One word for boyfriend and girlfriend

В статье рассказали, как можно обозначить свой семейный статус, привели синонимы слов a girlfriend и a boyfriend, а также другие слова, которыми можно назвать любимого человека.

Кто есть кто: cинонимы слов a girlfriend и a boyfriend

Тема отношений между мужчиной и женщиной никогда не перестанет быть актуальной. Сколько стихотворений и книг написали классики о прекрасном чувстве любви! Вспомните американского писателя Джека Лондона и один из его самых известных романов «Мартин Иден». Как необычно в нем пересекается тема любви, карьерного роста, несправедливости и синдрома американской мечты. Сегодня мужчины не называют девушек так, как Мартин Иден свою возлюбленную Рут: She was a spirit, a divinity, a goddess; such sublimated beauty was not of the earth (Скорей, она дух, божество, богиня, — такая возвышенная красота не может быть земной).

В современном английском языке есть универсальные слова, которыми можно называть своего партнера. Для начала приведем полные и относительные синонимы существительного a girlfriend = a GF (девушка, подруга, возлюбленная, с которой мужчина встречается, но не состоит в браке).

Слово/Словосочетание Комментарий Пример
a fiancée — невеста женщина, на которой мужчина пообещал жениться John’s fiancée is a promising young artist. — Невеста Джона — многообещающая молодая художница.
a bride — невеста женщина, которая уже выходит замуж The bride decided not to wear a traditional white dress on her wedding day. — Невеста решила не надевать традиционное белое платье в день свадьбы.
a common-law wife — сожительница женщина, которая живет с мужчиной, не узаконив отношения At first Sarah didn’t want to be a common-law wife, but later she understood the benefits of her status. — Сначала Сара не хотела быть сожительницей, но позже она поняла преимущества своего статуса.
a wife — жена женщина, состоящая в браке It’s believed that if a couple wants to be happy, the husband must be deaf and the wife must be blind. — Считается, что если пара хочет быть счастливой, муж должен быть глухим, а жена — слепой.
an inamorata — возлюбленная, любовница литературное слово, которое не используется в обыденной речи, но встречается в юмористическом контексте My friend had a tattoo with the name of his ex-girlfriend, but then he removed it because he didn’t want to hurt his current inamorata. — У моего друга была татуировка с именем его бывшей девушки, но потом он удалил ее, потому что не хотел обидеть свою нынешнюю возлюбленную.
Ms Right — та самая, единственная женщина, которая была бы лучшей женой для конкретного мужчины It’s a moot point that every man dreams of meeting his Ms Right. — Это спорный вопрос, что каждый мужчина мечтает встретить ту самую.
a mistress — любовница женщина, находящаяся в сексуальных отношениях с женатым мужчиной The king has shocked society by revealing the truth about his mistress. — Король шокировал общество, открыв правду о своей любовнице.

Теперь рассмотрим полные и частичные синонимы существительного a boyfriend = a BF (парень, возлюбленный, с которым встречается девушка, но не состоит с ним в браке).

Слово/Словосочетание Комментарий Пример
a fiancé — жених мужчина, находящийся в отношениях с женщиной, которая пообещала выйти за него замуж Don’t ever come close to my fiancé and his family. — Никогда не приближайся к моему жениху и его семье.
a groom — жених мужчина, который уже женится All the guests cheered when the bride and groom started cutting the wedding cake. — Все гости обрадовались, когда жених и невеста начали резать свадебный торт.
a husband — муж мужчина, состоящий в браке Mrs Green outlived her husband by fifteen years. — Миссис Грин пережила мужа на пятнадцать лет.
a common-law husband — сожитель мужчина, который живет с женщиной, не узаконив отношения Mary lives with her common-law husband and their two kids in London. — Мэри живет со своим сожителем и двумя детьми в Лондоне.
an admirer — поклонник мужчина, который ухаживает за женщиной, которая ему нравится When she was younger, she used to have a lot of admirers who openly talked about their feelings. — Когда она была моложе, у нее было много поклонников, которые открыто говорили о своих чувствах.
Mr Right — тот самый, единственный мужчина, который был бы лучшим мужем для конкретной девушки или женщины Laugh all you want, but Ben is my Mr Right and you won’t be able to change my mind. — Смейтесь сколько хотите, но Бен для меня тот самый, и вы не сможете меня переубедить.
a wooer — ухажер, воздыхатель мужчина, который ухаживает за женщиной, но еще не находится в отношениях с ней I am supposed to play a part of your wooer in the next scene. — В следующей сцене мне придется играть роль вашего поклонника.
a swain — обожатель, поклонник, жених литературное слово, которое может использоваться в юмористическом контексте She is such a gorgeous woman that she always has a lot of swains at her feet. — Она такая великолепная женщина, что у нее всегда много поклонников.
a toy boy — молодой любовник молодой любовник пожилой женщины (обычно живущий за ее счет) Helen turned up at the Millers’ party with her new toy boy. — Хелен появилась на вечеринке у Миллеров со своим новым молодым любовником.
a sugar daddy — папик богатый покровитель, содержащий любовницу (обычно намного моложе себя) Girls shouldn’t believe that once a sugar daddy comes into their life, all their problems will be solved. — Девочки не должны верить, что как только в их жизни появится папик, все их проблемы решатся.

В таблице ниже привели слова и выражения, которыми можно назвать как мужчину, так и женщину.

Слово/Словосочетание Комментарий Пример
a crush — любимый, любимая, объект обожания человек, к которому кто-то испытывает чувство любви (особенно в тех случаях, когда он влюблен в кого-то постарше или влюблен тайно) She hugged her crush tightly and they went along a lonely street looking for their lost dog. — Она крепко обняла любимого, и они пошли по пустынной улице в поисках пропавшей собаки.
a date — молодой человек, девушка человек, с которым находишься в отношениях, но не живешь вместе;

человек, с которым назначено свидание

Do you remember Chandler Bing who used to be Monica’s date? — Ты помнишь Чендлера Бинга, с которым когда-то встречалась Моника?
a partner — супруг, супруга, друг, подруга кто-то, с кем вы состоите в браке или имеете сексуальные отношения His on-screen wife is also his partner in real life. — Его экранная жена является его женой в реальной жизни.
a lover — любовник, любовница человек, который состоит в сексуальных отношениях с женщиной или мужчиной, но не состоит с ними в браке My friend eloped with her lover to Mexico when they were very young. — Моя подруга сбежала со своим любовником в Мексику, когда они были совсем молодыми.
a significant other =
a SO — вторая половинка
человек, который вам дорог First of all, I should ask my significant other about whether he wants to go to the party or not. — Прежде всего, я должна спросить свою вторую половинку, хочет ли он пойти на вечеринку или нет.
one’s other half — вторая половинка, спутник жизни человек, который вам дорог Tom is my sister’s other half and they simply belong together. — Том — вторая половинка моей сестры, и они просто созданы друг для друга.
a bae — милый, милая, детка человек, который вам дорог Hey, bae, what are you doing tonight? Should we go out? — Эй, детка, что делаешь сегодня вечером? Может, сходим куда-нибудь?
one’s better half — вторая половинка, спутник жизни человек, который вам дорог It was a mistake to consider him my better half. He cheated on me with my best friend. — Было ошибкой считать его своей второй половинкой. Он изменил мне с моей лучшей подругой.
a soulmate — вторая половинка, родственная душа партнер, с которым у вас романтические или сексуальные отношения;

человек, которого вы хорошо знаете и любите

She didn’t believe in soulmates and thought that people should work hard on their relationship. — Она не верила в родственные души и считала, что люди должны усердно работать над своими отношениями.
an old flame — бывшее увлечение, бывший, бывшая человек, с которым когда-то были близкие отношения He bumped into his old flame in the museum yesterday and they had a nice chat. — Вчера он столкнулся со своей бывшей в музее, и они здорово поболтали.
a main squeeze — парень, девушка, возлюбленный, возлюбленная человек, с которым у кого-то романтические или сексуальные отношения He says that Kamila has been his main squeeze for five years already. — Он говорит, что Камила — его возлюбленная уже на протяжении пяти лет.
a leman — любовник, любовница (устаревшее слово) человек, которые имеет сексуальные отношения с кем-то, будучи не связанными узами брака Do you think it wasn’t painful to find out that he had a leman? — Ты думаешь, было не больно узнать, что у него есть любовница?
one and only — ‎тот самый, та самая, единственный, единственная человек, к которому кто-то испытывает сильное чувство любви Kendall claims that I am his one and only but I can’t trust the person who cheated on me twice in the past. — Кендалл утверждает, что я его единственная, но я не могу доверять человеку, который дважды изменял мне в прошлом.
a spouse — супруг, супруга человек, который состоит в браке Unfortunately his spouse died after taking very weird medicine prescribed to her by an unknown doctor. — К сожалению, его супруга умерла после того, как приняла очень странное лекарство, назначенное ей неизвестным врачом.
a honey — дорогой, дорогая может использоваться при обращении к партнеру и другим близким людям Honey, can you help me with the party arrangements today? — Дорогая, ты не могла бы помочь мне с организацией сегодняшней вечеринки?
one’s true love — возлюбленный, возлюбленная, истинная любовь человек, к которому вы испытываете сильное чувство любви и верите, что это самое настоящее чувство People believe that they’ve met their true love until they have their first serious fight. — Люди верят, что они встретили свою истинную любовь, пока они не столкнутся с первой серьезной ссорой.
a sweetie — милый, милая, возлюбленный, возлюбленная может использоваться при обращении к партнеру и другим близким людям Sweetie, I am so happy to have you as my wife. — Милая, я так счастлив, что ты моя жена.
a sweetheart — дорогой, дорогая, любимый, любимая может использоваться при обращении к партнеру и другим близким людям Happy birthday to my sweetheart who is always gorgeous and helpful. — С днем рождения мою любимую, которая всегда великолепна и отзывчива.
a darling — дорогой, дорогая, милый, милая может использоваться при обращении к партнеру и другим близким людям Darling, stop talking to me like that. Please calm down and have a sit. — Милая, перестань так со мной разговаривать. Пожалуйста, успокойся и присядь.
one’s steady (AmE) — молодой человек, девушка, друг, подруга используется в американском английском для обозначения постоянного партнера Yeah, Peter’s been my steady for four years. We love each other. — Да, Питер — мой парень уже четыре года. Мы любим друг друга.
one’s Valentine — любимый, любимая, Валентин(а) чаще используется в значении возлюбленного партнера в день святого Валентина Will you be my Valentine tonight? — Ты будешь моим Валентином сегодня вечером?
one’s dearest — родной, родная человек, который вам дорог My dearest, they will come back soon, so we’d better go now. — Дорогая, они скоро вернутся, так что нам лучше уйти сейчас.
somebody’s betrothed — жених, невеста человек, на котором кто-то обещал жениться (речь о помолвленных партнерах) Don’t touch her, buddy. She’s Michael’s betrothed. — Не трогай ее, приятель. Она невеста Майкла.
one’s beloved — любимый, любимая, возлюбленный, возлюбленная человек, который вам дорог и которого вы очень любите My beloved has just returned from her trip around the world. — Моя возлюбленная только что вернулась из кругосветного путешествия.
the love of one’s life — любовь всей жизни человек, которого вы сильно любите You are the love of my life and I promise that I’ll never leave you. — Ты любовь всей моей жизни, и я обещаю, что никогда не покину тебя.
a paramour — любовник, любовница человек, с которым у вас романтические или сексуальные отношения, но вы не женаты (литературный стиль) He was noticed with his paramour in a pub many times. — Его много раз видели в пабе со своей любовницей.

Когда речь идет о любви, хочется верить в то, что пары счастливы друг с другом и выстраивают свои отношения, основываясь на уважении и взаимопонимании. В английском языке много выражений, которые передают значение понятия «идеальная пара», предлагаем вам ознакомиться с ними.

Выражение/Словосочетание Пример
a perfect/ideal couple — идеальная пара Don’t you think they will make an ideal couple? — Тебе не кажется, что из них получится идеальная пара?
a perfect match — идеальная пара No one denies that Reese and Mike are a perfect match. — Никто не отрицает, что Риз и Майк — идеальная пара.
a match/marriage made in heaven — идеальный союз, брак, заключенный на небесах It’s definitely a match made in heaven. Otherwise I cannot explain how absolutely different people manage to get along. — Это определенно брак, заключенный на небесах. Иначе я не могу объяснить, как таким совершенно разным людям удается уживаться.
to be perfect together — идеально подходить друг другу Lilly and Ronald are perfect together. I hope they will get married soon. — Лилли и Рональд идеально подходят друг другу. Надеюсь, они скоро поженятся.
to be made for each other — созданы друг для друга No wonder they get along so well. They were made for each other. — Неудивительно, что они так хорошо ладят. Они созданы друг для друга.
to belong together — подходить друг к другу, быть созданными друг для друга Guys, you belong together. You shouldn’t fight over such trifles. — Ребята, вы созданы друг для друга. Не стоит ссориться из-за таких пустяков.
to be meant to be together — предназначено/суждено быть вместе People who were meant to be together will never break up. — Люди, которым суждено быть вместе, никогда не расстанутся.
to be meant for each other — предназначены друг для друга I thought we were meant for each other, but it was the greatest self-deception in my life. — Я думала, что мы созданы друг для друга, но это было самое большое заблуждение в моей жизни
right for each other — подходить друг к другу They shouldn’t have broken up. They are so right for each other. — Им не следовало расставаться. Они так подходят друг другу.
to be cut out to be together — созданы для того, чтобы быть вместе If we are cut out to be together, we will overcome all these difficulties. — Если мы созданы для того, чтобы быть вместе, мы преодолеем все эти трудности.
destined to be together — суждено быть вместе If you are destined to be together, no one will be able to separate you. — Если вам суждено быть вместе, никто не сможет разлучить вас.

Вот такая интересная подборка получилась, можно смело брать ручку и начинать писать роман о любви. Получится шедевр, никак иначе. Теперь, болтая об отношениях с иностранными друзьями, вы сможете поддержать разговор по душам. Ведь все любят поболтать о своих вторых половинках, будь то a boyfriend, a spouse или же your better half.

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In today’s world, people are trying to come up with more gender-neutral terms for common words like “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” Since gender norms are no longer black and white, it would help you to understand a few better alternatives. This article will assist you in this field!

What Can I Say Instead Of “Boyfriend” Or “Girlfriend”?

There are plenty of great gender-neutral terms and phrases we can use. We want to refer you to the following:

  • Partner
  • Significant other
  • Other half
  • Lover
  • Better half
  • Companion
  • Life partner
  • Romantic companion
  • Soulmate
  • Beau
  • Best friend

gender neutral ways to say boyfriend or girlfriend

The preferred version is “partner.” It’s common for people to use “partner” even when they’re not worried about gender-neutral nouns. It’s more likely for older people to use “partner” over “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” because they can sound immature to the older generation.


“Partner” is the best way to refer to boyfriends and girlfriends. It works well because it shows that you’re close with someone and that you value their “partnership.” It can refer to any gender, and it always means that you’re in a relationship with them.

These examples will help you to work it out:

  • This is my partner, and I would love for you to get to know him better.
  • My partner will be along shortly, so I have made sure to save him this seat.
  • My partner shouldn’t be too long if you don’t mind waiting for her!

Significant Other

“Significant other” is a common way for people to use gender-neutral words for boyfriends or girlfriends. It works well because it shows that they aren’t just another person in your life. Instead, they have “significance,” which shows you are romantically engaged.

While there are many “significant” people in our lives (i.e. our parents, siblings, and bosses), only our romantic partners are referred to as “significant others.” This is a common phrase we use in this regard.

It would help you to check out some of these examples to understand it:

  • He is my significant other, and I love him so much.
  • This is my significant other, and her name is Lily.
  • I have a new significant other, and I would appreciate it if you did not judge.

Other Half

“Other half” works well to show that two people make a “whole.” We use it to show that when we are with our boyfriends or girlfriends, we feel like a complete package. It works well because it shows you have complimentary personalities.

These examples will help you to understand a little more about it:

  • This is my other half, and I think you’ll find out very soon what makes us so compatible.
  • This is my other half, and I would like for you to show her the respect she deserves.
  • I like to call you my other half because it always feels like we have a close connection that way.


“Lover” is a somewhat cheesy word we can use to replace the originals. It works well when you want to show that you have an intimate relationship with someone. However, many people don’t like to hear this word because it can be a bit personal.

Here are some examples to help you:

  • This is my lover, Jack. I think you’ll find that he’s a much better man than you ever were.
  • I would like you to meet my new lover. Please be kind to him!
  • She is my lover, and I will not let anyone else lay a hand on her!

Better Half

“Better half” is a slightly more humorous take on “other half.” It’s a common phrase we can use informally to show that we believe our partners make us better people. The idea is that we would be lost without them, and they raise us up.

It works really well because it always seems to make people laugh. They like the honesty that you present when using a phrase like this. After all, we’re informing people that we wouldn’t amount to much if it weren’t for the help of our partners.

Here are some great examples to show you how it works:

  • He is my better half, and I don’t think I would have been nearly as successful without his input.
  • This is my better half, and I thank him every day for allowing me to do all the things I currently do!
  • She is my better half. Honestly, I’d be like a lost puppy if it weren’t for her!


“Companion” is a good way to refer to your romantic partner. It works well to show that they are there for you through everything, which is ideal in many relationships. A companion should always be at your side, no matter what happens.

The only problem that some people have with “companion” is that it is used to refer to pets like dogs. It can work well when you want to show that your dog is loyal to you. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t also appropriate for boyfriends and girlfriends.

Still, these examples will show you how it works for romantic partners:

  • My companion should be coming to visit me again over the weekend, and I’m looking forward to that.
  • This is my new companion. I hope you treat him with the respect he deserves, unlike my last one.
  • You’re going to be my companion for a long time, Darren! I can just tell!

Life Partner

“Life partner” works when we want to show that we have someone we will spend our lives with. It works well when you’re serious about your boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s an extension of the original word “partner,” which some people prefer.

There is no need to include “life” in the phrase, though. It’s up to you which you prefer, but the intention behind “partner” is already enough for people to understand that you intend to be with them for life.

Here are some great ways for you to make it work:

  • She’s my life partner. I haven’t met anyone else with who I’ve gotten along so well before.
  • I have a new life partner, and this time I’m certain she’s going to last.
  • He’s my life partner, and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if he ever left me!

Romantic Companion

“Romantic companion” sounds a little robotic, but it works well to remove the typical gender roles of the original words. It can work well to replace “companion” as well, which some people believe makes it sound like you’re talking about a “dog.”

Typically, the older generations would be more likely to adopt a phrase like this. However, it still gets the meaning of the original words across, which is ideal.

You should check out these examples to see how you can use the word:

  • He’s my romantic companion, and we’ve been together for about three years now.
  • This is the romantic companion that I was telling you about. Her name is Susan.
  • My romantic companion should be here shortly, so I’d like to have a table for two!


“Soulmate” is a great way to refer to your partner. It works well because it shows that your “souls” are intertwined, meaning that there is no one better for you in the world. It’s a common belief that everyone has one “perfect soulmate.”

If you do not believe in this idea yourself, then “soulmate” might not be the best option. However, if you believe that everyone has one true “partner,” it could be useful to keep this word as part of your vocabulary when referring to your partner.

These examples will help you to understand it:

  • Trust me; we are soulmates. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you because you’re perfect.
  • He’s my soulmate, mom. That’s why I’m so certain that you’re going to love him too when you meet him.
  • She’s my soulmate, and I can’t believe how lucky I am that I found her in that large crowd.


“Beau” is an informal phrase we can use to describe our partner. Historically, it’s meant “male companion” rather than female, but in today’s world, it’s possible to use the word to refer to both genders. However, it is not as common as many others on this list.

Here are some ways we can use it;

  • I’ve invited my beau over to visit. I hope that’s okay, dad.
  • My beau should be arriving at the door any second, and I’ve never been so excited.
  • I can’t believe how lucky I am to get to call him my beau!

Best Friend

“Best friend” works really well because it’s common for “boyfriends” and “girlfriends” to be closer than anyone else in their friend groups. Some people refer to their romantic partners as “best friends” to show that they have a lot in common and share everything with each other.

Here are some great ways for you to use this phrase:

  • He’s my best friend, and I wouldn’t change anything about him for the world!
  • Mom. Dad. This is my best friend, Charlotte! I hope you get along with her just as much as I do.
  • My best friend will be coming over again later today, and I’m so excited to see her!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

One Word Captions For Instagram: Captions are the words that written below or above the image to show what the picture is all about. Here, you can find out one word caption for Instagram so if you’re an insta influencer and looking for a short Instagram caption then check out these One Word Instagram Captions which is categorized in various category like One Word Captions For Lovers, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Brother & Sisters, ETC.

Instagram captions are a great way to explain a long message in very short words. It is mainly used to describe information related to the content you published on Instagram. It needs to be short and catchy. You can use a quote, song lyrics, or even a popular saying in order to get your message across. Just make sure it is relevant to the image, video, or post you are posting.

Instagram captions are very important because they help you get more likes and followers. You can also use them to draw the attention of your target audience to get more reach and views. There are plenty of Instagram caption ideas, but I am going to discuss only the most popular ones with you today.


  • 1 One Word Captions
  • 2 List of One Word Instagram Captions
  • 3 One Word Captions For Lovers
  • 4 One Word Captions For Girls
  • 5 One Word Captions For Gym & Yoga
  • 6 One Word Captions For Boys
  • 7 One Word Captions For BF
  • 8 One Word Captions For GF
  • 9 One Word Captions For Brother & Sisters
  • 10 Best friends One Word Captions
  • 11 Savage One Word caption
  • 12 Aesthetic One Word Instagram Captions
  • 13 Best friends One Word Captions
  • 14 One Word Instagram Captions for Girls
  • 15 One Word Instagram Captions for Boys
  • 16 One Word Captions for Instagram for Self
  • 17 Attitude One Word Caption For Instagram
  • 18 Cute One Word Instagram Captions
  • 19 Beautiful One Word Instagram Captions
  • 20 One Word Instagram Captions for Best friends
  • 21 Best Single Word Instagram Captions
  • 22 One Word Captions For Insta For Friends
  • 23 Single Word Caption For Instagram
  • 24 Cool Caption One Word
  • 25 One Word Attitude Instagram Captions
  • 26 One Word Captions For Instagram For Girlfriend
  • 27 One Word Captions For Instagram For Boyfriend
  • 28 One Word Captions For Instagram For Brother
  • 29 One Word Captions For Instagram For Sister
  • 30 Conclusion

Usually, the captions are 10-15 words but nowadays, short captions or one word captions are a new trend. Basically, you can describe what the image is about in a single word using these one word captions and in Instagram, one word captions are very popular out there. One word caption is not only for Instagram, it can be used as WhatsApp status, Instagram & Twitter hashtag.

These captions help you to attract and engage your audience. The captions can be attached to photos, videos, or posts that you want to share on Instagram. They tell the story behind the pictures. They can be used to spread awareness about certain causes or to create a following for your brand or business. You can use them to give advice, or even just thank your followers for their support. Captioning your photos is a great way to engage your audience and improve your brand’s visibility!

Instagram captions are an essential part of your Instagram post. They allow you to include additional information to help expand on your photo’s story, and they also give users the option to do something with your content after viewing it.

Also Read – Instagram Username Ideas For Boys and Girls

One Word Insta Captions

List of One Word Instagram Captions

Here the list begins with One Word Instagram Captions. Hundreds of captions are shared below so check out all these short captions.

One Word Captions For Lovers

Lets read these short captions dedicated only for lovers:

  1. Hot
  2. CutiePie
  3. ♡Couple
  4. Beauty
  5. Queen
  6. Sexy
  7. Moti
  8. B00ty
  9. Soulmate
  10. Teenager
  1. Schoolgirl
  2. PowerHouse
  3. Handsome
  4. Schoolboy
  5. SexyMAN
  6. Onelove
  7. Swag
  8. Hot_Attitude
  9. Savage_Love
  10. Dream.ɢɪʀʟ

One Word Captions For Girls

Girls use social media alot nowadays so checkout these one word insta caption only for cute, sexy and stylish girls:

  1. Smile
  2. Badass
  3. Big_B00ty
  4. Hot_Twins
  5. Just_Friends
  6. Hotshot
  7. WOW!
  8. Addicted
  9. LoveSick
  10. Blank
  1. PowerHouse
  2. InstaAddict
  3. LoveMe
  4. BrokenHeart
  5. HowItIs
  6. Cute Selfie
  7. Crying
  8. SadDay
  9. Angry
  10. Richgirl

One Word Captions For Gym & Yoga

If you’re a fitness freak then these short insta captions are for you:

  1. Gym Lady
  2. YogaDay
  3. Bodybuilding
  4. BearBiceps
  5. Girl_in_GYM
  6. Hot Gymer
  7. Hardwork
  8. Sweat
  9. Lightweight_Baby!!!
  10. GYMAddict
  1. PowerHouse
  2. Lean
  3. Discipline
  4. Eat_Clean
  5. Warrior
  6. BeStrong
  7. Couple_GYM
  8. BeFit
  9. Look_At_Me
  10. Shredded

Also Read – Instagram Captions in Hindi

One Word Captions For Boys

Hey boys, read these hardcore one word insta captions for handsome boys:

  1. Heart Broken
  2. Sakth
  3. Stubborn
  4. Hansome
  5. Dude
  6. Bro
  7. Chill
  8. FatBoy
  9. Alcoholic
  10. Oversmart
  1. Attitude
  2. Fearless
  3. FunnyDude
  4. Smart
  5. All_in_one
  6. Amature
  7. Feeling_Blessed
  8. GentleMAN
  9. BOSS
  10. AloneMAN

Stylish Instagram Bio in Hindi For Girls & Boys

Attitude Names For Instagram For Boys

One Word Captions For BF
One Word Captions For BF

One Word Captions For BF

When a boyfriend post a picture with his girlfriend then he can use these BF captions on instagram:

  1. How_You_Like_That
  2. Love_Yourself
  3. Sweet
  4. Babe
  5. In_Mood
  6. Angry
  7. Fighting
  8. Breakup
  9. Onelife
  10. GFisWIFY
  1. U_&_ME
  2. #1Couple
  3. BF_GF
  4. First_LOVE
  5. S.E.X
  6. Millionaire
  7. Romantic
  8. Hug
  10. Noob_Lover

One Word Captions For GF

Read these cute short Instagram captions for girlfriends:

  1. Bestie
  2. Blooming
  3. Dating
  4. Gorgeous
  5. MY_HandsomeBF
  6. Buttercup
  7. Sweetheart
  8. PreciousBabe
  9. Angel
  10. Beloved
  1. SoftTouch
  2. HotLassie
  3. Smooth
  4. Señorita
  5. CuteLikeDoll
  6. HotLikeQueen
  7. True-Love
  8. HotChick
  9. Honey
  10. TestLikeWOW!

One Word Captions For Brother & Sisters

  1. BroSis
  2. Buddies
  3. LuvBud
  4. Boo
  5. Troublemaker
  6. Bubba
  7. MiniMe
  8. Sweethood
  9. Cutesis
  10. Tom and Jerry
  1. Tiny tot
  2. HardHeat
  3. Cupcake
  4. Brosky
  5. Power Ranger
  6. Cute_&_Charming
  7. Sleepyhead
  8. Baby Bear
  9. CuteGuys
  10. Gang

Best friends One Word Captions

  1. LuvTogether
  2. KissMe
  3. SweetCouple
  4. Crazy_Friends
  5. Soul mate
  6. LIV_Forever
  7. Boon_companion
  8. Bosom_friend
  9. Gucci_Gang
  10. God_Made_Friends
  1. True_Friends
  2. Real_Friendship
  3. Couple_Of_Friends
  4. Love_at_first_sight
  5. Homie
  6. butty
  7. Marra
  8. Amigo
  9. sidekick
  10. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Savage One Word caption

  1. Moonwake
  2. Seeker
  3. Rockstar
  4. Buddies
  5. Evolve
  6. Everything
  7. Monday mornings
  8. AWWW.
  9. OHHH
  10. endless Summer
  1. Being Manly
  2. Getting Ready
  3. sweet Saturday
  4. Buddies
  5. Carefree
  6. Boom
  7. Obsessed
  8. Lineage
  9. September
  10. Life

Aesthetic One Word Instagram Captions

  1. OMG!
  2. All izz well
  3. GYM
  4. BOOM
  5. LOL
  6. Heart-touching
  7. Acquired
  8. Fixed Problem
  9. Energy saver
  10. Super Mode ON
  1. Battery Low
  2. Cute Selfie
  3. Cool Captions
  4. Glowing
  5. Chill
  6. Workout
  7. Where are you.?.
  8. Lovely
  9. Accomplishment
  10. Vacay

Best friends One Word Captions

  1. Besties
  2. Wandering
  3. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
  4. Weirdos
  5. sad to see u go
  6. summer
  7. smile always
  8. Everything
  9. Off-Season
  10. WOW
  1. Superb
  2. Amazing
  3. Intelligent
  4. Truthfull
  5. Unpredictable
  6. pretty in pink
  7. Chillin
  8. Yeah, hoo..
  9. Let’s go
  10. Endless fun

Instagram Username Ideas For Boys and Girls

Attitude One Word Bio For Instagram Ideas

One Word Instagram Captions for Girls
One Word Instagram Captions for Girls

One Word Instagram Captions for Girls

  1. Oh boy!
  2. Off- Spring
  3. Forever free
  4. Happy endings
  5. Fairy dust
  6. Feeling groovy
  7. I’m blessed
  8. Be yourself
  9. Invite tranquility
  10. Sunny vibes
  1. One day
  2. Simply happy
  3. Lookup
  4. One word LOVE
  5. HOT
  6. Cute
  7. Selfie lover
  8. Soulmates
  9. Breathe deeply
  10. You sparkle

One Word Instagram Captions for Boys

  1. Have patience
  2. Thank you
  3. Off-Season
  4. Laziness
  5. TOO FAST.
  6. Escape
  7. Asur.
  8. Be awesome
  9. Hello gorgeous
  10. Sparkling
  1. Give thanks
  2. Be kind
  3. Beautiful chaos
  4. Shine on
  5. Laughter heals
  6. Come back
  7. FUC
  8. Suck it
  9. Success
  10. Dream big

One Word Captions for Instagram for Self

  1. Winks
  2. Gang
  3. Heart Hunter
  4. Mind Blowing
  5. Soulmates
  6. Buddies
  7. Lucky
  8. LOL
  9. Exciting
  10. Steady
  1. Handsome
  2. Elegant
  3. hairstyle
  4. Relationship
  5. Inspiration
  6. Inspiring
  7. Sweet
  8. Cutiepie
  9. Chocolate lover
  10. Amazing boy!

Attitude One Word Caption For Instagram

  1. Carpe diem
  2. Enthusiastic
  3. Jolly
  4. Obnoxious
  5. Sorry is my word
  6. Weight lifter
  7. Bachelor
  8. Let him go
  9. Prickly
  10. Distraction
  1. Soulmate
  2. Married
  3. In-Relationship
  4. Beloved
  5. Sweetheart
  6. Terrific
  7. Essential
  8. Expert
  9. Diligent
  10. Focused

Cute One Word Instagram Captions

  1. LOVE
  2. Sick People
  3. Illness
  4. High-five
  5. Romantic
  6. S.E.X.
  7. Cuddles
  8. Curious
  9. Imaginative
  10. Wide-eyed
  1. Brave
  2. Open-minded
  3. Fight
  5. HER
  6. Brilliant
  7. Thoughtless
  8. Starstruck
  9. Joyous
  10. Bored

Beautiful One Word Instagram Captions

  1. Vivacious
  2. Working
  3. Happy tears
  4. Taking over
  5. Professional
  6. Spotless
  7. Worried
  8. Daydreaming
  9. Soulmate
  10. Weather
  1. Hope
  2. HIM
  3. Couples
  4. Being Human
  5. Amazing things
  6. Best person in my life
  7. Blooming
  8. Besties
  9. Heartbreaker
  10. Serendipity

Classy Instagram Names

Sexy Captions for Instagram For Boys/Girls

One Word Instagram Captions for Best friends
One Word Instagram Captions for Best friends

One Word Instagram Captions for Best friends

  1. Sweetheart
  2. Reflection
  3. Truthfull
  4. Unpredictable
  5. Bodybuilder
  6. Muscular
  7. Spectacular
  8. Cool
  9. Cappuccino
  10. Heaven
  1. Sparkle
  2. Bliss
  3. Pretending
  4. Rare
  5. Amazing people
  6. Alcoholic
  7. Chill
  8. Dudes
  9. Shopaholic
  10. Badass

Best Single Word Instagram Captions

  1. SASSY
  2. Classy
  3. Woke
  4. Enjoying
  5. Creativity
  6. Badass
  7. Best Life
  8. Perfect
  9. Cool
  10. Magnet
  1. Priority
  2. VIP
  3. Bae
  4. We don’t care
  5. Partners
  6. Awesome
  7. GANG
  8. Taken
  9. Boring
  10. Splendid

One Word Captions For Insta For Friends

  1. Dream
  2. Unpredictable
  3. Rare piece
  4. Gentle love
  5. Minblowing looks
  6. Nocturnal
  7. Reminiscence
  8. Marshmallow
  9. Khwabeeda
  10. OneLove
  2. Grateful
  3. Hope
  4. Immature
  5. Complete
  6. Soulmates
  7. Chillin
  8. Lucky
  9. Laughter
  10. Newbie

Savage Username For Instagram For Girls & Boys

Unique Username For Instagram For Girls & Boys

Single Word Caption For Instagram
Single Word Caption For Instagram

Single Word Caption For Instagram

  1. Different
  2. triumph
  3. urge
  4. CouplesGoals
  5. Winks
  6. Epic
  7. Eyerolls
  8. Mushy
  9. attractive
  10. Fearless
  1. unhappy
  2. Cheese
  3. Swag
  4. awing
  5. Ecstasy
  6. Treasure
  7. Enjoyment
  8. Simplicity
  9. Everything
  10. Forgiven

Cool Caption One Word

  1. Alive
  2. Dreamer
  3. Moments
  4. invariably
  5. Imprévisible
  6. Golden
  7. Crying
  8. Sadgurl
  9. Cuddles
  10. Fashion
  1. Bitch
  2. Fragile
  3. Male love
  4. My Heart
  5. Beaming
  6. Dazzling
  7. sudden
  8. Fashionistas
  9. Tranquility
  10. YOLO

One Word Attitude Instagram Captions

  1. solely_mine
  2. YOU & I.
  3. Heart Hunter
  4. extremely
  5. Forgiven
  6. Glowing
  7. Sparkle
  8. Sunshine
  9. Genious
  10. good_me
  1. athletic facility
  2. BOOM
  3. Moments
  4. Buddies
  5. Relaxed
  6. Food
  7. Terrific
  8. Essential
  9. skilled
  10. sensible

One Word Captions For Instagram For Girlfriend

  1. Thoughtless
  2. Ambitchous
  3. unflawed
  4. Chill
  5. In Mood
  6. very good
  7. appreciative
  8. Grateful
  9. Handsome
  10. HOT
  1. Cute
  2. i would like you
  3. My Life
  4. dangerousass
  5. Surprise!h
  6. beautiful
  7. Treasure
  8. Infectious
  9. heat
  10. Sweet

One Word Captions For Instagram For Boyfriend

  1. Cutiepie
  2. Bad
  3. Sore
  4. Breathe
  5. Badass
  6. Uooohh
  7. Empty
  8. Keep calm
  9. nut extase
  10. Everything
  1. Feelings!
  2. Forever
  3. Happy
  4. Fashion
  5. unbeatable
  6. Vibes
  7. Blessed
  8. excellent
  9. recollections
  10. Believe

One Word Captions For Instagram For Brother

  1. sensible thinking
  2. Isn’t it lovely?
  3. attempt ME
  4. Rainbow.
  5. i would like to fly.
  6. You remembered
  7. I’m affected
  8. Elegant
  9. Charming
  10. Wandering
  1. Tasty
  2. Dead
  3. Secrets
  4. Brotherhood
  5. Sisters
  6. Brothers
  7. Backstories
  8. Snollygoster
  9. hot-chica
  10. hypnotised

One Word Captions For Instagram For Sister

  1. Surprise
  2. injury
  3. precocious
  4. highly strung
  5. Diligent
  6. targeted
  7. Curious
  8. Zoom
  9. VACAY
  10. Besties
  1. Hustler
  2. LOOL
  3. Behaved
  4. Badass
  5. sleek
  6. Helpless
  7. Repulsive
  8. attractive
  9. sleek
  10. Nice going
One Word Instagram Captions
One Word Instagram Captions


These are all the one word captions for Instagram and even you can use it anywhere. All these captions are in one word because so many people don’t read an entire sentence in social media to attract the viewers in social media, you can use short captions or one word captions so people can easily read and also give attention to the influencer. To stay connected with us, you can join our telegram group.

I hope you like all these short or one word instagram cations, so which one is your favourite caption? comment below!

It’s fascinating to put your feelings into images. It’s much more fascinating to share these photographs with your social media friends and followers. Captioned photos are more interesting than uncaptioned photos.

As a result, you must utilize captions in your photos. However, when it comes to writing a caption, it may be rather complicated. Furthermore, you may not always want lengthy captions on your photographs.

Posting great photos with One Word Caption helps you feel happy and also engages your Instagram and other social media followers.

One-word captions can be used as Instagram hashtags or WhatsApp status updates, however they can also be used as Facebook captions.

Instagram captions using only one word? You’re probably wondering how one-word captions can be considered captions. But it is true that one-word Instagram captions are the latest craze!

It is mostly utilized by our younger and Instagram-obsessed followers! But, have you ever considered why one-word Instagram posts are so popular?

When it comes to social media, sometimes less is more. A shorter statement is a great way to match it up with your photos before they go live online.

To ensure that your Instagram post receives the quantity of likes it deserves, for each mood and post.

Are you searching for the best one-word captions for your Instagram posts? Obviously, you’ve come here to discover the greatest, most appropriate, and most attractive one word Instagram captions.

Some of you may be looking for one-word captions for your love, girlfriends, or boyfriends, while others may be looking for great one word Instagram captions for boys or girls.

We’ve compiled the greatest selection of one word instagram captions, one-liners, and tag lines to help you display your images more effectively.

Whatever your requirement is, it should meet at this one-stop destination for one-word captions since these captions are brief and to the point, expressing the emotions you want to portray via your post.

Let’s make your life easier if you’re not excellent with phrases. When you need a caption, you should have it at your fingers.

A collection of single word captions that are short, sassy, sophisticated, classy, and entertaining for your selfies with friends, family, and loved ones.

We’ve compiled a list of interesting one-word Instagram captions for all of your moods and categorised them into groups.

One Word Caption For boyfriend

Would you like to tell your boyfriend something in one word? Then use the captions given below to express your love for him!

My king
Infinite adorable
One & Only
Marvelous treasure
Heart stealing boy
heart hacker
Cute gangster
decent one
Ambrosial king
Man of dreams
Prince charming


It’s becoming increasingly hard to locate your one real love these days. There are so many fraudsters on the Internet that it is impossible to trust anyone.

When you’ve finally discovered the one, it’s natural to want to communicate your feelings all the time. Use these captions to make them feel like you’re madly in love with them. Don’t be shy, copy & paste, and spread the love! 

favorite hello
one heart.
Another half

One Word Caption For girlfriend

Adorable Girlfriend Instagram Captions are waiting for you.  When you’re in a relationship, you constantly want to find the appropriate words to share it with others on social media.

We’ve compiled a list of the top girlfriend captions for you to utilise. Because every relationship is unique, not everyone describes love in the same way.

So, if you’re at a loss for words, don’t worry; there are plenty of charming and lovely captions to choose from.

Lil Barbie
craziest cutie
Glitter girl
Dazzling doll
Graceful queen
Smile maker
Perfect 10

For Pics


Cute One Word Caption

Dear one
Chocolate box
new me

Funny One Word Caption

crime buddy

One Word Caption For Friends

Partner in crime
quality time

Sad One Word Caption 

Find me
Break down
Swipe #mood
Special one
For you
One soul
My chocolate
lucky loved

Aesthetic one-word quotes

Be original

Family One Word Caption

Hold on
Forever bond
My world
God's gift
No exchanges
Family love
All Nurturers

Motivational One Word Caption

Baby steps

Fashion One Word Caption

Click master
Dolled up
New look

Other One Word Caption

Special day
In love
True that



Positive words

I am
moon kissed
Be you

Powerful words


One line quotes

Don't just exist, live.
Love For All, Hatred For None.
Change the world by being yourself.
Every moment is a fresh beginning.
Never regret anything that made you smile.
Die with memories, not dreams.
Aspire to inspire before we expire.
Everything you can imagine is real.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Whatever you do, do it well.
What we think, we become.
Determine your priorities and focus on them.
Be so good they can’t ignore you.
Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.
Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it.
I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it.
To live will be an awfully big adventure.
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
There is no substitute for hard work.
What consumes your mind controls your life.
Strive for greatness.
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.
And still, I rise.
The time is always right to do what is right.
Let the beauty of what you love to be what you do.
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
My life is my message.
Be soft enough to bend in a storm.
Be grow through but we go through.
Silent speaks, truth shrieks.
There is strength in your softness.
Disconnect to connect.
You must enter a relationship with yourself before anyone else.
You need a break from the people, not the life.
Time to heal yourself.
Different doesn't mean wrong.
Never tell me the odds.
Don't stress the could haves, if it should have it would have.
Every saint has a past, Every sinner has a future.
Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.
The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
Cleverness is not wisdom
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
He who loves 50 people has 50 woes; he who loves no one has no woes.
Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.
The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.
Broken crayons, still colour.
We all are bad, in someone's story.
Release the petals of your past self. #Bloom
The colors in the mountains have broken the rocks.
Hey! I Found your mind, It was in my business.
Blessed Mess.
Unlove me, I dare you.


couple holding hands

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I hate using the word “boyfriend.” Something about it is just so… Infantilizing. I mean, we’re both over 30 and we’ve been together for four years. He’s not a boy; I’m not a girl; and there’s a part of me that feels like referring to each other as “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” makes our relationship seem less serious. Sure, we’re not married yet but that doesn’t mean we’re not in a long-term relationship with joint credit cards and lease agreements and all that other grown-up stuff. It just seems weird to use the same word to describe this partner that I used to describe my high school boyfriend, you know?

But what are the other options? Face-to-face, we have plenty of pet names (I probably call him “babe” more than I call him by his name) but I’m not about to refer to him as “my babe” in reference to other people because that’s just obnoxious. (And there’s also too much room for confusion with that one.) However, it’s only fairly recent in our history that long term, non-married relationships are common enough that they need a word of their own.

Creating that word, however, is a job for the linguists and, personally, I’m excited for that evolution of language to happen. Plus, these days the internet is a great source for spreading all kinds of new words, so maybe one of you will come up with something super awesome and we’ll all be using it next year! But in the meantime, here are 16 alternatives to “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” for when you feel like taking things a little more seriously.



One of my personal faves, although my partner doesn’t like because he says it’s too vague. But that’s also kind of why it’s great! It works for so many genders, sexualities, and romantic entanglements.



Cuuuuuuuuuute. Call your person your “boo” to other people and they might make vomiting motions but whatevs.




Significant Other

Or SO. It’s clear, to the point, and also works with all genders, sexualities, and types of romantic relationships. Only problem is that it does feel a bit clinical, you know?


My Love

Schmaltzy AF but we all go through that infatuation phase. Just don’t be too surprised if your friends stop talking to you about your relationship.


My Old Man

I like this one because it’s kind of old school. Like I can imagine a badass woman in the West say it, you know?


My Man

I mean, it’s nothing if not accurate.



This one is old school and sweet. Pronounced “bow” (more or less), you could imagine a Victorian lady referring to her gentleman caller this way.



This one just makes me laugh but, again, totally accurate. Like boyfriend, but for grown-ups!


The Mister

I like this one when it’s used by people who aren’t actually married but may as well be. (Looking at you, my sister-in-everything-but-law.)


My Guy

I think this one is sweet, at any age. He’s your guy!


My Girl

Same. You can just picture Frank Sinatra when someone says it.


My Lady

But you can only say this one if you’re a gentleman — or a lady yourself.



Doesn’t roll of the tongue but just like manfriend, it’s accurate. Girlfriend, but for grown-ups.


The Missus

Best if paired with “the mister,” the missus is the de-facto wife who’s not actually married.



Wifey can be applied not only to a person you’re romantically involved with, but also to say, your best friend or your roommate who you spend too much time with. But, yeah, also to your wifey.

So, we have options when it comes to describing our love interests, even if there’s no one that we all agree on yet. Hey internet, can you get working on that, please? I think it’s way past time we had a standard.

Two smiling people embracing, touching their noses and foreheads together, and looking into each other's eyes. Source: Tampa Bay Times

Two smiling people embracing, touching their noses and foreheads together, and looking into each other’s eyes. Source: Tampa Bay Times

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like declaring and then explaining my sexual identity when it’s irrelevant to the conversation.

I’m in love with my best friend. She’s a woman. So am I.

Sometimes that information is required, but you’d be surprised how often it really isn’t.

If you’re a queer person who doesn’t feel the need to go into details at the moment or a straight person acting in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community, using gender-neutral terms of affection can work in your favor.

If you happen to be bisexual, pansexual, or fluid, but currently in a relationship that appears to be heterosexual, a gender-neutral term can prevent people from asking fun questions like, “Wait, weren’t you gay before?”

If you or your partner identify as  genderqueer, trans, genderfluid, or otherwise non-binary, taking gender out of the equation can make understanding easier for people less in-the-know.

You are a person dating another person. That’s simple enough for anyone to understand, right?

In addition to the benefits to the LGBTQIA+ community, I find that there are gender-neutral words that better describe the nature of your relationship than “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.”

Without further ado, here are some gender-neutral choices to say instead:

1. Partner

I’ve heard the term “life partner” used ( usually by older, cisgender, long-term gay couples) as well, but that distinction seems a bit antiquated now that more states have legalized same-sex marriage.

I used to really dislike the term “partner” because to me, it evoked cowboys.

Now that I’m older and in a happy relationship, the term has grown on me because I have a partner in crime as well as a lover and monogamous girlfriend

2. Lover

If you have a flair for the dramatic, this is a great word.

As a lesbian, I personally shy away from it because of its often lascivious connotations (and because certain members of my family constantly referred to my college girlfriend as my “Lesbian Lover,” and it was just as weird as it sounds).

However, if you like the sexiness and melodrama, try calling your GF/BF your lover.

3. Significant Other

I love this term because it is neutral in every sense.

It doesn’t have the intensity of long-term commitment or overt sexuality implicit in the other gender-neutral terms I’ve mentioned so far.

But it also makes a point that this person is someone significant in your life, and that’s charming.

A variation on this idea is “significant autre,” which means the same thing, but the word “other” is in French. I may have only heard that version on an episode of Will and Grace, though.

4. Boo

It’s short, sweet, cute, and a gender-neutral and modernized take on the term “beau.” What’s not to like?

Also, the early 2000s gave us this gem. You’re welcome.

However, if calling someone your “boo” doesn’t really fit into your dialect – or, worse, if it sounds like you’re mocking African-American Vernacular English when you try using it – skip out.

You run the risk of sounding racist, and I won’t be taking credit for that.

5. Goyfriend

If I’m not mistaken, “goyfriend” is a mash-up of the words “girlfriend” and “boyfriend.” 

I have only heard it used by Ali Stroker in reference to her Glee Project costar and partner Dani Shay, but it’s too cute and clever to exclude.

If it applies to you, make it a thing!

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Obviously, this list is far from comprehensive, but you should really talk to your partner and see how they feel about gender neutrality and dating terminology. Don’t be surprised if the discussion is new territory for your partner.

A question you may encounter is “Why even bother if saying boyfriend/girlfriend works for my relationship?”

Certain gender-neutral dating words connote a more serious relationship than “boyfriend/girlfriend.”

It’s a sweet way to show the world and my partner that I’m in it for the long haul (but allows me more time to save up for an engagement ring!).

Gender-neutrality can also come across as mature, professional, and easier for others to comprehend.

Also, you don’t want to be that person who rambles on and on, repeating “my girlfriend/boyfriend” ad nauseum.

If you’re like me, you may use different terms in different spaces.

For example, when I speak casually with friends or tell jokes onstage or on Twitter, I usually refer to my partner as my girlfriend.

We’re both relatively feminine-presenting cis women and feel comfortable calling each other girlfriends in spaces where we know we’ll be accepted as a same-sex couple.

However, when I speak with my elders, professional contacts, or the devoutly religious, I use the term “partner.”

I really do not want to start a debate on same-sex marriage or make someone supremely uncomfortable.

If my partner comes up in conversation, we’re usually talking about something minor and irrelevant to my orientation, like the cute bracelet my partner got me for my twentieth birthday.

Using gender-neutral pronouns regularly can also be a helpful example to the other people in your life.

For example, if you identify somewhere under the queer umbrella, some of your family may not feel comfortable referring to your boyfriend or girlfriend as your “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.”

This applies tenfold if you’re young.

Your family may refer to your significant other as your “friend,” even when it is clearly not the case.

It can feel alienating and hurtful.

If this sounds like your family, you might want to have a bigger discussion down the line, but gender-neutral dating words might be easier for everyone to stomach.

I’m not saying to excuse blatant homophobia, but champions of LGBTQIA+ rights cannot expect everyone to seamlessly hop on board with any sort of change, especially one regarding gender and sex.

Whatever your reasons may be, I hope this list helps you.

I know it’s far from complete, though, so that’s where you come in.

Talk to your partners and friends, and see if you can come up with more gender-neutral dating words to add. Let me know in the comments!

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Maddie McClouskey is a former Contributing Writer for Everyday Feminism. She’s a twenty-something lesbian in New York City and currently writes weekly dating advice pieces for the LGBTQ event app and website SheSeekOnline and was a regular contributor to the sexuality and feminism site ToughxCookies. When she’s not writing articles about gayness, she’s performing stand-up comedy, singing show tunes to her girlfriend and dog against their will, or making up jokes for Twitter @SoundofMaddie. 


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7 янв. 2023

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  • Турецкий

-Sevgili (=lover, for both),
-Kız arkadaş (=girlfriend)
-Erkek arkadaş (=boyfriend)
-Manita (traditionally for girlfriend, and was used by old-fashioned macho males. but came back to usage now and girls also use it for their s.o. still sound a bit ghetto. should be avoided in high social circles)
-Benimki (=the one that is mine. rare usage and can be confused with anything else, because by definition, anything you possess is ‘benimki’. people need to figure out you mean your s.o. by context)
-Yengen(iz) (=your sister-in-law. used for girlfriend when you refer to her while with your boyz. because she is their sister-in-law. avoid in high circles)

But usually you use directly his/her name when you talk about him/her, because Turkish people are so social and it feels good to know the name of someone important to you. Feels closer, like a family.

  • Русский

@ebrub oh thank you🥺
but I meant just cute words
I know aşkım, tatlım, canım..
It’s just interesting to hear more and what words are used now, which ones are better not to use and which are only for girlfriend or only for boyfriend
And is there for friends

  • Турецкий

  • Турецкий

Please note; because of cultural difference, some words may not work as you think even if you get the exact meanings between Russian and Turkish..

  • Русский

@Pkser okay
Thank you so much!)

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Please tell me as many cute words as possible
for boyfriend or girlfriend
And if there are some only for boyfriend and some only for girlfriend tell me please those too

and if there are affectionate words with which I can call friends, then I would like to know them too

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