One word answer short story

This is a review of the Sookie Stackhouse short story “One Word Answer” by Charlaine Harris. It can be found in the anthology “A Touch of Dead” by Charlaine Harris.

“One Word Answer” takes place before the events in “Definitely Dead“.

If you have read “Definitely Dead” before, you were probably sitting there scratching your head thinking:”Wait just a minute…have I missed a book?! What’s all this about Hadley??”. In fact in the “Sookie Stackhouse Companion” Charlaine Harris apologises for confusing her readers and says: “I promise I won’t put vital information in a short story again”.

Sookie is doing some night-time yard work with Bubba, when a mysterious limousine pulls into her driveway. From the strange car emerge two even stranger (and not exactly human) beings: Mr Cataliades and Waldo, an albino vampire.

They work with the vampire Queen of Louisiana, and have come to inform Sookie of her cousin Hadley’s (second) death, and that Hadley has left everything to Sookie. The circumstances surrounding Hadley’s death are a bit suspicious, and throughout the duration of their visit, Sookie pieces it all together.

A good read, and pretty vital to completely understand all the events in “Definitely Dead“.



Tagged Charlaine Harris, Hadley Trueblood Short Story, One Word Answer, Sookie Stackhouse Short Story about Hadley

«A Touch of Dead»
Author Charlaine Harris
Publisher Ace Books
Publication date October 6, 2009
Pages 208
ISBN 978-0-441-01783-6
Previous book Dead and Gone
Next book Dead in the Family

One Word Answer is a short story that appears in the book A Touch of Dead, a book of short stories revolving around Sookie Stackhouse, the main protagonist of «The Southern Vampire Mysteries», a series of books written by New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris.


Released October 6, 2009 by publisher Ace Books, One Word Answer appears in the book «A Touch of Dead», and involves Sookie learning of an inheritance she has received.


While doing some late night yard work with her live-in vampire Bubba, Sookie is approached by a mysterious man in a limousine. It seems that a relative of hers has died and left everything to Sookie. Told that she needs to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana, to claim her fortune, Sookie soon realizes that the mystery man is hiding secrets that could cost someone their life.

Profile Image for Jess the Shelf-Declared Bibliophile.

2,025 reviews583 followers

March 1, 2021

Very intriguing short story introducing the vampire queen of Louisiana into the series. I’m excited to read about Sookie and Bill’s trip to New Orleans that she mentioned.

Profile Image for A Book Vacation.

1,393 reviews715 followers

May 30, 2010

Although it doesn’t say it anywhere… you have to read this short story BEFORE you read Definitley Dead in order to understand it. I don’t know why Harris didn’t just tack this short story onto the end of book 5… kinda dumb to write a seperate short story that explains everything in book 6, without telling the public about it…

Profile Image for Marianne.

3,344 reviews130 followers

March 13, 2016

One Word Answer is a short story in the Sookie Stackhouse series by popular American author, Charlaine Harris. Whilst Sookie is doing some evening yard work with Bubba the Vampire, visitors arrive in a fancy black limo. The passenger brings news of the death of Sookie’s cousin Hadley, and a legacy coming her way. But Sookie is interested in how her cousin met her end, something that, apparently, the vampire limo driver knows more about. Sookie is grateful that her talent for telepathy allows her to keep a poker face when the full story is revealed. Bubba shows some initiative when it matters. Sookie’s enigmatic one word answer may not please all readers, but is guaranteed to bring a smile to most.

Profile Image for Christopher.

Author 2 books5 followers

May 27, 2017

This short story is found in the compilation titled Bite, which features only one short story written by Charlaine Harris; the remainder of the stories are written by writers such as Laurell K. Hamilton. The story is also featured in A Touch of Dead, a compilation of short stories strictly written by Charlaine Harris, all set in Sookie’s universe. The short story serves as a prelude to the novel Definitely Dead, which I actually read before having read this short story, simply because I wasn’t aware of it, and it really should be included in Definitely Dead as a prologue because it’s crucial to that novel. Not much really happens in this story until the very end (granted, it is not very long at all; only about twenty pages), and it isn’t really anything terribly exciting (ultimately entertaining but lacking in comparison to the author’s usual material), but it is nice to finally read what sets the stage for Definitely Dead. I just wish that I had had some sort of warning that a short story was written that is set beforehand because I would have been sure to have read it then.

Profile Image for Bethann.

257 reviews

April 3, 2012

I liked the ending, but I wish I had known this story existed before I read Definitely Dead. I was SO confused; it was really frustrating!

Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .

1,257 reviews8,684 followers

July 23, 2016

Sookie 5.1

This short is about what happened the night Sookie was informed that her cousin Hadley had died. All of those references in book 6—this is what they’re talking about.

    angels-and-or-demons esp fae

Profile Image for Malinda.

1,852 reviews227 followers

November 20, 2015

3-3.5 stars

This was an interesting short which I found for free on the internet. It tells about how Sookie finds out about her cousin’s death and that she has a inheritance that she’ll have to deal with in book #6 of the series.

    paranormal-psychic paranormal-vampires pov-female

Profile Image for Mark Gibbs.

161 reviews1 follower

January 7, 2015

The Demon lawyer of Definitely Dead’s role is finally explained — darkly funny little tale that was a laugh from start to finish — but one for fans only!

Profile Image for Reilly.

46 reviews

January 1, 2021

Love the sudden introduction to the Queen of Louisiana and a riveting short story

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Profile Image for itchy.

1,650 reviews25 followers

February 26, 2021


Read as part of the collection A Touch of Dead.

Profile Image for SeoHyung.

158 reviews

February 19, 2022

I wasn’t expecting that. The Queen planned Waldo’s death. And she wanted Sookie to kill him. Honestly, I remained so shocked after this short story. Not much to say, just that: Hadley, tf u did?

Profile Image for Nicole Brasher.

88 reviews

March 27, 2023

I’ve read this many times. This is one of my favorite short stories in the Sookie universe. This is the introduction to Mr. Cataliades, an interesting part demon, and to the vampire queen of Louisiana, Sophie-Anne Leclerq, and the fate of Sookie’s cousin Hadley.

Profile Image for Dharia Scarab.

3,188 reviews8 followers

November 30, 2014

Since I don’t normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here’s the break down of how I rate my books…

1 star… This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future.

2 stars… This book was not very good, and I won’t be reading any more from the author.

3 stars… This book was ok, but I won’t go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I’d pick it up.

4 stars… I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be on the look out to pick up more from the series/author.

5 stars… I loved this book! It has earned a permanent home in my collection and I’ll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP.

Profile Image for Samantha.

1,047 reviews12 followers

December 15, 2016

I think it would’ve been more fun to see this in another POV since it’s a short anyway. I was hoping for a bit more intrigue but oh well. I can see how it wouldn’t have fit into the 6th book very well, though. It was still jarring to see it referenced and to know I had missed something (though this wasn’t much and the book itself explained well enough that I would’ve been fine not reading this). Still, I liked how Sookie was able to be clever and shocking in a few pages. I liked the ambiguity of the ending: Did she do it on purpose or was she meaning for Waldo to face worse punishment? Probably both.

Profile Image for Meigan.

1,115 reviews67 followers

September 9, 2015

This nicely filled in the gaps that were missing from the sixth book, Definitely Dead. While I appreciate having some back story, I would have liked it better if this novella were eliminated and the story was written in the actual book. I experienced some confusion and felt like much of the story was missing while reading the book, and in fact it was because the important details are in the novella, not the book. Novellas to me are considered «extras» and not «required reads». My advice — read this before book number 6.

    author-completed-series demons favorites-pnr-uf-series

Profile Image for Kerry.

170 reviews

June 28, 2017

Read. Finished August 2012.

Short and sharp — Just like Sookie
This the short story that explains Sookie’s cousin Hadley, and is meant to be read before Novel 6. I didn’t discover this until after I had read Definitely Dead so it clears up a bit of the confusions and questions I had when I read that book. Like ‘Did we know Sookie had a cousin? A Vampire cousin at that??’ for example ;)
It wasn’t completely necessary to read though


Profile Image for Gitte - Bookworm's Closet.

462 reviews119 followers

February 14, 2011

This was an OK short story in the Sooky Stackhouse series, but I don’t really understand why Harris didn’t just make this one part of the next novel in the series, as that would have been much more convenient — I downloaded it as a free pdf where all the O’s were missing! Quite ann ying, if y u kn w what I mean ;-)

    2011 american fantasy

Profile Image for JaNae.

18 reviews

October 22, 2012

This is a good little story that takes only minutes to read. I found out about it from reading reviews for Definitely Dead, which said to read this short story first as it gives you details and is basically a prelude to that book. It was interesting and quick to read and I also recommend reading it during the Sookie Stackhouse series.

Profile Image for LyndiLea Hardman.

155 reviews7 followers

November 2, 2014

One of my guilty pleasures when it comes to reading is the Southern Vampire Mystery Series. I absolutely love the World of Sookie Stackhouse. I have read all of the books so I figured it was time to tackle the short stories. This one doesn’t disappoint! Definitely a must read for Sookie and True Blood Fans!

Profile Image for Emma.

350 reviews2 followers

March 3, 2017

Read this short story in «Bite» collection of short stories. A nice expansion on Sookie’s cousin Hadley’s backstory as a child and new vampire, and her final death. Also a good look at Sookie’s developing ability to handle vampire politics.

Profile Image for Emily Ross.

1,085 reviews24 followers

November 19, 2018

Boring. Also, this should have been in the appropriate book because I read whichever book it is where Sookie is going to sort out Hadley’s estate, and I was so confused.

    2018-reading-challenge reviewed

Profile Image for Tiffany Spencer.

1,364 reviews15 followers

November 8, 2021

One Word Answer
Plot: Sookie is paid a visit by Mr. Cataliades that informs her (her) cousin Hadley (who was a vampire) and living in New Orleans died from being staked. Then they start dropping bombshell after bombshell. Hadley worked for the Queen. Hadley and the Queen of Louisiana were lovers. Hadley was staked by the Fellowship of the Sun after she and Waldo (the driver) were in a famous cemetery doing a ritual to speak with Marie Laveau because Hadley thought she may have been related. Sookie really isn’t interested in the inheritance Hadley left for her. She wants to know what happened to Waldo. She finds out that the Queen punished him as well as Hadley. And as in all “favorites”, the Queen was fickle. In today, out tomorrow, and on to the next one. Sookie, Bill, and Mr.Cataliades all figure out at the same time that it was Waldo who killed Hadley because of his jealousy. Waldo jumps up and starts to transform into something even more vicious than his frail, sickly, appearance. Bill and bubba jump up, but Mr. Cataliades smoothly intervenes and slips a sliver necklace around Waldo’s neck. Mr.Cataliades tosses Sookie a wooden stake (that Bill catches) and says the Queen wanted her to do the honor. The Queen already knew because the only thing in the cemetary was Waldo’s scent. Sookie can’t do it although Waldo tries to provoke her. Bill offers. Bubba offers. Sookie wants to send him back to the Queen. He’s scared she’ll do something worse so he needs them to do it because he’s scared to do it himself. Mr.Cataliades and Bill say if Sookie doesn’t do it the Queen will come after her. Still, she tells Bill and Bubba to put him in the trunk. Waldo lunges at Sookie and Bill tackles him and stakes him. The Queen gets out of the limo. She introduces herself and speculates that Sookie had it all planned all along. Before she leaves Sookie asks if Hadley really was related to Marie Laveau and the Queen says she doesn’t know but she’s welcome to continue the research. Bill and Bubba find out that Sookie knew that the Queen was in the limo all along and that Waldo was gonna make a play to kill her. It’s left vague with a one-word answer if it really was Sookie’s plan all along to have Waldo killed.

Rating 6 I was getting ready to have no feelings at all about this short story. Hadley is a character that we’ve heard briefly mentioned in the series. All we know about her is she ran away up until this book. We get a little more about her. She used to be popular until she got into drugs and turned goth. Then we’re hit with a whole slew of information about her at once. I had more feelings about Lafyette’s death than I did Hadley’s. But it got interesting when Waldo was found out. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! I feel like I should have tho. Then it did surprise me a little the Queen knew and that she was there. Making me wonder what she would have done had Waldo not tried to attack Sookie. Would she have somehow forced her to kill him? Would she have punished her in some way? So it was more intriguing than I thought it would be.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Profile Image for Lauren.

Author 4 books40 followers


January 25, 2022

One Word Answer is one of the first short stories that Harris wrote to accompany the Southern Vampire Series, about Sookie Stackhouse, included in the short story compliation Bite.

In this particular short story, Sookie finds out the fate of her rarely mentioned cousin Hadley who ran away years ago and who Sookie has had no contact with. I never realized how important these short stories could be until I started book 5 of the series and felt like I had missed a key part to the entire series.

For anyone who has recently started the series, or is interested in doing so, I highly recommend picking up at least this little tidbit before starting book 5 or you may feel at a loss much like I was. While this is the first short I have read, I am going to definitely try and make it a priority in my reading to include these along with the main books.

Eventually I would like to read the entire Bite compilation, but time does not permit me to do so at this time.


Profile Image for BluMoon.

27 reviews

December 17, 2020

This whole story could have easily been a prologue to Definitely Dead because I had no idea what Sookie was referring to when she was talking about her legacy and I didn’t get why the Queen want her to attend the big vampire dinner(?) as her personal guest. I was lost.

This story made it all make sense but I don’t think this 57 page story needed to be a completely different book. It was too important to the next book to just leave off like that and I never would have known that I needed to read it if I wasn’t reading through the comments of Definitely Dead.

I just gave it two stars because I was annoyed I had to go on a scavenger hunt for the story. 😑

Profile Image for Sarah Kurtz.

110 reviews2 followers

December 29, 2022

This is another short story in Sookie Stackhouse Series that falls between Book #5 (Dead as a Doornail) and Book #6 (Definitely Dead). While some of the other short-fillers I’ve read for this series don’t necessary have meaning, I do feel that this one does.

In this short chapter, someone dies and leaves their estate to Sookie. In the second chapter of Book #6 this is mentioned and had I not read this, I might have been a little confused as to what was actually happening.

Therefore, I did give this a higher rating since it relates!

Profile Image for Natalie.

261 reviews

February 20, 2019

Quite a good short story. Haven’t read anything from the True Blood series in a while so it was a nice refresher as I think I’m going to finally finish the series soon as I’ve just got to read the final book! Great character descriptions.

July 19 2009, 12:17

One Word Answer by Charlaine Harris

In A Word, Yes!

One Word Answer is a short story in the Sookie Stackhouse universe that has been published in the book Bite. A book of short stories about dark seduction and vampires from a number of different authors.

Sookie is at home raking up her yard, at midnight, with the vampire Bubba. Just your ordinary night. When something unordinary happened. A limousine turned into Sookie’s drive. A limousine would not turn up at Sookie’s unless it was deliberate, no one turned up unless it was deliberate, that’s how far out of the way Sookie’s house was.

As a large gentleman emerged from the limousine, Sookie is left alone to face him, and from what she can ‘hear’ he isn’t human. What could he possibly want from her, and what has all this to do with her long estranged cousin Hadley?

The large gentleman has not come alone; he has come with vampires in tow. Just as things start to look ominous for Sookie help arrives. But is it enough to save her from the task that has been bestowed upon her? Has she just made a powerful enemy? and will she survive another attack on her life?

A great little story offering an intriguing extra insight into the world of Sookie Stackhouse and its character. I strongly recommend reading the first five Sookie Stackhouse novels before you read this. This short story sets the background for what is to come in book six, Definitely Dead.

On sale: 01 January 2005
ISBN: 9780515139709
Recommended age: 18+
In a word: ‘Yes’
Re-read it: probably
Recommend: to those reading the series
Star rating: three out of five


It was nothing but a normal day in Miami, Florida. The blinding star was high above the horizon in the glistening blue sky. There weren't even a single cloud visible in the void of blueness.
In Ms. Suzy's twelfth grade English class at Marino High School, there sat a bored-out-of-his-mind Austin (Monica) Moon, with his blonde locks slightly messy yet swept to one side, the blonde's eyelids were barely halfway open. A silent yawn would escape through his mouth with every minute that ticked by.
In order to keep himself awake enough to not let his head collapse onto his desk, Austin focused on balancing his unused pencil in between his nose and upper lip. His hazel brown orbs crossed as his lips imitate an accurate duck.
His lips puckered slightly into an adorable pout when the wooden tool collapsed onto his desk. He picked up the writing utensil and repeated his previous actions myriad more times. Getting bored of balancing the pencil on his nose, he decided on twiddling his thumbs instead.
His mind was elsewhere in space, lost somewhere not within this universe we call Earth. He couldn't get a certain brunette out of his mind. It was like she carved a mark in his heart (and mind) and there was no way he could get it out. He couldn't get the image of her radiant chocolate orbs and her dazzling smile out of his head. He tried but there was no avail. Then again, he wasn't complaining; he didn't want to get her out of his head.
He snapped from his stupor when he heard a slam on his desk. He looked up to see none other than Ms. Suzy herself with a stack of papers in her hand.
She made eye contact with Austin, and during that moment all he wanted to do was to crawl into a dark hole in the corner and stay there for the rest of his life. He shrunk a little in his seat and his eyes widen slightly like a deer caught in headlights, but all she did was give him a small smile before continuing on passing out papers.
He let out a small, silent sigh of relief when he saw that the sheet was not a test, but an opinion worksheet about "Romeo & Juliet". He let out a shrug before grabbing his pencil to scribble his name messily on the blank line at the top right corner. His eyes roamed through the questions and he was bemused. Well, only a few questions did catch his attention.
For each statement on the worksheet, write on the blank line about whether you think it's true or false with the statement given. This assignment will be your opinion so there is no right or wrong answer to it.
1. _______ Teenagers are too young to know anything about love.
He wrote down an answer as "true" but erased it a second later as the thought of a certain brunette crossed his mind. He mentally grinned before rewriting his answer as "false".
Before he had met her, he would've laughed right then at how young and naive teenagers are with love, but now... he was one of those people. From the moment his eyes locked with her radiant chocolate orbs, he knew it was love at first sight. (Call him cheesy, he could care less.)
"Hey, Austin!" Dez excitedly greet him at his locker.
"Hey, buddy! What's up?" he replied while shutting his locker, leaning against it.
"You cannot believe what I got us!" Dez grinned and jumped up and down like a kid who was going to open a surprise. "I got us both tickets to see the new Zaliens movie that's going to be out in two months! It went sold out 5 minutes after the tickets were available for sale!"
"That's awesome!" he exclaimed before doing their signature handshake. "What up!"
"Well that's the bell. I'm going to head to class before I'm late again. I really don't want another detention. My parents are going to ground me from pancakes for a week. See ya!"
As he was rounding the corner to head to class, he collided with a petite figure. All the books and binders that were once in the figure's hands skittered across the hallway floor. The figure fell to the floor and let out a soft "oof!" while raising their hand to their forehead, rubbing it slightly.
It took him a moment to snap out of his stupor and took notice of the situation. "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you."
Those words flew out of his mouth before his brain could even process properly. His hand reached out to help the figure which they took gratefully and stood up before wiping nonexistent dirt off their floral skirt. "It's fine."
He bent down and picked up some of the books and binders that had fallen to the ground before handing them back to the owner.
"Here you go."
The petite girl smiled and let out a soft "thank you" before reaching out to grab her stuff. Her fingers gently brushed his which sent electricity down his spine and he shivered slightly, the tips of his ears blushing red.
At that moment it felt like time had stopped as his hazel brown eyes locked with her glistening chocolate brown ones. When he finally took a moment to fully scrutinize her, he was gob-smacked.
Her skin was slightly pale and looked as soft as silk. Her eyes were doe and sparkle so bright that the stars would be jealous. Her hair was brown with streaks of amber and was slightly wavy at the ends. Overall, she was drop dead gorgeous!
He was awestruck. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out so he closed his mouth before reopening, hoping for something to say to come out of his mouth. Yet again, nothing to his dismay.
He turned even redder - if that was even possible - in embarrassment. What was wrong with him? Usually he was able to talk to girls so easily and have them wrap around his finger in a matter of seconds so why not with her?
Deciding to break that awkward tension between them, he stuck his hand out for a shake. "Hi, I'm Austin Moon."
She slipped her soft hand in his and he swore he felt the tingles once again, "Ally Dawson."
2. _______ Parents should always make choices for their children.
He frown at this statement for he could literally relate to this statement. His parents wanted him to take over the family business "Moon's Mattress Kingdom" but all he really wanted to be was a rock star.
His parents told him that he had a bazillion to one chance of making it. He knew they were right, but he wasn't the type to give up something before trying it out first. He's Austin Moon. He could do anything.
So with that, he wrote his answer down without a second of hesitation. "False".
He was in his room, guitar in his hand with a guitar pick on the other, strumming the instrument softly. His voice echoed around the room melodically as he sung, passion dripping within every syllable.
A ginormous grin was evident on his face and his eyes gleamed with pleasure. His fingers strum the strings with dexterity. The music roared around the room loudly yet softly with every strum.
When he finished the song, he let out a sigh of contentment before the door to his room swung open with a small squeak.
"Hey, mom," he grinned at her from ear to ear, showing his pearly whites.
"Hey, sweetie," she smiled, walking over to sit next to him on his bed. "That was a beautiful song."
"I think so too," he replied putting his instrument back on its stand.
When he turned back to look at his mother, he saw the expression on her face and his smile disappeared and he pursed his lips. Her expression showed something along the line of sympathy and pride yet at the same time disappointment.
"Honey," she started in a soft voice and he knew exactly what she was going to say. His gaze hardened and he shut his eyes waiting for the words that would be flung at him from his mother's lips, "I know you love music and it's not that I don't support your dreams and passion, but you have to understand that making it into the music industry is bazillion chance to one."
His fists clenched tightly and he bit his bottom lip with his eyes still closed. His parents never truly understood him. They would say they were supportive of his dreams but he knew in honesty that they truly don't.
"And besides," his mom continued. "We need you to be in charge of Moon's Mattress Kingdom anyways. We could use some extra help later on when we have loads of customers coming in after we finish that commercial."
He let out a silent exasperated sigh. Why did he even bother hoping they would ever understand? Music was his life. He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life working in a mattress store with a lame corny slogan. (There's no hassle in our castle!) Not to mention the annoying crown. His parents always try to make him wear the stupid crown on top of his head that makes his hair looks awful. (And that's a lot coming from him since he takes forever in the morning to make sure his hair is perfect.)
"I know, mom," he glumly frowned. His mother let out a sigh and kissed his forehead before leaving, shutting the door behind her. The room suddenly became deafening with silence and Austin ran a hand through his blonde locks before he collapse on his bed as his thoughts race and echo in his head.
"I just want to prove them wrong."
3. ________ Love at first sight is real.
Austin wasn't the type of guy who was into cliché or cheesy things. He was the type of guy who was into playing video games in his best friend's (Dez) basement and watching movies that has zombies, blood, and zaliens in them.
Romance wasn't really his thing either. Sure, he had like two girlfriends before but the relationship lasted about 2 weeks maximum. Most teenagers these days mostly only care about looks and how good they are in bed. It was hard to find people who actually genuinely care about getting to know people and finding out their personality.
Well that is until he met Ally Dawson.
Ally (Edgar) Dawson is the greatest person you would ever meet. (And he's not just saying that because she was his best friend, partner, and girlfriend either.) She would never fail to bring a smile to his face. Even if he was in such a horrible mood from a very bad day. Whenever he was sick, she would always come over to his house with his favorite movie and freshly made pancakes. Ally made the best pancakes. (Sorry mom!)
Ally made him a better person. She's changed him and had such a huge impact on his life and she didn't even know it. She was his everything and he wondered how he even managed to live without her in his life before. If he was being honest, he hardly remembered what his life was like without her in it.
He could rely on Ally for basically anything. If he had something on his mind, he could go to Ally and he would vent on and on about what was on his mind even if it wasn't a huge deal. She would always comfort him no matter the situation and he was so thankful that she was always there for him.
Ally was not only his best friend that he could always count on for anything, she was also the love of his life. He loved her unconditionally and he didn't care what other people think. People would say that he was too good for her but they couldn't be anymore wrong. She was too good for him.
Sometimes he wondered why she liked him in the first place. She was better off without him. She could be with some other smart guy who probably have a 4.0 GPA on average and yet she chose to be with him. He never truly understood how he had gotten so lucky.
He snapped out of his thoughts and hurriedly scribbled down his answer "true" as the bell rung, signaling the end of the school day. He slung his backpack onto his shoulder and dropped off his worksheet on Ms. Suzy's desk before exiting the door.
He raced through the sea of students until he got to his locker. He dialed the combination before swinging the metal door open. He grabbed a box from his locker and hurriedly stuffed it into his backpack before anyone could see. He slammed the metal door closed and he went to find a certain brunette.
She was at her locker, stuffing some books into her backpack, unaware that he was approaching. As she was in the middle of organizing her locker, he snuck up on her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. She let out a squeal and backed away from him.
"Austin!" she exclaimed, her hand flying to her chest.
He chuckled before embracing her in a warm hug. "Hey, love."
"Idiot!" she pouted, her small fist making contact with his chest. "You scared me!"
"Sorry," he said unapologetically. She rolled her eyes at him.
"Anyway," he said as she slammed her locker shut. "Are you busy tonight?"
"Well, I have to work at the store," she replied slinging her backpack on her shoulders. "But my shift ends at 5, so what do you need?"
"I was hoping we could go somewhere," he smiled. "Like on a date."
"I'd like that," she grinned. "Pick me up at 6?"
He nodded, grinning ear to ear. She pecked a soft kiss on his cheek and waved before heading off to work. He let out a content sigh, the idiotic grin still visible on his face as he left the school grounds. Let's do this.
--------------------- Line Break -------------------
His palms were sweating like crazy and nervousness coursed through his veins. He constantly wiped his sweat covered palms on his dark jeans every several seconds that pass by. He breathed in a few deep breathes and grabbed the delicate single red rose before getting out of his vehicle.
He walked up to her front door and his balled up fist raised to make contact with the wooden door. The door swung open several seconds later, revealing none other than Ally Dawson.
His breath hitched at the back of his throat. Her wavy caramel locks cascaded down her shoulders and her face was evident with light natural make up. To say she was gorgeous was an understatement. She was so utterly, literally, genuinely beautiful that even Aphrodite would be jealous.
She gave him one of her stunningly radiant smile and he swore he might faint. Even after three years, he never managed to yet get over the sensation it gave him whenever she smiled.
He gave her a gigantic grin of his own before his hand, which was behind his back, was offered to her. Her eyes gleamed and her cheeks blushed a hue of crimson and all he wanted to do then was to pepper her face with soft sweet kisses. She took the rose from him gratefully, and she lingered a soft kiss on his cheek. It was his cheeks' turn to tint the color of ripe cherry.
"Ready to go?" he asked offering her his hand.
She gave him a small nod and took his outstretched hand.
They drove around town for a little while until he stopped at a French restaurant called L 'Amour.
They stepped into the restaurant and he watched as she let out a small gasp, gaping at the sight. He gave her his million dollar grin.
He had reserved a private spot for them in a different part of the restaurant. The table was set up in an area inside that made it look almost like something from a fairytale. Bright strings of light were hung along the walls to make the scene even more mesmerizing.
The table was candle lit and there were even wine glasses set beside the expensive porcelain china. The utensils were not plain ordinary ones, they were gold. Next to the candles sat a bouquet of red and yellow roses.
He led her to their table and didn't even hesitate to pull out the chair for her. She gave him a grateful smile, still awestruck by what she was seeing.
"You did all this for me?" she asked, her eyes glistening with admiration.
He sat across from her and grinned, nodding, "Of course."
"Thank you," she reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers together.
"You don't have to thank me," he shrugged. "It's nothing much, really."
"It means everything," she squeezed his hand before letting go, picking up the menu.
They ordered a few dishes and shared them together. He would constantly pick up his utensil and feed her as she did the same to him. Overall, they had a great time together and enjoyed their meal.
When a check was placed atop their table, they had a debate on how they were going to manage the bill. She offered that they split the bill but he would always protest that he should be the one who pay. Let's just say he won their mini debate and he paid, to her dismay.
When they exited the restaurant, Austin drove Ally around downtown. After a while they decided to head to the beach. It was sometime around eight when they arrived, yet the sun was just setting. The sun usually doesn't set until sometime almost nine since it was already summer time.
They walked along the shoreline hand in hand, fingers interlocked, as the sun sets lower and lower to the horizon. She was snuggling close to him and he couldn't be any happier than that moment. They stopped walking when they reached the dock.
They turned to face one another and got lost in each other's eyes. Gigantic loving smiles were evident on their faces as their forehead leaned closer and closer towards one another until they, including their noses, were touching. The infinitesimally small distance between them were secured shut when their lips made contact with the other.
It was as if fireworks and bombs were literally exploding around them and the butterflies fluttering in their stomachs were fluttering so frantically that it was as if they were going to burst. Sparks ignited between them and they were practically in pure bliss.
His arms were secured around her waist, holding her close, basically flustered against him. Her arms snaked around his neck while her hands tugged slightly at his golden locks.
After what felt like eternity later, they pulled away. They snuggled up against one another and turned to face the sunset. Loving grins were evident on their faces and could be seen from a mile away.
When her attention was stuck upon the colorful sky, he sneakily took out the small box from his back pocket. He took the glistening band from the box and slipped it on her left ring finger.
She glanced at the gleaming object on her finger and her eyes widen before they glanced up and made eye contact with him. Her lips were parted and a soft gasp escaped her lips.
"Before you say anything, this is not an engagement ring," he chuckled, yet somewhat nervously. "It's a promise ring."
He took her small hands, loving the way they fit so well in his hands. Just like a puzzle piece.
"I don't think we're both ready for that stage yet," he played with her fingers, fidgeting slightly.
"But I want to promise. To promise that one day– even if it's going to be in 10 years or however long you want to wait, I'd wait– we would spend the rest of our lives together."
"A promise ring is supposed to symbolize commitment and the reason I'm giving you this ring is because I'm dedicated to you. Since the moment I met you, I knew that you'd be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you. You make me feel like I can do anything, and I know I can do anything as long as I'm always by your side."
Tears started to well up in her eyes, and she smiled, not even bothering to wipe the brine that had slipped down her cheeks away.
"When I first laid eyes on you, I was intrigued. Then later on when I get to know you, my feelings for you grew stronger and stronger than ever. Whenever I'm with you, it felt like as if I was on cloud nine. And no matter how many times I say it, it will never compare to how much I really mean it when I tell you I love you."
His hand reached up to her gently cup her cheek and his thumb softly wiped her tears away from her crimson cheek. He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers and the tips of their noses touched as their lips brushed ever so slightly.
He placed a soft gentle kiss on her sweet, pink, kissable lips with his hand still caressing her cheek. "I love you so much, Ally Dawson. To the moon and back and beyond."
"I love you too, Austin Moon."
-------------------------- Fin ------------------------
AN: 3634 words yikes! Longest thing I've ever written in my entire life! I really really hope you guys like this one shot! It took me a long time to write it and I know it's been a while since I updated or posted something so I hope this was worth the wait. I am so happy that you guys are such loyal readers and are sticking with me no matter what. I love you guys so much! Oh and happy April fools day! - XxX Ashley

 I love you guys so much! Oh and happy April fools day! - XxX Ashley

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