One sound one word answers

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Ответы на игру 1 Sound 1 Word

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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) A druggist is a person who’ll give you the medicine
B) I like words that sound nice
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) A future teacher should to get special education
B) She oughts to to stay in bed because of her illness
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) A hair-dryer is a tool for drying your hair
B) I use this lipstick to paint my lips
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) A journalist is someone which writes for a newspaper
B) A parking lot is a place there you park your car
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) A need a servant for help me at the birthday party
B) Is there anything to say on this subject?
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Christmas is the holiday that I love most of all
B) He’s the man which my daughter loves
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Could you show me this greeting card?
B) I’m afraid he is not able to do this work
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Did you written the letter already?
B) I wrote it two hours ago. You can take it
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Have they ever travelled abroad?
B) I know he has travelled a lot many years ago
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Have you ever met a famous person?
B) We have gone to the cafe yesterday to celebrate his birthday
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He has gave up smoking for his health
B) He has gone to the USA last week
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He has never ridden a horse
B) She has just come home
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He have to decorate the New Year tree today
B) She can’t write with her left hand
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He have to study hard to get a diploma
B) I’m sure we can’t use a mobile phone during the flight
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He needs good education who will give him a chance to get a good job
B) She is the teacher which taught me English
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He ought to put on a warm hat
B) Must I leave now? – No, you shouldn’t
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He should pass his driving test soon
B) You shouldn’t to park your bike on the pavement
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) He should to take us to airport in the afternoon
B) You ought to cross the street when it’s clear of cars
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Here are some articles to be translated
B) I gave him a detective story for reading at the weekend
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Here are some facts to prove your words
B) These tools are for repairing your car with
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Here’s a taxi that will take you to the station
B) The girl recognized the man which she met at the theatre
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Here’s the photo of the man which my daughter has married
B) I’ve brought you some medicine that will help you
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Hurry up! He should get to the station in time
B) They ought play tennis or go swimming
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) I can’t read. My head is aching
B) They is not able to go for a walk
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) I have no books which I can read
B) Here’s a coat that will warm you up
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) I never eaten such tasty soup
B) They have just moved to a new flat
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) I think we ought to celebrate Christmas together
B) You shouldn’t smoke in the baby’s room
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) I think we’ll have dinner at the café there we were last time
B) A cook is someone which cooks meals for us
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Is there anybody who will help me to cross the street?
B) I have a test which I must take soon
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Mary should to write this essay today
B) I think you ought to send for the doctor
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) People with high blood pressure mustn’t travel by air
B) I’m afraid she can’t be a good teacher
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Please, show me the bag that will match my shoes
B) He’d like to go to his friend who is badly ill
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) She hasn’t taken her medicine yet
B) She has broken her arm the day before yesterday
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) She have to greet him on his birthday
B) Could you help me to move to my new flat?
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) She’s stayed late last night
B) He’s worked as a teacher for five years
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Should he to buy a ticket at the airport
B) You look very ill. You ought take your temperature
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Should I really greet them on their wedding?
B) You ought to prepare for exam
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) The festival should to take place in the park
B) This greeting card ought to be sent today
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) They have met Joe in the park yesterday
B) I have known him since his childhood
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) They have taken up regular exercises for their health
B) We have spend too much time in the forest last weekend
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This bottle is to keep oil in
B) This is a sponge to rubbing your hands with
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This car must to be very expensive
B) I know he can’t to travel by air
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This glass is to drinking wine out of
B) This stuff is for clean the carpet with
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This is a disc for recording some music for me
B) Give me a sheet of paper to write a letter
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This is a hat to protecting you from the sunstroke
B) A hairdryer is a tool for dry your hair with
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This is the medicine that I have just taken
B) I need an empty room there I can be alone
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This knife is for slice cheese with
B) This box is to keep my son’s toys in
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This pad is to make notes in
B) These lights are for decorate our New year tree
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This place is not to parking cars
B) This seat belt is to protect you in an accident
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) This pot is to plant your flowers in
B) I’ve given him a towel to drying himself
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) We have arrived to country very late last night
B) When he has come they have leave already
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) We have celebrated their wedding for three days
B) Last year they have gone to Finland to celebrate Christmas
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) Why can’t we go into the house?
B) She am not able to open the door
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) You can take a bus at the next corner
B) He have to take this medicine once a day
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) You doesn’t have to wait for the light to turn green
B) We must to hurry up not to be late
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) You must take a taxi not to be late
B) I know he can to give up smoking for his health
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) You mustn’t to wear these sunglasses
B) He couldn’t to find his umbrella anywhere
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
A) You shouldn’t to travel by plane after your illness
B) Must I take this medicine? – You ought to
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Верна ли грамматическая конструкция в данных предложениях?
А) The man who is sitting at the window is our new teacher
В) The woman which is smiling at me is my mother
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A computer is ___ tests
A frying pan is ___ chips on
A knife a thing ____ bread with
A soap is a thing ___ you use to wash your face
A supermarket is a place ____
An envelope is a thing ___ a letter into
Astronauts are people ___ fly in space
Christmas is the holiday ____ we celebrate on December 25th
Drivers are people __ drive cars
Gloves are ___ my hands warm
He decided to buy a house ___ would be nearer to his office
He studies sociology ___ knowledge about human society
He ___ easily get a scientific degree
He ___ give up drinking for his health
He ___ take his umbrella. It’s raining
He ___ take these vitamin pills any more
He ___ to the country to see his Granny
I have a headache. – You ___ take some aspirin
I haven’t seen my parents __________
I know a man ___ can take us to the aeroport
I use the radio ___ to the latest news
I ___ drive a car when I was sixteen
It’s too cold. She ___ put on a warm coat
It’s too dark here. I ____ find the key
My friend has been ill _______
People with heart diseases ___ travel by air
People ___ drink more water during the flight
She ___ call the doctor in
She ___ study hard to get teacher’s qualification
These flags and toys are ___ the New Year tree
These vegetables are _____ the salad
They ___ celebrate their wedding in March
This card is ____ my mother on her birthday
This card is ____ your mother on her birthday
This test is ___ your knowledge in English
This thing is ___ your temperature
To be a sociologist you ___ study a lot of subjects
To keep fit you ___ take up regular exercises
To stay healthy you ___ give up smoking
We __ buy champagne for the New Year Party
We __ go to the station by taxi
We _____ here since March
Where ___ I buy envelopes and stamps?
You look so tired. You ___ have a good sleep
You look very sick. You ___ stay at home
You ___ stop smoking
You ____ be more careful when crossing the street
Your son ___ spend the whole day in bed
___ you help me to choose a new tie?
A bathroom is ___ a shower in the morning
A bottle is a thing ___ we keep water
A camera is a thing ____ photos with
A coat is something ___ you wear in cool weather
A comb is a thing ___ your hair
A dining-room is the place ___ we have our meals
A doctor is someone ___ tries to keep us fit
A driver is somebody ____ drives a taxi
A gas stove is ___ our meals
A greeting card is ____ those we love
A history teacher is someone ___ teaches us history
A journalist is a person ___ writes for a newspaper
A key is something ___ you open your door with
A mug is something ____ we use to keep milk in
A passanger is someone ____ travels by train
A pen is ___ letters with
A pilot is a person ___ flies a plane
A swimsuit is a thing ____ in the sea
A vacuum-cleaner is ___ to clean carpets
A wallet is a thing ____ money
A weekend is the time ___ a good rest
Ann ___ cooked the dinner
Are you in a hurry? – Yes, I ___ to go home at once
At last he has given ___ smoking
At this supermarket you ___ pay in cash
Can I cross the street here? – Yes, but you ought___ be careful
Christmas is the holiday ___ we celebrate on December 25th
English is the language ___ is spoken all over the world
Has he ever ___ a book?
Has he ever ___ a car?
Has she ever ___ the Queen?
Has she ___ a new job?
Have you bought a new car ___?
Have you ever ___ a rock star?
Have you ever ___ English cheese?
Have you ever ___ in Egypt?
Have you ever ___ your arm?
He can speak English now. But two years ago he ___ not say a word
He can’t find his address. – He ought __ ring him up
He couldn’t drive a car last year, but now he ___ do it
He has a sore throat. – He ought___ take some medicine
He has given __ drinking and smoking
He has never stayed ___ home because of illness
He has stayed at home ___ some days because of the flu
He has studied German ___ two years
He has ___ be careful. He mustn’t go there alone
He hasn’t found a new job ___
He ought ___ take this medicine once a day
He says he should turn left. – No, he ought ___ turn right
He __ spend so much time at work
He ___ drive a car so fast
He ___ never left his native town before
He ___ not able to go out. He is very sick
He ___ park his car here
He ___ read this text. It’s very dark here
He ____ given up smoking
He _____ finished the letter
Her arm hurts. She should ___ see the doctor
I have known this boy ___ five years already
I have never ___ the USA
I have to stop my car here. – Oh, you shouldn’t __ do it
I like words ___ sound nice
I liked the café ____ we were last Sunday
I think you ought __ put on this sweater
I ___ him for a month
I ___ not able to see anything in this dark room
If you are tired you ___ have a rest
In hot weather you ___ drink more water
It was raining so hard, we ____ leave the house
Let’s find a place ___ we can talk quietly
Let’s go ____ we were yesterday
Must I come at 10? – Yes, you have ___ be by this time
My son has got a toothache. – He should ___ go to the dentist
Our train is leaving __ 10 sharp
She must go. She __ to help her mother
She __ just got married
She ___ just finished writing the letter
She ___ swim when she was eight
She ___ to leave just now
She _____ him
She ____ her anniversary
The children have decorated the garden ___ flags
The girl ___ go for a walk with us
The water is too cold. He __ not able to swim
Their plane hasn’t landed ___
These boxes are __ keep your tools in
These glasses are ___ drinking water, not wine
They decided to take _ regular exercises in the morning
They have stayed at home _____
They have studied at the college ___ four years
They have ___ married recently
They ___ already left for London
They ___ got married
They ___ to Great Britain
They _____ visited Egypt
This frame is ___ framing your photo
This is a brush __ sweep the floor
This is a good study-book ___ learning English
This plastic bag is __keeping rubbish
This smart dress is made __ silk
This sofa is very cosy ___ have a rest on
This stuff is ___ windows with
This water is ___ cooking and drinking
To have more friends you ___ join some club
Toothpaste is a stuff ___ cleaning your teeth
Use this shoe polish ___ polish your boots
We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day ___ March 14th
We have not been at the theatre ___ May
We haven’t met him ___ his birthday
We prefer to travel __ car
We use this kettle ___ water
We ___ stop here to have a rest
Yesterday I could park my car here, and today I __ not do it
You must take care ___ yourself
You mustn’t be late. You should ___ take a taxi
You ought __ drink only bottled or boiled water
You use glasses __ see better when reading
You __ drive faster, if you want to be in time
You ___ be careful when riding a bycicle
You ___ drink so much hard drinks
You ___ play football at your age
You ___ take your dog to the office
You ____ go out. You are running a temperature
You ____ go to the dentist at once
You __ stop here
You ___ polish your shoes
___ Christmas Day the whole family gathers together
___ she ever cooked anything in her life?
___ you tell me the way to the bank
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Why One-Word Answer Questions? 

If you’re looking to have a fun time with your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, or even friend, or to get to know them more, asking questions is one of the sure ways to. 

Apart from having fun, it’s a sure way to know your spouse in a relaxed atmosphere. 

What better way to know someone than when the mood is great? 

Also, it could be a way to stimulate your/their brain and get creative. 


1.This is not a regular question and answer game. It’s strictly one-word answer questions

Meaning, the answer to every question must be one word.

2. You can take turns in asking these questions and assign a mark to each question to declare a winner maybe or just to know the number of correct answers. 

3. You can also set a time limit for each answer so that the game is more structured. For instance, a maximum of 10 seconds to answer each question, depending on the capacity and agreement of the people involved. 

Have fun with these 100 cool one-word answer questions game!! 

1.Describe your life 

2. Your feeling right now 

3. Your childhood 

4. Your high school experience 

5. Your celebrity crush

6. What you have a phobia for

7. Your dream job 

8. Your favorite hobby

9. Your favorite holiday destination 

10. Your next holiday destination 

11. Describe your country 

12. Describe your president

13. Describe your boss

14. Describe your job

15. Your college experience 

16. Your first date ever

17. Describe your first day in high school 

18. The first name of your first best friend 

19. Describe your workplace 

20. Describe yourself 

21. Describe your first kiss

22. Describe your first boyfriend/girlfriend 

23. Where is your happy place? 

24. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

25. Describe your first day at work

26. Describe your first job interview 

27. What would you rather be doing right now? 

28. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received 

29. What’s your favourite board game? 

30. Your favorite book in the Bible (if you’re a Christian) 

31. A skincare product you can’t do without 

32. Your favorite subject in high school 

33. Your personality 

34. Your most cherished attribute 

35. Your favorite physical feature

36. The first thing you notice in others

37. A subject you’d teach if you were a teacher

38. Your least favorite subject 

39. A home appliance you can’t do without 

40. Your least favorite household chore

41. Your favorite household chore

42. One thing you regret ever trying and would try again

43. One thing you’re looking forward to trying 

44. If you could go under the knife, what part of your body would you love to work on? 

45. One thing you could do all day every day

46. One world problem you’d solve if you had the power 

47. What you’d never buy with your money 

48. An item you’d buy if you received a gift of 1M dollars 

49. An activity you think should be banned 

50. Describe the world 

51. Your favorite animal

52. If there was a second life, you would love to come back as a man or woman?. 

53. Your favorite color

54. A job you would never do even if the salary was 1M dollars a month

55. The sweetest name if you’ve ever heard

56. A celebrity you’d love to date

57. Your least favorite celebrity 

58. The most unrewarding job in the world 

59. Your favorite day of the week

60. Your favorite time of the year 

61. Your favorite time of the day 

62. Your mood when you wake up

63. The most unnecessary job

64. One thing you love about winter 

65. One thing you love about summer

66. A place you’d love to visit again

67. Your very first opinion of me

68. Love is – – – – 

69. Your role model

70. Favorite sport

71. Favorite meal of the day

72. Your favorite waking time

73. Your favorite sleeping time

74. The quality you value most in others

75. A habit you’d love to give up

76. A language you’d love to learn

77. What you think is overrated

78. What you think is underrated

79. A skill you think everyone should learn 

80. What you find most boring 

81. Your favorite bird

82. Your most-priced possession 

83. The most useless thing you’ve ever bought 

84. First thing you touch when you wake up

85. What makes you angry? 

86. Your favorite fashion item 

87. An unpopular person you think is a hero

88. Your favorite part of the house 

89. Your favorite drink 

90. Your favorite exercise activity 

91. If you were a sales person, what product would you love to sell

92. One thing you hate

93. One thing you’re so good at

94. One thing you’re obsessed with

95. Your favorite word 

96. People you think deserve the greatest punishment 

97. The person you’d give anything to see 

98. The person you wish never to see

99. A place you’d never go even if you were paid 1M dollars 

100. One thing you think is more important than money. 

one-word answer questions

Have fun! 

Also Read

30 Hilarious Questions to Ask Your Partner

Does He Love Me? 40+ Signs That A Man Loves You

10 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing Now in Five Years

“Are one-word answers OK?” “No.” (Haha! Just kidding…)

On 16 Feb 2016

Here’s an essential rule to remember  to sound competent when speaking English —and you do want to sound competent when speaking English, don’t you? Yes, of course, you do! So, keep reading…

Today’s tip is actually a follow-up to a couple of my FB posts back in October, the first of which ended like this:

You’re tip for today: NEVER give one-word answers. (As in, Q: “So, is the report ready?” A: “No.” Argg!) They sound childish, cheap, even rude. Tomorrow I’ll start explaining exactly how to use at least 3 words, and usually MORE, to answer all questions!

The next day I wrote this

Good Morning! So, for today I promised you I’d start the No-One-Word-Answers lesson. In English answering somebody’s question with just one word sounds AWFUL. Especially, “No,” which where we’ll start. So, what do you when it’s true? When someone asks you for something and you can’t give it to them? Well, you’ve got to SOFTEN the “no”. What’s the trick? Piece of cake. Add, “I’m afraid,” at the start, and change, “no” to “not”. Like this: Boss: “So, is the report ready?” You: “I’M AFRAID NOT.” That’s it, guys. No more NO’s. Just plenty of  “I’M AFRAID NOT” ‘s. It’s hat simple. And remember, “I’m afraid not,” does not sound subservient or hesitant or weak. It’s very professional. You sound competent and smart and on-the-ball when you say it, regardless of what information you’re communicating. So don’t be surprised when the conversation goes like this: You: “So, will I be able to take the vacation time I requested?” Boss: “I’M AFRAID NOT.” Ouch. This is just the start of the No-One-Word-Answers lesson. I’ll add another part every Tuesday for a while. For tomorrow I’ll give you a fun, useful expression, unrelated to today’s topic. See you then!

Now for the follow-up:

Just to make things crystal clear, I’m going to say it again:

One-word answers are not acceptable in any “conversation” in English.

Yes, it’s true, that when  you’re having a tense, unpleasant verbal interaction with a family member, very close friend, or significant-other sometimes a terse, “Yes” or, “No” will be used, but “a tense, unpleasant verbal interaction” isn’t a conversation, is it?

So, this is going to be really easy– a piece of cake, really… just match the questions (numbered 1- 6) to the appropriate minimum 3-word answer options (A-F):

1. So, have you worked at this company for a long time?

2. So, what department do you work in?

3. So, how many people are there in your department?

4. So, where are your company’s headquarters located?

5. So, is your company well-known in Catalonia?

6. So, does your company offer any in-house training?

7. So, what kind of in-house training do they offer employees?

A. GOOD: There are 15 of us. BETTER: Well, actually, there are 15 us. THE BEST: Well, actually there are 6 of us working in our department right now, but I think we’re going to be hiring some new people soon.

B. GOOD: Yes, they do. BETTER: Well, actually, yes, they do.They offer us English classes. THE BEST: Well, actually, yes they do, and it’s great, because they offer us English classes, which is, of course, a great opportunity for us to develop our skills.

C. GOOD: They are located in Lleida. BETTER: Well, actually, our headquarters are in Lleida, a city in western Catalonia. THE BEST:  Well, actually, our headquarters are in Lleida, a city in western Catalonia, but our Barcelona offices are also very important.

D. GOOD: I work in the accounting department. BETTER: Well, as a matter of fact, I work in the accounting department. THE BEST: Well, as a matter of fact, I work in the accounting department, which is great, because we have such a competent team.

E. GOOD: I’ve worked here for 20 years. BETTER: Well, as a matter of fact, I’ve worked here for 20 years now. THE BEST: Well, as a matter of fact, I’ve worked here for 20 years now, which means I have the most seniority in my department.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I think the concept is clear. Don’t be tight with your words. They are not pesetas. You are not going to run out of them. And neither am I! I’ll be back to tell you more soon!

Текст песни Rob Paravonian — One Word Answers

I come home and I know
That something is the matter
When I get in you don’t join in
With our normal idle chatter
Deep inside of me the desire to flee is stirred
‘Cause when I ask you anything you answer with just one word

Hey babe, how’s it going?
How was your day?
Oh crap. Um, what are your views on gun control?

One word answers, this is gonna be bad
One word answers, why is she so damn mad?
One word answers, I know I should run
‘Cause I’m getting one word answers from you

I’ll never find what’s behind
This drama I just got trapped in
Because it could be literally
Anything that has ever happened
It could be something I said, a TV show
Or a dream that’s causing this mess
I’ll throw out some guesses, baby, just blink twice for yes

Is it what I said about your mother coming to visit?
Is it because I’ve been working late all night? Is it the car?
You wanna go for a ride in the car?

One word answers, this could go on all night
One word answers, I would rather just fight
One word answers, I’d rather get none
Instead of one word answers from you

I’d rather have a riot than unbearable quiet
While I’m walking through this field full of mines
‘Cause all the words she doesn’t say will come back anyway
At the absolute worst possible time

You want to talk now
While the cab is waiting to take me to the airport for a work trip
And you had all last night to tell me why you were pissed?

One word answers, like a fart in the room
One word answers, each word spells your doom
One word answers, I should eat a gun
When I get one word answers from you
One world answers, one word answers

I’m so glad we got this all out into the open
And I really feel like we can move on and grow as people.
Don’t you think we should be people who are in relationships where we feel more free?
And I know it only took six hours but it was six hours well spent, don’t you think?

Я прихожу домой и знаю
Вот в чём дело
Когда я вхожу в вас, не присоединяйтесь
С нашей обычной болтовней
Глубоко внутри меня пробуждается желание бежать
Потому что, когда я спрашиваю тебя, ты отвечаешь одним словом

Эй, детка, как дела?
Как прошел твой день?
О дерьмо. Как вы относитесь к контролю над оружием?

Одним словом отвечает, это будет плохо
Одним словом отвечает, почему она так чертовски безумна?
Одним словом отвечает, я знаю, я должен бежать
Потому что я получаю одно слово от вас ответов

Я никогда не найду, что стоит за
Эта драма, которую я только что попал в ловушку
Потому что это может быть буквально
Все, что когда-либо случалось
Это может быть что-то, что я сказал, телешоу
Или сон, который вызывает этот беспорядок
Я выброшу некоторые догадки, детка, просто моргни дважды, чтобы да

Это то, что я сказал о твоей маме, приходящей в гости?
Это потому, что я работал всю ночь? Это машина?
Хочешь прокатиться на машине?

Одним словом ответы, это может продолжаться всю ночь
Одним словом отвечает, я бы предпочел просто бороться
Одним словом ответы, я бы лучше не получил ни одного
Вместо одного слова ответы от вас

Я предпочел бы бунт, чем невыносимая тишина
Пока я иду через это поле, полное мин
Потому что все слова, которые она не говорит, все равно вернутся.
В самое худшее возможное время

Вы хотите поговорить сейчас
Пока такси ждет, чтобы отвезти меня в аэропорт для рабочей поездки
И у тебя была вся последняя ночь, чтобы сказать мне, почему ты разозлился?

Одним словом отвечает, как пердеть в комнате
Одно слово отвечает, каждое слово означает вашу гибель
Одним словом отвечает, я должен съесть пистолет
Когда я получаю одно слово от вас,
Один мир отвечает, одно слово отвечает

Я так рад, что мы вытащили все это на улицу
И я действительно чувствую, что мы можем двигаться дальше и расти как люди.
Не думаете ли вы, что мы должны быть людьми, которые находятся в отношениях, где мы чувствуем себя свободнее?
И я знаю, что это заняло всего шесть часов, но это было хорошо проведено шесть часов, не так ли?
Без разницы.

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