One vowel at the end of a word

Anaptyxis is a type of epenthesis, which means the addition of one or two sounds in a word. There are two kinds of epenthesis: excrescence and anaptyxis, also known as svarabhakti. When one or more consonant sounds are added to a word, it is called excrescence. The inclusion of vowel sounds to a particular word is known as anaptyxis. Writers often use this technique in their works to ease the pronunciation and emphasize specific words.

Anaptyxis pronunciation: ah-nap-tik-sis

Explore Anaptyxis

  • 1 Anaptyxis Definition
  • 2 Examples of Anaptyxis in Linguistics
  • 3 Examples of Anaptyxis in Literature
  • 4 Why Do We Use Anaptyxis?
  • 5 Anaptyxis and Epenthesis
  • 6 FAQs
  • 7 Related Literary Terms
  • 8 Other Resources

Anaptyxis definition and examples

Anaptyxis Definition

Anaptyxis is the deliberate insertion of one or more vowel sounds between two consonants in pronunciation. For example, the word “film” is often pronounced as “filim”. There is an inclusion of the “i” sound in the middle of the consonant cluster formed by “l” and “m” that is hard to pronounce together. As one can see, the included vowel sound is identical to the main vowel sound “i”.

The term anaptyxis originated from Greek anaptuxis, which means “unfolding”. It is a combination of two Greek words, “ana-” meaning back or again, and “-ptuxis” meaning folding.

There are two kinds of anaptyxis:

  • Prothesis: is the inclusion of a sound or syllable at the beginning of a word without changing its meaning or structure.
  • Paragoge: is the addition of a sound or syllable at the end of a word.

Examples of Anaptyxis in Linguistics

Anaptyxis generally occurs at the beginning or end of a word.

Beginning of a Word

In Western Romance languages, such as Spanish and Portuguese, there is an inclusion of vowel sounds at the beginning of words borrowed from Latin and French. For example, the Latin “spatha” is pronounced in Spanish as “espada” with the inclusion of “e” at the beginning. Similarly, Latin “schola,” meaning school, is adopted as “école” in Modern Spanish.

Ending of a Word

In certain English languages, the consonant cluster at the end of a word is broken by the insertion of a vowel. For example, the word “film” becomes “filim” or “filam” in Irish, Scottish, and South African English.

Everyday Usage

Anaptyxis is mostly used in informal speech compared to written language. In the English football fans’ chants, England is pronounced as “Engaland”. Another example of anaptyxis is the inclusion of “e” in “athelete”.

It is also used to create a humorous effect. For example, the cartoon character Yogi Bear utters the word “picnic” as “picanic”. In North American dialects, the word “nuclear” is spoken as “nucular” like the word “binocular”.

Examples of Anaptyxis in Literature

Writers often include a vowel at the beginning or end of a particular word to rhyme it with another or to add an extra syllable to even the syllable count in a line. Anaptyxis is not a common literary device that is used by present-day writers. However, it was used in literary works written before the 20th-century. Some examples of anaptyxis can be found in the following works:

All’s Well That Ends Well by William Shakespeare

In Act IV, Scene 3 of the Shakespearean play, readers can find the use of anaptyxis:

I have to-night dispatched sixteen businesses, a month’s length a-piece, by an abstract of success: I have congied with the duke, done my adieu with his nearest; buried a wife, mourned for her; writ to my lady mother I am returning;

Anaptyxis occurs in “dispatched,” “a-piece,” etc. In grammar, a vowel sound is included at the end of the past form of a verb. For instance, there is an inclusion of “e” or the “i” sound in the word “dispatched”. Similarly, in “a-piece”, the speaker includes “a” at the beginning of the word for the sake of emphasis.

Sonnet 10 by William Shakespeare

Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,

But that thou none lov’st is most evident:

For thou art so possessed with murderous hate,

That ‘gainst thy self thou stick’st not to conspire,

In the first line, the word “beloved” contains two the inclusion of two vowel sounds, at the beginning as well as at the end. The addition of vowels enhances the meaning of the word that has become common in everyday usage.

A Bird, came down the Walk by Emily Dickinson

Poets use this literary device to create internal rhyming between words. Consider the first line from Emily Dickinson’s poem. In this line, the poet adds the vowel “e” to “glanced” (or she uses the past form of the verb) to rhyme it with “rapid”.

He glanced with rapid eyes,

That hurried all abroad –

They looked like frightened Beads, I thought,

He stirred his Velvet Head. –

In the second line, Dickinson adds a vowel sound at the beginning of “broad” to exaggerate the flight of the bird. Similarly, there is another instance of anaptyxis in “looked,” the past form of the verb “look”.

Why Do We Use Anaptyxis?

Anaptyxis occurs for a number of reasons that include but is not limited to the following ones:

  • Ease of Pronunciation. It is too difficult to pronounce two consonants at the end of a word. Therefore, we include a vowel similar to the main vowel already present in the word in order to break the consonant cluster. For example, the US city name of Wayne County, Michigan, “Hamtramck” is pronounced as “Hamtramick”.
  • Sound Change. When a word of a specific language is adopted in another language, it undergoes a sound change. One or more vowels are added to the word to change the sound. For example, the Latin word “speciālis” was adopted into Old French as “especiel,” with the inclusion of the “e” at the beginning.
  • In Grammar. Anaptyxis is used to break the consonant cluster at the end of a word’s plural form. For example, there is an insertion of the “i” sound in the plural form of “glass”: “glasses”.

Anaptyxis and Epenthesis

Anaptyxis is a kind of epenthesis, the insertion of a sound or letter in a word. When there is an inclusion of one or more vowel sounds in a word, it is called anaptyxis. There is another type of epenthesis, which is called excrescence. When there is an insertion of consonants within a word, the process is called excrescence. The opposite of epenthesis is known as elision, commonly used in poetry.


What is the meaning of anaptyxis?

Anaptyxis has come from the Greek word “anaptuxis” which means “unfolding”. It occurs when a vowel breaks the consonant cluster for ease of pronunciation. This technique is often used in everyday speech compared to written language.

Why do writers use anaptyxis?

Writers prior to the 20th-century used anaptyxis either for the sake of rhyme or for the metrical pattern. It was also used to emphasize particular words. For instance, the inclusion of “a” at the beginning of “blazing” or “running” puts more emphasis on the acts.

What are some of the common examples of anaptyxis?

Some common examples of anaptyxis include “filim,” “picanic,” “nucular,” etc. In a number of English dialects, the vowel “i” is added to the word “film” and pronounced as “filim”.

What is the relationship between epenthesis and anaptyxis?

Epenthesis is a literary device that occurs when one or more sounds or syllables are added to a word, particularly at the beginning or at the end. When the addition sound is a vowel, it is called anaptyxis.

What is svarabhakti?

Svarabhakti is the addition of a vowel at the starting and ending of a word, similar to the literary term anaptyxis. This term originated from Sanskrit and is used in North Indian languages.

  • Prothesis: is a literary device that occurs when a writer adds one or two extra vowel sounds to the beginning of a word.
  • Tmesis: is a rhetorical device that occurs when a word is included between a compound word or phrase.
  • Elision: is the removal of a consonant or vowel sound from a word or phrase to shorten the pronunciation.
  • Consonance: is a poetic device that occurs when a consonant sound is repeated in nearby words or phrases in both prose and poetry.

Other Resources

  • Read: Everything about rhyme schemes in poetry
  • Watch: Crash Course of Phonology
  • Learn: How to understand Shakespeare’s sonnets

Vowel reading rules in English

как читаются гласные в английском языке


Today let’s talk about rules for reading vowels in Englishyou need to know in order to successfully master both the oral and written aspects.

First, let’s review the English alphabet and do it using a nursery rhyme. I think rap style fans will especially like it! It is great if you add some of the typical movements that are typical of this style of music during your performance.

Alphabet song

AA, B, C, D, E

stand up and look at me.

F, G, H, I, J

I play football every day.

K, L, M, N, O

I Cake of All.

P, Q, R, S, T

Hey people, listen to me.

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

The alphabet is in my head!

recording: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio recording. Download the latest version here. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

As you may have noticed, in the English alphabet 26 letters: 6 vowels и 20 consonants.

They form 44 sound: 20 vowels and 24 consonants.

Vowel sounds are divided into:

  • short [i], [e], [ɔ], [u], [ʌ], [æ], [ǝ]
  • long [i:], [ɜ:], [ɔ:], [u:], [a:]
  • diphthongs [ei], [ai], [ɔi], [iǝ], [ǝu], [au], [ɛǝ], [aiǝ], [auǝ]

The difficulty is that vowels are read differently, depending on which syllable the vowel occurs in.

It is generally accepted that in English there is 4 types of syllables.

Let’s analyze each of them, noting the characteristic features.

French Alphabet

I type of syllable (vowel + consonant + vowel):

open, vowel reads like this, how is shecalled in the alphabet… We consider only the striking position.

In words like bake, smile, Rope, tubefinal «e» not pronounced, it is called dumb (mute buttonletter).

 Monosyllabic words like we, go, hi, my are also of the first type.


a[ei] — name, face, cake, make, bake, take, mistake, lake, snake, lazy, crazy, nature, cage, potato

e [i:] — Egypt, Greece, tree, free, three, street, green, sleep, meter, fever, emu, lemur, he, she, we

i [ai] — five, nine,, ride a bike, drive, smile, time, nice, kite, diving, pine, spider, tiger, white

o [ǝu] — nose, rose, home, hope, rope, stone, sofa, notebook, October, composer, phone, model

u [ju:] — Pupil, Student, Tulip, Computer, Cucumber, Excuse, Music, Cuba, Future, Huge, Tube, Blue

y [ai] — why, sky, cry, spy, dry, fly, butterfly, my, shy, type, style, to rely on, July, xylophone by

IIsyllable type (vowel + consonant + consonant):

closed, vowel readable briefly. We consider only the striking position. The lexical meaning of the word depends on the length and brevity of the pronunciation of the sound in English. For example, take words like sheep (I type of syllable [ʃi: p]) and ship (II type of syllable [ʃip]).


There is a sheep On the meadow.

There is a ship in the sea


There is a ship On the meadow.

There is a sheep in the sea

(The poor lamb got it!)


a [æ] —  black, happy, cabbage, carrot, rabbit, daddy, granny, gallery, Africa, hand, cap, cat, map

e [e] — red, December, letter, kettle, pen, pencil, desk, address, left, cherry, chess, egg, hen, ten

i [i] — Pink, Six, Fifty, Little, Big, Pig, Spring, Winter, King, Finger, Kitchen, Milk, Fish, Children

o [ɔ] — golden, fox, dolphin, dog, hospital, doctor, bottle, box, clock, hobby, coffee, concert

u[ʌ] — summer, butter, hundred, number, brush, duck, club, jump, lunch, plum, mushroom, cup

y [i] — gym, gymnastics, lynx, myth, mystery, symbol, symphony, symptom, syllable, system

IIIsyllable type (vowel + r + consonant):

vowel is read long… Long sounds are indicated by two dots «:» to the right of the sound sign. We consider only the striking position.

Letter «r« in this type of syllable is not pronounced.

Monosyllabic words like jar, bar, here , sir, fur are also of the third type.


ar [a:] — farmer, garden, party, car, scar, bar, barber, marmalade, shark, garlic, parsley, starling

er [ɜ:] — Advertisement, Person, Perfect, University, To Prefer, Dessert, Germany, Term, Interpreter

ir [ɜ:] — bird, girl, the first, the third, thirteen, thirty, birthday, shirt, T-shirt, circus, skirt, sir, fir

or [ɔ:] — pork, orchard, orchestra, order, orchid, (un) fortunately, divorce, enormous, immortal

ur [ɜ:] — curl (y), curds, curtain, to disturb, purple, Thursday, turnip, windsurfing, surface, hurt

yr [ɜ:] — martyr (martyr), myrrh (myrrh), Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan

IVsyllable type (vowel + r + vowel):

reading like diphthongs. Diphthongs are combinations of two vowel sounds, the first of which is pronounced more energetically than the second. We consider only the striking position. In some words, the letter «r» is not pronounced, while in others it makes the sound [r].


are [ɛǝ] — parents, care, rarely, various, to compare, scarecrow, canary, malaria, square, share

ere [iǝ] — Here, Imperial, Serious, Mysterious, Nigeria, Serial, Sincere, Zero, Hero, Cereal, Interfere

ire [aiǝ] — tired, retired, to admire, desire, Ireland, iron, environment, requirement, biro, virus

or [ɔ:] — Ore, Store, Snore, Score, Bore, BORING, Shore, To IGNORE, To Explore, Story, Storey, Glory

ure [juǝ] — pure, cure, curable, incurable, during, Europe, euro, curious, mural (fresco), security

yre [aiǝ] — lyre (lyre), tire (US — tire tire), tyrant (tyrant), papyrus (papyrus)

Important! Research shows that total 30% words English can be read using the rules above; rest 70% words — historically developed vocabulary. Therefore, I strongly recommend actively using dictionaries in the process of learning English.

 I think the article is about rules for reading vowels in English will be useful for those who plan to take the exam in English. In the oral part of the exam there is a task in which you need to read the proposed passage of text (1.5 minutes), observing all the rules for reading vowels and consonants.

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Rules for reading vowels in English in tables with examples

как читаются гласные в английском языке

It is believed that reading in English is a rather difficult skill for the simple reason that there is no rigid system of reading rules in English and letters, in particular vowels, can be read differently depending on their position in a word or in a syllable. In this post, I will cover the rules for reading vowels in English with examples.

English vowels and reading features

There are 6 vowels in the English alphabet. But the sounds they transmit are many times more — there are 20 of them in total (including long vowels).


  • A — hey
  • E — and
  • I — ay
  • O — oh
  • U — u
  • Y — wye

The English language is characterized by the presence of diphthongs.

Diphthongs — these are sounds, when pronounced, one vowel sound passes into another, that is, in fact, they are pronounced as two sounds.

For example, the word in the word home, the vowel o is read as «oh», that is, in fact, it forms two sounds [əʊ]. The same with the word house, where the combination of letters «ou» reads «ay» and gives a double sound [aʊ].

Do not confuse diphthongs with two letter combinations. For example, in the word head there are two vowels in a row, but the combination of letters «ea» is read as «e», that is, we get a single sound [e].

Thus, vowels in English can be read as in the alphabet, and convey a number of other sounds.

Rules for reading English vowels and vowel combinations

For convenience, I will give tables for each letter with examples, descriptions and reading in Russian. In Russian, of course, it is impossible to convey the exact reading of this or that sound, but I will write approximately.

For correct reading, it is important to know such concepts as closed and open syllables.

Closed syllable in English, this is the syllable that ends in a consonant a letter… For example maponn, fatherg, bead and so on.

Open syllable — a syllable that ends in a vowel a letter… For example, take, py, bike and so on.

Please note that the syllable must end with a vowel or consonant, not a sound. That is, if in English at the end of a word there is e mute, then the syllable is considered open.

Letter A

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [æ]э Map, cap, pack, black, flag
In an open syllable — [ei] — heyreading as in the alphabet Name, game, flame, table, lake, pay
In a closed syllable followed by r — sound [a:] like russian а, long Car, bar, jar, start, farmer
In an open syllable followed by r — diphthong [eǝ] — ea Care, rare, prepare

Letter E

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [e] — e Red, vet, set, tell
In an open syllable — [i:] — and long Meter, complete
At the end of words e is not readable in English, but affects the reading of the word Table, plate, take For example, the words cap and cape — in the first case we read «cap», since the syllable is closed, in the second case, «cap», since the syllable is open
In short, monosyllabic words, these are mainly service parts of speech, e at the end of a word is read if it is the only vowel in the word and gives [i:] i.e и long He, she, we, me, be
In an open syllable followed by r — diphthong [iǝ] — ia Here, sphere, severe

Letter I

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [i] — and Sick, tip, limp, kit, trick
In an open syllable — [ai] — aylike in the alphabet Life, mine, line, pipe, time, kite
In a closed syllable followed by the letter r — [ə:] — similar to Russian ё, long sound Girl, bird, third, dirty, sir, first
In an open syllable followed by a letter r — [aiǝ] — aye Fire, tires

Letter O

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [ɔ] — oh Fog, nod, lock, log, got
In an open syllable — u] — oh Rope, nose, toe, vote
In a closed and open syllable followed by a letter r — [ɔ:]о long Nor, born, corn, torn, more, core
In an unstressed syllable — [ə] — uh, the sound is drop-out, therefore it sounds indistinct and short, fluently, for example, lemon is not a lemon or a lamen, but a lamn with a slightly audible «e» between «m» and «n» lemon, melon

In some cases, the letter «O» can be read like «A» [ʌ], for example, «love». And also like «U» [u], for example, in the word «move». These reading options do not lend themselves to specific rules and logic, so such words need to be memorized.

Letter U

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [ʌ] — a Cut — «kat», rubber, but, mug, but put reads like «put»
In a closed syllable followed by a letter r — [ə:] — similar to Russian ё, long sound turn, burnt
In an open syllable after two consonants — [u:]у long, as well as in an open syllable after j and r Blue, trueJuly, rule
In an open syllable followed by a letter r —[juə] — yue Cure, secure, mature
In an open syllable after one consonant (except for j and r) — [ju:] — yu Tube, mute, cute

Letter Y

Sound in transcription and its reading in Russian Examples
In a closed syllable — [i] — and System, sympathy, mystery
In an open stressed syllable — [ai] — ay Shy, cry, try, my, bye
In an open syllable followed by a letter r —[aiə] — aye Tire, byre
In an unstressed syllable — [i] — and Rainy, snowy, crispy
At the beginning of a word before a vowel — [j] — th Year, yellow, yet, yes

These are the basic rules for reading vowels in English. But do not forget that there are many exceptions to each of these rules.

In subsequent publications, I will cover the rules for reading consonants and letter combinations of vowels and consonants.


Lesson 8. Pronunciation of consonants [f] and [v]. Closed syllable in English

как читаются гласные в английском языке

Hello! In this lesson, we again return to consonant sounds and now we learn to pronounce sounds [f] и [v] and accordingly read the English letters Ff [ef] and Vv [vi]. And let’s also remember what a closed syllable is in English, since this is one of the basic concepts in teaching reading.

So, from lesson number 8 you will learn:

  • how to pronounce english consonants [f] и [v] correctly;
  • what is a closed syllable in English;
  • and repeat how the vowel is read y at the end of the word.

If you have just joined us, then here is a link to the section «Author’s English lessons for teaching reading and pronunciation at the same time»

* * *

Rules for reading letters f and v in English

So, let’s begin! English consonants f и v transmit sounds [f] и [v]. The sounds [f] and [v] are labiodental, that is, to pronounce them, you need bite the lower lip with the upper teeth.

At first glance, the English sounds [f] and [v] are similar to the Russian “f” and “v”. But there is also a significant difference: the English sounds [f] and [v] are long.

To pronounce the English sound [v] correctly, it is necessary to pronounce it for a long time, as, for example, the doubled «v» in the words «up», «introduction».

To pronounce the English sound [f] correctly, bite the lower lip and exhale vigorously. The English sound [f] is very long and strong. In the transcription [f] should be designated [fff].

Listen to how the sounds [f] and [v] are pronounced — HERE

As for the concept of «voiced» — «deaf», the British do not understand at all what it is. They have the concept of «weak» (we call this sound «voiced» in Russian) and the concept of «strong» (we call this sound «dull»).

Now we need to practice a little. Let’s get down to the exercises. After that we will repeat again, how words are divided into syllables, which syllable is in the word MAIN and what is a closed syllable in English.

Now we start working out English sounds [fff] and [vvv]

* * *

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* * *

What is a closed syllable in English?

If you learn English from scratch on our website, then from lesson number 6 you learned what the third type of syllable is in English. Now we’ll talk about how words are divided into syllables. (1)which syllable in the word is the most important (2) и what is a closed syllable in English(3) (it was already mentioned in lesson 1)

(1) So, words are divided into syllables by the number of vowels… That is, how many vowels there are in a word, there are so many syllables in it. Take a word for example, happy Doubled consonant p divides a word into two syllables.

`hap — py

  1. hap — this syllable ends with a consonant sound, and is called closed;
  2. py — this syllable, ends in a vowel sound, and is called open.

(2) The main thing is the STRICT syllable. It is in it that the vowel sound is read according to the rules that you have already learned. By the way, I remind you that the unstressed letter y at the end of a word reads like [i], for example, party [`pa: ti]

(3) A closed syllable is a syllable that ends in a consonant.

Now let’s remember the passed rules for reading vowels in a closed syllable in English:

a is readAs [æ]. Examples. hat, happy

e readAs [e]. Examples. men, mental

i, y are readAs [i]. Examples. kit, kitty

u readAs [ʌ]. Examples. bud, buddy

0 is often read as [ʌ]. Examples. love, glove, lovely.

NOTE. How to read the vowel Oo in a closed syllable, you will learn further — Lesson number 9. Reading the English letter Oo in a closed syllable.

NOTE. Sonorous consonants m, n, l — also form a syllable, because they can be pulled. Try saying [mmmm], [nnnn], [llll]. Therefore, in the word apple there are two syllables: ap-ple (the second syllable is a sonor consonant — l).

Also, remember, in English vowel e at the end of a word NEVER readable.

Once there is closed syllable, then, accordingly, there is open syllable, but you will learn about it in the following lessons. For now, let’s figure out how unstressed vowels are read in English.

 * * *

The rule of reading an unstressed vowel in English

So, as a rule, there is usually one stressed syllable in a word, in which the vowel is read according to the rules, then a logical question arises: how is an unstressed vowel read?

In English there is a universal sound similar to the Russian «e» — [ə]… This is the most common sound, as it is read in all unstressed syllables. This sound is called «Seam». Sometimes it is replaced by the sound [i], as, for example, in the words above.

Exercise 5. Read two-syllable words with learned sounds:

apple, badly, balcony, happy, garden, party, hardly, carpet, dummy, funny, muddy, puppy, lovely, kitty, ditty, mitten, kitten, affect, Betty, heaven [`hevən]

Exercise 6. Finally, memorize a few English phrases:

  1. Have fun! — Have fun!
  2. Have tea. — Have some tea.
  3. Keep fit. — Keep in shape.
  4. Be happy! — Be happy!

Let’s sum up the results of the eighth lesson from the cycle «Teaching reading in English and pronunciation at the same time», from which you learned and hopefully remembered that:

  1. words are divided into syllables by the number of vowels;
  2. closed is a syllable that ends in a consonant;
  3. in a closed stressed syllable, the vowel is read according to the rules that must be memorized;
  4. in unstressed syllables, the vowel reads like [ə] or [i]. So, for example, the unstressed letter y at the end of a word it reads like [i].

* * *

And of course you now know how to pronounce sounds [f] и [v] in english is correct.

Lesson 9. Pronunciation of the English vowel [ɒ]. Reading the English letter O in a closed syllable. You will learn how to pronounce the very English sound [ɒ] and how to read the vowel Oo in a closed syllable. 


What are the syllables in English

The English alphabet has six vowels, but individually and in combination with each other, they form more than two dozen sounds, including diphthongs. The reading of a vowel depends on the letters adjacent to it and on the type of syllable in which it is located.

Open syllable

A syllable is considered open if it ends in a vowel (to-tal, ri-val, bi-ble, mo-tor). The vowel in this case gives a long sound — that is, it is read as in the alphabet. Words with a dumb «e» also belong to this type. For example:

  • take [teɪk]
  • Pete[pi:t]
  • kite [kaɪt]
  • nose [nəʊz]
  • cute [kju: t]

Some monosyllabic words also represent open syllables. For example, me, she, he and no, so, go.

Closed syllable

The closed syllable is the most common spelling unit of the English language; it makes up about 50% of the syllables in the text. A closed syllable ends in one or more consonants, and the vowel is read briefly in this case.

In English, there are many closed-type monosyllabic words (cat, pin, hen). If a suffix starting with a vowel is added to them, the consonant in front of it is doubled. This is done in order to avoid changing the sound. For example:

  • hat [hæt] — hatter
  • pin [pɪn] — pinned
  • hot [hɒt] — hottest
  • red [red] — reddish
  • cut [kʌt] — cutting

The syllable «vowel + r»

The third type of syllable is one in which the vowel is followed by the letter «r». The vowel makes a long sound, and the «r» itself is unreadable (in British English).

  • car [kɑː]
  • herb [hɜːb]
  • girl [ɡɜːl]
  • form [fɔːm]
  • turn [tɜːn]

The doubled «r» does not affect the sound of the vowel. In this case, the syllable is read as closed. Compare:

  • smirk [sməːk] — mirror [ˈmɪrə]
  • curl [kəːl] — current [ˈkʌr (ə) nt]
  • port [pɔːt] — torrent [ˈtɒr (ə) nt]

The syllable «vowel + re»

In a syllable of this type, the letter «r» is also not read, and the vowel forms a diphthong.

  • dare [deə]
  • mere [mɪə]
  • hire [ˈhaɪə]
  • core [kɔː]
  • pure [pjʊə]

The syllable «consonant + le»

Sometimes this syllable stands out separately — it occurs only at the end of a word. If -le is preceded by one consonant, the syllable is read as open. If there are two consonants in front of -le, it is read as closed. Compare:

  • table [ˈteɪbl] — dabble [dæbl], title [ˈtaɪtl] — little [ˈlɪtl]
  • bugle [bju: gl] — struggle [ˈstrʌɡl], rifle [ˈraɪfl] — sniffle [ˈsnɪfl]

Not every consonant is found in combination with -Le… Here are the ones that are typical for the English language:

  • -ble (bubble) -fle (rifle) -stle (whistle) -cle (cycle)
  • -gle (bugle) -tle (brittle) -ckle (pickle) -kle (tinkle)
  • -zle (dazzle) -dle (bridle) -ple (staple)

Vowel combinations (digraphs)

A digraph is a combination of two letters that are pronounced as one sound. In the case of vowels, it can be a long, short sound or a diphthong. Most often, digraphs are found in old Anglo-Saxon words, the pronunciation of which has undergone changes over hundreds of years: thief, boil, hay, boat, straw. They are read according to special rules, but there are many exceptions to them, so these words need to be learned gradually and systematically.

Basic vowel digraphs

Spelling Pronunciation Examples
ai / ay [eɪ] bait, hay
au / aw [ɔː] taunt, draw
ea [i:] meat, deal
[e] bread, steady
ee [i:] feed, reel
ei [eɪ] feint, vein
[i:] (after c) ceiling, receive
eu / ew [ju:] Feud, Strewn
ie [i:] thief, priest
oa [əʊ] coat, goal
oi / oy [ɔɪ] coin, toy
oo [u:] root, food
[ʊ] (before k) book, look
ou [aʊ] loud, noun
[u:] soup, ghoul
ow [aʊ] cow, howl
[oʊ] know, low


Vowels in English: Reading and Sounds — English in 5 Steps

Before teaching you to read vowels in English, I should note that due to its history, English has a sufficient number of exception words from almost every reading rule.

It just doesn’t make sense to list them all, but I offer you, dear readers, the following interactive: remembered the word exception for a particular item — wrote it down in the comments with translation (the most advanced can write with transcription).

Let’s help each other know the language better!

And, of course, I cannot help but warn you: in this rule there will be many transcription icons. Realizing that you are just learning, I duplicate it in Russian letters, but I do not recommend doing this all the time, and in one of the following articles I will explain why. If transcription is still too much for you, here you can make sure it’s not that hard to remember.

Vowels in English: reading open and closed syllables

Syllables are open and closed. An open syllable ends in a vowel. Closed — to a consonant. In this case, consonants work as locks (close a syllable), and vowels as keys (open a syllable). Thus, if there is a vowel after the last consonant in a syllable, the syllable is still considered open.

cat — closed syllable — at the end the consonant letter Tt;

name is an open syllable, because after the consonant «Mm» (lock) there is a vowel «Ee» (key), which, as it were, opens the syllable to us.

Reading vowels

In an open syllable, the stressed vowel is read as in the alphabet, and in a closed syllable it is read short. Each vowel has its own sound for the stressed closed syllable.

If there are two vowels in a stressed syllable, read the first as in an open syllable.

hear — [hiə] — [hia] to hear: the letter Ee is read as in an open syllable, the sound ə gives the buva Rr.

Lean — [li: n] — [liin] — lean against:: the letter Ee is read as in an open syllable

boat — [bout] — [boat] boat: the letter Oo is read as in the alphabet.

The Rr letter and vowels in English

The letter K affects the reading of vowels. So, in a closed syllable before Rr:

EUI vowels are read as [ɜ:] — a sound similar to [ё], only without the [th] overtones at the beginning.

girl — [gɜ: l] — [gol] — girl; burn [bɜ: n] — [ben] -burn; nerd [nɜ: d] — [nёd] -sound.

The vowels O and A stretch: read as [Ͻ:] and [a:]

car — [kа:] — [kаa] car; lord — [lϽ:d] — [lood] lord

All you need is love!

The vowel Aa before the letter Ll at the beginning of a word is often read as [Ͻ:]

always [Ͻ: lweiz] — [olways] -always, also [Ͻ: lsə] — [olso] — also, ball [bϽ: l] — [bol] — ball

Author of the material Kondratenko Anna


Vowels and Sounds — Lesson 2 — English from scratch

Continuing the theme of the previous lesson about the alphabet about letters and sounds, it is worth deepening your knowledge of reading the vowels of the English alphabet. After all, they make up almost half of the total number of all sounds.

General concept of vowel sounds

As mentioned earlier, there are 20 vowel sounds, while there are only 6 vowel letters themselves. This is not easy to put into the understanding of a Russian-speaking person, because there is no such thing in Russian. Wider variety of vowels in the English alphabetthis is his distinguishing feature.

Namely, diphthongs, which are completely alien to Slavic languages, constitute difficulties in learning. But transcription comes to the aid of students — this is a recording of the reading of a word using phonetic symbols denoting a certain sound. That is, every English word in the dictionary is written with a transcription that will tell you exactly how it is read.

It remains only to learn to distinguish and read all sounds.

Reading vowels in open and closed syllables

The reading of vowels depends on their place in the word:

  • in the first type of syllable (vowel at the end), the letter is read according to its name in the alphabet,
  • in the second (consonant at the end) — as a short sound.

Consider reading all vowels of English letters with transcription:

LetterOpen syllableClosed syllable

Aa [ei] [ei

  • game[geim] — game
  • plane [plein] — plane

  • fat[ft] — bold
  • plan[pln] — plan
ee[i:] [i:] 

  • be [bi:] — to be
  • he [hi:] — he


Reading vowels in English. Reduction. Reduction types

The stress in English falls on the root syllable. English stressed vowels are read depending on what type of syllable they are used in.

In English, there are four types of vowel reading in stressed syllables.

1 type of vowel reading

In this type of reading, the vowels are in open position, that is, the stressed syllable ends with this vowel. Vowels in this case are read in the same way as in the alphabet:

a [ei], o [əu], u [ju:] or [u:] if u is preceded by r or consonant combination + r.

e [i:], i [ai], y [ai]

Cases are possible:

1) The syllable ends with a stressed vowel. it completely open syllable… Examples: go [gəu], me [min ː].

2) After the stressed vowel, there is a consonant (not r), and then comes the «mute» e. It conditionally open syllable… Examples: home[həum], type [tp].

3) A stressed vowel is followed by a vowel including «mute» e… Examples: lie[lai], due [djuː].

2 type of vowel reading

In type 2 reading, the vowels are in closed position, that is, the syllable ends in a consonant. In this case, the vowels are read briefly, abruptly:

a [æ], o [ɔ], u [ʌ], e [e], i [i], y [i]

Cases are possible:

1) The vowel is between two consonants. it completely closed syllable… Example: man[mæn],hot[hɔt].

2) Cases completely closed syllablewhen there are two or more consonants after a vowel. Examples: lamp[læmp], rhy


Rules for reading English for beginners, table. Intonation and stress in English

At the initial stage of learning English, you inevitably have to deal with the differences between your native language and a foreign one. Reading in English for beginners, children and adults is usually one of the first steps in learning.

And the first such differences between Russian and English are revealed as soon as you start learning to read in English. You are faced with the transcription and reading rules of the English language.

These two concepts are related, since with the help of transcription we can record and read the sounds that vowels and consonants convey in various combinations. But the reading rules explain exactly how the letters are pronounced in different environments.

There are a lot of reading rules in English, and they relate to both vowels and consonants. In addition, a huge number of words are not read according to the rules, that is, they are exceptions. Therefore, it begins to seem that it is extremely difficult to learn all this.

In fact, the rules of reading need to be learned, but there is no need to memorize them. After doing a few exercises on reading rules, you will already know how exactly the same type of words are read.

In the learning process, when you read and listen to a variety of study materials, the spelling, pronunciation and meaning of new words will be memorized as a whole.

Features of English pronunciation

At first, reading in English for beginners presents some difficulties due to the peculiarities of pronunciation — words are very often pronounced differently than they are spelled. Linguists even have a saying — «We write — Manchester, we pronounce — Liverpool.»

This situation is due to the fact that historically in the English language there existed, and there are still many dialects in which the same letters and letter combinations were read in different ways, which eventually became entrenched in official English. An example is the combination of letters ough.

The words though, through, thought differ by only one letter, and the combination of letters ough is read differently in all words.

The role of transcription in teaching English reading

So, as we have already said, in addition to the numerous rules for reading in English, difficulties arise when mastering the transcription of the English language. Transcription is the recording of speech sounds using special characters.

You should not avoid it, as it is the best assistant in learning a language, which, firstly, will save you time when memorizing new words, and secondly, it will help to avoid mistakes in pronunciation. After all, when you write out or memorize new words, you definitely need to know how they are read correctly.

There are two options for how to do this. The first is to listen to it in some online resource, and the second is to watch the transcription. 

Now in some tutorials, as well as on training sites, you can find «English transcription in Russian». It is believed that writing an English word in Russian letters is much easier than learning some incomprehensible phonetic symbols. In fact, this is a delusion.

English phonetics differs from Russian so much that Russian letters can only approximately convey the pronunciation of English words, and mostly the simplest ones, the reading of which even without this kind of «transcription» is not difficult.

Some English sounds in Russian simply do not exist, and the correct pronunciation of English and Russian sounds similar at first glance may have certain differences.

Therefore, we recommend that you take the time to study transcription icons and read sounds. This is one of the basic knowledge in mastering the rules of reading English for beginners. Knowledge of transcription will serve you faithfully at all stages of your learning.

We analyze the rules for reading English

There are different classifications of the rules for reading consonants and vowels in English. For vowels, as a rule, there are 4 types of syllables. These are the 4 types of environment a vowel can find itself in and which affects its pronunciation.

Some textbooks consider only the first two types of syllables — open and closed, but take into account whether the letter r is involved in these types of syllables — since it affects the reading of vowels. Consonants in different combinations can also be read differently.

I must say that the number of exceptions and variants of reading the same letter combinations in different words give reason to consider the reading rules rather general recommendations that should be studied before starting to read.

To familiarize yourself with the rules of reading in English, we suggest that you take as a basis the tables with options for reading letters, which are given in his textbook for children “English. 1-4 grades in diagrams and tables «N.Vakulenko.

These English reading rules for children cover almost every possible reading of vowels and consonants in English.

But before we go directly to the tables, we will deal with two more concepts that you will surely come across when you get acquainted with the reading rules. it open и closed syllable.

The syllable is called openWhen

  • ends in a vowel and is the last in a word
  • the vowel is followed by a consonant and then a vowel again
  • the vowel is followed by another vowel

Examples of words with an open type of syllable (you can listen with sound):

age, blue, bye, fly, go 

The syllable is called closedWhen

  • ends in a consonant and is the last in a word
  • the vowel is followed by several consonants

Examples of words with a closed type of syllable:

bed, big, box, hungry, stand 

So, let’s formulate the rules for reading English for beginners: tables for reading vowels and consonants.

Vowel reading tables

A [ei] — in an open syllable lake, make
A [æ] — in a closed syllable rat, map
A [a:] — in a closed syllable on r car, bar
A [εə] — at the end of a word vowel + re care, fare
A [ɔ:] — combinations all, au all, tall
O [əu] — in an open syllable no, home
O [ɒ] — in a closed stressed syllable lot, boss
O [ɜ:] — in some words with «wor» word, work
O [ɔ:] — in a closed syllable with r horse, door
O [u:] — in combination «oo» too, food
O [u] — in combination «oo» good look
O [aʊ] — in combination «ow» in the stressed syllable Now, CLOWN
O [ɔɪ] — in combination «oy» boy, joy
U [yu:], [yu] — in an open syllable blue, duty
U [ʌ] — in a closed syllable butter, cup
U [u] — in a closed syllable put, bull
U [ɜ:] — in combination «ur» Purse, hurt
E [i:] — in an open syllable, a combination of «ee», «ea» he, meet, leaf
E [e] — in a closed syllable, combination «ead» head, bread
E [ɜ:] — in combinations «er», «ear» her, pearl
E [ɪə] — in ear combinations near, dear
i [aɪ] — in an open syllable nice, fine
i [aɪ] — in combination «igh» high, night
i [ɪ] — in a closed syllable big, in
i [ɜ:] — in combination «ir» bird girl
i [aɪə] — in combination «ire» hire, tired
Y [aɪ] — at the end of a word under stress my cry
Y [ɪ] — at the end of a word without stress happy family
Y [j] — at the beginning of a word yes, yellow

Consonant reading tables

C [s] — before i, e, y Place, Cinema
C [tʃ] — in combinations ch, tch children, catch
C [k] — in other cases cat, picnic


Open and closed syllables in English — vowel reading tables

Consider an open and closed syllable in English. As you already understood, the reading of vowels in English is closely related to this concept.

The main trick here is that vowels can be pronounced differently depending on which syllable they are in. In English, there are two syllables in total: open and closed.

Open syllable in English

What is open syllable? This is the syllable that ends in a vowel (more often this е, but it itself is not pronounced). In such a syllable, vowels are read only as they are named in the alphabet (see table 1).

Table # 1. Open syllable in English Vowel (listen) Transcription

A a [eɪ] Hey
E e [iː] long and
I and [aɪ] ouch
The o [əʊ] OU
U u [ju:] long y
Y y y [wai] wye


me [MAnd:] «to me»;
nice [HAIC] «pleasant»;
sky [SKAI] «sky»;
soda [COУDE] «carbonated drink».

Closed syllable in English

Finally, consider the vowels in a closed syllable… Here their pronunciation may seem more familiar to you, perhaps, with the exception of the letter uwhich is pronounced like a sound like [A]. A letter a — [E] (see table # 2).

Table 2. Closed syllable in English (listen in the examples below the table) Vowel letter Transcription Russian pronunciation

A a [æ] э
E e [e] э
I and [ɪ] и
The o [ɔ] о
U u [ʌ] а


lip [LИP] «lip»;
but [BАT] «but»;
pet [PЭT] «pet»;
hot [XОT] «hot».

Note: Consonants at the end of words in a closed syllable are not stunned, as in Russian. So, we write «horn» and we say [ROCK]. There is no such thing in English, otherwise there would be confusion:

mad [MEД] «Crazy» — mat [MEТ] «rug».

Combinations of letters with the letter require special attention. r  (see table # 3):

Table 3. Closed syllable. Letter combinations with rCombination vowel + r (listen) Transcription

ar [ɑː] long a
er [ɜː] long yo
urr [ɜː] long yo
or [ɔ:] long about
ur [ɜː] long yo
yr [ɜː] long yo

Examples of words with syllables from the table:

bar [BA:] «bar»;
her [Hyo:] «her»
fir [ФЁ:] «fir-tree»;
for [FO:] «for»;
fur [FOO:] «wool»;
Byrne [BYO: N] «Byrne» (proper name).

The letter itself r not pronounced, and the vowel in front of it is pronounced for a long time.


English Sounds: The Complete Guide to Reading and Pronunciation

This article will help you understand the features of the pronunciation of English sounds, and what combinations of letters they can be expressed in writing.

For a more detailed study of the rules for reading words in English, use our «Reading Rules Guide».

English pronunciation

English often sounds more dynamic compared to smoother Russian. It is a little faster (about 10% — 15%, according to various studies), and sometimes it seems to us that not all words are pronounced in fast speech.

Despite the fact that the languages ​​come from the same Indo-European family — which means that they are based on the same pronunciation system — there are a number of significant differences in the pronunciation of Russian and English sounds, words and phrases.

English has more vowel sounds than Russian. They are usually pronounced with less lip strain.

We have 6 of them: [a], [y], [o], [e], [and], [s], in English there are 12 of them: / ɪ /, / ɪː /, / ʌ /, / ɑː / , / æ /, / ɛ /, / ɜː /, / ɒ /, / ɔː /, / ʊ /, / ʊː /, / ə /.

English sounds generally come in two flavors:
short and long: / ɪ / and / ɪː /, / ɒ / and / ɔː /, / ʊ / and / ʊː / light and deeper: / ʌ / and / ɑː /

open and closed: / æ / and / ɛ /

Unique English vowel sounds:
/ æ
/ Is a cross between A and E
/ ɜː / (soft O) — a cross between O and Yo
/ Ə / — weak schwa (extremely weak sound, a cross between A, O, E — pronounced in most unstressed syllables).

In English, our compound vowel sounds e [ye], yo [yo], yu [yu], i [ya] are absent, but there are diphthongs

English diphthongs are double sounds / aɪ / (time), / eɪ / (space), / ɔɪ / (boil) / ɛə / (care), / əʊ / (know) / aʊ / (now) / ɪə / (fear), and / ʊə / (priest).

The first diphthong sound is pronounced more clearly than the second. That is why we often have a hard time hearing or confuse words with diphthongs when listening.

English consonants often differ in their pronunciation, even sounds similar to Russian

In Russian there are as many as 36 consonant sounds (with 21 letters), but in English there are only 24. It is important to remember that even such sounds (for example, / p / or / d / pronounced differently than in Russian — see the table below for details).

Unique English consonant sounds:
/ w /
— semi-vowel sound, a cross between U and B
/ ð / и / θ / — interdental sound (voiceless and voiced variations), a cross between B and Z (F and C in a voiceless variation)
/ ŋ / — nasal H

The main difference between the pronunciation of Russian and English consonants is that in Russian we often deafen the final consonants (for example, year and goth may sound the same), but English doesn’t. It is important to remember this, as we can confuse pairs of words (for example, bed — bet) and it is difficult to hear final consonants.

Also, the so-called «Clusters» — combinations of several consonants inside or at the joints of words. Words like three, sixth and others can cause pronunciation problems.

I recommend using the interactive sound table or the Cambridge mobile app to practice pronunciation and accent.

The same letter can represent several sounds, depending on the position in the word

The biggest challenge in learning English is mastering its reading rules.

Despite the fact that there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet (in contrast to the Russian 33), learning to read words and phrases in English is not so easy.

1 / Vowel sounds in the alphabet have a so-called «open» pronunciation, which is different from other European languages.

How to read the sounds of the English alphabet

2 / Vowel sounds in stressed words are read differently, depending on the type of syllable in which they stand.

3 / Unstressed vowel sounds are pronounced with a very weak sound schwa / ə /.

This sound is so weak that we often simply cannot hear it. In our English pronunciation, we often pronounce it too intensely.

For example, a word vegetable pronounced not VEDGETABL with the same intensity of all sounds, but / vedʒt (ə) b (ə) l /, that is, after a clear stressed syllable VE, there are reduced syllables, all the sounds of which are read with schwa, and they are almost inaudible (and often not at all).

I will tell you more about this feature of English stress in the article «How to learn to understand English by ear».

4 / Many vowels and consonants in writing are indicated by letter combinations that need to be remembered.

Errors in pronunciation lead to problems with listening to fast English speech. I recommend purchasing our «The Complete Guide to Reading Rules»… It will help fill in the gaps in your knowledge of pronunciation rules and help you avoid common mistakes.

Pronunciation and reading of vowels

Sound Pronunciation feature Typical combinations Exception words
/ Ə / A weak unstressed sound is a cross between a very weak A and E Any vowel without stress, mostly a, o, u, e
/ ɪ /   «And short» Lips are slightly stretched in a semi-smile, tongue in front of the mouth. We pronounce light I. i in a closed syllableif, film,hise in endingsdancees, starte owomeneEnglish, decideawantsage, chocolateate
/ ɪː / «And long» Lips are slightly stretched, tongue in front of the mouth. We pronounce a long I. We do not strain our lips. eesee,sleepmost words with easea, RESPONSIVEead, eat,pleasee in open syllabletree, be,these i under stress in borrowed wordsdoine, policeiefie


How to quickly learn to read English from scratch on your own. Tips for English learners

When you study a foreign language, you learn not only a set of vocabulary and grammar, you in any case come across the culture and peculiarities of the mentality of the people who speak this language. The best way to learn language and culture is reading in original … And in order to read in a foreign language, you must first learn to read in that language.

You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. You can just get people to stop reading them.

~ Ray Bradbury

Does it exist an easy way to learn to read English ? If you studied English at school, you should have gotten an idea of ​​how English letters are read, you know what transcription is and how basic letter combinations are read. If your level is not beginner, but for example intermediate, then you will be interested in the article «Books in English for intermediate level»

But, if at school or university you studied German or French, or your school base turned out to be smaller than you would like, and now you have decided to learn English, then let’s start with the very primary and basic and learn a few methods of where to start in order to master reading rules.

English alphabet

I think you know that English is different from Russian and German, in which we basically read and write. In English, the system is a little more complicated. The very first thing we need to do is learn the alphabet.

The English alphabet has 26 letters, including 21 consonants and 5 vowels. Knowledge of letters and the ability to pronounce them correctly is the key to successful and competent reading in English.

English alphabet with transcription of the names of letters.

A very easy way to memorize letters visually and by ear is with the help of a song. Watch the video and sing the song until you memorize the letters of the alphabet.

You can use the same method to teach the alphabet to your children and sing along with your little ones.

After studying the alphabet, let’s start learning the combination of letters and reading short words. There are a number of rules in English that you need to learn, practice and remember if you want to read English words correctly.

The same letter can be read in different ways, depending on the letters that surround it, as well as whether it is closed or open syllable.

Rules for reading English consonants

Many consonants read similarly to Russian consonants, such as letters m, n, l, b, f, z … You can see it in words like mom, lemon, finger, boy, zebra.

Letters such as t и d sound similar, but pronounced with aspirated… For example, the words table, teacher, dad, dirty.

Letter c has two reading options. Before letters i, e, y it reads like [s]— city, face, cyber. And before the rest of the vowels it reads like [k]— cat, cake, factory.

The vowel rule i, e, y works with the letter g… In front of them, it reads like [dʒ]— gym, George, giant. Before other consonants, the letter is read as [g].

Letter q always occurs in a combination of letters qu and reads like [kW]— quick, queen, square.

Letter j always reads like [dʒ]— jacket, jam, joy.

Table of the ratio of consonants and sounds in English.

How vowels are read in English

In English, a word can end in an open or closed syllable, which affects pronunciation. For example, the words cat, pot, sit end in a closed syllable and have vowels a, o, i give sounds [a, o, i].

Words such as name, home, five end with an open syllable, since there is a letter at the end of the word ewhich is not readable. But, thanks to her, the vowels in the middle of the word are read in the same way as they are pronounced in the alphabet, that is, the word name is read [neɪm].

Types of English vowel reading in stressed syllables.

Reading vowel combinations in English

There are certain combinations of letters that have well-established rules for reading, although English is the language of exceptions, and when reading more complex words, you should refer to the dictionary. The table below shows English vowel combinations with examples how they are read and how they sound.

Table of combinations of vowels in English.

And of course, there are exceptions to all the rules. However, do not worry and think that you will never be able to learn it. Everything can be understood, you just have to try a little and practice.

English diphthongs with transcription

When you learn the basic rules of reading, you will see that there are diphthong sounds that are quite difficult to reproduce in English, especially if you start learning the language not from childhood, but in adulthood.

Table of English diphthongs with transcription.

Transcription of sounds in English

Practice shows that when children learn a language, they must necessarily learn transcription, while adults do not want to learn it and it can be difficult for them.

If you still want to learn how to write and read the transcription, then great! And if not, then you can use online dictionaries where the word will be pronounced for you. One of the best dictionaries today is Multitran and the Lingvo online dictionary.

Remember to use dictionaries, not translators!

Here’s an example of reading short words with transcription:

English vowel table and transcription.

There are some advantages to being in the internet age. Sitting at home, you can learn a variety of knowledge online. For your attention video tutorial, which explains the basic principles of reading. Nevertheless, even having received knowledge through an online lesson, they need to be consolidated in order to form a skill.

In this section, we want to share with you the experience that was gained in practice, teaching students of different levels. These tips have proven their effectiveness and usefulness in language learning. They can be used for beginner to advanced levels. Use)

Learn English tongue twisters

Here tongue twisters, which are often aimed at practicing one sound, can help you. Here are some examples you can use.

English translation


Vowel english letters

The phonetic system of many European languages ​​is generally of the same type, has a certain structure.

Of course, intonation plays a big role in the pronunciation of vowels in English words. There are certain rules for running it up and down, as well as for individual turns, for example, there is and there are.

However, in the phonology of the English language, the presentation of the English letters and their corresponding phonemes is in order.

Let’s try to process and structure the existing extensive material for compact and easy assimilation, applying the principle of comparative studies — comparison with the phonetics of the Russian language where possible.

There are 6 vowels in English:

If you look closely at the uppercase and lowercase versions of the same letter, you will notice that vowels such as O and U have identical spellings.

Vowel transcription in English

Absolutely everyone who has come across the study of English phonetics has difficulty in correctly understanding the transcription of vowel sounds.

The fact is that in the transcriptional embodiment, the pronunciation of English vowels is not similar to the pronunciation of, for example, identical Russian vowels. This circumstance is primarily due to the different history of origin.

So, the system of English vowel phonemes goes back to diphthongic combinations of sounds.

For reference: diphthongic combinations (diphthongs) are a combination of two or more sounds. In this case, they can have different overtones and are designated by one letter.

Graphically transcribed sound is indicated by enclosing it either in square brackets ([]) or in oblique brackets (/ /)

Consider the transcription of English letters:

Letter Designated sound
— A a [ei]
— E e [i:] *
— I i [ai]
— O o [Where]
— U u [ju:]
— Y y [wai]

The sign «:», standing after the vowel sound, denotes the so-called longitude. This means that the sound needs to be pronounced continued, somewhat lingeringly.

Rules for reading vowels in English

However, the table above does not yet indicate that all sounds denoted by five English letters are transcribed in the same way.

As you know, there are only six vowels, but the sounds that can graphically represent these letters are much more — about 24.

To learn the rules for reading such sounds, scientists came to the conclusion that the reading of vowels depends on the type of syllable.

There are two types of syllables:

Speaking about the openness / closedness of a syllable, it should be understood that this is an organized phonetic system of phonemes in one word in a peculiar way.

A word can have from one to several syllables, and both open and closed can be present. According to statistics, almost all English words end with a closed syllable.

The theory of dividing a word into syllables in almost all languages ​​is based precisely on vowels. When studying our native language, we always say to ourselves or out loud when we have to divide a word into syllables: «How many vowels there are in a word, so many syllables.» This really fits well with the division into syllables of English words.

So, to determine the number of syllables in a syllable:

  • find vowels in the word,
  • mentally or graphically draw vertical bars after each vowel. How many cut-off sectors will turn out — there are so many syllables in the word.

For example, let’s take the word independent:

  • count the vowels: 4 (i, e, e, e)
  • draw perpendicular lines: in-de-pen-dent
  • there were also 4 segments, hence 4 syllables containing 4 vowels.

Vowel letters in open syllable type

An open syllable is a syllable that either consists of one vowel or ends in a vowel.

For example: in the word bar there is only one syllable, in the word ru-ler there are two syllables, the first of them is an open syllable, since it ends in the vowel u.

English vowels should be read in an open type of syllable as in the alphabet:

Letter Designated sound
— A a [ei]
— E e [i:]
— I i [ai]
— O o [Where]
— U u [ju:]
— Y y [wai]

Closed vowels

A closed syllable is a syllable ending in a consonant.

For example: in the word book — one syllable, ends with a consonant k, in the word dif-fi-cult — three syllables, the first and third of them are closed (in f and t), the second is open.

Features of the pronunciation of vowels in English

The vowels are read differently depending on the type of syllable. The letter R r stands apart in the reading rules. It greatly influences reading in both syllables.

For example, in the open type of syllable, the sound [r] seems to merge with the diphthong and sounds neutral —  [ǝ]. And in the closed type, the so-called short vowels are combined with a semi-consonant sound [r].

It turns out this combination:

  • [A]  — [a:],
  • [ɔ]  — [ɔ:],
  • [e], [I], [at][ǝ:].

That is, the short ones turn into long ones.

As for the rules for reading stressed vowels in a syllable, the letters u, a, o acquire the ability to reduce (that is, become super-short) and even drop out completely. The sound is neutral [ǝ].

For example: in words like sofa [‘soufǝ] or today [tǝ’dei]. Letters i, e, y, when reduced, pronounced as a sound [i]. For example: enemy [‘enimi].

If the vowel is unstressed, then the corresponding vowel sound can manifest itself in the fact that its length is shortened. Therefore, one can often observe (especially in colloquial speech) how pronouns she, he, we, me often not pronounced with a long [i:]and with a short [I].

Also, the absolute dropout of sounds (when it is not heard at all) can be observed in examples such as: lesson [‘lesn], open [‘ oupn], pencil [‘pensl].

Short vowels in English, examples

Before characterizing short and long vowels, it should be noted that they differ from each other not only in the time of pronunciation, but in articulation — by the means of the oral cavity that are involved in their formation.

Under stress, vowel sounds are read in a truncated form, that is, they are closely adjacent to the consonant sound following them.

Brief sounds (otherwise — reduced sounds) may differ in quality and quantity. Basically, they manifest themselves in prepositions and other official parts of speech.

There they are usually unstressed, so theoretically they cannot assume longitude. But depending on the pronunciation situation, they can be pronounced lingeringly or when emphasized in a rhythmic manner (phrasal stress).

Qualitative reduction is a weakening of a vowel, accompanied by a change in its quality and transformation into a sound of a neutral type.

Quantitative reduction is accompanied by a reduction in the duration of the vowel sound.

There is also a reduction of zero (full) when the vowel drops out completely.

Thus, all reduced forms can be called weak.

For example:

weak forms — you [ju ·, ju], at [әt].

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Long vowels in English, examples

There are much more long vowel sounds in the language. For the most part, they are pronounced in monophthongs — the articulation does not change during the entire duration of the sound.

As already mentioned, in transcription such vowels are denoted by the «:» sign.

For example:

  • Good [gu: d]
  • Arduous [a: djues]
  • Green [gri: n]

Diphthongs in English, examples

Diphthongs (or two-vowel sounds) are not peculiar to the Russian language, therefore it is not so easy to assimilate them.

They are such complex (composite) sounds that consist of two vowel sounds that must be pronounced as closely as possible. It turns out that the two sounds simply merge into one.

The percussive and syllabic sound is the first of the sounds to be merged. This is the core of the diphthong. The second vowel in the diphthong is called a glide. It complements the core, makes the combination more harmonious and easier to pronounce.

Due to the fact that the core is a long sound, and the glide is short, the pronunciation of the diphthong in terms of the degree of expenditure of pronunciation efforts and duration is approximately equal to the classical English monophthong. Although, in general, we can say that diphthongs are pronounced not long, but drawn out.

Affects the pronunciation of the diphthong and the position in the word in relation to the consonants. So, before voiced consonants, it is pronounced shortly, and if the consonant is voiceless, then very briefly

For example: sofa (influenced by a voiceless consonant f).

English diphthong table

So, there are 8 diphthongs: [ai] [ei] [iə] [eə] [ͻi] [ʊə] [əʊ] [aʊ].

They are read more than clearly — as in the above transcription. However, there are words, such as dear (dear) and deer (deer), in which the vowel combinations ea and ee are pronounced the same — [iə].

Such cases must be memorized. Thus, we see that phonemic difficulties in English lie in wait for the learner at every step.

There can be only one advice: compiling for yourself a «cheat sheet» with tables of English vowels, as well as tireless practice in the pronunciation of sounds. This can be achieved by reading texts aloud.

It is best to ask an experienced tutor about the correct pronunciation of certain vowels or diphthongs, who will carefully and painstakingly show how certain sounds are pronounced in various types of syllables.


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The English alphabet contains only 26
letters. However, this number of letters makes 44 sound (sounds). All
the letters of the English language are divided into two groups: vowels (vowels) and
consonants (consonants). Quantitatively,
the first group is much less than the second. 20 consonants and 6 vowels.
Here are the letters that represent vowels:
a, e, i, o, u and, in some
instances, y. It should also be remembered
that sound — that’s what we hear, and the letter — a sign that represents a
specific sound.

English language has many
vowel sounds. These are generally divided into two categories: short vowel
sounds and long vowel sounds. Although there are many exceptions, there are a
few general rules that apply to short and long vowel sounds. The vowels in
 are pronounced with the mouth open.

Why “long” and

The terms long and
short were most likely borrowed from Latin and Greek grammars.  You see, at
one time, all Latin vowels came in pairs.  These pairs were different not in
sound, but in duration; that is, the long a was actually held longer
than its short counterpart.

These vowels can represent a variety
of sounds. The length and the sound of a vowel can change according to its
position in a word and the pronunciation of that word. Vowels can be
classified into long and short vowels based on their length. The main
difference between long and short vowels is that long vowels have a long
sound whereas short vowels have a short sound

To write is to be able to read a particular
word or letter, there is a phonetic transcription. It is a system of signs,
each of which expresses a sound.

Английский алфавит содержит только 26 букв. Однако это
количество букв составляет 44 звука (звуков).  Все буквы английского языка
разделены на две группы: гласные (гласные) и согласные (согласные).
Количественно первая группа намного меньше второй. 20 согласных и гласных
всех 6. Вот буквы, которые представляют гласные:
a, e, i, o, u и, в некоторых случаях, y.. Следует также помнить, что звук — вот что мы слышим, а
буква — знак, представляющий конкретный звук.

В английском языке есть много гласных звуков. Они обычно
делятся на две категории: короткие гласные звуки и длинные звуки гласных.
Хотя есть много исключений, существует несколько общих правил, применимых к
короткому и длинному гласным звукам. Гласные на английском языке произносятся
с открытым ртом.

Почему «длинный» и «короткий»?

Термины длинные и короткие, скорее всего, заимствованы из
латинских и греческих грамматик. Понимаете, в то время, как вы видите, все
латинские гласные попадали парами. Эти пары были разными не по звуку, а по
продолжительности; Т. Е. Длинный а фактически удерживался дольше, чем его
короткая копия.

Длина и звук гласного могут меняться в соответствии с его
положением в слове и произношением этого слова. Гласные можно
классифицировать на длинные и короткие гласные на основе их длины. Основное
различие между длинными и короткими гласными состоит в том, что длинные
гласные имеют длинный звук, тогда как короткие гласные имеют короткий звук.

 Писать — это прочитать определенное слово или письмо, есть
фонетическая транскрипция. Это система знаков, каждая из которых выражает

Vowel Spelling

Короткая гласная

Although English spelling
patterns are difficult and usually contain many exceptions, there are a few
general rules that differentiate short and long vowel sounds. Words with only
one vowel, especially when they are sandwiched between two consonants, often
produce a short vowel sound, such as dog, tin or well. Short vowels are also
usually seen when they appear in isolation at the beginning of a word, such
as ant, up or end.


Хотя английские шаблоны правописания сложны и обычно содержат
множество исключений, существует несколько общих правил, которые различают
короткие и длинные гласные звуки. Слова с только одним гласным, особенно
когда они зажаты между двумя согласными, часто производят короткий гласный
звук, такой как собака, олово или колодец. Короткие гласные также обычно
правильны, когда они появляются изолированно в начале слова, например,
муравей, вверх или конец.

Vowel Pronunciation

Короткое гласное произношение

As the name would imply,
short vowels have a much shorter pronunciation than long vowel sounds. Short
vowels produce only one sound and do not require the speaker to open his
mouth very wide. The speaker’s jaw is relaxed and barely moves during the
production of short vowel sounds. The speaker’s tongue is placed in different
positions but is also usually relaxed. Short vowels can occur in stressed
syllables, such as «o» in offer, or unstressed syllables, like the
first «o» in tomato.

Examples of short vowels in the English language:

pot — the pot

cup — mug

pencil — Pencil

map — the map

mother — mother

Short vowels are the opposite of long vowels; they produce a short
vowel sound. A short vowel sound is produced when the vowel in a syllable is
followed by a consonant. This type of syllable is called a closed syllable.
Thus, short vowels are caused by closed syllables. Unlike in long vowels, the
vowel sound of short vowels is not similar to the name of the vowel.

Как следует из названия, короткие гласные имеют гораздо более
короткое произношение, чем длинные звуки гласных. Короткие гласные производят
только один звук и не требуют, чтобы динамик широко раскрывал рот. Челюсть
говорящего расслаблена и едва движется во время производства коротких звуков
гласных. Язык говорящего размещен в разных положениях, но также обычно
расслаблен. Короткие гласные могут встречаться в ударных слогах, таких как «
o» в предложении, или безударные слоги, как и первый «о» в

Примеры коротких гласных на английском языке:

O горшок — горшок

O чашка — кружка

O pensil — Карандаш

O map — карта

Мать — мать

Короткие гласные противоположны длинным гласным; Они
производят короткий гласный звук. Короткий гласный звук создается, когда
гласный в слоге с последующим согласным. Этот тип слога называется закрытым
слогом. Таким образом, короткие гласные вызваны закрытыми слогами. В отличие
от длинных гласных, гласный звук коротких гласных не похож на имя гласного.

Long Vowel

Длинные гласные

A long vowel has a long sound. A long
vowel sounds like the name of its vowel. For example, the letter ‘a’ in aim
is pronounced as  /ā:/, or “ayy. The five long vowel sounds in the English
language are

‘a’ as in name

‘e’ as in eat

‘i’ as in wine

‘o’ as in go

‘u’ as in human

Given below are some words that
contain long vowel sounds.

A: ape, lake, name, date, rain

E: deep, heed, eat, feet, feel

I: wine, bite, hide, kite, ice,

O: oak, boat, long, soak, hope

U: mule, fuse, unite, cube

Long vowel sounds have more
complicated spelling patterns and more exceptions than short vowel sounds.
Words that end with a silent e, such as bake, lone or mule, often produce
longer sounds.

Another common spelling
pattern for long vowel sounds is two vowel sounds placed together, for
example: root, oaf or through. Many long vowel sounds also occur when there
is one vowel at the end of words, such as do, why or go. Many o or i sounds
followed by two or more consonants, such as cold or might, also produce long
vowel sounds.

Длинный гласный имеет длинный звук. Длинный гласный звучит как
название его гласного. Например, буква «а» в цели произносится как / ā :/,
или «ayy. Пять длинных гласных звуков на английском языке

‘A’, как во имя

‘E’, как в еде

«Я», как в вине

‘O’, как в go

‘U’, как в человеческом

Ниже приведены некоторые слова, содержащие длинные звуки

A: обезьяна, озеро, имя, дата, дождь

E: глубокий, внимательный, есть, ноги, чувствовать

I: вино, укус, шкура, кайт, лед,

O: дуб, лодка, длинная, впитывающая, надежда

U: мул, плавкий предохранитель, объединение, куб

Длинные гласные звуки имеют более сложные шаблоны орфографии и
больше исключений, чем короткие звуки гласных. Слова, которые заканчиваются
тихим е, например, испечением, одиноким или мулом, часто производят более
длинные звуки.

Другим распространенным шаблоном орфографии для длинных
гласных звуков являются два гласных звука, размещаемых вместе, например:
root, oaf или through. Многие длинные гласные звуки также возникают, когда в конце
слов есть одна гласная, например, делать, почему или идти. Многие звуки
o или i, за которыми следуют две или более
гласных, такие как холод или мощь, также производят длинные звуки гласных.

Long Vowel Pronunciation

Many long vowel sounds are
diphthongs, which combine two short vowel sounds into one long sound. Long
vowel sounds require the speaker to move the mouth from a closed position to
an open one or vice-versa. The speaker’s tongue glides into position during
pronunciation and is often tense. When pronounced, long vowel sounds share
the same pronunciation as vowels when they are pronounced as part of the

Examples of long vowels in the English language:

father — Dad

bee — bee

dawn — dawn

soon — soon

Длительное гласное произношение

Многие длинные гласные звуки — дифтонги, которые сочетают два
коротких звуковых сигнала в один длинный звук. Длинные гласные звуки требуют,
чтобы динамик переместил рот из закрытого положения в открытое или наоборот.
Язык говорящего скользит в позиции во время произношения и часто напряжен.
Когда произносится, длинные гласные звуки разделяют одно и то же произношение
как гласные, когда они произносятся как часть алфавита.

Примеры длинных гласных на английском языке:

отец — папа

Пчела — пчела

Рассвет — рассвет

— скоро

on their position in the word and the pronunciation of that word, the length
of the vowel can change and have a different sound. Not all letters make the
same sound in all words, and that’s what vowel length is about.

    The easiest way to remember the
difference between short and long vowels is by remembering the rule about
long vowels, specifically. If a word with a certain vowel in it says the name
of the vowel, then that vowel is making a “long” sound. By “name” we mean,
the name of the actual letter. When we look at “a” we pronounce it /ā/,
or “ayy.” This is the first letter of the alphabet, and when looking at the
isolated letter, we’ll refer to it by its name: the way we say it when we
begin to recite the alphabet. This is known as a long vowel sound, because it
says the “name” of the letter. The same goes for the other vowels.

A short vowel sound is a vowel sound that
does not follow this rule. When reading a word that uses a
short vowel sound, we will say the sound that the letter can make that
is not its actual name. So in the case of “A,” the word
“main” might have a long “A” sound because we pronounce the “A” as /ā/,
whereas the word “man” has a short vowel sound.

В зависимости от их положения в слове и произношения этого
слова длина гласного может меняться и иметь другой звук. Не все буквы
произносят одинаковый звук во всех словах, и это то, о чем идет речь о

      Самый простой способ запомнить разницу между короткими и
длинными гласными — это помнить правило о длинных гласных, в частности. Если
слово с определенной гласной в нем говорит имя гласного, тогда эта гласная
делает «длинный» звук. Под «именем» мы подразумеваем название фактического
письма. Когда мы смотрим на «а», мы произносим его / ā / или «
ayy». Это первая буква алфавита, и, глядя на изолированное
письмо, мы будем называть его его именем: так, как мы говорим Это когда мы
начинаем читать алфавит. Это известно как длинный гласный звук, потому что он
говорит «имя» письма. То же самое касается и других гласных.

Короткий гласный звук — это гласный звук, который не следует
этому правилу. При чтении слова, которое использует короткий гласный звук,
скажет звук, который письмо может сделать, это не его фактическое имя.
Поэтому в случае «
A» слово «main» может иметь длинный звук «A», потому что мы произносим «A» как / ā /, тогда как слово «человек» имеет короткий гласный

However, some letters have
more than two sounds. The word ‘amalgamation’ has four of the letter A, but
only two of them are pronounced the same way. While the second and fourth
have the normal long and short A sounds – the second being the short A, and
the fourth is the long A – the first and third have an ‘uh’ sound. The ‘io’
at the end of the word also has an ‘uh’ sound.

Однако некоторые буквы имеют более двух звуков. Слово
«амальгамация» имеет четыре буквы буквы А, но только два из них произносятся
одинаково. В то время как второй и четвертый имеют нормальные длинные и
короткие звуки A, второй — короткий A, а четвертый — длинный A — первый и
третий имеют звук «uh». «Io» в конце слова также имеет звук «uh».

When a vowel has more than
two possible sounds, it makes sense to compare them by saying which one is
longer. For instance, while the rounded ‘ah’ sound is considered the short O
sound, it is still longer than the short A, which is a flat ‘ah’. Specifying how
much longer one sound is can help to distinguish them when explaining how to
pronounce the vowels in a written word.
is especially important because of English pronunciation rules.

Когда гласный имеет более двух возможных звуков, имеет смысл
сравнить их, указав, какой из них длиннее. Например, хотя закругленный звук
«ah» считается коротким звуком O, он еще длиннее короткого A, который
является плоским «ах». Указание того, насколько длиннее один звук, может
помочь отличить их при объяснении того, как произносить гласные в письменном
слове. Это особенно важно из-за правил английского произношения.

There are no rules that
apply for every single word, without exception, in the English language. For
one thing, many English words were originally loanwords. French and Latin
were major contributors to the language and a lot of words were taken from
them. The problem is that the Italic languages have a different way of
pronouncing what they write than Germanic. What makes that worse is that
there are a few cases where the spelling of the word was taken, but not the
pronunciation. Another complication is the various accents in English. For
example, Americans would probably pronounce the word ‘can’t’ with a short A
sound, while someone speaking Received Pronunciation English would use the
short O sound.

На английском языке нет правил, которые применяются для
каждого отдельного слова без исключения. Во-первых, многие английские слова
были изначально заимствованиями. Французы и латыни были главными вкладчиками
в язык, и из них было взято много слов. Проблема в том, что языковые языки
имеют другой способ произнести то, что они пишут, чем германские. Что еще
хуже, так это то, что есть несколько случаев, когда написание слова было
принято, но не произношение. Еще одно осложнение — это различные акценты на
английском языке. Например, американцы, вероятно, произнесли бы слово «не
может» с коротким звуком А, в то время как кто-то, говорящий на Английском
языке, произнесенный на английском языке, использовал бы короткий звук

With all that in mind,
pronouncing a word based on how it is spelled can be tricky. One of the more
obvious rules is that the vowel is long when there is a silent E on the end.
Like above, ‘not’ and ‘note’ have different vowel pronunciations. However,
the E on the end of ‘note’ is not pronounced. It is just there to show how
the O is said. When there is a silent E on the end of a word, it is a good
bet that the vowel just before it is a long vowel.

Similarly, there are times
when more than one vowel is stacked together, such as in ‘ceiling’. When
there is more than one vowel together, it is much more likely that both of
them join together to form a long sound. There are still exceptions to that,
like in ‘science’. Both vowels are pronounced there. When the double vowel
begins with A or E, then they are much more likely to say their name.

Имея это в виду, произнесение слова, основанного на том, как
оно написано, может быть сложным. Одним из наиболее очевидных правил является
то, что гласный длинный, когда в конце есть тихий E. Как и выше, «нет» и
«примечание» имеют разные произношения гласных. Однако E на конце
«примечания» не произносится. Здесь просто показать, как говорят О. Когда в
конце слова есть тихий E, это хорошая ставка, что гласная перед длинным

Точно так же бывают случаи, когда более одного гласного
сложены вместе, например, в «потолке». Когда есть более одного гласного
вместе, гораздо более вероятно, что оба они объединяются, чтобы сформировать
длинный звук. До сих пор есть исключения, как в «науке». Оба гласных
произносится там. Когда двойная гласная начинается с A или E, они гораздо
чаще говорят свое имя.

Overall, English is a
confusing language and sometimes it’s very difficult to match spellings with
pronunciations. This is why vowel length is specified for some words.

To summarise, vowel length
is based on the perceived length of the vowel sound. In English, all vowels
are named after their long sound, so the long vowels say their names. The
rest of the time, they are shorter sounds, but they can cover more than one
short sound.

В целом, английский язык запутанный, и иногда очень сложно
сопоставить слова с произношениями. Вот почему для некоторых слов задается
длина гласного.

Резюмируя, длина гласных основывается на воспринимаемой длине
гласного звука. На английском языке все гласные названы согласно  долгим
звукам, поэтому длинные гласные дали  им имена. В остальное время они
короткие звуки, но они могут охватывать более одного короткого звука.

Spelling Tips: Doubling Consonants when Adding a Suffix

The “doubling up” rule (or the “1:1:1 rule”) is one of the few rules in English spelling that is correct most of the time. Given how confusing English can be, we find this reliability oddly comforting. Let’s look at how it works.

What Is the Doubling Up Rule?

The doubling up rule states that, when adding a vowel suffix (e.g., “-ing” or “-ed”) to a single-syllable word that ends with one vowel followed by one consonant, we should double the final consonant. For instance, “dig” gains an extra “g” when changed to “digging.” Additional examples include:

Base Word (Single Consonant)

With Vowel Suffix (Double Consonant)


Starring, Starred, Starry


Running, Runner


Biggest, Bigger

As you can see with “starry” (i.e., lit by stars), “y” is sometimes treated as a vowel for this rule. Other words like this include “sunny,” “blurry,” and “furry.”

The Exceptions

The only universal spelling rule in English is that there’s actually no universal spelling rule in English. As such, we need to mention a few exceptions: words that end in “w,” “x” or “y.” These letters aren’t usually doubled in English, so single-syllable words that end in a vowel plus “w,” “x” or “y” don’t require doubling the final letter when adding a vowel suffix:

Base Word (Single Consonant)

With Vowel Suffix (Double Consonant)


Playing, Player, Played


Snowing, Snowiest, Snowed


Boxing, Boxer, Boxed

Multi-Syllable Words

Things get trickier with words more than one syllable long. Some still require doubling the final consonant when adding a vowel suffix, such as:

Base Word (Single Consonant)

With Vowel Suffix (Double Consonant)


Beginning, Beginner


Regretting, Regretted


Controlling, Controlled, Controller

These are generally words where the final syllable is stressed.

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When the final syllable of a multi-syllable word is not stressed, however, the final consonant is not usually doubled. Examples include:

Base Word (Single Consonant)

With Vowel Suffix (Single Consonant)


Opening, Opened


Listening, Listened, Listener


Happening, Happened

In some cases, whether to double the final consonant depends on the suffix added. “Prefer,” for example, gains an extra “r” in “preferred” or “preferring.” This is because, in both, the final syllable is stressed. However, no doubling is required in “preference,” since the final syllable here is unstressed.

Multi-Syllable Exceptions

There are some words that don’t follow the pattern above, but with which we still double the final letter when adding a vowel suffix to clarify the pronunciation.

With “format,” for example, we typically place the stress on the first syllable. But we still double the “t” when adding a suffix to show that it is pronounced with a short vowel sound. Thus, we pronounce “formatted” as “for-mat-ed,” not “for-mate-ed,” and the double “t” before the suffix helps to clarify this.

There are also some words that end in an “-l” that are conventionally spelled with a single consonant in American English, but that take a double consonant in British or Canadian English. For example:

Base Word

American English (Single Consonant)

British/Canadian English (Double Consonant)


Traveled, Traveling, Traveler

Travelled, Travelling, Traveller


Canceled, Canceling

Cancelled, Cancelling


Modeled, Modeling, Modeler

Modelled, Modelling, Modeller

In other words, multi-syllable words can be tricky! Using the pronunciation to guide your spelling will usually help, but don’t forget to check specific words in a dictionary if you’re unsure whether to double the final consonant when adding a vowel suffix. Likewise, it’s important to proofread your work carefully and double check any words that you’re not 100% sure are spelled correctly.

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