One word for advantages and disadvantages

Eliot Friesen

IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay vocabulary - image by Magoosh

When you turn to IELTS Writing Task 2 (the formal essay) on test day, you may encounter an “advantage and disadvantage” essay. This type of essay asks you to evaluate both sides of an issue. Having the right vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2 essays is one key to increasing your band score. This is essay is no different. In this article, we’ll look at IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay vocabulary.

What is an Advantage/Disadvantage Essay on the IELTS?

An advantage/disadvantage essay is any essay that requires you to share both good and bad sides of an issue. They’re pretty easy to spot, because they almost always use the phrase “advantages and disadvantages” in the prompt.

Check out Eliot’s tips as he walks you through a sample advantages/disadvantages essay!

With those ideas in mind, here are a few things you should keep in mind while writing an advantages/disadvantages essay.

Both Sides

When you’re writing an advantage/disadvantage essay, you want to present both sides of the issue. Sometimes, but not always, the prompt will ask you to pick which side is stronger. Don’t make a recommendation about which side is better unless the prompt says to! In other words, don’t overthink this: if the prompt doesn’t ask you to pick a side, don’t. Just focus on describing the pros and cons of the issue.

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The structure of an IELTS advantages/disadvantages essay should be simple, with four paragraphs:

  1. Introduction
  2. Advantages (OR disadvantages, whichever you have better ideas for)
  3. Disadvantages (OR advantages, if you wrote about disadvantages first
  4. Conclusion

The main thing to keep in mind is that you should separate advantages into their own paragraph and disadvantages into their own paragraph. It doesn’t matter which one comes first, but they should be distinct.


It can be easy to get caught up in using the IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay vocabulary you’ve learned and forgetting to focus on the ideas. However, you should brainstorm ideas carefully at the beginning of your time to make sure that you have something to write about! Aim to share two advantages and two disadvantages in your essay.

IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Vocabulary

With that in mind, I’ll take a look at some words and phrase you can use for this essay type.

Before we get into specifics, though, let’s look at some basic terms for this section: synonyms for “advantages” and “disadvantages”:

  • Pros/cons
  • Benefits/drawbacks
  • Positives/negatives

With those in mind, take a look at vocabulary words and phrases you can use to present each side!

IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Vocabulary: Advantages

  • One advantage of X is…
  • A primary advantage of X is…
  • The positive aspects of X include…
  • A/Another benefit of X is…
  • An/Another advantage of X is…

IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Vocabulary: Disadvantages

  • A disadvantage of X is…
  • One drawback of X is…
  • A negative aspect of X is…
  • A negative consequence of X is…
  • A/another drawback of X is…

Vocabulary and Phrases for Opinions (ONLY if Required by the Prompt)!

  • The benefits of X far outweigh/exceed the drawbacks.
  • The disadvantages of X far outweighs/exceeds the advantages.

Example of an IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

So what does this look like in practice? Take a look at a sample IELTS advantages/disadvantages prompt and a high-scoring essay written in response. If you want, you can use an IELTS essay response sheet and try your own response before checking the answer below!

The Prompt

With the rise of streaming services online, fewer people go to the movie theater to see films. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

The Response

These days, as streaming services like Netflix and Amazon prime have allowed people to watch new movies in their homes immediately, cinema attendance has dropped. The popularity of streaming services has a number of clear benefits, but it also has some drawbacks.

One major advantage of streaming films in the home is that it removes barriers between customers and the films. Couples with children do not need to find babysitters to enjoy new cinema. Another benefit of streaming services is that, in many cases, the price of new films is already included in the monthly subscription cost. This means that more people are likely to watch the film at home, even if they were not interested enough to pay money directly to see it in the theatre.

Conversely, a negative consequence of streaming services’ popularity is that, if they reach a certain tipping point of popularity, cinemas may go out of business. Consumers have no incentive to go to the theatre to see the same films they can see in the comfort of their homes. This means that those employed by cinemas, from ushers to those working at concessions stands, may lose their jobs, which could have a knock-on effect on the economy. Another disadvantage of streaming services’ ubiquity is that some films may not be as easy to appreciate artistically on a small screen. By watching these films at home, consumers may be missing out on the director’s artistic vision.

On balance, there are both benefits and drawbacks to the recent rise in streaming services. The effects this trend has are primarily economic (on both individual and societal levels) and artistic.

Word count: 272

  • Eliot Friesen

    Eliot Friesen-Meyers is the Senior Curriculum Manager for Magoosh IELTS and TOEFL. He attended Goshen College (B.A.), New York University (M.A.), and Harvard University (M.T.S.), gaining experience and skills in curriculum development, ESOL instruction, online teaching and learning, and IELTS and TOEFL test prep education. Eliot’s teaching career started with Literacy Americorps in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later, taught ESL programs at Northeastern University, University of California-Irvine, and Harold Washington College. Eliot was also a speaker at the 2019 TESOL International Conference. With over 10 years of experience, he understands the challenges students face and loves helping them overcome those challenges. Come join Eliot on Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram.
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Advantages and Disadvantages in English. О плюсах и минусах на английском

Любое явление, тренд, идея, проект имеет свои «за» и «против», свои преимущества и недостатки, плюсы и минусы. Умение находить и то, и другое, и аргументировать — признак хорошо развитого критического мышления. Но чтобы изложить свои мысли на английском потребуется специальная лексика. И сегодня мы подробнее остановимся на том, как рассказать о плюсах и минусах чего угодно на английском.


  • Ключевые слова advantage и disadvantage
  • Примеры заданий на описание плюсов и минусов
  • Чем заменить сочетание “advantages and disadvantages”
  • Как писать эссе или говорить о плюсах и минусах
  • Заключение

Первое ключевое слово этого урока — advantage — преимущество. Это исчисляемое существительное, используется с неопределённым или определённым артиклем и предлогами:

  • An advantage over somebody or something — преимущество чего-либо над чем-либо
  • An advantage to something — преимущество чего-либо

We have a considerable advantage over our competitors.
I believe there are many advantages to travelling alone.

Если вы откроете словарь, то найдёте множество синонимов слова advantage (benefit, help, blessing, profit, support, convenience, upper hand, superiority, dominance), но не каждое из них подойдет для замены. Нужно всегда смотреть на контекст.

Производное от advantage прилагательное — advantageous. Его можно заменить словами helpful, useful, beneficial, profitable.

Disadvantage — недостаток, это существительное тоже имеет массу синонимов (drawback, downside, weak spot/point, weakness, flaw) и некоторые из них мы сегодня рассмотрим.

Те из вас, кто сдавал или готовятся к сдаче международных экзаменов, знают, что многие задания устной и письменной части проверяют умение анализировать и оценивать плюсы и минусы. Например, в письменной части IELTS есть отдельный тип эссе Advantages and Disadvantages, который имеет свою структуру и лексику. Хочу привести несколько примеров этого типа заданий:

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

Nowadays, people can work and live anywhere in the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

In the modern world, more people would rather purchase food than cook at home. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and give your own opinion.

В Speaking Part 2, 3, 4 Cambridge Exams (FCE, CAE, CPE), в IELTS и TOEFL Speaking вам могут задать вопрос о плюсах или минусах, попросить оценить и описать преимущества и недостатки чего-либо. Поэтому вы должны уметь не только быстро реагировать и находить идеи, но и знать необходимую лексику, чтобы эти идеи выразить без бесконечных повторений слов advantages и disadvantages.

Даже если вы не сдаете экзамены, а просто изучаете английский язык и повышаете разговорный уровень, вам не спастись от бесед о плюсах и минусах — мы ведем их и в повседневной жизни. Поэтому ниже мы разберем полезные фразы и рассмотрим схему с примерами, которая поможет планировать высказывание и обсуждать преимущества и недостатки чего угодно.

Когда вы пишете эссе или рассуждаете на тему преимуществ и недостатков, вам, конечно же, потребуется несколько раз повторить сами ключевые слова. Чтобы избежать повторений, и разнообразить вокабуляр, запоминайте, какими словами и сочетаниями можно заменить “advantages and disadvantages”:

  • pros and cons
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • merits and flaws
  • positive and negative consequences
  • positives and negatives
  • positive effects and negative effects
  • positive and negative points
  • highlights and challenges
  • pluses and minuses
  • ups and downs
  • benefits and ill effects
  • assets and liabilities
  • strengths and shortcomings
  • opportunities and obstacles
  • gains and losses
  • benefits and burdens
  • benefits and implications
  • benefits and hindrances
  • virtues and shortcomings
  • advantages and limitations

Если говорите об аргументах за и против, используйте:

  • supporting arguments and opposing arguments
  • reasons for and against

Учитывайте ваш контекст и предмет обсуждения. Несмотря на то, что все сочетания переводятся примерно одинаково, в зависимости от того, что именно вы рассматриваете (бизнес-проект, социальное явление, идею, тенденцию, существующую или потенциальную ситуацию), вам могут подойти разные выражения.

К тому же, не каждое выражение можно «разобрать» на части. Например, говоря про opportunities and obstacles, вы можете сказать the first opportunity или a real obstacle. А вот в случае с pros and cons так не получится. Это выражение происходит от латинского pro — «за» и con — «против», поэтому, если вы начали говорить про many pros and cons, то перечисляя сами «за» и «против», эти слова можно заменять другими подходящими из списка выше, которые употребляются в единственном числе.

Advantages и disadvantages могут проявляться по-разному, и важно уметь охарактеризовать степень их проявления. Вот список прилагательных, которые помогут описать плюсы и минусы:

  • Major, key, primary, principal — основной, главный, ключевой
  • Significant, considerable, crucial — важный. Узнайте другие синонимы прилагательного important
  • Potential — потенциальный
  • Obvious, evident, distinct — очевидный, явный
  • Huge, enormous, immense, tremendous — очень большой. Больше синонимов прилагательного big здесь
  • Real — реальный
  • Minor — небольшой (о недостатках)
  • Severe — серьёзный (о недостатках)

Выполняя экзаменационное задание, устное либо письменное, или просто общаясь на английском на тему «плюсов и минусов», рекомендую вам всегда следовать определенной схеме. Даже если от вас не требуется давать развернутый ответ, если вы научитесь мыслить по такому принципу, ваше мышление станет более структурированным, и вы сможете находить arguments for and against, планировать ваши высказывания с легкостью. Я проверила это на себе, когда самостоятельно готовилась к сдаче международных экзаменов FCE, CAE, CPE и TOEFL, и на десятках моих студентов, которых подготовила к Cambridge exams, IELTS и TOEFL.

Схема очень простая и состоит из четырех частей:

1. Introduction

Здесь вы говорите/пишете общие факты о явлении или вопросе, который разбираете (назовем его Х). Можно упомянуть, что Х является противоречивым (controversial), обсуждаемым, спорным (disputed, arguable, debatable, disputable). Скажите, что мнения по поводу вопроса расходятся, что существует много точек зрения и причин поддерживать или опровергать Х (numerous reasons to support Х/ to oppose Х), что выделяют и преимущества, и недостатки — можно использовать любую подходящую фразу из списка выше.

2 and 3. Advantages and disadvantages

Порядок презентации будет зависеть от вашей позиции, можете начать с преимуществ, а завершить недостатками и наоборот. Главное — помните, что если задание предусматривает и то и другое, вам необходимо аргументировано представить и плюсы и минусы Х, даже если вы считаете, что их нет.
Задания составляются таким образом, чтобы заставить вас думать и рассуждать на непривычные для вас темы, смотреть на вещи с другой, нетипичной стороны, поэтому многие, кто готовится к экзаменам, сталкиваются с дефицитом идей. Я уже рассказывала вам, где брать идеи для эссе.
И если вам предстоит устно или письменно общаться на английском, то заготовлена схема ответа. Она может выглядеть примерно так:

Topic: Х
Advantage 1: What? Why? Disadvantage 1: What? Why?
Advantage 2: What? Why? Disadvantage 2: What? Why?
Advantage 3: What? Why? Disadvantage 3: What? Why?
  • The first advantage of Х is…
  • There are many advantages/ benefits to Х and one of them is…
  • The positive aspects/ points of Х are/ include…
  • Another positive aspect /benefit is…
  • One more advantage is…
  • The first disadvantage/ negative aspect…
  • Drawbacks of Х is…
  • The negative points include …
  • Another disadvantage/ downside/ negative consequence/ argument against is…

Важно то, что видя тему, вы сразу представляете себе эту табличку и выделяете как минимум три плюса и три минуса, три «за» и три «против», сразу аргументируя, почему вы считаете их преимуществами или недостатками.

Когда у вас припасен словарь и вы знаете, как заменять ключевые слова, описать ваши идеи будет гораздо проще.

Чтобы перейти с рассказа о плюсах к рассказу о минусах, используйте слова и фразы для выражения контраста (but и however, although, though, even though, despite, in spite of) и другие:

Despite these flaws, there are significant advantages.
Turning now to the other side of the argument, some arguments against should be mentioned.
On the other side of the coin, there are a few minor disadvantages.
Having looked at the benefits, I will describe a number of negative consequences.

While there are many benefits/ strengths / merits, there are also lots of drawbacks/ shortcomings/ flaws


В завершение ваших рассуждений важно сделать вывод. В заданиях письменной части IELTS, например, спрашивают, что преобладает, перевешивает: преимущества или недостатки. И в выводе важно четко это обозначить. Завершить сообщение можно так:

Even though there are some disadvantages to Х, the advantages far outweigh them.
Taking everything into account, the strengths outweigh the weak points.
Obviously, there are far more benefits than drawbacks to X, so …
Weighing up all the pluses and minuses analyzed above, I conclude that positive aspects outweigh the shortcomings.

Все эти фразы работают как конструктор, вы можете подставлять в них нужные вам слова, в зависимости от вашей темы и контекста.

В том, чтобы иметь большой словарный запас, бесспорно, одни преимущества. Недостаток лишь в том, что нужно постоянно его пополнять, поддерживать и практиковаться, чтобы не забыть всё, что вы учили.

А потренироваться в использовании нового вокабуляра, научиться составлять устные и письменные сообщения на различные темы, получить обратную связь и проанализировать ошибки вы можете на персональных занятиях в ENGINFORM. Наши преподаватели составляют индивидуальные программы для каждого студента, подбирают методы работы, которые подходят именно вам. Узнайте, какие плюсы и минусы нашего обучения выделяют студенты ENGINFORM, выбирайте ваш курс и запишитесь на бесплатное вводное занятие, чтобы попробовать и самостоятельно оценить все pros and cons, и приступайте к персональным занятиям онлайн!

Буду ждать вашей обратной связи в комментариях, и нашей скорой встречи на страницах блога и на уроках в ENGINFORM!

Увидели ошибку в тексте? Выделите её и нажмите на появившуюся стрелку или CTRL+Enter.

Do yourself a favour and add these expressions to your English vocabulary. Here are some useful expressions and phrases to help you do the talking about the advantages and disadvantages of different things and features.

(One of) the huge/great/big advantages of

  • One of the biggest advantages of mobile phones is that you can make video calls to anyone anywhere in the world for free.

A distinct/great/huge advantage over someone/something

Her knowledge of the Spanish language gives her a distinct advantage over other candidates.

Advantages outweigh disadvantages

Despite being unreliable at times, the advantages of our healthcare system outweigh its disadvantages.

Talking about Advantages and Disadvantages

Talking about advantages and disadvantages

The good/bad thing about something

The best thing about living in Barcelona is that we can go swimming in the sea at any time.

Good/bad point

One of the best points of this bicycle is that it is foldable.

Advantages and disadvantages

An advantage of having a car is that you can travel large distances and a disadvantage would be the fuel cost and pollution.

The merits and demerits of (advantages and disadvantages)

The merits and demerits of studying abroad were discussed in the article.

Talking about Advantages and Disadvantages

Talking about Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros and cons (Lat. pro et contra)

We should consider the pros and cons before we change jobs.

Weigh up the pros and cons

The Taylors should weigh up the pros and cons carefully before moving abroad.


The main disadvantage of this car is that it is too small.

Major/main/only drawback

The major drawback to life on planet earth is climate change.


Living in the country is pleasurable. However, it has its downsides.

Good vs well

Good vs well

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What is Pros and Cons Meaning

Pros and cons are part of life. Anything—from the most abstract concept to the tiniest little action—has its upsides, downsides, advantages, and disadvantages.

Over time, words have evolved to take on two forms, known as the positive and negative connotations of words. The dictionary is what makes this possible.

The words “pros” and “cons” are commonly used to describe the positive and negative features or aspects.

For example, the pros of reading may be the enjoyment one gets from it and the opportunity to gain knowledge. The cons may include finding a quiet place to read.

“The pros of living in Japan include the beautiful scenery, great food, and friendly people,” while the cons are the negative (e.g., “the cons of living in Tokyo are the high prices, loud traffic, and endless rain”).

But there is more to them. It is common to over-emphasize the positive aspects of something or someone while under-emphasizing the negative side. This leads us to believe that a product has no flaws or fewer than it does.

Many people assume that positive and negative things are opposites. If you consider something like electricity, it makes sense that the positive represents one half of the source, while the negative is the other half.

However, these concepts are not so cut-and-dry when applied to many situations in life. Some may assume that poverty and wealth have an inverse relationship, but that isn’t true in numerous instances.

You may also consider ethics to be a sort of dichotomy: black or white; right or wrong; good or bad, but this too isn’t always the case.

When it comes to pros and cons, there is no “better” or “worse” side here—only different advantages and disadvantages to consider and weigh.


  • 1 “Pros” and “Cons” Meaning
    • 1.1 What are “advantages” and “disadvantages”?
    • 1.2 What is the meaning of “good” or “bad”?
      • 1.2.1 “Good” or “bad” synonyms
      • 1.2.2 Is there a difference between “good” and “bad”?
  • 2 What are examples of “pros and cons”?
  • 3 Conclusion

“Pros” and “Cons” Meaning

Many people use the words “pros” and “cons” interchangeably. And while they are closely associated with one another, they have different meanings.

What does “pros and cons” mean?

  • A pro is something that helps your cause, or in other words, it is beneficial to you.
  • As the case may be, a con works against you in some way.
  • The word “pros” means the positive side of a topic.
  • The word “cons” means the negative side of a topic.

If you’re reading this phrase for the first time, you can read more about it here. The word was derived from the Latin expression “pro et contra,” as “pro” means for or on the side, and “con” means against.

  • Usage Example: “I wanted to buy an electric car, but after weighing up the pros and cons, I decided to stick with petrol.”

By considering the advantages and disadvantages of a particular thing, we can predict its impact on the future. So, its usage is more practical than theoretical.

This phrase presents both sides of an argument or discussion in one short phrase.

What are “advantages” and “disadvantages”?

The advantages and disadvantages of something are its positive and negative aspects of the good and bad things.

For example:

  • “Advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.”
  • “Many people consider the advantages of a university education to be outweighed by the disadvantages.”

Pros and Cons

What is the meaning of “good” or “bad”?

If someone asks you whether something is good or bad, that is an open question because we all have our own opinions and can consider something good for us and bad for others.

For example:

‘Is chocolate good or bad?’. So, I think the good/bad word is more like a judgment word, which means it’s subjective.

  • The word “good” has many meanings depending on what you’re talking about. If you’re talking about a person, it can mean they are kind or helpful. If you’re talking about a food item, it can mean it tastes delicious or hasn’t gone bad.
  • The word “bad” is the opposite of “good” and describes something that is not right. For example, if a friend hurts your feelings, their behavior would be considered bad because they did something not nice. You would describe a food item as “bad” if it were spoiled or rotten.

However, one thing that, I think, would apply in most cases is understanding who decides whether something is good or bad.

For example:

  • If you’re making your own decisions about what’s good or bad, then nothing you do can be terrible because you’ve chosen to do it.
  • If you’re being directed by someone else, then the only way something can be bad is if it doesn’t meet their expectations (which may or may not be reasonable).

“Good” or “bad” synonyms

“Good” has two meanings, depending on the context. The first is “perfect” or “on-point”, usually said after a performance. The second is “very well” or “thoroughly.”

Synonyms for good:

1. agreeable, pleasant, nice,

2. capable and knowledgeable,

3. satisfactory, adequate, fair,

4. content, fortunate, and prosperous,

5. virtuous, righteous, and deserving.

The most important thing to remember when trying to understand how to use “good” and “well” is that “good” is an adjective, and “well” is an adverb.

“Good” Example:

The students did a good job on their tests.

The synonym for the word “bad” is “terrible”.

Bad –

1. No way or degree is good.

2. possess undesirable or negative characteristics,

3. distinguished by poverty,

4. distressing; unlucky; sad; painful; a bad accident,

5. afflicted with a digestive system disorder: upset stomach,

6. ill; sick; in poor health,

7. having a bad character; morally repugnant: bad habits,

8. of poor quality; substandard: a bad diamond; a bad spark plug.

9. inaccurate, inappropriate, or wrong: A bad guess is better than none, isn’t it?

10. invalid, unsound, or false; a bad insurance claim; bad judgment.

When it is not a good thing, it can be:

  • poor,
  • bad,
  • inferior,
  • lacking in quality,
  • Second-rate,
  • substandard,
  • unacceptable.

Is there a difference between “good” and “bad”?

I’ve heard people say “good” and “bad” with the same tone of voice, but it doesn’t mean the same thing. The words are associated with two entirely different meanings.

  • If someone says, “I want to do good,” that means they wish to go out and help others. But if someone says, “I want to do bad,” that probably means they intend to go out and break the law.
  • If someone says, “That was a good thing you did,” that generally implies that it was a positive thing you did. However, if someone says, “That was a bad thing you did,” it usually means it was negative.

So, why is this? Is there really a difference between “good” and “bad” meanings? I think so. The difference has to do with how we associate those words with our lives.

Slang words can take on different meanings depending on the situation and the people using them. Slang words like “lit” and “bad” are examples of slang. They change their meaning based on who is listening and how they are used.

You shouldn’t assume you know what someone means when they say something like “bad” or “nice,” because they could be using them in a wholly different way than you expect.

There are two types of words:

  • Dictionary words, i.e., words that have a meaning in a dictionary or lexicon of the target language, and
  • Non-dictionary words, i.e., words that do not have a meaning in a dictionary or lexicon of the target language.

(Note that the distinction is between “words” and “meanings”, not “words” and “uses”).

The expression “pros and cons” is a short-handed way of saying “the positive and negative aspects [of something].”

In other words, pros (short for “prosperities”) refer to the positive aspects of what you’re talking about, while cons (short for “considerations”) refer to the negative aspects.


  • There are definitely pros and cons to owning a dog. (On the one hand, you’ll never be lonely because your dog will always be there to keep you company. But on the other hand, you’ll have to clean up after it and feed it every day.)
  • Let me lay out the pros and cons of the proposal.
  • What do you think? What are the pros and cons of this idea?
  • The pros and cons of moving to another country are something to consider carefully before taking such a big step.
  • “The benefits of a college education are many. There are career opportunities, personal growth, and financial stability. But with those pros come some cons, such as student loans, lost wages while attending school full time, and less time for family.”

Other samples:

  • The pros and cons of buying a house during the holidays,
  • The pros and cons of having a pet,
  • The pros and cons of moving to a new city,
  • The pros and cons of having children,
  • The pros and cons of having a roommate,
  • The pros and cons of dating an older man,
  • The pros and cons of keeping in touch with your ex,
  • The pros and cons of getting married young,
  • The pros and cons of buying a house in the suburbs,
  • The pros and cons of working from home,
  • The pros and cons of free trade agreements,
  • Pros and Cons of Exercise.


Pro and con are two sides of the same coin.

Learn to identify the pros and cons of a situation or a proposal, and you will have taken the first step towards a balanced, logical view. ​

Look up pros and cons in any dictionary, and the result will be essentially the same. To summarize, we can say that a pro is a positive feature of something, and a con is a negative. They are essential “pro” arguments for and “con” arguments against something or some situation.

The study of pros and cons will help you develop a profound understanding of the issue, whether it’s about your career, society, or the world around you.

to Plan & Write
IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays

Questions for IELTS advantages and
disadvantages essays 
can be worded in several different ways. Here is some typical wording that might
be used:

  • What
    are the advantages and disadvantages of….?
  • Do
    you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Discuss
    the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.

It is also common for synonyms of ‘advantages’ and
‘disadvantages’ to be used, such as ‘benefits’ and ‘drawbacks’, as can be seen
in this sample question.

lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income.
Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism
in the modern world? Do you think that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

I’ll be using this
question to guide you through the process of planning and writing an IELTS advantage
and disadvantages essay later on in this lesson.

Here’s what the lesson covers:

  • Understanding
    IELTS advantages & disadvantages essay questions 

  • Essay structures
  • How to plan
  • How to write an introduction
  • How to write main body paragraphs
  • How to write a conclusion

Want to watch and listen? Click on this video.

Click the links to see lessons on each of these Task 2 essay writing topics. 

Once you understand the process, practice on past questions. Take your time at first and gradually speed up until you can plan and write an essay of at least 250 words in the 40 minutes allowed in the exam.

The Question

IELTS advantages and
disadvantages essay questions fall into two main categories:

  • Questions that ask for your
  • Questions that do not require
    you to state your opinion.

The first part of the
question will always be a statement. You will then be asked to write
about both the advantages and disadvantages
of the idea stated. You may
also be required to state your opinion.

Here are two more sample
questions for illustration. For the first one, you must give your opinion but
in the second, you should not.

1. Small businesses are disappearing and being
replaced by large multinational companies.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the

2. Most career choices demand vocational skills or
specialist knowledge. However, despite this, most schools still teach academic
subjects such as history or social studies.

Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this?

Essay Structures

Now let’s look at two simple structures you can use to write
IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays. They’re not the only possible structures
but are ones I recommend because they are easy to learn and will enable you to
quickly plan and write a high-level essay.

I’ll explain later why I’m giving you two slightly different

These structures will give you a well-balanced essay with 4 paragraphs.

One Advantage and Disadvantage or Two?

The question
will state ‘advantages’ and ‘disadvantages’ in the plural, that is, more than one.
However, it is acceptable to write about just one.

This should
give you an essay of just over the minimum 250 words. To write about two advantages
and disadvantages will require you to write nearer 400 words which are a lot to
plan and write in the 40 minutes allowed.

It is better
to fully develop one advantage and one disadvantage than ending up with your
second idea missing an explanation or an example because you run out of time, but
you can write about two if you feel able to or more comfortable doing so.

Having said
that, using essay structure 2, where you start with the examples, will enable
you to easily add more than one advantage and disadvantage without having to
write many more words.

It will be
more suitable for some questions than others so bear this in mind when you’re
writing practice essays and try out both structures.

I’m going to
use essay structure 2 to show you step-by-step how to write an IELTS advantage and
disadvantages essay. I’ll also give you a model answer using essay structure 1
so that you can compare the two.

The planning process only takes around 5 minutes but it is essential as it will save you time overall and will
result in a far better essay and thus, higher marks. Th
ere are the 3 things you need to do:

  • Analyse the question
  • Generate ideas
  • Identify vocabulary

# 1  Analyse the question

Analysing the question will ensure that you answer it fully. It’s quick and easy to do. You just need to identify 3 different types of words:

  • Topic words
  • Other keywords
  • Instruction words

Topics words are the
ones that identify the general subject of the question and will be found in the
statement part of the question.

Here is the question we’re going to be working on.
I’ve highlighted the topic words in blue.

A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately,
tourism can also be a source of problems if
it is not well-managed.

are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism
in the modern world? Do you think that the benefits of tourism
outweigh its drawbacks?

So, this
question is about ‘

Many people do
this first step of the process and then write about the topic in general. This
is a serious mistake and leads to low marks for task achievement.

What we need
to do now that we know the general topic, is to understand exactly what aspect
of tourism we’re being asked to write about.

The other
 in the question tell you the specific topic your essay must be about. 

A lot of places in the world rely on
tourism as a main source of income.
Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems
if it is not well-managed.

are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do you
think that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

highlighting these words, it’s easy to see that you are being asked to write
about the conflicting issues of tourism being ‘a main source of income’ in many
places, yet also being ‘a source of problems’.

Your essay
must only include ideas relevant to this aspect of tourism.

The instruction
 are the question itself. They tell you exactly what to include
in your essay.

A lot of places in the world rely on
tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source
of problems if it is not well-managed.

are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do
you think that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

Here, we are required to write about:

  • The advantages of tourism in relation to
    income generation.
  • The disadvantage of tourism in relation to
    problems it can cause.
  • Our opinion as to whether the advantages
    outweigh the disadvantages.

Note the use of the synonyms ‘benefits’ and ‘drawback’ in the second sentence of the question.

# 2  Generate ideas

The next task is to generate some ideas to write about.

There are several different ways to think up ideas. I cover them fully on the IELTS Essay Planning page.

I’m going to demonstrate two
of them for you here – the ‘friends technique’, which is suitable for most IELTS
essays, and the ‘example method’, which perfectly fits essay structure 2.

The ‘friends technique’ is
the method I generally prefer as it allows you to take a step back from the
stress of the exam situation and think more calmly.

Here’s how it works. Imagine
that you are chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee and they ask you this question. What are the first thoughts to come into your head? Plan your essay
around these ideas.

Doing this will help you to
come up with simple answers in everyday language rather than straining your
brain to think of amazing ideas using high-level language, which isn’t

Here are my ideas using the
friends technique:

There are far
too many ideas here to include in an essay of just over 250 words. Think up a
few then pick one advantage and one disadvantage that you think you can develop

With the ‘example method‘, on the other hand, you start by thinking of specific examples
related to the question.
They can come from your own experience or be
something you’ve read or heard about. These examples will generate ideas that
will become the main points of your essay.

It works particularly well
for the model question I’ve selected for this lesson which is why I’ve included
the second essay structure.

Here are my
ideas using the examples technique:

Now that we have some ideas, we’re almost
ready to start writing our IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay, but first,
we have one more task to do.

# 3  Vocabulary

During the planning stage,
quickly jot down some vocabulary that comes to mind as you decide what you’re
going to write about, especially synonyms of key words. This will save you
having to stop and think of the right language while you’re writing.

an IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

We’re ready to begin writing
our essay. For the first model answer, I’m going to take you step-by-step
through essay structure 2. I’ll then give you a model answer for essay
structure 1.

Here’s a reminder of the question and the essay

A lot of places in the world rely on
tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source
of problems if it is not well-managed.

are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do you
think that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

We’ll now start work on the introduction.

How To Write an Introduction

The introduction to an
IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay should have a simple 2 or 3 part

  • Paraphrase
    the question
  • Outline
    the main ideas
  • State
    your opinion (if required)

Our tourism question asks
for our opinion so our introduction will have 3 parts.

1)  Paraphrase the question

Start your introduction by paraphrasing the question statement.

     Question: A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income.             

      Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

Paraphrased question: 

holidaymakers contribute hugely to the economies of many popular destinations,
the influx of tourists can also cause serious issues.

Note my use of synonyms for some of the key words. It’s fine to repeat one or two words if you can’t think of suitable synonyms. Above all, your language must sound natural.

2)  Outline statement

Now we need to
add a statement where
we outline the main points that we’ll be covering in the rest of the essay,
that is, an advantage of tourism and a disadvantage of tourism.

Here are the
two main ideas I’ve chosen to write about:

  • Advantage – Poor areas are
    now prosperous tourist resorts
  • Disadvantage – Displacement
    of local people

Outline statement: 

This essay
will demonstrate how tourism can transform the economy of poor areas but will also
show that this can lead to such problems as the displacement of local people.

3)  Opinion statement

The question also asks for our opinion and
it’s essential that we include it in the introduction.

Opinion statement: 

acknowledging that there are drawbacks, the essay will argue that the
advantages of the tourist industry outweigh the disadvantages.

So, let’s bring the three elements of our introduction together.


This introduction achieves three important functions:

  • It shows the examiner that you understand the question.
  • It acts as a guide to the examiner as to what your essay is about.
  • It also helps to keep you focused and on track as you write.

The two ideas in your introduction will become your two main body paragraphs.

Main body paragraph 1 – Poor
areas are now prosperous tourist resorts

Main body paragraph 2 – Displacement
of local people

How To Write Main Body Paragraphs

Main body
paragraphs in IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays written using structure 2, should
contain 3 things:

  • Topic
    – give an example
  • Explanation
    – explain the benefits/advantages
  • Consequence
    – state the result

Main Body Paragraph 1

The topic
 summarises the main idea of the paragraph. It plays an
important role in ensuring that your ideas flow logically from one to another.
It does this by acting as a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what
the paragraph will be about.

If you
maintain a clear development of ideas throughout your essay, you will get high
marks for task achievement and cohesion and coherence.

In this
instance, the topic sentence will introduce our first example, for which I’ve
chosen Thailand.

  • Main idea  Poor areas are now
    prosperous tourist resorts
  • Example


Topic sentence: 

One country that has experienced a significant economic boost from tourism is Thailand.

Next, we must write an explanation sentence that states the main point of our example.

Explanation sentence: 

Over the past 50 years, many of its small fishing villages, where people often struggled to make a living, have been developed into thriving holiday destinations.

Finally, we explain the consequence or result of the situation. This is where we give an example of one specific advantage. It is better to pick one and develop it than to just add a long list.


With all the hotels, restaurants, shops and other tourist facilities that have been developed, there are now enough jobs for everyone and the general standard of living has greatly increased.  Many local people have spotted new business opportunities and become entrepreneurs which has further diversified the economy.

That’s the 3
parts of our first main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

We’ll now
follow the same process for our second main body paragraph.

Main Body Paragraph 2

Main idea  Displacement of local



First, we write the topic sentence to summarise the main idea.

Topic sentence:

Venice, on the other hand, the huge popularity of the beautiful canals and
stunning architecture with visitors from around the world has had a negative impact
on local residents.

Now for
the explanation sentence 
that states the main point
of our example.

Explanation sentence:

growing need for tourist accommodation, places to eat and shops has forced many
people from their homes to make way for this new development.

Finally, a
specific example to
the consequence.


only have these people suffered by having to move away from their family and
friends but the situation has also resulted in a lost sense of community in the
worst affected areas.

That’s the 3 parts of our second main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

Now we need a conclusion and
our IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay is done.

How To Write a Conclusion

conclusion is a summary of the main points in your essay and can generally be
done in a single sentence. It should never introduce new ideas.

If you’re below the minimum
250 words after you’ve written your conclusion, you can add a prediction or
recommendation statement.

Our essay is already near the minimum word limit so we
don’t need this extra sentence but you can learn more about how to
write a prediction or recommendation statement for IELTS advantages and
disadvantages essays on 
the Task 2 Conclusions page.

The conclusion is the easiest sentence in the essay to write but one of the most important.

A good conclusion will:

  • Neatly end the essay
  • Link all your ideas together
  • Sum up your argument or opinion
  • Answer the question

If you achieve this, you’ll improve your score for both task achievement and cohesion and coherence which together make up 50% of the overall marks. Without a conclusion, you’ll score below band 6 for task achievement.

You can start almost any final paragraph of an IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay with the words:

  • In conclusion


  • To conclude

Now all you need to do is briefly summarise the main ideas into one sentence.

Here’s a top tip. Go back and read the introduction to the essay because this is also a summary of the essay. It outlines what you are going to write about.

To create a great conclusion, you simply have to paraphrase the introduction. 


Here’s the same information formed into a conclusion:

That’s it. We’ve completed our advantages and disadvantages essay. Here it is with the 4 paragraphs put together.


A lot of places in the world
rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be
a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

What are the advantages and
disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do you think that the benefits of
tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

Finished IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay.

Go through this lesson as many times as you
need to in order to fully understand it and put in lots of practice writing IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays from past exam questions. Practice is the only way to improve
your skills.

IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay
for Structure 1

Now, here’s a
model answer for essay structure 1. First, a reminder of the structure and the
ideas I generated using the
friends technique.

Ideas generation — Friends technique

I’ve underline the ideas I’ve chosen to write about
in this second essay:

of tourism – source of income:

  • Provides jobs for local people
  • Opportunities for local entrepreneurs
  • Tourist spending boosts both national & local
  • Brings improvement in local infrastructure &
    facilities which benefit whole community
  • Helps maintain traditions & culture

of tourism – the problems:

  • Money goes to wealthy business owners not local people
  • Increased crime
  • Illegal activities, e.g. drugs
  • More pubs & clubs – changes the local culture
  • Increase in property values
  • Destruction of the natural environment to build hotels, airports
    & other facilities

  • Displacement of indigenous people 

The essay

See if you can identify the different parts of the essay and how I have developed them.

That’s it. Now it’s time for you to get practicing.

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More Help With IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays
& Other Task 2 Essays

Task 2:

IELTS Writing Task 2 – The format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing
strategy & sample questions. All the key information you need to know.

The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15
sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.

Understanding Task 2 Questions – How to quickly and easily analyse and understand
IELTS Writing Task 2 questions.

How To Plan a Task 2 Essay – Discover why essay planning
is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure
& 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To
Write a Task 2 Introduction
 – Find out why a
good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part
strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

How To
Write Task 2 Main Body Paragraphs
 – Learn the simple 3
part structure for writing great main body paragraphs and also, 3 common
mistakes to avoid. 

How To
Write Task 2 Conclusions
 – Learn the easy way
to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common
mistakes to avoid.

Task 2
Marking Criteria
 – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task
2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes
to avoid.

The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:

Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.

  Opinion Essays

  Discussion Essays

  Problem Solution Essays

  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

  Double Question Essays

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IELTS Writing Test – Understand the format & marking criteria, know what skills are assessed & learn the difference between the Academic & General writing tests.

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In English, we often need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of something. You will definitely need to do this at work, on tests such as the IELTS and TOEFL, and also in everyday conversation. In this lesson, you will learn words that have the same meaning as advantage and disadvantage, such as drawback, downside, positive aspect, benefit, and many more. After watching, take our quiz to make sure you understood. There are many advantages to watching this video!

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