One word for a sincere friend

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17

Friends hold a special place in our hearts, not just because of the good times we share but also for the bonds that are formed when we go through pain and adversity holding each other up. There are people in your life whom you count as great friends. They may be young or old, close or distant. Whoever they are and wherever they are, these words are for you to encourage them. Use these words to thank them for their love and generosity and uplift them when they need it most.

The scriptures, words of affirmation, and quotes below are for the friends in your life. We hope you will use these to remind your friends of your love and commitment to their well-being. You can share them via text, emails, or hand-written notes. Everyone needs authentic friends who have their best interests at heart. Be that friend.

25 Affirmations and Words of Encouragement for your dearest friend:

1.    You are a blessing in my life.
2.    You’re a true friend, and I’m grateful for you.
3.    I feel safe, loved and understood. Thank you!
4.    God knew I’d need a true friend at this time, so He sent me you.
5.    I’m praying for you, friend.
6.    There’s much more ahead of you. You’ll get through this.
7.    You’re always so supportive. I’m glad to be there for you, too.
8.    You’re such a light everywhere you go!
9.    Everyone needs a friend like you.
10.    You make me look good!
11.    You have a heart of gold.
12.    I knew you’d know how to cheer me up. You’re amazing!
13.    God’s plans for you are magnificent.
14.    Be strong and courageous. You can do this!
15.    I know this is hard to hear, but I love you and share this truth in love.
16.    You always speak the truth in love, thank you.
17.    I love how you hold me accountable.
18.    Your dedication makes me want to do better.
19.    Don’t give up on your dreams!
20.    I admire your cheerfulness and warmth.
21. You are not your mistakes.
22.    You’re such a fighter. I love that you never give up.
23.    Your friendship gives me joy.
24.    I’ll never take you for granted.
25.    Thank you for being a loving friend to me.

Quotes to Inspire Friends

“I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.” – Thomas A. Edi

“One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.” – Unknown

“I thank God for the way He made you; distinct, special and unique. You were not made from a common mold.” – Erwin Lutzer

“The more we nurture our friendships, the greater the happiness that comes our way.” – Unknown

“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.” – Unknown

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

«If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.» – George MacDonald

«It is one of the severest tests of friendship: to tell your friend his faults. So, to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship.» – Henry Ward Beecher

“Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.» – Cindy Lew

“Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief.” – Swedish proverb

Inspiring Scripture for Teachers

Proverbs 27:6 —  Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.

Luke 5:20 —  When Jesus saw their faith, he said, «Friend, your sins are forgiven.»

Proverbs 18:24 — One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Isaiah 43:2 — When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

Proverbs 27:9 — The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.

3 John 1:2 — Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.

3 John 1:11 —  Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God’s children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God.

Philippians 1:3 — Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.

John 15:13 — There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Ephesians 4:32 — Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Photo Credit:

remi-headshotRemi Roy lives, writes, and enjoys being in Dallas, Texas. Originally from Nigeria, she is passionate about her purpose which is following God every step of the way no matter the details. She is a contented wife, communications consultant, and writing coach. She is the author of two books Ms. Unlikely and From the Sidelines and editor of Purpose Anthologies, a collection of personal life journeys. When she’s not working with clients, she spends time working on her next book and trying hard to be a morning person. You can find her at Or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This article is part of our Words of Encouragement series. It is our prayer that these words will bring you blessings while you use the affirmations, quotes, and Bible verses to inspire others to live their life fully alive! 

Words of Encouragement for Men
Words of Encouragement for Women
Words of Encouragement for Kids
Words of Encouragement for Friends
Words of Encouragement for Cancer Patients
Words of Encouragement for Teachers

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Please also accept our assurance that Artsakh is a sincere friend to the French people in fighting against terrorism, and the desire to preserve human values»,-

reads the telegram.


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Примите также наши заверения в том, что Арцах был и будет искренним другом французского народа в борьбе с терроризмом и в стремлениях к сохранению общечеловеческих ценностей»,-

говорится в телеграмме.


You will have fought the good fight and will have become a charitable and sincere friend.

Visit recently paid to Baku by Senator Lugar,

big statesman and sincere friend of Azerbaijan, was an important step taken towards expansion of our relations.

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Недавний приезд видного государственного деятеля и искреннего друга Азербайджана сенатора Лугара в Баку стал важным шагом на пути расширения наших связей.

A true Indian because he knows our country well and has long been our sincere friend.”.

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Индийцем, поскольку он хорошо знает нашу страну и давно является нашим искренним другом».

As we strive for the noble aspirations of peace and development on the eve of the new century, countries in the international community

will continue to find in Viet Nam a sincere friend and constructive companion.


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По мере того как мы боремся за благородные идеалы мира и развития на пороге нового столетия,

страны международного сообщества по-прежнему найдут в лице Вьетнама искреннего друга и конструктивного партнера.


Welcoming the Senator the RA NA President

noted that they knew Mr Piras in Armenia as a sincere friend of the Armenian people,

who during his political activity as Senator, Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group and Mayor of Bourg-les-Valence, had big contribution to the reinforcement of the Armenian-French friendship.


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Приветствуя сенатора, глава армянского парламента отметил,

что в Армении г-на Пираса знают как искреннего друга армянского народа, кто за время своей

политической деятельности и как сенатор, и как председатель депутатской группы дружбы, и как мэр Бур- ле- Валанса внес большой вклад в упрочение армяно- французской дружбы.


I have many


and acquaintances, but my loyal and sincere friends are my old


in Aleppo and Kessab.


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У меня много


знакомых, однако самые верные и искренние друзья мои- старые


по Алеппо, Кесабу, с которыми прошел долгий путь.


Give us sincere friends and brothers and open in every quarter of our city a center for Your gospel,

that living water may flow out of it into the dry desert!

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Даруй нам искренних друзей и братьев, и открой в каждом районе нашего города центр благовестия,

с которого в мертвую пустыню устремятся потоки воды живой!

The energy field of the organism will change as well: it will be pleasant for other people to communicate with us; we will improve our relations with those people who were not our




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Изменится биополе: теперь другим людям будет приятно с нами общаться, наладятся отношения с теми, с кем дружбы не было,


I also advise you to carefully think about the following truth: a sincere friend of YEHOWAH is supposed to become a sincere friend of MANGOD’S male and female


since close friendship(and not cunning4), selfish and for money brings all souls and hearts of


into one soul and one heart5.


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Еще совѣтую тебѣ, другъ мой, хорошенько поразмыслить о слѣдующей истинѣ: кто сдѣлался искреннимъ другомъ ЧЕЛОВѢКОБОГУ, долженъ сдѣлаться искреннимъ— же другомъ и всѣмъ ЧЕЛОВѢКОБОЖIИМЪ друзьямъ и другинямъ, а извѣстно,



не лукавая4), не эгоистическая, не гешефтная дружба соединяетъ всѣ души и сердца


въ одну душу и въ одно сердце5.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all sincere friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina who were with us in the time of war and in the time of peace,

and who have always supported the just cause of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Я хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью и выразить мою признательность всем искренним друзьям Боснии и Герцеговины, кто был с нами и во время войны, и в мирное время

и кто всегда поддерживал справедливое дело Боснии и Герцеговины.


However, let’s return directly to our common


from the French bureau as the work they do makes a great amount of people who are

shut in»city caves» consider them their real and sincere friends indeed.


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Однако вернемся непосредственно к нашим общим


из французского бюро, ибо то, чем они занимаются, позволяет огромному количеству запертых в« пещерах городов»,


Today’s headline… tiny Korean chick rejected again, friend offers sincere support.

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Сегодня на первой полосе… Маленькую кореянку снова отшили, друзья искренне сочувствуют.

These children, who give me their sincere friendship, call me their great friend.


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Эти дети, которые дарят мне свою искреннюю дружбу, называют меня своим большим другом.


We will remember Len as friendly, sincere man who became a friend to many riders counterpart for each worker federation guide

in the world of cycling for its readers great stories….

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Мы будем вспоминать Лену как доброжелательного, искреннего человека, ставшего другом для многих гонщиков, коллегой для каждого работника федерации,

проводником в мире велоспорта для читателей ее великолепных репортажей….

Taking advantage of this opportunity to convey my sincere greetings to the Azeri people, my friend and dear brother, President Ilham Aliyev.

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Воспользовавшись случаем, хочу передать мои искренние приветствия азербайджанскому народу, моему другу и дорогому брату, Президенту Ильхаму Алиеву.

Panama, a defender of the rights of the Palestinian people and a sincere and constant friend of the Jewish people,

as well as of the Arab peoples, believes it is appropriate for the international community to begin to adjust the direction of its own decisions in order to strengthen what is new, to lend greater force to that which unites us, in order to encourage those who desire peace.


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Панама, одна из сторонников прав палестинского народа и искренний и неизменный друг еврейского народа, равно

как и арабских народов, считает, что международному сообществу пора и следует исправить направление своих собственных решений с тем, чтобы укреплять все новое, чтобы придать больше силы тому, что нас объединяет, чтобы вдохновить тех, кто жаждет мира.


January holidays- is the time of long-awaited meeting with family and friends, sincere emotions, happiness and wonder.


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Январские праздники- время долгожданных встреч с родными и близкими, искренних эмоций, счастья и чудес.


I bow my head in sorrow and sincere condolencesI parents, friends, family perished.

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Склоняем головы в скорби, искренние соболезнования родителям, друзьям, семье погибших.

I look forward to your reply in the hope of making sincere and inseparable friends with you for neverending eternity under YEHOWAH!


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Остаюсь въ ожиданiи отвѣта твоего на это письмо и въ надеждѣ, что мы сдѣлаемся искренними и неразлучными друзьями при ѢГОВѢ на Всю Нескончаемую Вѣчность!


Top»But is that love, my friend? Is it


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Top- Но любовь ли это, друг мой? Искренно ли это?

Top»But is that love, my friend? Is it


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Top- Но любовь ли это, друг мой? Искренно ли это? Положим, вы простили,?

They know how to rely on the sincere support of their



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Они знают, как опереться на искреннюю поддержку своих друзей.


You’re resilient to the odor of your house, get your friend’s sincere thoughts and opinions.

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Вы устойчивы к запаху вашего дома, получить искренние мысли и мнение вашего друга.

Let me also convey our sincere condolences to our Spanish



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Позвольте мне также выразить искренние соболезнования нашим испанским друзьям.


“Recently, I’ve said some hurtful things to a friend, and I know she’s still upset. I feel awful and really want to apologize through text, but I’m not sure what to say. I don’t want to make things awkward or worse between us, but I know that I messed up.”

Apologies can be awkward and hard, but they also can help to repair hurt feelings and restore closeness and trust with a friend. If you’ve said or done something to a friend that you regret, or you’ve been neglecting your friendship, a sincere apology is the first step towards making things right. The specific kind of apology you need to give will depend on the situation.

This article will help you understand different kinds of apologies you can use, tips on when to use them, and will provide example quotes on how to word your apology.

Best ways to apologize to a friend

Not all apologies are created equally. Knowing the right and wrong way to apologize can help you craft a sincere apology that is most likely to be well-received. While it’s OK to send a cute or funny sorry message to a friend in some situations, more heartfelt apologies are needed when you’ve said or done something hurtful.

No one is perfect, and making a mistake or betraying a friend’s trust doesn’t need to mean the end of a friendship. A sincere apology is a good way to begin repairing a friendship and can sometimes even lead to a stronger, closer bond. The more serious the situation and the bigger your mistake, the more sincere your apology should be. These are often the hardest apologies to give but also the most important to repair and maintain close friendships.[1]

According to research, here are tips on the right way to apologize to a friend:[1][2][3][4]

  • Apologize right after making a mistake, instead of letting a lot of time pass
  • Give a sincere and heartfelt apology, rather than a half-hearted apology
  • Be specific about what you’re apologizing for
  • Take full responsibility for what you said or did
  • Don’t cancel out your apology with a “but” or by giving excuses
  • Don’t expect automatic forgiveness, especially when you’ve made a big mistake
  • Demonstrate your sincerity by changing your behavior

The specific kind of apology you need to give and how you give it will depend on the situation, as well as the friendship itself. Below are 10 different ways to apologize to a friend, when to use this approach, and how to word your apology message.

1. Clarify whether an apology is needed

If you don’t know if your friend is upset or why they are upset, the first step is to check in and see if an apology is needed. Being direct and asking whether they are upset or what you did to upset them will help you get a clear understanding of the situation and how to repair it.

Examples of messages to get clarification:

  • “Hey, is everything ok with us? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”
  • “Got a weird vibe from you last time we talked. Did I do anything to upset you?”
  • “Hey, I was thinking back to our conversation and am worried I might have said something to upset you?”

2. Be specific with your apology

If you know that you said or did something that upset your friend, the best course of action is to apologize to them. Specific apologies are often better than general or vague apologies because they identify the mistake that was made.[3][4] Use this approach when you know what happened, how it affected your friend, and what you need to apologize for.

Examples of specific apologies:

  • “It was unfair of me to say _______ and I really regret it. I am so sorry.”
  • “I should not have _______ and I just want you to know I am sorry and feel terrible about it.”
  • “It wasn’t right for me to _______ and I just want you to know how sorry I am.”

3. Take full responsibility for your actions

If you did or said something you regret, make sure to take full responsibility instead of shifting blame or giving excuses. Taking full responsibility for your words and actions helps to make your apology more sincere, and is more likely to be well-received by your friend.[3][4]

A card reading "Wish I could make things better" with an image of flowers
Examples of taking responsibility:

  • “There was no excuse for _______ and I accept complete responsibility. I am so sorry.”
  • “I know that was wrong of me to _______ and hope you can forgive me.”
  • “You needed me, and I’m really sorry for not being there for you. I should have _______.”

4. Apologize for the way something made them feel

In some situations, you may need to apologize when you didn’t actually say or do anything wrong. While you are not responsible for your friend’s emotions, apologizing for how something you said or did made them feel can help to protect the friendship.[1] Use this approach when you know your friend is upset but are sure you did not do anything wrong.

Examples of how to apologize for the way your friend feels:

  • “Hey I just wanted to say I’m sorry you felt _______ and hope you know that I _______.”
  • “I feel really bad that you felt _______ and want you to know that I would never _______.”
  • “I am really sorry if I came across _______ or offended you in any way.”

5. Clear up misunderstandings

If there was a misunderstanding or honest mistake, it’s important to clear things up. Apologizing for being unclear while also clarifying what you meant to say or do can help to clear the air. Explaining your intentions, what went wrong, or how the mistake happened can help to strengthen your apology when a misunderstanding occurs.[3]

Examples of clarifying your intentions:

  • “I am really sorry if what I said came across _______. What I was trying to say was _______.”
  • “I’m sorry if there’s been any misunderstanding and wanted to make sure you knew that _______.”
  • “Hey, I’m really sorry if I was unclear in any way. What I meant was _______.”

6. Ask how you can make things right

Another good way to say you are sorry to a friend who is upset with you is to ask them what you can do to restore trust and make things better. Acknowledging you messed up and expressing a desire to make things proves that you value your friendship and opens the door to repairing the damage. This can also help strengthen your apology and make it more sincere.[3]

Examples of asking how to make things right:

  • “I know you’re still feeling hurt. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
  • “I really want to make things better. What can I do to start?”
  • “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?”

7. Commit to changing your behavior

The words “I’m sorry” are only sincere when they are backed up by a lasting change in your behavior. Be specific about what you will do or say differently next time, and make sure to only promise something when you are 100% sure you can keep this promise. This is called restitution and is an important way to demonstrate your remorse.[3]

Examples of committing to change:

  • “I am so sorry for _______. I am going to make a point to _______ .”
  • “I’m sorry for not being a good friend to you recently. I promise to _______.”
  • “I feel really bad about _______ and hope you can forgive me. I promise to be better about this in the future.”

8. Express sincere remorse

An insincere apology can be even worse than no apology at all.[5] Remorse is what makes an apology sincere and involves emotions like guilt, sadness, or regret.[1][3][4] Make sure that your apology message conveys these emotions, especially when you made a big mistake. The more damage was done to the friendship, the more remorse is necessary to fix it.

Examples of showing remorse:

  • “I feel terrible about _______. I really hope that you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you.”
  • “I have felt so bad about _______. I know you really needed me to _______ and I’m so sorry I wasn’t supportive.”
  • “I have not been able to stop thinking about _______. I feel so bad and just want you to know that _______.”

9. Give them space and then follow up

Don’t expect an immediate reply from a friend when you send an apology message, and understand that they may need some time and space before they respond. Even if they do respond, it can still take time for them to forgive you, so be patient with them.

Examples of how to follow up after apologizing:

  • “Hey, I just wanted to check in and see if you had time to look at my message. I know you’re really busy but haven’t heard back from you and just wanted to make sure you got my message.”
  • “Just checking in to see if you’ve thought any more about _______. I’d love to see you in person to chat more sometime soon, so feel free to reach out when you have time.”
  • “I know I really hurt your feelings, and I’m not expecting things to be better overnight, but I’m here whenever you feel ready to chat.”

10. Let them know you care about them

When you’ve said or done something to hurt or betray trust with a close friend, it’s important to let them know you care about them, their feelings, and their friendship. Including this in your apology message can be a great way to rebuild trust and closeness with a friend.

A card reading "Is everything okay between us" with an image of two clay figures hugging each other
Examples of how to demonstrate you care:

  • “I just wanted to let you know how important you are to me and that I feel so bad about _______. Please let me know what I can do to make things right with you.”
  • “You are one of my best friends, and I never want to make you feel _______. I am so sorry if I did and am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right with us!”
  • “I hope you know that I really care about you and only want the best for you. I know I really hurt your feelings and betrayed your trust, and I feel awful about it.”

You might also find these examples of thank you messages to friends helpful.

Final thoughts

Apologies are a great way to begin mending broken trust or hurt feelings with a friend. If you’ve said or done something you regret, make sure to issue a sincere apology to them, and don’t wait to reach out. Apologies are a first step towards repairing trust and closeness, and protecting your friendship, but their forgiveness may take time. Be willing to have open discussions with your friend, and prove you’re sorry by making changes to your behavior.

Common questions

Here are answers to some of the most common questions people have about apologizing to a friend via email or text messages.

How do I get my best friend to forgive me over text?

Sending a sincere apology note via text is a good start, but you may need to follow up with a phone call or in-person conversation, especially if you said or did something very hurtful. Ultimately, you cannot control your friend’s response, and sometimes even the best apologies aren’t accepted.

How do you prove you are sorry?

Saying you’re sorry doesn’t mean much unless you show sincere remorse. It’s also important to make changes to your behavior to prove that you feel bad about what you did and won’t make the same mistake again.

How do you indirectly say you’re sorry?

Apologies that don’t directly address a problem can seem insincere, so they aren’t always the best approach. If you didn’t do anything wrong and a direct apology wouldn’t be appropriate, you can still apologize for the way your friend feels or for how your words or actions affected them.

Show references +


  1. Lerner, H. (2017). Why Won’t You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts. Simon and Schuster.
  2. Roschk, H., Kaiser, S. (2013). The nature of an apology: An experimental study on how to apologize after a service failure. Marketing Letters, 24, 293–309.
  3. Lewicki, R. J., Polin, B., & Lount Jr, R. B. (2016). An exploration of the structure of effective apologies. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9(2), 177-196.
  4. Bippus, A. M., & Young, S. L. (2020). How to say “I’m Sorry:” Ideal apology elements for common interpersonal transgressions. Western Journal of Communication, 84(1), 43-57.
  5. Zechmeister, J. S., Garcia, S., Romero, C., & Vas, S. N. (2004). Don’t apologize unless you mean it: A laboratory investigation of forgiveness and retaliation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(4), 532-564.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

искренним другом

искреннего друга

искренний друг

настоящий друг

настоящего друга

I think ourselves fortunate in having this great power as our sincere friend.

Нам повезло, что эта великая держава является нашим искренним другом.

With deepest sympathy, I remain your sincere friend.

The Sikhs have lost a great and sincere friend.

China’s president, Xi Jinping, said ‘the Chinese people have lost a close comrade and a sincere friend‘.

По словам президента Си Цзиньпина, «китайский народ потерял близкого товарища и искреннего друга».

And I have got a sincere friend.

«… are his sincere friend

Syllaeus pretended all along to be a sincere friend of the Romans and effortlessly led them astray.

Силлаус все время притворялся искренним другом римлян и без усилий приводил их в заблуждение.

If you want to win a man to your case, first convience him that you are his sincere friend.

Если вы хотите, чтобы человек поддержал ваше дело, сначала убедите его в том, что он ваш искренний друг.

You’ll have fought the good fight and will have become a charitable and sincere friend.

Что ж, тогда Вы боролись за жизнь достойно и станете щедрым и искренним другом.

We consider him to be a sincere friend of Nepal.

«Here is our very great and most sincere friend

«All classes will ever find in me a sincere friend to their liberties, and a zealous advocate of their rights.»

Все классы всегда могут найти во мне искреннего друга их свобод и рьяного защитника их прав.

You are known in Armenia as the prominent leader of Russia, the sincere friend of our people and one of the most prestigious politicians of the contemporary world.

«В Армении знают Вас как выдающегося лидера России, искреннего друга нашего народа и одного из самых авторитетных политиков современного мира.

The Foundation enjoys the reputation of an experienced, competent, uncompromising and honest protector, as well as of a kind and sincere friend ready to help in need.

Фонд имеет репутацию опытного, юридически грамотного, бескомпромиссного и честного защитника, доброго, искреннего друга, готового помочь в беде.

As we strive for the noble aspirations of peace and development on the eve of the new century, countries in the international community will continue to find in Viet Nam a sincere friend and constructive companion.

По мере того как мы боремся за благородные идеалы мира и развития на пороге нового столетия, страны международного сообщества по-прежнему найдут в лице Вьетнама искреннего друга и конструктивного партнера.

Facts have proven that China is a sincere friend of the Philippines.

Представители сомалийского правительства отметили, что Китай является искренним другом Сомали.

In the person of Andrei Bitov, the Armenian people are bidding farewell to a sincere friend of theirs.

В лице Андрея Битова армянский народ прощается со своим искренним другом.

I am happy to speak at this important forum held in Russia, which is one of the main actors on the global stage and a sincere friend of the African nations.

Я рад выступить на этом важном форуме, проходящем в России, которая является одним из основных действующих лиц на международной арене и искренним другом африканских стран.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a sincere friend of Azerbaijan, and you can be sure that we will contribute to deepening mutual cooperation and implementing joint projects.

Босния и Герцеговина является искренним другом Азербайджана, и Вы можете полагаться на наш вклад в углубление взаимного сотрудничества, а также на преданность в осуществлении общих проектов.

Members of the Swedish delegation, in turn, assured that Sweden remains a reliable partner of Ukraine in advocating its sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as a sincere friend in providing practical assistance in conducting reforms.

Как заверили представители шведской делегации, Швеция и в дальнейшем будет оставаться надежным партнером Украины в отстаивании ее суверенитета и территориальной целостности, а также искренним другом в плане оказания практической помощи в проведении реформ.

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Cute friendship messagesWhatsapp best friend text messages

Searching for short friendship messages & cards ? . That person who said that a true friend is like a sister could not say wiser words, that is why you must share beautiful phrases for a true friend.

By sending the best dedications to a real friend, you can thank her for the shared moments while promising that you will always be by her side.

Strengthen the bonds of friendship that bind you with that great person by dedicating amazing messages to your true friend.

Best emotional friendship
messages and quotes

:: “Just as you have known how to be a true friend to me, I promise you that I will always be by your side and that you can count on me when you need it

:: “If you see something wrong with me, you don’t hesitate for a second to warn me and it’s because your friendship is sincere. Thanks for everything, my good friend!

:: “I will always be in gratitude with you for this friendship that you give me, which is like an oasis in the middle of the desert of daily life. ”

:: “If I had to choose a few people, with whom to spend the rest of my life, your name would be the first one I would put on the list because you are a true friend. ”

:: “Every day I dedicate myself to follow your example, for being a true friend and an excellent person. Never change dear friend!”Friendship messages: what to write in a friendship card

Best thoughts on friendship images

:: “Thank you for treating me like a sister; I thank you for so many demonstrations of love and for accompanying me even in the most difficult moments. ”

:: “How should a real friend be? To answer this question, it is enough to mention the best of the examples: you. Thank you for your unconditional friendship. ”

:: “You are a very important person in my life, so much that without your friendship I feel that I cannot move on. I hope I can always count on you, my real friend! ”

:: “It is very difficult to see inside the heart of a person, but it is enough for me to see you in the eyes to know the sincerity of your friendship, that is why you are my best friend. ”

:: “Life is much simpler and more fun when I share it with you, that is the power of our friendship. I love you friend. ”

Friendship messages:
What to write in a friendship card

:: “You not only share with me moments of happiness, but also of sadness and I thank you with my heart, my beautiful friend. ”

:: “I don’t have everything I would like to have, but I have a very special treasure that is a real friendship , the one that you give me every day. I’m very fortunate!”

:: “You have the power to make me forget all my sorrows, to make me laugh out loud and see life with much optimism. That is the power of your friendship in my life! ”

:: “I want to say thank you for the sincere friendship you give me, for all the great moments you have given me and for being my best friend in the whole world. ”

:: “Only you are able to warn me when I am not doing things well because you care about me and because you are a true friend. Thank you!”Beautiful friendship text messages to send by messenger

Find short sayings about friendship

:: “Amid jokes and laughs, happiness peeks into my life and amid words of encouragement and sadness goes away. Thanks for being a real friend! ”

:: “My friend, every time I talk to you, I feel you give me part of that magic that you carry inside you and with your light you turn on mine. ”

:: “My dear friend, you have done so much for me that a lifetime would not be enough to show you how grateful I feel. I love you so much. ”

:: “Your friendship is delivered without barriers; your protection without conditions and for your forgiveness you ask no explanations. You are the best friend in the whole world!

:: “You are an authentic friend and you show it every time you support my plans and motivate me to fight for what I want. ”

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for instagram

:: “So many times I have looked at the sky and thanked God for having you! You are an amazing person and your friendship is genuine. ”

:: “It is impossible to stop loving you because you are the best friend I have and I am aware that as you, there are not two in this life. ”

:: “I’m so lucky for having a friend like you who understands and defends me, besides always taking care of me and loving me very much. I adore you!”

:: “It doesn’t matter if the world turns against me, I know you’ll always be with me and that’s enough for me. I love you, my real friend! ”

:: “I know that sometimes I can be a bit annoying, but still you are by my side with a huge smile. You really are a very good friend and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! ”

No link is stronger than friendship because it persists over time and with these cute texts for a real friend you will strengthen it much more.

Get the best out of social networks by sharing original friendship text messages with your contacts.Download true friends whatsapp messages & images

Friendship picture & messages
to send by Whatsapp

A sincere friendship is a treasure of incalculable value in our lives, so if you have found it you must share beautiful friendship words for your true friend.

Your heart and your days are full of happiness thanks to that special person who is by your side; express it by sending cute phrases to your real friend.

We hope that in the following original friendship thoughts you can find a perfect opportunity to express your feelings.

Lovely friendship text messages
for your cute friends

:: “As the brightest of the stars in the sky, this is how your friendship shines in my life because you are sincere and your heart is full of goodness. I love you so much!”

:: “Thank you for being a true friend, I thank you for your company and for your friendship that are a refuge, for me, in the middle of this world. ”

:: “Your friendship is authentic, it is a jewel that shines like the sun and whose value cannot be calculated. I am very lucky, thanks for everything. ”

:: “What I love most about you is that you know how to be a friend in all the expression of the word, I hope life allows me to enjoy your company forever. ”

:: “If one day my world collapsed I know that with your hands you would help me build a new one. Dear friend, never change! ”Latest friendship whatsapp sweet messages & images

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Facebook wordings

:: “You are my life partner, my accomplice and friend. Thank you for your incomparable love and your deep respect. ”

:: “In response to my prayers God sent me to one of his angels in the form of a genuine friend: you!”

:: “I think your friendship is the best gift God has given me, so from the depths of my being I value everything you do for me. ”

:: “Not only can I find in you someone who listens to me and who gives me good advice, also a great friend whom I can trust. You are amazing!”

:: “You have a great sense of humor because only a brief moment by your side is enough to feel happy and forget my sorrows. Thank you for being such a good friend! ”

Beautiful friendship text
to share by Messenger

:: “You really have the spark of life, that’s why I enjoy your company so much and I thank you for your friendship every day. ”

:: “I never imagined that I would fully discover the meaning of friendship and that I would find a true friend. What a joy it is that our paths have crossed! ”

:: “I can have many friends, but none is like you because only in your heart can be found true and sincere feelings like your friendship is. I love you! ”

:: “Our friendship may not be perfect, but it is authentic and that is more than enough for me, I’m so happy by having you in my life. ”

:: “You understand me perfectly, you always know what is happening to me and help me find a solution. You are the best friend I have ever had! ”Sweet friendship text messages for best friend forever

Find short friendship messages
for friends

:: “We have things in common and some differences, but we are joined by a true friendship that only lets us see the good in us. Thanks for being my friend!”

:: “We always have an awesome time because in you, I have been able to find one more sister, a real friend. May God bless you for being the way you are! ”

:: “As in the movies you came into my life when I needed you most, you saved me and now we enjoy a genuine friendship. ”

:: “I want our paths never separate and may you always keep those beautiful feelings that are in your heart and that make you be a true friend. ”

:: “We can argue and have our differences, but the bond of our friendship is so strong that it will never be broken. We are real friends! ”

Get best friend captions
for Instagram

:: “Discovering in you the meaning of friendship was finding a great treasure that I plan to enjoy every day of my life.”

:: “I testify that true friendship exists and I know it because at my side I have the best friend I could find in this world: you. ”

:: “Thank you for defending me and for supporting me even in the most difficult moments of my life; there is no greater proof of the sincerity of your friendship than that. ”

:: “You are a selfless person with a very kind heart willing to offer a true friendship. That’s why I want you in my life forever, my good friend. ”

:: “My friend, life has put our friendship to the test on more than one occasion and we are still as close as ever. Thank you for everything, I love you so much. ”

With these wonderful friendship messages , your friend can understand how important she is for you and feel a greater appreciation for you. We have many more nice thoughts to share with friends, come back whenever you want.Download best sweet friendship instagram phrases & images

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