One word answers in a conversation

How was your day?


How was school?


How was your test?


Anything you want to tell me?


Let’s try to have some real conversations in advisory this week…the only rule?? There are no one word answers. Use these questions as a guide, but feel free to make up your own!

1. If you had to give every human being one quality, what would it be and why?

2. Do you have any recurring dreams? Describe them?

3. What is the meanest thing someone could say to you?

4. If you could be a famous athlete, actor, writer or musician which would you choose and why? (It is fun to guess what the other people in the group will say before divulging answers)!

5. If you were invisible where would you go and what would you do?

6. If your life was made into a movie, who would play you? why?

7. If you could invent one thing what would it be?

8. What is the greatest song ever written?

9. Do you believe in heaven? What does yours look like? Is it different for everyone?

10. What is the most important quality for a boss to have?

11. If you could know one thing about the future, what would it be?

12. How do you choose your friends?

13. What is the first thing you notice about a person?

14. What do you think is the biggest problem in the United States and Why?

15. Describe the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.

16. What would the cover of your autobiography look like if it could not be a picture of you or your family?

17. If you could trade places with anyone in the world who would it be and why? How about someone in your family?

18. Do you ever talk to yourself? When and what do you say?

Pretend you’re texting the guy you like. The conversation is flowing, texts are going back and forth, the mood seems fantastic, and then you get hit out of nowhere with a one-word answer.

It could look something like this:






Suddenly, your conversation stutters to a cold and awkward halt. You wonder to yourself how you’re supposed to answer that and return back to the flowing conversation from before.

Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll be showing you how to reply to one-word texts from guys, as well as tell you why he’s sending you those curt messages at all.

Why He’s Sending You One-Word Texts in the First Place

We’ll start by explaining why he’s suddenly decided to become the world’s laziest texter. There are several reasons behind his icy tone:

He’s just not that into you.

The most hurtful answer is simple: he’s not into, or he’s grown bored of you. This is more likely if you’re still early on in your relationship in the “getting to know him” stage.

In those first few weeks of “just talking,” the relationship is young and fragile. You probably don’t even have any sort of formal commitment yet. Because he could be (and probably is) talking to other girls, you need to keep his interest if you really like him.

The one-word answer could be a great way for you to gauge his interest level. At this point, it shows to you that he doesn’t care enough to put effort into your conversation.

Read Next: How to Text a Guy You Just Met

He’s a little busy at the moment.

"If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now."

A one-word text doesn’t have to be a bad sign. If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now.

For example, if he’s answering you on a quick break at work or while he’s visiting his mom, he doesn’t necessarily have the time to send you more…but he still cared enough to try and answer you, anyway.

When he sends you that dreaded one-word text, think about the time of day. Did you knowingly text him in the middle of his shift at work? Do you know if he had any plans at the time you texted him?

If you can answer yes to those questions, you can be more confident that he’s just a bit occupied.

VIDEO REVEALS: Secret ‘Desire’ text message that men are powerless to resist

He doesn’t realize he’s coming off as cold.

Men are often solution-focused. This means that, if one word perfectly sums up the response to something, he might spring for it because it makes sense.

He’s not necessarily trying to be rude, nor does he realize he’s coming off as cold. It’s kind of hard to tell if this is the case, though.

If he does this often, but seems interested in continuing the conversation by texting you again afterward, it’s a pretty good sign that his texting skills might just need a little polishing. He probably doesn’t know that he seems disinterested.

He could be testing your interest.

Unfortunately, both men and women play a lot of games when it comes to dating. We do this to protect our hearts from hurt.

Your guy could be doing exactly that when he sends you a one-word answer. He might be unsure how interested you are in him, so he sends you that single word, waiting to see what you do next. What he’s looking for in your response varies based on the man in question.

Again, this is another hard one to pinpoint. You can try looking at your past interactions to see if he has a pattern of playing games with you.

If you think he’s playing games with you, make sure to read our guide on what to text a guy who is playing games.

You Might Also Like: Random Things to Text a Guy You Like (That He Won’t Be Able to Resist)

He’s upset.

"Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint."

We’ve all been sulky before. Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint.

At other times, we send them that one-word message when we don’t know what else to say. Your guy could be doing the exact same thing.

To determine if this is what’s going on, take a step back and look at the circumstances surrounding the text. Did you just have a disagreement or an argument? Are you giving him some bad news?

Then there’s a good chance his cold reply is just him indicating he’s upset.

He’s trying to play it cool.

Here’s another game that we often play in the early stages of relationships: hard to get. You know how it works – you pretend to be less interested than you really are so you don’t come off as desperate.

Women aren’t the only ones who do this. Men frequently try to keep it cool, too, which could be exactly what he’s doing with his one-word texts.

Like many of the other causes, this one is hard to tell. It’s something you might not ever discover until later, when you know him well enough to ask him why he did it.

Recommended Article: Interesting Text Messages to Send to a Guy (With 15+ Intriguing Examples)

Don’t answer him at all.

Ignoring him might seem childish, but we honestly think it’s your overall best option. It can apply to every single reason for him sending you the one-word text.

Think he might be busy? Not texting him back could free him up to focus on other things and show him you respect his space.

If he’s playing games with you or losing interest, the lack of a response is a clear signal that you’re not desperate for him. When he realizes you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll be forced to see that he must work harder to keep your attention.

And if he’s being sulky, not answering him will give him time to stew in peace. Once he cools down, he should text you again himself if he’s actually interested in you.

Take a little break from him.

Ignoring him completely might seem too rude to you. And when you’re really smitten with him, you’ll feel less inclined to take risks like that with your relationship.

We hear you. If cutting him off completely until he steps up his game is too drastic, consider the happy medium: ending the conversation yourself for now.

After he sends you that frustrating single-word text, tell him you’ve got to go for now. Then, simply take a bit of a break from him or your phone. If you can, wait for him to text you next.

Send him a one-word answer of your own.

"Sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels."

We’re not the kind of people to constantly tell you to give someone “a taste of their own medicine,” especially when it comes to romance. In the arena of love, we should strive to be the best we can be.

However, sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels. Don’t be rude about it by sending him a haughty “whatever;” instead, just send him something acknowledging his answer, like “okay.”

Then don’t say anything else. Let him come to you when he’s ready to talk more.

If you know him well, check in on him.

When you’ve been talking to him longer or you’ve already started a committed relationship, you’re probably at a point where you can confide in each other. If you know him better and can sense that he’s upset, ask him if he’s doing okay or what’s wrong.

Don’t do this simply because you’re feeling insecure. If you constantly ask him what’s wrong any time you so much as think he’s mad, you’ll just look clingy.

You should only ask him if you’ve gotten to a stage in your relationship where you actually know him well enough to tell when he’s angry. Additionally, don’t ask him in a way that feels judgmental, such as saying something like, “what’s wrong now?”

Ask him in a way that sounds concerned and open to his thoughts. For example, you could say something like the following:

“Hey, it feels like you might be upset. Want to talk about it?”

Stay away from boring conversation openers.

"If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first."

Conversations are a two-way street. If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first.

There are some boring conversation openers that are just exhausting to answer all the time. “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” are two examples of this. They can work perfectly fine sometimes, but as you get to know each other better, these classics are just plain uninteresting.

Keep your talks feeling fresh. Avoid using traditional conversation openers all the time, and try to go for things that are more personal to him, such as asking about how certain things went at work or who won the game he watched last night.

Further Reading: I Want to Kiss You Texts for Him (With 15 Examples You Can Use)

How to Become a Master of Texting

We get it. Texting can seem impossible, especially if you were never a strong writer to begin with. Even detailed guides might not be enough to make you feel more confident about your texting.

Follow the steps laid out in this video and learn how to hook a guy the easy way.

Not sure why your girlfriend is giving you one word answers? One word answers are the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. No one likes it when their partner isn’t responding to them. It’s like you’re trying to have a conversation, but she’s not really saying much to you. You can tell that something is wrong, but you’re not sure exactly what the problem is.

It’s also very hard to have a conversation when she’s just giving you one word answers and isn’t showing you that she’s engaged in the conversation or has anything to say. This can be very annoying an infuriating. However, I’m sure that there’s a reason why she’s not saying much to you.

The most logical reason for this is that she’s probably mad at you or sad about something that you did. Oftentimes, you probably said something that offended her, even if it wasn’t intentional. You can never know how someone is going to react to what you say, even if that person is your girlfriend.

You are not perfect and neither is anyone. You are going to make mistakes and say things that will offend or hurt your girlfriend. If you know exactly what you said or did, you should talk to her and apologize.

Even if you don’t think you did anything wrong, it’s best to just say that you’re sorry. You don’t want to argue with your girlfriend because you’re not going to win. Also, it seems as if a woman is always right. If you want to be happy and have some peace in your life, then just talk to her and let her know that you didn’t mean to hurt or offend her.

Lastly, even if you didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not because of you. You should still try and encourage your girlfriend in any way that you can. You can do something as simple as give her a kiss or hug her and hold her. Perhaps, all she wants is your love and comfort. Either way, you should be there by her side until she stops giving you one word answers and is back to being the way that she usually is.

What does it mean when a girl gives one word answers?

 One word comments usually mean the subject is getting boring. You can prepare some sensible subjects to discuss with her. Don’t be hesitant to ask her what she likes. With a good sense of humour, make people laugh and relax.

What do you do when a girl replies with one word answers?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.

Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.

Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

What does it mean when someone only gives you one word answers?

 One word answers frequently imply discontent and avoiding dialogue. It often means he doesn’t want to talk and thinks fast answering your question will get you to leave. That guy isn’t always communicative.

What do 1 word texts mean?

 What does it indicate when people just text one word replies? Text messages lack emotion. Either the individual is busy but wants to respond to you to avoid hurting feelings. Or he or she is not interested in continuing the conversation.

Are one word responses rude?

 One-word answers are deemed disrespectful because they generally reject the person or the question. “Did you have fun today?” A yes or no is not enough.

What is dry Texter?

 Dry texting is when someone gives you short, non-engaging text replies. This style of texting can be draining because when your crush isn’t contributing to the conversation, you may feel obligated to keep continuing.

What to do if a girl is being dry?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

Why does my girlfriend send short texts?

 You’re stupid. After a while, girlfriends tend to send short texts or replies to boyfriends. It saves time typing and allows them to inquire or speak more. Not to mention their romanticism.

How do you respond to a dry text?

 How to Respond to a Guy’s Dry Text

1 Define his dry texting.

Start the conversation with his interests.

A fun query can break a text-rut.

4 Remind him of your bond with a fun memory.

a photo to help you communicate more.

Why do guys respond with one word answers?

 If you’re getting one-word answers, he’s probably multitasking. You can always ask him to chat. Say no and try again later. “It appears you’re occupied right now.

What are one word replies called?

 Children’s single word utterances are called ‘holophrases’, while adults’ are called’sentence words’. Context is vital in both kid and adult sentence word usage.

Is it good if a girl responds fast?

 If she responds promptly to your SMS, she is on her phone and thus physically able to do so. It might suggest she favors you over everything else (a “yes”) or she answers swiftly to everyone.

How do you become a cold Texter?

 How To Cold Text Sales Leads

Keep it Simple Stupid:

Keep Texts Clean, Simple, and Concise: The whole point of texting is to reach prospects faster.

What does it mean when a guy responds right away?

 He likes you if he responds quickly.

Longer texts, compliments, personal tales, and queries indicate he wants to keep talking, whereas shorter messages indicate he doesn’t. This shows he is interested and reacts promptly to your communications.

How do you respond to a rude text from a guy?

 3 Rude Person Responses

Time to relax and reflect. Consider why individuals are rude. …

Express how you felt after their harsh comment. …

Set limits and enforce them.

How do I respond to my boyfriends texts?

 Make him feel valued by starting your response with “you”.

“Your texts always flush me.”

“You make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

“Thank you!”

What should I reply to ok?

 They mean the same thing, it’s just an other spelling. This is a grammatical issue, not etiquette. If you want to be formal, don’t say OK. Say “Yes” or “I agree” as appropriate.

How do you respond to yeah from a guy?

 Yes, Om, OK, Great, I see, Aha, Usually, when someone replies ‘Yeah” It could signify OK. Agreed. I see.

How do you respond to a cold message?

 What Should You Do When You Get an Interested Reply to Your Cold Email?

Recognize Your Prospect’s Goals.

Quickly respond.

Make It All About Them.


Don’t overload them with data.

Resolve All Issues

Never Make Them Buy.

Expect the email to not sell.

What is a cold Texter?

 Cold calling or emailing a customer is common in sales and business. Cold text messaging is similar to cold calling and emailing in this regard. Cold texting includes texting a customer without their consent.

What should be the first text to a guy?

 How to Text a Guy for the First Time (Examples)

1 “Well, I have your number. …

“Describe yourself in three emojis!”

2“My fave meme! …

3 “I need a new TV show!” …

4 “I saw your dog on your profile.

5 “So, we both adore humor. …

6 “Your eyes pop in this photo!

How do I get a girl to respond to my text?

 “Everything alright?” So she knows you observed her silence but also care about her. If she doesn’t react after a week, send a casual text stating that you are a cool person with a busy schedule. “Hi, Tonya.

What’s the 3 day rule?

 The three-day rule is a dating method that advocates not calling your date for three days. Waiting three days makes you appear less eager and/or desperate, and gives your date time to realize how much they enjoyed you.

What make a girl fall for you?

 Getting a girl to like you takes effort and patience. If you treat a girl well and show her what makes you a great guy, she may grow to love you. Remember that there must be some attraction between you two.

How do you vibe a girl over text?

 Check whether you’re offending her.

Make flirty banter. Have as much fun as you can.

Push it. Texting allows for easy sex and flirting.

Don’t be vague. Use terms that truly describe your message.

Keep it upbeat.

Know when to act.

Is it OK to date others while dating?

 But online dating guru Benjamin Daly says you should date around as long as you’re safe. Not compatible by the second date? You’ve wasted time and must start over. That wastes time.”

Is it a relationship or dating?

 The primary distinction between dating and being in a relationship is that both parties are committed to one other. You and the person you’re with have agreed, either formally or informally, that you’re in a partnership.

What are the 5 stages of dating?

 Whether you’re just starting out or have been dating for years, every relationship passes through the same five stages. On reaches these levels through engaging in a conversation.

How long should you date before asking her to be your girlfriend?

 Two months is a good rule of thumb. But, since every relationship is unique, go for it. If that doesn’t feel right, there are measures you may do to prepare for the conversation.

How do you know if you are together?

 You trust them implicitly.

You expect weekend visits.

You know their friends.

You think about them constantly.

You two discuss about going away.

You don’t want sex with anyone else.

What are the hardest months in a relationship?

 The first and second month tend to be the most difficult. Whatever dating advise you seek, getting to know someone is difficult. The first few months can be difficult for those with trust concerns.

How long do relationships last by age?

 20-year-olds have more durable partnerships. Relationships can endure up to four years. Relationships benefit from maturity. 20+ year olds are still figuring out their social roles, job paths, and aren’t ready to settle down.

When should you stop trying in a relationship?

If your partner doesn’t want to talk about it or make any adjustments, it’s time to think about quitting the relationship. When it comes to long-term relationships, sex is a key way to feel connected and appreciated.

Well, you shouldn’t, pushing things to find another outcome sucks because you are only hurting yourself only. You will find yourself in a loophole trying hard to receive a different answer and you will waste time and maybe you will be hurt (if this is someone you have feelings for). One word answers may vary the cause but if it is too often then consider to stop talking to those people because on the other side, they may have lost interest or don’t care at all for you. If you want to know why they are cold you should ask what is going on (if before their one words answer you were talking a lot) and then truly know the cause (if they are honest of course), it will save you from a lot of problems and pain. You will be thankful in a future scenario.

Edit; Forgot to say, you may not be the problem of their behavior, people have a lot of problems in their heads and most of them not even know what they want so, don’t take it personal.

If a girl has been replying to your messages with one word then you’re probably wondering why.

This post will help you understand why a girl would reply to you with one word and why other girls might do it in the future as well.

So, what does it mean when a girl replies with one word? A girl replying with one word could be a sign that she is not interested in you especially if she only does it to you and she does it repeatedly on more than one occasion. It could also be a sign that she is seeing other guys. However, she might just be busy, annoyed with you or she might not like texting much.

Since there are a number of reasons why a girl might reply to your messages with one word it is important to consider the context of how she does it and the body language that she shows you when she is around you.

By doing so you’ll be able to get a better understanding of why she would reply to you with one word and the way that she feels about you.

Reasons why a girl will reply with one word

Each of the different reasons why a girl will reply to you with one word will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she interacts with you in person and in the way that she texts you.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a girl might reply with one word and the clues to look for.

She isn’t interested in you

The reason that she texts you one word could be that she is not interested in you anymore.

If she texted you one-word answers from the start then it could be that she gave you her number because she didn’t want to say no. If she initially replied with more enthusiasm and she has slowly begun to reply with shorter replies then it could be that she was initially interested but she isn’t anymore.

If she isn’t interested then it would be likely that she would not initiate any conversation, that she wouldn’t agree to hang out and that she would take a long time to reply.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of not being interested when you’re with her in person.

These signs could include:

  • Smiling at the mouth but not beside the eyes
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Having tight lips when you’re talking
  • Looking away from you often
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Distancing herself from you
  • Crossing her arms when she sees you
  • Giving you short replies in person
  • Not asking you any questions

She is seeing other guys

The reason that she gives you one-word answers could be that she is more interested in other guys.

If that is the case then it would also be likely that she would not agree to hang out or that she would often give excuses not to at the last minute. It would also be likely that she would show a lack of interest in person.

She might also be more responsive to you at certain times but not at others and she might avoid talking to you when certain guys are around.

She is busy

She might be giving you one-word answers because she doesn’t have the time to have a conversation with you.

If that is the case then she would be more likely to text you longer replies at certain times when she is less busy.

If she is interested in you she would also be likely to continue the conversation when she can and to agree to hang out with you when you suggest to.

She is annoyed with you

The reason that she gives you one-word replies could be that she is annoyed with you.

If she is then it would be likely that you would have had an argument at around the same time that she started to give you one-word replies. It might also be that you did something that she didn’t like or that she thought that you did at around the same time that she started to give you one-word replies.

If she is annoyed with you then it would be less likely that she would want to hang out with you and that she would initiate the conversation with you.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of being annoyed with you when she is with you in person.

These signs could include:

  • Squinting when looking at you
  • Tensing her jaw when looking at you
  • Hiding her lips when looking at you
  • Crossing her arms when she sees you
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Standing further away from you

She is doing it on purpose

Sometimes girls will reply with one-word answers or take a long time to reply on purpose so as not to seem overly interested.

If it is the case that she is actually interested in you then it would be likely that she would always reply to you eventually, initiate the conversation at times and that she would agree to hang out with you.

It would also be likely that she would show signs of being attracted to you when she is with you in person.

These signs could include:

  • Having more dilated pupils than normal
  • Holding prolonged eye contact with you
  • Standing closer to you when talking to you than she does with other people
  • Pointing her feet at you
  • Ventilating her hair when she sees you
  • Brushing her hair to the side when she sees you
  • Playing with her hair with her palms facing you
  • Sitting or standing with a straighter posture when she sees you
  • Uncrossing her arms when she sees you
  • Adjusting her appearance when she sees you
  • Laughing and looking to see if you’re also laughing
  • Mirroring your body language

It’s important to note that she might show a single one of these signs for a number of different reasons making it difficult to accurately tell why she would be showing it. But, if she shows multiple body language signs of attraction then it would be much more likely that she actually is.

You have been messaging her too much

It could be the case that you have been messaging her too much.

If you have been sending her lots of messages without her replying inbetween then it would be likely that she would be starting to get annoyed with it.

If that is the case then it would be likely that she would text you much less than you text her and that she would show signs of being annoyed with you in person. In this case, it would probably be worthwhile to reduce how much you message her.

She doesn’t like to message people

It might be the case that it’s normal for her to give one-word answers to everyone when texting.

If that is the case then it would be likely that she would also do it with her other friends and that she would show interest when she is with you in person. It would also be likely that she would agree to meet up with you when you suggest to.

She finds your conversations to be boring

The reason that she gives you one-word replies could be that she finds the conversation to be boring or that she doesn’t enjoy small talk.

If that is why she gives short replies then it would be likely that she would reply to her friends in different ways and that her conversations with her friends would involve different topics. It would also be likely that she would show a lack of interest in person.

Consider how she reacts to seeing you

When trying to understand why she gives you short replies and the way that she feels about you it would be helpful to consider the way that she reacts to you in person.

If she noticeably changes her body language and behavior when she sees you then it would be more likely that she has good or bad feelings about you depending on the way that she changes it.

If she reacts to seeing you by:

  • Uncrossing her arms
  • Brushing her hair to the side
  • Ventilating her hair
  • Smiling
  • Raising her eyebrows
  • Holding eye contact
  • Having more dilated pupils
  • Pointing her feet at you

Then it would be more likely that she has positive feelings towards you and that she gives one-word replies because she either does it on purpose, she’s busy or that she doesn’t enjoy texting.

Whereas, if she reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Crossing her arms
  • Squinting
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Tensing her jaw
  • Tightening her lips
  • Distancing herself from you

Then it would be more likely that she gives you one-word replies because she is either annoyed with you or because she is not interested in you.

Consider how she interacts with other people

Another useful thing would be to consider how her interactions when other people are different to how she is with you.

If she also texts other people one-word replies but she shows more interested body language around you than she does with her friends then it could be that she naturally replies one-word answers but she is still interested in you.

Whereas, if she texts her other friends more and she shows more positive body language around her friends then it would be likely that she is not interested in you.

Consider what she does text you

It would also be useful to consider the types of things that she does text you.

If she often texts you more positive things, she asks you questions often through messaging you and she agrees to hang out with you then it would be more likely that she is interested in you.

Whereas, if she takes a long time to reply, she gives you negative replies a lot and she does not agree to hang out then it would be much more likely that she is not interested in you.

Consider multiple aspects of her body language

It is important not to judge a single body language signal by itself when considering what her body language is showing.

This is because she might show a single body language sign for many different reasons making it difficult to accurately tell why she is showing it.

Whereas, she would be more likely to show multiple body language signs that suggest the same thing for that specific reason.


What does it mean when a girl replies with short answers? It would likely mean that she is not interested in you especially if she shows signs of not being interested when you are with her in person. It could also be that she is annoyed with you, busy, she doesn’t like texting much or she might be doing it on purpose.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people’s true intentions.


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