One word for attention to detail

Looking for a word that describes «Paying attention to the smallest details, though they might not matter».

Starts with the letter «P»

asked Jul 20, 2014 at 13:28

DANI L's user avatar


persnickety: giving a lot of attention to details that are minor or not important

answered Jul 20, 2014 at 13:39

coneslayer's user avatar


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Pedantic is the first word that comes to mind.

According to Oxford Dictionaries, pedantic is someone who is:

Excessively concerned with minor details or rules, overscrupulous.

Some synonyms beginning with a «P» : perfectionist, punctilious, precisionist.

AdrieanKhisbe's user avatar

answered Jul 20, 2014 at 13:45

marantou's user avatar


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I think that the «p» word you might want is punctilious.

Punctilious (comparative more punctilious, superlative most punctilious)

  1. Strictly attentive to detail; meticulous or fastidious, particularly to codes or conventions.

    With a punctilious slap of the gloves, the duel was now inevitable.

  2. Precise or scrupulous; finicky or nitpicky.


Urbycoz's user avatar


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answered Jul 20, 2014 at 18:25

Tom Au's user avatar

Tom AuTom Au

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Consider pettifogging, present participle of pettifog, which per wiktionary is to quibble and nitpick over trivial details. A pettifogger is “Someone who quibbles over trivia, and raises petty, annoying objections”.

answered Jul 20, 2014 at 13:37

James Waldby - jwpat7's user avatar


Precisian, OED sense 2:

A person who is rigidly precise or punctilious in the observance of rules or forms; a purist, a stickler, a pedant.

Precise, OED sense 3.a:

Strict in the observance of rule, usage, etc.; formal, correct; scrupulous, particular; (occas.) overly formal, fastidious. Also: (of a practice or rule) strictly observed.

answered Jul 20, 2014 at 14:38

Brian Donovan's user avatar

Brian DonovanBrian Donovan

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Punctilious would be my answer if it had to begin with p, and was the one that first came to mind. However, I think that meticulous is a word that better matches the question.

Meticulous is a positive word. Per(s)nickety implies being difficult to please more than it does attention to detail, and is also a negative word.

answered Jul 21, 2014 at 14:01

Micah Walter's user avatar

I often use the word particular to describe someone who is meticulous or fastidious.

  1. : of, relating to, or being a single person or thing
  2. obsolete : partial
  3. : of, relating to, or concerned with details
  4. a : distinctive among other examples or cases of the same general category : notably unusual
    b : being one unit or element among others
  5. a : denoting an individual member or subclass in logic
    b : affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject —used of a proposition in logic <“some men are wise” is a particular affirmative>
  6. a : concerned over or attentive to details : meticulous
    b : nice in taste : fastidious
    c : hard to please : exacting

This word has the advantage of being much more common over the others mentioned here. I would prefer this to all the others already listed.

answered Jul 21, 2014 at 23:21

«Pedantic» often applies to someone who takes «correctness» to an extreme level, including paying attention to details that don’t matter in the grand scheme.

Edit: Didn’t notice that this was previously mentioned so I’ve improved with a link:

answered Jul 21, 2014 at 15:27

Nobody's user avatar


You may be looking for painstaking. By itself it doesn’t mean «attention to detail», but it is often combined with it to intensify: painstaking attention to detail.

answered Jul 22, 2014 at 2:34

Kaz's user avatar


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The word that came to mind for me was «picayune» which as an adjective means worthless or useless. So in context the following would answer the OP’s question:

«I don’t like to ask Sam to review my designs because he points out picayune grammatical mistakes while missing important conceptual errors.»

answered Jul 22, 2014 at 0:40

Tony Apuzzo's user avatar


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When writing your CV, you want to make sure you stand out. That’s why common phrases like “attention to detail” aren’t always the best things to use. This article will explore some of the best alternatives you can use to replace this common and overused phrase.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Attention To Detail” On My CV?

There are a few great alternatives we can show you. However, we want to focus on these ones to help you see it in action:

  • Perfectionist
  • Punctilious
  • Precise
  • Meticulous
  • Dot the I’s and cross the T’s
  • Pedantic

better ways to say attention to detail

The preferred version is “perfectionist.” We can use this word to describe someone who cares a great deal about making sure something is perfect. This can be both a good and bad trait, so you’ll want to word it correctly if using it in your CV.


A perfectionist is somebody who cares about perfection. They want to make sure they do every task to the best of their ability and will often get frustrated at themselves if forced to present anything that isn’t quite “perfect.”

The definition of “perfectionist,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible.”

Someone who is a perfectionist can be portrayed both positively and negatively. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you know how to phrase it if you want to use it to describe yourself in a CV.

Some people believe that perfectionists try too hard. They will force themselves to meet perfect standards, which are often too difficult to achieve. Thus, when they inevitably fail, they will end up delivering poorer work than someone else.

However, some employers love perfectionists because they know they’ll put the utmost attention and detail into their work. They’ll hire perfectionists because they know they won’t settle for anything less than perfect.

Here are some examples to show it to you in action:

  • I like to think of myself as a perfectionist because I only deliver the highest quality work.
  • They have called me a perfectionist in my previous workplace because they knew I would not disappoint.
  • I do not mind being known as the perfectionist of the workforce.


A punctilious person is someone who pays extra careful attention to the finer details. It’s a less common word, which makes it all the more impressive to use correctly in a CV. We can use it mostly as a positive trait to show how much we care about something.

The definition of “punctilious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details.”

Punctilious employees make for easy hires for many bosses. They find that people who value care over rushing their work or projects are the ones that will provide the most suitable workforces.

If you can find a suitable way to include a word like “Punctilious” in your CV, you absolutely should take the chance.

These examples will show you some ways it could work:

  • I have been referred to as punctilious because I take extra caution before handing in my work.
  • I focus a lot on the minor details of projects because of my punctilious attitude.
  • I’m punctilious, and I will make sure never to hand in work that I don’t think is perfect.


“Precise” is another great word we can use to describe someone who pays attention to detail. It works because we can show that we take extra care to make the smaller details as accurate as possible.

The definition of “precise,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and accurate, especially about small details.”

Precise work is always better suited to a workplace. If you can ensure that all the smaller details are correct and appropriate in a project, then your boss will look to you in favor (and you shouldn’t be too far away from a promotion).

If you are not precise, you may overlook the smaller details. While this isn’t always a terrible thing, some projects depend on smaller things. That’s why it’s important to hire someone who knows how to correct them.

Check out these examples to see “precise” in action:

  • I think of myself as precise in everything I do. I’m sure you’ll see why once you hire me.
  • I am very precise before handing in my work, and you’ll definitely receive it long before the official deadline.
  • The precision I possess when it comes to work is unmatched.


A meticulous person is another great way to show someone pays close attention to details. They will go over their work time and again to make sure they know there aren’t any small errors or slip-ups. You will only get perfect projects from meticulous people.

The definition of “meticulous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and with great attention to every detail.”

“Meticulous” is one of those words that’s designed to impress. We use it when we want to talk highly of ourselves, and many employers will look at someone as “meticulous” as a suitable hire.

It’s worth using the word if you want to say that you pay close attention to detail. After all, it will stand you out from the rest of the CVs.without having to try very hard.

You must, of course, prove your meticulous habits once you are hired, but you can at least be secure in the knowledge that calling yourself “meticulous” will win you a few interviews.

These examples will show you how it works:

  • I am meticulous in everything I do, and you can trust the work I give you to be done with 100% effort.
  • They have called me meticulous, and I agree with this.
  • I am the most meticulous person you’ll ever meet, and I will not stop working until I’ve ensured that every detail is correct.

Dot The I’s And Cross The T’s

We also wanted to show you the “dot the I’s and cross the T’s” idiom. Idioms aren’t common in CVs, which is why it can be useful to include it because it will really separate you from the crowd. The meaning is identical to the other words on this list.

The definition of “dot the i’s and cross the t’s,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to complete a task.”

Sometimes, describing yourself as one word isn’t enough. Instead, you want to also give your future employer a chance to see a bit more of your character. That’s why idioms are so great to use (even though many people will overlook them or ignore them).

There’s nothing better than throwing in a phrase like this to surprise whoever reads your CV. Too many people believe idioms to be informal or colloquial, but this is not the case.

Check out these great examples to see how it could look:

  • I frequently dot the I’s and cross the T’s before handing in any work.
  • Dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s is most important to me before delivering my assignments.
  • I make sure to dot the I’s and cross the T’s, so you can be certain that you’ll only get the highest standard from me.


“Pedantic” is a negative word, but if you are able to spin it correctly, it can work quite well. It’s not common to use in a CV because of the negative connotations, but if you are able to make it positive, it also shows your employer that you have a way with words.

The definition of “pedantic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving too much attention to formal rules or small details.”

Turning negative words into positive ones doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to find the correct way to phrase the words to make sure that your employer will be impressed with your grasp of the English language.

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • I have previously been called pedantic because I pay close attention to detail, but I am proud of my habits.
  • I am known to be pedantic, though I prefer to think of myself as someone who cares too much about the finer details.
  • I am pedantic, and I would say that’s a big weakness. However, it does mean that I only deliver the finest work.

What Does It Mean To Pay Attention To Detail?

Now let’s finish with finding out the meaning of the phrase. However, we want to show you what it means with the verb “pay” as part of it.

“Pay attention to detail” means that someone takes great care to make sure all the little things are correct. In a larger project or task, they will focus on all the smaller workings to make sure everything works as it should do. They often deliver work of the highest quality.

It’s a good character trait to have, which is why so many people include it in their CVs. After all, it shows your new employer that you pay close attention to tasks, and you don’t like to quit until you’re certain that you can get it all perfect.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. While all these words mean “showing close attention to detail,” meticulous may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hampering finicky caution over small points.

Is attention to detail a strength?

In business aspect, attention to detail definition includes the ability to concentrate on a task. Why paying attention to details is so important? The answer is simple. Detail-oriented strengths give you the ability to work better, to be more effective and to minimize the risk of errors.

What is your strength detail oriented?

Strengths and Weaknesses of Being Detail-Oriented Detail-oriented people: Make fewer errors, and spot errors made by others. This saves time and money by avoiding re-work, customer returns, etc. Produce higher quality outputs, operating to a higher standard and pushing others to the same level.

How do I know if I’m detail oriented?

13 signs you’re detail oriented

  1. You triple-check your own work.
  2. You ask a lot of questions.
  3. You have an impressive memory.
  4. You work methodically.
  5. You produce high-quality work.
  6. You have perfectionist tendencies.
  7. You’re sometimes viewed as a micromanager.
  8. You’re the go-to person for checking things over.

How would you describe a detail oriented person?

A detail-oriented person exercises extreme attention to detail. They’re thorough, accurate, organized, and productive. They seek to understand both the cause and effect of a situation.

What can I say instead of detail oriented?

Here are 10 great synonyms for the term detail-oriented:

  • Accurate.
  • Attentive.
  • Comprehensive.
  • Exacting.
  • Fastidious.
  • Meticulous.
  • Precise.
  • Scrupulous.

How do you describe attention to detail in a resume?

When you are trying to show you are detail-oriented on your resume, be specific about what you have done that proves you are detail-oriented. For example, instead of merely saying “detail-oriented,” try including a statement like “analyzed data to check for errors and inaccuracies.”

How do you explain attention to detail in interview?

When answering an interview question about being detail-oriented, consider these tips:

  1. Use the STAR method. The STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method is a great tool to use when answering detail-oriented-related questions.
  2. Provide quantifiable examples.
  3. Pay attention to the questions being asked.

What is paying attention to detail?

Attention to Detail. DEFINITION: Thoroughness in accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small. Monitors and checks work or information and plans and organizes time and resources efficiently. Key Words: Quality Assurance, Thoroughness, Efficiency.

Why is attention to detail so important?

Why attention to detail matters Ensuring that relevant staff show excellent attention to detail minimises the risk of errors, and reduces the amount of checking, revising, and supervision that staff require.

Is attention to detail a personality trait?

Attention to detail is generally a good trait that is worth developing, but one must pay attention to how they are applying it to the people around them, lest they find themselves alienated and overwhelmed.

How can employees improve attention to detail?

How Can You Increase Employees’ Attention to Detail?

  1. Observe. You can learn a lot about how your employees work simply by watching.
  2. Create a Work Guide. Having a detailed plan can help employees understand their full responsibilities in a task or function.
  3. Make a List. Use a checklist for multistep tasks.
  4. Stick to a Schedule.
  5. Keep It Simple.
  6. Use a Peer-Support System.

What causes poor attention to detail?

Risk factors for having a short attention span inability to complete daily tasks. missing important details or information. communication difficulties in relationships. poor health related to neglect and inability to practice healthy habits.

Why do I struggle with attention to detail?

One of the reasons why we tend to not pay better attention to detail is because we are distracted all the time. Most of us work in open-plan workspaces which make distractions inevitable; there’s always someone getting up or talking to someone.

Is attention to detail a soft skill?

They may also have the following soft skills on their resume: Detail-oriented. Superior time management. Work well under pressure.

What are 10 soft skills?

What Are the 10 Key Soft Skills?

  • Communication. Communication is one of the most important soft skills.
  • Self-Motivation.
  • Leadership.
  • Responsibility.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem Solving.
  • Decisiveness.
  • Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management.

What is your soft skills?

What Are Soft Skills? Soft skills relate to how you work. Soft skills include interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, and empathy, among others. Hiring managers typically look for job candidates with soft skills because they make someone more successful in the workplace.

What are the most valuable skills to have?

Examples of valuable skills for any job

  • Communication skills.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Social media and computer skills.
  • Learning skills.
  • Personal management and organization skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.

What are the top 5 employability skills?

The top 5 skills employers look for include:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Teamwork and collaboration.
  • Professionalism and strong work ethic.
  • Oral and written communications skills.
  • Leadership.

What are the skills that will make you more employable?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters want

  • Commercial awareness (or business acumen) This is about knowing how a business or industry works and what makes a company tick.
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Negotiation and persuasion.
  • Problem solving.
  • Leadership.
  • Organisation.
  • Perseverance and motivation.

adjective. 1’their rigorous attention to detail paid off’ meticulous, punctilious, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful, scrupulous, painstaking, exact, precise, accurate, correct, thorough, studious, exhaustive, mathematical, detailed, perfectionist, methodical, particular, religious, strict.

So, what is extremely attentive to detail?

Paying close attention; alert or observant: an attentive listener; attentive to detail. See Synonyms at careful. 2. Showing care for the needs or desires of others; caring or courteous. See Synonyms at thoughtful.

What do you mean by attention to detail?

Attention to Detail. Definition. Achieves thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved. Behavioral Indicators. − Provides accurate, consistent numbers on all paperwork.

What does it mean to be detail oriented?

A detail oriented person is someone who pays attention to the details and can make a conscious effort to understand causes instead of just the effects, and that does this in a second nature type of way. It shouldn’t be something that the person has to work at.

Write Your Answer

Describing somebody who has an eye for detail can be difficult. There’s no single word to describe such a person and many different words can be used depending on the context. We think the word “observant” might be the best choice since it can be used in many contexts.

Read on to find out more!

What is one word for somebody who has an eye for detail?

If you sometimes find yourself trying – and struggling to come up with specific words to describe something accurately, you’re not alone. It can be especially hard to come up with words to describe people with certain characteristics or traits that don’t have special, dedicated words of their own.

A great example of this is describing somebody who has an eye for detail. In this case, many words can be good candidates depending on the exact context. In our opinion, the best choice is the word “observant” or “keen-eyed.” Observant is a good choice because the word is quite versatile and can be used in many different contexts.

Why can multiple words be used to describe such a person?

As we mentioned before, there is no single, perfect word that accurately describes somebody who has an eye for detail. A reason for this may be that such a person can be described in many different contexts and thus different words will be required to describe them.

Let’s talk about a few of these contexts to give you an example. First, let’s suppose this person has a great eye for detail when it comes to noticing tiny details. Due to this ability, this person can differentiate between a fake painting and an authentic one. Then this person would be described as “sharp-eyed” or “keen-eyed.”

But if this person is somebody who designs arts and crafts pieces and pays great attention to small details, then they’d be more aptly described by the word “meticulous.”

So, in a nutshell, the word you would choose to describe a person who has a good eye for detail depends on the context.

Other similar words that can be used

Here is a list of other words similar in meaning to “observant” and “keen-eyed” that can be used to describe somebody with an eye for detail. These words are generally used in differing contexts but convey nearly the same meaning.

  1. Meticulous
  2. Detail-oriented
  3. Fastidious
  4. Pedantic
  5. Attentive
  6. Punctilious

If you are looking for a positive word to add to your resumé, then “meticulous” is a great word as it show  that you have an eye for detail and you make sure everything is done correctly.

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

There is no doubt that creating a great resume is almost an art form. Today, many people will often pay a great deal of money to have a professional create their resume but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create a resume that gets noticed all on your own. What is important to remember about creating a resume in the digital age, however, is that while online services have significantly increased the number of resumes a company might receive for a position, it also means they receive far too many to actually look at each one individually. As a result, many companies now use services that scan for specific key words before a human being ever lays eyes on a resume. Eventually, however, if your resume makes it through the scanning process, you want it to also be a resume that will stand out once it is in front of a hiring manager or other human resources personnel.

This means your resume needs to do two things: it needs to contain the right keywords that will get it through to a hiring manager but you also need to use a number of variations on those keywords so that your resume reads differently from the rest in order to make it all the way to a job interview. One of the more common traits or characteristics that many companies are looking for in an employee is someone who pays attention to details. While it’s fine to use this exact phrase in your resume, you also want to show throughout your resume itself that you actually pay attention to detail by other key phrases and words you use and through your use of detail in your resume itself. Here are some tips to help you create a resume that will stand out and show you are a detail oriented person.


One way to show that you pay close attention to details rather than simply saying that you are a detail oriented person is to give specific examples of when your attention to detail might have been of benefit to a company you worked for previously or in a previous position. For instance, if you caught an accounting error or perhaps noticed a typographical error in a mock-up of promotional materials that would have cost the company a great deal if no one caught it, you can mention that on your resume. In that way, you are communicating that you are a person that pays attention to detail without necessarily using that specific phrase.


There are a number of synonyms for detail oriented or ways to communicate that you are detail oriented without using those specific words. Some other ways of saying that you are detail oriented might be to say that you notice things, you are the type of person that regularly spots grammatical errors or that you pay attention to small details. You might also create a section in your resume where you list some of your soft skills and say that you are a careful person that notices even the smallest details.


Using related words such as close attention, strong attention, great attention or careful are all ways that you can communicate that you are a detail oriented person without using that exact phrase. You can also say that you are someone who notices mistakes or the type of person who pays attention to minor details. Here are some other words and phrases you can use and some ideas of how to use them on your resume.


Although auto-correct and spell check will catch a few mistakes, there are always going to be any number of mistakes they will not catch. It is very important that if you are claiming to be detail oriented on your resume, that you show you actually pay close attention to detail by not having any typographical errors, grammatical errors or other mistakes on your resume. The first place to show that you are a person that produces quality work is on the resume that you send in to get the job in the first place.


In addition to using key words and phrases in your employment history to describe your various duties and responsibilities, you can also communicate that you pay attention to detail by using key words and phrases in the introductory section of your resume, which can be a synopsis of your key skills, traits and attributes. Here are a few examples.

  • Hard worker who possesses strong detail oriented skills and makes a conscious effort to notice fine points and important details.
  • Detail oriented person who pays close attention to grammatical errors and other mistakes in order to produce quality work for the most significant business impact.
  • Careful and considerate worker who appreciates the fine point and pays great attention to small details that others might miss.


In addition to checking for any grammatical errors, it is also important to check carefully for any formatting errors. These can include things like the last line of one section falling on a separate page or a full page becoming devoted to a single line (referred to as a widow or orphan) or sudden changes in a font style or size. Although it is common to submit your resume electronically, it is also still somewhat common to be asked to bring a hard copy of your resume, which means you will want to carefully proof the hard copy as well to make sure there are no printing mistakes. Although it is great to communicate on paper how careful you are when it comes to paying attention to details, it won’t hold much water if you present a resume full of typographical, formatting and grammatical errors.

The level of care that you apply to a task. For example, a pilot who intensely concentrates when they land an aircraft such that they are immune to distraction.

Furthermore, What are some examples of attention to detail? Examples of Attention to Detail Skills

  • Proofreading and editing skills. This is one of the most common areas where you can discuss your attention to detail. …
  • Expertise with numbers and number programs. …
  • Design work. …
  • Time management. …
  • Organization. …
  • Observation. …
  • Analytical skills.

How can I be more detail-oriented at work? How to be more detail-oriented at work

  1. Make sure you understand instructions clearly. …
  2. Use a task management system. …
  3. Break large projects into smaller tasks and make a plan. …
  4. Proofread your work. …
  5. Take a break before submitting your work.

Subsequently, How do you show attention to detail skills? Here are a few ways in which you can improve your attention to detail:

  1. Limit distractions. It can be challenging to focus on a task and pay attention to detail when you’re constantly distracted. …
  2. Take regular breaks. …
  3. Get organised. …
  4. Make healthy lifestyle choices. …
  5. Try to avoid multitasking. …
  6. Take a few minutes daily to meditate.

How do you demonstrate strong attention to detail?

How to improve attention to detail

  1. Get organized.
  2. Create lists.
  3. Maintain a routine.
  4. Make quality a priority.
  5. Play focus-enhancing games.
  6. Learn to meditate.

How do you deal with a detail oriented boss? What can employees do to earn their managers’ trust?

  1. Show your support for your boss. …
  2. Develop a positive relationship with your manager. …
  3. Anticipate the needs of your boss. …
  4. Let your manager know ahead of time if there is a problem. …
  5. Meet or surpass your manager’s expectations. …
  6. Provide your boss with frequent updates.

What is another word for detail-oriented? Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. While all these words mean “showing close attention to detail,” meticulous may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hampering finicky caution over small points.

What is a word for detail oriented? Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. While all these words mean “showing close attention to detail,” meticulous may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hampering finicky caution over small points.

What’s a word for attention to detail?

What is another word for attention to detail?

care meticulousness
thoroughness carefulness
assiduousness consecutiveness
exactness scrupulousness
fastidiousness precision

How do type A personality work? Consider some of these ways that you can work alongside your Type A employees and not against them.

  1. Use direct language. …
  2. Stay productive. …
  3. Encourage competition. …
  4. Reduce stress factors. …
  5. Create goal-oriented tasks. …
  6. Give them leadership roles. …
  7. Never be late. …
  8. Have a timeline.

How do you convince a controlling boss?

8 Ways to Persuade Your Boss to Say Yes

  1. Make it easy for your boss to say yes. …
  2. Get the timing right. …
  3. Lay out the business case. …
  4. Show that you’ve thought of pros and cons. …
  5. Preemptively offer solutions to the downsides. …
  6. Understand the answer might need to be “no” for reasons that have nothing to do with you.

How do type A personality bosses work? How to Deal With a Type A Boss

  1. Maintain Productivity. Stay productive so your boss doesn’t get impatient with your job progress. …
  2. Communicate Directly. Interact with your boss in a direct and straightforward manner. …
  3. Discuss Results. Focus on results and discuss them with your employer. …
  4. Avoid Emotional Responses.

How do you say pay close attention to detail?

When you are trying to show you are detail-oriented on your resume, be specific about what you have done that proves you are detail-oriented. For example, instead of merely saying “detail-oriented,” try including a statement like “analyzed data to check for errors and inaccuracies.”

What do you call someone who pays close attention to detail?

careful, meticulous, scrupulous, punctilious mean showing close attention to detail.

What do you call a person who pays attention to detail? thorough, detailed, particular, strict, exact, precise, fussy, painstaking, perfectionist, scrupulous, fastidious.

What do you call a person who doesn’t pay attention to detail? It is defined as: not paying enough attention to what one does: a careless typist; not exact, accurate, or thorough: careless work.

What is a very detailed person called?

meticulous Add to list Share. Someone who is meticulous pays extreme attention to detail. If that person is, say, your surgeon or your accountant, you’ll definitely want them to be meticulous!

What is a detailed person called? punctilious Add to list Share. A punctilious person pays attention to details.

What’s another way to say attention to detail?

What is another word for attention to detail?

care meticulousness
thoroughness carefulness
assiduousness consecutiveness
exactness scrupulousness
fastidiousness precision

What are the 4 types of personality? A large new study published in Nature Human Behavior, however, provides evidence for the existence of at least four personality types: average, reserved, self-centered and role model.

How do you communicate with Type A?

Keep communication lines open

People with Type A personality possess a dominating attitude. They tend to think that money will make them happy instead of spending time with family and friends. They may find it hard to express themselves, so make sure to talk to them and let them know that they can reach out to you.

How can I control my Type A personality? Exercise classes can offer social connection as well as a little positive peer pressure to push you to stay on track.

  1. Try Expressive Writing. If you have a Type A personality, you probably like to be more active than passive. …
  2. Take Time for Hobbies. …
  3. Stay Connected.

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