One word for ahead of time


Автоматический перевод

заранее, впереди времени, опережать время

Перевод по словам

ahead  — вперед, впереди, напролом, предстоящий
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


Can you tell me ahead of time if you’re coming?

Ты не мог бы сказать мне заранее, приедете вы или нет?

Prepare what you plan to say in the meeting ahead of time (=before the meeting).

Подготовьте то, что планируете говорить на совещании, заблаговременно (т.е. перед совещанием).

They were hoping to avoid the onus of failure by lowering expectations ahead of time.

Они надеялись избежать позорного клейма неудачи, заранее снизив ожидания.

Coleridge was in many ways far ahead of his time.

Во многих отношениях Кольридж далеко опередил свое время.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Coleridge was far ahead of his time in his understanding of the unconscious.  

This dish is good for dinner parties because much of the preparation can be done ahead of time.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


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Synonyms for Ahead of time. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023.

ahead of time — перевод на русский

They can smell death ahead of time.

Чуют смерть заранее.

Did they toss it in or was it planted ahead of time?

Ее бросили в машину или заранее заложили?

Sorry, such things have to be arranged ahead of time.

Сожалею, но надо было заявить заранее.

A girl alone should always make reservations ahead of time

Одинокой девушке следует всегда бронировать заранее.

I’m a little drunk and goofy from the loss of blood,.. if I happen to say something outta line,.. ..I’d like to apologize ahead of time.

Я немного захмелел и дурной от потери крови, …так что если скажу что-то не так, хочу заранее извиниться.

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Want her to be jounced over rough roads and have the baby ahead of time?

Заставить её трястись в коляске и родить раньше времени?

Yes, they got here ahead of time.

Да, они приехали раньше времени.

What fired ahead of time.

А он сработал раньше времени?

You should know! Now you worry ahead of time.

Не надо было мне вас расстраивать раньше времени.

Look, look, the most romantic place in the world, you don’t know it’s gonna be romantic ahead of time.

Слушай, самое романтичное место в мире, ты не знаешь, что оно будет романтичным раньше времени.

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We can change the orbit of an asteroid, if we know about it far enough ahead of time.

Мы можем изменить орбиту астероида, если знаем о нем заблаговременно.

Bu! when he gels there… he finds the dark phone that I planted ahead of time.

Но, когда прибывает на место, он находит анонимный телефон, который я оставил там заблаговременно.

This was not cleared ahead of time.

Об этом заблаговременно не сообщалось.

But no one was seen with it that day; that means it had to have been stashed in the woods ahead of time.

Но в тот день с ней никого не видели, а значит, её должны были заблаговременно спрятать в лесу.

Emile had done all the recon ahead of time, so he explained each layer of security we had to get through.

Эмиль заблаговременно всё разведал, поэтому он рассказал о каждом уровне охраны, через которые мы должны были пройти.

Germans are gonna hit Kheros a day ahead of time.

Немцы хотят ударить по Керосу на день раньше.

The Green Army’s attacked ahead of time.

Армия «зеленых» атаковала раньше.

If I knew ahead of time, I should have taken a picture.

Если бы я знала раньше, то сделала бы фото на память.

I didn’t tell you ahead of time because I knew you would’ve tried to stop me.

Я не сказал тебе раньше, потому что знал, что ты попытаешься остановить меня.

You should’ve done this ahead of time.

Тебе следовало бы решить это раньше.

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    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > ahead of time compiler

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    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > ahead-of-time compiler

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > ahead of time

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ahead of time compiler

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > ahead of time

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ahead of time

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    2) Разговорное выражение: загодя

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ahead of time

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > ahead of time

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    Новый англо-русский словарь > ahead of time

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    Англо-русский морской словарь > ahead of time

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    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Ahead of time

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > ahead of time

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > ahead-of-time loading

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    ahead of time

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > ahead of time

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > ahead of time

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См. также в других словарях:

  • ahead of time — {adv. phr.} Before the expected time; early. * /The bus came ahead of time, and Mary was not ready./ * /The new building was finished ahead of time./ Contrast: BEHIND TIME …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • ahead of time — {adv. phr.} Before the expected time; early. * /The bus came ahead of time, and Mary was not ready./ * /The new building was finished ahead of time./ Contrast: BEHIND TIME …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • ahead of time — • ahead of time • ahead of schedule adv. phr. Before the expected time; early. The bus came ahead of time, and Mary was not ready. The new building was finished ahead of time. Contrast: behind time …   Словарь американских идиом

  • ahead of time — • ahead of time • ahead of schedule earlier than arranged, expected or planned (Note: opposite in meaning to behind time (or schedule)) We started the meeting ahead of time so we could go home early. раньше времени Whenever I have an aррointment… …   Idioms and examples

  • ahead of time — ► if you do something ahead of time, you do it early or before something else happens: »You must arrive at the airport two hours ahead of time in order to go through security. Main Entry: ↑time …   Financial and business terms

  • ahead of time — If something happens ahead of time, it happens early or before the set time …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • ahead behind time — ahead of/behind ˈtime idiom earlier/later than was expected • We finished 15 minutes ahead of time. Main entry: ↑timeidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • ahead of time — index premature Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • ahead of time — adverb before the usual time or the time expected she graduated early the house was completed ahead of time • Syn: ↑early, ↑too soon • Ant: ↑late (for: ↑early) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ahead-of-time-Compiler — Ein Ahead of time Compiler (AOT Compiler) ist ein Compiler, der im Gegensatz zu Just in time Compilern (JIT Compiler) Programmcode vor der Ausführung in native Maschinensprache übersetzt. Dies hat den Vorteil, dass dieser Code zur Laufzeit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ahead of time — get to the airport ahead of time Syn: early, in good time, with time to spare, in advance …   Thesaurus of popular words

ahead of (someone’s or something’s) time

More innovative than can be properly appreciated during the time that someone or something is producing such innovation. He was really ahead of his time with this music—critics in the 1970s just couldn’t see it. That show was really ahead of its time tackling issues like that. That 19th-century scientist was definitely ahead of his time with his detailed plan of space travel.

ahead of time

Earlier than is usual, expected, or required. If we get to the theater ahead of time, we’ll have our pick of good seats. My term paper isn’t due until next week, but I finished it ahead of time. I knew ahead of time that they had a surprise party planned, but I acted shocked anyway because I didn’t want to disappoint them.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*ahead of one’s time

Fig. having ideas or attitudes that are too advanced to be acceptable in the present. (*Typically: be ~; think ~.) Sue’s grandmother was ahead of her time in wanting to study medicine.

*ahead of time

beforehand; before the announced time. (*Typically: arrive ~; get there ~; leave ~; show up ~.) If you show up ahead of time, you will have to wait. Be there ahead of time if you want to get a good seat.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

ahead of time

Earlier, sooner, as in The meeting was scheduled for three o’clock, but most people arrived ahead of time. [Early 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ahead of/behind ˈtime

early/late: He arrived ahead of time, and had to wait.The trains are running behind time again today.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • ahead of (someone’s or something’s) time
  • ahead of one’s time
  • ahead of your time
  • ahead of your/its time
  • any time
  • anytime
  • any time means no time
  • an open invitation
  • be joined at the hip
  • (it’s) (a)bout time

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


раньше времени



раньше срока


опережает время

опережая время

впереди времени

опережают время

опережающие время

опережающим время

ahead of time

опередили время


Another great thing about these is there’s no cooking needed ahead of time.

Самый главный плюс этого салата в том, что ничего не надо готовить заранее.

Pets are allowed, but must be approved ahead of time.

Домашние животные допускаются, но необходимо согласовать заранее.

Pray about them ahead of time.

So never prepare jokes ahead of time.

В любом случае, никогда не делайте прогнозы раньше времени.

Subjects for discussion could be thought over ahead of time.

If there is any change you will be advised ahead of time.

В случае каких-либо изменений Вы будете предупреждены заблаговременно.

Usually it’s helpful to know ahead of time what to expect.

Хотя в жизни иногда полезно знать заранее, что тебя ожидает.

We need to know a plan way ahead of time and any sudden changes give us major anxiety.

Нам нужно заранее знать любой план, и все спонтанные изменения вызывают у нас серьезное беспокойство и дискомфорт.

Prepare for impulsive reactions ahead of time.

Предупреждает возникновение окислительных реакций раньше времени.

It does not advertise its arrival ahead of time, allowing the organism to prepare and make adjustments to sustain shocks.

Они не оповещают организм о своем наступлении заранее и не позволяют ему подготовиться и приспособиться так, чтобы пережить шок.

Bought their life ahead of time.

Be sure to plan ahead of time where you want to eat.

Планируйте заранее, где вы хотите перекусить.

Debut authors should outline the story ahead of time.

In most cases you can arrive 30 minutes ahead of time and walk straight to your platform.

В большинстве случаев вы можете прибыть за 30 минут раньше времени и идти прямо к платформе.

In addition, most athletes ahead of time recorded adult growth.

Кроме того, у большинства спортсменов раньше времени фиксируется взрослый рост.

I think we should not allow such conversations ahead of time, as they only undermine our internal social strength.

Думаю, мы не должны допускать таких разговоров раньше времени, поскольку это лишь подрывает нашу внутреннюю общественную прочность.

You can view historical prices every day on any major exchange and analyze gas prices ahead of time.

Поэтому вы можете просматривать исторические цены каждый день на любом крупном обмене и анализе цен на газ раньше времени.

Planning is one thing, but preparing meals ahead of time can also help.

Планирование — это одно, но приготовление пищи заранее также может помочь.

In short, these helpers ahead of time will lead you to victory.

Одним словом, эти помощники раньше времени приведут вас к победе.

Imagine a future in which you know what your weather will be like with 95 percent accuracy 48 hours ahead of time.

Представьте себе будущее, в котором вы знаете, что ваша погода будет с 95-процентной точностью 48 часов раньше времени.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. early, ahead of time, too soonadverb

    before the usual time or the time expected

    «she graduated early»; «the house was completed ahead of time»

    betimes, early on, early, too soon

How to pronounce ahead of time?

How to say ahead of time in sign language?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#801 early
#200126 betimes

How to use ahead of time in a sentence?

  1. Tim Allen:

    I visualize to the audience and I tell them ahead of time, I’m going to be saying these and I know they’re offensive to you – let’s decide why they’re offensive and who’s making that decision, i have a whole bit about PC correct and what it is. He added: I understand where we are, and we’ve made some adjustments and I said I like pushing stuff and making everybody laugh on stage, but you take stuff I said out of context? We were laughing about this and it’s not even funny.

  2. Mohanned Aama:

    What we’re seeing is the market actively pricing in the December rate hike, jumping ahead of the hike, discounting it ahead of time.

  3. Rev James Bretzke:

    Therefore, I would judge it personally in bad taste and especially manipulative to present it to the Holy Father in a situation like that where it clearly hadn’t been cleared ahead of time.

  4. Joanna Schwartz:

    If a lawyer knows ahead of time that the officer is not going to be identified, who has no resources, it makes no financial sense at all to litigate that case, if we’ve given up the charade that accountability is only through financial payments by those officers, then we need to think more seriously about what the consequences are and what our internal disciplinary systems look like in law enforcement agencies.

  5. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson:

    For example, if we’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare — I still think we need to fix our health-care system — we need to have the plan ahead of time so that once we get in office, we can implement it immediately, not knock around like we did last time and fail.


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Are we missing a good synonym for ahead of time?

On this page you’ll find 13 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to ahead of time, such as: before, beforehand, before the appointed time, early, too soon, and with time to spare.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • advanced
  • ahead
  • ahead of time
  • already
  • ante
  • antecedently
  • before
  • before now
  • earlier
  • fore
  • in advance
  • in anticipation
  • precedently
  • precocious
  • previous
  • previously
  • sooner
  • advanced
  • ahead
  • ahead of time
  • already
  • ante
  • antecedently
  • before
  • before now
  • earlier
  • fore
  • in advance
  • in anticipation
  • precedently
  • precocious
  • previous
  • previously
  • sooner
  • a bit previous
  • ahead of time
  • anon
  • beforehand
  • betimes
  • briefly
  • bright and early
  • directly
  • early bird
  • ere long
  • far ahead
  • immediately
  • in advance
  • in good time
  • in the bud
  • in time
  • on short notice
  • on the dot
  • oversoon
  • prematurely
  • previous
  • promptly
  • pronto
  • proximately
  • quick
  • shortly
  • soon
  • too soon
  • unexpectedly
  • advanced
  • ahead of time
  • anticipative
  • anticipatory
  • before the appointed time
  • beforehand
  • direct
  • immature
  • immediate
  • on short notice
  • on the dot
  • overearly
  • oversoon
  • preceding
  • precipitant
  • precocious
  • preexistent
  • premature
  • previous
  • prompt
  • pronto
  • punctual
  • quick
  • seasonable
  • soon
  • speedy
  • unanticipated
  • unexpected
  • untimely
  • with time to spare
  • advanced
  • aggressive
  • ahead of time
  • beforehand
  • bold
  • brassy
  • bright
  • cheeky
  • cocky
  • developed
  • early
  • flip
  • flippant
  • forward
  • fresh
  • intelligent
  • mature
  • nervy
  • premature
  • presumptuous
  • pushy
  • quick
  • sassy
  • smart-alecky

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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