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Online MCQs Objective type computer fundamental question answer for the applicants who have applied for computer operators jobs and data entry operating jobs tests. In Many companies at the time of interviews hardware question answer are asked learn here solved hardware and software MCQs with answers about computer science MCQs.

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Computer Architecture Tutorial Question Answer Solution

Q.1: In Ms Word the mailing list is known as the ———— ?

  1. Data source
  2. Sheet
  3. Data sheet
  4. Source


Q.2: You wished to justify text over the height of paper which option will you choose in Ms Word ?

  1. From formatting toolbar
  2. Page Setup from File menu
  3. Font from Format menu
  4. Paragraph from Format menu


Q.3: Which of the following can NOT be used to create parallel style column in Ms Word ?

  1. Insert Textbox
  2. Table Insert Table
  3. Format Tabs
  4. Format Columns


Q.4: Window key + D ?

  1. Show system properties
  2. Find Computers
  3. Show Desktop (toggle)
  4. Lock Desktop


Q.5: What is a motion path in Microsoft PowerPoint ?

  1. A type of animation entrance effect
  2. A method of advancing slides
  3. A method of moving items on a slide
  4. All of the above


Q.6: Window key + Shift + M ?

  1. Minimize all applications
  2. Utility Manager
  3. Un-Minimize all applications
  4. Show system properties


Q.7: in the context of animations what is a trigger in Microsoft PowerPoint ?

  1. An action button that advances to the next slide
  2. An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
  3. The name of a motion path
  4. All of above


Q.8: ———-is a process of encoding data and information into an unreadable form ?

  1. Encryption
  2. Formatting
  3. Transmission
  4. Spooling


Q.9: Using Find command in Ms Word we can search ?

  1. characters
  2. formats
  3. symbols
  4. All of the above


Q.10: In Microsoft Word the shortcut SHIFT+DELETE is used to———- ?

  1. Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
  2. Copy the selected item
  3. Rename the selected item
  4. Create a shortcut to the selected item


Computer Quiz Questions

Computer Quiz Questions General Knowledge Part 1

1) Digital computers are classified in four categories. What are they?
Answer: Microcomputers, Mini computers, Mainframe computers and Super computers.

2) PC/XT stands for?
Answer: Personal computers extended technology.

3) PC/AT stands for?
Answer: personal computers advanced technology.

4) MIPS is?
Answer: million instructions per second.

5) Example for mini computers?
Answer: IBM AS/400/B60, VAX 8842, WIPROGENIUS, WIPRO LANDMARK 860, HP 9000 etc.

6) In the case of Microcomputers speed of CPU is?
Answer: 1-10 MIPS.

7) Speed of CPU in the case of Minicomputer is?
Answer: 20-50 MIPS.

8) Speed of CPU in the case of Mainframe computer is?
Answer: 30-100 MIPS.

9) Speed of CPU in the case of Super computer is?
Answer: 400-10000 MIPS.

10) Word length of Microcomputers?
Answer: 8-32 bit.

Computer Quiz Questions and Answers Part 2

11) Word length of Mainframe computers?
Answer: 48-64 bit.

12) Word length of Super computers?
Answer: 64 or 96 bit.

13) Main memory has 3 distinct parts. What are they?
Answer: Ram, Rom, Cache.

14) Two different types of Semi-conductor RAM memories are there. What are they?
Answer: DRAM (Dynamic RAM), SRAM (Static RAM)

15) In which memory, the data stored are lost in the event of power failure?
Answer: DRAM, SRAM.

16) EPROM stands for?
Answer: Erasable programmable Read Only Memory.

17) UPROM stands for?
Answer: Ultraviolet Programmable Read Only Memory.

18) EAPROM stands for?
Answer: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

19) A standard protocol that describes communication between computers, synthesizers and musical instrument is?
Answer: MIDI.

20) The program change that makes up the operating system, along with the associated utility program change, as distinct from an application program is?
Answer: System software.

Learn more about Computer Online Quiz Questions General Knowledge Part 3

21) The basis of internet is?
Answer: TCP/IP.

22) To remove permanently, the content of data file in a database management system erase is?
Answer: ZAP.

23) 4GL stands for?
Answer: Fourth generation language.

24) FORTRAN is acronym for?
Answer: Formula Translator.

25) The first compiled high level programming language developed by Jim Backus of IBM is?
Answer: FORTRAN (it is widely used in engineering, technical and academic settings)

26) An optical device used to digitalize a whole page on a large image is ?
Answer: Flatbed scanner.

27) FIFO stands for?
Answer: First In First Out.

28) A method is used to process information in which the first item in the list is processed first is?
Answer: FIFO.

29) Any software stored in a form of Read Only Memory – ROM, EPROM or EEROM that maintain its contents when the power is removed is?
Answer: Firmware.

30) A computer peripheral that presents computer output as a printed image or paper or film is?
Answer: Printer.

Computer  Quiz Questions Communication

Computer Quiz Questions – E-mail

31) What is used for computer communication between users?
Answer: E-mail.

32) What refers to the processed of creating messages and answers?
Answer: Composition.

33) Moving of messages of from originator to recipient is called?
Answer: Transfer.

34) What are special test messages consisting of empty envelopes?
Answer: Probes.

35) The message transfer agents and presentation layer together called?
Answer: Message transfer system.

36) A technology used for transferring email is called?
Answer: Message handling service (MHS)

37) A special characteristics of all email systems is?
Answer: Speed in delivery of mail messages.

Computer Quiz Questions – Optical Data Storage and Communication

38) The technology related to light for data storage is?
Answer: Optical data storage.

39) Which is an optical disk?
Answer: CDROM.

40) Which beam is commonly used for optical data storage?
Answer: Laser.

41) The smallest version of optical disk can store?
Answer: 550 Megabytes.

42) The electronic systems that transfer data from one point to another are called?
Answer: Data communication system.

43) Which is the most commonly used transmission medium in optical data transmission system?
Answer: Optical fibre.

44) What are main parts of optical fibre?
Answer: Core, Cladding, and plastic sheath.

45) What are two chances for loss of data in optical fibre?
Answer: Absorption and scattering.

46) Why optical fibres are used in military applications?
Answer: Due to high security.

Computer Quiz Questions – ISDN

47) ISDN stands for?
Answer: Integrated Services Digital Networks.

48) The two types of ISDN available are?
Answer: BRI and PRI.

49) The key idea behind the ISDN is?
Answer: Digital Bit Pipe.

50) The two types of communication channels are used in ISDN are?
Answer: B channel and D channel.

51) Which type of ISDN is used for big data transfer?
Answer: PRI (Primary Rate Interface)

52) What are the two types of signaling used in ISDN?
Answer: DSS 1 and SS 7.

53) The unique feature of combining B channel is referred to as?
Answer: Inverse multiplexing.

54) The device which translates signaling from non ISDN TE2 called?
Answer: TA (Terminal Adapter)

Computer Quiz Questions – PAGER

55) In numeric pagers what type of messages can be received?
Answer: Numeric type.

56) In operator assisted paging systems who act as a link between the calling party and the called party?
Answer: Operator.

57) What happens when a new message is identical to stored message?
Answer: A ‘Duplicate’ prompt.

58) What is the main disadvantage of PAGER?
Answer: It is only a one way communication system.

59) When was the first paging system used?
Answer: In 1957.

60) Which type of paging system two parties are directly linked?
Answer: Automatic paging system.

Computer Quiz Questions Computer Graphics Part 1

61) The term morphing comes from Greek word?
Answer: Morphe.

62) When the number of frames in between two images increase the?
Answer: Clarity of morphing increases.

63) What are the two types of morphing?
Answer: Distortion and Transition morphing.

64) Which type is commonly used for advertisements in TV?
Answer: Distortion morphing.

65) The first film which uses the morphing is?
Answer: Willow.

66) The technique for 2D morphing comes from digital image processing and?
Answer: Texture mapping.

67) Morphing process varies depending on whether the image is?
Answer: 2D dimensional or 3D dimensional.

68) Which algorithm is used as an initial image is stretched and deformed to conform to the shape of final image?
Answer: Digital image warping.

69) Specify a morph, the animator demonstrate correspondence with the _?
Answer: Initial and final image.

70) Adobe photoshop has revolutionized the world of _?
Answer: computer graphics.

71) Photoshop was one of the first revolutions of _?
Answer: Macintosh graphics programs.

72) How many channels are supported by photoshop?
Answer: 24 alpha channels.

73) How many layers are supported by photoshop?
Answer: 99 independent layers.

74) In photoshop using what format, that you can export images to other programs like adobe illustrator.
Answer: Desktop color separation format.

75) Adobe photoshop recommends that a minimum system is _?
Answer: Intel 1386, 1486, or Pentium processors.

76) For photoshop to run all operations smoothly, it requires?
Answer: 24 bit video card.

77) Flat bed scanners use _?
Answer: CCD’s or charge coupled device as photoreceptors.

78) What were among the first input devices to hit the computer graphics world?
Answer: Video digitalizers.

79) Photoshop is a _?
Answer: Electronic dark room.

80) When and where was the origin of Computer Graphics?
Answer: In 1940’s in the US department of Defence.

81) The sophisticated and impressive use of computer graphics is the production of images that can be manipulated in three dimensions. This technique is called?
Answer: 3D Animation.

82) Which computer is used for computer graphics imaging?
Answer: Silicon computer.

83) The technique with which the objects in a 3D environment were created by digitalization is called?
Answer: Modelled Animation Techniques (MAT)

84) Which technique is used to transform the shape of an object?
Answer: Linear Interpolation Techniques.

85) The menu which is used for pointing to the selection of colors is called?
Answer: Palette.

86) Which are the two types of coloring algorithms used in animation?
Animation: Region filling algorithm and Polygon filling algorithm.

87) Which algorithm works much faster?
Answer: Region filling algorithm.

88) The most difficult problems in three dimensional computer generated are?
Answer: Synchronization and parallelism.

89) Which is the biggest annoyance in computer generated modeling?
Answer: Aliasing.

90) What is the reason for aliasing problem?
Answer: Low resolution.

Computer Quiz Questions Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Part 1

91) What is Robotics?
Answer: The scientific study of robot.

92) Who is considered as the father of industrial robot?
Answer: Joseph Engelberger.

93) Who holds the patent for the first industrial robot?
Answer: George Devol.

94) What are the three major components of a robot?
Answer: Manipulator, Brain, Power supply.

95) Which part controls the movement of robots hand?
Answer: Manipulator.

96) What is the purpose of a computer in a robot system?
Answer: As its controller.

97) What are the hardwares essential in a computer controlled robot?
Answer: Memory, CPU, A/D and D/A converters.

98) Give one example for a computer programming language that can be used for robot programming?
Answer: AML (A Manufacturing Language)

99) What is flexible manufacturing system (FMS) or computerized manufacturing system?
Answer: A combination of CAD/CAM & Robotics)

100) What is the major disadvantage of using a robot?
Answer: Heavy investment.

101) The Expert system was introduced in?
Answer: 1958.

102) The expert system was developed by which university?
An: Stanford.

103) The first expert system was?
Answer: DENDRAL.

104) In which field the expert system has application areas of A.I?
Answer: Artificial intelligence.

105) Name the language used in Expert system?
Answer: LISP & PROLOG.

106) Name one of the most important parts in Expert system?
Answer: Knowledge Base.

107) Which system was designed for diagnosis and therapy recommendation for infectious disease?
Answer: MYCIN.

108) DENDRAL system is widely used by?
Answer: Research chemists.

109) Which system has been designed for solving mathematical problems?
Answer: MACSYMA.

110) Which system has been designed to assist geologist in mineral exploration?

111) What is Artificial Intelligence?
Answer: Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with the study and creation of systems that exhibit some form of human intelligence.

112) What is the importance of AI?
Answer: Human intelligence have certain limit in speed and accuracy. It is interrupted due to the lack of presence of mind, mood, etc. Bu AI systems have their own superb abilities.

113) Who is the father of Artificial Intelligence?
Answer: Allen Turing.

114) Which is the first test programming language?
Answer: IPL.

115) The beginning of Artificial Intelligence in?
Answer: 1958.

116) What are the languages used for Artificial Intelligence programming?
Answer: 1. LISP, 2. PROLOG, 3. SMALL TALK & ACTOR.

117) LISP is?
Answer: List Programming Language.

118) PROLOG is?
Answer: Logic Programming Language.

119) SMALL TALK & ACTOR are?
Answer: Object Oriented Programming Language.

120) What are the branches of Artificial Intelligence?
Answer: 1. Expert System, 2. Natural Language System, 3. Perception System.

Computer Quiz Questions Internet Part 1

121) What is INTERNET?
Answer: Internet is the world’s of largest computer network, the ‘networks of networks’ scattered all over the world.

122) When was INTERNET created?
Answer: It was created nearly twenty seven years ago as a project for the U.S. department of defence.

123) The internet helps in three ways. Which ways?
Answer: To get information, to provide information and to compile information.

124) The most recent and very successful attempt at presenting information over the internet is?
Answer: The World Wide Web (WWW)

125) What is internet service provider?
Answer: It is a company that provides the internet access.

126) What is WWW?
Answer: It is a system based on hypertext and HTTP for providing, organizing and accessing wide variety of resources that are available via the Internet.

127) What is a web page?
Answer: It is a unit of information, often called a document that is available over the WWW.

128) Name the protocol that allows a computer to use the TCP/IP protocol and to be connected directly to the Net using a standard voice telephone line and a high speed modem?
Answer: PPP (Point to Point Protocol)

129) It is a software program that acts as an interface between the user and the WWW. What is it?
Answer: Web Browser.

130) Name two different types of web browser?
Answer: Text-Based Browser and Graphical Browser.

131) It collects and organizes resources that are available via the WWW and is designed to provide a starting point for locating information. Name it.
Answer: Web index.

132) It is an interactive tool that enables to locate information available via WWW. Name it.
Answer: Search engine.

133) It is a unique numeric identifier used to specify a particular host computer on a particular network and is part of a global standardized scheme for identifying machines that are connected to the internet. Name it.
Answer: IP Address.

134) It is a way to identify and locate computers connected to the internet. Name it.
Answer: Domain Name.

135) It provides a standard hierarchical way of identifying and locating internet resources on the WWW. Name it.
Answer: Uniform Resource Locator.

136) A binding document signed by all users that explains the rules of the internet use at an institution. Name this policy.
Answer: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

137) What is Telnet?
Answer: It is the protocol that enables one computer to establish a connection to another computer. Telnet provide access to many resources around the world.

138) What is Gopher?
Answer: It is a protocol designed to search, retrieve and display documents from remote sites on the internet.

139) It is an Internet search tool that has the capability of searching many databases at one time. Name it.
Answer: Wide Area Information Server (WAIS)

140) Name the net based services that lets you locate files that are available for downloading via FTP.
Answer: Archie.

141) What is FTP?
Answer: File Transfer Protocol (The medium that allows transferring of files between computers on the net using an FTP program or via Web Browser.

142) What is an E-Journal?
Answer: It is an electronic publication typically found in academic circles.

143) What is E-mail?
Answer: A network service that enables users to send and receive messages. Communicating via E-mail is the number one use of the net.

144) What is Finger?
Answer: Software that allows the user to enter the address of an internet site to find information about that system users or a particular user.

145) What is Homepage?
Answer: The first page of a website and the starting point for navigating the web using web browser.

146) What is Host?
Answer: A computer that acts as a server, users at remote computers are allowed to access information that is stored on the server or host computer.

147) What is Hotlists?
Answer: List of frequently accessed web site document name and URLs.

148) What is URL?
Answer: An addressing scheme used to link resources on the web.

149) What is Netscape?
Answer: A web browser.

150) What is NNTP?
Answer: Network News Transport Protocol (This is used to distribute network news)

Read 111 Mathematics Quiz Questions Answers

Here are some questions on the topic of computers.

Computer-using habits

Do you use computers very much?
When do you use a computer?
What do you use computers for?
What part do computers play in your life?

Computer usage

When did you start using computers?
When was the first time you used a computer?
When did you learn how to use a computer?
What was your impression (or feeling) when you used a computer the first time?
How did you learn to use a computer?

Value of computers

Have computers changed (influenced) your life in any way? (If yes, how?)
Are computers used much in your country?
Do you think computers are useful (or important) in everyday life? (How?)
Do you find computers very useful in your everyday life?
What role do computers play in modern life?
Do you think computers are important in everyday life?
How are computers useful to people?
What do you think are the benefits of (using) a computer?
Do you think computers have changed our lives for the better? (How? Compare today & our lives in pre-computer times.)
Do you think a computer can give you better access to knowledge?
Do you think there there are any disadvantages (or, drawbacks) to using computers?

Children and computers/computers in education

Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?
In your country, when do children at school use a computer?
Computers are now used a lot in the education of children. What do you think are the advantages of this? Do you think computers are good or bad for children?
Do you think it’s a good or a bad thing to teach children how to use a computer?

Computer games

Do you play computer games?
How often do you play computer games?

Problems with computers

What do you do when your computer has problems?

The future of computers

Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be improved?

How would you answer these example questions about computers from Part 1 of the IELTS speaking test?

What examples would you give? What details would you need to describe? What vocabulary would you need to express yourself well?

Tips for IELTS Speaking | IELTS Speaking Part 1 | Computers, computer skills, children and computers, how important are computers?

You can use these questions in your IELTS preparation to help you think about what you would say in response to them.

Computers Speaking Part 1

Do you often use computers?

Yes, I do, very often, in fact every day I use my laptop. I use it for studying, researching, entertainment and also for shopping sometimes.

Do you often use a computer?

Not very often, I guess I just don’t really need one in my day-to-day life. I have a smartphone for email and social media, and I can do most of the things I need to do on my phone. Plus, I like having some time away from screens!

When did you start using computers?

I guess I was in elementary school when I first started to use them regularly. My parents had a computer at home, but I wasn’t allowed to use it in those days. So I suppose I would have been about six years old when I first started using computers to do things.

What do you use computers for?

Nowadays, pretty much everything. I send and receive emails, use apps like Zoom and Hangouts to chat with people, and I use the internet to do research as part of my studies.

Just last week I started job hunting and updating my resume using my computer, and it’s so easy nowadays.

And then of course there’s all the entertainment available on the internet. I’m a big YouTube fan, sometimes I can spend hours watching stuff online.

Computer Speaking Part 1 Topic

Do you enjoy computing?

I enjoy computing because it allows me to be creative and explore new ideas. It’s also a great way to stay connected with friends and family. I also enjoy the challenge of problem-solving.

What kind of tasks do you use a computer for?

I generally use my computer for tasks that require a lot of research or thought. This can include writing papers, developing presentations, and working on projects. I also use my computer for tasks that are more fun, such as playing games and browsing the internet.

Do you think computers will become more important in the future?

I think that, as our world becomes increasingly digitized, computers will only become more important. They are already an essential tool in many fields, such as medicine and business. As we develop new technologies, I believe computers will play an even bigger role in our lives.

Would you say computers are important?

Absolutely! They are irreplaceable now — I mean they’re used in banks, business, airplanes, cars, virtually everything has some kind of computer which helps it operate — I don’t know what we would do without them.

Would you say computers are important in your life?

Personally, I’d say yes, my life would be totally different if I didn’t use computers every day. I grew up using computers and they’re an integral part of most of the daily activities I do — so obviously, yes, they’re very important for me.

Are computers important to you?

While I don’t use a computer very often, I do think they are important. I work in an office and my job would be much harder if I didn’t have access to a computer. Even though I don’t use one at home very often, I’m glad they exist!

Do computers have much impact on your life?

They certainly make my life a lot easier most of the time- I mean banking and shopping online is so much quicker and more convenient than having to actually go to a bank or shop and do it all physically.

I can achieve more in my life thanks to computers — all that information is instantly accessible on the internet, which makes so many things easier and I suppose the biggest impact of all is the way computers have really changed the way we live, the way we intereact with each other and how we do things.

What effect do computers have on children?

Some people used to think that children spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen was not a good thing for them — but now you just look at the adults who are doing exactly the same and you have to laugh.

Basically, children spending hours in front of a computer screen is like learning a life skill or work skill, becasue when they grow up and become adults and start working many of them , if they work in an office or simialr environemnt, will spend many hours using comuters to do their work.

so overall, I think it’s only natural that children spend quite a lot of time with computers.

I really don’t think there are any serious negative effects caused by computers which apply specifically for children.

How do you think parents could minimize (or avoid) the negative effects of computers on their children?

Okay,so if parents are convinced that their child is spending too much time using a computer — then they could always try and put a limit on the number of hours their child uses the computer each week.

They could also make sure that their child is involved in other activities outside, maybe playing sports and things like that. It’s good to have a balance of activities — things you can do alone and also with other people.

What computer skill(s) would you like to learn?

Yeah, I’d really like to learn computer animation and graphics someday, but I think it takes a long time to learn all the necessary techniques and then practice creating such things. It would be nice though, because it looks so interesting when you see someone elese doing it.

Computers IELTS Speaking Part 1

How much time do you spend playing computer games every week?

I usually play computer games for three to four hours a week. But sometimes I don’t play them for weeks because of other activities like watching movies, videos or reading books.

Do online computer games interest you?

Yes, they’re great fun! I love playing them with my friends. The internet makes it so easy!

How important are computer games in your everyday life?

They’re not very important to me because they don’t affect my life in a big way. But if I’m enjoying playing a good game, sometimes I might lose track of time.

What is your opinion about computers in education for children?

I think it’s essential for children to learn computer skills. There should be a course to teach skills. In my country, some schools already do it.

Children need to learn how to build a website, do some basic coding, or build app writing tools.

But I don’t think there should be too much emphasis on them at school because this might affect their real lives. Too much time in front of a computer screen, while they are still developing, is not a good idea!

What do you think about the future of computers?

I’m excited about the future of computers! I suppose we’ll see implanted computers in humans in my lifetime — it’s natural advancement for those who want it.

I can imagine there might be a library of knowledge available, a plugin option for your brain. That would be cool! And I guess we’ll communicate without external devices — just think and send a message to another person.

There are so many possible applications as technology continues to evolve across the world. Areas like health care and many employment sectors will be disrupted and probably improved through advanced AI and computers.

Computer Topic IELTS Speaking

What do you think will be the best computer-related job in ten years’ time?

It’s almost impossible to predict, but I think that computers will become even more integrated into society. More people might work as game designers or testers, or in other computer-related employment!

There will also be several new use cases which we’ve not even considered yet because the technology isn’t yet available — but it will be soon.

Have you ever had to teach a child how to use a computer?

Yes, I once taught my young nephew how to use some features of my computer. But it’s not as easy as you might think.

You can’t just pass by the screensaver and let them click on whatever they want to play around with. They might open something inappropriate.

You need to consider a parental block on their account because you can’t supervise them 100% of the time, but you need to make sure they’re not searching for anything harmful online or opening any terrible programs.

Do you think it’s safe for children to use computers? (Why? Why not?)

Yes, it’s safe for children to use computers. The average person only uses 10% of their brain potential anyway, so there is no need for concern.

Children must be taught proper ergonomics, even starting from a young age because sitting at a computer can be harmful to the back.

Earning an unhealthy posture early in life can lead to chronic pain later on in life, which can be irreversible, and cause an increase in shoulder and neck pain as well as having more limited mobility.

If your child likes getting screen time, they should make sure they do not exceed 3 hours which will ensure their cognitive abilities remain strong and allows them to focus on other things in life.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Computer Questions & Answers

What are some of the negative effects of too much screen time and not enough physical activity?

There are many negative effects of too much screen time and not enough physical activity. They include obesity, blood sugar spikes, lack of feeling happy, and depression.

Some other negative effects of too much screen time and not enough physical activity include heart disease, diabetes, ulcers, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Some people even argue that these negative effects affect the mental health of children, such as suicide ideation and more aggressive behaviors.

Moreover, you’re probably contributing to these negatives by buying video games for your little brother’s birthday instead of getting clothes or books for them!

How do you feel about children posting their thoughts on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram?

My initial feeling is that it’s natural for children to want to post their thoughts. If it makes them happy, I don’t see any harm in it.

Of course, there are potential consequences like cyberbullying or the surge in kids who commit suicide after being taunted by others on social media.

But I think the problem is bigger than just one trend; I think we need better strategies for protecting vulnerable kids online and off.

How would you answer these computer speaking Part 1 questions?

Computer Hardware Question:

Ques: What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) CPU
(d) CD-ROM

Ans. (b)

Ques. RAM is an example of:
(a) Secondary memory
(b) Primary memory
(c) Main memory
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following printers uses light beam and electrostatically sensitive black powder?
(a) dot matrix printer
(b) daisy wheel printer
(c) chain printer
(d) laser printer

Ans. (d)

Question: A command that takes what has been typed into the computer and can be seen on the screen and sends it to the printer for output on  paper______.
(a) print
(b) return
(c) jump
(d) attention

Ans. (a)

Ques. RAM stands for :
(a) Read Access Memory
(b) Random Access Memory
(c) Random Assigned Memory
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

Related: multiple choice quiz on html code

Ques: _______ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal’s movements.
(a) POS
(b) RFID
(c) PPS
(d) GPS

Ans. (b)

Ques: Chip is a common nickname for a (n):
(a) transistor
(b) resistor
(c) integrated circuit
(d) semiconductor

Ans. (b)

Ques. All of the following are examples of storage devices except:
(a) Hard disk drives
(b) Printers
(c) USB drive
(d) DVD drives

Ans. (b)

Ques. ____ is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.
(a) Hardware
(b) A device
(c) A peripheral
(d) An application

Ans. (a)

Ques: A keyboard is this kind of device—
(a) black
(b) input
(c) output
(d) word Processing

Ans. (b)

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Ques: The ______, also called the “brains” of the computer, is responsible for processing data.
(a) motherboard
(b) memory
(c) RAM
(d) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Ans. (d)

Ques: During the boot process, the ____________ looks for the system files.
(a) CD
(b) BIOS
(c) CPU
(d) DVD

Ans. (b)

Ques. _______ is an output device that lets you see what the computer is doing.
(a) a disk drive
(b) monitor-screen
(c) shift key
(d) printer

Ans. (b)

Ques. All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:
(a) hard disk drives
(b) printers
(c) floppy disk drives
(d) USB drive

Ans. (b)

Ques: Which of the following is an example of an input device?
(a) scanner
(b) speaker
(c) CD
(d) printer

Ans. (a)

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Ques: The barcode which is used on all types of items, is read by a scanning device directly into the computer. What is the name of this scanning device?
(a) Laser scanner
(b) Wand
(c) OCR
(d) MICR

Ans. (a)

Ques: A computer’s hard disk is
(a) an arithmetic and logical unit
(b) computer software
(c) an operating system
(d) computer hardware

Ans. (d)

Ques: Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually. This technology is known as:
(a) robotics
(b) computer forensics
(c) simulation
(d) forecasting

Ans. (a)

Ques. Most of the commonly available personal computers/laptops have a keyboard popularly known as—

Ans. (a)

Ques. The piece of hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called
(a) Red wire
(b) Blue cord
(c) Tower
(d) Modem

Ans. (b)

Ques: Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as _____
(a) Super computers
(b) Laptops
(c) Mini computers
(d) File servers

Ans. (b)

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Ques: The resolution of a monitor is measured in
(a) Megabits
(b) Hz
(c) Dots per inch (DPI)
(d) Inches (diagonal)

Ans. (c)

Ques: All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT:
(a) hard disk drives
(b) printers
(c) USB drives
(d) CD drives

Ans. (b)

Ques: CD-ROM is a kind of
(a) Optical disk
(b) Magneto-Optical disk
(c) Magnetic disk
(d) Magnetic disc

Ans. (c)

Ques. A keyboard is this kind of device—
(a) black
(b) input
(c) output
(d) word processing

Ans. (b)

Ques: BIOS stands for :
(a) Basic Input Output System
(b) Basic Instruction Output System
(c) Basic Interface Output System
(d) All of these

Ans. (a)

Ques: __ tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal’s movements.
(a) POS
(b) RF1D
(c) PPS
(d) GPS

Ans. (b)

Ques: The CPU and memory are located on the:
(a) expansion board
(b) motherboard
(c) storage device
(d) output device

Ans. (b)

Ques: LCD stands for :
(a) Liquid Crystal Display
(b) Laser Crystal Display
(c) Light Crystal Display
(d) All of these

Ans. (a)

Ques: Which of the following is used to indicate the location of the computer monitor?
(a) Mouse
(b) Cursor
(c) Keyboard
(a) None of the above

Ans. (b)

Ques: First generation computer systems used
(a) Transistors
(b) Vacuum Tubes
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

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Ques: Such types of printers, in which the printing head contacts with the paper in the printing process, are called :
(a) Impact Printer
(b) Non-Impact Printer
(c) Laser Printer
(d) All of these

Ans. (a)

Ques. The term that we use to describe physical components of a computer
(a) Hardware
(b) Input
(c) Software
(d) Operating System

Ans. (a)

Ques: Which part of the computer helps to store information ?
(a) Disk drive
(b) Keyboard
(c) Monitor
(d) Printer

Ans. (a)

Ques: QWERTY is used with reference to
(a) Monitor
(b) Printer
(c) Keyboard
(d) Mouse

Ans. (c)

Ques: DVD stands for :
(a) Digital Video Disk
(b) Digital Versatile Disk

Ans. (b)

Question: Which of the following is not an input device?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Monitor
(c) Joystick
(d) Microphone

Ans. (b)

Ques: This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits.
(a) Hard disk
(b) RAM
(c) CPU
(d) ROM

Ans. (c)

Ques: What is object of UPS?
(a) Using for storage
(b) To increase the speed of a computer
(c) Provides backup power
(d) All of the above

Ans. (c)

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Ques: Which of the following groups consist of only output devices ?
(a) Scanner, Printer, Monitor
(b)  Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
(c) Mouse, Printer, Monitor
(d)  Plotter, Printer, Monitor

Ans. (d)

Ques: Information travels between components on the mother board 1 through:
(a) Flash memory
(b) CMOS
(c) Bays
(d) Buses

Ans. (d)

Ques: A framework on which circuit boards can be mounted is…
(a) Switch circuit
(b) Chip
(c) Card cage
(d) Bar code

Ans. (c)

Question: What type of device is a Computer Printer ?
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Software
(d) Storage

Ans. (b)

Ques: All of the following are examples of input devices, EXCEPT a:
(a) scanner
(b) mouse
(c) keyboard
(d) printer

Ans. (d)

Ques: A Plastic card similar to a credit card but having some memory and a microprocessor embedded within it is
(a) Punched paper tape
(b) Chip card
(c) Card punch
(d) Magnetic tape

Ans. (b)

Ques: _____ is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.
(a) Hardware
(b) A device
(c) A peripheral
(d) An application

Ans. (a)

Ques: Physical structure of a computer is called:
(a) Software
(b) Hardware
(c) Humanware
(d) All of these

Ans. (b)

Ques. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices ?
(a) Scanner, Printer, Monitor
(b) Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
(c) Mouse, Printer, Monitor
(d) Plotter, Printer, Monitor

Ans. (d)

Ques: When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice , you are—
(a) Primary-clicking
(b) pointing
(c) Double-clicking
(d) Secondary-clicking

Ans. (c)

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Ques: The following are all computing devices , except ………
(a) notebook computers
(b) cellular telephones
(c)  digital scanners
(d)  personal digital assistants

Ans. (c)

Question: A computer’s hard disk is
(a) an arithmetic and logical unit
(b) computer software
(c) an operating system
(d) computer hardware

Ans. (d)

About the author

Yash is co-founder of Examsegg. Yash loves to solve questions on reasoning and mathematics. He taught himself how to blend different techniques to get accurate solution in lesser time.

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