One word essay friends

Essay on Friendship! Find high quality essays on ‘Friendship’ especially written for kids, children and school students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the meaning, importance and types of friendship.


    • List of Essays on Friendship
      • Essay on Friendship – Short Essay for Kids (Essay 1 – 150 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – 10 Lines on Friendship Written in English (Essay 2 – 250 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – For School Students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) (Essay 3 – 300 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – For Students (Essay 4 – 400 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship (Essay 5 – 500 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – Introduction, Benefits and Qualities (Essay 6 – 600 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – Essay on True Friendship (Essay 7 – 750 Words)
      • Essay on Friendship – Importance, Types, Examples and Conclusion (Essay 8 – 1000 Words)

Friendship is a divine relationship, which is defined by neither blood nor any other similarity. Who is in this world does not have a friend?

A friend, with whom you just love to spend your time, can share your joys and sorrows. Most importantly you need not fake yourself and just be what you are. That is what friendship is all about. It is one of the most beautiful of the relations in the world. Students of today need to understand the values of friendship and therefore we have composed different long essays for students as well as short essays.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Standard).

List of Essays on Friendship

Essay on Friendship – Short Essay for Kids (Essay 1 – 150 Words)


Friendship is considered as one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God has given us the liberty to choose friends because they are for our lifetime. It is quite normal for our parents and siblings to love us because they are our own blood but a friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but pure love without any expectations.

Role of a Friend:

True friends share and support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, who feel sad for our failures, fight with us for silly things and hugs us the next second, gets angry on us when we do any mistakes. Friendship is all about having true friends who can understand us without the need for us to speak.


Friendship is very essential for a happy life. Even a two-minute chat with a friend will make us forget our worries. That is the strength of friendship.

Essay on Friendship – 10 Lines on Friendship Written in English (Essay 2 – 250 Words)

Friendship is a divine relationship, which is defined by neither blood nor any other similarity. Friends are those you can choose for yourself in spite of the difference you both have from each other. A good friend in need will do wonders in your life, whenever you are in need of self-realization, upbringing your confidence and more.

Friendship serves you best not only in your happiest moments but also when you feel low in emotions. A life without a good friend is not at all complete and an emptiness will be felt all the time you think of sharing your emotion that can’t be told to anyone else.

Honesty and Patience in Friendship:

To maintain and keep going with a good deep friendship, honesty is the most important factor. You should choose a person who can be cent percent honest with you in all perspective like emotions, decision making, etc. Trustworthy friendship will help you to take better decisions and choose a better path for your future well-being.

Tolerance and patience with each other are another important characteristics of long-lasting friendship. Accepting the differences, friends should be able to be with each other in all situations. As a friend, the person should lead the other to success by being a motivation and criticize the person if they choose the wrong path.

Friendship will give you sweet and happy memories that can be cherished for a lifetime and if you succeed in maintaining that precious relation, then you are the luckiest person in this world. Love and care for each other will cherish the relationship and helps the person to appreciate each thing done without any fail.

Essay on Friendship – For School Students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) (Essay 3 – 300 Words)

Of all the different relations which we indulge in, friendship is considered to be the purest of them all. Friendship is the true confluence of souls with like minded attitude that aids in seamless conversation and the best of times. It is believed that a person who doesn’t have any friend lives one of the toughest lives.

The Desire to Belong:

Each one of us have been so programmed that we need a companion even if it’s not romantic, someone just to tag along. There are several definitions of friendship and it is upon you as to how you believe your relation to be. Friendship can happen when you are simply sharing a bowl of food with a person day after day. It can be expressed in the way you silently care for someone even when they may not be aware of your existence.

The Little Moments that Matter:

It is giving up the little things you love dearly for the sake of someone you cherish a great deal. Friendship often refers to the little moments of senseless laugh you two share when the rest of the world starts to look bleak. It is to know what your friend needs and being there for them even when the rest of the world has turned their back towards them.

Friendship is the kind of relation which sometimes even exceeds the realms of love because it is all about giving without even once bothering to sense what you shall get back. Every time spent is special because when you are with friends, you don’t feel the blues!

The Bottom-Line:

Of course the definition of friendship is going to vary a great deal from one person to another. But, remember one thing, when you are friends with someone, be prepared to put your heart on the line for their happiness because friendship often manifests into love, even if it is not romantic, it always is true!

Essay on Friendship – For Students (Essay 4 – 400 Words)

Friendship is the most valuable as well as precious gifts of life. Friendship is one of the most valued relationship. People who have good friends enjoy the most in their live. True friendship is based on loyalty & support. A good friend is a person who will stand with you when times are tough. A friend is someone special on whom you can rely on to celebrate a special moment. Friendship is like a life asset and it can lead us to success. It all depends on our choice how we choose our friends.

The quality of friendship is essential for happiness. The benefits of healthy friendship remains long-life. In addition, having a strong friend circle also improves our self-confidence. Due to the strong relationship, we get much emotional support during our bad times. True friendship is a feeling of love & care.

Real friendship cannot be built within limited boundaries like caste or creed. It gives us a feeling that someone really needs us & we are not alone. This is true that man cannot live alone. True friends are needed in every stage of life to survive. A true friend can be an old person or a child. But it is generally believed that we make friend with people who are of the same age as ours. Same age group can give you the freedom to share anything.

The selection of a true friend is also a challenging task. We have to carefully make our friend selection. Friends might come & go. They will make you laugh & cry. Wrong selection can create various problems for you. In the modern world, many youngsters become a social nuisance. The reason behind it is wrong & bad friendships.

But if we successfully choose the right person as a friend then our life becomes easier. It doesn’t matter who you are, what type of clothes you wear. The most important thing is trust because the relation of friendship stands on the pillars of trust.

Friendship is a relation which can make or break us in every stage of life. But in other words, friendship is an asset which is really precious. Obviously, it is also not so easy to maintain friendships. It demands your time as well as efforts. Last but not the least, it is hard to find true friendship but once you succeed in this task you will have a wonderful time. In exchange for that a friend will only need your valuable time and trust.

Essay on Friendship (Essay 5 – 500 Words)


The idea of friendship is either heartwarming or gives cold feet depending on individuals and the types of friendships. In the current world, friendships have had different definitions based on the morality and civilization of the society. Ideally, friendship is defined as the state of mutual trust between individuals or parties. Trust is an important component of friendship because it determines the reliability and longevity of the friendship. Trust is built through honest communications between the individuals and interested parties.

Once trust has been established, mutual understanding and support being to form the resulting in a friendship. This friendship can be broken through lack of trust. Trust can be breached through deceit and/ or some people, it differs with the frequencies. There are people who will break friendships after only one episode of dishonesty whereas some people give second chances and even more chances. Friendship types determine the longevity and the causes of breakups. The importance of friendship in the lives of individuals is the reason why friendships are formed in the first place.

Types of Friendships:

According to Aristotle’s Nichomachean ethics, there are three types of friendships. The friendships are based on three factors i.e. utility, pleasure and goodness. The first type of friendship is based on utility and has been described as a friendship whereby both parties gain from each other.

This type of friendship is dependent on the benefits and that is what keeps the friendship going. This type of friendships do not last long because it dissolves as soon as the benefits are outsourced or when other sources are found outside the friendship. The friendship was invented for trade purposes because when two people with opposite things that depend on each other re put together, trade is maximized.

The second type of friendship is based on pleasure. This is described as friendship in which two individuals are drawn to each other based on desires of pleasure and is characterized by passionate feelings and feelings of belonging. This type of friendship can ether last long or is short-lived depending on the presence of the attraction between the two parties.

The third type of friendship is based on goodness. In this friendship, the goodness of people draw them to each other and they usually have the same virtues. The friendship involves loving each other and expecting goodness. It takes long to develop this kind of friendship but it usually lasts longest and is actually the best kind of friendship to be in. the importance of such a friendship is the social support and love.


In conclusion, friendships are important in the lives of individuals. Trust builds and sustains friendships. The different types of friendships are important because they provide benefits and social support. Friendships provide a feeling of belonging and dependence. The durability of friendships is dependent on the basis of its formation and the intention during the formation. Friendships that last long are not based on materialistic gain, instead, they are based on pure emotion.

Essay on Friendship – Introduction, Benefits and Qualities (Essay 6 – 600 Words)


Friendship is an emotion of care, mutual trust, and fondness among two persons. A friend might be a work-mate, buddy, fellow student or any individual with whom we feel an attachment.

In friendship, people have a mutual exchange of sentiments and faith too. Usually, the friendship nurtures more amongst those people who belong to a similar age as they possess the same passions, interests, sentiments, and opinions. During the school days, kids who belong to the similar age group have a common dream about their future and this makes them all of them get closer in friendship.

In the same way, employees working in business organizations also make friends as they are working together for attaining the organizational objectives. It does not matter that to which age group you belong, friendship can happen at any time of your life.

Benefits of Friendship:

Sometimes friendship is essential in our life. Below are a few benefits of friendship.

1. It’s impossible to live your life alone always but friendship fills that gap quickly with the friend’s company.

2. You can easily pass the rigidities of life with the friendship as in your distress period your friends are always there to help you.

3. Friendship teaches you how to remain happy in life.

4. In case of any confusion or problem, your friendship will always benefit you with good opinions.

True and Dishonest Friendship:

True friendship is very rare in today’s times. There are so many persons who support only those people who are in power so that they can fulfil their selfish motives below the name of friendship. They stay with friends till the time their selfish requirements are achieved. Dishonest friends leave people as soon as their power gets vanished. You can find these types of self-seeking friends all around the world who are quite hurtful than enemies.

Finding a true friendship is very difficult. A true friend helps the other friend who is in need. It does not matter to him that his friend is right or wrong but he will always support his friend at the time of his difficulty.

Carefulness in the Selection of Friendship:

You must be very careful while choosing friends. You should nurture your friendship with that person who does not leave you in your bad times easily. Once you get emotionally attached to the wrong person you cannot finish your friendship so soon. True friendship continues till the time of your last breaths and does not change with the passing time.

Friendship with a bad person also affects your own thoughts and habits. Therefore, a bad person should not be chosen in any type of circumstances. We must do friendship with full attention and carefulness.

Best Qualities of Good Friendship:

Good friendship provides people an enormous love to each other.

The below are the important qualities of good friendship:

1. Good friendship is always faithful, honest, and truthful.

2. People pay attention and take note of others thoughts in good friendship.

3. Persons quickly forget and let off the mistakes of the other friend. In fact, they accept their friend in the way they are actually.

4. You are not judged on the basis of your success, money or power in it.

5. Friends do not feel shy to provide us with valuable opinions for our welfare.

6. People always share their joyful times with their good friends and also stay ready to help their friends in the time of need.

7. True friends also support others in their professional as well as personal life. They encourage their friends in the area of their interest.


Friendship is established over the sacrifice, love, faith, and concern of mutual benefit. True Friendship is a support and a blessing for everybody. All those males and females who have true and genuine friends are very lucky really.

Essay on Friendship – Essay on True Friendship (Essay 7 – 750 Words)

Friendship can simply be defined as a form of mutual relationship or understanding between two people or more who interact and are attached to one another in a manner that is friendly. A friendship is a serious relationship of devotion between two or more people where people involved have a true and sincere feeling of affection, care and love towards each other devoid of any misunderstanding and without demands.

Primarily friendship happens between people that have the same sentiments, feelings and tastes. It is believed that there is no limit or criteria for friendship. All of the different creed, religion, caste, position, sex and age do not matter when it comes to friendship even though friendships can sometimes be damaged by economic disparity and other forms of differentiation. From all of these, it can be concluded that real and true friendship is very possible between people that have a uniform status and are like-minded.

A lot of friends we have in the world today only remain together in times of prosperity and absence of problems but only the faithful, sincere and true friends remain all through the troubles, times of hardships and our bad times. We only discover who our bad and good friends are in the times where we don’t have things going our way.

Most people want to be friends with people with money and we can’t really know if our friends are true when we have money and do not need their help, we only discover our true friends when we need their help in terms of money or any other form of support. A lot of friendships have been jeopardised because of money and the absence or presence of it.

Sometimes, we might face difficulty or crises in our friendships because of self-respect and ego. Friendships can be affected by us or others and we need to try to strike a balance in our friendships. For our friendship to prosper and be true, we need satisfaction, proper understanding and a trustworthy nature. As true friends, we should never exploit our friends but instead do our utmost best to motivate and support them in doing and attaining the very best things in life.

The true meaning of friendship is sometimes lost because of encounters with fake friends who have used and exploited us for their own personal benefits. People like this tend to end the friendship once they get what they want or stab their supposed friends in the back just to get what they think is best for them. Friendship is a very good thing that can help meet our need for companionship and other emotional needs.

In the world we live in today, it is extremely difficult to come across good and loyal friends and this daunting task isn’t made any easier by the lie and deceit of a lot of people in this generation. So, when one finds a very good and loyal important, it is like finding gold and one should do everything to keep friends like that.

The pursuit of true friendship Is not limited to humans, we can as well find good friends in animals; for example, it is a popular belief that dogs make the best friends. It is very important to have good friends as they help us in times and situations where we are down and facing difficulties. Our true friends always do their best to save us when we are in danger and also provide us with timely and good advice. True friends are priceless assets in our lives, they share our pains and sorrow, help provide relief to us in terrible situations and do their best to make us happy.

Friends can both be the good or the bad types. Good friends help push us on the right path in life while on the other hand, bad friends don’t care about us but only care about themselves and can lead us into the wrong path; because of this, we have to be absolutely careful when choosing our friends in this life.

Bad friends can ruin our lives completely so we have to be weary of them and do our best to avoid bag friends totally. We need friends in our life that will be there for us at every point in time and will share all of our feeling with us, both the good and bad. We need friends we can talk to anytime we are feeling lonely, friends that will make us laugh and smile anytime we are feeling sad.

Essay on Friendship – Importance, Types, Examples and Conclusion (Essay 8 – 1000 Words)

What is friendship? It is the purest form of relationship between two individual with no hidden agenda. As per the dictionary, it is the mutual affection between people. But, is it just a mutual affection? Not always, as in the case of best friends, it is far beyond that. Great friends share each other’s feelings or notions which bring a feeling of prosperity and mental fulfillment.

A friend is a person whom one can know deeply, as and trust for eternity. Rather than having some likeness in the idea of two people associated with the friendship, they have some extraordinary qualities yet they want to be with each other without changing their uniqueness. By and large, friends spur each other without censuring, however at times great friends scrutinize do affect you in a positive manner.

Importance of Friendship:

It is very important to have a friend in life. Each friend is vital and their significance in known to us when certain circumstances emerge which must be supported by our friends. One can never feel lonely in this world on the off chance that he or she is embraced by true friends. Then again, depression wins in the lives of the individuals who don’t have friends regardless of billions of individuals present on the planet. Friends are particularly vital amid times of emergency and hardships. On the off chance that you wind up experiencing a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the change simpler.

Having friends you can depend on can help your confidence. Then again, an absence of friends can make you feel lonely and without help, which makes you powerless for different issues, for example, sadness and drug abuse. Having no less than one individual you can depend on will formulate your confidence.

Choosing Your Friends Wisely:

Not all friends can instill the positivity in your life. There can be negative effects as well. It is very important to choose your friends with utmost wisdom. Picking the right friend is somewhat troublesome task however it is extremely important. In the event that for instance a couple of our dear friends are engaged with negative behaviour patterns, for example, smoking, drinking and taking drugs, at some point or another we will be attracted to their bad habits as well. This is the reason behind why it is appropriate to settle on an appropriate decision with regards to making friends.

Genuine friendship is truly a gift delighted in by a couple. The individuals who have it ought to express gratitude toward God for having genuine pearls in their lives and the individuals who don’t have a couple of good friends ought to always take a stab at better approaches to anchor great friends. No organization is superior to having a friend close by in the midst of need. You will stay cheerful in your one-room flat on the off chance that you are surrounded by your friends; then again, you can’t discover satisfaction even in your estate in the event that you are far away from others.

Types of Friends:

There is variety everywhere, so why not in friends. We can see different types of friends during our journey of life. For instance, your best friend at school is someone with whom you just get along the most. That friend, especially in the case of girls, may just get annoyed even if you talk to another of your friend more than her. Such is the childish nature of such friendships that at times it is difficult for others to identify whether you are best friends or competitors.

Then there is another category of your siblings. No matter how much you deny, but your siblings or your elder brother and sisters are those friends of yours who stay on with you for your entire life. You have a different set of friendship with them as you find yourself fighting with them most of the times. However, in times of need, you shall see that they are first ones standing behind you, supporting you.

There is another category of friends called professional friends. You come across such friends only when you grow up and choose a profession for yourself. These friends are usually from the same organisation and prove to be helpful during your settling years. Some of them tend to stay on with you even when you change companies.

Friendship Examples from History:

History has always taught us a lot. Examples of true friendship are not far behind. We have some famous example from history which makes us realise the true value of friendship. The topmost of them are the Krishna and Sudama friendship. We all must have read or heard as to how after becoming a king when Krishna met Sudama, his childhood friend, he treated him with honour even though Sudama was a poor person. It teaches us the friendship need not be between equals. It has to be between likeminded people. Next example is of Karna and Duryodhana, again from the Mahabharat era.

Despite knowing the fact that the Pandavas were his brothers, Karna went on to fight alongside Duryodhan as he is his best friend and even laid down his life for him. What more example of true friendship can one find? Again from the same era, Krishna and Arjun are also referred to as the best of the friends. Bhagavad Gita is an example of how a true friend can guide you towards positivity in life and make you follow the path of Dharma. Similarly, there are numerous examples from history which teach us the values of true friendship and the need to nourish such for own good.


Whether you accept or deny it, a friend plays an important role in your life. In fact, it is very important to have a friend. However, at the same time, it is extremely important to choose the friends wisely as they are the ones who can build you or destroy you. Nonetheless, a friend’s company is something which one enjoys all through life and friends should be treated as the best treasure a man can have.

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Regards, Sophia

Представлена подборка сочинений о Дружбе и Друзьях на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

Friendship Дружба One of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It is extremely important for people to have someone, who they can trust. It isn’t difficult to find friends, but not everyone can stay for a lifelong period. Those, who stay, become the closest people for us. Usually people meet, get acquainted, communicate and as a result become friends. However, only time can show, whether the friendship is strong or not. Одной из самых ценных вещей в жизни является дружба. Для людей крайне важно иметь кого-то, кому они могут доверять. Найти друзей несложно, но не каждый может остаться на длительный период. Те, кто остаются, становятся самыми близкими людьми для нас. Обычно люди встречаются, знакомятся, общаются и в результате становятся друзьями. Тем не менее, только время покажет, является ли эта дружба крепкой или нет. Читать полностью >>> What Is Friendship? Что такое дружба? Friendship is one of the best things in life. Everybody needs a good friend’s shoulder to cry on, or simply someone to share the joys and sorrows with. It isn’t easy to find faithful and caring friends though. We can meet many people who will pretend to be our friends, but after all the true friends don’t leave or betray. Дружба — одна из лучших вещей в жизни. Всем нужно плечо хорошего друга, чтобы поплакаться, или просто кто-то, чтобы разделить с ним радости и горе. И все-таки найти верных и заботливых друзей нелегко. Мы можем встретить множество людей, которые будут лишь делать вид, что они нам друзья, но в итоге остаются только те, которые всегда с нами и не предадут. Читать полностью >>> My Friends Мои друзья As we live, we meet lots of interesting people in our way. Some become our friends, some just acquaintances and some stay for a long time with becoming our best friends. Friendship is an important part of life. In friendship people of similar interests unite, they trust and support each other. На протяжении жизни мы встречаем много интересных людей на нашем пути. Некоторые становятся нашими друзьями, некоторые просто знакомыми, а некоторые остаются с нами надолго и становятся нашими лучшими друзьями. Дружба является важной частью жизни. В дружбе люди со схожими интересами объединяются, проявляют доверие и поддерживают друг друга. Читать полностью >>> What Is More Important Family Or Friends? Что важнее семья или друзья? Happiness consists of many components, including loving family and faithful friends. Both these social groups are very important for each person. Everyone needs support, love and attention. When we are happy, we need close people to share our happiness with them. When we are sad, we need family and friends to support us. I think that those, who have at least two or three really close and trustworthy people beside them, are really lucky. Счастье состоит из многих компонентов, в том числе любящей семьи и верных друзей. Обе эти социальные группы очень важны для каждого человека. Каждый нуждается в поддержке, любви и внимания. Когда мы счастливы, мы хотим поделиться нашим счастьем с близкими нам людьми. Когда нам грустно, мы нуждаемся в поддержке семьи и друзей. Я думаю, что тем, у кого рядом есть, по крайней мере, два или три действительно близких и надежных человека, действительно повезло. Читать полностью >>> A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed Друг познается в беде Friends play a very important role in our lives. But not every person around us can be called a good friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed – we all know this saying and I believe this is true. I believe it is very important that you have a person beside you who you can trust. One of the most important things in a good friend for me is being supportive. Друзья играют важную роль в нашей жизни. Но не каждого, кто находится вокруг нас можно назвать хорошим другом. Друг познается в беде – мы все знаем эту поговорку и я считаю, что это правда. Думаю, очень важно иметь рядом с собой человека, которому можно доверять. Одна из самых важных вещей в хорошем друге – это поддержка. Читать полностью >>> My Friend Мой друг Вариант 1
My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the sixth grade. I have a lot of friends but I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He’s my school-mate. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive.

Вариант 2
I have a best friend Petya Vasiliev. We live in the same building and have known each other from an early age. Petya is two years older than me, but this does not stop us from getting along because we are very much alike. Вариант 1
Меня зовут Сергей. Мне 12 лет. Я учусь в шестом классе. У меня много друзей, но я хочу рассказать о своём лучшем друге. Его зовут Александр. Он учится со мной в одном классе. Саша весёлый, любознательный и добрый. Он очень отзывчивый.

Вариант 2
У меня есть лучший друг Петя Васильев. Мы живем с ним в одном доме и знакомы с ранних лет. Петя на два года старше меня, но это не мешает нам находить с ним общий язык, потому что мы очень похожи. Читать полностью >>> My Best Friend Мой лучший друг Every person should have friends, because with them, our life becomes much easier and happier. I have quite many friends, but there is one among them, who is the best and closest one, and the name of this person is Maxim.

The story of our acquaintance started a long time ago. Друзья обязательно должны быть у каждого человека, поскольку с ними наша жизнь становится намного проще и счастливее. У меня довольно много друзей, но есть среди них один — самый лучший и близкий, и зовут этого человека Максим. История нашего знакомства началась уже очень давно. Читать полностью >>> A Good Friend Хороший друг A friend in need is a friend indeed – we all know this saying and I believe this is true. Friends play a very important role in our lives. When we feel sad they entertain us, when we are lonely they make a company for us. So who can we call a good friend? Друг познается в беде – все мы знаем эту поговорку и я считаю, что это правда. Друзья играют очень важную роль в нашей жизни. Когда нам грустно, они нас веселят, когда нам одиноко – составляют нам компанию. Так кого же мы можем назвать хорошим другом? Читать полностью >>> What Is A True Friend Кто такой настоящий друг Most positive people we meet in life become our friends. It’s is especially good if they share the same interests with us. However, it’s necessary to realize that only a few of them stay true friends. As the time goes by we realize that these few become almost like a family for us. Большинство позитивных людей, которых мы встречаем в жизни, становятся нашими друзьями. В особенности хорошо, если они разделяют с нами одни и те же интересы. Тем не менее, нужно понимать, что только немногие из них становятся настоящими друзьями. С течением времени мы понимаем, что эти немногие становятся для нас почти семьей. Читать полностью >>> My Friend Моя подруга My name is Mary. I’m twelve years old. I want to tell about my best friend. Her name is Ann. We are of the same age and she’s my school-mate. Ann is very beautiful and clever girl. She’s purposeful, hard-working and patient person. She always achieves success and overcomes difficulties. Меня зовут Мария. Мне 12 лет. Я хочу рассказать о своей лучшей подруге. Её зовут Аня. Она моя ровесница, мы учимся в одном классе. Аня очень красивая и умная девочка. Она очень целеустремлённая, старательная и терпеливая. Всегда добивается своего, как трудно бы не было. Читать полностью >>> About My Friend Рассказ о друге First of all I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Irina and I’m fourteen years old. I study at a state secondary school in the eighth form. I have very friendly classmates at school. We’ve studied together since I was six. Many things have changed, but most of my good friends stayed here. Прежде всего, я хотела бы представиться. Меня зовут Ирина, мне четырнадцать лет. Я учусь в средней общеобразовательной школе в восьмом классе. У меня очень дружелюбные одноклассники в школе. Мы учимся вместе с шести лет. Многое изменилось с тех пор, но большинство моих хороших друзей остались здесь. Читать полностью >>> My Friend’s Biography Биография друга My bestfriend’s name is Timofey Steponov. He was born on February 9, 2005 in Ekaterinburg and 5 years later his parents moved to Saint-Petersburg. He started going to kindergarden number 9 in Kalininskiy district and that’s where we met because I was going there too. Моего лучшего друга зовут Степанов Тимофей. Он родился 9 февраля 2005 года в городе Екатеринбурге, но затем через пять лет вместе с родителями переехал в Санкт-Петербург. Здесь Тимофей сначала посещал детский сад №9 Калининского районы, где мы и познакомились с ним, так как ходили в одну группу. Читать полностью >>> My Friend’s Character Характер моего друга I suppose every person has the best friend and so do I. Susie and I met when we were at school and we became friends immediately. They say extremes meet but this is not about me and my friend. We are very similar to each other and I believe this is very important. We have the same interests, we listen to the same music. We both like going to the cinema and play tennis. Думаю, что у каждого есть лучший друг и я не исключение. Мы с Сьюзи встретились еще в школе и сразу стали друзьями. Говорят, противоположности притягиваются, но это не о нас. Мы очень похожи, и я думаю, это очень важно. У нас похожие интересы, мы слушаем одну и ту же музыку. Мы любим ходить в кино и играть в теннис. Читать полностью >>> Appearance Of My Friend Внешность моего друга The name of my friend is Alex. He is very kind and cheerful boy. I have known Alex for five years. Now he is fifteen. When I met my friend first time, he was a small boy with thick dark hair, round face and big brown eyes. Моего друга зовут Алекс. Он очень добрый и веселый парень. Я знаю Алекса уже пять лет. Сейчас ему 15. Когда я встретил моего друга первый раз, он был маленьким мальчиком с густыми темными волосами, круглым лицом и большими карими глазами. Читать полностью >>> How To Be A Good Friend Как быть хорошим другом Being a good friend is not always easy, but the friendship built over time is true and long-lasting. It is worth every bit of the effort. Over the years some people will join you, others will leave you. A lot depends on mutual interests, likes and dislikes. However, it’s not the most important issue. Быть хорошим другом не всегда легко, но дружба, проверенная временем, является подлинной и долговечной. Она стоит усилий. С годами одни люди будут приходить к вам, другие покидать вас. Многое зависит от взаимных интересов, симпатий и антипатий. Однако, это не самый важный показатель. Читать полностью >>> Why Do We Need Friends? Зачем нужны друзья? There is a wise saying: “A friend in need is a friend indeed” and it is always true. A friend is a person who you can trust. I think that everyone needs good friends, otherwise life becomes boring. We all need people to laugh and to cry with, to go out and to have fun with, to play active and board games with and finally to share darkest secrets with, etc. These people are called friends. Существует мудрая поговорка: «Друзья познаются в беде», и это правда. Друг это тот человек, которому можно доверять. Я думаю, что каждый человек нуждается в хороших друзьях, иначе жизнь становится скучной. Нам всем нужны люди, с которыми мы будем смеяться и плакать, выходить в свет и весело проводить время, играть в активные или настольные игры и, наконец, делиться самыми сокровенными тайнами с и т.д. Эти люди называются друзьями. Читать полностью >>> A Piece of Advice For My Friend Совет другу What can be better than a piece of advice from a friend when you have a problem? When we do not know what to do we always ask a friend that can have a look at our problem from his perspective and may see the way to solve it that we couldn’t think of. I’m happy to use my friends’ ideas and I have never regretted it. В сложной ситуации, что может быть лучше дружеского совета? Когда мы не знаем, как поступить, мы всегда обращаемся к товарищу, который может посмотреть на проблему со стороны и увидеть те пути ее решения, которые, возможно, сейчас недоступны для нашего восприятия. Я с радостью пользуюсь советами своих друзей и еще ни разу не пожалел об этом. Читать полностью >>> Can Boys and Girls Be Friends? Существует ли дружба между мальчиком и девочкой Sometimes it’s hard to be friend with an opposite gender because boys and girls are very different. You can see their differences even when they are little. Girls prefer to play with dolls, boys play with toy soldiers and make small armies. When they grow up, girls spend their time with their girlfriends and talk about everything. Представителям противоположного пола порой сложно дружить друг с другом, поскольку девочки и мальчики очень разные. Эти различия проявляются еще в раннем детстве. Уже тогда девочки предпочитают играть в куклы, а мальчики выстраивают целые армии из игрушечных солдатиков. Повзрослев, девочки все время проводят в окружении подруг, с которыми обсуждают все на свете. Читать полностью >>> Quarrel With a Friend Ссора с другом Nothing can be worse than a quarrel with a friend. Every time it happens I feel sick at heart but my pride doesn’t let me take the first step to make up. I recall last year I had a quarrel with my friend Kolya because of some insignificant thing and after that we didn’t talk for 2 months because we couldn’t accept that we both were wrong. Нет ничего хуже ссоры с другом. Когда происходит такая ситуация, мне всегда очень тяжело на душе, но из-за своей гордости я редко первым решаюсь пойти на примирение. Помню, в прошлом году мы с моим товарищем Колей поссорились из-за сущего пустяка, но после не разговаривали целых два месяца, так как оба не хотели признавать свою неправоту. Читать полностью >>> The Relationships With my Friend Взаимоотношения с моим другом The friendship is a very important word for me. My parents teach me to appreciate friends. I have a lot of mates in the school and in my football team. But I have my close friend too. His name is Nick. We are friends from elementary school. We found common ground with Nick so fast. Firstly, we were playing during break time. Then we began to go to the library and do homework together. We found a lot of common interests: sport, video games, reading. Дружба – это очень важное слово для меня. Мои родители учат меня ценить друзей. У меня много приятелей в школе и в команде по футболу. Но также у меня есть близкий друг. Его зовут Ник. Мы дружим с начальной школы. Мы быстро нашли общий язык с Ником. Сначала мы просто играли на переменах. Потом мы начали вместе ходить в библиотеку и делать домашнюю работу. Мы нашли много общих интересов: спорт, видео игры, чтение. Читать полностью >>>

Friendship is a relationship of mutual trust, care and love between two individuals or a close group of people. Friendship neither depends on gender nor on age. Even, people of different genders and decades of age difference, are sometimes found to be good friends. For example, it is quite possible that your grandmother is your best friend, irrespective of whether you are a boy or a girl. What I believe is that, friendship always gives happiness and joy, irrespective of the age, caste, culture or religion of your friend or friends. It is a platform through which you can share your happiness, sorrow and even secrets with someone you love to spend your time with.

Long and Short Essay on Friendship in English

We have provided below short and long essay on Friendship in English for your information and knowledge.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English to let you easily remember and present it when needed.

After going through these friendship essay you will know what friendship is, why friendship is important in our life, what are the qualities of good friends etc.

The essays will prove useful during events like Friendship Day, when you are asked to write an essay on friendship, give a speech or take part in a debate.

Friendship Essay 1 (100 Words)

Friendship is a faithful and loyal relationship between two or more person living anywhere in the world. We cannot leave our whole life alone and need a faithful relationship to someone to live happily called friends. Friends have intimate relationship and ca trust to each other forever. It is not limited to the age, sex and position of the person means friendship can be between men and women, men and men, women and women or human to animals of any age group. However, generally it grows between the persons of the same age without the limitation of sex and position. Friendship can develop between persons having similar or different passions, emotions or sentiments.


Friendship Essay 2 (150 words)

Friendship is the most valuable relationship in the life of a person instead of having many important things in life. No one of us has complete and satisfied life if we lack faithful friendship. Everyone needs a good and loyal friend to share bad or good life events, enjoy happy moments and share unbearable events of the life. A good and balanced human interaction is very necessary for the survival of everyone.

Good friends share each other’s emotions or sentiments which bring feeling of well being and mental satisfaction. A friend is a person whom one can know deeply, like and trust forever. Instead of being some similarity in the nature of two persons involved in the friendship, they have some different traits but they need each other without changing their uniqueness. Generally, friends motivate each other without criticizing but sometimes good friends criticize to bring some positive changes in each other.

Friendship Essay 3 (200 words)

A true friendship is the most precious gift of the life of persons involved in it. A person is called very lucky having true friends in his/her life. True friendship gives us memorable, sweet and pleasant experiences of many types in the life. Friendship is the most precious asset of one’s life which he/she never wants to lose. True friendship leads two or more persons involved in it towards success without any demotion in life. Searching a best friend is not an easy process, sometimes we get success and sometimes we lose because of misunderstandings to each other.

Friendship is a devoted feeling of love to which we can share anything about our life and care for each other always. A friend is someone who understands and appreciates other one without any exaggeration. True friends never becomes greedy to each other instead they want to give something better to each other in life. There are any boundaries or differentiation of age, caste, race, creed and sex exist between them. They know the realities of each other and live satisfactorily by helping each other.

Human is a social being and cannot live alone; he/she needs someone to share his/her feelings of joy or sorrow. Generally, a successful friendship exists between persons of same age, character and background. Friends are the loyal support for each other who aimlessly support during bad moments of life.

Friendship Essay 4 (250 words)

Friendship is the divine relationship between two or more persons. Friendship is another name of care and support to each other. It is based on the trust, feelings and proper understandings to each other. It is very ordinary and loyal relationship between two or more social people. People involved in the friendship care and support for each other forever without any greediness. The relationship of true friends becomes stronger day by day with care and trust.

Friends trust and support each other without showing their vanity and power to each other. They have sense of equity in their mind and know that anyone of them may need care and support anytime. Dedication and trust is very necessary to maintain the friendship for long time. Sometimes greedy people become unable to lead their friendship for long because of the lots of demands and lack of satisfaction. Some people make friendship just to fulfill their interests and demands.

Searching a good friend in the big crowd of people is as hard as searching a diamond in the coal mine. Real friends are not those who only stand with us in our good moments of life but those who stand in our trouble too. We must be careful while choosing our best friend as we may get cheated by someone. Getting a best friend in the life is very hard for everyone and if one gets it, he/she is really bestowed with the true love of God. A good friend always supports in bad time and suggests to go on the right path.

Friendship Essay 5 (300 words)

True friends are really bestowed to someone special in the life after hard works. Real friendship is the true relationship of two or more people where only trust exists without any demands. One always ready to give care, support and other needed things to other in the true friendship. Friends are very important in the lives of everyone as they play a great role in standing someone needy person by giving love, care and emotional support. Friendships can be between two or more people of any age group, sex, position, race or caste. However, generally friendship occurs between people of same age.

Some people successfully carry their childhood friendship for whole life however someone get break in between due to the misunderstanding, lack of time or other problems. Some people tend to have many friends at their kindergarten or primary level but only one or no one they carry in later life. Some people tend to have only one or two friends which they carry in later life even in old age very wisely. Friends can be from outside the family (neighbour, relative, etc) or inside the family (one of the family members).

Friends can be both types good or bad, good friends lead us on good path whereas bad friends lead us on bad path, so we should be careful while choosing friends in life. Bad friends can be proved very bad to us as they are quite enough to ruin our life completely. We need someone special in our life to share our feelings (happy or sad), to talk someone to remove our loneliness, to make laugh someone sad and many more. In the good company of our friends we get motivation to do any hard work in life and it becomes easy to pass bad times cheerfully.

Friendship Essay 6 (400 words)

Friendship is a devoted relation between two people in which both of them have true feeling of love, care and affection to each other without any demands and misunderstanding. Generally friendship occurs between two people having same tastes, feelings and sentiments. It is considered that friendship has no any limitations of age, sex, position, caste, religion and creed but sometimes it is seen that economic disparity or other differentiation damages the friendship. Thus it can be said that true and real friendship is possible between two like-minded and uniform status people having feeling of affection to each other.

There are many friends in the world who always remains together at the time of prosperity but only true, sincere and faithful friends who never let us to be alone in our bad times, time of hardship and trouble. Our bad times make us realize us about our good and bad friends. Everyone has attraction towards the money by nature but true friends never make us feel bad when we become in need of money or other support. However, sometimes lending or borrowing of money from friends keeps friendship in great risk. Friendship may be affected anytime by others or own so we need to make a balance in this relationship.

Sometimes friendship gets broken due to the ego and matter of self-respect. True friendship needs proper understanding, satisfaction, helping nature trust. True friend never exploits but tends to motivate each other to do right things in life. But sometimes the meaning of friendship becomes changed totally due to some fake and fraud friends who always use another one in wrong ways. Some people have tendency to unite as soon as possible but they also tend to terminate their friendship as soon as their interests become fulfilled. It is difficult to say something bad about the friendship but it is true that any careless person gets cheated in friendship. Now a day, it is very hard to find true friends in the crowd of bad and good people but if someone has true friend, no other than him is lucky and precious in the world.

True friendship can be between human and human and human and animals. There is no any doubt that best friends help in our difficulties and bad times of the life. Friends always try to save us in our dangers as well as provide timely advice. True friends are like best assets of our life as they share our sorrow, sooth our pain and make us feel happy.


Any relationship importance a lot in people’s life. All the essays given above are essay on friendship under various words limits written especially for the students by keeping in mind their needs and requirements. Above friendship essay can be used by the students of any class from one to twelfth. You can get various related essays such as:

My Best Friend Essay

Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Essay

Essay on A Good Friend

Speech on Friendship

Slogans on Friendship

Paragraph on Friendship

Paragraph on My Best Friend

Essay on Friendship: Friendship is a treasure trove of connections on love and acceptance. It’s a bond developed between those who feel at home. The friendship bond one develops, can last for a day, a month, or even years. It’s not necessary to develop friendships based on similar emotions or feelings; friendships have no age, gender, or culture. You might be the adventure type, but your best friend(s) might be a nerd. From sharing stories to stealing chocolates, friendship holds special in the heart. However, life without a dedicated and trusted friend is sometimes lonely. Friendship is a relationship that grows stronger in time. Thus, essays on friendships are relevant topics

To aid students seeking essay write-ups for assignment purposes, here is a long and short essay for reference. Additionally, we have noted ten-line pointers as a map to guide you through the article for better understanding and help you frame better comprehension essays.

You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Friendship for Kids and Students in English

Below are two essays- a 400-500 words long descriptive Essay on Friendship for students and a 150-200 words Essay on Friendship for children on the topic that will guide you.

Long Essay About Friendship in English 500 Words

Long Essay on Friendship is helpful to students of Classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 and 12.

Friendship is the most expensive and beautiful gift one can give someone. As time passes by, lots of people will walk past, but only some stay with you forever, and those friendships will stick by one’s side through thick and thin. Lucky are those people with friends that can be trusted and wish to stay forever.

A person acquainted with diverse people in their life might be a part of a vast friend circle, but they would depend on just one or a maximum of two people whom they trust to their personal space and emotions. That bond created with those special people is true friendship. There are two basic types of friendships one develops- good friends and best friends. An authentic and special bond friendship grows with the true or best friend who makes life easier and happier.

The most crucial part of friendships is the judgment-free relationship. In a true friendship bond, a person is free of any gripping fears of judgment and can complete themselves. It makes the person feel accepted and loved. True friendship is the reason for people to stay strong in life with the assurance that their best friend is for them. A life devoid of friendship is an incomplete puzzle to keep one happy. A few have families and friends while some have lost their families, but, are backed up by friendships. Sometimes, one’s friendship becomes family. Thus, sharing a true friendship bond is a rarity.

Friendship holds significant stature in life as it teaches unforgettable life lessons. Some valuable lessons that will change your life, how to love others apart from family, how to behave in front of people or friends. Friendships never create bad times; instead, give one the best memories to live upon. Friendships teach you to understand and trust people. Real friends will constantly motivate and cheer; sometimes, they will even direct you the paths and save you. However, one should know how to differentiate between toxic and beneficial friendships.

Students can also find Paragraph on Friendship and Friendship Speech from here.

Similarly, friendship teaches the importance of loyalty and reliability. There is no greater feeling in the world than a loyal, trustworthy friend by your side. However, friendship isn’t a one-way path, to experience loyalty and trust; one needs to return the mutual feelings to complete the circle of friendship. Moreover, friendships build a strong relationship bond and aids to growth. For instance, despite fights and arguments, friends set the differences aside and come back together. This teaches patience and develops a strong bond.

Therefore, friendships are real-life connections. Real friends help each other during tough times and the difficult phases of life. They are only life-savers during a rough period, but also the best timely-advisers. True friends are the most assets of life who share the space of sorrow, happiness, and pain. They are the filler breaks of the monotonous life.

Essay on Friendship

Short Essay on Friendship 100 Words In English

Short Essay on Friendship is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Friendship is that special God-given gift to humans with whom one can share multiple resonating feelings. A good friend gives the right guidance and is the most sincere person devoid of personal motive and makes incredible sacrifices.

A good friend stands to guard irrespective of the fair and foul weather. It is always easy and straightforward to befriend someone; however, being a good friend takes a lifetime. Being a good friend or friendship is not a temporary phase in life.

Friendship is a sensitive and delicate bond that needs careful tackle to prevent the feeling of hurt. It may last for ages and form an unbreakable bond until one proves wrong. However, dissimilar people tend not to become friends. A strong friendship bond is developed when friends share a mutual value system, ideas, and taste. A friendship with no equal balance of emotions will break apart.

A good friendship needs communication. Good friends share each problem, difficulty, and sort out differences. They can help to mold the character, and one needs to be careful while befriending someone. That’s why friendships are a special gift from God.

10 Lines Essay About Friendship for Students

  1. Friendship is a bond between individuals based on mutual thoughts or mindsets.
  2. A good friend is that person with whom one can share their secret experiences and feelings
  3. Friendship grows stronger over some time and develops into a strong relationship bond
  4. A real friend guides direct and tries to bring out the best and positive change
  5. The ability to sacrifice is the crucial characteristic of friendship
  6. A true is ready to sacrifice for the betterment of the other
  7. Friendship holds special space for respect and responsibility
  8. ‘A friend in need is a friend in deed’ completes the essence and defines friendship
  9. Friendship comprises of care and support for each other during the hardest times
  10. Friendship is a bond that ensures happiness especially during times

you can also read Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life

Essay about Friendship

Frequently Asked Questions on Friendship Topic Essay

Question 1.
What is the appropriate age for a child to bond with friends?

Children develop friends when in preschool, but the child’s “friends” until the 12 will likely change frequently. However, friendships built after that become a bond.

Question 2.
Why is the importance of friendships developed during childhood?

Friendships developed at the toddler stages help the child adapt quickly to the environment. Besides, it aids the child’s social and emotional development boosts their self-confidence.

Question 3.
How long does a friendship last?

While some friendships last lifetime, some on an average last for about ten years.

Question 4.
What is the most common reason for broken friendships?

The most common reason for broken friendships is life in general. People move on with life and eventually they lose their best friend(s).

A best friend is a very special and closest person in the life whom we can share the most important things in life and take support anytime.

Long and Short Essay on My Best Friend in English

We have provided here various paragraph and essay on my best friend (short and descriptive) under different words limit for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, etc. Our written my best friend essay will ease the tension of parents and students. You can choose any of the essays for your kids and children according to the need:

My Best Friend Essay 1 (100 words)

My best friend is Archana from the school time. We are good friends from the childhood and still continue. She is a smart girl having fair complexion and dimpled cheeks. She is a pretty girl, I like so much her. I still remember that we were met in our kindergarten class and became great friends forever. She is very entertaining, jolly and helpful in nature. She understands me a lot and become always ready to help me in my all bad or happy conditions. We are classmates and become together every time. We go to the school everyday together and play sports daily in the nearby ground of our house.

My Best Friend

My Best Friend Essay 2 (150 words)

It is very tough for everyone to be involved in the true friendship however if one get it become very lucky in a big crowd. It is a divine and most precious gift of the life. Getting true friend is rare and counted as a big achievement of the life. I am as lucky as I have a good friend from my childhood. His name is Naveen and he is still with me. He is very valuable for me and I value his friendship a lot. Really, he is my best and true friend.

We both are in class 7 and studying well. My best friend is very lovely in nature and loved by everyone such as my parents, my class teacher, my neighbours, etc. He is one of the ideal students of my class. He is very punctual and come to the school at right time. He always completes his home task timely and regularly as well as helps me too. He keeps his books and copies very clean. His writing is very nice and he promotes me to write well too.

My Best Friend Essay 3 (200 words)

My best friend is someone special whom I can share my all feelings. He is Raghav. He lives with me as my neighbour in the same colony. We met each other in the nursery class on the very first day. We sit together in the classroom and share everything very happily without any problem. We know each other very well as well as understand each other’s need. He is leadership in nature, tall, fair in complexion, good looking and smart. She is very good in studies and behaves well with everyone. He does his class work and homework very attentively. He is favourite student of class teacher as he is very punctual and follows all the etiquettes.

We share our Tiffin in the lunch time. He respects my feelings and helps me always. Many things of us like hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc are similar. We love to listen music, watching cartoons and playing carom at home. We take care of each other in the school and playground. We share school copies and help each other whenever one of us remain absent in the school. We love drawing sceneries and arts in our spare time. We go at tour and picnic with our parents together in every winter and summer vacation.

My Best Friend Essay 4 (250 words)

The name of my best friend is Jyoti. She is my good friend and cares for me a lot. She behaves me well and helps always. I met her in class 6 and became best friend. She is my true friend because she understands me very well and cares for my every need. I like her very much. I never had any friend like her ever before. She comes to my home and I too go to her home. Our parents respects us very much and like our friendship. She is so precious for me and I never want to lose her. Whenever I get absent in the classroom, she helps me in doing all the left home works and class works.

She is much similar to me in many aspects. She never argues me and describes me well anything which I get stuck. She is an open minded girl and never feels bad for my misbehave. She is very entertaining in nature and makes me laugh through her interesting jokes and talks in the spare time. She is very cute and attractive, attracts everyone through her smile and nice way of talk. She promotes me always to do better in the classroom and exams. We are good in sports and academic activities. She takes my opinions in her every tough work to do in the right way. We manage to share things in our difficult times. We always perform better in the class tests and main exams.

My Best Friend Essay 5 (300 words)

I have lots of friends from my childhood but Rushi is my best friend forever. She lives in the apartment adjacent to my house with her parents. She is a nice girl and helping in nature. True friendship is very necessary to all of us to go ahead and get right track in the life. Getting best and true friends in the life is very tough task however some luckiest one get it. She is the first person among my all friends whom I can share my all feeling. She is very good in nature and helps everyone. She is a class monitor and loved by all teachers of the class. She performed well the sports and academic activities. She has good personality and love to help needy people.

She is very friendly in nature to everyone and meets warmly. She thinks positively and motivates us all time. She talks very politely and never quarrels to me and others. She never tells lie and has good manners. She is very funny person and loves to tell us funny stories and jokes whenever we become sad. She is a compassionate friend and always cares for me. She has ability to do anything hard in her life and I always appreciate her for each small and big achievements. She is a popular student of the school because she is good in academic, sports and other extra activities.

She always gets high score in the class tests and main exams. She explains any subjective matter in very easy way during exam time. She has good observation power and skill. She catches everything very fast whenever teacher explains in the classroom. She plays football very well and has taken part in many school level and district level competitions and won prizes too.

My Best Friend Essay 6 (400 words)

I have a best friend ever in my life named Ashutosh. He is someone special in my life who helps me in my every difficulty. He is someone who showed me right path. He always has time for me even in his busy schedule. He is my neighbour that’s why we become together even after school time. We go together at picnic whenever we get vacation from school. We enjoy our festival holidays together and with each other’s family. We go to see Ramlila fair in the Ramlila ground together and enjoy a lot. We always take part in every extracurricular activities of the school. We love to play cricket and carom at home. He is more than a mentor for me because he always gives me right decisions whenever I become in difficulty.

He is so special for me in my life; I never do anything without him. He always become in a good mood and never compromise with wrong ways. He always does right things and motivates every one of us in the classroom to do the same. He always has smiling face even in his difficult times and never let his difficulties to come on his face. He is a good counsellor and loves to explain anything. He cares for his parents, grandparents and other family members. He obeys them always and other old people of the society. I met him first time when I was in the fifth grade and now we are in 8th standard in the same section.

He is very tall and looks different from my other classmates. Once I was very upset because of money problem. I could not buy all necessary books in the class 6. He asked me, what happened and I told him my story. He said that, for this small problem you are so worry and not happy for some days. He laughed and told me that don’t worry we can share all books in the school as well as at home. You don’t need to buy even any single book for whole year. After that he made me laugh through his jokes and stories. I never forget that moment he helped me and always become ready to help him too. He is so practical and never mixes the personal and professional life. He helps me always whenever I get difficulties in solving my Maths homework. Our likes and dislikes never match however we are best friends.

“A best friend is someone with whom you share a strong bond, someone you can trust and confide in, and someone who supports you through thick and thin. For me, that person is my childhood friend, [Name].

We have known each other since we were five years old, and ever since then, we have been inseparable. [Name] has always been there for me, through the good times and the bad. Whether I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with, [Name] was always by my side.

One of the things I love about [Name] is their genuine kindness and caring nature. They never hesitate to lend a helping hand, and their positive attitude always lifts my spirits. [Name] has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh, even on my darkest days.

Another quality that sets [Name] apart as my best friend is their honesty. They are always straightforward with me, and I know that I can trust their opinions and advice. [Name] never sugarcoats anything and always tells me the truth, even if it’s not what I want to hear.

In addition to being a great friend, [Name] is also an amazing listener. They never judge me and always make me feel heard and understood. [Name] has a unique ability to put themselves in my shoes and offer perspectives and insights that I may not have considered before.

Lastly, [Name] and I have so many shared memories and experiences that bring us even closer together. From sleepovers and movie nights to trips and adventures, we have created a bond that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, my best friend [Name] is truly one of a kind. They have been a constant source of support, laughter, and comfort in my life, and I am so grateful to have them by my side. I know that no matter where life takes us, our friendship will remain strong, and I cherish every moment we spend together.”

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