One word exam answer

A student answers a one-word philosophy exam that asks ‘Why?’ by simply responding ‘Why not?’

Published May 30, 1999

Claim:   A philosophy professor gives a final exam consisting entirely of a single word: «Why?» One student answers «Why not?» and receives an ‘A’.



  • In a different version of this legend one student receives a top grade for responding simply «Because.»
  • Another version involves a philosophy instructor who, for a final examination, places a chair at the front of the room and challenges the class to prove it exists. One student receives an ‘A’ for writing «What chair?»
  • Yet another similar legend has a professor ask his class to define ‘courage.’ The highest grade is awarded to the student who hands in his exam after writing nothing more than «This is.» (In some variations of this version, the student who receives the top mark is the one who turns in a blank sheet of paper.)

Origins:   On

one level, this tale could be seen as a sort of braggadocio legend: a professor presents his class with an exceedingly difficult question to answer

for their final exam, and the student who has the nerve to provide a clever, simple answer receives an easy ‘A’ on the test. (This point is made even more explicitly in the variant where the class is asked to define ‘courage.’) Another possible interpretation of this legend is as a wry commentary on the sciolism of academia. What is a more profound subject for the true scholar to contemplate, after all, than the basic question of meaning and existence? The student’s flippant response (and his receiving a top mark for same) underscores the notion that a ‘solid education’ is sometimes an ornately decorated empty shell.

Last updated:   20 June 2011


    Brunvand, Jan Harold.   Curses! Broiled Again!

    New York: W. W. Norton, 1989.   ISBN 0-393-30711-5   (p. 286).
    Reader’s Digest.   «Campus Comedy.»

    March 1981   (p. 43).

By David Mikkelson

David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994.

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important one word questions

Here are the selective and important One Word questions and answers for competitive exams. These One Word questions have been asked in competitive exams and there are chances to ask again in competitive exams. 

Practice with these selective One Word questions and answers for SSC and bank exams. Let’s start.

One Word questions and answers for competitive exams

Question 1 : People who work together
1. Worker 
2. Superhuman 
3. Colleagues 
4. Expert 

Question 2 : One who goes on foot
1. Machination 
2. Pedestrian 
3. Transmigration 
4. Eccentric 

Question 3 : One who can speak two languages
1. Bilingual 
2. Polylingual 
3. Polygamy 
4. Oligarchy 

Question 4 : Word with the same meaning
1. Antonyms 
2. Idioms 
3. Noun 
4. Synonyms 

Question 5 : The person who works for free
1. Member 
2. Volunteer 
3. Organiser 
4. Servant 

Question 6 : One who speaks less
1. Reticent 
2. Misogynist 
3. Hypocrite 
4. Obsolete 

Question 7 : One who talk in sleep
1. Celibate 
2. Intestate 
3. Somniloquy 
4. Gullible 

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Rajesh Bhatia

A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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Solve the exercise on One Word Substitution Questions & Answers to prepare well for the verbal ability section of the competitive exams.  

Candidates, in order to fetch good marks in the English Language section of various Government exams like SSC, RRB, Bank etc. must go through the given one-word substitution questions carefully. 

The one-word substitution questions collated below are taken from the question papers of different competitive exams and have high chances to be asked again in the government exam candidates are preparing for. 

Remember, the English language forms an important part of the syllabus of most of the competitive exams. Candidates can expect 2-3 marks questions on one-word substitution in the exam. Hence, it is imperative to practice one-word substitution exercise as much as possible and leave no stone unturned in the path of success.

Candidates will find 20 One Word Substitution Questions on this page for practice and revision. The answers to the given one-word substitution exercise are made available in a PDF Format. Candidates after solving the given questions can download the PDF to check the answers. 

Check the list of One Word Substitutions for a quick revision before moving ahead to solve the one-word substitution exercise.

One Word Substitution Questions And Answers PDF:-Download PDF Here

Directions For Question 1 to 20 – Below given are sentences with highlighted phrases. You are required to choose the best substitute for the given options.

Q.1. I don’t mind talking to him about the project but he is a person who thinks only of himself.

  1. Eccentric
  2. Boaster
  3. Egoist
  4. Proud

Q.2. She makes it certain that she will never fight with her best friend over a pity thing like this. 

  1. Assures
  2. Insures
  3. Ensures
  4. Seizures

Q.3. We visited the ancient palace yesterday, there we saw old manuscripts written by saints, we tried but it was not clear enough to be read.

  1.  Corrigible
  2. Legible
  3. Negligible
  4. Illegible

Q.4. This is his first press conference with the media, he is anxious because he speaks less.

  1. Sullen
  2. Terse
  3. Garrulous
  4. Reticent

Q.5. My brother is a theatre artist who performs and expresses stories or thoughts through gestures

  1. Pantomime
  2. Mimic
  3. Depictions
  4. Ham

Q.6. Every Wednesday at the Ganesha temple my father gives alms to poor people, he loves to help the needy and put others first.

  1. Altruist
  2. Swindler
  3. Misanthropic
  4. Antagonist

Q.7. They organized a house party for Sara’s birthday but she does not get excited easily even if you put in a lot of effort and emotion.  

  1. Gregarious
  2. Placid
  3. Inclement
  4. Frenzied

Candidates willing to appear for various government exams should check the following links:

  • Previous Year Government Exam Question Papers with Solution
  • Free Online Mock Tests For Government Exams

Q.8. We have bought a new machine for our mother to help her in household chores, the machine can easily be carried anywhere

  1. Cartable
  2. Portable
  3. Potable
  4. Relatable

Q.9. My aunt cannot stay in the hospital for 5 minutes because she has a fear of confined places.

  1. Agoraphobia
  2. Enochlophobia
  3. Claustrophobia
  4. Stasiphobia

Q.10. Jackson is a highly skilled musician; he is an expert guitarist in his college band, he will go a long way in this profession.

  1. Amateur
  2. Virtuoso
  3. Dabbler
  4. Neophyte

Q.11. Earlier, in our country, there was a government and administration by the Kings and Queens

  1. Monarchy
  2. Democracy
  3. Polycracy
  4. Polyarchy

Q.12. His son is a ___ as he lost his life in protecting the lives of people of this country.

  1. Soldier
  2. Martyr
  3. Revolutionist
  4. Philanthropist

Q.13.   Sheren’s father is an author and has won an award for the book that talks about his own history.  

  1. Bibliography
  2. Biography
  3. Autobiography
  4. Ownography

Candidates can check out the following links for practice and revision:

  • Direct & Indirect Speech Questions & Answers
  • Idioms and Phrases Questions and Answers
  • Synonyms Questions And Answers
  • Prepositions Questions And Answers
  • Sentence Correction questions

Q.14. Our new Mr Gupta is an epitome of population explosion; he has four wives and 12 children from them. He is a ___. 

  1. Bigamy
  2. Polygamist
  3. Monogamy
  4. Classicogamy

Q.15. Sameera prefers to travel on foot for short distances. She is a __.

  1. Pedlar
  2. Pedestrian
  3. Jogger
  4. Stickler

Q.16. The doctors have put him for a blood purification process as his kidneys malfunctions. He is under ___. 

  1. Dialysis
  2. Ventilation
  3. Integration
  4. Catharsis

Check out relevant links given below for assistance in the preparation of Verbal ability of competitive exams:

Q.17. Everyone in the meeting praised Rama for his presentation, suddenly Rakesh from behind stood up to raise his opposition. Rakesh is ____.

  1. Protagonist
  2. Sidekick
  3. Antagonist
  4. Comrade

Q.18. The sudden damage and suffering caused due to the Vizag Gas leak still have its effect on the mind, body and soul of local people. 

  1. Antistrophe
  2. Apostrophe
  3. Catastrophe
  4. Anatomy

Q.19. Jacob’s cousin will surely disclose the secret of Jacob’s somnambulism in college as he loves to see Jacob being humiliated. Jacob’s cousin is ____.

  1. Shrewd
  2. Sadist
  3. Truant
  4. Masochist

Q.20. This annual function I am participating in the competition where I have to give a speech without any previous preparation. I am participating in ___.

  1. Elocution
  2. Dialect
  3. Dialogue
  4. Extempore

Candidates can download the One Word Substitution Questions PDF given below to check the answers.

20 One Word Substitution Questions And Answers PDF:-Download PDF Here

The One Word Substitution questions and answers are asked in the form of Fill in the blanks in competitive exams. Candidates by solving the above given one-word substitution exercise will get familiar with the scope and variety of questions asked in the exams. It will also enable them to solve questions easily. 

English or Verbal ability is an easy scoring section that is less tricky and time-consuming than other sections. Just a rigorous practice can help candidates master the section. Given below are a few important English topics for reference:

For more such topics, visit the general English for competitive exams page. 

Candidates preparing for different competitive exams must also check the following links to get the detailed explanation of conceptual topics along with important questions.

  1. Logical Reasoning Topics
  2. Quantitative Aptitude Topics

Aspirants willing to prepare for different government exams must keep abreast with the latest syllabus and exam pattern of respective examinations. Hence,  given below are links of the syllabus of few important government examinations.

For further queries related to books, study materials, or preparation details visit BYJU’S.

Government Exam 2023

  1. Fresherslive
  2. Online Test
  3. English
  4. One Word Substitution

One Word Substitution Questions: Solved 520 One Word Substitution Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, English Category online test. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic.

One Word Substitution Questions

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 1 to 0

1. Especially skilled in story telling

None of these


Correct Ans:Raconteur


Raconteur — a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way.
Elegy — a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
Clientele — the customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment.
Forgery — the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 2 to 1

2. Usage of an incorrect word in place of the one which is similar in pronunciation

None of these


Correct Ans:Malapropism


Spoonerism — a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words
Malapropism the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one.
Blooper — an embarrassing error.
Corpsing — spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one’s lines or laughing uncontrollably.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 3 to 2

3. Fear of loneliness

None of these


Correct Ans:Eremophobia


Eremophobia is the fear of being oneself or being alone or of loneliness.
Atelophobia is defined as the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough.
Cremnophobia is the fear of steep cliffs.
Sciophobia is the fear of shadows.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 4 to 3

4. Represent something as being less important than it really is.

None of these


Correct Ans:underplay


Underplay means represent (something) as being less important than it really is.
Stride means walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
Imperious means arrogant and domineering.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 5 to 4

5. The common people, commoner

None of these


Correct Ans:Plebeian


Plebeian — a commoner.
Platitude — a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
Plaque — an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface
Prim — feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 6 to 5

6. A nominal leader with no real power

None of these


Correct Ans:Figurehead


Figurehead — A nominal leader with no real power

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 7 to 6

7. Mania for making purchases

None of these


Correct Ans:Oniomania


Onomamania: mania for names.
Onomatomania: irresistible desire to repeat certain words.
Oniomania: mania for making purchases.
Opiomania: craving for opium.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 8 to 7

8. Fear of dust



None of these


Correct Ans:Amathophobia


Amaxophobia: fear of riding in a car.
Amathophobia: Fear of dust.
Agateophobia: fear of insanity.
Ambulophobia: fear of walking.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 9 to 8

9. Boringly monotonous

None of these


Correct Ans:Humdrum


Odorous=> having or giving off an odour.
Ostensible=> stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
Humdrum=> Monotonous and boring
Relinquish=> Give up

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 10 to 9

10. A brave, noble-minded or chivalrous man

None of these


Correct Ans:Gallant


Handsome = (of a man) good-looking
Robust = strong and healthy; vigorous
Gallant = brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous
Reckless = doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 11 to 10

11. An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.

None of these


Correct Ans:Sceptre


Spectacle = a visually striking performance or display.
Receptacle = a hollow object used to contain something.
Sceptre = an ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
Zephyr = a soft gentle breeze.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 12 to 11

12. A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal





None of these


Correct Ans:Kleptomania


Kleptomania = a recurrent urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.
Claustrophobia = extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
Schizophrenia = mental disorder that usually appears in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Megalomania = obsession with the exercise of power.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 13 to 12

13. Habitually silent or talking little

None of these


Correct Ans:Taciturn


Taciturn = reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
Hew = chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool.
Unequivocal = leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
Servile = having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 14 to 13

14. One who cannot be corrected

None of these


Correct Ans:Incorrigible


Incurable = incapable of being cured or treated.
Incorrigible = not able to be changed or reformed.
Hardened = having become or been made hard or harder.
Vulnerable = exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 15 to 14

15. Murder of one»™s brother

None of these


Correct Ans:Fratricide


Fratricide = killing of one’s brother
Regicide = killing of a king
Homicide = the killing of one person by another
Patricide = the killing of one’s father

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 16 to 15

16. a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes





Correct Ans:Philanthropist


Philanthropist means a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 17 to 16

17. a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not



Correct Ans:Hypocrite


Hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 18 to 17

18. A nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work 

None of these


Correct Ans:Crèche


Crèche means — a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.

Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 19 to 18

19. A person who sacrifices his life for a cause

None of these


Correct Ans:Martyr


Choose the option which descibes the closest meaning for the expression given.

Refer the above for the Questions 20 to 19

20. A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term



Correct Ans:Misnomer


The word that can be substituted for ‘A wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term’ is Misnomer.

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This page provides important questions on One Word Substitution along with correct answers and clear explanation, which will be very useful for various Interviews, Competitive examinations and Entrance tests. Here, Most of the One Word Substitution questions are framed with Latest concepts, so that you may get updated through these One Word Substitution Online tests. One Word Substitution Online Test questions are granted from basic level to complex level.

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