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I’m looking for a single word to most aptly describe a person possessing the following «qualities»:

  • Appears to be superior in every technology/skill under the sun, which he deems worthy of knowing
  • On being questioned/assigned the task, is found to have only superficial/no knowledge of the said skill.
  • Inherent tendency to «one-up» anyone and everyone — example: «I didn’t work hard at all in my undergrad days, but yet I have better/equal grades than you have! «

Could someone help?

Edit: I’ve got some very good responses, but despite popular opinion for «braggart», I’m going with «pretentious» as it suits what I was looking for more aptly IMHO.

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Apr 8, 2011 at 16:56

TCSGrad's user avatar


I think you may want pretentious.

Not a single word, but my favourite expression for this sort of person is all hat and no cattle.

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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 18:19

dnagirl's user avatar


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Some choices:

  • know-it-all

    A person who behaves as if they know everything

  • braggart

    A person who boasts about their achievements or possessions

  • blow-hard

    A boastful or pompous person

(Definitions from Oxford Dictionaries Online)

answered Apr 8, 2011 at 16:58

Mr. Shiny and New 安宇's user avatar


Poseur comes to mind, particularly if that person doesn’t live up to the qualities he or she boasts about.

answered Apr 8, 2011 at 18:27

HaL's user avatar


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Egotistical, perhaps. It has the right connotations of conceit and excessive boasting.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 18:08

Ben Voigt's user avatar

Ben VoigtBen Voigt

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You could use mouth, as in for example:

She’s all mouth.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 18:17


If you are willing to use popular culture, you can call him Topper after the character of that name in the popular comic strip Dilbert. Here is a link showing some strips featuring him.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 17:44

apoorv020's user avatar


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There’s quacksalver, which is someone who falsely claims to have certain skills or knowledge (especially, but not limited to, medical knowledge) for personal gain.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 23:54

Andrew Lambert's user avatar

Andrew LambertAndrew Lambert

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How‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪ about vainglorious?

tchrist's user avatar


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answered May 2, 2011 at 18:30

ykombinator's user avatar


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inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.

Psychoanalysis . erotic gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 19:28

Bill's user avatar


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He could be «a phony», or «all talk» (and no action), or «a poser», or «a fraud»; or, if you want to get wordy about it, he «has an overdeveloped sense of self-importance» or he’s «too full of himself.» (And if you want to be a bit mean, «clearly he’s trying to compensate for something.» [meaning, he talks so much about all his other supposed skills in order to cover for his lack of sexual prowess.])

answered Apr 8, 2011 at 18:05

Hellion's user avatar


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If you want something that sounds a little more classy than «braggart» (which is an excellent word) you could always try «braggadocio.» It’s not as good as braggart, but it might fit.

My second choice would be «scaramouche.» Scaramouche was the name of a stock character in Italian theatre for a time. In addition to boastfulness, the scaramouche was typically a coward and/or an idiot. Seems to fall in nicely with what you’re looking for.

It’s also the name of a great book by Rafael Sabatini…Must…plug…the master…:p

answered Apr 9, 2011 at 1:12

kitukwfyer's user avatar


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Lots of good choices already, so I’ll specialize: in business information technology, the operative word is consultant. Your points sum up the general modus operandi for how consultants a) get work without a formal interview process; and b) keep employees on the defensive, or from looking too closely at their credentials.

Jimi Oke's user avatar

Jimi Oke

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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 19:56

mfe's user avatar


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I like «topper» from Dilbert.

enter image description here

answered May 16, 2011 at 0:01

Peter K.'s user avatar

Peter K.Peter K.

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Arrogant or conceited may be what you’re looking for. Given the description in your question, both seem to apply. I do not believe, however, that there is a single word which would cover both definitions and not be rather impolite.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Apr 8, 2011 at 17:19

ssakl's user avatar


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If my audience consisted entirely of Australians and/or New Zealanders, I would use the word skite. In my opinion, this is the best match for the sort of person you are describing.

If my audience contained people from outside of these two countries, I would have to concur with some of the other answers here, and pick braggart or narcissist.

tchrist's user avatar


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answered Oct 10, 2012 at 4:45

Consider «wise guy,» «wiseacre,» «wisenheimer,» and «smart aleck

wise guy: Informal. a cocksure, conceited, and often insolent person; smart aleck: he has a reputation for being a wise guy.

«highfalutin» might also work in the way of adjectives.

highfalutin: seeming or trying to seem great or important; pretentious.

answered May 11, 2014 at 17:44

Elian's user avatar


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From the OP’s question, I thought I understood that a noun was needed. So I suggest Rodomonte.

answered May 16, 2011 at 4:06

MT_Head's user avatar


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I would suggest exhibitionist.

Daniel's user avatar


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answered Jan 24, 2012 at 0:59

Patricia Reilly Gif's user avatar

On reading the title I immediately thought of «braggart» but on reading the full question I realized the word that comes closest is «wanker».

Of course this may only work in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. And it will have higher levels of rudeness in certain demographics. Bit it’s the best word (-:

answered May 16, 2011 at 5:51

hippietrail's user avatar


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How about bullshitter. Though not for formal documents obviously.

answered Jan 27, 2013 at 2:16

Mynamite's user avatar


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«Sciolist», meaning «someone who claims to be knowledgable and well-informed» could work, as could «dilettante», meaning «a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge», though the former seems more applicable and less subject-specific.

answered Jan 27, 2013 at 3:32

Bragi's user avatar


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How about a «pseudo-intellectual» ? I heard it a few times.

answered Jul 7, 2014 at 0:04

Centaurus's user avatar


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You are a


artist, a


Armenian and a great person.


context icon


context icon

context icon

context icon

context icon

context icon

context icon

context icon

We lost a great person, political visionary, distingushed friend of Ukraine.


context icon

Lopez later issued a statement regarding his death:»He was a source of pride for the Latin community,

context icon

Позже Лопес выступила с заявлением по поводу его смерти:« Он был источником гордости для латинского сообщества,

It is no wonder, in fact Zlatoust was so great person that has confused set of the simple people,

unable to connect isolated parts his knowledge and parables.


context icon

Неудивительно, ведь Златоуст был такой великой личностью, что запутал множество простых людей, не способных

соединить разрозненные обрывки его знаний и притч.


Natalia, my teacher of the Italian language


context icon

Наталья, моя учительница по итальянскому языку-

не только большой профессионал своего дела, но и отличный человек.


There are a number of different ways to

show that you are thankful that you are involved with such a great person.


context icon

Существуют различные способы, чтобы показать, что вы благодарны, что Вы участвуете с таким большим человеком.


Irina Kucherenko was a great person and a real scientist, well know not only in Ukraine but also abroad.


context icon

Ирина Николаевна была прекрасным Человеком и настоящим ученым, широко известным не только в Украине, но и за ее пределами.


You never bought into it, and that’s what makes you such a great person.

I was lucky enough to race together with him in touring cars,

context icon

Мне посчастливилось гоняться вместе с ним в гонках кузовных автомобилей,

The life of Heydar Aliyev, the great person, has become the symbol of serving the people and motherland.

context icon

Сегодня жизненный путь великого человека Гейдара Алиева стал для каждого из нас символом служения народу и Родине.

As the great person Gandi mentioned» the civilization of any state is

measured by the attitude of its population to animals.


context icon

Как говорил великий человек— Ганди- цивилизованность любого государства

определяется отношением его населения к животным….


They feel like small, their meanness decays and inflames against the great person in an invisible revenge.

context icon

Они чувствуют себя маленькими, их низость тлеет и разгорается против великого человека в невидимое мщение.

While being President of independent Azerbaijan this great Person created base for current modern,

strong and economically developed country.

context icon

Что, будучи Президентом независимого Азербайджана, этот великий человек создал базу сегодняшней современной,

сильной и экономически развитой страны.

The fact I could and didn’t cheat says what a great person I really am.”.

context icon

То, что я могла бы и не обманывал говорит то, что великий человек, я на самом деле.».

If I knew what a great person Yoon Pil Joo is, I wouldn’t have given this to Dok Go Jin.

We certainly remember a great person, Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello, who paid the highest

price for pursuing the noble role of the United Nations in Iraq.


context icon

Мы, конечно же, не забыли об одном из великих деятелей, гне Сержиу Виейре ди Меллу,

отдавшему свою жизнь за проведение благородной миссии Организации Объединенных Наций в Ираке.


These long-lasting professional and

friendly relationships have given the opportunity to know Thomas Büchner as the great person, tutor, physician and scientist he was.


context icon

Эти долголетние профессиональные и

дружеские отношения дали возможность узнать Томаса Бюхнера как выдающегося человека, врача и ученого.


Respected colleagues, in a few days we will celebrate the 90th jubilee of great person Heydar Aliyev.

context icon

Уважаемые коллеги, через несколько дней мы будем отмечать 90- летний юбилей гениальной личности— Гейдара Алиева.

At that time, Yuri Aronovich Okun was teacher of government history and

foreign law- a great person who was able to present his subject in a clear and interesting way.


context icon

В то время преподавателем истории государства и

права зарубежных стран был Юрий Аронович Окунь, потрясающий человек, умел доступно и интересно преподнести свой предмет.


The movie should live so that future generations see what a great person Uzeir Hajibeyov was,

what a


movie director Rza Tahmasib was, and what a talented singer Rashid Behbudov was”,- said the national leader in his speech.

context icon

Фильм должен жить вечно, дабы новые поколения видели, каким великим человеком был Узеир Гаджибеков,



режиссером был Рза Тахмасиб, каким талантливым певцом был Рашид Бейбутов»,- сказал общенациональный лидер в своем выступлении.

It is a terrible pain of knowing that such a great person as Dr. Lisa,

whose sense of life was to help those who suffer, a


who had no fear, risked her life to come to the aid of those who needed it most, is no longer with us….


context icon

Неумолима боль от осознания того, что такого великого человека как Доктор Лиза,

смысл жизни которого был в бескорыстной помощи страждущим,


который, не зная страха, рискуя жизнью, приходил на помощь тем, кто в этом больше всего нуждался, больше нет с нами….


Perhaps simply something in the old substance that still takes itself for its shadow instead of taking itself for its sun- perhaps is it only a matter of a conversion of our material consciousness,

of its total and integral changeover from the small shadow to the great Person?

context icon

Возможно, просто нечто в старой субстанции, что еще принимает себя за свою тень, вместо того, чтобы принимать себя за свое солнце- возможно, это только вопрос некоего переноса нашего материального сознания,

его полного и интегрального перехода от маленькой тени к великой Личности?

If you know a good writer, you might be interested in finding a good word to describe them. Someone who writes well deserves to be complimented if you’re impressed by them. This article will explore some of the best words you can use to flatter them.

Best Words For A Person Exceptional At Writing

The preferred words are “wordsmith,” “articulate,” and “succinct.” Each word allows you to show that someone is able to write in a way that flows. It’s easy to understand what they’re trying to convey, which means that they’re a particularly effective writer in all situations.


“Wordsmith” is the best way to compliment a writer. It shows that they have skills when using words. It’s a great way of showing that you can’t achieve the same level of detail or quality, but you’re always impressed with the wordsmiths that make it look easy.

The definition of “wordsmith,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who has skill with using words, especially in writing.”

  • Paul is a wordsmith. If you ever need help coming up with a way to word something like this, he’s your guy. He’ll know what to write.
  • I like to think of myself as a wordsmith. I always enjoy writing short stories and such things whenever I get the chance to do so.
  • She’s quite a wordsmith. We’re always blown away by her talent. I really think you should give her a chance to see what she can do.


“Articulate” is a great way of showing that a writer is able to express things with words alone. It can be particularly hard to convey thoughts and feelings in writing, so using “articulate” for a writer shows that they have this rare talent that helps you connect to their work.

The definition of “articulate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality.”

  • He’s an articulate writer. You might not think much of him, but he’s certainly got a way with words that other people just don’t have.
  • You’re very articulate when it comes to this type of thing. I wish I had your talent with words! That would save me so many issues.
  • I think you’re a very articulate writer. Have you ever thought about taking this further and seeing what you might be able to do with it?


“Succinct” shows that someone is able to write in a clear and concise way. It allows them to express everything they need to with very few words needed. They will only use words that are absolutely necessary to continue the narrative of their writing.

The definition of “succinct,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words.”

  • Your writing style is so succinct. It’s easily one of the most interesting for me to read, and it feels like I can actually keep up with you.
  • I like how succinct you can be with these types of things. It really shows that you put a lot of care and effort into your writing.
  • I love his succinct style. Have you ever read one of his books? They’re well worth the read! You won’t regret it.


“Lucid” is a solid choice if you’re trying to show that a writer can express their work in an understandable way. It works really well to show that you have a great time reading their work because of how clear and easy it is to follow.

The definition of “lucid,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly.”

  • I’ve never known a writer to be as lucid as you are. You just find a way of capturing my imagination from the very first word.
  • She’s a lucid writer. You’ll easily understand what she’s trying to convey, and it feels like every single word is included for a good reason.
  • I like to think of myself as quite lucid when it comes to writing my books. I know what I want to get out of them, and I deliver that.


“Eloquent” usually relates to speaking, but you can also use it to show that someone is a fantastic writer. If someone writes eloquently, it means they are able to clearly and concisely convey the message and meaning that they’re trying to establish with their work.

The definition of “eloquent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving a clear, strong message.”

  • You’re very eloquent for someone so young. If I didn’t know you, I would have thought this short story was written by a trained adult.
  • I love being eloquent because people always express how amazed they are by my writing talent. I want to get that from everyone.
  • You’re the most eloquent writer I’ve seen around here. You must send me some of your books to read sometime. I’d like that.


“Fluent” is another word that generally refers to spoken English. People are fluent when they have a smooth flow in their language structure and choices. This can also apply to someone who is writing. Fluency comes when they write sentences in smooth and interesting ways.

The definition of “fluent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “flowing in a smooth, attractive way.”

  • I’m a fluent writer because I’ve spent so many years trying to hone my craft. I think I’ve finally found my style, and that feels great.
  • I want to sound more fluent in my writing. My father is so good at creating stories, and I just want to sound a little more like him.
  • Dan is very fluent in his writing. I’d recommend reading some of his stories to learn more about what he’s got to say.

Literary Artisan

“Literary artisan” is a great way of showing that someone excels at writing. “Literary” is used as an adjective here to show that it relates to their writing skill. “Artisan” means that someone is skilled at a particular subject (in this case, writing).

The definition of “artisan,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who does skilled work with their hands.”

  • It’s quite clear that you’re a literary artisan. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who was able to create stories in the same manner as you.
  • I’m a literary artisan. Don’t worry; I didn’t come up with that myself. My mom said it to me once, and it’s managed to stick with me.
  • I think you’re a literary artisan, and it would be foolish for you not to try and get these stories published for the rest of the world.

Literary Craftsman

“Literary craftsman” also uses “literary” as an adjective to help establish someone’s written skill. “Craftsman” is used here to show that someone is a brilliant writer because they’ve spent so much time trying to hone their skills in the craft.

The definition of “craftsman,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is skilled in a particular craft.”

  • She’s a literary craftsman, so it’s best to leave her to do her thing. I think you’ll be quite surprised by some of the things she can come out with.
  • I like being a literary craftsman. All of my friends are always shocked at the skill of my work, and I love that feeling more than anything.
  • You’re a literary craftsman, and it’s a crime that other people don’t get the chance to read your books. I want to publish them!


“Clear” might be a simple word to describe a good writer, but it’s effective. Many writers want nothing more than to be clear in the things they write. If they can write something and everyone can understand it, they’ll know that they’re a great writer.

The definition of “clear,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “easy to understand, hear, read, or see.”

  • Your writing is clear beyond belief. It’s so easy to follow along with the story, and it allows you to really connect with the characters.
  • I’m a clear writer, and I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to develop the skills that I’ve got to show off today.
  • I’m not as clear as I’d like to be, though a lot of people seem to really enjoy the things I’ve got to say in my work.


“Shakespearean” generally relates to the works of William Shakespeare. You can also use it as an adjective to describe someone who seems to possess talents like his. It can be said about someone whose work impresses you beyond any normal writer’s work.

The definition of “Shakespearean,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “written by William Shakespeare, or relating to or typical of his work.”

  • I’ve been called Shakespearean in my time because of the way I allow words to flow on the page. I suppose that’s a compliment.
  • I like his books because he’s so Shakespearean in his delivery. I hope I can read more of his stuff going forward.
  • Sheila is the most Shakespearean writer out there right now. It’s like Shakespeare himself is living through her once again.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

In this lesson, you’re going to learn 59 positive personality adjectives in English. Check out 66 Negative Personality Adjectives here.

Let’s look at some positive words to describe people.

There are four main categories of positive personality adjectives. Let’s imagine each category as a different person. So let’s meet them:

Nik — the people person

Nik is the friend who’s great with people. See how popular he is? People like Nik:

Personality Adjectives

There are lots of reasons why people like Nik.

Reason why people like Nik #1

Nik is very easy to be with. You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
Likeable — He’s easy to like.
Gregarious — He likes being with other people.

Reason why people like Nik #2

He thinks about you and how you feel:

Considerate — He always thinks about other people when he does something or talks to someone.
Sympathetic* — He shows that he understands and cares about other people’s problems.
Understanding — The same as “sympathetic” — he understands other people’s problems well.

*Sympathetic is a false friend: in many languages, it means “nice,” but in English, it has a different meaning.

Reason why people like Nik #3

He doesn’t choose one side when his friends disagree with each other:

Diplomatic — He is very good at trying to help people see both sides of a situation.
Impartial — He doesn’t support just one side of a disagreement.

Reason why people like Nik #4

He’s honest:

Sincere — He says what he really thinks and feels.
Straight-forward — He’s direct and honest.

Reason why people like Nik #5

He likes giving and helping:

Generous — He likes giving things to people.
Helpful — He likes helping.
Kind — He cares about others and likes to help them, often emotionally.
Giving — He likes giving things to people — it’s the same as “generous.”

Personality Adjectives

So that’s Nik. What an awesome guy!

Positive Personality Adjectives #2

Alexa — the good worker

Alexa is a great worker. She’s focussed and likes to get things done! She’s the perfect candidate for a job. Bosses like her:

Alexa with bosses

There are lots of reasons why Alexa is a good worker:

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #1

Alexa has a lot of natural personal qualities that make her a good worker:

Observant — She’s good at noticing different things around her.
Quick-witted — She can think quickly and intelligently.
Patient — She can accept difficult situations without getting angry.
Dynamic — She has a lot of energy and can think creatively.
Bright — She’s smart and intelligent.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #2

She also “applies herself.” This means she isn’t lazy, and she tries to do the best work that she can:

Self-disciplined — She can control her own behaviour easily, and she’s organised.
Resourceful — She’s good at finding ways to solve problems.
Proactive — She doesn’t wait for things to happen. She makes them happen!
Practical — She’s good at finding the simplest and most efficient solution.
Organised — She knows how to organise things well.
Efficient — She can organise things quickly and clearly.
Hardworking — She works hard!
Diligent — She does her work carefully and cares about the details.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #3

To be a good worker, you have to be good at managing change. When things change, Alexa can change with them:

Versatile — She can do different things depending on the situation.
Intuitive — She can understand what’s happening using her feelings (not just facts).
Adaptable — She can change depending on the situation.

Reason why Alexa is a good worker #4

Finally, Alexa is someone who you can trust:

Dependable — If she says she will do something, she will do it.
Reliable — The same as “dependable”
Trustworthy — You can trust her to be honest and sincere.
Loyal — She will always be on your side.

Personality Adjectives

So that’s Alexa. A great worker but not necessarily great fun.

That’s why we need to have Freya in our lives!

Positive Personality Adjectives #3

Freya — the fun lady!

We all need a Freya in our lives. She’s the friend who makes us happy and who we can have fun with. She’s the friend who puts a smile on our faces and helps us kill the stress from our working day.

Here’s Freya at a party. Like Nik, she’s very popular. But for slightly different reasons:

the fun friend

Freya is fun to be around for several reasons.

Reason why Freya is fun #1

First of all, Freya has a lot of energy. When people have a lot of energy, this energy often transfers to you. It’s fun!

Energetic — She has a lot of energy.
Adventurous — She likes doing new and different things.
Enthusiastic — She shows a lot of excitement and interest in things.
Kooky — She’s a little crazy. But in a fun way.

Reason why Freya is fun #2

She’s also very a very sociable and happy person:

Cheerful — She’s always happy.
Chatty — She loves talking and talks a lot.
Convivial — She’s always in a good mood and is always friendly.

Reason why Freya is fun #3

She’s also very funny:

Hilarious — She’s very, very, funny.
Witty — She’s funny and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way.
Humorous — She’s funny and entertaining.
Amusing — She’s funny and fun.

Reason why Freya is fun #4

Finally, you don’t feel bad when you’re with Freya. You feel like you can say anything, and she won’t think badly of you:

Non-judgemental — She won’t make you feel bad for something that you think, believe or do, even if it’s a mistake.
Laid-back — She’s very relaxed about everything.
Easy-going — This is the same as “laid-back” — it means “relaxed”!

Adjectives for fun people

OK. So Freya’s good fun. But perhaps sometimes she can get annoying! There are times when we need to be serious.

This is a good time to try to be like Delia.

Positive Personality Adjectives #4

Delia — the leader

Delia is the person we know who will probably become successful. She knows what she wants in life, and she has the power to take it! She may not have so many friends, but she takes pleasure from her success.

The Leader

Why will Delia succeed? There are two main reasons for this:

Reason why Delia is a good leader #1

She has so much power in her. She’s an unstoppable force!

Ambitious — She has very high targets for herself in life.
Determined — She doesn’t quit, even when things get hard.
Passionate — She believes in her work and her success on an emotional level.
Persistent — She never gives up!
Decisive — She can make a decision quickly and confidently.

Reason why Delia is a good leader #2

She’s also not afraid of anything. Or anyone!

Courageous — She’s brave.
Fearless — She has no fear.

Basically, she’s like a superhero!

Personality adjectives for leaders

How to use personality adjectives

OK. So now you know 59 positive adjectives to describe people you like. Let’s take a look at a few different ways to use adjectives.

Let’s start with a simple adjective to describe someone:


There are different ways we can use this word to describe a person.

If we simply want to describe the person directly, we can say:

She’s funny.


She’s a funny woman.

There isn’t much difference between these sentences. The only difference is that you have the freedom to use different words to describe the woman in the second example:

She’s a funny person.

She’s a funny friend.

She’s a funny boss.

But what if you don’t know this person? What if you just have the feeling that she might be funny?

The first thing to ask yourself is this: What gives you this feeling? Is it about her appearance or just a general feeling?

If it’s a general feeling, we can say:

She seems funny.

But if it’s about her appearance (she might be a clown), then we can say:

She looks funny.


She looks like a funny person.


she looks + adjective

she looks like + (adjective) noun

Remember these adjectives forever

Download the free PDF cheat sheet with all these adjectives and more!

Positive Personality Adjectives Cheat Sheet

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For even more adjectives to describe people, check out these 30 English Words, Phrases and Idioms for Crazy.

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