One word for 1000 years

millennium, a period of 1,000 years. The Gregorian calendar, put forth in 1582 and subsequently adopted by most countries, did not include a year 0 in the transition from bc (years before Christ) to ad (those since his birth).

What word is used for 10000 years?

Decamillennium- A period of ten thousand years. Hectocentennial -A period of one hundred centuries.

What is the word for 5000 years?

5000 years is 5 millennia.

What’s another way to say 1000 years?

Did you know? Since in Latin mille means «thousand», a millennium lasts 1,000 years.

What is 2000 years called?

millennium | time period | Britannica.

What If Everyone Slept for 1000 Years And Then Woke Up

What is 50 years called?

Golden Jubilee: 50 years.

What is a 10 year period called?

decade (plural decades) A group, set, or series of ten [from 16th c.], particularly: a decade of soldiers. A period of ten years [from 17th c.], particularly such a period beginning with a year ending in 0 and ending with a year ending in 9. [

Is there a word for a million years?

The term to describe a million years is a «megaannum» which comes from the word parts «mega» which means «huge» and «annum» which means year.

Is there a word for 100000 years?

There is no specific term for 100,000 years. Era and epoch can be used to reference a very long period of time but there is not a definitive definition of the length of time associated with them.

What is the term for 150 years?

ses·​qui·​cen·​ten·​ni·​al ˌses-kwi-sen-ˈten-ē-əl. : a 150th anniversary or its celebration. sesquicentennial adjective. Last Updated: 25 Dec 2022 — Updated example sentences.

What is the word for 12 years?

Explanation: Duodecennial word can be used as alternatively for a gap once in 12 years .

What is the word for 300 years?

tercentennial. / (ˌtɜːsɛnˈtiːnərɪ) / adjective. of or relating to a period of 300 years. of or relating to a 300th anniversary or its celebration.

What’s bigger than Millenium?

A millennium is one million years. The next largest (bigger) period of time is an Eon, which is one billion years. A millennium is 1 thousand years. A decem millennium is bigger, being 10 thousand years and up to an eon which is 1 billion years.

What is the word for 200 years?

consisting of or lasting 200 years. a bicentennial period.

What is the oldest word ever?

Mother, bark and spit are some of the oldest known words, say researchers. Continue reading → Mother, bark and spit are just three of 23 words that researchers believe date back 15,000 years, making them the oldest known words.

What is a 1,000,000,000 years called?

A billion years or giga-annum (109 years) is a unit of time on the petasecond scale, more precisely equal to 3.16×1016 seconds (or simply 1,000,000,000 years).

Is there a word for billions of years?

In the context of astronomy, an eon is one billion years.

What is the word for 1,000,000,000 years?

The answer is Eon. Eon often refers to a span of one billion years.

Does the word gazillion exist?

Like zillion and jillion, gazillion is a made-up word meaning «a whole bunch» that’s modeled after actual numbers such as million and billion.

What is the word for 125 years?

OUR QUASQUICENTENNIAL. The word quasquicentennial, meaning ‘125th anniversary, was engineered by… well, an engineer!

What is another name for 125 years?

pertaining to or marking a period of 125 years. a 125th anniversary. a celebration marking such an anniversary.

What is every 20 years called?

vicennial. / (vɪˈsɛnɪəl) / adjective. occurring every 20 years. relating to or lasting for a period of 20 years.

What is a period of 15 years called?

quindecennial. / (ˌkwɪndɪˈsɛnɪəl) / adjective. occurring once every 15 years or over a period of 15 years. noun.

What is a 100 years called?

a centennial. a period of 100 years; century.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What is another word for one thousand meters?

Another word for 1000 meters is a kilometer.

What is another word for 100 years?

A century is another word for one hundred years

What is another word for one hundred years?

Another word for a hundred years is a century

What is another way to say 1000 years?

A thousand years is also known as a millennium.

Another word for 1000 or thousand?

How about a «K» or a «G»? I’ve also heard «a grand»

No, there is no more commonly used word for a period of 10000 years. But I would also advise against using myriaannum; it does not look especially well-formed to me as a classical compound (it combines Greek myria- and Latin annum), and the prefix «myria-» seems to be obsolete in scientific compounds (like mega-annum). In my opinion, it’s best to just go with

The Old Man of the Mountain was formed ten millenia ago by glaciers.

Your question, and vickyace’s answer, both mention the Greek root myria— which was used with the meaning «ten thousand.» But I cannot find any English word derived from this (aside from the aforementioned myriaannum) with the specific meaning «a period of ten thousand years.»

I found a Math Forum thread about this topic: Year 10,000? There were lots of miscellaneous suggestions for neologisms of unclear validity, but among these I found the following interesting information in a post by Patrick T. Wahl:

The Greek word «myrioi» for 10,000 is the source of «myrietes» and
«myrieteris,» which mean «a period of 10,000 years.» Similarly, there
is «chilieteris,» a period of 1,000 years, which uses the «chili-»
prefix that became our «kilo-.» By the way, there’s a very long word
for a myriad of myriads = 10^8 in Greek. Nothing like these spellings
seems to have entered English.

Classical Latin seems to have had a wealth of «-ennium» words,
including some that I didn’t suspect ( like triennium, tricennium,
tricentennium for periods of 3, 30 and 300 years respectively.) The
word «millenium» is the biggest I found. It appears that a modifier
got stuck on the front if there was more than a thousand of anything.
Something like «decei millenii» for ten millenia seems to be what they
used. […]

Consulting the Oxford English Dictionary, I found no word for «10,000
years» that survived into English. ( Particularly NOT «myriennium» or
«myriayore»: those are not in the O.E.D. ) I was surprised to find the
Greek «chili-» word above as the English word «chiliad.» It means «a
group of 1000,» but also «1000 years.» Might «myriad» have the
alternate meaning, too? Only a scholar can say, and the O.E.D. gave no
citation for such a use.

The entry for μυριετής myrietḗs in Liddell, Scott, and Jones’ Greek-English Lexicon confirms that it was used to refer to 10,000-year periods. It seems to have been an adjective rather than a noun.

Asked By: Adam Simmons Date: created: Jan 07 2022

How many Millennias are in Eon

Answered By: John Washington Date: created: Jan 10 2022

Big Bang, depending on the definition.

Also spelled “eon”.

Also refers to an indefinite period of time, otherwise is 1,000,000,000 years..

Asked By: Rodrigo Peterson Date: created: Jul 10 2022

What is 1 year called

Answered By: Alexander Perez Date: created: Jul 11 2022

noun. a period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 calendar months, now reckoned as beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31 (calendar year, or civil year ). Compare common year, leap year.

Asked By: Geoffrey Patterson Date: created: Jul 31 2022

What era do we live in 2020

Answered By: Miles Williams Date: created: Aug 03 2022

According to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), the professional organization in charge of defining Earth’s time scale, we are officially in the Holocene (“entirely recent”) epoch, which began 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age.

Asked By: Jake Richardson Date: created: Aug 27 2022

How long is a eon

Answered By: Jason Gonzalez Date: created: Aug 29 2022

about a billion yearsEon goes back to the Greek aiōn, “age.” An age is not easy to measure, and neither is an eon. Both are just really long periods of time, but in science an eon is about a billion years.

Asked By: Christian Reed Date: created: May 01 2022

What do we call a period of 12 years

Answered By: Jayden Foster Date: created: May 02 2022

Explanation: Duodecennial word can be used as alternatively for a gap once in 12 years . Although this single word is not being used in general.

Asked By: Alan Morris Date: created: Apr 03 2023

What is a period of 20 years called

Answered By: Joshua Rogers Date: created: Apr 05 2023

Since, 10 years = a Decade, (via French and Latin) which means ‘a group of ten. So, 20 years = 2 Decades. … A period of fifty years is called semi-centennial, Alternatively, if a period of ten years is called a decade, then fifty years could be called five decades, It is also half a century.

Asked By: Jeffery Cooper Date: created: Apr 08 2022

What’s every 10 years called

Answered By: Nicholas Butler Date: created: Apr 08 2022

decadeUsage. Any period of ten years is a “decade”.

Asked By: Roger Thompson Date: created: Jun 02 2022

Which millennium are we in now

Answered By: Dylan Turner Date: created: Jun 03 2022

In contemporary history, the third millennium of the anno Domini or Common Era in the Gregorian calendar is the current millennium spanning the years 2001 to 3000 (21st to 30th centuries).

Asked By: Gilbert Long Date: created: Dec 25 2021

What is a period of 30 years called

Answered By: Seth Washington Date: created: Dec 28 2021

A period of 30 years is equal to 3 decades.

Asked By: Gerld Powell Date: created: Jan 18 2023

Is there a single word for 20 years

Answered By: Alex Simmons Date: created: Jan 21 2023

Vicennial | Definition of Vicennial by Merriam-Webster.

Asked By: Ralph Gonzalez Date: created: Aug 07 2022

What is 10 millenniums called

Answered By: Eric Clark Date: created: Aug 08 2022

A decade means ten years, a century means a hundred, and millennium means a thousand. Think: a decade of marriage, the new millennium. In Latin, in the Romance languages, and in the metric system, mille refers to a thousand.

Asked By: Bryan James Date: created: Jun 04 2022

What era was 1000 years ago

Answered By: Martin Allen Date: created: Jun 07 2022

Christian EraIt was also the last year of the 10th century as well as the last year of the 1st millennium of the Christian Era ending on December 31, but the first year of the 1000s decade….AD 1000.Millennium:1st millenniumYears:997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 10032 more rows

Asked By: Evan Hall Date: created: Oct 04 2022

Answered By: Patrick Carter Date: created: Oct 04 2022

Noun. 1. quincentenary – the 500th anniversary (or the celebration of it) quincentennial.

Asked By: Robert Smith Date: created: Oct 15 2022

What happened on the year 666

Answered By: Charles Hernandez Date: created: Oct 15 2022

666 AD was the year when Ramla, the last living wife of Mohammed the Prophet, died. It was the 600th anniversary of the Great Fire of Rome. The 6174–75 year since God made the world and 1319 years since the founding of the city of Rome (a.u.c.).

Asked By: Oliver Lewis Date: created: Nov 22 2022

How many years are in an era

Answered By: Carlos Flores Date: created: Nov 23 2022

An era in geology is a time of several hundred million years. It describes a long series of rock strata which geologists decide should be given a name. An example is the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs lived on the Earth. An era is made up of periods, and several eras make up an eon.

Asked By: Simon Scott Date: created: Oct 14 2022

Is 1000 years a decade

Answered By: Nathan Butler Date: created: Oct 17 2022

– There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year. – A decade has ten (10) years. – A century has one hundred (100) years. – A millennium has one thousand (1,000) years.

Asked By: Gordon Ward Date: created: Apr 04 2022

What is another word for 12

Answered By: Ashton Nelson Date: created: Apr 05 2022

Twelve Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for twelve?dodecupletdozenduodecadzodiac

Asked By: Howard Wright Date: created: Jul 01 2022

What is another word for 5 years

Answered By: Jake Murphy Date: created: Jul 04 2022

A period of five years. Happening every five years.

Asked By: Carl Garcia Date: created: May 16 2022

What is longer than an eon

Answered By: Carlos Walker Date: created: May 19 2022

A supereon is longer than an eon.

Asked By: Wallace Rivera Date: created: May 28 2022

What’s after a millennia

Answered By: Patrick Hall Date: created: May 30 2022

Once beyond millennia we use numbers of years such as “One Hundred-Thousand Years”, or some use metric prefixes to ‘annum’ (for example megaannum as referenced in Wikipedia) but they are basically the same idea.

Asked By: Christian Hernandez Date: created: Oct 20 2022

What is every 50 years called

Answered By: Nicholas Foster Date: created: Oct 21 2022

Latin-derived numerical namesAnniversaryLatin-derived termOther terms40 yearsQuadragennial / QuadragenaryRuby jubilee45 yearsQuinquadragennialSapphire jubilee50 yearsSemicentennial / QuinquagenaryGolden jubilee55 yearsQuinquinquagennial / Quinquinquagenary60 more rows

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Does FIOS Charge For Router?

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Patrick Stewart


Quick Answer: Can You Get Internet Without A Phone Jack?

How Do I Get Internet Service Without Any Phone Jacks?You don’t need a phone line in order to get Internet service.In fact, most cable companies offer Internet service by hooking up the coaxial cable line to a special cable modem. Can I have Internet without phone line? Virgin Media ( is the only major provider in the UK able to offer broadband that doesn’t need a phone line. Since it has its own fibre network separate from BT’s, it can bring a broadband connection to your home directly — completely eliminating the need for a landline. How much does it cost to get a phone jack installed? Phone Jack Wiring Cost In addition, hiring a professional electrician to set that wiring also increases costs, as electricians charge, on average, between $50 and $80 an hour for labor. Homeowners report paying anywhere from about $100 to $260 for phone jack installation,…

What is another word for ten thousand years?


What are 10 millenniums called?

A decade means ten years, a century means a hundred, and millennium means a thousand. Think: a decade of marriage, the new millennium. In Latin, in the Romance languages, and in the metric system, mille refers to a thousand.

What is the word for 1 million years?

A million years is called a megaannum, which is often abbreviated ‘Ma.

What is another name for 1 thousand?

Thousand Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for thousand?

chiliad millenary
millennial millennium

What is $1000 in slang?

“A rack” is $1,000 in the form of ten $100 bills, banded by a bank or otherwise. $1000 notes are occasionally referred to as “large” (“twenty large” being $20,000, etc.). In slang, a thousand dollars may also be referred to as a “grand” or “G”, “K” (as in kilo), or a “stack”, a “bozo”, as well as a “band” .

What is the opposite of thousand?

What is the opposite of thousand?

ace bit
ditch individual
lack need
one part
valley want

How much money is a full bag?

bag/bag of sand = grand = one thousand pounds (£1,000), seemingly recent cockney rhyming slang, in use from around the mid-1990s in Greater London; perhaps more widely too.

Why is a quid called a quid?

Quid is a slang expression for the British pound sterling, or the British pound (GBP), which is the currency of the United Kingdom (U.K.). A quid equals 100 pence, and is believed to come from the Latin phrase “quid pro quo,” which translates into “something for something.”

How much are monkeys for pets?

Pet monkeys typically cost between $4,000 and $8,000 each. However, this will depend on the monkey’s age, rarity and temperament. Younger, more rare and friendlier monkeys tend to cost more.

What’s the cheapest monkey to buy?


Why monkeys are not good pets?

Monkeys can carry parasites and zoonotic diseases that are dangerous to humans. They may seem to be in perfect health, but when they inevitably bite or scratch you, you may end up with a variety of health issues passed to you from your monkey that were dormant in the monkey’s system.

How much is a finger monkey?

Price of Finger Monkey? There are different factors on which finger monkey’s cost depends like age, gender, condition, breeder, size and so on. Based on different sources, a finger monkey range from $1500 to $4000. There are some extra expenses you need to cover with finger monkey.

Can a finger monkey kill you?

Their bite can prove deadly because it can cause anaphylactic shock in humans, killing them. Their bite can prove deadly because it can cause anaphylactic shock in humans, killing them.

Are finger monkeys dangerous?

These tiny marmosets gained popularity as pets in the United States due to their diminutive size and cute faces. This makes their bite painful, although not generally dangerous, especially to children and other pets. Finger monkeys are known to be aggressive, particularly males as they reach maturity.

Do finger monkeys stink?

Do pygmy marmosets stink? There’s no inherent odor to pygmy marmosets themselves, but their urine can be rather strong-smelling. Some owners combat this by putting their monkeys in tiny diapers, but you should know that they’ll need frequent changing to keep the animal from getting a rash.

Can I buy a finger monkey?

A finger or marmoset monkey is not a pet for everyone. The best thing to do before buying one is to educate yourself on their care. You may want to talk to other monkey owners to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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