One word expressive test

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These resources share similarities with the current selection.

Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (3rd ed.)


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Reports & Papers

Rating Psychometric

Rating Implementation

Target construct

Oral language: Expressive vocabulary

Test Authors

Martin, N. A. & Brownell, R


AgeAge (in years) covered by the survey. Using the measure outside this age range may result in inaccurate information.

2 years to 95 years year(s)

Prior knowledge required

Not examined

ScoringStandardised: Can easily be summed or averaged Complex: Requires judgement or assessment on behalf of the scorer

Not examined

TimeAn estimate of the time (in minutes) taken for an individual to complete one survey

Norm referenced min(s)

UK normsWhether the measure has been calibrated with a UK sample (as opposed to generating psychometric details from a Foreign (e.g. USA) sample).


Norm / Criterion referenced

Norm referenced

Standardisation sample

2,400 children and adults

ReliabilityWhere observations (e.g. teacher or peer report rather than self report) are used, this measure of reliability indicates how closely related each score is. A higher value suggests a more reliable measure.

Not examined

Criterion validityAn assessment of how well the measures relates to other, well-validated assessments.

Not examined

Construct validityFurther to the use of CFA and EFA, this reports any details demonstrating how well the measure is seen to represent the conceptual domain it comes from.

Not examined

Concurrent validitySimilar to Criterion, this is a measure of how well the measure relates to other similar (or dissimilar) domains, as evidence of its validity.

Not examined


The new fourth Edition of this popular test of English speaking vocabulary now spans ages 2-0 through 95 years. Restandardized on a large, nationally representative sample, the fourth Edition adds new items for both younger and older examinees, thereby increasing the test’s usefulness.

To administer the test, the examiner presents a series of full-color illustrations depicting objects, actions, or concepts. The examinee is asked to name each illustration, usually with one word. The examiner may prompt the respondent, calling his or her attention to pertinent aspects of the pictures. Because basals and ceilings are used, administration time is typically just 15 to 20 minutes. Raw scores can be converted to age equivalents, standard scores, and percentile ranks. 

Norms are based on a large, nationally representative sample. Because the test was conormed with the Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition, you can make meaningful comparisons between expressive and receptive language when you administer both tests. The Record Form provides a convenient score summary/graph that simplifies score comparison.

In addition to assessing verbal intelligence, this instrument is useful in screening for preschool and kindergarten readiness and in estimating the English fluency of bilingual individuals.

Presentation on theme: «Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test Third Edition, 2000 Originally published in 1979 and revised in 1990.»— Presentation transcript:


Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test Third Edition, 2000 Originally published in 1979 and revised in 1990.


Description of the test Includes a manual, a set of 170 full color test plates ordered in respect to difficulty, and a package of record forms Test are administered in 10-15 minutes and scored in less than 5 minutes Basal:8 consecutives rights Ceiling: 6 consecutives wrongs


General Description It is a test designed to measure an individual’s English-speaking vocabulary by asking to name objects, actions, and concepts pictured in illustrations.


What It Measures Vocabulary Visual discrimination How well the child understand instructions Background knowledge Conceptualisation (ability to connect to experiences)


Purpose and Age Purpose: Assess speaking vocabulary in ages 2-18.11 years for English and ages 4-12.11 for Spanish Age Range: Infant, Preschool, Child & Adolescent Admin: Individual Time: 10-15 minutes to administer; less than 5 minutes to score


How Is It Measured? The tester asks a simple question (i.e. “What is this?”) and records child’s responses and continues prompting for answers.


What Does The Child Do? The child basically sees the pictures shown and answers what the picture is/is about according to the consistent prompts of the tester.


Norm The norm is shown on the shaded area in the score sheet. It ranges from 85 to 115 on the standard score.


Validity Cultural  What if the child gives a different answer which seems to be just as correct as the answer given in the score sheet?  i.e. Child responded “JETTY” instead of “DOCK”  Ensure that contents relate to the Singapore context and the child’s experiences.


Reliability Professional judgement:  Should the tester wait for the child to respond or should he/she skip to the next picture?  If the tester has to wait, how long?  What about the types of prompts, cues, and questions that the tester may ask?


Done By: Shron Syafiqah Amira Izzah Abby Ella Tiffany Farah Hazwani Jasmine Charlane

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