One to twenty english word

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

одного до двадцати

один к двадцати

English comprises thousands of phrasal verbs, each of them having from one to twenty meanings.

В английском языке существуют тысячи фразовых глаголов, при этом у каждого глагола от одного до двадцати значений.

In the game of darts a player throws three darts at a target board which is split into twenty equal sized sections numbered one to twenty.

Играя в «Дартс», игрок бросает три дротика в мишень, разделенную на двадцать секций одинакового размера, которые пронумерованы от одного до двадцати.

According to scientific sources, the ratio of suicides and suicides is about one to twenty.

Как свидетельствуют научные источники, соотношение самоубийств и доведения до самоубийства составляет около один к двадцати.

These triangles are called points and are numbered from one to twenty four.

Эти треугольники называются пунктами, которые имеют номера — от единицы до двадцати четырех.

You can bet on any number of lines, from one to twenty.

Делать ставки можно на любое количество линий от 1 до 20.

Experts in the field of cosmetology equate pressure therapy session one to twenty campaigns to manual massage.

Специалисты в области косметологии приравнивают один сеанс прессотерапии к двадцати походам на ручной массаж.

He found that in 95% of these languages he could teach students to read fluently in from one to twenty days.

Он обнаружил, что примерно на 95% языков он может научить студентов бегло читать в течение одного-двадцати дней.

Non-resident companies aged one to twenty years

Нерезидентные компании с возрастом 1 — 20 лет

Then in the First Heaven the Spirit stays from one to twenty years, receiving such instructions and object lessons as will teach it that which it would otherwise have learned by the panorama of its past life had it not been interrupted by the accident which terminated it.

Тогда Дух остается на Первом небе на срок от года до двадцати лет, получая с определенной целью наставления и уроки, которые обучили бы его тому, что при других обстоятельствах он узнал бы из просмотра своей жизни, прерванной несчастным случаем.

If since the discovery of the Indies, gold and silver have increased in Europe in the proportion of one to twenty, the price of provisions and goods must have been increased in the proportion of one to twenty.

Если со времени открытия Вест-Индии количество золота и серебра в Европе увеличилось в 20 раз, то и цены на продукты питания и товары должны были также увеличиться в отношении 1 к 20.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 11. Exact: 11. Elapsed time: 113 ms.


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The Group has certain warranty

obligations under construction contracts terms which range from one to twenty years.


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По договорам строительного подряда Группа несет

гарантийные обязательства на срок, определяемый договором, который составляет от 1 до 20 лет.


The Group has certain warranty obligations under con-

struction contracts terms which range from one to twenty years.


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По договорам строительного подряда Группа несет гарантийные обязательства

на срок, определяемый договором, который составляет от 1 до 20 лет.


Prove it with this fun game set in the Dragon Ball Z series in this picture with the

characters of this series are no hidden numbers from one to twenty.


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Докажите это с этой веселой игре, установленной в серии Dragon Ball Z в этой картине с


Intentionally causing death, bodily injury or considerable property damage in driving a railway rolling stock, an aircraft, a motor vehicle, a vessel, a combat or special machine

and violating the traffic regulations: imprisonment from one to twenty years or life imprisonment(Article 342, para.3);


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Преднамеренное убийство, причинение телесных повреждений или значительного имущественного ущерба при управлении железнодорожным подвижным составом, воздушным судном, автотранспортным средством, судном, боевой или специальной техникой и нарушении правил дорожного движения:

тюремное заключение на срок от одного года до двадцати лет или пожизненное заключение( пункт 3 статьи 342);


In San Francisco, one hospital sees ten to twenty people a week with an average ago of sixteen.

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Один из госпиталей Сан-Франциско принимает от десяти до двадцати человек в неделю в среднем шестнадцатилетних.

One meets monthly with ten to twenty attendees, and the other meets weekly with five


ten attendees.

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Одна встречается ежемесячно в количестве десяти- двадцати человек, а другая встречается еженедельно- пять- десять участников.

Since 1962, copyright terms have been extended regularly, in increments ranging from one year to twenty years,

and the flow of US-copyrighted works into the public domain has nearly ceased.

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С1962года срок авторских прав увеличивали регулярно с приращениями от одного года до двадцати лет,

и приток произведений Соединенных Штатов в общественное достояние почти прекратился.

Some 2,400 cases had been tried by the end of 1999, of which 14 per cent had resulted in the death penalty, 30 per

cent life imprisonment, 34 per cent


to twenty years imprisonment and 19 per cent acquittal.


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По состоянию на конец 1999 года, суд рассмотрел 2 400 дел, из которых 14% завершились вынесением смертного приговора, в 30% были вынесены приговоры о пожизненном заключении,

31% осужденных получили тюремные сроки от одного года до двадцати лет, а 19% дел завершились оправдательными приговорами.


The first twenty-seven atoms, those containing from one to twenty-seven orbital electrons,

are more easy of comprehension than the rest.

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Первые двадцать семь атомов, содержащих от одного до двадцати семи орбитальных электронов,

проще понять, чем остальные.

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AS»PrivatBank» Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 with Independent Auditors’ Report on pages 123-

126 from


hundred twenty three to one hundred




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Консолидированная и банковская финансовая отчетность AS“ PrivatBank” за год, закончившийся 31 декабря 2016 года, с заключением Независимых аудиторов на страницах 123-


A lecture from the vice principal and twenty seven invitations to the dance. One delivered by soliloquy.

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Лекцию замдиректора и 27 пригласительных на танцы один даже выступил с монологом.

One Company, the Light Company, was


escort twenty sappers to the dam.


win you must reach twenty one points as long as it serves two points to your opponent.


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Чтобы выиграть, вы должны достичь двадцати одного очка до тех пор, как он служит два очка к противнику.


I used one


lose twenty pounds, and I was struck by how much I learned,

and how simple and efficient process.


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Я использовал одну потерять двадцать фунтов, и я был поражен, насколько я узнал, и

как простого и эффективного процесса.


Penalties for corruption in Viet Nam range from one year up


twenty years of imprisonment and death penalty.


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Наказание за коррупцию во Вьетнаме варьируется от одного года до двадцати лет лишения свободы и смертной казни.


Political parties shall be authorized




hundred twenty candidates for deputy- one candidate per electoral district.

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Политические партии правомочны выдвинуть сто двадцать кандидатов в депутаты- одного кандидата в депутаты по каждому избирательному округу.

Last time we were outnumbered twenty


one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off


by one….

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В прошлый раз нас было один на двадцать Пожирателей Смерти, и они убивали нас


за другим….

He one of the twenty signatories


the Act of Independence of Lithuania.

Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he began



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Двадцати одного года был Седекия, когда воцарился, и одиннадцатьлет царствовал в Иерусалиме;

Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he began



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the ZEISS DuraMax era, the employees needed one hour and twenty minutes


do this job.


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До наступления эры ZEISS DuraMax на выполнение этого задания уходил один час двадцать минут.


Depending on technology the settlement may take from twenty minutes to


and half hour.


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В зависимости от технологии, отстаивание может занимать от двадцати минут до полутора часов.


Since those days were, when


came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten:

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Приходили бывало к копне, могущей приносить двадцать мер, и оказывалось только десять;

Twenty were built in 1944, but only one is known


exist today.

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Было построено 20 самоходок в 1944 году, но до наших дней уцелела только одна.

One knot meant ten, while two knots next


each other meant twenty.


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Один узелок значил« десять», два узелка рядышком-« двадцать».




came to the vat


draw out fifty press-measures, there were but twenty.

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Приходили к подточилию, чтобы начерпать пятьдесят мер из подточилия, а оказывалось только двадцать.

Two Two and twenty twenty years old old was Ahaziah when he began


reign; and he reigned one one year in Jerusalem Jerusalem.

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Number names 1 to 20 represent numbers from 1 to 20 in words. Learning 1 to 20 spellings requires a few tricks and the kids can easily learn them if they are taught these using proper techniques. The set of 1 to 20 spellings is a unique set in which the pattern is not a common one. While the number names from 1 to 10 can be learned easily by children, the set of spellings from eleven to twenty needs a little more attention and time. Let us learn how to write 1 to 20 spellings, the number names from eleven to twenty, and a few tips and tricks to learn 11 to 20 number names.

1. Number Names 1 to 20 Chart
2. 1 to 20 Spellings
3. Tips on Number Names from Eleven to Twenty
4. FAQs on Number Names 1 to 20

Number Names 1 to 20 Chart

The number names from 1 to 20 can be learned using the following chart which can help the students read and memorize the 1 to 20 spelling. The list of the number names from eleven to twenty should be given more time because children find the second set of 11 to 20 number names a bit tricky while they usually learn the 1 to 10 number names easily.

Number Names 1 to 20 Chart and 1 to 20 Spelling in Words

1 to 20 Spellings

1 to 20 spellings can be memorized by the kids if they regularly read and write these. Repeating the number names from 1 to 20 aloud can help them retain them. These number names from 1 to 20 are listed in the table given below.

List of Number Names from 1 to 20

1 = One 11 = Eleven
2 = Two 12 = Twelve
3 = Three 13 = Thirteen
4 = Four 14 = Fourteen
5 = Five 15 = Fifteen
6 = Six 16 = Sixteen
7 = Seven 17 = Seventeen
8 = Eight 18 = Eighteen
9 = Nine 19 = Nineteen
10 = Ten 20 = Twenty

☛ Download Number Names 1 to 20 Chart

We have provided a downloadable reference sheet with the above information in an easy-to-print format. Students can practice number names from 1 to 20 for a better understanding of the decimal number system.

Tips on Number Names from Eleven to Twenty

The number names from eleven to twenty are expressed in a little different way. Here are a few tips that can help the children learn the number names from eleven to twenty.

  • The eleven to twenty spellings can be taught to kids by splitting each spelling into 2 parts. For example, we know that 11 is written as eleven. So, we can split and make the kids learn it as ELE and VEN. Similarly, 12 is written as twelve. This can be split as TWE and after a pause, LVE.
  • The child can be made to read it aloud at least 3 times and then write the spelling to learn it.
  • Another way is to let them fill in the blanks for the spellings. For example, a worksheet can be prepared which has questions like these: 11 — E _EVE_. Similarly for 13 — TH_RTE_N. This will help them learn the spellings in a better way.
  • Make the students learn just two number names in a day and let them memorize it well before moving ahead.
  • Prepare a chart of the number names from 11 to 20 and paste it in front of the child where he usually studies. This will help him/her glance through the spellings more often and will passively be absorbed by the child easily.

The spellings of the number names from eleven to twenty are given below for reference.

11 — Eleven

12 — Twelve

13 — Thirteen

14 — Fourteen

15 — Fifteen

16 — Sixteen

17 — Seventeen

18 — Eighteen

19 — Nineteen

20 — Twenty

☛ Related Links

  • Number Names 1 to 10
  • Number Names 1 to 30
  • Number Names 1 to 40
  • Number Names 1 to 50
  • Number Names 1 to 100
  • Number Names 1 to 1000

Cuemath is one of the world’s leading math learning platforms that offers LIVE 1-to-1 online math classes for grades K-12. Our mission is to transform the way children learn math, to help them excel in school and competitive exams. Our expert tutors conduct 2 or more live classes per week, at a pace that matches the child’s learning needs.

FAQs on Number Names 1 to 20

What do Number Names 1 to 20 Mean?

Number names 1 to 20 are the cardinal numbers from 1 to 20 written in their word form. To write 1 to 20 in words, we use the place value ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. For example, 17 is written as ‘seventeen’.

How to Write 1 to 20 Spellings in English?

To make the children write 1 to 20 spellings in English, we can use the following tips:

  • Let the children say and write each number along with its number name repeating it loudly at least thrice. For example, make them write 1 — one and make them say it aloud with the letters O — N — E
  • Make the children learn 2 number names in a day and let them memorize it well before moving ahead.
  • Paste a number names chart of 1 to 20 on a wall where it is always visible. This will help them see the spellings every time when they pass by it. A downloadable and printable chart of number names from 1 to 20 is given above on this page for reference

How to Write 11 to 15 Spellings?

Referring to the chart of number names 1 to 20, the spellings of numbers from 11 to 15 are written in the following way:

  • 11 — Eleven
  • 12 -Twelve
  • 13 -Thirteen
  • 14 — Fourteen
  • 15 — Fifteen

How to Teach Number Names from Eleven to Twenty?

Number names from Eleven to Twenty can be taught using the following tips.

  • Prepare a chart of the number names from 11 to 20 or download it from the chart given above on this page. Paste this chart right in front of the child where he usually studies. This will help him/her glance through the spellings frequently and help him learn these faster.
  • The eleven to twenty spellings can be taught to kids by splitting each spelling into 2 parts. For example, we know that 15 is written as fifteen. Here, we can split and make the kids learn it as FIF and TEEN. Similarly, 20 is written as twenty. This can be split as TWE and after a pause, NTY.
  • The child can be made to read it aloud and then write the spelling to learn it.
  • Another method is to set up a game in which they need to fill in the blanks for the spellings. For example, 12 — TW _LV_. Similarly for 14 — FO_RTE_N.
  • Try to make the children learn only two number names in a day. Allow them to be confident of these and then gradually move ahead.

How to Write 11 to 20 Number Names?

The number names from 11 to 20 can be written as follows:

11 — Eleven, 12 — Twelve, 13 — Thirteen, 14 — Fourteen, 15 — Fifteen, 16 — Sixteen, 17 — Seventeen, 18 — Eighteen, 19 — Nineteen, 20 — Twenty

What are One to Twenty Spellings?

One to twenty spellings are the number names of numbers from 1 to 20. When the numbers from 1 to 20 are expressed in words, they are written as follows:

1 — One, 2 — Two, 3 — Three, 4 — Four, 5 — Five, 6 — Six, 7 — Seven, 8 — Eight, 9 — Nine, 10 — Ten, 11 — Eleven, 12 — Twelve, 13 — Thirteen, 14 — Fourteen, 15 — Fifteen, 16 — Sixteen, 17 — Seventeen, 18 — Eighteen, 19 — Nineteen, 20 — Twenty

one to twenty spelling for kids Number names 1 to 20 in English Learn counting 1 to 20 in words

In this video you will learn to spell numbers from 1 to 20 in a slow and easy to follow along speed.

One to Twenty Spelling learning video One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty.

1 se 20 tak ginti english mein. Spelling 1 to 20
Learn all the spellings from 1 to 30 in number names.

Counting one to twenty
1 — One
2 — Two
3 — Three
4 — Four
5 — Five
6 — Six
7 — Seven
8 — Eight
9 — Nine
10 — Ten

11 — Eleven
12 — Twelve
13 — Thirteen
14 — Fourteen
15 — Fifteen
16 — Sixteen
17 — Seventeen
18 — Eighteen
19 — Nineteen
20 — Twenty

**** More videos **
** 1to 20 Spelling Writing video

Counting one to thirty
1 — One
2 — Two
3 — Three
4 — Four
5 — Five
6 — Six
7 — Seven
8 — Eight
9 — Nine
10 — Ten

11 — Eleven
12 — Twelve
13 — Thirteen
14 — Fourteen
15 — Fifteen
16 — Sixteen
17 — Seventeen
18 — Eighteen
19 — Nineteen
20 — Twenty

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English Vocabulary Word List — Numbers 1 to 20

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Learn how to spell and say the English words for cardinal numbers 1-20. A free online English lesson with audio. Image Credit: Pixabay

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  • Ordinal Numbers

We use numbers to count things. Numbers we use to count things are called cardinal numbers.

Here are the English words for the numbers 1-10.

Click on the words to hear them spoken. Listen, and say the words out loud.


Spelling  and saying the English word for the number 1. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Learn how to spell and say the English word for the number 2. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers in English - learn how to spell and say the word for the number 3. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Numbers in English - learn how to spell and pronounce the word for the number 4. Listen to hear the word spoken with a male North American accent, and repeat.


English words for numbers - learn how to pronounce the English word for the number 5. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Say and spell the word for the cardinal number 6 in English. Read, listen, and repeat.


Spelling and pronouncing the English word for the number 7. Listen to hear the word pronounced with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers - learn the English word for the number 8. Listen to hear it pronounced with a male North American accent.


English words for counting things - Learn how to say and spell the English word for the number 9. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.nine


Cardinal numbers - spelling and pronouncing the English word for the number 10. Listen to this word spoken with a North American accent.ten

Here are the English words for the numbers 11-20.

Click on the words to hear them spoken. Listen, and say the words out loud.


Spelling the English word for the number 11. Listen to the pronunciation of this word (North American accent).


Cardinal numbers - learn to spell and write the English word for the number 12. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers in English - the number 13. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


English words for cardinal numbers - the number 14. Listen to hear the word spoken with a male North American accent, and repeat.


Learn the English word for the cardinal number 15. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Say and spell the word for the number 16 in English. Read, listen, and repeat.


Spelling and pronouncing English words for cardinal numbers - the number 17. Listen to hear the word pronounced with a North American accent.


Learn the English word for the cardinal number 18. Click on the word to hear it pronounced with a male North American accent.


Learn how to spell and pronounce the English word for the cardinal number 19. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


English words for cardinal numbers - the number 20. Click on the word to hear how it is pronounced by a North American speaker.

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