 379 Best Love Messages for Him (absolutely Heart-Touching)
  • 735 Best Comments for Boys Pics (to Absolutely Impress Him)
  • 537 Flirty & Dirty Questions to Ask a Guy (to Spice It Up)
  • 351 Mind Blowing Questions That Will Make You Think Hard

Compliments for Boys about Personality

Compliments for Boys about Beauty

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In this Article

  • How To Choose A Nickname For A Boy?
  • Baby Boy Nicknames
  • Funny Nicknames
  • Cute Nicknames
  • Cool Nicknames
  • Unique Nicknames
  • Food Themed Nicknames
  • Cartoon Themed Nicknames
  • Superhero Themed Nickname
  • Unusual Nicknames
  • Sweet Nicknames
  • Animal Themed Nicknames
  • Nicknames for Boys with Meanings
  • FAQs

Nicknames for baby boys are getting more stylish and modern. From trendy names like Theo and Wally to traditional names that stand the test of time, there are plenty to choose from. Depending on your tastes and preferences, we’ve come up with a list of genres you might like.

Browse through our lists and explore some of the top cool, vintage, and beautiful nickname options out there.

How To Choose A Nickname For A Boy?

Choosing a nickname for your baby boy is actually quite simple. A nickname is something you give someone out of affection and love. A nickname can essentially be anything! You can choose a nickname that rhymes with your baby’s name or one that starts with the same letter. Anything goes as long as you like it! 

Baby Boy Nicknames

Whether you are on the quest for a boy’s cute nickname or looking for results for a short nickname for boy, we have listed every kind of nickname you could imagine down below. Take your time and have a look.

Funny Nicknames

If you’re on the hunt for a funny nickname for baby boy, we’ve got you covered – because there’s plenty.

  1. Bacterium
  2. Beefy
  3. Blanket
  4. Bungie
  5. Charlie
  6. Cheeks
  7. Chubs
  8. Cookie
  9. Crazy
  10. Daffy
  11. Dentonic
  12. Dexter
  13. Druncola
  14. Fatty
  15. Fruitloop
  16. Goofy
  17. Gypsy
  18. Jabba
  19. Jazzy
  20. Johnny
  21. Kooky
  22. Macho
  23. Mando
  24. Nuts
  25. Pizzeria
  26. Potato
  27. Rook
  28. Spanky
  29. Virus
  30. Wonka

Cute Nicknames

Cute nicknames never go out of style. We believe that which is why we’ve given you the best ones below.

  1. Batman
  2. Bean
  3. Beast
  4. Bestie
  5. Buddy
  6. Casanova
  7. Chip
  8. Dumpling
  9. Foxy
  10. General
  11. Hero
  12. Honey
  13. Hottie
  14. Kiddo
  15. Love
  16. Mister
  17. Monkey
  18. Muffin
  19. Papa
  20. Pooh
  21. Prince
  22. Pumpkin
  23. Snookums
  24. Soldier
  25. Sugar
  26. Tiger
  27. Warrior
  28. Wolverine
  29. Yankee
  30. Zorro


Cool Nicknames

If you want bragging rights for the future as a parent, explore our list of cool baby boy nicknames and be amazed.

  1. Ace
  2. Adonis
  3. Alex
  4. Alpha
  5. Amazing
  6. Andy
  7. Atom
  8. Azucar
  9. Bambi
  10. Beagle
  11. Bear
  12. Biggie
  13. Blueberry
  14. Brainiac
  15. Bro
  16. Captain
  17. Champ
  18. Chief
  19. Dick
  20. Drew
  21. Flash
  22. Gorgeous
  23. Hulk
  24. Lion
  25. Rick
  26. Sherlock
  27. Ted
  28. Theo
  29. Tommy
  30. Vegas

Unique Nicknames

Unique nicknames are the rare ones you hear about so often. They have an allure to them and never go out of style. From modern nickname choices to vintage and authoritative ones, we’ve got a few gems on our list.

  1. Avocado
  2. Blue
  3. Bumpkin
  4. Chuck
  5. Doozer
  6. Ducky
  7. Earl
  8. Fitz
  9. Gus
  10. Hill
  11. Howard
  12. Isaac
  13. Lentil
  14. Monty
  15. Nuggie
  16. Oliver
  17. Ollie
  18. Phil
  19. Phillip
  20. Popper
  21. Randy
  22. Spawn
  23. Spot
  24. Tad
  25. Tyke
  26. William
  27. Wim
  28. Woody
  29. Zeke
  30. Zu


Food Themed Nicknames

Do you love food? Show your appreciation for everything culinary with these food-themed nicknames.

  1. Alfredo
  2. Barley
  3. Almond
  4. Anise
  5. Benedict
  6. Cobb
  7. Colby
  8. Hash
  9. Joe
  10. Waldorf

Cartoon Themed Nicknames

Enjoy watching cartoons? Then try out these names.

  1. Amos
  2. Arlo
  3. Buzz
  4. Bolt
  5. Clayton
  6. Duke
  7. Finn
  8. Gaston
  9. Hans
  10. James

Superhero Themed Nickname

These nicknames don’t just sound cute but they’re truly heroic.

  1. Quicksand
  2. Tornado
  3. Deadshot
  4. Turbine
  5. Fireball
  6. Glazier
  7. Monsoon
  8. Barrage
  9. Apex
  10. Onyx

Unusual Nicknames

It is common for parents to want a unique and unusual nickname for their little one. Unusual nicknames are a great conversation starter and give your child a unique personality too. In this list, we have some unusual nicknames for you to consider for your little one. 

  1. Beanstalk
  2. Beethoven
  3. BFG
  4. Brains
  5. Drogo
  6. Dynamo
  7. Echo
  8. Eeyore
  9. Falcon
  10. Fox
  11. Gandalf
  12. Hammer
  13. Hobbit
  14. Homer
  15. Homie
  16. Jedi
  17. Joey
  18. Kermit
  19. Killer
  20. Levi
  21. Maverick
  22. Mowgli
  23. Ninja
  24. Owlet
  25. Piglet

Sweet Nicknames

In this list, we have some sweet nicknames you can consider giving to your little boy. Sweet nicknames show your affection towards your little one and will make them feel loved every time you call it out! 

  1. Apple
  2. Bee
  3. Birdie
  4. Bug
  5. Bun
  6. Cheese Ball
  7. Chick
  8. Chinchilla
  9. Cocoa Puff
  10. Cricket
  11. Dove
  12. Fuzzy Bear
  13. Fuzzy Bunny
  14. Giggle Bear
  15. Giggle Bunny
  16. Goosie Goose
  17. Huggy Bunny
  18. Lovie Dovie
  19. Monkey Doodle
  20. Moogie Bear
  21. Mouse
  22. Mousey Poo
  23. Peppermint
  24. Pippin
  25. Plum
  26. Poodles
  27. Pooh Pup
  28. Shortcake
  29. Silly Bear
  30. Silly Goose

Animal Themed Nicknames

Animal-themed nicknames are quite common among parents who are animal lovers. They give your child a touch of nature whilst being cute and adorable. Here are some animal-themed nicknames – 

  1. Duckie
  2. Panda
  3. Lovebug
  4. Honey Bunny
  5. Tadpole
  6. Wiggle Worm
  7. Snug-a-bug
  8. Cuddle Bunny
  9. Chunky Monkey
  10. Chickadee
  11. Bunny
  12. Funny Bunny
  13. Pup
  14. Cub
  15. Duckling

Nicknames for Boys with Meanings

Last but not least, nicknames aside, we realize you may want some of the classics when it comes to naming. Here’s a list of popular baby boy nicknames with meaning given below:


1. Archie

Archie is a popular baby boy name with ties to the royal family. It was among the top 1000 in the US during the early 80s. The meaning of Archie is ‘Truly Brave.’

2. Angus

Angus means ‘one strength’ and its roots go back to Glasgow. It was also the name of a chieftain-lord who benefited humanity by making use of his spiritual powers.

3. Barnaby

Barnaby translates to ‘son of consolation.’ It is of English origin and refers to St. Paul’s companion who was an apostle that journeyed with him during his days.

4. Balthazar

A variant of King Belshazzar’s name that made an appearance in the Book of Daniel, Balthazar means ‘Bel protects the King.’ It also referred to one of the Three Wise Men.

5. Chester

Chester has two meanings – fortress and camp. Admiral Chester Nimitz was hailed as a hero during WWII and was a bearer of this name.

6. Duncan

Duncan means ‘dark-haired,’ ‘chief,’ or ‘dark warrior. ‘ It is of Scottish origin and it was a popular occupational name during the 1940s.

7. Ewan

Ewan is a popular baby boy’s name with many connections to family trees. It has ties to John, Owen, and Hugh. The meaning of Ewan is ‘born of the yew tree.’

8. Eamon

Eamon means ‘protector of the rich’ and was also a title given to the president of Ireland to honor him.

9. Hugo

Hugo means ‘mind,’ ‘heart,’ or ‘spirit.’ It is linked with the lucky number 6 and is a Christian baby boy name.

10. Hugh

Hugh is a name that was once borne by the 10th century King of France. It is a variant of the word Hugo and means ‘intellect.’

11. Otto

Otto is a 7th-century name and it means ‘wealth’ or ‘prosperity.’ The bearer of this name was the emperor of a Holy Roman Empire.

12. Otis

Otis means wealthy or ‘the son of Otto.’ It was used as a title for high ranking members of society in the past and belonged to the Christian faith.

13. Oscar

Oscar is a strong and masculine title that means ‘God’ and ‘Spear.’ Charming children are given this.

14. Magnus

Magnus means ‘great’ and was popular during the Viking period. Many Norse Kings bore this name.

15. Rufus

Rufus is a name given to read-headed boys since its meaning is ‘red-headed’. King William who had red hair was also the bearer of this name.


What Is A Nickname?

A nickname is a short or humourous name given to a person apart from their actual name. A nickname may or may not be related to a person’s actual name. 

Can Siblings Have Nicknames For Each Other?

Yes, siblings, too, can have nicknames for each other. Nicknames are given out of love, and siblings giving each other nicknames will only allow their relationship to grow. 

What If Your Child Doesn’t Like Their Nickname?

If your child doesn’t like their nickname, you can sit down and try to understand why it is they don’t like it. If the reason they give seems genuine, you should consider changing their nickname. There are a lot of good nicknames for boys out there!

Try out these names and we’re sure you will be pleased with the results. Some of these names go well with kids who have unique personality traits. Talk to your friends and family and see what they think too.

Something changes in you when you become a parent. Even if you never imagined yourself using baby talk or calling your child pet names like chipmunk or dumpling, you find yourself spontaneously coming up with cute nicknames that are somehow just the perfect fit for your baby boy.

Sometimes, the nickname sticks so much that you hardly ever use your son’s real name.

But, finding that ideal nickname for your little one can also be elusive. Maybe Cutie sounds too cliche, while Cheeseball is just a little too, well cheesy.

We rounded up the best nicknames for boys to inspire you. Our list has funny nicknames, cute nicknames, and other unique and cool nicknames for your little boy. We even included a section for matching nicknames for pairs of brothers or best friends.

Related: 25 Creative Nicknames for William

Funny Nicknames for Boys

Try these funny names out and see which one seems to fit your little boy.

  • Doodle
  • Goober
  • Goofy
  • Booboo
  • Hobbit
  • Hotshot
  • Wiggle
  • Bubby Boo
  • Chubby Cheeks
  • Giggles

Cute Nicknames for Boys

Adorable and happy baby boy

Something about saying these cute names just makes you want to squeeze and cuddle your little cutie.

  • Babyface
  • Pooh
  • Bambi
  • Bubba
  • Champ
  • Cutie Patootie
  • Cutie Pie
  • Dimples
  • Lovey
  • Munchkin
  • Shortie
  • Bitsy
  • Blue Eyes
  • Brown Eyes
  • Handsome
  • Bambino
  • Mini-me
  • Bubbles
  • Sweety-peetie
  • Sweetheart

Animal Nicknames for Boys

Cute baby boy in animal robe laying on his stomach

If your baby boy reminds you of an adorable animal, go ahead and use that animal as a term of endearment. Here are some ideas:

  • Chipmunk
  • Duckie
  • Panda
  • Bear
  • Lovebug
  • Honey Bunny
  • Tiger
  • Tadpole
  • Wiggle Worm
  • Snug-a-bug
  • Monkey
  • Cuddle Bunny
  • Chunky Monkey
  • Chipmunk
  • Chickadee
  • Bunny
  • Funny Bunny
  • Pup
  • Cub
  • Duckling

Food-Related Pet Names for Boys 

Why do we nickname kids with the names of food? Maybe because they seem good enough to eat! Try these food nicknames out:

  • Cupcake
  • Cutie Pie
  • Jellybean
  • Meatball
  • Nugget
  • Baby Cakes
  • Half-pint
  • Honey Bunch
  • Tater Tot
  •  Short Cake

Unique Nicknames for Boys

Some nicknames are classic names and common, while others are more original and unique. Here are some of our favorite unique names and nicknames:

  • Rockstar
  • Smiley
  • Sparky
  • Bestie
  • Turbo
  • Knockout
  • Heat
  • Brewski
  • Bro
  • Dynamo

Nicknames for Best Friends

If you have two little boys or your son has a best friend that he is inseparable from, try matching pet names for the pair of them. Here are some of our favorite nicknames for best friends:

  • Chip and Dale
  • Bonnie and Clyde
  • Bread and Butter
  • Double Trouble
  • 2 Peas in a Pod

FAQ: How to Choose a Nickname 

Mom and son playing, choosing a nickname

1 What is a nickname? 

A nickname is any kind of pet name you use instead someone’s real name. Sometimes, nicknames are based on a person’s full name, such as calling a boy named Frederick “Freddy”. Other times, nicknames can relate to a person’s appearance, such as calling someone with brown eyes “Brown Eyes”. Nicknames can also be random and just sound cute, like “Bubba” or “Dumpling”.

2 Should I nickname my baby boy? 

Nicknames are not required. You can call your son only his real name if you would like! But you might find yourself naturally gravitating towards pet names after he is born. There is something about that cute baby face that just begs to be called “Munchkin” or some other term of endearment.

3 What are some unique nicknames for boys? 

Sometimes the best nicknames are those that are not as common. They often come to you spontaneously, such as in nicknaming your son “Toes” if his toes are just the cutest thing you have ever seen. You can also come up with a cool nickname like Fox or Teddy that your baby boy can use throughout his life (“Toes” probably won’t last past the first couple of years of life, even if you wish it could!)

4 How do I choose a nickname for my baby boy? 

If no pet names roll off your tongue while you are playing with your cooing little baby, you can just call your baby his real name. But if you really want to come up with a cool nickname, try making a list.

Go through our list above and write down all of the names that resonate with you. Say them out loud to your little one and see how each one feels. Cross off any that just do not feel right.

Once your list is a bit shorter, think about whether you want to choose a special pet name that just you use, or whether you want a more fixed nickname that your son might use with his friends as he grows. If choosing the latter, you will want something that will not embarrass him when he’s older! But, if you prefer the former, feel free to choose whatever nickname sounds like it fits best.

5 Can siblings nickname each other? 

Siblings often have their own special nicknames for each other. Sometimes, a sibling-created nickname becomes a long-term pet name used by friends and family for years.

Often, a younger sibling will nickname their big brother, using their attempts to say the word “brother” or their brother’s name. Nicknames for a big brother might include: “Jayjay” for Jason or “Booboo” for brother. But sometimes these nicknames sound completely random too. 

Older siblings might also come up with their own special pet names for their baby brother. It can be very special to hear your older child using their own nicknames with your baby boy.

6 What if my child hates their nickname? 

Nicknames don’t always work out. If your son stops liking his nickname or asks you not to use it, it is best to respect his wishes. Even if discontinuing the use of your baby boy’s nickname makes you feel a little sad, your son’s comfort comes first. You can keep the nickname in your memories.

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1. Angus – Great for boys who are strong and beefy.

2. Amore Mio – Italian for “my love”.

3. Agapi-mou – Greek for “my love”.

4. Angel – A perfect choice for angelic boyfriends.

5. Babe – The classic nickname for guys.

6. Baby Cakes – A cute take on the classic “babe” nickname. Bonus points if he likes cake (who doesn’t?).

7. Bad Boy – The ideal choice for rebels and all-around bad boys.

8. Bear – For the big and strong guys who are sweet and soft in the middle.

9. Big Guy – For tall or big guys. This name will feed his ego.

10. Boo – Another classic pet name, but still a favorite.

11. Boobear – An adorable take on the classic “boo” nickname. Great for big guys.

12. Candy – The perfect name for the man who is as sweet as candy.

13. Casanova – If he’s charming and sweeps you off your feet, this is the perfect nickname for him.

14. Captain – An unusual but charming nickname for guys who like to take charge – or love sailing.

15. Charming – A great name for the guy who knows all the right things to say to sweep you off your feet.

16. Chief – For the guy who likes to take charge, chief is a great nickname.

17. Cowboy – For the rugged and wild man. Cowboy is always a classic choice that guys love.

18. Romeo – For the charmer who loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

19. My Prince – If your man treats you like a princess, calling him “my prince” is a fitting name.

20. Cutie Pie – If he’s a cutie, this is the perfect pet name for him.

21. Dearie – A great pet name for the guy who doesn’t like “cutesy” nicknames.

22. Darling – Another classic pet name for the one you love.

23. My Everything – If he means the world to you, this is the right nickname for him.

24. Foxy – For the guy who gets you going and is smoking hot.

25. Firecracker – For the guy who’s unpredictable, exciting and explosive at times.

26. Gorgeous – If your man is gorgeous, don’t be afraid to tell him.

27. Hercules – For the guy who is strong and courageous.

28. Gumdrop – The perfect nickname for the guy who is sweet enough to eat.

29. Honey – For the guy who is as sweet as honey.

30. Honey Buns – For the guy with sweet buns!

31. Hot Stuff – If he’s too hot to handle, this is the right pet name for him.

32. Hun – A classic pet name, but a cute one.

33. Jellybean – For the guy who is sweet and brings a smile to your face.

34. Knight in Shining Armor – For the gallant guy who’s chivalrous and always rescues his damsel in distress (you).

35. Ladies Man – This name gets straight to the point. If the ladies love him, he’s definitely a Ladies Man.

36. Love Muffin – For the guy whose love you can’t get enough of.

37. Mr. Perfect – For the guy who makes you happy no matter what he does. A cheesy nickname, but one he’ll love.

38. My Love – A nickname that lets him know how much he means to you.

39. My World – Our hearts just melted with this one. A nickname like this is perfect for the guy who means the world to you.

40. Other Half – For the guy you just can’t live without. A great nickname for a guy you have been with for a long time or are always with.

41. Puppy – For the guy who follows you around like a lovesick puppy dog.

42. Robin Hood – A cute nickname for the guy who does the right thing.

43. Rockstar – A great pet name for musician boyfriends. Let him know that he’s the rockstar in your life.

44. Snuggle Bug – An adorable nickname for the guy you like to snuggle with.

45. Soul Mate – For serious couples who are positively head over heels in love.

46. Sugar Lips – For the guy with seriously kissable and sweet lips.

47. Sunshine – Because he brings light into your life.

48. One and Only – There’s no one else in the world for you. A great nickname for serious couples who are thinking of taking their relationship to the next level.

49. Stallion – For the manly man who makes you weak in the knees. Don’t forget to add in a little whistle when you call him this.

50. Teddy Bear – For the guy you love to cuddle and snuggle with.

51. Tough Guy – A pet name he’ll love. Perfect for guys who have a tough attitude.

52. Sweetie Pie – Because he’s as sweet as pie, isn’t he? While this name is a bit cheesy, he’ll still love being called “sweetie pie”.

53. Viking – Because he’s pillaged your heart. A great nickname for fans of the show, or guys who don’t like cheesy nicknames.

54. Tiger – For the guy who is a bit wild in the bedroom. Careful – he likes to pounce!

55. Handsome – A classic name, and one that he’ll love. This is a pet name that will work for any guy.

56. Hero – For the guy who always protects you and saves the day.

57. Hot Stuff – Because he’s so hot, he sizzles. This nickname is sure to bring out his devilish smile.

58. Hot Chocolate – Who doesn’t love hot chocolate? If he’s sinfully delicious, this is the perfect nickname.

59. Nibbles – Because you love to nibble on him.

60. Ouji – Means “Prince” in Japanese.

61. Papa Bear – For the guy you can always rely on.

62. Panda Bear – Because he’s cuddly, and guys like him are rare.

63. Popeye – For the sailor, or guy who likes to stay fit.

64. Yummy – Do we really need to explain?

65. Zorro – Because he’s sexy and mysterious.

66. Untamed – For the guy who is wild, free, and can’t be held down.

67. Goofy – Because he always makes you laugh. A great pet name for the silly guy.

68. Honey Bunch – For the guy who is too sweet to handle.

69. Love – Simple, classic and adorable.

70. My Beloved – A timeless nickname for the love of your life.

71. My King – Because he’s the only man who rules your heart.

72. Stud Muffin – A name he’ll love. A perfect choice for the man’s man.

73. Sugar Puff – Because he’s so sweet, you can’t stand it.

74. Zany – For the guy who is a little offbeat or eccentric.

75. Wuggle Bear – This name is so adorable, even he will say “aww”.

76. Yummy Bear – For the guy who is yummy and as cuddly as a bear.

77. WinkyDink – We’re not sure what this name means, but it’s so fun to say and absolutely adorable.

78. Wonderful – Because he’s the most wonderful man in the world.

79. Sweetie – A classic pet name that never gets old. He’s sweeter than sugar, so let him know it.

80. Good Lookin’ – A nickname to give him a little extra ego boost. Let him know how good he looks.

81. Hunk of Manmeat – A cute pet name that lets him know how sexy he is.

82. Sexy Devil – For the guy who is devilishly sexy. Use this nickname to let him know that you’re ready to take him to bed.

83. Sex Bomb – Because he’s so sexy, he’s dangerous. If he’s a manly man, this is a great nickname to let him know how sexy he is.

84. Champ – For the guy who never calls it quits or succeeds at everything he does. If he’s a brawny guy with a tough attitude, this is the right pet name for him.

85. Sweet Cheeks – A cute nickname for the guy with kissable cheeks – or a cute butt.

86. My Heart – A sweet pet name for the guy who has stolen your heart.

87. My Man – Simple and to the point. This pet name lets him know that he’s yours.

88. Superman – Because he always saves the day. A great nickname for guys who are comic book fans.

89. Pumpkin – An endearing pet name for a guy who is as round and cute as a pumpkin.

90. Dimples – A great nickname for guys with irresistible dimples.

91. Spanky – A silly pet name that will make him laugh and smile.

92. Chicken – In other parts of the world, women often call their men animal names, like “chicken” or “ducky” as a sign of endearment.

93. Woody – A cute variation of “cowboy”; refers to Woody from Toy Story.

94. Superstar – Let him know that he’s the star in your life.

95. Tarzan – For the guy who is rugged and strong.

96. Snookums – An adorable nickname, but one that may be too gushy for some guys.

97. Sexy Dork – Because he’s obviously sexy, but still a dork.

98. Sexy Man – It doesn’t get more straightforward than this pet name.

99. Snuggy – Because you love to snuggle with him.

100. Pudding Pop – Who doesn’t love pudding pops? This pet name is great for guys with a sweet tooth, or who are just too adorable for words.

101. Pookie Bear – This nickname is so cute it hurts.

102. Oreo – Because he’s as sweet and delicious as the cookie.

103. Nutty – For the guy who can get a bit crazy at times.

104. Marshmallow – Because he’s as tasty as these yummy treats.

105. Lady Killer – For the guy who breaks hearts. This is one pet name he won’t mind being called.

106. Kissy Face – Because he has such a kissable face.

107. Jelly Bear – A combination of jelly beans and bears. Great for guys who are big, strong and sweet.

108. Iron Man – Great for guys who need an ego boost. Men love superhero nicknames, and it’s hard to beat Iron Man.

109. Hot Stuff – Because he makes you sweat.

110. Heartbreaker – Another pet name that will give him a little confidence boost.

111. Hunk – Because he’s the hottest guy you know. Let’s face it – all guys want to be called “hunk”.

112. Favorite – Because he’s definitely your favorite person.

113. G-Man – Stands for “Gorgeous Man,” and he certainly is gorgeous, isn’t he?

114. Eye Candy – What man wouldn’t want to be called “eye candy”?

115. Daddy – Some men loved to be called “daddy” or “papi”.

116. Darlin’ – An old nickname, but adorable nonetheless.

117. Wonder Boy – Because he’s sweet and strong.

118. Sweetums – He may not like to be called this in public, but he won’t mind being told how sweet he is when you two are alone together.

119. Yankee – For guys who are fans of baseball.

120. Snapper – A cute nickname for guys with short tempers.

121. Sparkie – Because he lights a spark in your heart.

122. Sexy Pants – A silly but adorable nickname for that sexy guy in your life.

123. Quirky – Because he’s a bit odd, but that’s what you love about him.

124. Quake – For the guy who makes the earth tremble when he looks at you.

125. Omega – A unique nickname for the guy who is your end all be all; your world.

126. Mi Amour – Means “My Love” in Spanish.

127. Looker – Let him know how good looking he is.

128. Bee’s Knees – Because he’s the best thing around.

129. Better Half – A great nickname for couples, the guy you have been with for years. Let him know that he’s your better half.

130. Cookie – Because he’s as sweet and delicious as this much-loved treat.

131. Cuddlebug – The perfect pet name for the guy who likes to cuddle.

132. Dumpling – Everyone loves dumplings. Let him know how delicious he is.

133. Flame – For the guy who lights a fire in your heart.

134. McDreamy – A cute nickname for dreamy guys.

135. Mr. Cutie – For guys who are so cute, you can’t call them anything else.

136. My Sweet Boy – May be too gushy for some guys, but a sweet pet name nonetheless.

137. Pooh Bear – Referring to Winnie the Pooh. An adorable pet name for cuddly guys.

138. Slick – For the smooth guy.

139. Sexiness – Because he’s the epitome of sexiness.

140. Treasure – A cute nickname for a guy you treasure.

141. Cinnamon – For guys who are extra sweet.

142. Daddy Mack – For manly men who like to be called “daddy”.

143. Snickerdoodle – Like the cookie, he’s just as sweet and delicious.

144. Boy Toy – If he doesn’t mind you taking control, he might like being called your “boy toy”.

145. Bright Eyes – For guys with dreamy, beautiful eyes.

146. Bad Kitty – Because sometimes he can be a little naughty.

147. Kit Kat – A cute nickname for guys who love the candy of the same name, or are incredibly sweet.

148. Lemon Drop – Because he’s sweet, but can sometimes be sour.

149. Love Bug – This nickname is too cute for words.

150. Merlin – For guys who are fans of magic. Let him know that he put a spell on you.

151. Babysaurus – An adorable take on the classic “baby” pet name. Hey, check out Petsomely to find the best things for your pets & more.

152. Main Man – Because there’s no other man for you.

153. Don Juan – He’s a Casanova who has swept you off your feet.

154. True Love – Because he’s your one and only true love.

Sick of calling your guy my love or baby? We have collected 400 Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend. It is nice to call your boyfriend with some new names to spice things up a bit between you two rather than just calling same old names all the time. Sometimes, it is hard to find names that go with the stage of your relationship but this list will solve all your problems. Just quit brainstorming and aching your head in order to come up with new and original nicknames all the time. Here are 400 Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend:

Cute Pet names to Call Your Boyfriend

      1. Shot Glass– This is nice name for a guy that drives you mad and intoxicates you terribly.
      2. Babes- The most common pet name girls use to make guys feel good about their appearance.
      3. Sweetie- a very common pet name that is also used by married couples and has zero chance of hurting his feelings.
      4. Huggies– A cute pet name for a guy you just love hugging.
      5. Sparky– this is reserved for a guy who lights up your fire of passion every time you see him.
      6. Oreo– a cute pet name for guy who is sweet, dark and handsome.
      7. Snuggle Muffin– Does your guy love snuggling with you?
      8. Stud– an extremely sexy guy who turns tons of head every day.
      9. Spiky – if your guy loves touching and kissing you all the time, this is the best name for him.
      10. Pitbull – this one is a good pet name for a rough and tough guy.
      11. Hot Lips – is your guy a great kisser and takes you to another world with his kisses?

        Foody names to Call Your Boyfriend

      12. Honey Bunch– another derivative of honey for a supportive, sweet and comfortable to be with type of guy
      13. Sugar Pie– Does he make you feel like eating him? if yes, then try this one.
      14. Gum Drop– a perfect combination of a sweet and sexy guy.
      15. Oreo– a cute pet name for guy who is sweet, dark and handsome.
      16. Pancakes– a good nickname for a guy who is just so sweet and adorable.
      17. Cuddle Cakes– If you guy is sweet and cuddly, you should definitely use this one.
      18. Hon’– this one comes from ‘honey’ and is meant for a boy who is pure and sweet as honey.
      19. Cuddle Cakes– for a guy who is huggable and too sweet to be true.
      20. Butternut– A man who makes your heart melt at every glance.
      21. Cinnamon– this is a cute name for a guy who spices up your life.
      22. Chef– this is for a guy who cooks great food for you.
      23. Love Muffin – Does your guy make you feel really comfortable and is adorable?
      24. Marshmallow – This is for a boyfriend with a really soft, kind and affectionate heart.
      25. Snookie– this comes from sugar and cookie and it is for a boy who is a perfect combination of sweet and unique.
      26. Cupcake– if you find a guy extremely sweet, this is for him.
      27. Jelly Bean– Does your boyfriend spread color and magic in your life?
      28. Mustard – A cool name for a guy who is both sweet and sour.
      29. Peaches- Peaches sounds sweet and is actually meant for a sweet lady.
      30. Sugar– This is for a guy who is sweet like sugar and extremely loving.

        Cute names to Call Your Boyfriend

      31. Peanut– A guy who seems tough on the outside yet has a crunchy core.
      32. Kookie– This is the guy who is simply eatable and you can’t stay without eating him all up.
      33. Yummers– For a guy you simply can’t resist eating.
      34. Shortcake– this sugar name is for a guy who is extraordinarily cute.
      35. Pudding Pop– this name is for a guy whose company you always enjoy.
      36. Cherry– this is for a guy who drop dead gorgeous yet looks innocent.
      37. Pumpkin– This is for a guy with a sensitive and soft heart.
      38. Apple– if your guy is extremely precious to you, this serves as a cute name.
      39. Honey Buns– For a man who is extremely sweet and tempting.
      40. Butterscotch– cool nickname for a sweet African-American boy.
      41. Pumpkin pie– this sugary name is for a guy who too sweet to be true.
      42. Sugar Muffin– a guy completely intoxicating and extremely exciting at the same time.
      43. Smarties– a guy who spreads color in your life and is sweet as chocolate.
      44. Mushroom– A guy with a soft heart and with naught characteristics.
      45. Suga– A shorter version of ‘sugar’.
      46. Adorable– if he is love personified along with being a hunk, adorable is a nice name for him.
      47. Agapi Mou– This is a Greek way of saying ‘My Love’ and is a great pet name to tell him how much he means to you.
      48. Amante– Amante is ‘lover’ in Spanish. You can tell him how well he knows the art of love by calling him with this nickname.
      49. Amigo– If your guy is trust worthy, this is a perfect name.
      50. Amore Mio– This is an Italian way of saying ‘my love’ or ‘my sweet heart’.
      51. Anchor – has your guy set his place at the highest rank in your heart? Then definitely he is your
      52. Avatar– This is for a guy who has landed just from heaven; your dream guy.
      53. Baby– Just another way of saying my love.
      54. Baby Boo– this is a perfect name to call him with if you have just began your relationship.
      55. Dearest one –a good nick name to tell him how close to your heart he is.
      56. My All– This is for a guy who is your everything and means the most to you.
      57. My King–If he has taken over your heart, he is surely your king.
      58. Apple of My Eye– a cute nick name for a guy who means most to you.
      59. Love of my Life-This is for your one true and this one never gets old.
      60. My Beloved– a classic nickname for a guy you want to get old with.
      61. Major – This is for a guy with great killer looks and knows how to deal with a woman.
      62. My Beautiful Beloved– For a guy you love endlessly without boundaries.
      63. Chuf chuf– this is for your boyfriend who is jolly and funny.
      64. My Sunshine- a good name for a guy who brightens up your life.
      65. Pooh– Is he cute, polite, soft and loveable like Winnie the Pooh?
      66. Chubby bunny– for a guy who is chubby yet cute and adorable.
      67. Chook– this is a good name for a guy saves you from troubles and keeps you happy.
      68. Lord of the Vikings– a tough guy who is hot, vocal and loud.
      69. Love– another way of saying sweetheart.
      70. My Drug– For a guy you are completely addicted to and cannot live without.
      71. Captain love muffin– A guy who takes the lead when it comes to hot look and being sweet.
      72. My Prince– if it suits his majesty, then you should definitely call his with this cute name.
      73. My World- if he means everything to you, this is a perfect name for him.
      74. Hugster–  Another name for the guy who is adorably huggable.
      75. Blue Eyes– If he has blue eyes, calling him blue eyes is a good way of praising his eyes too.
      76. Boo Bear– for a boy who is a great mix of both handsome and sweet.
      77. Bright Eyes–For a guy who is full of spirit and energy all the time.
      78. Baby Doll – is your boyfriend irresistibly cute? This one is a perfect name for him.
      79. Bad Boy – if your guy is a perfect rebel yet attractive, this nickname goes for him.
      80. Hunny Pants– Another derivative of honey which is for a guy you simply can’t stay away from.
      81. Hun– This is another short version for honey which is for a sweet and sexy guy.
      82. My Caesar– If he has taken over your mind and heart, then this one is a good name for him.
      83. Honey Bunny– a cute guy who is a complete gentleman.
      84. Cuddle Buddy– Do you love cuddling with him? Then cuddle buddy is a good
      85. Honey bee- a guy who remains busy yet is extremely sweet.
      86. Hotshot– this is a cute name for guys who is really charming.
      87. Hubba Bubba– for a guy who is all in one and a complete package for you.
      88. My Boy– For the man of your life.
      89. Hubby– A guy you plan to get married to and get old with.
      90. Huckleberry– Does he happen to be a man of your dreams?
      91. Huggy Bear– For a guy who makes you feel like hugging.
      92. My Superman- If he has your back whenever you get into trouble.
      93. Honey– There is nothing as sweet as honey?
      94. Cowboy– this a cute nickname for a guy with leadership qualities and reliable.
      95. Crocus Blossom– someone so handsome that he makes all your thoughts go hay wire.
      96. Gummy bear– a great name for a jolly good guy who spreads smiles everywhere he goes.
      97. Handsome– if his good looks stop the entire world for you, this one is a cute name.
      98. Perfect- for a guy you can’t find a single flaw.
      99. Heart & soul– For a guy who means everything to you.
      100. Honey smack– for a guy who is a fabulous kisser.
      101. Hercules– This is for a manly and macho guy just like hercules.
      102. Sugar dumpling– a guy who is a little chubby but hot from every angle.
      103. Hero– if he is your ultimate savior and saves you from all kinds of trouble, then this is for him.
      104. Panda– a big, macho, intellectually and huggable buy.
      105. Niny– For a guy who is too emotional and sensitive.
      106. Nemo– does he make everything disappear as soon as he enters the room?
      107. Eyecandy −For your one true love who means the most to you.
      108. Muscleman- A guy with a great macho built with killer looks.
      109. Big boy– this is a good name for a boyfriend who is mature, trust worthy and reliable
      110. Gorgeous– This one is for a guy with killer looks in superlative.
      111. Right- this a cool nickname for your boyfriend who is always right.
      112. Boo– ‘Beau’ is beautiful in French. This is for an extremely handsome guy.
      113. Darling– this is yet another of saying my love.
      114. Bossman– a guy with a bossy nature but you don’t
      115. Bre Bre – for a guy who is cute and sexy.
      116. Bree– it means ‘extreme disturbance’ in Irish. This is for a guy who has shaken up your world.
      117. Da Vinci– if your guy is a super mix of genius, intellect and attractive, this is a good name for him.
      118. Dada– a good name for a guy who is mature and dependable.
      119. My Soldier– if he is protective about you and really protects you, this is a great name to call him with.
      120. Dark Moon– a nice nickname for a guy who has always been there for you in your hour of need.
      121. Dear– A timeless way to call your sweetheart.
      122. Destiny– a romantic name for a guy you think was made for you.
      123. Brown eyes– does he have attractive deep brown eyes you are in deeply in love with?
      124. Diamond – a person who is simply invaluable and precious to you just like this precious stone.
      125. Cute Pie– show him your love and care by calling him Cutie Pie.
      126. Boo Bear– for a guy who is a perfect combination of huggable and sexy.
      127. Other Half– if she makes you feel complete, calling her other half is something sweet.
      128. My Love– For the one true love of your life.
      129. My everything– This is for a guy who means everything to you.
      130. Cutie– This is for your boyfriend you find irresistibly cute.
      131. Pandabear– a guy with who is huge like panda and huggable like a bear.
      132. Cuddles– For a guy you love cuddling with.
      133. Captain Cuddles– A great name for a boyfriend who is your cuddle buddy.
      134. Wikipedia- a funny nick name for a know-it-all boyfriend.
      135. Bull– This is a cool name for a guy who has a strong built.
      136. Buddy– A boyfriend you can share and do everything with.
      137. Bubloo– a sweet name for a friendly and comfortable to be with kind of guy.
      138. Captain Cookie– a man who is handsome beyond handsome and makes you swoon with one gaze.
      139. Daddy– A guy who is considerate towards you in a fatherly way.
      140. Angel Eyes– if his eyes make him look innocent and naïve, this is a perfect nickname for him.
      141. Captain Black– is your guy tall, dark and handsome? Then he is surely captain black.
      142. Pikachu- this is for a guy brimming with cuteness and extraordinarily huggable.
      143. Classicman– this is a great name for a man who is a man in real sense of the word.
      144. Loo loo– this is a guy who is a perfect combination of hot, fun and energetic.
      146. Coded– a great name for a boyfriend who is really reserve and shy.
      147. Chief– if he has strong leadership qualities and leads the relationship well, he is your ultimate Chief.
      148. Champ– For a guy who has taken over your heart.
      149. Charming– does he fill you with awe with every look?
      150. Lovie–This is derived from the word ‘love’ and is for a boy who is truly loved by you.
      151. Hunk– A guy with a manly built and is extremely sexy, this is for him.
      152. Love– if he is everything you want and need, this is for him.
      153. Captain– A guy who is authoritative and has leadership qualities.
      154. Love bug– This is for a man you intend to marry.
      155. Muscular– The hot guy who is crazy about his body and works out.
      156. Loverboy– one who is sexy, cute and attractive.
      157. Lovey– Does he mean everything to you?
      158. Chiku– For a guy who is shy and too sweet to be true.
      159. Lucky– the boyfriend who seems to bring so much good luck in your life.
      160. My Heaven– Is he a heaven on earth for you?
      161. Buddha– This is for a guy who is a perfect combination of being intellectual, sensitive and caring.
      162. Snuggles– This one is for a boy you love snuggling with.
      163. Lulu– A guy so great that he makes you feel he simply out of your reach.
      164. Machoman– this is for a guy with drop dead manly looks.
      165. Mellow– a man with a cool head who is in charge of your situation.
      166. Soldier– the guy who is your ultimate savior and is always there whenever you need him.
      167. Papa– the guy who loves and cares about you in a fatherly way.
      168. Muscleman– That’s the guy who reminds you of Johnny bravo with protruding muscles.
      169. Snookums– this is reserved for a guy who is a great life partner.
      170. Mi Amor– This is yet another way of saying ‘my love’.
      171. Sweetness– an affectionate nickname for a guy really close to you.
      172. Mister Cutie– a guy who stops the traffic with his drop dead cuteness.
      173. Jay Bird – If your guy has a melodious voice, this name is just for him.
      174. Moe– This is for a guy with zero flaws or someone you find simply perfect.
      175. Love Bear– This is for your perfectly huggable sweetheart.
      176. Mon amour– this is another version for my sweetheart.
      177. Moo– this is basically a name of a drug that is known to cause hallucination. This is for a guy who is so handsome that he makes you imagine things.
      178. Bebits– yet another way of saying darling or baby.
      179. Bestie– a guy who is just like your bestfriend you can share everything with.
      180. Bibbles– another way of saying bubbles which means full of energy and spirit.
      181. Goofy– does he make you laugh and smile all the time?
      182. My beautiful nerd– Some who is a great mix of hot looks and intelligence.
      183. Genie – this is a cute name for a guy who has made all your wishes come true; your dream guy.
      184. Genius – a great nickname for a guy with both intellect and charisma.
      185. Bam Bam – if he shakes up your world in a good way, then this is a fun name.
      186. Fela – this is for a guy who is gorgeous and slim.
      187. Ferrie – He is a guy who will sail through the good and bad times with you.
      188. Good looking – This is for a guy so handsome that he makes your heart skip a beat.
      189. Monsieur (sir) – if he is a true definition of a gentle, this is a classic name for him.
      190. Goofball– if your guy falls into trouble all the time but still is very adorable, then this name is for him.
      191. My Knight– if he is always by your side through thick and thin, then this is a cool nickname for him.
      192. Grimm– a cute name for a guy who is very supportive and protective about you.
      193. Fire Cracker– A guy full of energy and exceptionally attractive at the same time.
      194. Romeo– This is for a guy who is your ultimate hero.
      195. Sailor– This is a cute name for a guy who sets you sailing through thick and thin.
      196. Santa Baby– this is a funny name for a man who keeps showering you with gifts all the time.
      197. Light Priest– This is a cute name for a guy who brings about the best in you.
      198. Ghosty– For a guy is too quick in his movements.
      199. Lifemate– For a guy who is your soul mate and you plan to spend the rest of your life together.
      200. Monster– is your guy extremely energetic and full of spirits?
      201. My right hand–  this one is for a guy you can simply do nothing without.
      202. Lifeline– this is for the man of your life who is always by your side.
      203. Ladies Man– this is for a man girls drool over all the time and someone who enjoys women’s company.
      204. Lapooheart– A guy who lives in the depths of your heart and have a very high place for you.
      205. Pooh Bear– a guy with a soft heart, cute and polite just like Pooh.
      206. Jellyboo– This is a perfect name for a guy who is sensitive and friendly.
      207. Jazzy– this is a musical name for a guy who complete fun to be with.
      208. Hunny bagel– This is a guy who very sweet and delicious.
      209. Sweetie pie– for a guy who is extremely dear to you and close to your heart.
      210. Tator-Tot – if your guy is fat yet but still lovable and cuddly.
      211. Teddy– this cute name is for an extremely huggable guy.
      212. My pumpkin pie – For a guy who is sweet and lovable.
      213. Jocky– If your guy is athletic and still a gorgeous hunk, this name is for him.
      214. Iron Man– This is for your man made of steel.
      215. Fluffy– this is for a boyfriend who loving and a soft heart.
      216. Pooh-man– a man with huge presence but cuddly and lovable at the same time.
      217. Frozen fire– this is a fun way to call your guy who is quiet short tempered.
      218. Honey Bear– cute nickname for an adorably huge guy.
      219. Sky– A guy who keep surprising you all the time and makes you fly with happiness.
      220. Sheikh– this comes from sheikhs of arab and is meant for a guy who is filthy rich.
      221. Shang– this is a fun name for a guy who can possibly make anything happen.
      222. Jammy – This is because he is a lucky charm.
      223. Ibex – If he is an adventure lover, this is it.
      224. Sugary – this cute nickname is for a guy who is sweet with his words and ways.

        Romantic Names to Call Your Boyfriend

      225. Wolfie– This cool nickname is for a guy who is perfect combination of sexy, powerful and exciting.
      226. Wookie– This is for a happy go lucky guy who spreads smiles everywhere.
      227. Picasso– if your guy is an art lover, this is a cool name for him.
      228. Pickle Pie– For a boy who is sour, spicy and sweet at the same time.
      229. Wordsmith – This is for a guy who is just perfect with his words.
      230. Pirate– This is the guy who is authoritative and likes to take the lead.
      231. Raindrop– This is the guy who is the life of the party.
      232. Rashes– if he is crazy about you, then this romantic nickname is for him.
      233. My Dear– This is a sweet name that is timeless and can be used for both girlfriend and boyfriend.
      234. Sugams – This is a combination of ‘sugar’ and ‘gum’. It is for a guy who is really sweet and hot at the same time.
      235. Raunchy – a rough and tough kind of guy who likes talking in slang.
      236. Rockstar – if your guy has rocked your world, he is definitely your rockstar.
      237. Share bear – This is for a guy you can share everything with.
      238. Shy – For a cute guy who is not at ease with girls.
      239. Snuggle baby – Someone you love limitlessly and you are at ease with him.
      240. Sparkles – for a boy who lights up your life whenever it is dull.
      241. Spunky – someone you cannot do without.
      242. Sport – A guy who loves spreading smiles and laughter.
      243. Playboy – this is the guy who likes being with women all the time.
      244. Pokemon – a person you find awesome in superlative degree.
      245. Pokerface – This is a great one for a guy who hardly smiles.
      246. Stud Monkey – this is for guys who are both gorgeous and fun to be with.
      247. Star – if he tops the list of people close to you, then he is probably your star.
      248. Wink-a-dink– this is for a guy who is extremely compatible with you.
      249. Unicorn– a guy so hot and popular that every girl drools over him.
      250. Sugar Smacks– if your boyfriend makes you want to kiss her, then she is surely a sugar smack.
      251. Sugar Puff– This is yet another sweet extension for ‘sweet heart’ or ‘sugar’.
      252. Pokey– This is for a guy who is very intellectually and can think real quick.
      253. Poo-boo– A guy who is huge in built but still very cute.
      254. Pou the Panda– For a guy who showers you with surprises all the time.
      255. Prince charming– has he swept you off your feet like your prince charming in your imaginations?
      256. Sunbeam– Does he brighten up every nook and corner in you?
      257. Professor X– if your guy has an extraordinary intellect, this one is for him.
      258. Robin Hood– Does your guy keep saving you from troublesome situations?
      259. Puppy– does he wag his tail at your every command and is completely devoted to you like a puppy?
      260. My other half– a perfect nickname for a guy who makes you feel complete.
      261. Lovey Boo– this is a great nickname for a guy who is an awesome lover with killer looks.
      262. Wookums– Does your boyfriend love you to the moon and back?
      263. Sugar Lips– This cute nickname is for your boyfriend who cannot stop kissing you.
      264. Perfect– For a guy you don’t think you want to change anything about.
      265. Panda Bear– this is great nickname for a guy who is really thoughtful, cuddly and kind.
      266. Snowbunny – a huggable and lovable creature you can’t do without.
      267. Stud Muffin– this is reserved for a guy who has killer looks and is extremely friendly.
      268. Poppins– this is a guy who is always on the go and never stops.
      269. Pords– if your boyfriend has fallen for a completely opposite girl to himself, then this name is for him.
      270. Sparky– Does he charge you up in an instant?
      271. Snuggy– this is a guy with whom you have no emotional boundaries.
      272. Super Stud– this is for a guy hot beyond your imagination.
      273. Sunshine– If he brings warmth in your heart and brightens up your world, he is your sunshine.
      274. Tarzan– Raw, rugged, rough and tough guy.
      275. Bear– this is a cute nickname for a big and huggable man.
      276. Winnie– this is for your boyfriend with an amazing body.
      277. Colonel– This is for a true gentle man who sweeps you off your feet.
      278. Popeye– a powerful guy with muscles ripping out of his body.
      279. Mega X– This is a great name for a guy with a huge built.
      280. Bambi– Disney character. A cute nickname for a boy with a kind heart.
      281. My Special Star– The guy who brings you luck all the time
      282. Xoxo– This is for a guy who is loyal and sincere with you.
      283. Yummy Bear– a guy with who has a big body and extremely huggable.
      284. Sugar Plum– if you love him madly, this is surely for him.
      285. Vivitar– this is great nickname for a guy who is cartoonish.
      286. Wiggle Bear– a guy who swift and smooth in his movements.
      287. Sunny– a guy full of life and extremely hot.
      288. Bubba–  A good one for a man who is mature and reliable.
      289. Sugar Cube– if your guy is limitlessly courageous, this is a cute nick name for him.
      290. Bubble Buns – this one serves as a good complement for his hips. Just make sure you don’t offend him.
      291. Boo thang– this is for a guy who is gorgeous and sweet.
      292. Bitsy– this is for a man who is short yet cute and gives you all the positive vibes.
      293. Big Guy– This is for a guy who is big in his built and attractive at the same time.
      294. Chunky– this is for a guy who cute and chubby.
      295. Cosmo– this is a great nickname for a guy who remains up to date when it comes to fashion.
      296. Deep– this is yet another way of saying my heart or my love.
      297. Puppeteer– a highly charismatic guy who can easily take you in his trance.
      298. Cutie Boo– is your guy sweet and gorgeous? Then this one is surely for him.
      299. Ducky– this is a naughty name for a guy who is fun and playful.
      300. Dirty Boy– Someone who is always have sexy thoughts.
      301. Honey Pants– this is a naughty name for a guy you cannot stay away from.
      302. My Popstar– is he the start of your life?
      303. Honey sugar bumps– What is sweeter than honey?
      304. Hot chocolate– if your boyfriend is tall, dark and handsome just like hot chocolate, this is a great name for this.
      305. KissyFace– If you can’t stay without kissing your boyfriend, then this is a great name.
      306. Kizaru– This again for a guy you simply can’t resist kissing.
      307. Krabby Patty– If your man is a treat for you, this is a great name for him.
      308. Mookie– a guy with a heart that melts really easily.
      309. My Sweet Boy– Another extension for my love.
      310. Scooby– this is for a guy who has a big body yet a very little heart.
      311. Snookie Bear– This is a cute way of saying sweetheart.
      312. Popo– does your guy act like a cop?
      313. Cuddle cooze– if your guy is attractive and cuddly at the same time.
      314. Spanky– this cute name is for a guy who likes spanking you playfully.
      315. Soul Mate– if you want to spend your entire life with a guy, then this is the best nickname for him.
      316. Bun Buns– a naughty nickname for a guy with sexy butts.
      317. Sugah Boogah– This is a cute way of saying Sweetheart.
      318. Wuggles– This is for your boyfriend who just loves cuddling and hugging you all the time.
      319. Squeakers–this is a great nickname for a man who is child-like and innocent.
      320. Superstar– if he is the highlight of your entire life, then this is a cool nickname for him.
      321. Sweetum– An extraordinarily sweet guy you simply adore.
      322. Thundermuffin– This is a nickname for a guy who is full of spirits and sweet name.
      323. Sweet-thang– This is the cutest way of saying ‘sweet thing’.
      324. WinkyDink– if your boyfriend is an extremely sexy man, this is for you.
      325. Twinkle–  A man who shines up your life.
      326. Sugar Daddy– A guy who is older than you but really sexy.
      327. Tum-Tums– a guy who loves you dearly.
      328. Treasure– is your guy extremely precious for you?
      329. Tricky– A guy who is difficult to understand yet you adore him.
      330. My Life– For a guy who is precious to you.
      331. Pookie Bear – This is a cute nickname for a guy who is adorable, huggable and lovable.
      332. Papa Bear– this is a guy who is protective and safeguards you in every way possible.
      333. My Smile maker– Does he always make you smile? This is the nickname for him.
      334. Baby Puff– This cute little nickname is meant for a guy too attractive to be true.
      335. One and only– this one is reserved for your one true love.
      336. Burning rice eater– this is a naughty name for your guy.
      337. Chicken – this is nickname for a guy with a kitten heart.
      338. Collywoggles– a great combo of an intelligent plus hot looking guy.
      339. Cuddly Bear– this is a perfect nickname for a guy who is kind and caring.
      340. Dara – this is for a guy with drop dead gorgeous looks.
      341. My Superman– if he excels at everything he does, this is a cute name for him.
      342. Doodles– if your guy happen to be cute, playful and naughty, you can call him doodles.
      343. Hunky– This is hot guy with a superlative degree.
      344. Jellybae–  someone who is a great person with a soft heart.
      345. My Lil chicken nugget– This one is for a guy you simply cannot imagine your life without.
      346. My One and only– Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?
      347. Panda chicken– a mix of unique, exciting and full of surprises kind of guy.
      348. Papi– this is for a guy who is extremely romantic.
      349. My angel – Is he all flawless and pure at heart? Then he is surely your angel.
      350. Poompy–  perfect for a guy who is a great mix of sweet and sour.
      351. Squishy– A guy you just want to squeeze and hug all the time.
      352. Stallone– This is an Italian way of saying stud.
      353. Strawberry– For a guy who is too seductive to stay away from.
      354. Studley– A great mix of sarcasm and joy.
      355. Sugar Britches–this is perfect nickname for a guy with cute and attractive looks.
      356. Sugar honey pie– is there anything sweeter than sugar and honey?
      357. My Heart– This is for a boy who is by your side no matter what.
      358. My Boo– Just a sweet way of saying my boyfriend.
      359. Sugar Puss– if your guy is extremely sincere and loyal to you, this is a naughty name for him.
      360. Superman– this is the guy who can go to great lengths for you.
      361. Sweet pea– this is a cute name for calling your boyfriend.
      362. Sweet Stuff– a sugary name for a guy who is adorable and sweet.
      363. Teddy Bear– If he is a guy who is sexy, cute, adorable and huggable, he is a simply a teddy bear for you.
      364. Tender heart– does your guy have a really big heart?
      365. Tiger– a guy powerful, handsome, macho and exciting.
      366. Chimpy– this is a popular name for President George W Bush. This is a fun way of taunting.
      367. Tiger Toes– very swift and quick in his movements along with being fierce.
      368. Tiggy– this is such a cute way of saying “Tiger” to your wild and sexy guy.
      369. Tinkerbell–  a boy who brimming with spirit, too active to be true and is quiet vocal about his thoughts.
      370. Toots– What can be a cuter way of calling him ‘baby’.
      371. Tootsie– is your guy your best pal with whom you can share everything
      372. Tootsie Wootsie– if your boyfriend makes you really happy, then this is a cute nickname for him
      373. Tough Guy – A great nickname for guy with killer looks and strong personality.
      374. Turtle squid– this is for a guy who is simply everywhere.
      375. Movie Star– a great nickname for a guy who is really popular wherever he goes.
      376. TwinkleToes– if your guy makes everything shine and chirpy wherever he goes, this one is for him.
      377. Bae– Does he rank on the top in your heart?
      378. Banana Boo– This cute nickname is for a guy with a cute butt.
      379. Bea– For a guy who is priceless and you never want to lose him.
      380. Blossoms– a great name for a guy who makes everything in your life really colorful.
      381. Brown sugar– He is an incredibly hot guy with a tan skin.
      382. Monkey– a guy who is full of so much energy that he simply can’t stay in one place for long.
      383. Bubbles – A cute nickname for a guy who is smart, cute and cuddly.
      384. Sweet cheeks– A guy whose face is so kissable that you just can’t resist.
      385. Bunny– This is a nickname for an adorable and huggable kind of guy.
      386. Buppy– a man who is extremely career oriented and focused.
      387. Hot Stuff – this is for a guy who turns you on and makes you go mad in love with him.
      388. Hun-bun– yet another nickname for a guy with sexy butts.
      389. Baby butter fingers– a nickname for an extremely charming guy you simply love.
      390. Hunny– Have you ever tasted something sweeter than honey?
      391. Sweetest ethereal – Does he make you feel heavenly or someone right from paradise?
      392. Sweetie– a classic nick name that never gets old no matter what.
      393. Little puff– This is for guy who knows how to get things done his way.
      394. Log– A guy with killer looks that makes girls go crazy.
      395. Minnie Mouse– this a great pet name for a guy who is short and cute.
      396. Moonlight– Someone who always lights up all your dark days.
      397. Munchie– for a guy you are head over heels in love with.
      398. Baby Cakes– is he just too cute and sweet for you to keep your hands off him?
      399. Munchkin– another way of saying sweetheart.
      400. Snuggleable– A guy you always want to snuggle with.
      401. Sexy Nerd– For a guy who is intelligent plus hot and makes you go crazy.
      402. Sexy – A naughty nickname for a guy who makes you skip your heart beat.
      403. Ecstasy – A romantic nickname for a guy who intoxicates you.
      404. Bubbly– A guy who extremely high spirited and full of energy all the time.

Nicknames for the love in your life come in all shapes and sizes. They are a great way to show affection to your special guy! Of course you can send long paragraphs for him or romantic love quotes for him to make surprise and he feel loved and cared. But cute nicknames for guys also make your relationship even more special.

You can express your feelings with i love you cute and thinking of you quotes for him but cute nicknames for boys are terms of endearment used to show a guy you care about him. The whole purpose of calling a guy a cute nickname is to make the guy feel adored or loved.

Cute names to call a guy are a way of showing you care about a person and a great way to bring your relationship to a deeper level. You can also add these sweet nicknames to your good morning my love text messages and his day become more bright and awake.

Remember, a nickname means more if it is personal between the two of you. You don’t have to choose from this list. Think about him, his expressions and his personality.

Does he show emotions easily or not, what kind of hobbies does he have, all these things can help you choose or make up a nickname for him that is more personal and mean more to him than just a random nickname or Babe or Sweetheart.

It is so touching when people call each other cute names, the sense of which is clear only to them, it creates an atmosphere of trust both between couples and friends.

There are nice cute names to call your guy friend, which will perfectly describe the character and sound great! Use them and call the guy in a lovely manner.

  • Adorable – or you can add to it with Adorable Angel.
  • Amore Mio – Italian meaning “my love”.
  • Aniołku – Polish meaning angel.
  • Cutie – cute nicknames for guy if the boy is romantic and sweet.
  • Boo Bear – If your guy is the sweetest person in your life, this is perfect cute name to call a guy
cute nicknames for guys
  • Hawk – Cute nicknames for guy who is someone strong, cool and brave.
  • Dred – Cute nicknames for guy who is strong, loyal and awesome.
  • Panda – It is perfect for kind and calm guys.
  • Dancing Madman – Cute nicknames for guy if your guy is cool as a Madman, you can use this one!
  • Dangle – There is nothing wrong with this guy, but it’s kinda meh.
  • Knuckles – Cute nicknames for guy who is strong and powerful like a Peaky Blinder!
  • Brainiac – If this guy has a smart brain, like a Brainiac!
  • Mad Jack – If this guy is super cool as much as Jack Sparrow but super MAD!
  • Roadblock – Nobody can run over this cool guy, nobody.
  • Angel – Cute nicknames for guy because he protects you, makes life easier for you.
  • Agapi-Mou – Greek for “my love”.
  • Angel Eyes – Perfect nickname for guy if his eyes are sweet.
  • Angel Baby – Best cute name for a sweet guy.
nicknames for guys
  • Champ – This guy is Champion. The name may stick to him forever.
  • Cool – Right nickname to call a cool guy.
  • Ace – Powerful, smart, educated and super cool!

Cute Nicknames For Boys

  • Papa Smurf – Sweet nickname to call a guy who is super infantile but really stylish.
  • Judge – Unique pet name for guy like a strong, loyal and law obeying citizen.
  • Cowboy – This guy is brave and can protect you.
  • Take Away – You spend lots of time together.
  • Sleepwalker – Cute nicknames for guy who looks like he is stoned all the time.
  • Buttercup – Cutest pet name for a guy who is sweet and beautiful to you.
  • Cutiepie – Cute + pie = cutness overloaded!
  • Cuddly Bear – Cute nicknames for guy who loves to cuddle all the time.
  • Wonderful – Good old classic nickname for boy that will say how you adore him.
  • Everything – A name for guy that says he is everything for you.
  • Brown Eyes – Cute nicknames for guy if he has brown eyes.
  • Braveheart – A nickname for guy that says he is brave and courageous and stands up for what he believes in.
  • Dear Heart – A cute name for guy that says another oldie but still good.
  • Dreamy – Perfect pet name for guy if he is dreamy to you, let him know it.
cute nicknames for boys
  • Drakonchik –  Russian for little dragon.
  • Snookums – So sweet pet name that it makes my teeth hurt.

Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend

  • Nightlight – Because he brings you light even when everything else is dark.
  • Sweets – Call your boyfriend this cute name if he is as syrupy and sugary as candy
  • Mister Man – If you want him to feel like the man of the house, call your boyfriend this cute nickname
  • Winkie – Perfect nickname for super-adorable boy.
  • Wonder Boy – Because there is nothing he will not do for you.
  • Baby – Cute name for your boyfriend to make him swoon for you every time you say it.
  • Prince – Cute name to call your boyfriend is for sure to make him feel like royalty.
  • Superstar – Cute name to call your boyfriend if you think he is the love of your life.
  • Stud – Cute name is perfect for boyfriend who is very good at identifying your needs.
  • Sir-Loves-A-Lot – Cute name to call your boyfriend if you love him so much.
  • Bebetom – In Turkey, this cute nickname means my baby.
  • Pookie – This cute nickname is perfect for the boyfriend who’s just too cute.
  • Cutie Cutes – Cute nickname if your man is just simply irresistible.
  • Pooh Bear – Call your boyfriend this cute name if he acts more like a silly old bear.
  • Maverick – Cute name to call your boyfriend if he is a free, independent thinker.
  • Ke aloha – Cute name to call your boyfriend, the love in Hawaiian.
  • Favorite – This cute nickname is sure to make him blush.

Unique Nicknames For Guys

  • Cuddle Cakes – Isn´t this one perfect? Cuddles and a cake seem like a perfect day.
  • Candy – Simple and sweet pet name for a cute guy.
  • Dewdrop – Cute nicknames for a wise and refreshing guy.
  • Dreamlover –  Cute nicknames for guy who is everything you been dreaming of in a lover.
  • Dumpling – delicious as a dumpling.
  • Diamond – Cute nicknames for guy who is your diamond.
  • Fire Cracker – Cute nicknames for guy who can be a bit feisty.
  • Fuzzybear – for an affectionate guy.
  • Muffin – Everyone loves muffins, so this boy will love this nickname.
  • Peach / PeachyPie – Who does not love delicious peaches?
  • Cupcake / Cuppycakers – There’s nothing sweeter than your cupcake-loving guy.
  • Chocoboy – Incredibly cute pet name.
  • Sweet Potato – Cute nicknames for guy who is a very sweet couch-potato.
  • Foxy – sly sleek and gorgeous.
  • Flame – because he sets your heart a flame.
  • Firefly –  because he brings light in to your life.
cute nicknames for boyfriend
  • Jelly Bear –sweet and cuddly.
  • Volcano – Ideal nickname for a guy who hides his strength deep inside him.
  • Hulk – For a guy who mas huge muscle mass.
  • Hammer – Special nickname for boy who has incredibly strong hands that can bend anything.
  • Jay Bird – You can use this cute nickname if he likes birds and blue is his favorite color.

Unique Nicknames Boyfriend With Meaning

  • Jelly Bean – You can use this sweet per name if he may act hard but he has a soft heart.
  • Jazzy – Cute nicknames for guy who is full of spunk and fun.
  • Love Muffin –if the guy loves muffins, this might be a good one for him.
  • Lamb – soft cute and cuddly.
  • Pancakes – Just because he loves pancakes it does not mean that he is sweet. But we all know he is!
  • Pudding Pop / Pudding Pie – This one is just as sweet as a little meowing kitten. My teeth hurt.
  • Sweetie / Sweetums / Sweetness – Perfect for a man with sweet face and kind heart.
  • Suga / Sugar / Sugary – Another classic that will make him smile.
  • Corazón – Unique nickname for boyfriend means “heart” in Spanish.
  • Lamb Chops – could be used for a guy who is small and cute.
  • Love Bug – there really is a bug called the love bug. It is seen in Florida during certain times of the year which is its mating season and how it got its name love bug. So while it’s a bug, it still a cute name for your guy.
nicknames for boys
  • Lover – an old standard nickname for boy that can be used.
  • Lambkin – soft, cuddly and sweet. If this defines your man, this might be the name for him.
  • Love Face – he has a face you simply can’t help but love.
  • Num Numbs – Unique nickname for boyfriend if he is just straight-up delicious.
  • Love of my Life – this lovely nickname should be reserved for exactly that.
  • Luvy Duvy – a mushy form of endearment.
  • Alpha – Unique nickname for boyfriend if he is a fearless leader.

Flirty Nicknames For Guys

  • Love Bear – Cute nicknames for guy who is big and cuddly full of love.
  • Lover Boy – he’s good looking and your lover.
  • Baby Cakes – If a baby is too common, baby cakes will do the trick.
  • Yummers / Yummy / YumYum – Because he is just so damn yummy.
  • Honey Bunny – Is he cute, fluffy and soft? Then he will love this one.
  • Baby Doll – A flirty pet name for a cute boyfriend.
  • Honey / Honey Bunch – A classic pet name for a classic guy.
  • Honey Bear – Cute nicknames for guy who is big and sweet. He is simply a “Honey Bear”.
  • Hot Chocolate – Just because everyone loves hot chocolate.
nicknames for boyfriend
  • Love Machine – Cute nicknames for guy who shows you love 24/7.
  • Lovey Dovey – a mushy form of endearment.
  • Lover Pie – similar to lover boy.
  • Light of my Life – Cute nicknames for guy who brought light into your world.
  • Liebling – German meaning darling.
  • My Love – special nickname for the one you love.
  • Mooi – Afrikaans meaning Handsome.
  • Mi Amor – Spanish for “my love.”
  • Frodo – Cute nicknames for guy who needs to destroy the One Ring to Rule them All!

Cool Nicknames For Guys

  • Alf – Like a little weird alien.
  • Wreck-It Ralph – He wants to destroy everything.
  • Toastmaster – He knows how to speak in every situation.
  • Girth – Ehm, ladies?
  • Taco – Mexicans really like tacos, am I right?
  • God Zilla – Big and wants to destroy everything!
  • Bob Zombie – Cute nicknames for guy who wants to eat your brains!
  • Mr. Right – should only be used if you are positive he is actually Mr. Right.
  • Mój drogi – Polish meaning my dear.
  • Mr. Perfect – simple nickname because he is perfect in every way.
  • Mon Chéri – French meaning my darling.
  • Monkey – A perfect name for a cheeky and playful dude.
  • Nutty – It’s cute because we’re all a little nutty sometimes!
  • Quackers – Perfect for a man who’s cute, but a little weird.
  • Spanky – You want to spank him!
  • Obi-Wan – This is great for Star Wars fan!
pet names for men
  • Mister Cutie – Cute nicknames for guy who is simply a cutie, nothing more needs saying.
  • Magic Man – he can make you feel like no one else, almost like magic.
  • McDreamy – Cute nicknames for guy who is just simply dreamy to you.
  • Ma Raison De Vivre – French meaning my reason for living.
  • Moje Szczęście – Polish meaning my happiness.
  • Mon Trésor –  French meaning my treasure.
  • Fruit Loops – Perfect for a guy who is always sweet and a little bit crazy.
  • Spice Guy – Cool nickname with need no explanation.

Flirty Nicknames For Boyfriend

  • Heart Throb – A special pet name for a guy who always increases your heart beat.
  • Panda Bear – Who does not love panda bear? It is so sweet and rare just like him.
  • Button – Is he small but cute? Then you have a perfect nickname for him.
  • My All – Because he is everything to you.
  • Honey Pot – Flirty nickname for boyfriend if he is so sweet.
  • Moonbeam – because when he looks at you, it’s like moonbeams surrounding you.
  • Misiu – Polish meaning teddy bear.
  • My Knight – the one who will fight for you and rescue you when you need it.
  • Main Squeeze – lets him know no matter whom else is in your life, he is your main guy.
  • Mon Bébé D’amour – French translates to my baby love.
  • Sugarplum – Flirty nickname for boyfriend if he is as sweet as candy.
  • My Everything – no explanation needed here, he is simply everything for you.
cute guy nicknames
  • Angel – Excellent way to tell him how sweet and cute he is to you.
  • Adorable – Simply nickname because he is adorable and cute.
  • Darling – Ideal way to call him when the two of you are alone.
  • Boo / Boobear – Super-cute name that can be used anytime.
  • BooBoo – If he is the one who gives the kisses on all your booboos then you have a perfect pet name here.

Romantic Nicknames For Guys

  • My One and Only – again like Mr Right shouldn’t be used lightly.
  • Mon Ange – French translates to my angel.
  • My Sunshine – Cute nicknames for guy who is the sunshine in your life, no better way to let him know this.
  • My Hero – he is your hero because he rescued you.
  • Mon Coeur –French translates to my heart.
  • Mr. Adorable – simply put you find him totally adorable.
  • Twinkle – Cute nickname for him to make him smile.
  • Apple – Ideal for a sweet and tender person.
  • Munchkin – may he is small and sweet then this could be the name for him.
good nicknames for guys
  • Ma Foi  – French translates to My faith.
  • McSteamy – you find him absolutely steamy hot.
  • Mon Ciel étoilé – French translates to my starry sky.
  • My Heart’s Desire – let him know he is your hearts desire.
  • Mon Beau – French translates to my beautiful one.
  • My World – Cute nicknames for guy who is your world but again make sure it is really true before using this one.
  • L’amour De Ma Vie – French translates to Love of my life.
  • Puppy / Pup – Because he is as cute as a little puppy.
  • Snuggy / Snuggles – Does he love to cuddle with you all the time? Then look no further.
  • Teddy / Teddy Bear – Perfect for soft and nice boys.
  • Dimples – If he has irresistible dimples in his cheeks.
  • Sunshine – Cute way to tell him that he lightens up your day.
  • Bumblebee – Is you guy hardworking and incredibly cute? Then call him “Bumblebee”.
  • Bunbuns – Very cute way to call him anytime.
  • My Beloved – Cute nicknames for guy who is the one you love.
  • My Better Half – he brings out the better parts of you.
  • Ma Force – French translates to my strength.

Pet Names For Men

  • Man Candy – hey who doesn’t like candy, especially the kind without extra calories?
  • Maravilloso – Spanish translates to gorgeous.
  • Mon Amour – French translates to my love.
  • Mr. Cool – this is the guy who is always cool no matter the situation.
  • Num Nums – you find him totally scrumptious.
  • Gum Drop – A super cute name that looks like something right out of middle school.
  • Hunny / Hun / Hun Bun – A simple, classic and cute way to call your guy.
  • Pumpkin – I do not know a person who would not like to be called a “pumpkin”. It is just too adorable to not like it.
  • Joon – In Farsi, this pet name for men means “dear.”
  • Near and Dear – no matter if he is near or far he is dear to you.
  • Nenito – Spanish translates to baby.
  • Number One – You can use this pet name if he isn’t only your number one but your only one.
  • Nookie Bear – yep made up but hey if he turns you on then let him know it.
  • Amorzinho – This pet name for men means “little love” in Portuguese.
  • Nookie Wookie – yep made up but sounds cute.
  • Colossus – Because he is your world wonder. Muscle everywhere!
  • Angus – Lovely nickname for guy who is incredibly strong.

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