One word for amazing experience

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for amazing experience?
  2. What is the synonym of reinforcing?
  3. What is an enriching experience?
  4. How would you describe good experience?
  5. Which is the best synonym for the word rationalize?
  6. Is it easy to rationalize what went wrong?
  7. Is it easy for a militarist to rationalize his method?
  8. Which is the best way to rationalize a crime?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazing, like: astonishing, incredible, astounding, phenomenal, marvelous, wondrous, fantastical, prodigious, miraculous, stupendous and fantastic.

What is the synonym of reinforcing?

buttress, corroborate, shore (up), substantiate, support.

What is an enriching experience?

adjective. giving increased enjoyment or appreciation. I have such interesting, enriching experiences in my work. Learning and teaching are enriching experiences for both the student and the teacher. Word Frequency.

How would you describe good experience?

Words to Describe Your Good Experience Tremendous: extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: Prodigious: extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force. Marvelous: such as to cause wonder, admiration, or astonishment; surprising; extraordinary.

Which is the best synonym for the word rationalize?

verb to offer reasons for or a cause of. Synonyms. account for. explain. justify. Synonyms for rationalize. Collins. Roget’s. WordNet.

Is it easy to rationalize what went wrong?

While some react by abandoning the worldview entirely, many others find that rationalizing what went wrong is cognitively easier than admitting you, yourself, were the one who was wrong.

Is it easy for a militarist to rationalize his method?

Nor, as a matter of fact, is it any more easy for the militarist to rationalize his method of solving world difficulties. At present we give way to resentful passion, and then “rationalize” our surrender by calling it a vindication of justice.

Which is the best way to rationalize a crime?

Investigators may rationalize a crime merely by explaining to the suspect that the deviant act was logical behavior that anyone in his position would have done because the reward outweighed the possibility of capture and prosecution. John McAslan & Partners were asked to rationalize the whole chaotic complex.

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APA Classic Thesaurus. (1970). Synonyms for Amazing experience. Retrieved April 14, 2023, from
Chicago Classic Thesaurus. 1970. «Synonyms for Amazing experience» (accessed April 14, 2023).
Harvard Classic Thesaurus 1970, Synonyms for Amazing experience, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 14 April, 2023, <>.
MLA Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Amazing experience» 1 January 1970. Web. 14 April 2023. <>

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

удивительный опыт m

потрясающий опыт

удивительным опытом

потрясающим опытом

невероятный опыт

замечательный опыт

удивительного опыта

поразительный опыт

прекрасный опыт

удивительные впечатления

удивительное приключение

интересный опыт


He said it was the most amazing experience.

Switzerland has around 200 farms that will provide you with the amazing experience.

Швейцария имеет около 200 ферм, которые предоставят вам удивительный опыт.

And this is an amazing experience for me as well.

I stayed there last summer for a month and it was an amazing experience.

Learning Portuguese overseas will be an amazing experience, wherever you end up.

Вывод: изучение португальского языка за рубежом всегда бдет удивительным опытом, где бы вы ни оказались.

Travel can be an amazing experience that opens your mind and deeply impacts you emotionally.

Путешествие может быть удивительным опытом, который открывает ваш ум и глубоко воздействует на вас эмоционально.

Then you walk in that room and it’s the most amazing experience ever.

Потом ты идешь в эту комнату, и это самый удивительный опыт за всю историю.

Marriage is an amazing experience for men and women, but it requires a lot of work.

Брак — удивительный опыт как для мужчины, так и для женщины, но он требует большой работы.

Your staff will create an amazing experience for your patients.

Moving to the mountains has been an amazing experience.

It would be an amazing experience for the kids.

The second conference went out live stream and archived to make that same amazing experience available to all for the next 30 days.

Вторая конференция вышла живым потоком и заархивирована, чтобы сделать подобный удивительный опыт доступным для всех в течение следующих 30 дней.

Free from errors while chatting hence giving funny and amazing experience

Свободный от ошибок во время чата, следовательно, давая смешной и удивительный опыт

But to see the original works of the masters is a completely amazing experience.

Но увидеть оригинальные работы мастеров — это совершенно удивительный опыт.

Although the echolocation system is not a unique phenomenon, it allowed the studio to collect a truly amazing experience.

Хоть система эхолокации не уникальное явление, но она позволила студии собрать действительно удивительный опыт.

Walking through this bridge is a magical and amazing experience.

Swimming with these majestic mammals is truly an amazing experience.

Поплавать вместе с этими великолепными созданиями поистине удивительный опыт.

If you are able to ride, it is an amazing experience.

So, when on a limited budget, you will still be able to have an amazing experience without going broke.

Таким образом, при ограниченном бюджете вы все равно сможете получить потрясающий опыт, не разорившись.

Swimming next to a hundred year old sea turtle is an amazing experience.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат amazing experience

Результатов: 630. Точных совпадений: 630. Затраченное время: 84 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Amazing is a powerful word, evoking awe and admiration in equal measure. It’s the kind of word used to express appreciation and acknowledgment when something truly exceptional has occurred when somebody has performed well beyond expectations.

But sometimes it can be tricky to find another way to compliment someone/something that carries just as much significance- this is where synonyms of amazing come into play!

In this blog post, we’ll explore some creative alternatives for expressing amazement, so you have more words at your disposal when you’re searching for interesting ways to give props.

Synonyms For Amazing

Here are some popular synonyms of Amazing;

1- Gorgeous

2- Graceful

3- Sexy

4- Wonderful

5- Dreamy

6- Astounding

7- Classy

8- Delectable

9- Adorable

10- Awesome

11- Exquisite

12- Delightful

13- Grand

14- Heart-Stopping

15- Lunatic

16- Fun

17- Dumbfounding

18- Sensational

19- Striking

20- Luxuriant

Other Words For Amazing

Here are all other different words for Amazing;

1- Charming

2- Far-Out

3- Ideal

4- Fun

5- Alluring

6- Spectacular

7- Incredible

8- Unforeseen

9- Delightful

10- Confusing

11- Adorable

12- Taste

13- Transcendent

14- Delectable

15- Delectable

16- Groovy

17- Unique

18- Unutterable

19- Satisfying

20- Supreme

21- Exquisite

22- Exalted

23- Awful

24- Elegant

25- Singular

26- Fetching

27- Monumental

28- Successful

29- Befuddling

30- Darling

31- Yummy

32- Nonplussing

33- Ideal

34- Impressive

35- Eye-Opening

36- Unanticipated

37- Prodigious

38- Excellent

39- Ethereal

40- Majestic

41- Refined

42- Moving

43- Incomparable

44- Alright

45- Super

46- Dismaying

47- Riveting

48- Gorgeous

49- Enticing

50- Unreal

51- Graceful

52- Previous

53- Dreamy

54- Lunatic

55- Blue-Ribbon

56- Beautiful

57- Divine

58- Sensual

59- Unannounced

60- Striking

61- Very Good

62- Fearsome

63- Exceptional

64- Unimaginable

65- Successful

66- Congenial

67- Beauteous

68- Dazzling

69- Ineffable

70- Fabulous

71- Unexpected

72- Interesting

73- Glorious

74- Entertaining

75- Beyond Words

76- Bewitching

77- Sexy

78- Unearthly

79- Sensual

80- Thrilling

81- Alright

82- Mesmerizing

83- Exalted

84- Awesome

85- Uncommon

86- Grand

87- Heavenly

88- Discomfiting

89- Likable

90- Capital

91- Unbelievable

92- Astonishing

93- Shocking

94- Extraordinary

95- Bonny

96- Captivating

97- Surprise

98- Refined

99- Classy

100- Tantalizing

101- Enticing

102- Luscious

103- August

104- Dumfounding

105- Awe-Inspiring

106- Overwhelming

107- Overwhelming

108- Rapturous

109- Shocking

110- Likable

111- Awe-Inspiring

112- Prodigious

113- Splendid

114- Fantastic

115- Transcendent

116- Formidable

117- Delicate

118- Bonny

119- Magnetic

120- Excellent

121- Very Good

122- Distinctive

123- Bewitching

124- Unreal

125- First-Rate

126- Marvelous

127- Daunting

128- Staggering

129- Enthralling

130- Ravishing

131- Stunning

132- Stupefying

133- Interesting

134- Electrifying

135- Sexy

136- Jaw-Dropping

137- Informal

138- Radiant

139- Dramatic

140- Muddling

141- Alluring

142- Lovely

143- Sublime

144- Inspiring

145- Glorious

146- Remarkable

147- Adorable

148- Fascinating

149- Elegant

150- Wondrous

151- Affecting

152- Graceful

153- Lavish

154- Conspicuous

155- Irresistible

156- Amusing

157- Inspiring

158- Indescribable

159- Monumental

160- Incomprehensible

161- Dramatic

162- Darling

163- Dainty

164- Supreme

165- Notable

166- Jarring

167- Phenomenal

168- Luscious

169- Exceptional

170- Satisfying

171- Intimidating

172- Lunatic

173- Noticeable

174- Inconceivable

175- Blue-Ribbon

176- Luxuriant

177- Fetching

178- Beyond Words

179- Enthralling

180- Incomparable

181- Dashing

182- Unusual

183- Ravishing

184- Exquisite

185- Dreamy

186- Striking

187- Irresistible

188- Pleasant

189- Astounding

190- Tremendous

191- Upsetting

192- Arresting

193- Surprising

194- Dazzling

195- Jolting

196- First-Class

197- Fun

198- Impressive

199- Unexpected

200- Blue-Ribbon

201- Stupendous

202- Majestic

203- First-Class

204- Spectacular

205- Far-Out

206- Incredible

207- Psycho

208- Gorgeous

209- Breathtaking

210- Rare

211- Wonderful

212- Groovy

213- Resplendent

214- Flustering

215- Divine

216- Showy

217- Fantastic

218- Electrifying

219- Startling

220- Gratifying

221- Surprising

222- Delicious

223- Arresting

224- Stupefying

225- Beautiful

226- Fascinating

227- Unwonted

228- Congenial

229- Beyond Words

230- Nonplusing

231- Astounding

232- Portentous

233- Classy

234- Marvelous

235- Bewildering

236- Dainty

237- Awesome

238- Taste

239- Solemn

240- Magnetic

241- Imposing

242- Unlikely

243- Entertaining

244- Enchanting

245- First-Rate

246- Magnificent

247- Disconcerting

248- Astonishing

249- Unthinkable

250- Charming

251- Showy

252- Savory

253- Eye-Opening

254- First-Rate

255- Staggering

256- Extraordinary

257- Dashing

258- Ethereal

259- Delightful

260- Brilliant

261- Fearsome

262- Blindsiding

263- Captivating

264- Distinctive

265- Lovely

266- Eye-Opening

267- Unbelievable

268- Radiant

269- Wonderful

270- Dreadful

271- Luxuriant

272- Lavish

273- Resplendent

274- Stupendous

275- Capital

276- Informal

277- Delicious

278- Superb

279- Savory

280- Stunning

281- Exhilarating

282- Daunting

283- Amazing

284- Pleasant

285- Splendid

286- Confounding

287- Thrilling

288- Ambrosial

289- Delicate

290- Miraculous

291- Yummy

292- Grand

293- Riveting

294- Heavenly

295- Ambrosial

296- Scrumptious

297- Enchanting

298- Far-Out

299- Exhilarating

300- Outstanding

301- Brilliant

302- Surprise

303- Gratifying

304- Inconceivable

305- Fabulous

306- Previous

307- Tremendous

308- Super

309- Beyond Words

310- Amusing

311- Mesmerizing

312- First-Class

313- Rapturous

314- Awe-Inspiring

315- Scrumptious

316- Breathtaking

317- Perplexing

318- Sublime

319- Top-Notch

320- Wondrous

20 Another Word for Amazing Person

1- Magnificent

2- Splendid

3- Wonderful

4- Brilliant

5- Superb

6- Prodigious

7- Exceptional

8- Remarkable

9- Fabulous


11- Phenomenal

12- Incredible

13- Exceptional

14- Outstanding

15- Impressive

16- Stellar

17- Magnanimous

18- Grandiose

19- Majestic

20- Monumental

20 Another Word for Amazing Man

1- Adorable

2- Brave

3- Chivalrous

4- Dashing

5- Elegant

6- Gallant

7- Honorable

8- Intrepid

9- Just

10- Keen

11- Laudable

12- Magnanimous

13- Noble

14- Opulent

15- Princely

16- Resolute

17- Stalwart

18- Tenacious

19- Upright

20- Valiant

20 Another Word for Amazing Woman

1- Admired

2- Beloved

3- Charismatic

4- Dazzling

5- Elite

6- Fierce

7- Graceful

8- Heroic

9- Idolized

10- Joyous

11- Kindhearted

12- Laudable

13- Majestic

14- Nurturing

15- Palatial

16- Resplendent

17- Stunning

18- Triumphant

19- Unrivaled

20- Vivacious

20 Another Word for Amazing Day

1- Blissful

2- Celebratory

3- Divinest

4- Enchanting

5- Fanciful

6- Glorious

7- Hallowed

8- Idyllic

9- Joyous

10- Kaleidoscopic

11- Luxuriant

12- Marvelous

13- Notable

14- Opulent

15- Peaceful

16- Quaint

17- Radiant

18- Splendid

19- Thrilling

20- Utopian

20 Another Word for Amazing Experience

1- Astonishing

2- Bewitching

3- Captivating

4- Dreamlike

5- Exhilarating

6- Fantastic

7- Heavenly

8- Icy

9- Joyous

10- Kinetic

11- Lucid

12- Magical

13- Numinous

14- Opulent

15- Propitious

16- Quaint

17- Roaring

18- Stellar

19- Thrilling

20- Unbelievable

20 Another Word for Amazing Place

1- Alluring

2- Beautiful

3- Celestial

4- Delightful

5- Edenic

6- Fascinating

7- Glorious

8- Heavenly

9- Inviting

10- Jovial

11- Kaleidoscopic

12- Luminous

13- Majestic

14- Numinous

15- Openhearted

16- Picturesque

17- Quiet

18- Revitalizing

19- Sublime

20- Tranquil

20 Another Word for Amazing Work

1- Admirable

2- Brilliant

3- Creative

4- Distinguished

5- Excellence

6- Flawless

7- Grandiose

8- Innovative

9- Justified

10- Keenly

11- Legendary

12- Masterful

13- Notable

14- Outstanding

15- Phenomenal

16- Quality

17- Remarkable

18- Superb

19- Triumphant

20- Unparalleled

20 Another Word for Amazing Performance

1- Awesome

2- Breathtaking

3- Champion

4- Definitive

5- Epic

6- Fantastic

7- Groundbreaking

8- Heroic

9- Impeccable

10- Jaw Dropping

11- Knockout

12- Luminous

13- Mesmerizing

14- Notable

15- Outstanding

16- Perfect

17- Quantum

18- Refined

19- Superlative

20- Unbelievable

20 Another Word for Amazing Job

1- Accomplished

2- Beneficial

3- Comprehensive

4- Dignified

5- Exemplary

6- Flawless

7- Grand

8- High Quality

9- Incredible

10- Justified

11- Knowledgeable

12- Luminous

13- Notable

14- Outstanding

15- Professional

16- Quality

17- Revolutionary

18- Skillful

19- Thorough

20- Unparalleled

20 Another Word for Amazing Food

1- Appetizing

2- Delicious

3- Exquisite

4- Flavorful

5- Gorgeous

6- Heavenly

7- Inviting

8- Juicy

9- Killer

10- Lavish

11- Mouthwatering

12- Nutritious

13- Opulent

14- Palatable

15- Quality

16- Refreshing

17- Succulent

18- Tasty

19- Unique

20- Yummy

Synonyms of Amazing in Example Sentences

1- Magnetic: His magnetic personality attracted everyone towards him.

2- Striking: The striking similarity between the two incidents raised doubts.

3- August: The august presence of the dignitaries added grandeur to the event.

4- Miraculous: The miraculous recovery of the patient left the doctors stunned.

5- Intimidating: His intimidating presence made me nervous.

6- Exceptional: Her exceptional talent was recognized by everyone.

7- Marvelous: The marvelous view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

8- Sexy: Her sexy appearance turned many heads.

9- Stunning: The stunning beauty of the waterfall left us awestruck.

10- Likable: Her likable personality made her popular among her peers.

11- Awful: The awful smell in the room made us nauseous.

12- Indescribable: The indescribable beauty of the landscape took our breath away.

13- Conspicuous: His conspicuous absence at the meeting was noticed by everyone.

14- Very good: The food was very good, but not exceptional.

15- Moving: The moving speech left us all emotional.

16- Incomparable: The incomparable beauty of the place left us awestruck.

17- Stupendous: The stupendous performance by the magician left us amazed.

18- Bewildering: The bewildering array of options left us confused.

19- Psycho: His psycho behavior scared everyone around him.

20- Startling: The startling revelation in the case changed everything.

21- Magnificent: The magnificent architecture of the palace left us in awe.

22- Dumfounding: The dumfounding sight of the waterfall left us speechless.

23- Fascinating: The fascinating history of the place intrigued us.

24- Prodigious: His prodigious talent was recognized at a young age.

25- Surprise: The surprise party was a huge success

26- Beautiful: The beautiful sunset painted the sky with vivid colors.

27- Sensual: The sensual music set the mood for a romantic evening.

28- Solemn: The solemn occasion demanded respect and reverence.

29- Formidable: The team faced a formidable challenge in the final game.

30- Perplexing: The perplexing puzzle was hard to solve.

31- Elegant: Her elegant dress was the talk of the town.

32- Rare: The rare collection of stamps was a valuable possession.

33- Radiant: The radiant glow on her face made her look beautiful.

34- Uncommon: Her uncommon name always made her stand out in a crowd.

35- Unearthly: The unearthly beauty of the place left me speechless.

36- Pleasant: The pleasant weather made our trip enjoyable.

37- Fetching: Her fetching smile won the hearts of many.

38- Unimaginable: The extent of the damage was unimaginable.

39- Imposing: The imposing structure of the castle reflected its rich history.

40- Unwonted: The unwonted behavior of the animal was surprising.

41- Unreal: The whole situation felt unreal to me.

42- Extraordinary: His extraordinary skills made him stand out from the rest.

43- Brilliant: The brilliant idea was appreciated by all.

44- Unannounced: His unannounced visit surprised us all.

45- Unique: His unique approach to problem-solving set him apart from the rest.

46- Informal: His informal style of communication made him approachable.

47- Nonplussing: The nonplussing statement left us all puzzled.

48- Lavish: The lavish party was a grand success.

49- Far-out: The far-out concept of time travel has always fascinated me.

50- Nonplusing: The nonplusing question left us all puzzled.

51- Alright: The movie was alright, but not exceptional.

52- Discomfiting: The discomfiting question made us all uneasy.

53- Amusing: His amusing anecdotes kept us entertained all night.

54- Dashing: He looked dashing in his new suit.

55- Top-notch: The top-notch quality of the product justified its price.

56- Unusual: Her unusual sense of humor always made us laugh.

57- Phenomenal: The phenomenal success of the startup was unprecedented.

58- Singular: His singular talent in music made him a legend.

59- Unbelievable: The news was so unbelievable that I had to confirm it twice.

60- Beauteous: The beauteous garden was a feast for the eyes.

61- Interesting: The interesting book kept me engaged till the end.

62- Entertaining: The entertaining movie kept us glued to our seats.

63- Luscious: The luscious taste of the fruit made us want more.

64- Dreadful: The dreadful news left us all in shock.

65- Exquisite: The exquisite craftsmanship of the jewelry made it priceless.

66- Savory: The savory aroma of the food made our mouths water.

67- Befuddling: The befuddling statement left us all confused.

68- Surprising: The surprising twist in the plot kept me on the edge of my seat.

69- Fearsome: The fearsome predator instilled fear in the hearts of its prey.

70- Monumental: The monumental architecture of the building was impressive.

71- Outstanding: The outstanding achievement was recognized by all.

72- Taste: The taste of the exotic dish was a pleasant surprise.

73- Uplifting: The uplifting music filled our hearts with joy.

74- Dramatic: The dramatic turn of events kept us at the edge of our seats.

75- Resplendent: The bride looked resplendent in her wedding dress.

76- Bewitching: The bewitching beauty of the place cast a spell on us.

77- Irresistible: The irresistible aroma of the food made our mouths water.

78- Eye-opening: The documentary was eye-opening and informative.

79- Superb: The superb acting skills of the lead actor impressed us all.

80- Super: The super performance by the team secured their victory.

81- Muddling: The muddling situation made it hard to make a decision.

82- Thrilling: The thrilling adventure sport left us all exhilarated.

83- Awesome: The awesome power of nature was on full display during the storm.

84- Riveting: The riveting plot of the movie kept us hooked till the end.

85- Unlikely: It seemed unlikely that they would win the game, but they did.

86- Refined: The refined taste of the wine was appreciated by all.

87- Delightful: The delightful company of her friends made her day.

88- Wondrous: The wondrous beauty of the sunset amazed us.

89- Astounding: The astounding performance by the gymnast left us amazed.

90- Delicious: The delicious dessert was the highlight of the meal.

91- Ravishing: Her ravishing beauty left us speechless.

92- Beyond Words: The beauty of the place was beyond words.

93- First-class: The first-class service at the hotel made our stay comfortable.

94- Jolting: The jolting news of the accident left us all shaken.

95- Notable: His notable achievements cannot be ignored.

96- Jaw-Dropping: The view from the top was jaw-droppingly beautiful.

97- Blue-ribbon: The blue-ribbon quality of the product was worth its price.

98- Ineffable: The beauty of the landscape was ineffable.

99- Dainty: The dainty jewelry looked delicate and pretty.

100- Noticeable: His noticeable absence at the party was felt by everyone.

101- Flustering: His flustering behavior made everyone uncomfortable.

102- Jarring: The jarring noise of the construction work disturbed my concentration.

103- Enticing: The enticing offer was hard to resist.

104- Ambrosial: The ambrosial aroma of the bakery made us crave for more.

105- Shocking: The shocking revelation left everyone in disbelief.

106- Transcendent: The transcendent beauty of the art piece was unparalleled.

107- Wonderful: The wonderful memories of the trip will stay with us forever.

108- Stupefying: The stupefying news left us all stunned.

109- Grand: The grand celebration was a feast for the eyes.

110- Incredible: His incredible performance won him the award.

111- Captivating: The captivating performance by the artist held our attention.

112- Inconceivable: The inconceivable twist in the plot left us all in shock.

113- First-Class: The first-class flight experience was luxurious and comfortable.

114- Awe-Inspiring: The awe-inspiring architecture of the building left us amazed.

115- Tantalizing: The tantalizing aroma of the food made us crave for it.

116- Graceful: Her graceful dance moves were a treat for the eyes.

117- Tremendous: The tremendous effort put in by the team paid off in the end.

118- Gorgeous: The gorgeous sunset was a sight to behold.

119- Majestic: The majestic lion was a symbol of power and strength.

120- Arresting: The arresting beauty of the art piece held our attention.

121- Enthralling: The enthralling story kept us hooked till the end.

122- Capital: The capital city was a hub of culture and commerce.

123- Supreme: The supreme court’s verdict was eagerly awaited.

124- Astonishing: The astonishing facts presented in the report were hard to believe.

125- Inspiring: The inspiring story of his struggle motivated us all.

126- Excellent: The excellent performance by the team impressed everyone.

127- Electrifying: The electrifying atmosphere at the concert pumped us up.

128- Mesmerizing: The mesmerizing dance performance left the audience spellbound.

129- Enchanting: The enchanting music transported me to another world.

130- Darling: Her darling daughter was the apple of her eye.

Synonyms of amazing

Other Words for amazing Other Words for amazing 2 Other Words for amazing 3

another word for amazing in english - synonyms of amazing list
another word for amazing in english - synonyms of amazing list
amazing synonyms list
amazing synonyms list

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we participated in master classes, and learned many new things about American culture and the lives of our peers.


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узнала много нового о культуре Америки и жизни наших сверстников.


On her



being a

first time judge,

and present The Longines Prize for Elegance to


well-deserved winner.


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Кайли Кларк, посланница карнавала Longines Golden Slipper, впервые

выступившая в качестве судьи, так прокомментировала свои ощущения:« Для меня это удивительный опыт— выбирать кандидатов и

вручать приз Longines за элегантность наиболее достойному из них».


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To sum-up, participation in such conferences is an amazing experience, inspiring and stimulating to further growth and development.


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В целом, участие в подобной конференции- потрясающий опыт, вдохновляющий и стимулирующий к дальнейшему росту и развитию.


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When Kevin Thorpe got into the Peace Corps,

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Когда Кевин Торп записался в Корпус Мира,

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Results: 10884,
Time: 0.2506





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  • One word for also known as
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