One word for a very good person

Прилагательные для описания хороших черт характера человека

Для выражения чувств и эмоций удобно использовать набор заранее заученных прилагательных. В этой статье перечислены возможные варианты таких прилагательных, которые мы рекомендуем вам выучить наизусть и использовать в подходящей ситуации.


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friendly [ˈfrendli]

дружественный, дружелюбный

sensitive [ˈsensətɪv]




loyal [ˈlɔɪəl]

верный, преданный

funny [ˈfʌni]

забавный, веселый

ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs]

амбициозный, стремящийся

tolerant [ˈtɑːlərənt]

толерантный, терпимый

patient  [ˈpeɪʃnt]


honest  [ˈɑːnɪst]

честный, искренний

cool [kuːl]


confident [ˈkɑːnfɪdənt]

уверенный, самоуверенный

self-assured [ˌselfəˈʃʊərd]

самонадеянный, самоуверенный

trustworthy  [ˈtrʌstwɜːrði]

надежный, заслуживающий доверия

reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl]


moral [ˈmɔːrəl]

моральный, нравственный

compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənət]


creative  [kriˈeɪtɪv]

креативный, творческий, созидательный

humble [ˈhʌmbl]

скромный, смиренный

intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt]


supportive [səˈpɔːrtɪv]

оказывающий поддержку

romantic  [roʊˈmæntɪk]


courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs]

смелый, отважный, храбрый

kind [kaɪnd]


polite  [pəˈlaɪt]

вежливый, учтивый, любезный

respectful  [rɪˈspektfl]

почтительный, уважающий, вежливый

easygoing  [ˌiːzɪˈɡoʊɪŋ]

спокойный, легкий, покладистый

disciplined [ˈdɪsəplɪnd]

дисциплинированный, обученный

compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənət]

сострадательный, сочувствующий

gentle  [ˈdʒentl]

нежный, мягкий

beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]


glamorous [ˈɡlæmərəs]

очаровательный, обаятельный

attractive  [əˈtræktɪv]

привлекательный, притягательный

warm [wɔːrm]

сердечный, горячий

caring [ˈkerɪŋ]

внимательный, заботливый

incredibly talented [ɪnˈkredəbli]

невероятно талантливый

Read by George William Dole

My name is Martin and I’m from London. I’m 15 years old and I’m in year 11 at Parkfield School.

I’ve got lots of hobbies and interests. I love playing chess and computer games with my brother. I also do a lot of sports – I particularly enjoy swimming and karate. I’m also interested in photography.

I’m quite an ambitious person. I want to go to university and then get a job in web design. I think I’m quite hard-working, too. I’ve probably got a few faults. I think I’m slightly impatient and maybe a little intolerant too.

Read by George William Dole

My name is Sarah. I’ m 17 and I go to Greenhill School. I’m in year 12. I live with my parents and my brother Jake.

My hobbies are fashion and listening to music. I’m not very keen on sport, but I play volleyball at school.

I’m not at all a shy person. I’m quite confident and I prefer talking to other confident people. I think I’m kind and very loyal to my friends.

Read by George William Dole

My name is Ross. I’m 17 years old and I live in Boston in the USA. I’m quite a friendly person and rather sensitive. At least I think so!

My friends say that I am sometimes slightly impatient and I can be a bit lazy about schoolwork!

I like being around really confident people who share the same interests as me. I enjoy outdoor activities. I do a lot of swimming and a bit of rock-climbing too.

Read by George William Dole

Hi! I’m Abigail. I’m 16 years old and my home is San Diego, California.

I’m pretty hard-working and very loyal. I get on well with funny people. I’m quite an ambitious person: I want to study medicine at university.

I’m not very tolerant of lazy people. I’m interested in books and I spend a lot of time reading. My hobbies are chess and computer games and I’m crazy about rock music.

Read by George William Dole


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My best friend is Ivan.

Мой лучший друг — Иван.

He lives not far from my house.

Он живет недалеко от моего дома.

We also study together.

Мы также учимся вместе.

He is a very good friend of mine.

Он мой очень хороший друг.

He is gentle, supportive and funny.

Он нежный, (готовый) оказать поддержку и веселый.

We always have a lot of fun.

Мы всегда проводим хорошо время.

He always comes to help me when I need it.

Он всегда приходит мне на помощь, когда мне это нужно.

A saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” fully applies to him.

Поговорка «Друг в беде — это настоящий друг» — в полной мере относится к нему.

He is absolutely loyal to his friends.

Он абсолютно предан своим друзьям.

At the same time honesty is what he values most of all.

В то же время честность — это то, что он ценит больше всего.

No matter how much he likes you, he will honestly tell you what he thinks about your ideas.

Неважно, насколько вы ему нравитесь, он честно скажет вам, что он думает о ваших идеях.

He is not going to flatter you just to appear cool.

Он не будет льстить вам, просто чтобы казаться классным.

He is cool already.

Он уже классный.

He is strong and fit because he does a lot of sports namely: volleyball, basketball and karate.

Он сильный и в хорошей физической форме, потому что он много занимается спортом, а именно: волейболом, баскетболом и каратэ.

Sometimes he is quite shy and maybe slightly humble but I like these traits of character.

Иногда он (бывает) довольно стеснительным и, возможно, немного скромным, но мне нравятся эти черты характера.

We have a lot of similar hobbies like running in the morning and playing computer games.

У нас много одинаковых увлечений, таких как бег по утрам и игра в компьютерные игры.

We are interested in similar things too.

Мы интересуемся одинаковыми вещами.

Particularly, we like learning history and taking pictures.

Особенно нам нравится изучать историю и фотографировать.

He is hard-working and sometimes a little bit impatient.

Он трудолюбивый и иногда немного нетерпеливый.

He is not keen on geography, probably, because he doesn’t know it well.

Он не очень увлекается географией, вероятно потому, что плохо ее знает.

Sometimes he is very confident, self-assured and not indecisive at all.

Иногда он очень уверен в себе и совсем не нерешителен.

He knows what he wants and he follows his plan.

Он знает, чего он хочет, и он следует своему плану.

From time to time he can be slightly lazy about his schoolwork but I help him with it.

Время от времени он может быть немного ленив по отношению к своим школьным занятиям, но я помогаю ему (с ними).

He is also interested in books and spends a lot of time reading.

Он также интересуется книгами и проводит много времени за чтением.

He is absolutely crazy about historical books and science fiction.

Он абсолютно без ума от исторических книг и научной фантастики.

He doesn’t suffer from low self-esteem.

Он не страдает от низкой самооценки.

People find him glamorous, intelligent, attractive, caring, sensitive and incredibly talented.

Люди находят его гламурным, умным, привлекательным, заботливым, чутким и невероятно талантливым.

He’s romantic and courageous.

Он романтичный и смелый.

He plays a musical instrument, namely guitar, and to top it off he loves his parents.

Он играет на музыкальном инструменте, а именно на гитаре, и вдобавок ко всему, он любит своих родителей.

Read by George William Dole


Hello, I’m Oprah Winfrey, and I’d like you to meet someone. Please say hello to Luella de la Tweeb.

Hi. Tell us about yourself.

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Well, my name is Luella.

Ну, меня зовут Луэлла.

I’m 37 years of age.

Мне 37 лет.

I’m beautiful.

Я красивая.

I’m intelligent.

Я умная, разумная.

I’m glamorous. [ˈɡlæmərəs]

Я очаровательная, обаятельная.

I’m attractive.

Я привлекательная.

I’m warm. [wɔːrm]

Я сердечная.

I’m sensitive. [ˈsensətɪv]

Я чувственная, нежная.

I’m caring. [ˈkerɪŋ]

Я внимательная, заботливая.

I’m rich. [rɪtʃ]

Я богатая.

I’m sexy.

Я сексуальная.

I’m incredibly talented. [ɪnˈkredəbli]

Я невероятно талантливая. 

So, what exactly is your problem, Luella?

Итак, в чем именно твоя проблема, Люэлла?

I suffer from low self-esteem.

Я страдаю от низкой самооценки.

Mmm. That’s an absolute bugger, isn’t it?

Ммм. Это абсолютная досада, не так ли?

And how does that manifest itself?

И как это проявляется?

Well, I used to love myself.

Ну, я раньше любила себя.

I used to think that I was great.

Я раньше думала, что я великолепна.

Oh, don’t tell me you stopped thinking you were great, that would be heart-breaking.

О, не говори мне, что ты перестала думать, что ты великолепена, это было бы душераздирающе.

Well, I stopped talking to myself.

Ну, я перестала разговаривать сама с собой.

I stopped seeing myself for what I really am.

Я перестала видеть себя такой, какая я есть на самом деле.

I guess I started to take myself for granted

Я предполагаю, что я начала принимать себя как должное.


exactly [ɪɡˈzæktli]

точно, именно

suffer [ˈsʌfər]


low [ləʊ’]


selfesteem [self ɪˈstiːm]

cамоуважение, чувство собственного достоинства

exactly [ɪɡˈzæktli]

точно, именно

bugger [ˈbʌɡər]

трудная задача

manifest [ˈmænɪfest]


used to

бывало, раньше

take smth for granted

считать что-л. само собой разумеющимся


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I have a friend.

У меня есть друг.

His name is Ivan. 

Его зовут Иван.

He is a very friendly person.

Он очень дружелюбный человек.

He always smiles and it’s a pleasure to talk with him. 

Он всегда улыбается и с ним приятно общаться.

He is ambitious, hard-working, creative and goal-seeking.

Он амбициозный, трудолюбивый, творческий и целеустремленный.

He sees his goal and works hard to achieve it.  

Он видит свою цель и усердно работает для ее достижения.

He is patient and tolerant as well.

Он терпелив, а также толерантен.

He has patience to finish what he started and he has tolerance to respect others’ opinions. 

У него есть терпение, чтобы закончить то, что он начал и у него есть толерантность, чтобы уважать мнения других.

He is reliable and trustworthy.

Он надежный и заслуживающий доверия.

People can relay on him and trust him.

Люди могут надеяться на него и доверять ему.

He never cheats his friends. 

Он никогда не обманывает своих друзей.

He is warm-hearted, sensitive, compassionate and humble.

Он сердечный, чувственный, сострадательный и скромный.

He never lets people around him feel uncomfortable. 

Он никогда не позволяет окружающим чувствовать себя неловко.

He is clever, intelligent and witty.

Он умный, умный и смышленый.

He is good at math and reads philosophical books. 

Он хорош в математике и читает философские книги.

He is kind, polite and respectful.

Он добрый, вежливый и уважительный.

People call such men “gentlemen”. 

Люди называют таких мужчин «джентльменами».

He is disciplined and focused.

Он дисциплинирован и сосредоточен.

That’s why he can achieve many things. 

Вот почему он может многого достичь.

He is well-built, fit and strong.

Он хорошо сложен, подтянут и силен.

He does a variety of sports regularly. 

Он регулярно занимается различными видами спорта.

He is a caring, supportive and concerned friend.

Он внимательный, дающий поддержку и заботливый друг.

He never avoids his friends’ problems and always tries to help.

Он никогда не бежит от проблем своих друзей и всегда старается помочь.

He is attractive, romantic and courageous.

Он привлекателен, романтичен и смел.

Girls always like him. 

Девушки всегда любят его.

He is honest, sensitive and easy-going.

Он честный, чуткий и с ним легко общаться.

It’s always pleasant to communicate with such people.

С такими людьми всегда приятно общаться.

You feel like you’ve known him forever even from the first few minutes of talking with him.

Вы чувствуете, что знаете его вечно, даже с первых нескольких минут разговора с ним.

He is highly moral and absolutely loyal to his friends.

Он очень нравственный и абсолютно предан своим друзьям.

A saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” fully applies to him.

Поговорка: «Друг в беде — это настоящий друг» в полной мере относится к нему.

He is brave, bold and courageous.

Он отважный, дерзкий и смелый.

He is not afraid of anything.

Он ничего не боится.

He knows “the rules of life” and plays by them. 

Он знает «правила жизни» и играет по ним.

He is glamorous, attractive and handsome

Он гламурный, привлекательный и красивый.

Read by George William Dole

In this lesson, you’re going to learn 59 positive personality adjectives in English. Check out 66 Negative Personality Adjectives here.

Let’s look at some positive words to describe people.

There are four main categories of positive personality adjectives. Let’s imagine each category as a different person. So let’s meet them:

Nik — the people person

Nik is the friend who’s great with people. See how popular he is? People like Nik:

Personality Adjectives

There are lots of reasons why people like Nik.

Reason why people like Nik #1

Nik is very easy to be with. You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
Likeable — He’s easy to like.
Gregarious — He likes being with other people.

Reason why people like Nik #2

He thinks about you and how you feel:

Considerate — He always thinks about other people when he does something or talks to someone.
Sympathetic* — He shows that he understands and cares about other people’s problems.
Understanding — The same as “sympathetic” — he understands other people’s problems well.

*Sympathetic is a false friend: in many languages, it means “nice,” but in English, it has a different meaning.

Reason why people like Nik #3

He doesn’t choose one side when his friends disagree with each other:

Diplomatic — He is very good at trying to help people see both sides of a situation.
Impartial — He doesn’t support just one side of a disagreement.

Reason why people like Nik #4

He’s honest:

Sincere — He says what he really thinks and feels.
Straight-forward — He’s direct and honest.

Reason why people like Nik #5

He likes giving and helping:

Generous — He likes giving things to people.
Helpful — He likes helping.
Kind — He cares about others and likes to help them, often emotionally.
Giving — He likes giving things to people — it’s the same as “generous.”

Personality Adjectives

So that’s Nik. What an awesome guy!

Positive Personality Adjectives #2

Alexa — the good worker

Alexa is a great worker. She’s focussed and likes to get things done! She’s the perfect candidate for a job. Bosses like her:

Alexa with bosses

There are lots of reasons why Alexa is a good worker:

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #1

Alexa has a lot of natural personal qualities that make her a good worker:

Observant — She’s good at noticing different things around her.
Quick-witted — She can think quickly and intelligently.
Patient — She can accept difficult situations without getting angry.
Dynamic — She has a lot of energy and can think creatively.
Bright — She’s smart and intelligent.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #2

She also “applies herself.” This means she isn’t lazy, and she tries to do the best work that she can:

Self-disciplined — She can control her own behaviour easily, and she’s organised.
Resourceful — She’s good at finding ways to solve problems.
Proactive — She doesn’t wait for things to happen. She makes them happen!
Practical — She’s good at finding the simplest and most efficient solution.
Organised — She knows how to organise things well.
Efficient — She can organise things quickly and clearly.
Hardworking — She works hard!
Diligent — She does her work carefully and cares about the details.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #3

To be a good worker, you have to be good at managing change. When things change, Alexa can change with them:

Versatile — She can do different things depending on the situation.
Intuitive — She can understand what’s happening using her feelings (not just facts).
Adaptable — She can change depending on the situation.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #4

Finally, Alexa is someone who you can trust:

Dependable — If she says she will do something, she will do it.
Reliable — The same as “dependable”
Trustworthy — You can trust her to be honest and sincere.
Loyal — She will always be on your side.

Personality Adjectives

So that’s Alexa. A great worker but not necessarily great fun.

That’s why we need to have Freya in our lives!

Positive Personality Adjectives #3

Freya — the fun lady!

We all need a Freya in our lives. She’s the friend who makes us happy and who we can have fun with. She’s the friend who puts a smile on our faces and helps us kill the stress from our working day.

Here’s Freya at a party. Like Nik, she’s very popular. But for slightly different reasons:

the fun friend

Freya is fun to be around for several reasons.

Reason why Freya is fun #1

First of all, Freya has a lot of energy. When people have a lot of energy, this energy often transfers to you. It’s fun!

Energetic — She has a lot of energy.
Adventurous — She likes doing new and different things.
Enthusiastic — She shows a lot of excitement and interest in things.
Kooky — She’s a little crazy. But in a fun way.

Reason why Freya is fun #2

She’s also very a very sociable and happy person:

Cheerful — She’s always happy.
Chatty — She loves talking and talks a lot.
Convivial — She’s always in a good mood and is always friendly.

Reason why Freya is fun #3

She’s also very funny:

Hilarious — She’s very, very, funny.
Witty — She’s funny and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way.
Humorous — She’s funny and entertaining.
Amusing — She’s funny and fun.

Reason why Freya is fun #4

Finally, you don’t feel bad when you’re with Freya. You feel like you can say anything, and she won’t think badly of you:

Non-judgemental — She won’t make you feel bad for something that you think, believe or do, even if it’s a mistake.
Laid-back — She’s very relaxed about everything.
Easy-going — This is the same as “laid-back” — it means “relaxed”!

Adjectives for fun people

OK. So Freya’s good fun. But perhaps sometimes she can get annoying! There are times when we need to be serious.

This is a good time to try to be like Delia.

Positive Personality Adjectives #4

Delia — the leader

Delia is the person we know who will probably become successful. She knows what she wants in life, and she has the power to take it! She may not have so many friends, but she takes pleasure from her success.

The Leader

Why will Delia succeed? There are two main reasons for this:

Reason why Delia is a good leader #1

She has so much power in her. She’s an unstoppable force!

Ambitious — She has very high targets for herself in life.
Determined — She doesn’t quit, even when things get hard.
Passionate — She believes in her work and her success on an emotional level.
Persistent — She never gives up!
Decisive — She can make a decision quickly and confidently.

Reason why Delia is a good leader #2

She’s also not afraid of anything. Or anyone!

Courageous — She’s brave.
Fearless — She has no fear.

Basically, she’s like a superhero!

Personality adjectives for leaders

How to use personality adjectives

OK. So now you know 59 positive adjectives to describe people you like. Let’s take a look at a few different ways to use adjectives.

Let’s start with a simple adjective to describe someone:


There are different ways we can use this word to describe a person.

If we simply want to describe the person directly, we can say:

She’s funny.


She’s a funny woman.

There isn’t much difference between these sentences. The only difference is that you have the freedom to use different words to describe the woman in the second example:

She’s a funny person.

She’s a funny friend.

She’s a funny boss.

But what if you don’t know this person? What if you just have the feeling that she might be funny?

The first thing to ask yourself is this: What gives you this feeling? Is it about her appearance or just a general feeling?

If it’s a general feeling, we can say:

She seems funny.

But if it’s about her appearance (she might be a clown), then we can say:

She looks funny.


She looks like a funny person.


she looks + adjective

she looks like + (adjective) noun

Remember these adjectives forever

Download the free PDF cheat sheet with all these adjectives and more!

Positive Personality Adjectives Cheat Sheet

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For even more adjectives to describe people, check out these 30 English Words, Phrases and Idioms for Crazy.

I am looking for a word or group of words to describe someone who just started doing something, but is already very good at it, or a beginner without faults. For example, it could be used in this sentence: «Although Mary had just started playing Tennis, she had already won 3 tournaments; Some could say she was a ______».

AndyT's user avatar


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asked Jun 14, 2018 at 2:39

PotatoLatte's user avatar


You can use the word «natural» either as an adjective or as a noun, to describe the person and their skill or the person themself.

natural (adjective)
attributive (of a person) having an innate
skill or quality.
‘he was a natural entertainer’

natural (noun) A person having an innate talent for a particular task
or activity.
‘she was a natural for television work’
Living Dictionaries

Another is the word «gifted«.

Having exceptional talent or natural ability.
‘a gifted amateur
Oxford Living Dictionaries

If you want another noun describing the person, then «prodigy«

often with modifier A young person with exceptional
qualities or abilities.
‘a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy
in his day’
Oxford Living Dictionary

More often than not prodigy is used with minors or children.

Sven Yargs's user avatar

Sven Yargs

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answered Jun 14, 2018 at 3:04

Zebrafish's user avatar


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quick learner
«He was a pragmatist and quick learner. He was skilled at picking up ideas from others and making them his own.» (Lawrence M. O’Rourke, Row House to White House, 2012, p.3319)

«The quick learner has what is called in ordinary terminology, the power of concentration. All the available cerebral energy seems to participate in …» (William Henry Pyle — 1921)

«You had no experience as a woman, but you were full of spirit and a quick learner.» (Gary Jonas — 2011)

Also, fast learner

answered Jun 14, 2018 at 13:28

Kris's user avatar


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Although Mary had just started playing Tennis, she had already won 3 tournaments; she was a real talent.

talent (noun)

(someone who has) a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught

Source: Cambridge Online

answered Jun 14, 2018 at 10:42


If an adjective would suffice, I would say that she has a knack for tennis:

1 An acquired or natural skill at doing something.

‘he had a knack for communicating’

answered Jun 14, 2018 at 16:08

Chase Sandmann's user avatar

Chase SandmannChase Sandmann

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Depending on your context, you might call this person a whiz kid:

a young person who is outstandingly skillful or successful at

«a computer whiz kid»

answered Jun 15, 2018 at 0:54

Kevin Workman's user avatar

Kevin WorkmanKevin Workman

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In some contexts, the term rising star might be appropriate.

If Mary was dedicated to her tennis career, and it was understood that she was already gifted for a beginner and on the way to success, it could be used here.

From Merriam-Webster:

rising star: a person or thing that is growing quickly in popularity or importance in a particular field

From Cambridge:

rising star: a person who is likely to be successful

However, it wouldn’t be an appropriate term for something less important than a career or primary hobby — for example, if someone succeeded in their first cookery class, but wasn’t particularly dedicated to cookery, the term wouldn’t be appropriate.

answered Jun 15, 2018 at 11:21

Luna's user avatar


1312 bronze badges

Yet another option: wunderkind

answered Jun 15, 2018 at 3:01

Dave Costa's user avatar

Dave CostaDave Costa

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Prodigy works. The comments about prodigy only applies to children are not entirely true. BJ Penn was widely referred to as ‘the prodigy’ and he learned his craft after highschool.

answered Jun 18, 2018 at 0:23

Tom's user avatar

Precocious is another possibility

answered Jun 18, 2018 at 17:15

Elliot's user avatar


In dancing we use «advanced Beginner»

answered Jun 14, 2018 at 14:47

Oscar's user avatar

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Fyodor Petrovich Karpets(1926-2004) was a caring pastor, a missionary, and a very good person.


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February 2, to Teatralna square, where we will commemorate a very good person, who is unfortunately not with us anymore- Andriy Kuzmenko Skryabin.


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Театральную, где состоится Вечер Памяти одного очень хорошего человека, которого сожалению, нет с нами- Андрея Кузьменко Скрябин.


For half a year»KPI» exists without a brilliant and just very good person Vitali Ivanovich Molchanov.


As Ionesyan explained during the interrogation, for her this was a serious blow, with Vladimir deciding to help her,

as he put it,»a very good person in every sense» and offered her to go with him to Ivanovo,

where he had a friend who was a former director of the Orenburg operetta.

context icon

Как пояснил на допросе Ионесян, для нее это было серьезным ударом, он же решил помочь,

как он выражался,« очень хорошему человеку во всех смыслах» и предложил вместе с ним поехать в Иваново,

где у него жил приятель, до этого бывший режиссером Оренбургского театра оперетты.

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No, you’re a very good person, and I want to give you an important appointment», insisted the king.

And he might not be a very good person, but a little deviousness is the sort of thing

you look for in a



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Возможно, он не очень хороший человек, но, небольшая изворотливость, это как раз то, что ты ищешь в



all my security is in shock and cannot understand what is going on,” Bidzina Ivanishvili said in a program at the 9th Channel.

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не понимает, что происходит»,- заявил в эфире« 9- го канала» Бидзина Иванишвили.

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Very good question is there any other person, in whose mind, the same question is arising?

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You have to be a very good… and, usually, a


dead person to become a saint.

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Is that you are a


sensitive person and also the Art woke him something very good.

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Answer: This is also a very good question since it is


important that a person stops committing sins in his current incarnation

and only cleanses old negative karma without accumulating new one.

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Ответ: Это тоже очень хороший вопрос, так как человеку


важно прекратить грешить в этом воплощении, а только

лишь очищать старую отрицательную карму, без накопления новой.

And it would be very good when the


who has been asked for help, if he agrees to help, to say his own name and the name of the person who is asking him for help by saying:

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И было бы очень хорошо, когда и тот, кого попросили о помощи, соглашаясь помочь, произнесет свое имя и имя человека, который его просит о помощи, говоря:

You’re a

good person,

a very good


And Tom will be fine.

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Results: 163,
Time: 0.0229





These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

очень хороший человек

очень хорошим человеком

очень хорошего человека

He was a very good person but then I didn’t understand.

As far as I know, she is a very good person.

Being an atheist you always deal with conceptual thinking even though you can be a very good person.

Будучи атеистом, вы всегда имеем дело с концептуальным мышлением, хотя вы можете быть очень хорошим человеком.

Your teacher… must have been a very good person.

Still close can’t believe this happened and noted that they had lost not just a musician, and a very good person.

До сих пор близкие не могут поверить в случившееся и отмечают, что потеряли не просто музыканта, а очень хорошего человека.

Later I met a priest from the Moscow Patriarchate, a Mexican, a very good person.

My older brother is a very good person.

You know, I also realized during this shift that not a very good person.

You’re a very good person who bad things have happened to.

You know, I don’t think I’m a very good person.

He’s a very good person, and I decided to meet him again.

She is a very good person, and there are very few that can match her.

But I always wish him the best because he is a very good person.

On the contrary, her neighbors and coworkers would all agree that she is a very good person.

Werdum is a very good person, hard working and he deserved this victory.

She only says that her husband was a very good person.

He was not a very good person.

She’s never really gotten to play a bad person before, probably because she is a very good person.

«Ей до этого никогда толком не приходилось играть отрицательного персонажа, возможно, потому, что она сама очень хороший человек.

The fact is that I’m a very good person and my friends can confirm this.

Дело в том, что я на самом деле очень хороший человек, и мои друзья могут это подтвердить.

In fact, personally, I think she’s most likely not a very good person.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 90. Exact: 90. Elapsed time: 234 ms.


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