One warm word end

Another example of drama with great acting but with a failing story writing. Unfortunately, even if the actors give a nice and clean performance while defining the characters they portray in a realistically way, all the hard work of the actors was dragged because of the way it was written. Although “One Warm Word” had a good start, along the later episodes, it felt like the writer started to become more and more uninterested on how to finish this drama, which it’s a shame from my point of view, because it could’ve been a great drama that could give the Korean drama “industry” something new.

Even though I liked the acting of the actors, there was one actor whose acting wasn’t on my liking, and that is Ji Jin Hee (played the character Yoo Jae Hak ) – I’m not sure if the way he acted in this drama was to show Jae Hak’s stiff personality or that’s all he could do with the character, but he made his character look like a dried cucumber and there was never shown an actual develop of Jae Hak throughout the drama, from the beginning to the end Jae Hak was the same without any chance to go forward and evolve together with the other characters, and more importantly together with his wife Song Mi Kyung (played by Kim Ji Su).

Opposed to Jae Hak, his wife Mi Kyung was probably the character that developed the most. From the perfect housewife, always humble towards the mother in law and loyal towards her husband, she become a woman with a strong personality that showed the mother in law and Jae Hak’s inability to go forwards without her.

Although near the end it was shown that Jae Hak wanted to give a second chance to his relationship with Mi Kyung, I never felt any love from them as a pair, or maybe the lack of chemistry between the actors made it seem like the characters didn’t had aura of love around them. But there was also the fact that Jae Hak was pushed by his father into the marriage, so there wasn’t any love from the beginning from his part, on the other hand, Mi Kyung showed love and attachment towards her husband, from his part it seemed more like Jae Hak got used to his life together with his wife and maybe that’s why he wanted to continue. As it was showed in some parts of the drama, without Mi Kyung around, he couldn’t even feed himself.

The second family shown in “One Warm Word” is Na Eun Jin (played by Han Hye Jin) and Kim Sung Soo (played by Lee Sang Woo). Compared to Jae Hak and Mi Kyung, this couple married because of love. Unfortunately as life went forward, the two of them buried the love and fondness they had for each other somewhere behind they hearts and probably, Eun Jin’s cheating was more of a wakeup call for their relationship, because when the story progressed we could notice near the end that both Eun Jin and Sung Soo still loved each other, and maybe everything that happened was a nudge to realize how lucky they are for finding each other.

One thing I didn’t really understood from Eun Jin’s attitude was her sudden change in personality.

From the courageous person who pulled out her husband’s mistress’ hair and who always fought for the happiness of her family she become a coward, a person who always thought about herself, always hiding the thoughts about her personal good state of mind, behind curtains of acting as a victim of the most miserable life.

Saying stuff like she will leave her family just so that her sister could get married to her boyfriend without making problems for their future because of her past with Jae Hak, was mostly for her own personal good. Why am I saying this? Well, from my point of view (of course) Eun Jin unconsciously wanted to leave behind her past and everyone who was part of it, that’s why even when her husband pleads to give themselves as spouses another chance for the good of their family and daughter, she refused multiple times.

Still, on the other side, her sudden change, acting like a zombie after she confessed to Sung Soo about her cheating with Jae Hak, for Eun Jin must’ve felt like she disappointed herself, those around her and most importantly Sung Soo and their daughter Yoon Jung who always looked up to her parents.

Eun Jin: “You are a good person. I was lucky to fall in love with you…that’s what I thought. You are feeling my pain as if it your own.”

If I were to weigh the two couples’, Eun Jin and Sung Soo had chemistry. Examining the relationship between them, although they were in a critical moment, the two always continued to support each other in every situation, and defending each other in front of other people. Even if by the first half of the drama, Eun Jin seemed that she fell in love with Jae Hak, the second half showed her admitting that Sung Soo is the one she loved and that her small escape with Jae Hak was an alarm to their relationship which was slowing falling into a state of emptiness.

All in all, I liked the story of “One Warm Word” and the somewhat new subjects portrayed in this drama, from showing the couples’ life of young families, the relationship of couples at the start of knowing each other or the couples of families who lived with each other more than 20 years. Even if the scrip was from my point of view kind of poorly written, because it could’ve given more to every character, it still gave every couple the chance to know each other and proves that communication is it important in every step and level of every relationship, be it in the beginning or after many years of living and sharing everything together.

I think that the glue and the ones that always helped weld the younger couples were Eun Jin’s parents. I liked them, since as a couple who lived and went through a lot together showed maturity and gave slow push so that the younger couples could understand the difficulties of living as a married couple while sustaining with emotional effort the steps of going forward as a team.

As for the newer couple, Eun Young and Min Soo, the two showed strong feeling for each other, but in the end they were greenish and needed a push from the older members of their families. But I want to clap for Park Seo Joon’s acting, I’ve been following him since his debut, and he has the ability and talent to become one of Korea’s best actors. Having watched his entire project palette, until now he showed acting skills in portraying and outlining every character he played in a different way without making any similarities between them.

Before ending my review, I want to talk a little bit about a scene that stuck in my head. That is, the moment when Eun Jin and Jae Hak meet up at a restaurant, outside the window, it was shown the autumn leaves.  I may be over thinking the whole scene, but as I said it in the beginning of the post, the cheating of Eun Jin and Jae Hak on their respective spouses was more like a push and a wakeup call for themselves as married couples after their relationships got into a rather black spot.

I searched a little on the symbolism of autumn leaves. In that scene, Eun Jin asks Jae Hak to stop meeting and put an end to their relationship. The autumn leaves may reflect in this situation the ending of something to make room for a new beginning

“As we watch leaves fluttering to the ground in the fall, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. Autumn is a time for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden.”

Cynthia Kneen, in Awake Mind, Open Heart shares an open heart practice to carry with you into the fall.

“When you are brave and have an open heart, you have affection for this world — this sunlight, this other human being, this experience. You experience it nakedly, and when it touches your heart, you realize this world is very fleeting. So it is perfect to say ‘Hello means good-bye.’ And also, ‘My hope, hello again.’ ” (cr.

So, that scene at the restaurant between Jae Hak and Eun Jin may show, Eun Jin’s desire of letting of the “burden” that is their relationship to embrace the changes in her life together with Sung Soo. But then….I may be thinking way to much of this scene…

Now looking back at “One Warm Word”, to be honest it was a pleasant ride. The writing could’ve been a little more complex, since the subject isn’t something you could write in a half-hearted manner. If in the next years, someone will want to do a re-make of this drama, I hope that “that” someone will give more meaning and depth when it comes to the writing style.

Thank you to all who read this whole review, thank you for taking time of you hands to read it.

Pictures credits: SBS | Please do not hotlink the pictures

«One Warm Word,» a drama about the pain caused by an affair, ended on an optimistic note this week.

Han Hye Jin’s character summed up the message of the show when in the last few minutes she repeated some words of wisdom that she learned from her family.

The most miserable person in the world is the person who does not have someone to pick him up when he falls down, he said in the finale’s voiceover.

By the drama’s end every character had come to realize that relationships were the secret to happiness, whether the person picking you up came from the family you were born into or the family you made.

Spoiler alert: And although the stories of the three couples ended hopefully, every plotline was not wrapped up so neatly that it seemed unreasonable. Four relationships were affected by the affair between two people and among the eight people involved, none became enemies.

The marriage of Han Hye Jin and Lee Sang Woo became stronger because both were willing to forgive and accept past indiscretions. His acceptance of her indiscretion healed the rift caused between them by his indiscretion.

The marriage of Ji Jin Hee and Kim Ji Soo ended on a vague note that suggested the couple was still working things out and for them that was a good thing. It hinted that they were living together but maybe they were still dating.

The relationship between Han Groo and Yoon Jong Hwa was also uncertain. Did they revive their relationship or would they put it behind them to become good friends.

A year had past and time supplied the distance to think objectively.

And lastly, the relationship between the parents, played by Yoon Joo Sang and Go Doo Shim, was as strong as ever despite the problems they had to endure on behalf of their children.

In retrospect, it’s easy to see why Han Hye Jin was eager to play this role. She left her new husband in England to return to Korea for it.

«I acted out countless emotions, including guilt, regret, anxiety, pain and sorrow through this drama,» said Han Hye Jin. «I learned that one kind word can really help people love and understand each other more. Like the drama’s titles, I hope this inspires people to share their love and warmth with those around them.»

Han Hye Jin created a very believable character torn by her feelings.

And on another note, Park Sung Joo, playing Ji Jin Hee’s mom started out as a completely unsympathetic character, a k-drama mom straight out of a melodrama but her performance subtly morphed into something comic and very enjoyable.

The drama’s final episode earned 8.7 percent in the ratings.

Сюжет этой дорамы незатейлив. Сон Ми Гён (Ким Чжи Су) — домохозяйка. Ее муж, Ю Дже Хак (Чжи Чжин Хи) — бизнесмен средней руки. Дом у них — полная чаша, и соседи не скрывают своей зависти. Вот только не все так тихо и гладко, как кажется на первый взгляд. Ю Дже Хак крутит роман на стороне с На Ын Чжин (Хан Хе Чжин). Сон Ми Гён подозревает мужа в измене и начинает за ним следить…

4 человека. 4 разные судьбы. Но, всё же, что-то их связывает. Ын Чжин — хладнокровная и рассудительная женщина. Раньше она была жизнерадостной и красивой, но однажды судьбоносный случай заставил взглянуть на жизнь под другим углом. Ю Чже Хак — успешный бизнесмен, красивый мужчина, и вообще, хороший человек, вы, наверное, подумали, а что с ним, собственно, не так? Однако, и в его жизни чего-то не хватает. И чего же? Любимой женщины, отвечу я. Сон Ми Гён — так же успешная, красивая и умная женщина, но не любимая своим мужем. Она считает, что для развода супругов нужны веские причины, но сама же не хочет отпускать мужа, видя, как он встречается с другой. И, наконец, последний винтик нашего любовного… квадрата?.. Ким Сон Су (Ли Сан У) — супруг Ын Чжин, несдержанный и довольно грубый человек. Раньше они понимали друг друга в полуслова, но теперь же всё изменилось. Но что же произошло? Измена? Постоянные побои? Или ещё что-то? Этого, к сожалению, мне не ведомо. Что будет дальше с нашими героями? Какие ещё испытания приготовила судьба-злодейка? Всё это и много другое вы узнаете, посмотрев этот сериал.

©Dark Angel

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Хан Хе Чжин, Чи Чжин Хи, Ким Чжи Су, Сан-ву Ли, Хан Гру, Ким Хе На, Ко Ду Сим, Ли Чэ Ми, Пак Со Чжун, Йонг Хва Юн


10-20 серия (STEPonee) из 20



Описание сериала «Одно теплое слово»

Сюжет сериала незатейлив. Главная героиня Сон Ми Гён – обычная женщина, занимающаяся домашним бытом. Ее супруг Ю Дже Хак заведует бизнесом средней руки. В доме царит уют и согласие между супругами, чему завидуют соседи.
Вроде бы все тихо и гладко, но на самом деле это только видимость, для посторонних. Супруг на стороне завел отношения с другой женщиной – На Ын Чжин. Ему кажется, что жена больше занята домашними делами, забывая о романтике. Сон подозревает мужа в измене, поэтому организовывает слежку за ним.
В былые годы симпатичная девушка На Ын Чжин была жизнерадостным человеком. После произошедшего с ней судьбоносного случая она стала смотреть на жизнь под другим углом.
В этом любовном квадрате еще есть один герой – это Ким Сон Су – супруг На Ын Чжин. Он довольно груб и несдержан. Раньше пара понимала друг друга с полуслова, но в один миг что-то изменилось в отношениях семьи. Хотелось бы узнать, как дальше сложилась судьба каждого героя…


One Warm Word has ended – and can it be any sweeter?

I loved this drama from the beginning up till the very last second, and I have nothing but praises for it. I would say it’s one of the most thoughtful drama I’ve watched in recent years. It plays with your beliefs and your ideals – and it’s really enjoyable.

I think the key to fully enjoying the drama is that you have to be open-minded, because this drama plays a lot with perspective. What you think is right, others might disagree. You have to accept this – then you’ll be able to enjoy the drama.

Honestly, when I started this drama, I never expected it to be this good. I thought it will be full of cat-fights and melodramatic but I’m still awed by how this drama is nothing like that and is just sweet and heart-warming.

vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h33m56s231vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h33m52s193We have sort of a time jump, and we see that Eun Jin and Sung Soo are living well together. I had actually hope that she was pregnant though. Hah. You know…since Yoon Jung wanted a younger sibling? It’s nice to see how they went through so much, and now still together, with a stronger bond and happier than before.

vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h38m23s83vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h38m24s92So after spending some time apart, Mi Kyung and Jae Hak decides to stay married and WOW, we finally see the kids back home. The kids are pretty cool with the whole separation thing – which is kind of funny in a way, but who cares? It’s nice.

vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h30m40s59Mi Kyung and Eun Jin meets to settle things once and for all.

vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h32m23s66vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h32m13s226vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h32m27s109vlcsnap-2014-03-01-01h32m34s181Somebody, save me from this cuteness. Hahahaha. I’m actually glad that Min Soo & Eun Young have an open ending – because a break-up, or marriage would both be a little burdensome to the storyline. It’s too heartbreaking to see them break-up, yet too rushed to see them get married.


I thought the ending was good. If I would point out one part which doesn’t satisfy me, it would be Jae Hak’s scene in the car when his secretary told him that he want to give back his book. Jae Hak replied that its already in his heart. So…I’m thinking that what he meant was that he buried Eun Jin in his heart. Right?

I think Eun Jin and Jae Hak did love each other. For that moment. It’s a mutual attraction, when both of them were emotionally drained from their marriage, and they felt excited and felt the romance. Do you think it’s possible to love only one person in a lifetime? I don’t know, really. 

I think love comes in different forms. Obviously, when I was younger, I thought that love is just for that one person – people call it true love. As I grow up, I think…love is just a word. It’s a strong emotion you feel towards someone, and it differs from one person to another. Of course, everyone has their own definition of what love is.

Living together, or being married definitely takes more than just love. It requires hard work and both individuals to do things together. There must be trust, mutual understanding, respect and one of the most important thing – communication.

No matter how much you love each other, or don’t really love each other, no marriage is safe without those. We see this in the drama with Mi Kyung-Jae Hak and Eun Jin-Sung Soo. Eun Jin and Sung Soo loved each other a lot and got married – yet they had affairs. Mi Kyung and Jae Hak didn’t really have a passionate love relationship, and they still face marriage issues.

A marriage doesn’t work with just feelings alone. It needs maintenance.

Another thing the drama talked about was choices. Everything is in our hands – we make our own choices. A different choice, might have a different outcome.

Let’s say Sung Soo never forgive Eun Jin, and Eun Jin gets depressed or something, and Jae Hak is concerned. If at that point of time, Jae Hak decides to help Eun Jin, things would have changed drastically. I’m glad drama didn’t go makjang on me, but it was all a matter of choice.

If Eun Jin didn’t get over her guilt, and never accepted Sung Soo back, things would have change too.

There was also a scene where Sung Soo told Eun Jin to just stay still and not try to do anything regarding Eun Young. He’s right. Things which are beyond your control, let it be. There’s nothing you can do, so stop trying to do something. She can’t change what Eun Young feel towards her, she can’t change what happened, she can’t make them be together – there’s nothing she can do. The only thing she can do is to stay still, and let Eun Young decide.

Overall, I think I took a lot of insights from this drama, and it was a really nice drama. It makes me wonder about what makes a marriage, what breaks it, and how different choices brings about different results.

Last but not least the characters were awesome and they all shine in their own way 🙂

Thanks to everyone who has been reading my POV DISCUSSION and I hope you enjoyed the drama as much as I did, and loved the ending too 🙂

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