One word answers through text

Well, you shouldn’t, pushing things to find another outcome sucks because you are only hurting yourself only. You will find yourself in a loophole trying hard to receive a different answer and you will waste time and maybe you will be hurt (if this is someone you have feelings for). One word answers may vary the cause but if it is too often then consider to stop talking to those people because on the other side, they may have lost interest or don’t care at all for you. If you want to know why they are cold you should ask what is going on (if before their one words answer you were talking a lot) and then truly know the cause (if they are honest of course), it will save you from a lot of problems and pain. You will be thankful in a future scenario.

Edit; Forgot to say, you may not be the problem of their behavior, people have a lot of problems in their heads and most of them not even know what they want so, don’t take it personal.

Whether it’s through an email or text, people have mixed thoughts about receiving one-word answers.  They aren’t tricky to figure out; they are more annoying than anything.

Recently on the show, Mark talked about how 34% of the population thinks that sending one-worded answers through texting is rude.  I agree with him to an extent because it all depends on the content of the message.  For example, you could be confirming a time to meet with a friend or asking someone what they want for dinner.

Bolde released a story about different meanings behind one-word answers.  The Top 10 meanings of one-word answers include:

1. It Makes Me Think You Hate Me- This may seem true if someone is sending a paragraph in a message the only response is, «Cool» or «Great.»  It just looks like you are mad at the other person sending the message.

2. It’s Rude- You wouldn’t say a one-word answer in-person so why say it over an email or text?

3. I’ll Want To Assume You Want To End The Conversation- Some people who send one-word answers might be done talking to you.  If you can take a hint, then just stop the conversation.

To find out more reasons behind one-worded answers, check out the Bolde article. How do you feel about one-word answers?

Pretend you’re texting the guy you like. The conversation is flowing, texts are going back and forth, the mood seems fantastic, and then you get hit out of nowhere with a one-word answer.

It could look something like this:






Suddenly, your conversation stutters to a cold and awkward halt. You wonder to yourself how you’re supposed to answer that and return back to the flowing conversation from before.

Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll be showing you how to reply to one-word texts from guys, as well as tell you why he’s sending you those curt messages at all.

Why He’s Sending You One-Word Texts in the First Place

We’ll start by explaining why he’s suddenly decided to become the world’s laziest texter. There are several reasons behind his icy tone:

He’s just not that into you.

The most hurtful answer is simple: he’s not into, or he’s grown bored of you. This is more likely if you’re still early on in your relationship in the “getting to know him” stage.

In those first few weeks of “just talking,” the relationship is young and fragile. You probably don’t even have any sort of formal commitment yet. Because he could be (and probably is) talking to other girls, you need to keep his interest if you really like him.

The one-word answer could be a great way for you to gauge his interest level. At this point, it shows to you that he doesn’t care enough to put effort into your conversation.

Read Next: How to Text a Guy You Just Met

He’s a little busy at the moment.

"If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now."

A one-word text doesn’t have to be a bad sign. If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now.

For example, if he’s answering you on a quick break at work or while he’s visiting his mom, he doesn’t necessarily have the time to send you more…but he still cared enough to try and answer you, anyway.

When he sends you that dreaded one-word text, think about the time of day. Did you knowingly text him in the middle of his shift at work? Do you know if he had any plans at the time you texted him?

If you can answer yes to those questions, you can be more confident that he’s just a bit occupied.

VIDEO REVEALS: Secret ‘Desire’ text message that men are powerless to resist

He doesn’t realize he’s coming off as cold.

Men are often solution-focused. This means that, if one word perfectly sums up the response to something, he might spring for it because it makes sense.

He’s not necessarily trying to be rude, nor does he realize he’s coming off as cold. It’s kind of hard to tell if this is the case, though.

If he does this often, but seems interested in continuing the conversation by texting you again afterward, it’s a pretty good sign that his texting skills might just need a little polishing. He probably doesn’t know that he seems disinterested.

He could be testing your interest.

Unfortunately, both men and women play a lot of games when it comes to dating. We do this to protect our hearts from hurt.

Your guy could be doing exactly that when he sends you a one-word answer. He might be unsure how interested you are in him, so he sends you that single word, waiting to see what you do next. What he’s looking for in your response varies based on the man in question.

Again, this is another hard one to pinpoint. You can try looking at your past interactions to see if he has a pattern of playing games with you.

If you think he’s playing games with you, make sure to read our guide on what to text a guy who is playing games.

You Might Also Like: Random Things to Text a Guy You Like (That He Won’t Be Able to Resist)

He’s upset.

"Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint."

We’ve all been sulky before. Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint.

At other times, we send them that one-word message when we don’t know what else to say. Your guy could be doing the exact same thing.

To determine if this is what’s going on, take a step back and look at the circumstances surrounding the text. Did you just have a disagreement or an argument? Are you giving him some bad news?

Then there’s a good chance his cold reply is just him indicating he’s upset.

He’s trying to play it cool.

Here’s another game that we often play in the early stages of relationships: hard to get. You know how it works – you pretend to be less interested than you really are so you don’t come off as desperate.

Women aren’t the only ones who do this. Men frequently try to keep it cool, too, which could be exactly what he’s doing with his one-word texts.

Like many of the other causes, this one is hard to tell. It’s something you might not ever discover until later, when you know him well enough to ask him why he did it.

Recommended Article: Interesting Text Messages to Send to a Guy (With 15+ Intriguing Examples)

Don’t answer him at all.

Ignoring him might seem childish, but we honestly think it’s your overall best option. It can apply to every single reason for him sending you the one-word text.

Think he might be busy? Not texting him back could free him up to focus on other things and show him you respect his space.

If he’s playing games with you or losing interest, the lack of a response is a clear signal that you’re not desperate for him. When he realizes you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll be forced to see that he must work harder to keep your attention.

And if he’s being sulky, not answering him will give him time to stew in peace. Once he cools down, he should text you again himself if he’s actually interested in you.

Take a little break from him.

Ignoring him completely might seem too rude to you. And when you’re really smitten with him, you’ll feel less inclined to take risks like that with your relationship.

We hear you. If cutting him off completely until he steps up his game is too drastic, consider the happy medium: ending the conversation yourself for now.

After he sends you that frustrating single-word text, tell him you’ve got to go for now. Then, simply take a bit of a break from him or your phone. If you can, wait for him to text you next.

Send him a one-word answer of your own.

"Sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels."

We’re not the kind of people to constantly tell you to give someone “a taste of their own medicine,” especially when it comes to romance. In the arena of love, we should strive to be the best we can be.

However, sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels. Don’t be rude about it by sending him a haughty “whatever;” instead, just send him something acknowledging his answer, like “okay.”

Then don’t say anything else. Let him come to you when he’s ready to talk more.

If you know him well, check in on him.

When you’ve been talking to him longer or you’ve already started a committed relationship, you’re probably at a point where you can confide in each other. If you know him better and can sense that he’s upset, ask him if he’s doing okay or what’s wrong.

Don’t do this simply because you’re feeling insecure. If you constantly ask him what’s wrong any time you so much as think he’s mad, you’ll just look clingy.

You should only ask him if you’ve gotten to a stage in your relationship where you actually know him well enough to tell when he’s angry. Additionally, don’t ask him in a way that feels judgmental, such as saying something like, “what’s wrong now?”

Ask him in a way that sounds concerned and open to his thoughts. For example, you could say something like the following:

“Hey, it feels like you might be upset. Want to talk about it?”

Stay away from boring conversation openers.

"If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first."

Conversations are a two-way street. If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first.

There are some boring conversation openers that are just exhausting to answer all the time. “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” are two examples of this. They can work perfectly fine sometimes, but as you get to know each other better, these classics are just plain uninteresting.

Keep your talks feeling fresh. Avoid using traditional conversation openers all the time, and try to go for things that are more personal to him, such as asking about how certain things went at work or who won the game he watched last night.

Further Reading: I Want to Kiss You Texts for Him (With 15 Examples You Can Use)

How to Become a Master of Texting

We get it. Texting can seem impossible, especially if you were never a strong writer to begin with. Even detailed guides might not be enough to make you feel more confident about your texting.

Follow the steps laid out in this video and learn how to hook a guy the easy way.

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There are few things more frustrating than pouring your heart out to a guy over text, only to have him respond with the dreaded “K.” Luckily, if your dude tends to clam up over text, there are things you can do to help bring him out of his shell. Read on for our tips on how to handle a dry texter.

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 1

    It can be really hard to pick up on tone over text. When you’re texting, you can’t hear a guy’s tone of voice or see his facial expressions and body language. That means it can be really easy to misinterpret text messages, especially short ones.[1]
    Before you assume that those dry texts mean he’s bored, upset, or being passive-aggressive, think about other possibilities. For example, it’s possible that:

    • He doesn’t like texting or isn’t used to it
    • He’s busy or distracted
    • He doesn’t realize that his short texts could come off as rude
    • He wants to chat, but he isn’t sure what to say
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 2

    When in doubt, it’s a good idea to clear the air. If his one-word texts seem a little different from his usual style, you might worry that something’s bothering him. Instead of jumping to conclusions or trying to guess what’s on his mind, just ask him what’s going on.[2]

    • Say something like, “Hey, you seem kind of quiet today. Is everything ok?” Or, “Is now a good time to chat? If you’re busy, we can talk later.”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 3

    He might be bored or unsure of what to say. Or, it’s possible that the topic you’ve been talking about is sensitive for him. Whatever the reason, if it seems like he’s clamming up all of a sudden, sometimes changing the subject can help. Say something to make the transition to a new topic feel more natural.[3]

    • For instance, “Oh hey, I just remembered something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.” Or, “This is a bit of a change of subject, but how was that Netflix documentary you watched last night?”[4]
    • Say something like «Hey, random thought» to send the conversation in a new direction. By including the word «random,» you pretty much have permission to bring up whatever you want.[5]
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 4

    These tend to require longer answers. If you tend to ask a lot of “yes” or “no” questions, the dude you’re chatting with might not realize you’re looking for something a little more substantial. The same goes if you’re just telling him things without actually inviting him to respond in some way. Try to get the conversation flowing by asking questions that start with who, what, where, when, why, or how.[6]

    • For instance, instead of just saying, “Did you have a good day?” try something like, “How was work today?” or “So, what have you been up to this weekend?”
    • If you tell him something, follow up with a question. For example, you might say something like, “That snowstorm was crazy last night, we must have gotten at least 10 inches up here. How much did you get?”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 5

    Texting might not be his style. Sometimes you just need to switch up how you communicate. If he has trouble opening up over text, ask if he wants to take it to voice. You could also suggest video chat, or even meeting up to talk in person.[7]

    • For instance, say something like, “I’d love to hear how your big presentation went today. Is this a good time to call?”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 6

    He might be chattier later on. If you’re getting a bunch of one-word answers, it could be because he’s multi-tasking. You can always ask him if it’s a good time to chat. If he says no, take a rain check and try again later.

    • For instance, say something like, “Seems like you’re busy right now. TTYL?”
    • It’s totally normal for people to want space from texting sometimes. Even if he’s not busy, he might just need a break from texting or want some time to himself.[8]
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 7

    He might not realize how they come across. If you have a good vibe with the guy in general, but his short texts drive you up the wall, it might help to let him know how you feel. Keep it chill and try not to make it sound accusatory, so he’s less likely to feel hurt or defensive.[9]

    • For example, say something like, “Hey, I love chatting with you, but I’m not sure how to feel when you send a lot of one-word answers. Sometimes I wonder if you’re bored or upset with me.”
    • Try suggesting a solution, like, “Hey, just let me know if you’re not in the mood to talk,” or “We can do FaceTime if you prefer.”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 8

    Slow down if you feel like you’re doing all the work. Just like in a face-to-face conversation, things can get unbalanced if one person is a lot more talkative than the other. If you tend to send a lot of long, chatty texts, it’s possible that he might just feel a bit overwhelmed. Try slowing it down or stopping for a bit and see if he makes a move to get the convo going again.[10]

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 9

    Heavy conversations are always trickier over text. For one thing, it’s a lot easier to misunderstand each other than if you’re talking face-to-face or even over the phone. If you have something important or difficult to discuss, give him a call or ask if he can meet up—that way, you’re more likely to have a productive conversation instead of getting a lot of frustrating one-word answers.[11]

    • For instance, if you need to talk to him about where the relationship is going, or open up about a tough situation that you’re dealing with, don’t try to connect with him over text.
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 10

    Sometimes, one-word texts can be a red flag. If you’ve noticed that the dry texts are becoming more of a pattern—especially if he’s taking longer and longer to answer you—then it could be that he’s losing interest.[12]
    If you just can’t seem to get a conversation going, and if you’re not connecting in other ways (like over the phone or in person), then it might be time to let him go.

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Published on: 15 Nov 2018

Views: 8,219,185

Tests Taken : 3,188,030

  • 1 D
  • 2 B
  • 3 F
  • 4 C
  • 5 A
  • 6 E
  • 7 D
  • 8 G
  • 9 F
  • 10 C
  • 11 B
  • 12 D
  • 13 E
  • 14 A
  • 15 NOT GIVEN
  • 16 FALSE
  • 17 TRUE
  • 18 FALSE
  • 19 a detailed map
  • 20 the teeth/teeth of skeletons
  • 21 9000 years old
  • 22 injuries
  • 23 strenuous
  • 24 protein
  • 25 hunting
  • 26 cows
  • 27 transitional
  • 28 vi
  • 29 vii
  • 30 i
  • 31 v
  • 32 viii
  • 33 A
  • 34 D
  • 35 C
  • 36 D
  • 37 E
  • 38 A
  • 39 C
  • 40 F


Tips for improving your ielts score

Section 1: Questions 1-14

Questions 1-5

Look at the following events (Questions 1-5) and the list of dates below.

Match each event with the correct date, A-F.

List of Dates
A 1550
B 1799
C 1803
D 1840
E 1949
F 1973

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

1     Vehicles with refrigerator were used to transport on the road.

2     Ice was sold around the United States for the first time.

3     Some kind of chemical refrigerant was found harmful to the atmosphere.

4     The term ‘refrigerator’ was firstly introduced.

5     Some chemicals were added to refrigerate wine.

  • 1 Answer: D

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q1: Vehicles with refrigerator were used to transport on the road.

    Since 1840, cars with the refrigerating system had been utilised to deliver and distribute milk and butter

    Note: Considering every details in the question and in the 1st line of paragraph 6, we can conclude that Q1 is confirmed in the passage. Hence, For that reason, the answer is D (1840)

  • 2 Answer: B

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q2: Ice was sold around the United States for the first time.

    In 1799s as a commercial product, ice was first transported out of Canal Street in New York City to Charleston, South Carolina.

    Note: Considering every detail in the question and in paragraph 3 – line 5 from the passage, we can conclude that Q2 is confirmed in the passage.

    For that reason, the answer is B (1799)

  • 3 Answer: F

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q3: Some kind of chemical refrigerant was found harmful to the atmosphere.

    Freon was safer for the people in the vicinity, but in 1973 it was discovered to have detrimental effects on the ozone layer


    You can easily find out that paragraph 7 mentions about many chemicals such as CFCs, Gases,… which had detrimental effects to the ozone layer.

    Considering everything, the answer is F (1973)

  • 4 Answer: C

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q4: The term ‘refrigerator’ was firstly introduced

    The term ‘refrigerator’ was first introduced by a Maryland farmer Thomas Moore in 1803, but it is in the 20th century that the appliance we know today first appeared


    After skimming and scanning, you can realize that the main idea of paragraph 1 is about the introduction of refrigeration. Keep on reading. Then, move your eyes to the last line of this paragraph so you can find out the year that matches the given information in the Question

    For that reason, the answer is C (1803)

  • 5 Answer: A

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q5: Some chemicals were added to refrigerate wine.

    In 1550 when this technique was first recorded, people used it to cool wine, as was the term ‘to refrigerate’

    Note: Considering every details in the question and in the passage, we can conclude that Q5 is confirmed in the passage.

    For that reason, the answer is A (1550)

Questions 6-10

Look at the following opinions or deeds (Questions 6-10) and the list of people below.

Match each opinion or deed with the correct person, A-G.

List of People
A Thomas Moore
B Frederick Tudor
C Carl Von Linde
D Nathaniel Wyeth
E J.B. Sutherland
F Fred Jones
G Parker Earle

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.

6 patented the idia that refrigerating system can be installed on tramcars

7 invented an ice-cutting technical method that could save money and time

8 enabled the cold storage technology to be applied in fruit

9 invented a colling device applied into the trucking industry

10 created a new technique to liquefy the air

  • 6 Answer: E

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6: _____patented the idea that refrigerating system can be installed on tramcars

    In 1867, refrigerated, railroad cars are patented to J.B, Sutherland from Detroit, Michigan, who invented insulated cars by installing the ice bunkers at the end of the cars: air came in from the top, passed through the bunkers, circulated through the cars by gravity and controlled by different quantities of hanging flaps which caused different air temperatures


    The content of Q6 is confirmed in line 4 paragraph 6. For that reason, E J.B. Sutherland is the answer

  • 7 Answer: D

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7: _____invented an ice-cutting technical method that could save money and time

    Wyeth invented an economical and speedy method to cut the ice into uniform blocks, which had a tremendous positive influence on the ice industry.


    The content of Q7 is similar to what the author said in the passage. For that reason, D Nathaniel Wyeth is the answer.

  • 8 Answer: G

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q8. _____enabled the cold storage technology to be applied in fruit

    In 1867, the first refrigerated car to carry fresh fruit was manufactured by Parker Earle of Illinois, who shipped strawberries on the Illinois Central Railroad. Each chest was freighted with 100 pounds of ice and 200 quarts of strawberries


    The answer for this question can be found in paragraph 6 (line 8)

    The author mentions that ice (similar to ‘cold storage’) was applied to store fresh fruit (strawberries) by Parker Earle

    For that reason, G Parker Earle is the answer.

  • 9 Answer: F

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9. _____invented a cooling device applied into the trucking industry.

    Until 1949, the trucking industry began to be equipped with the refrigeration system with a roof-mounted cooling device, invented by Fred Jones.


    The answer for this question can be found in 2 last line of paragraph 6

    After reading these sentences, you can realize that a roof-mounted cooling device was invented by Fred Jones in trucking industry. For that reason, the answer is F Fred Jones

  • 10 Answer: C

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q10. _____created a new technique to liquefy the air

    Linde later created a new method (‘Linde technique’) for liquefying large amounts of air in 1894


    ‘For liquefying… air’ is another way to express ‘to liquefy the air’

    According to the passage (paragraph 5, 4 last lines, in 1876, Carl Von Linde abandoned the methyl ether system and began using ammonia cycle. Finally, he came up with the idea of creating a new method for liquefying large amount of air in 1894).

    For that reason, the answer is C Carl Von Linde

Questions 11-14

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.

A new developments, such as the application of Hydrofluorocarbons.
B consumers ’ demand for fresh food, especially for vegetables.
C the discovery of chlorofluorocarbons (Freon).
D regional transportation system for refrigeration for a long distance.
E extensive spread of the refrigeration method.

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

11     A healthy dietary change between 1830 and the American Civil War was greatly associated with

12     The development of urbanisation was likely to cause

13     Problems due to water treatment contributed to

14     The risk of the environmental devastation from the refrigeration led to

  • 11 Answer: B

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q11. A healthy dietary change between 1830 and the American Civil War was greatly associated with_____

    Consumers’ soaring requirement for fresh food, especially for green vegetables, resulted in reform in people’s dieting habits between 1830 and the American Civil War, accelerated by a drastic expansion of the urban areas arid the rapid amelioration in an economy of the populace.


    To answer this question, you should pay attention to ‘ting ting’ words (‘ting ting’ words are proper nouns, statistics, and synonyms).

    In this question, ‘ting ting’ words are 1830 (statistic) and American Civil War (proper noun). By finding these ‘ting ting’ words, you can easily locate the needed information to answer this Question.

    The answer for this question can be found in four first lines of paragraph 3

    Considering everything, the answer is B. consumers’ demand for fresh food, especially for vegetables.

  • 12 Answer: D

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q12. The development of urbanisation was likely to cause_____

    With the growth of the cities and towns, the distance between the consumer and the source of food was enlarged


    After skimming and scanning for many Questions above, you should write the main idea of each paragraph in the margin by your own language. By doing this, you’ve got the main idea of each paragraph. Thanks to this, the answer for the question can easily be found.


    The main idea of paragraph 3 is about the demand for ice became strong because of requirement for fresh food and the growth of cities and towns (which led to the larger distance between the consumer and the source of food)

    ‘The development of urbanization’ is another way to describe ‘the growth of the cites and towns’

    Therefore, the answer is D. regional transportation system for refrigeration for a long distance.

  • 13 Answer: E

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage


    Problems due to water treatment contributed to_____

    To make it worse, by the 1890s water pollution and sewage dumping made clean ice even more unavailable. The adverse effect first appeared in the blowing industry, and then seriously spread to such sectors as meat packing and dairy industries. As a result, the clean, mechanical refrigeration was considerately in need.


    According to paragraph 4, water pollution became worse. As a result, it led to the serious spread of mechanical refrigeration

    Therefore, the answer is E. extensive spread of the refrigeration method.

  • 14 Answer: A

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage


    The risk of the environmental devastation from the refrigeration led to_____

    From the late 1800s to 1929, the refrigerators employed toxic gases — methyl chloride, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide — as refrigerants. But in the 1920s, a great number of lethal accidents took place due to the leakage of methyl chloride out of refrigerators. Therefore, some American companies started to seek some secure methods of refrigeration. Frigidaire detected a new class of synthetic, refrigerants called halocarbons or CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in 1928. This research led to the discovery of chlorofluorocarbons (Freon), which quickly became the prevailing material in compressor refrigerators. Freon was safer for the people in the vicinity, but in 1973 it was discovered to have detrimental effects on the ozone layer. After that, new improvements were made, and Hydrofluorocarbons, with no known harmful effects, was used in the cooling system. Simultaneously, nowadays, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFS) are no longer used; they are announced illegal in several places, making the refrigeration far safer than before.


    According to paragraph 7:

    From 1800s to 1929, the refrigerators employed toxic gases. In the 1920s, many accidents happened due to the leakage of methyl chloride. In 1928, a new synthetic called CFCs was found. This lead to the discovery of Freon. Freon was safer for the people in the vincity, but in 1973 it was discovered to have detrimental effects on the ozone layer.

    American companies seeked for some secure methods of refrigeration. Finally, new improvements were made, Hydrofluorocarbons – no harmful effects to use in the cooling system. Hydrofluorocarbons make the refrigeration far safer than before

    Therefore, the answer is A. new developments, such as the application of Hydrofluorocarbons.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

History of Refrigeration

Refrigeration is a process of removing heat, which means cooling an area or a substance below the environmental temperature. Mechanical refrigeration makes use of (he evaporation of a liquid refrigerant, which goes through a cycle so that it can be reused. The main cycles include vapour-compression, absorption steam-jet or steam-ejector, and airing. The term ‘refrigerator’ was first introduced by a Maryland farmer Thomas Moore in 1803, but it is in the 20th century that the appliance we know today first appeared

People used to find various ways to preserve their food before the advent of mechanical refrigeration systems. Some preferred using cooling systems of ice or snow, which meant that diets would have consisted of very little fresh food or fruits and vegetables, but mostly of bread, cheese and salted meals. For milk and cheeses, it was very difficult to keep them fresh, so such foods were usually stored in a cellar or window box. In spite of those measures, they could not survive rapid spoilage. Later on, people discovered that adding such chemical as sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate to water could lead to a lower temperature. In 1550 when this technique was first recorded, people used it to cool wine, as was the term ‘to refrigerate’. Cooling drinks grew very popular in Europe by 1600, particularly in Spain, France, and Italy. Instead of cooling water at night, people used a new technique: rotating long-necked bottles of water which held dissolved saltpeter. The solution was intended to create very low temperatures and even to make ice. By the end of the 17th century, iced drink including frozen juices and liquors tad become extremely fashionable in France.

People’s demand for ice soon became strong. Consumers’ soaring requirement for fresh food, especially for green vegetables, resulted in reform in people’s dieting habits between 1830 and the American Civil War, accelerated by a drastic expansion of the urban areas arid the rapid amelioration in an economy of the populace. With the growth of the cities and towns, he distance between the consumer and the source of food was enlarged. In 1799s as a commercial product, ice was first transported out of Canal Street in New York City to Charleston, South Carolina. Unfortunately, this transportation was not successful because when the ship reached the destination, little ice left. Frederick Tudor and Nathaniel Wyeth, two New England’ businessmen, grasped the great potential opportunities for ice business and managed to improve the storage method of ice in the process of shipment. The acknowledged ‘Ice King’ in that time, Tudor concentrated his efforts on bringing he ice to the tropica1 areas. In order to achieve his goal and guarantee the ice to arrive at the destination safely he tried many insulating materials in an experiment and successfully constructed the ice containers, which reduce the ice loss from 66 per cent to less than 8 per cent at drastically. Wyeth invented an economical and speedy method to cut the ice into uniform blocks, which had a tremendous positive influence on the ice industry. Also, he improved the processing techniques for storing, transporting and distributing ice with less waste.

When people realised that the ice transported from the distance was not as clean as previously thought and gradually caused many health problems, it was more demanding to seek the clean natural sources of ice. To make it worse, by the 1890s water pollution and sewage dumping made clean ice even more unavailable. The adverse effect first appeared in the blowing industry, and then seriously spread to such sectors as meat packing and dairy industries. As a result, the clean, mechanical refrigeration was considerately in need.

Many inventors with creative ideas took part in the process of inventing refrigeration, and each version was built on the previous discoveries. Dr William Cullen initiated to study the evaporation of liquid under the vacuum conditions in 1720. He soon invented the first man-made refrigerator at the University of Glasgow in 1748 with the employment of ethyl ether boiling into a partial vacuum. American inventor Oliver Evans designed the refrigerator firstly using vapour rather than liquid in 1805. Although his conception was not put into practice in the end the mechanism was adopted by an American physician John Gorrie, who made one cooling machine similar to Evans’ in 1842 with the purpose of reducing the temperature of the patient with yellow fever in a Florida hospital. Until 1851, Evans obtained the first patent for mechanical refrigeration in the USA. In 1820, Michael Faraday, a Londoner, first liquefied ammonia to cause cooling. In 1859, Ferdinand Carre from France invented the first version of the ammonia water cooling machine. In 1873, Carl von Linde designed the first practical and portable compressor refrigerator in Munich, and in 1876 he abandoned the methyl ether system and began using ammonia cycle. Linde later created a new method (‘Linde technique’) for liquefying large amounts of air in 1894. Nearly a decade later, this mechanical refrigerating method was adopted subsequently by he meat packing industry in Chicago.

Since 1840, cars with the refrigerating system had been utilised to deliver and distribute milk and butter. Until 1860, most seafood and dairy products were transported with cold-chain logistics. In 1867, refrigerated, railroad cars are patented to J.B, Sutherland from Detroit, Michigan, who invented insulated cars by installing the ice bunkers at the end of the cars: air came in from the top, passed through the bunkers, circulated through the cars by gravity and controlled by different quantities of hanging flaps which caused different air temperatures. Depending on the cargo (such as meat, fruits etc.) transported by the cars, different car designs came into existence. In 1867, the first refrigerated car to carry fresh fruit was manufactured by Parker Earle of Illinois, who shipped strawberries on the Illinois Central Railroad. Each chest was freighted with 100 pounds of ice and 200 quarts of strawberries. Until 1949, the trucking industry began to be equipped with the refrigeration system with a roof-mounted cooling device, invented by Fred Jones.

From the late 1800s to 1929, the refrigerators employed toxic gases — methyl chloride, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide — as refrigerants. But in the 1920s, a great number of lethal accidents took place due to the leakage of methyl chloride out of refrigerators. Therefore, some American companies started to seek some secure methods of refrigeration. Frigidaire detected a new class of synthetic, refrigerants called halocarbons or CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) in 1928. this research led to the discovery of chlorofluorocarbons (Freon), which quickly became the prevailing material in compressor refrigerators. Freon was safer for the people in the vicinity, but in 1973 it was discovered to have detrimental effects on the ozone layer. After that, new improvements were made, and Hydrofluorocarbons, with no known harmful effects, was used in the cooling system. Simultaneously, nowadays, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFS) are no longer used; they are announced illegal in several places, making the refrigeration far safer than before.

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