One word against another

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Otherwise, the case may come down to one person’s word against another’s, perhaps leading to an expensive settlement.

В противном случае дело может доходить до слова одного человека против другого, что может привести к дорогостоящему урегулированию.

But what happens when it’s just one person’s word against another’s, and the stories don’t agree? he wrote on Facebook.

Но что происходит, когда слово одного человека оказывается против слова другого, а истории не сходятся?», — написал Тайсон.

Consent is still, in most cases in court, one person’s word against another’s.

Обычно доказывается это в суде, где слова одного человека против слов другого.

With normal bullying, it can be one person’s word against another’s, but with cyber bullying you can save texts or print our emails/ IM’s/ Webpages.

Однако, если при обычных видах издевательств, единственные доказательства, это Ваши слова, против слов преследователя, то при киберпреследовании, вы можете сохранять тексты или распечатать наши письма/ IM/ веб-страницы.

Другие результаты

We just have one man‘s word against another man‘s word.

One person‘s word against another is not enough.

Help them help you to avoid one‘s word against another.

Kiran Daurka, an employment and discrimination solicitor at law firm Leigh Day, says bringing harassment claims can be difficult as they often involve one person‘s word against another.

Киран Даурка, адвокат по трудоустройству и дискриминации в юридической фирме Leigh Day, сказал, что обвинение в притеснении может быть трудно доказуемым, поскольку они часто включают слово одного человека против слова другого.

«The prosecution had a strong case to prove the charges against her, based not on one person‘s word against another, but on independent and credible evidence.»

«У обвинения были веские аргументы в пользу предъявления ей обвинений, основанные не на словах одного человека против другого, а на независимых и заслуживающих доверия доказательствах.»

I will not let him say another word against you.

If you could only see it, not one amongst you would ever utter another word against me.

Если бы вы только могли Его видеть, ни один из вас никогда не произнёс бы ни слова против Меня.

You will not say another word against my wife in this house.

But when it comes to climate change, the essential problem is not one group’s preferences against another’s.

Но когда дело доходит до изменения климата, основная проблема заключается не предпочтений группы против другого.

Sir William was not prone to invective against another’s religion, particularly the Vedic, which he admired.

Сэр Вильям не позволял выпадов против других религии, в особенности ведической, которой он восхищался.

The system is not designed to protect one individual’s interests against another’s.

В этой системе не ставится задача защиты индивидуальных интересов одного лица от другого.

It would just be one person’s opinion against another’s.

В лучшем случае, это лишь мнение одного человека против мнения другого.

Since film noir is defined by tone rather than genre, it is almost impossible to argue one critic’s descriptive definition against another’s.

Поскольку фильм нуар определяется скорее интонацией и настроением, нежели жанром, соотнести описательное определение одного критика с определением другого весьма непросто.

In other words, one generation of human rights cannot be used against another.

Иными словами, противопоставлять одно поколение прав человека другому нельзя.

Be afraid to destroy the unity of people by stirring bad feelings amongst them against another with your words.

Бойся быть нарушителем единения людей, вызывать у них словами недобрые чувства друг против друга.

In using the word ‘curse,’ Seth is not referring to swearing, but to directing hatred against another.

Используя слово «проклятие», Сет имеет в виду не ругательство, а направление ненависти на другого.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 5405. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 986 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Per my first comment to the question, «guesstimates» from Google Books: one person’s word against another’s -4990, one person’s word against another — 3120. So you could say the «full» version «wins». But they’re only estimates which are often wildly inaccurate — on a more specific search where I can actually check them all, it’s another — 27, another’s — 21.

The logical position — since it’s always «your word against his» (not «your word against him«), obviously OP’s version should also use the possessive.

But in practice many (perhaps even most) writers apparently choose to ignore that. And it’s a pretty safe bet they’re even more likely to do this in speech (people tend to write more «correctly» than they actually speak). And I rate the «grammar» of speech higher than that of logic and textbooks.

I personally find the «logically/grammatically» correct version unnecessarily cumbersome. There’s no case for claiming the meaning could possibly be affected — we all know what it means, and it would be perverse to suppose «you against him» means anything different in such contexts than «your word against his word».

TL;DR: Pedantically speaking, you «should» use the possessive apostrophe. But I wouldn’t bother.

As it happens (and as I just commented to @David’s answer) I noticed «I asked her for a list of Charles’ friends» when watching Missing, 1982 last night. Only one «s» was enunciated, which seems perfectly normal to me. If the context already strongly implies the possessive, why throw in another awkward consonant? So many people don’t, it just seems pointless to claim they should.

Per my first comment to the question, «guesstimates» from Google Books: one person’s word against another’s -4990, one person’s word against another — 3120. So you could say the «full» version «wins». But they’re only estimates which are often wildly inaccurate — on a more specific search where I can actually check them all, it’s another — 27, another’s — 21.

The logical position — since it’s always «your word against his» (not «your word against him«), obviously OP’s version should also use the possessive.

But in practice many (perhaps even most) writers apparently choose to ignore that. And it’s a pretty safe bet they’re even more likely to do this in speech (people tend to write more «correctly» than they actually speak). And I rate the «grammar» of speech higher than that of logic and textbooks.

I personally find the «logically/grammatically» correct version unnecessarily cumbersome. There’s no case for claiming the meaning could possibly be affected — we all know what it means, and it would be perverse to suppose «you against him» means anything different in such contexts than «your word against his word».

TL;DR: Pedantically speaking, you «should» use the possessive apostrophe. But I wouldn’t bother.

As it happens (and as I just commented to @David’s answer) I noticed «I asked her for a list of Charles’ friends» when watching Missing, 1982 last night. Only one «s» was enunciated, which seems perfectly normal to me. If the context already strongly implies the possessive, why throw in another awkward consonant? So many people don’t, it just seems pointless to claim they should.


  • #2

It seems to be a sort of paraphrase of a common expression that could be summarized as «A’s word against B’s»:
«It’s my word against his.»
«It’s his word against hers.»
«It’s Mia’s word against Kate’s.»

If you have a dispute between two people and the only evidence is the testimony of those two people, that is a situation in which it’s «A’s word against B’s.» It can be a dispute that involves the law, but it doesn’t have to be.

Last edited: May 21, 2013

  • #5

The usual form of words is «It was one person’s word against another’s.» = One testimony against another, with no corroborating evidence to back either assertion. (Cross-posted to the max)

Smb’s word against another’s: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

word [noun]

noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

    against [preposition]

    adverb: против, вопреки

    preposition: от, с, на, к, по, о, у, об, про, рядом

      Предложения с «Smb’s word against another’s»

      No one has the right to enter another’s home against the will of those living there except on legal authority.

      Никто не имеет право без законного основания войти в жилище против воли проживающих в нем лиц.

      When they passed the stile again the lovers were still there, but now they were not speaking; they were in one another’s arms, and the man’s lips were pressed against the girl’s.

      Когда они проходили мимо той же изгороди, влюбленные были еще там, но уже больше не разговаривали; они сидели обнявшись, и его губы были прижаты к ее губам.

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