One word essay music

Essay on music! Find high quality essays on ‘Music’ especially written in simple language for kids, children, school and college students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the history, genre, elements, styles, types, usage and importance of music.


    • List of Essays on Music
      • Essay on Music – Short Essay for Kids and Children (Essay 1 – 150 Words)
      • Essay on Music (Essay 2 – 250 Words)
      • Essay on Music – Types, Importance and Usage (Essay 3 – 300 Words)
      • Essay on Music – For School Students (Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard) (Essay 4 – 400 Words)
      • Essay on Music (Essay 5 – 500 Words)
      • Essay on Music – Written in English (Essay 6 – 600 Words)
      • Essay on Music (Essay 7 – 750 Words)
      • Essay on Music – Long Essay for College Students (Essay 8 – 1000 Words)

Music is an art form which triggers our feelings in different ways. The soul of music comprises of rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre and dynamics. Music is used in different forms and in varied sectors and the results are beyond one’s own understanding.

Audience: The below given essays are especially written for kids, children, school students (class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) and college students.

List of Essays on Music

Essay on Music – Short Essay for Kids and Children (Essay 1 – 150 Words)


Music is the sound produced that is pleasing to the ears. It is also a form of Art. Music can be produced through many activities, such as singing, using musical instruments or any other objects.

More about Music:

Music is an instant mood lifter. It touches the soul and helps you connect with people. It heals one’s mind. Music takes care of mental needs. It helps in overcoming disabilities of any form.

There are many genres of music like classical, blues, rock, jazz, folk, etc. Every culture has its own music. The classical music in Indian culture is Carnatic and Hindustani. Whatever be the genre, it is all equally soothing.


Music is a beautiful form of expression. It is that form of art that evolves continuously. Everyone has some form of passion towards music within them, either in the form of a desire to learn or listening for relaxation. To me music is life, and I have a strong desire to learn music in the future.

Essay on Music (Essay 2 – 250 Words)

Music is an art form which triggers our feelings in different ways. The soul of music comprises of rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre and dynamics. Music is used in different forms and in varied sectors and the results are beyond one’s own understanding.

It has already been proven that music can do much more than just lifting the spirits. There are different genres of music used for calming and relaxing our mind and senses. Music has become a major part in Chemotherapy centers and even in the Pregnancy wards. When slow and melodious music is played, it lowers the blood pressure thus slowing down the heartbeat allowing us to breathe normally and to calm the nerves.

It has been proven that music can reduce the music tension that builds up around the different parts of our body including the back, neck, stomach and shoulders. More importantly, music drastically works on lowering psychological tension from our mind. Listening to music helps to reduce mental and physical stress and is highly employed in the health industry to relax and keep the patients calm.

Music is the complete package for improving our soul and mind equally. This is the reason why a long drive with slow and melodious music can change one’s mood to a happy and merry going one. It has the God gifted power to erase all the negative thoughts from our mind and to make it more positive and happy. This indeed improves our concentration and works to enhance our overall skills.

Until now, the world has not seen anything better than music to heal the inner soul and the body alike.

Essay on Music – Types, Importance and Usage (Essay 3 – 300 Words)


Music is loved and enjoyed by all people around the world in different ways. Its pleasant sound makes it an important element in a person’s life.

Hearing music makes you feel peaceful and happier in life. Without the harmony and melody of music, life becomes very frustrating.

Types of Music:

There are numerous types of music all over the world.

Below you can find the important and most popular categories of music:

1. Jazz Music

2. Hip hop Music

3. Rock and Roll Music

4. Rock Music

5. Blues Music

6. Country Music

7. Pop Music

8. R&B (Rhythm and Blues) Music

9. Folk Music

10. Fusion Music

Importance of Music:

Music is a vital part of every person’s life. It is essential in the different moments of life. In fact, during the sorrow, we hear the music.

Music not only brings happiness in our life and but also sometimes shows us the way to overcome the problem.

Unlimited Power of Music:

There is unlimited power of music like healing and relaxing. After listening to the music, people feel relaxed and forget all their worries for a certain period.

Music eases the stressed muscles of the human body. It provides calmness to the mind of a tired person too.

Usage of Music in Treatment:

Music possesses the miracle power of curing few mental disorders like rare enthusiasm, nervousness or depression. It is also helpful in curing the insomnia patients.

Music act like a mother’s love that makes us forget all our worries and only make us enjoy life.


It is right to say that music helps in washing away all the stress of our daily hectic and busy life from within. Once you hear the magical sound of music, you instantly feel harmony inside your heart. These types of experiences are exceptional. Music has no religion, caste or colour. It makes us feel connected inside our soul.

Essay on Music – For School Students (Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard) (Essay 4 – 400 Words)


Music is a form of art. India has always had a rich history of great musicians. Good music is always a treat to the ears. In fact, it allows us to connect to our inner self.


There are different styles of this art depending on different factors. Different countries have different styles of music of their own. Depending on the sounds, we have different forms of music such as pop, jazz, folk, Latin, classical, rock and many more.

The Power:

Music has that control, which can treat certain psychological sicknesses, for example, tension, not so ordinary energy or wretchedness. It is also the most amazing and supportive ways to treat the patient of a sleeping disorder. Additionally, it is the magnificent and invigorating force. We can contrast it with the mother’s affection. As the kid reliably needs the lap of his mother for overlooking everything and feels bliss. In a similar way, music serves to us as a mother to overlook each stress and tension in a melodic way.

It has the unwinding and recuperating power as well. Moreover, it encourages us to unwind, quiet our indignation down and furthermore to mend our stresses. We like to listen to different types of music, band or the vocalist and it changes from person to person. It encourages us to ruminate while doing Yoga and locate our more profound self by associating us to the otherworldly world.

It has No Barriers:

Or more every one of these things, it knows no limits. Music does not differentiate between the general population, religion, station and belief. The conventional one is altogether different than the advanced, worldwide one. Today the universe of music has completely changed. We have such a large number of specialists, vocalists, artists, writers in the entire world making wonderful music. Today there are unique establishments, schools, and universities to learn this art expertly. Today students are seeking music as a profession, as a leisure activity and a vocation as well.


Music is the essence of life. It has the power to heal people and can relieve you of your tensions. Moreover, it is always enjoyable to hear the type of music you love. People love listening to it whenever they find the time. It is an important subject in schools and a strong tool to promote culture as well. That is why perhaps music is so loved by one and all.

Essay on Music (Essay 5 – 500 Words)

Music Every Day:

The world is full of beautiful music and every culture and time in history has its special tune. The fact that we can listen to music every day is something I am grateful for deeply because it makes my life more beautiful. My favorite thing about music is the fact that you can find a tune that will suit almost any event or state of mind. Thankfully we are living in an age when this is becoming a fact, we can experience every day in various situations.

Music Makes you Happy:

Listening to music is not just pleasing esthetically but it also has many benefits for our mental well-being. Scientists have been talking about the positive influence music has on our brain and on the production of neural- transmitters like dopamine that gives us the feeling of satisfaction. The fact is that music is even used as part of some psychotherapy treatments and there is even evidence that it helps plants grow.

Making music can be considered one of our distinctive characteristics although singing is common in many animal species. That is why music has such a profound influence on our brain leading some to conclude that it is even part of our evolution and the reason we are humans. Music can be inspiring and it can comfort us in time of need, it is present when we celebrate something and also when we just want to make the dullness of everyday life go away. Music is one of our best friends and sometimes we do not give it the proper gratification, especially in the present age when it is so widespread and common.

Music as Identity:

The other major feature of the music is the fact that it is a strong marker of identity. Every ethnic group and nation have their own set of instruments and tunes they are well known for. When you think about Scotland you imagine the back pipes and the music they make, when you think about Germany there is the trumpet.

The wonderful thing about music and the instruments used to make it is the fact that it can be played by anyone and in many different locations. This has created so many variations of sound and styles that we can talk about an ocean of music or several oceans.

The 20th century has thought us many lessons about music and about the power world-renowned music artist can have over the public. Once this characteristic of music was discovered an army of producers sprung up to take control of that power and to divert it toward more materialistic goals. That has not changed the influence music tunes will have on our identity and the profound influence it has on our daily lives. Stopping and thinking about the influence it has on us makes my spine shiver as does the idea of a world without music. That is why I think we should support every person who wants to create music and make our lives more beautiful.

Essay on Music – Written in English (Essay 6 – 600 Words)


Music could be defined as a collection of sounds and melodies. This would be a simplistic idea of what music is and would not fully describe the place that music occupies in our lives. Music is more than a collection of sounds and melodies. Music is life, love and that place we go to find solace.

From time immemorial, music has formed part of our history as human beings. From the old romantic empire to the reign of the Greeks, people have depended on music as a source of solace and comfort.

History of Music:

Historians do not agree on the origin of music. Some claim that music predates the existence of humans themselves. However, historians agree that there are certain periods in history that has contributed immensely to the growth of music in the world. These periods introduced distinct sounds which are still prominent today.

The first period is the medieval era which dates from the 6th to the 16th century. During this era, only monophonic and polyphonic sounds existed. Then we moved to the renaissance which was marked by experimental sounds and rhythms. Other periods such as the baroque, classics and romantic periods also brought about several innovations in sound.

The final period, which is the 20th century, is where we are currently. Technology has taken over how we make and perform music. Thus, we produce sounds through the use of electronic component and perform in the same way. This period is also notable for introducing jazz and electronic music.

Genre of Music:

There are countless genres of music and new ones keep emerging on a daily basis. While some are a combination of already existing sounds others are a total break from the norm.

Below are the few popular music genres:

1. Pop – Also known as popular music is a combination of several sounds produced for a large audience.

2. Rhythm and Blues – Just as the name implies, this is a combination of two prominent styles. It has an infusion of soul music delivered through rhymes.

3. Electronic music – As opposed to the use of natural instruments, electronic music employs the use of technology to develop unique sounds.

4. Rock – This music form has its root in America. It is notable for its combination of string instruments and heavy sounds.

Importance of Music:

Music in its basic form is a combination of sounds and melody. Why then is it so important to us? The following are some of the reasons:

Music is Universal:

Citizens of the world are divided by language, race, and a host of other things. However, one instance when the world is in unity is when we connect to the same melodies. Music has the capacity to remove all of our bias and prejudices. In this sense, it can be regarded as a social tool. People who have no business speaking to each other instantly connect when they listen to music they both love.

Music Makes Learning Easy:

This has been validated throughout history. You probably remember the nursery rhymes you learned when you were a kid. Somehow, the music stays with us for longer periods of time. Even when we forget the words of a song, the melody never leaves. In addition to the above, music helps retain our mental focus.

Music Relaxes:

The importance of music would not be complete if we do not mention its therapeutic nature. Though some form of music can make us tense and anxious others help us reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially important due to the nature of the world we live in.


Music is an important part of our lives. It dictates our mood, controls our thought and affects our relationship with others. Man’s history cannot be fully written without the impact of music on our lives.

Essay on Music (Essay 7 – 750 Words)


Music as we know it is a form of art and a cultural activity with its medium being sound that is organised with respect to time. Definitions of the term music should generally include some common elements like rhythm (with its associated concepts like articulation, meter and tempo), pitch (it governs harmony and melody), the qualities of sonic of texture and timbre (we sometimes refer to these as the colour of musical sound). All of the different and various types or styles of music might tend to omit, de-emphasize or emphasize a few of the listed elements of music.

Music can be performed with a wide variety of vocal techniques and instruments, the vocal techniques can range from rapping to singing and there are some pieces that are solely instrumental while some others are solely vocal (examples are songs that have no instrumental accompaniment) also pieces that put together instruments and singing.

When we want to address the term in a general form, the different activities that describe music as being a form of art or a cultural activity are the examination of aesthetic music, the study and knowledge of music and its history, music criticism and the creation and making of music works (symphonies, tunes, songs and so many more).

Elements of Music:

There are a lot of different elements or fundamentals of music. Based on the description of the element of music that is being used, the different elements of music can include structure, form, articulation, expression, dynamics, colour or timber, voice allocation, style, texture, harmony, melody, rhythm, tempo, pulse or beat and pitch. We can differentiate the elements of music by describing the elements of music as “rudimentary elements of music” and “perpetual elements of music”.

1. Rudimentary Elements:

Around the 1800s, we used the words “rudiments of music” and “elements of music” interchangeably. All of the elements that were described in manuscripts talked about the parts of music needed to become a successful musician. Writers like Estrella in recent years use the words “elements of music” in a very much similar way. A definition that almost accurately describes the usage is: “the rudimentary principles of an art, science, etc.: the elements of grammar”. The curriculum of the UK changes to “interrelated dimensions of music” poses a shift back to the use of rudimentary music elements.

2. Perpetual Elements:

The emergence and the start of study into psychoacoustics around the 1930s. There came the discovery that there are four attributes that are psychological and belong to music. They are timbre, time, loudness and pitch. While rudimentary elements can vary based on the personal preference of the writer, perpetual elements on the other hand always consist of a list of proven or established discrete elements that can be manipulated independently to get the desired musical effect.

The curriculum of music of US, UK and Australia feature the music elements prominently. Each one of the curriculums identifies texture, timbre, dynamics and pitch as elements, which makes all of the above listed elements agreed universally.

A list of the official three versions of music elements are listed below:

1. USA – articulation/style, harmony, form, rhythm, dynamics, texture, timbre and pitch.

2. UK – structure, tempo, duration, dynamics, texture, timbre, pitch.

3. Australia – structure, form, rhythm, expression, dynamics, texture, timbre, pitch.


Music has contributed a lot to our society. In the world we live in today, music has become a major business. Music industry describes all of the businesses connected and related with the sale and creation of music. The industry of music is made of composers and songwriters that create different new songs with musical pieces. The sale of music is a very lucrative business and we now have online music stores like Apple’s iTunes, Spotify, tidal and so many more. Musicians also get paid a lot of money to perform at concerts and make special appearances. The industry employs a lot of other people and is a source of livelihood to millions of people worldwide.

Music therapy helps in a lot of way. It is a highly interpersonal process where a therapist that is trained employs the use of music and its various facets- spiritual, aesthetic, social, mental, emotional and physical to assist clients in improving or maintaining their health. It is safe to assume that music cuts across every area of our lives and it has had a positive impact on a lot of things. It is also important to note that there have also been negative effects of music on our society.

Essay on Music – Long Essay for College Students (Essay 8 – 1000 Words)


People love music because it is a form of entertainment but do they really understand music for what it is and not just the sound? What is music? Is it just the melody, the lyrics, the art of performance or the people doing it? Music is basically an art and a cultural activity that is in form of organized sound. Music is appreciated all over the world and it is different for everyone.

My perception on music may be focused on the rhythm and another person’s perception may be focused on the message being delivered. Music has been in existence since the beginning of time. Transformations have occurred with modernization and civilization. However, some music is still deep-rooted into culture and has not been influenced by the changing times. Music is of great importance in humanity. Although music is appreciated worldwide, it is faced with challenges.

Genres of Music:

Music is a whole world in itself that is full of diversity. Music is classified into different genres and the genre defines the aspects of music like rhythm, instruments, art of performance among others. There are many general genres of music in the world. Blues, classical music, jazz and reggae are the most common genres that are listened to across the globe. Other genres include rock, pop, folk, electronic, country and hip hop music. All these genres difference in terms of the sound they produce. Genres like rock, electronic and jazz use a lot of sound combination.

Folk music is basically about culture and tradition and they always remain unchanged and uninfluenced by the changes that take place in the world. Blues, classical and reggae music are almost similar in term of sound use instrument use. It is important to consider genres of music when selecting the type of music to listen to. For educational purposes, the genres of music are not commonly used because they teach on the technical aspects of music at school. Artists can be defined by the genre of music that they sing for example hip hop musicians are known to praise money, cars and fancy fashions like chains.

Importance of Music:

The reason why music is appreciated widely is because of the impact it has on the lives of individuals. Man’s interaction with sound is unavoidable because music is everywhere. Music is listened to by people for different reasons. Music is significant in our lives as entertainment, emotional response, and a way of creating income and in education.

In entertainment, music dominated the entertainment industry because it has the ability to reach everyone. Music is widely spread as it is found on the internet, in media platforms like radios and televisions, in live performance concerts, in churches and schools. Countries have also adopted music in legalities like the national anthems. Music is significant to both the culture and the economy.

Music in emotional response is widely used and that is why psychologists and psychiatrists have invented the use of music in therapy. Music triggers emotional responses. In normal life situations, when a person is sad, listening to sad music makes them even sadder but listening to happy music helps to rejuvenate the mood. Spiritual music is also important in emotional response. When worshiping God, people have learnt to use music in praise and to create a worship environment by triggering remorseful and humbling emotions in people through worship songs.

Music is a source of income for majority of people in the music industry. Although some people just do it for the passion and as a hobby, most of them gain income that is substantial t sustain their lives. Despite from wealth creation, people gain fame from music. People who have created music hits are famous and wealthy and some young musicians look up to them for inspiration and as role models.

Music is important in education as it is an art that is taught is school. In all levels of education, music is significant and is appreciated in schools. Taking music as a subject is different from what we know from the outside because it involves the technical and theoretic aspects of music that we cannot gain from just listening to music. Music can also be pursued as a career at colleges and is a career path that required hard work, determination and commitment just like any other career.

Challenges Facing Music:

Music is faced with challenges which affect both the artists and the music industry. Artists are faced by challenges such as financial insufficiency to fund their music production. Producing music is expensive because you need to go through a recording studio, which are usually costly and most people cannot afford.

The music industry is a bit biased in terms of finances because there are some people who can be very talented but yet lack money to produce their music while there are rich people who are not as talented but they can afford to produce their music. The line of poverty will never be eradicated because in most situations, those with financial abilities will always have an upper hand.

Drugs and substance abuse is another major challenges that is faced by artists. Most artists especially those in the secular music industry abuse drugs which could end badly for them some die of drug overdoses and some spend most of their time in rehabilitation facilities. The music industry has been highly condemned for advocating for drugs especially hip hop artists who always sing about drugs and money. Drugs and substance abuse is a major problem that is rooted in music.

The music industry faces a marketing challenge. Music is produced and then each artist is supposed to market their song for them to gain sales. In marketing, activities such as tours, concerts and media marketing are expensive. The marketing is therefore challenged and the music industry may incur financial loses during marketing.


In conclusion, music is a wide field and it is beneficial to the society. Music is to be respected and adored for its goodness.

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Music plays great role in everyone’s life. It keeps us busy in free time and makes our life peaceable. Generally, students can be given some essay on writing music in school. We are providing essays on music in simple and easy language for the students here. Here are paragraphs of some big and small essays on music in various word boundaries; Of which you can choose according to your need and need:

Find essay on music in English language in different words limit like 100, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 450 words.

Essay on music 1 (100 words)

Music plays an internal and essential role in our lives. There are different types of music, which we can enjoy according to our need and need. Some of us like studying, playing indoor or outdoor games and listening to music at other moments. Nevertheless, everyone likes to listen to music for the rest of the joy and mind in their spare time. Listening to music in a slow voice gives us comfort and comfort and gives us mental and spiritual health. It helps fight our mental and emotional problems throughout our life. I always like listening to music.

Essay on music 2 (200 words)

I love listening to music from my childhood. I still remember that, the Sunday holiday for me meant the music to be heard with all the members of the family. Throughout the day, music continued to sound in the middle of the house, and every household member used to do their own work. My father used to inspire all the members of the house to listen to music. It helps keep our brain strong and busy. Music is like meditation and if we listen to music every day, it benefits us a lot. Some students make a habit of listening to music during their studies. He can not study without music.

Music is like Yoga. It keeps us happy and helps to balance the hormones in our body, helps in relieving the body and mind, and thus keeps body physically and mentally healthy. It keeps us away from being thick and clumsy and keeps us away from mental problems. I like music very much and listen to music every morning.

Essay on music 3 (250 words)

Music is the best way to be happy and busy in life. In this busy, crowded and corrupt world, where everybody wants to harm each other every time, in such a difficult time the music keeps us happy and helps to provide relief to our brain. I have felt in my real life that, music is, in fact, always a tool to be happy. Music is more than meditation and yoga, because it benefits both our body and mind. We can listen to music anytime throughout the day. Music is very good to hear. I always like to listen to music at the time of my studies and, in particular, at the time of my examination. It helps a lot during my studies and it actually gives me good results and I get good marks in my subjects.

I listen to spiritual music every morning because my father starts music at 5 am in my room. She takes great care of me and when she gets help by listening to music, she is very happy. He always tells me that music is the power that the God Himself has given us. Never stop it. This is the powerful tool that enhances the power of our meditation and always helps you to move forward and you get success in your life.

Essay on music 4 (300 words)

Music for the entire human species is a gift given by God. It is the key to the soul which helps us to be mentally and physically healthy. Music is the rhythm, which brings all the good memories and positive thoughts of past times, favorite places, individuals or festivals etc. Music is very sweet and global language, which tells everything in peace and ends all our problems without asking us. I am very committed to music and listen to it mostly. It keeps me happy providing relief at very large levels. Listening to music is my passion and it is the secret of my healthy and happy life. This is God’s gift to me, which I use for my own good and always advise others to listen to music and take advantage of it.

Since my childhood I have been fond of listening to music due to my father, I also participate in singing along with my friends in music competition, churches, birthday ceremonies, etc. Music is a very important part of my life; I can not even imagine my life without music. My parents, especially my father, encouraged me to learn music and gave my habit a wonderful identity. Music is very easy; Anyone who can learn at any time, however, it requires hobbies, regular practice and discipline to learn. I know very well by playing Bansi, which is why I am admired among my friends and colleagues. It calms my brain and fills me with positive thoughts that help in my personal life. In this way it can be said that, music provides self-confidence in man with the spiritual, mental and physical strength.

Essay on music 5 (350 words)

Music is a blessing to me, because it has played a very important role in my life. It always gives nothing back without any hassles and directories. Music is like air air oxygen for me, in which I breathe. It makes me happy and keeps it healthy. It is said that truth is that life without music can not be imagined. Without music, life will be exactly like the sun and the moon. From my childhood to my grown up, I was a very quiet person without any happiness and happiness. Because of my nature, I did not talk to anyone. One day I was very upset and my father looked at me and asked me about my problem. They encouraged me to enter music school and advised to learn music for at least an hour. I followed his advice and acted according to his advice; it made a big difference in my life in just one month. I was not as before as I was before learning music.

Music enhanced my attention level while giving me mental peace, satisfaction, health, filled my mind with positive thoughts, and most importantly, due to music, my friends started attracting towards me. My father told me that whenever you are troubled in life, always taking help of music, it will remove you from this dilemma and will lead you towards success. Since then, whenever I am alone or with my friends, I listen to music. Music is like meditation, if it is practiced with full dedication and reverence, it improves mental health and concentration. We can not ignore the truth associated with music. It is very powerful and capable, which exposes everyone’s emotions. It touches the soul and can never be eliminated from the world.

Essay on music 6 (450 words)

Music is very important and powerful thing in any one’s life, who like listening to music and singing, they also know the importance of music in their life. A person who likes listening to music and singing does not bother about any problem in life. As well as helping to relax and relax the brain, it promotes something better in life. Many people like to listen and sing music on various festivals and events. Some listen to music every time, such as: in the office, at home, etc. on the way It helps to keep away from all the problems of life and also gives solutions to problems. Nowadays, in the big companies, employees are in the running of singing in slower voices to increase the workforce of employees while making their brain fresh, peaceful, concentrated, positive thoughts at the time of the work of the employees.

I love music because of my genetic qualities because my father and grandfather had a lot of interest in music. In my house, music runs in the slow voice from morning to evening. I do not know much about music tunes, but I often like to listen to music during travel or study. During the weekly holidays, at home or picnic or any other favorite place with our family, we dance, listen to music and sing the songs and enjoy the holiday.The music touches my soul and makes me feel this That is, I have no problem in this world.

Music is very powerful and conveys positive messages for all emotional problems and does not ask anything from anyone. It’s voice-free, though, tells us everything and shares more problems with humans. The nature of music is encouraged and promoted, which increases the power of human concentration by removing all negative thoughts. Music is the thing that helps with remembering all the good memories of our beloved person. There is no limitation, hindrance and rule directory; It needs to be heard only with passion and reverence. Whenever we listen to music, it brings a very good feeling in the heart and mind, which connects us with our soul. Here is the connection between God’s power and power. Someone has said right about music: «There is no limit to music, it is beyond all limits.» And «Music is more in life and life is in music.» Affected by this, I also have music and guitar It is hoped that one day I will be very good musician. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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Music is the art of expressing ideas and emotions in significant sound forms by using the elements of rhythm, melody and harmony through voices, instruments, or both. Music plays a great role in everyone’s life. It keeps us busy in spare time and makes our life peaceful. Music is also been known to help reduce stress and anxiety. Listening to a particular kind of music has proved to be useful in treating depression and relieving stress. Generally students get some task on the music topic especially to write essay. We have provided below very simple and easy essay on music to help students in completing their task.

Here are some paragraphs, long and short essay on music in English under various words limit according to the need and requirement of students.

These essays will take you into the journey of music, from its evolution to its popularity and never ending evolution to new forms and instruments.

You can use these music essay in your school assignments of music or in debates, discussions on the subject with your friends or family.

Music Essay 1 (100 words)

Music plays an integral and essential role in our life. There are various types of music which we can enjoy according to our need ad requirement. Some of us are used to of listening music during the study time, playing indoor or outdoor game and other moments.

However, everyone wants to listen music in their spare time to get some enjoyment and relief their mind. Listening slow sound music gives us relief and peace and makes us healthy mentally and spiritually. It helps us to get prevented from the mental and emotional problems all through the life. I love music a lot listen always.


Music Essay 2 (150 words)

I love music so much from my childhood. I still remember that the weekend means all the Sundays in my family was fixed as a music day. All through the day, the slow music was running in the centre of the house and every family member was doing their work. It was my dad who inspires all family members to listen music. It helps us in keeping our mind strong and busy. Music is like a meditation and benefits a lot to us if we listen music on daily basis. Some students are habitual to listen music during their study time, without music they cannot read.

Music is like yoga, it makes us happy and helps in keeping hormonal balance in the body, relief our body and mind and thus keeps us physically and mentally healthy. It prevents us from being obese and overweight as well as other mental problems. I Love music so much and listen every morning.

Music Essay 3 (200 words)

Music is the best option for everyone to be happy and busy in the life. In such a busy, crowded and corrupted world where everyone wants to hurt anybody anytime, music plays a great role in making us happy in our difficult time and give lots of relief to our mind. I realized in my real life that music is a great tool of being happy always.

Music is more than the meditation and yoga as it benefits a lot to both body and mind. We can listen music anytime all through the day. It is very good habit to listen music. I generally used to of listening music during my study time and especially during my exams. It helps me a lot in getting concentrated on the study and really it gives me good result and I get full marks in my subjects.

I listen spiritual music in every morning as my dad start music in my room at 5 am. He cares me a lot and become happy when I get help by listening music. He tells me always that listening music is a power the God has given to you, never switch it off. It is the powerful tool which would increase your concentration power and always help you to go ahead and get success in your life.

Music Essay 4 (250 words)

Music is the God gifted tool for living healthy life to whole human fraternity. It is a key to soul which helps us in making physically and mentally healthy. Musical is a melody which triggers positive thoughts and good memories of past time, favorite places, persons or events. Music is the very soft and universal language which tells everything peacefully and finishes all the problems of us without asking.

I am very passionate about the music and listen most of the time. It gives relief to a great extent and keeps me happy. Listening music is my passion and it is the secret of my life to be healthy and always happy. It is a God gift to me which I ever use for my wellness and always instructs others to take help of the music.

I am very fond of listening music from my childhood because of my father as well as performing music at various places like concert halls, churches, birthdays, party with friends and other places. Music is very important part of my life; I cannot think my life without music. My parents especially my father inspired me to learn music as an extra ordinary habit other than the daily routine job.

Music is very simple; anyone can learn it anytime however it needs passion, regular practice and discipline to learn. I know playing flute very well for which I become praised from my friends and colleagues. It makes my mind peaceful and fills with positive thoughts which help me in my personal life.

Music Essay 5 (300 words)

Music is the blessing for me because it has played a great role in my life. It always gives and never takes without having any boundaries and guidelines to follow. Music for me is like oxygen which I breathe. It makes me happy and keeps healthy. It is truly said that one cannot imagine the life without music. The life without music is like an earth without sun and moon. From my childhood till I grow younger, I was so silent person without having any joy and happiness.

I always liked to be busy in my study or live alone. No one was talking to me because of nature. One day I was so fed up and my father noticed me and asked my problems. He inspired to take admission to the music school and learn some music for one hour daily. I followed him and do that, after months later it brought a huge change in my life and almost has changed my life completely. I was not remained like that i was earlier learning music.

Music gave me peaceful mind, mental satisfaction, mental health, increased my concentration level, filled my mind with lots of positive thoughts and most importantly my friends started attracting towards me because of my music. My father told me that, always take help of this music whenever you get fed up in the life, it surely take you out and lead you toward success. Till then I listen music and I perform music whenever I become alone or with my friends.

Music is like meditation, if it is practiced daily with passion and devotion, it improves concentration and mental health. We can avoid the truth about the music; it is very powerful and potential thing which sparks anyone’s emotion. It touches the spirit and can never be vanished from the universe.

Music Essay 6 (400 words)

Music can be the most important and powerful things of anyone life who loves to listen or play music and know its importance in their life. One who listen or play music never get fed up of any problems in the life. It helps in distressing and relaxing the mind as well as motivates to do something better in the life. Many people love to listen and play music at many occasions or events.

Some of the people become used to of listening music in their all time such as in the office, home on the way, etc. It keeps away from all the problems of life and gives solutions. Now-a-days, there is a trend of playing slow music in the offices of big companies while employees are working in order to keep mind fresh, peaceful, concentrate, bring positive thoughts as well as increasing the performance of the employees.

I got my music loving habit in the generation from parents and grandparents because my father and grandfather were very fond of listening music. Slow music always run in my home from morning till night. I don’t know much about the musical compositions but I generally like to listen music whenever I travel or during my study time. On the weekend, we dance, listen music or play music with family at home or at picnic on any favorite place. Music touches my soul and spirit and makes me realize that I have no any problems in this world.

Music is very powerful and has ability to convey positive messages to all sorts of emotion without telling and asking anything to anyone. It is voiceless however tells everything and shares all the problems more than the human being. Music has inspiring and promoting nature which increases the concentration power of the human being by removing all the negative thoughts.

Music is the thing which helps us in re-memorizing our good memories of the past with our loved ones and dear ones. It has no limitations, drawbacks and guidelines; it only needs anyone to listen or play passionately with full devotion. When we listen music, it brings amazing feeling in the heart and mind which connects our spirit to the supernatural power of God. There is a very true saying about the music that “music imitates life and life imitates music”. Being inspired, I also started learning music and playing guitar and hope would be a good music player a day.

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Essay on Music: Music is a part of all of our lives, from when we’re growing up to when we’re old. We grow up to the sound of our mothers singing us lullabies so that we’d go to sleep. Music is one of the most calming and soothing things if you let it be. It comes from melodies and tunes strung together by people who sing and play musical instruments. The power of music shows in the simplest of things, such as when you absentmindedly tap your foot to a beat or hum a tune unknowingly.

Music is not only created by people, but it is also all around us in nature. In the mornings, when the crickets and the birds chirp, it is music. The loud sound of the waves in the ocean swishing, the whistle in the wind, and the sound of trees and leaves rustling are all their own forms of music.

You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

For different age groups, there are different types of essay on music. There is a long essay on music which consists of 400-500 words, and a short essay on music of 150-200 words.

Long Essay on Music in English for 500 Words

Given below is a long essay on music consisting of about 500 words. This essay is suitable for students of classes 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for those who are writing competitive exams.

Music is something that we all enjoy in the course of our lives. It is the sound that is brought together through a harmony of instruments and singing voices. It is something that is part of us ever since we enter this world. Our mothers, fathers and grandparents sing us lullabies so that we can sleep peacefully. In the mornings, we listen to the birds chirping and the leaves of plants and trees rustling, and even this is like music to our ears. Music is everywhere, and all you have to do is open up your ears to hear it.

Those who know how to create music using instruments and their own bodies are called musicians. There are different kinds of instruments – percussion, string, brass, woodwind and piano/keyboard. Percussion instruments include drums, bongos, the triangle, tambourine, tabla, dholak, etc. and they are the ones responsible for giving the main beat to a song. String instruments include the harp, guitar, cello, violin, etc. and they give rhythm to the music.

Brass instruments refer to those that you have to play with your mouth, such as the trombone, trumpet, the French horn, etc. In these instruments, you blow air into the instruments to create vibrations. Woodwind instruments follow a similar concept using air/wind, except that these instruments are made of wood and the sound profile is higher pitched than brass, for example, the flute. The piano/keyboard consists of a set of keys that have a range of pitches.

When musicians put one or more of these sounds together in harmony, it creates what we know as music. However, that’s not all to it; music can be even one of those instruments, such as the strumming of a guitar, a melodious tune on the piano, a catchy beat on the bongos, etc. When you add another voice to an instrument, it is called singing and is a vital part of the music. When people who play different instruments come together to play them together, it is called a band.

There are many different genres of music, too, such as rock, pop, classical, blues, jazz, R&B, hip-hop, etc. All of these genres of music are characterized by how the instruments work together. For example, rock music is often louder and has more pronounced percussion and string instruments, while jazz is a genre where the saxophone is very prevalent. In today’s world, we see a lot of combinations of genres such as pop-rock, classical rock, etc. One of the newest genres of music is electronic dance music (EDM) which consists of loud percussive beats and is very popular to young people.

They say that music is a universal language, meaning that you don’t necessarily need to understand the words in a song to enjoy the music. In this way, music connects people all over the world with its universal language. I love listening to music especially because of this reason. Music has the power to unite people, make us feel at peace, make us feel understood; it is something to dance to, bond over, and even listen to when alone. Music is not just sound, it is its own language and it communicates so much; it is a beautiful thing.

Essay on Music

Short Essay on Music in English 200 Words

Given below is a short essay on music consisting of about 200 words. This essay is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

When we talk about music, we are talking about all the instruments like drums, piano, guitar, etc. and how they get together to make a sound that is pleasing to our ears. We all have some songs we love to sing and dance to, right? Wouldn’t life be a little boring without music? It is something we all need to enjoy our days slightly more than we already do because music adds more colour to our lives.

When you hear the sound of nature – the pitter-patter of raindrops, the whistle of the wind, don’t you feel calm? And don’t you feel like dancing or shaking your head when someone puts on your favourite song? Well, this is the effect that music has on all of us. Listening to our favourite songs can automatically put us all in a good mood. Our moms singing us a song before we go to sleep is a peaceful memory, and that is music, too.

Music Essay Conclusion

Music is a universal language and it is one of the best things that bring all of us humans together. It has the power to make us all feel happy and this is why people all around the world love to listen to and even play music.

10 Lines on Music Essay in English

  1. Music is a universal language and is understandable by everyone.
  2. Music is all around us in nature, such as in the wind and the rain, and not only in instruments.
  3. Music has the power to make us feel happy and at peace.
  4. There are different kinds of instruments, which are string, percussion, brass, woodwind, and piano and when one or more of these instruments come together, it creates what we call music.
  5. A single instrument by itself, including singing and .beatboxing, are music on their own as well.
  6. There are many genres of music, such as pop, rock, metal, hip-hop, jazz, blues, R&B, etc.
  7. Many a time, some bands may mix two genres of music to make a mixed genre such as pop rock, punk rock, classical rock, etc.
  8. When different people playing different instruments come together to play them together, it is called a band.
  9. Listening to your favourite song can completely uplift your mood if you are feeling down.
  10. Everybody has their own kind of music that they love, which is why it is special to us all in our own unique ways.

Essay for Music

FAQ’s on Essay on Music

Question 1.
Why do we call music a universal language?

Music is called a universal language because it doesn’t matter where in the world you are or what language you speak, you will understand the music because it’s the sound and not the words that matter.

Question 2.
What is a genre?

Genre in music refers to the categories into which we classify the music of different kinds. There are tonnes of genres in music such as jazz, blues, rock, classical, etc.

Question 3.
What are the kind of musical instruments?

The five kinds of musical instruments are percussion, brass, string, woodwind and piano. They all have their own important purposes in music and add distinctive sounds to songs.

Question 4.
What are the effects of music?

Music can have some really powerful effects on a person, where someone feeling down may feel a lot better after listening to heir favourite songs. It has a calming and peaceful effect on people.

Music is like a universal language of life. It is basically the sound that is brought together through the harmony of various instruments. Our life would have been totally empty and different without music. It is something that every human being enjoys. It is a very powerful thing. Music helps to destress, heal, and motivate.

If you are looking for a short essay on music, then take a look at the short essay given in the following. This is created by the in-house exports of Vedantu keeping the understanding ability of the students. Those who are looking for references can look up to this following essay. It will be easy to figure out the pattern of how to write an essay on music. One can also download the Vedantu app to get access to the same file.

Music Essay for Students

“Without music, life will be a mistake” the statement of Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, simplified the importance of music in one’s life so easily. Music has a magical impact on humans. It’s the best form of magic. 

The origin of the word ‘music’ is the Greek word ‘mousike’ which means ‘art of muses’. Music is a form of art and artists decorate it. The music consists of lesser words with deeper meanings. Frequently people use music as a painkiller to escape from the pain of life.  ‘Musical Notations’ is the leading form to write music. This provides a reference to an artist so he can share with others if necessary. Music is a mood freshener and accompanies us in our pocket devices, on televisions, movies, and the most effective in live concerts.

Different forms of music have different effects on human nature. Music is the greatest creation of mankind in the course of history. A combination of deem lights and calm music encourages the listener to eat less and enjoy the food more. Listening to music positively in a car influences one’s mood leads to safer behaviour and fewer road rages ultimately minimising accidental destructions.

If the students love the music, it helps them in recalling the information more significantly along with improvement in verbal intelligence. The studies have found that listening to favourite songs helps fibromyalgia patients to experience less chronic pain. Music has a direct effect on our hormonal levels. Listening to music decreases the level of the hormone cortisol in our body and counteracts the effect of chronic stress.

The heart-touching music is nothing but creativity with the purest and undiluted form. The combination of vocal or instrumental sounds in such a way that it produces beauty and expresses emotions. Anyone can make their day by enjoying music by listening or by composting or by playing. The global facts say parents intensively use music to soothe children even to interact.

Music touches the heart through the ears. It has divine power to act as an energy booster. Some music assists in motivation while some play the best role in sympathy. Music helps us to fight insomnia. Listening to classical or relaxing music, just before going to bed, improves one’s sleep.

Though music helps to counteract depression and loneliness, people underestimate the impact of music on the human mindset in the age of irony age. On the other side of the coin, there are some types of music that can result in deleterious effects on the human mind and body. Listening to music with high decibels can damage neurons. The effect on the brain subjected to continuous exposure to electronic amplification of rhythmic music is similar to that of drugs.

Genres of Music

While talking about a wide variety of music that ranges from ages belonging to different places, cultures, and types, the list of genres is endless. However, some of the major genres of music are stated as below:

Folk & Traditional Music

Traditional music holds an impression of the culture that it represents. It is usually illustrated and sung with folk music. Folk music is taught by one generation to another vocally through singing it and by listening to it. Various dance performances are in order to make it stay intact through ages. In India, the state of Rajasthan is well known for its Traditional-folk music with its dance. Several other regions are also popular.

Art Music

Art music describes the characteristics of both classical and contemporary art forms. It is usually sung by just one person and demands a high level of attention from its listeners. It is quite well known in Europe.

Religious Music

The type of music that is affiliated to the worshipping of God by singing it, is known as Religious Music. Every religion has its own style and way of singing it. Christian music is one of the most famous religious music known all over the world.

Popular Music

As the name suggests, the type of music that is popular and accessible to everyone and everywhere is known as Popular Music. Such music is composed mostly by the entertainment industry for the purpose of monetary income. As compared to other types of music, Popular Music attracts a notable audience through different concerts or Live shows.

It has gained immense popularity over a period of time and varies from country to country and from culture to culture. One can listen to it on public platforms, digital platforms, television commercials, radio, and even at shopping centres.

Popular music can be subcategorized into numerous types such as Hip Hop Music, Rock Music, Polka Music Music, Jazz Music, Pop Music Latin Music, Electronic Music, Punk Music, and many more. Among different types of Popular Music, Hip Hop Music is vividly famous, especially among the youth population. The culture of Hip Hop music originally started in New York City and now has taken over its place everywhere. The culture of Hip Hop dance has also emerged because of the same. With passing time, a lot of changes are happening in the field of Music but it will never go out of style.


Music is a healer to all human emotions from sadness to depression. It is a cause of happiness. Music content has many genres to play. Emotional expressions have been regarded as the most important criteria for the aesthetic value of music. Sometimes, some crises of life are impossible to express in proper sentences and their music plays its best part. Log on to Vedantu to find exciting essays on other topics and learn how to frame one perfectly from experts.

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