One word a day diary

Life Lessons

Diaries and planners are so alluring to a stationery addict. Like a purple covered bar of Cadbury’s to a chocoholic they call you in. Full of hope and fresh beginnings. You will get shit done. You will fulfil your goals. You will live your dream.

But sometimes they end up being a tool to taunt you, sitting there on the side, a reminder of another task incomplete. Life is so chaotic and busy and the biggest contradiction of all is you don’t even have time to fill your planner in. It’s a joke, full of irony! You want get more organised but you don’t even have time to sit down and plan!

This is it, this is the one that will make the difference.

I’ve bought planners and diaries, goal sheets and notebooks, Bullet journals and travellers notebooks – each time thinking “this is it, this is the one that will make the difference”. The promise of more focus, the incentive of more time suckered me in on every single purchase but basically I ended up with a pile of beautiful looking products that made jack shit difference to my productivity. Despite a pile of different tools I still mainly used the notes app on my phone.

We All Want More Time

It all seemed like such a good idea but the reality was I didn’t have time. Time to doodle, time to write about my day, time to fill in charts, time to choose a quote a day or fill in my water intake. I barely had time to brush my hair, let alone piss around doodling about how I wish I was more organised!

I wanted to do it, believe me, I sooooooo wanted to do it. I craved order and organisation, focus and planning, but I would just feel let down and like a failure when each new pad, book, strategy or method resulted in the same thing.

The Aha Moment

Then last year a penny dropped, a big shiny penny that clanked on the surface of my consciousness resulting in such a deep ‘Aha’ moment that it changed the entire way I viewed time. I was looking at it upside down, on the wonk, higgledy piggle and the wrong way round.

What did I want out of planners or diaries…….? My life to be easier of course. BUT the very nature of all these planners was what was making my life hard, or at least adding to my feeling of total overwhelm. For me, it was adding another job on to my already ridiculously long to do list. With doodling, thinking up ways to chart things, decorating it and filling in schedules I was left with less time to do things, not more.

So that clang of the penny dropping inside my brain clattered so loud in my mind it woke me up and jolted me to a realisation. I needed less not more in so many ways. I was so busy scrabbling around trying to find ways to get myself focused I actually made myself an unfocused mess!

In our article A Year In the Life of an Entrepreneur I wrote about how I decided to track a word and score every day in relation to my business, for a whole year. That ONE word (and score) a day totally changed how I looked at everything. That one thing and action changed my entire focus. I actually couldn’t believe that I became more focused by doing less. And by doing less I found I had time to do more – that was a beautiful ironic outcome that I wasn’t expecting. Doing less was one of those life lessons that totally changed my whole perspective.

2018 is Different

This year I’m taking it a step further to make it even easier. It was important to have that whole year of scores last year and the data that gave me. From an easy 30 second task every day I gained all the evidence I needed to know where and how I needed to change my life and perspective. Minimum effort each day meant I kept it up for an entire 365 period. It felt easy but it gave me so much information.

For 2018 I’m tracking again and I’m keeping it minimal again, one word and score for the business each day. I’ll complete it daily in my diary and reflect on each day briefly to find one word that sums it up entirely. I now have a small Facebook Group of fellow trackers who encourage and inspire each other to find different EASY ways to track the daily journey.

The difference this year is now I have ‘ready done’ spreadsheets to complete to analyse monthly and quarterly as I go meaning I can adapt and rechart my course based on what I see, rather than waiting a whole year. Last year I knew this stuff as I went along but I didn’t do anything intentional to change it I just kind of observed it passively thinking I could see the pattern but not taking action over it. Now I’ve got 2017 data to compare to 2018. I’ve got sales data and web traffic to compare as well as my actual emotional happiness and it’s fascinating.

January 2017

January 2017 was the first month I tracked ever and I was feeling my way with words and what to use to sum up my day and keep it on track of the business and not about my personal emotions. It was up and down like crazy from one extreme score to another – from -10 to +10 I had words like Happy and Excited but also wobbly, detached and lonely it was pretty extreme in vocabulary and emotion.

January 2018

January 2018 is now over and I can already feel how much more focussed I am this year and in comparison to last year. The chart for 2018 is still up and down because I think that’s how self employment rolls – there’s big exciting opportunities that pop up next to days when everything feels hard and unreachable. That’s just life, but I can say that with confidence now because I know the good days and days will come and shift and change.

This way of looking at it simplistically means it’s achievable and it’s easy to do on a monthly basis and not a huge chunk of effort. I found myself excited to go through the data at the end of the month knowing I’d find things that would shock me like I did when I went over the whole year for 2017. To see that Jan 2018 has a more even pace was reassuring like finally some of the hard lessons are sinking in , paying off and finally working is so encouraging. Overlaying the two charts together was fascinating. To see that some days were the exact same score on the exact same day as last year blew my mind. Like was that a good thing or a bad thing? Was it consistency? A lesson not learnt or a weird universal law of business that it aligns with the cycles of the moon.

What January Taught Me

We learn from research it’s how we evolve whether it’s our own low level research of experience gained and lessons learnt, or collective academic research. It pushes us on and is why from cavemen onwards we have progressed and refined as we’ve gone for millennia. Comparing last year to this year isn’t dwelling on the past but learning from what happened last year and shaping this year to be better.

  • I’ve learnt to work smarter – my income for 2018 was slightly less than 2017 but with less subscribers, so it’s a higher value per customer.
  • Having a target to reach has given me huge motivation. I’ve had the highest month of web traffic ever.
  • I’ve felt happier and the scores show I have been and the chart shows the month had been less erratic and that’s made me feel more resilient.
  • They were different words this January because I think my own business vocabulary is growing. I’m no longer feeling the same things, over and over because I’ve learnt and I’ve changed things either by how I see them or how I react to them.
  • Keeping up tracking as been one of the life lessons I have benefited from most.


Something else I’ve started measured this year is kindness, so there’s no data from 2017 to compare to. Kindness was such a huge part of of 2017 for me and will be for 2018. We had our #30daysofkind Instagram and Facebook Challenge in January and I wanted to see how it impacted how I felt about business and my own personal wellbeing. I strongly believe kindness has a huge impact on health so tracking it as a whole over those 30 days seemed too good an opportunity to miss. I am really looking forward to comparing next month’s kindness scores to a month that isn’t so wholly kindness focused to see if there are any differences.

Come and track with us too – share your details here and we will share our tracking tips with you.

Originally published at

Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments
I only got this discussion/thread in another book club and I thought it will be fun so why not mirror it here? ^__^…

So go ahead and post a word that best describes your day. ^__^

Questian (sakurastrife) | 715 comments
for now as of this moment…


Juan | 1532 comments
hahah! same here, Questian! :D

nice one Ms Jho! :D

Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments
haha! Thanks, Juan! :)

Here is mine:


Maria Ella (mariaellabetos) | 737 comments

anarki (deadeyes133) | 78 comments

Krizia Anna (krizia_lazaro) | 60 comments

Phoebe A (phoibee) | 1423 comments

Raechella | 452 comments

message 10:



Tsina Cajayon (ohimesama) | 45 comments
happy… :)

Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

anarki (deadeyes133) | 78 comments

Maria Ella (mariaellabetos) | 737 comments

message 14:


(last edited Feb 05, 2014 03:31PM)


Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments

message 15:



Clara (clrslmngkra) | 542 comments

message 16:



Reev Robledo (reevrobledo) | 155 comments

Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments

message 18:



Tsina Cajayon (ohimesama) | 45 comments

anarki (deadeyes133) | 78 comments

Ara (aryani23) | 253 comments

message 23:



Tsina Cajayon (ohimesama) | 45 comments
fappy (fat and happy)

Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments

message 25:

[deleted user]


Questian (sakurastrife) | 715 comments
4 months pergnat….


message 27:

K.D., Founder

(last edited Feb 08, 2014 03:18PM)


K.D. Absolutely (oldkd) | 6607 comments

abala (busy)

abala (nuisance)

Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

message 29:

K.D., Founder


K.D. Absolutely (oldkd) | 6607 comments


Questian (sakurastrife) | 715 comments

message 31:


(last edited Feb 09, 2014 09:08AM)


Jayvie (necrofear24) | 344 comments
EPIC >.<

Maria Ella (mariaellabetos) | 737 comments

message 34:

K.D., Founder


K.D. Absolutely (oldkd) | 6607 comments


Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

message 36:

K.D., Founder


Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

anarki (deadeyes133) | 78 comments

Jayvie (necrofear24) | 344 comments

Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

message 41:



Clara (clrslmngkra) | 542 comments

message 43:



Juan | 1532 comments

Ara (aryani23) | 253 comments

argienchar | 2 comments

message 47:



Clara (clrslmngkra) | 542 comments

Ernest Genesis (ernestgenesis) | 20 comments

message 49:

K.D., Founder


K.D. Absolutely (oldkd) | 6607 comments


Josephine (jojiemon_) | 1004 comments

Скачать совместимый APK на ПК

DayGram — One line a day diary для ПК: Как скачать и установить на ПК Windows





Чтобы получить DayGram — One line a day diary работать на вашем компьютере легко. Мы поможем вам скачать и установить DayGram — One line a day diary на вашем компьютере в 4 простых шага ниже:

  1. Загрузить эмулятор приложения Andriod
    Мы перечислили лучшие из них ниже:
    1. Nox App .
    2. Bluestacks .

    Я рекомендую Bluestacks, так как он очень популярен во многих онлайн-уроках.

  2. Теперь установите программный эмулятор на ПК с Windows
    Перейдите в папку «Загрузки» на компьютере или в любом месте хранения загруженных файлов.

    1. Нажмите на приложение эмулятора Android. Начнется процесс установки.
    2. Примите условия лицензионного соглашения и следуйте инструкциям на экране. Программное обеспечение будет установлено.
  3. Как использовать DayGram — One line a day diary на вашем компьютере:
    1. На компьютере откройте эмулятор и выполните поиск DayGram — One line a day diary.
    2. Нажмите «DayGram — One line a day diary» » «Установить», чтобы установить приложение.
    3. Чтобы использовать приложение DayGram — One line a day diary, откройте эмулятор » «Все приложения».

Другие источники загрузки

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DayGram — One line a day diary Описание

Connect the dots in your life.
Write your story on the Daygram.

Daygram is a simple diary. Unlike many complex and unwieldy diary apps, Daygram embraces minimalism. It’s simple and intuitive interface will allow you to focus on your writing. Get in the habit of writing about your daily events and thoughts.

» Daygram is a great diary tool, encouraging you to keep track of your thoughts using a simple tap-based UI. Not only is it great practice to write every day, but it’s also possible to gain some fascinating insights into your life just by virtue of writing down your thoughts. Recommended.» _ Cult of Mac

» You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.» _ Steve Jobs

— How to Use Daygram —

■ Write today’s diary
You can write or edit your today’s diary if you click the «+» button on the bottom of the main page.

■ Write past diary
Unwritten diaries have dots on them, and by clicking these dots can you write past diaries.

■ Search diary
If you scroll up the main page with your finger, a search browser will show up and you can search your diaries.

■ Delete diary
Swipe to left the diary you want to delete and the delete menu will show up

■ Select Year/Month
You can select «Year» and «Month» on the left button of «+» on the main page and you can select Year/Month.

■ Story view
If you long touch the button right to «+» on the main page, it will change to «story view» where you can see all your diaries.

■ Quick back
If you press the + button on the bottom of the main page for long, it will take you to the timeline page of this month.

■ Preview 1 line/2 lines
You can select 1 line or 2 lines of the preview in the settings.
time stamp: When you write a diary, click the time stamp button and it will mark the current time.

Jotting down your thoughts can be very therapeutic, especially if you do it daily. When you are having a horrible day you can write it down and sometimes just vent saying things to your diary or journal that you can’t say out loud. At the same time, when you are having a wonderful day it is a great feeling to be able to say so and even go back to read about it when the next day is darker. DayGram provides a clean, easy way for you to do this. The DayGram app gives you a way to write down everything you are feeling, every day with an intuitive interface. A journal app should not be complicated and this one makes capturing your thoughts simple. Tap a button to add your entry for the day or edit it to write more. Then you can view your entire timeline of entries, checking previous days, months, or years, if you like _ AppAdvice

Please reach out to [email protected] with any issues or suggestions.
Stay tuned, Daygram is getting better!


  • Good app, but mistakes

    Can’t delete note from the past year, it appear again and again. Please, check it.

  • Please fix the navigation

    I really like the app. It is minimalistic and simple. There is a one very annoying bug though. I can not get back to the list after editing my note. “Done” button does not help. Is it a hidden feature or the navigation is just broken? Please fix it and I’ll update my review.

  • Doesn’t work

    The app is very nice but since I got Iphone XR it stopped working. Please do something with it because I paid my money to have it working

  • Useful elegance minimalistic. And export to PDF too

    This App works good. Especially thanks for time mark, so useful and so rare amongst other similar apps.Useful elegance App

  • Small font…

    very small and uncomfortable font and separate purchase for each gadget

Is anyone else tempted by the one line a day and five year diaries? I think it must be interesting to look back on five years writing altogether. Entries ae limited which can be frustrating but then again it stops you from rambling on and venting too much, it would also mean having the discipline to keep it up daily. The latter puts me off. However, when my Facebook memories pop up I find that just a few words about that date in time bring back the memories and I remember what happened by just one sentence so that inspires me to try a five year diary but I am so used to a spontaneous one.


5+ Word Diary Templates

A word diary template is really useful when you are looking to keep an account of your tasks and activities. It could be your studies or domestic chores or details about your meal intake. Usually, the diary is maintained for daily activities but some of the templates even offer you to keep a weekly log. Are you too planning to maintain a diary? Well, you can save yourself much of the hardwork here by taking to Word templates especially created for diary documents. You can also see Baby Book Templates.

word diary templates

food diary template word


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 42 kB


This is a brilliant food word diary template here which enables you to keep log of breakfast, dinner, lunch and snacks that you will eat for 2 days. Below, you also have a chart on target intake.

Daily Diary Template

daily diary template


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 12 kB


If you are looking to create a comprehensive to-do list for your entire day, this daily word diary template would be the thing for you. It comes with columns on a study, personal tasks, and other tasks.

Travel Diary Template

travel diary template


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 221kB


This travel diary template will help your employee to offer a detailed account of the travel taken by him- with information on places visited, start and end time as well as the activities undertaken.

Weekly Food Diary Template Microsoft Word

weekly food diary template microsoft word


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 117 kB


If you are looking to maintain a record of what you eat throughout the entire week, this Weekly Food Diary Template Word would be handy for you. It will allow you to note down your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the whole 7 days. You can also see Book Templates.

Diary Entry Template Word

diary entry template word


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 12 kB


This diary entry template word is a document where you have to create a diary on behalf of one of the characters of a book. You have a pre-designed column with instructions on what to write where.

> Who Would Need Word Diary Template?

Anybody who is looking to keep a record of his or her activities would need a Word diary template. The activities could be his to-do chores for the entire day. Besides, those into a weight loss routine and have to maintain an account of the daily or weekly intake, a Word diary template comes handy. You can also see Comic Book Templates.

It will enable them to check later whether the intake is in sync with the target food intake or not. Then, the employers would find word diary templates beneficial as it would enable them to keep a log of the travel details of the staff sent on a official tour.

> What is the Purpose of Word Diary Template?

The main purpose of word diary template is to enable you to keep a record of your activities. It could be on a daily basis or a weekly log. Yes, you have everything in your mind but when you can write it down in a diary format, it gets even clearer what you have to do or what you did.

Then, you can easily check the data with your proposed plan of action. Another big purpose of the diary template is to help you in finding out whether you taking the right track as needed, especially when it comes to your food diary.

> What are the Benefits of Word Diary Template?

The primary benefit of word diary template is that it enables you to have a complete picture of your activities in a written format. This way you can check it whenever you want to and even if you forget what you did or what you have to have to do- the diary will let you know the entire details. Besides, this way, you can have an idea whether you are taking the steps as needed and planned or not. Whether you are looking to keep a record of your travel details or meal intake or your daily chores, the word diary template will be a cool deal for you. You can also see Coupon Book Templates.

When it comes to having your own diary, the diary templates mentioned above would be really cool for you. While the calendar template helps you to keep a log of the dates, the diary templates will allow you to keep a tab on the activities that you do daily. From travel to the meal to daily chores- you have diary templates for all.P

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