One sentence with the word because

50 Example Sentences with Because ConjunctionPin

Because conjunction is used before a noun or pronoun to indicate the reason for something. The conjunction is commonly used in formal writing, but it is common in day-to-day speech too. You will find here 50 sentences with “because conjunction”.

Read also: Types of Conjunctions with Examples

  1. It is important to brush your teeth because you do not want to have a bad breath.
  2. I’ll tell you why because I want you to know.
  3. I couldn’t do that project because I don’t have access to the software.
  4. I’ll explain them about the current situation because it is good for them to know.
  5. I love to paint because it is fascinating.
  6. I wasn’t able to complete that project because I don’t have access to the software.
  7. Will you help me with my English homework because it should be easy for you?
  8. Because your English is so good, will you help me with my English homework?
  9. They agreed to come because they thought there would be free food.
  10. I like to watch TV because it is popular.
  11. My wedding band goes with my engagement ring because they fit together.
  12. Butter makes toast soft because of the amount of fat in it.
  13. There were five winners because their super raffle number was the lucky number seven.
  14. Dresses are wide at the top because they are meant to be fitted at the waist.
  15. Fruits are high in sugar content because they are loaded with carbohydrates.
  16. I like to play computer games because my friends play them too.
  17. I like the color of the Vans because they are easy to match with my outfits.
  18. We can go to the movies because it is raining outside.
  19. I am choosing to go to the concert instead of the museum because I like music better than art.
  20. She ordered pizza for dinner because she does not like cooking.
  21. Let’s get pizza for dinner because I do not want to cook tonight.
  22. You must be wary of your talking when in public because so many people are using cell phones.
  23. Chips are used in so many different products because they are so minuscule.
  24. It is very important to run your car on bio-fuels instead of gasoline because there is so much pollution in the air.
  25. She could not do her job well because she was sick.
  26. You have to leave now because you have more things to do today.
  27. The boys could not play outdoors because of the weather.
  28. Everybody was late for class because the bus was late.
  29. Children don’t run because they are afraid of the dark.
  30. I didn’t get on my bike because it was raining outside.
  31. He looked up at the sky because it had started to snow.
  32. I guess you didn’t go out for dinner because you were feeling unwell.
  33. They won’t be offended if you say no because they know how busy you are.
  34. The girl wept because we were mean to her.
  35. The children ran away because they were afraid.
  36. I got up early because I had a day planned.
  37. I studied hard because I wanted to pass the exam.
  38. He took his umbrella with him because it was raining.
  39. They usually listen to music because they like it.
  40. She would not do the dishes; she said, “because I don’t really want to”.
  41. We are late because we got busy.
  42. I started early because I had a big project due at work.
  43. You are so beautiful, because you are kind.
  44. He is so serious, because he is working hard.
  45. My parents don’t go out anywhere because of their old age.
  46. He surprised me because he rode a horse to the stadium, but didn’t dismount before entering his luxury box.
  47. Their work wasn’t as good as yours because they weren’t as experienced as you all.
  48. The reason I got up so early is because my grandmother was visiting.
  49. He thought that it was a possibility to ask her out because she was very friendly with him.
  50. She regularly had to approach the CEO as well as give him his cutlery because of her job as a waitress.
  51. She is professional due to acting like a servant to the CEO because of her job.

Sentences with Because ConjunctionPin

Sentences with Because Conjunction

Read also

  • Conjunction Sentences (50 Examples)
  • Sentences with Although Conjunction (87 Examples)
  • No Sooner Than Sentences (31 Examples)
  • Examples with Neither Nor (50 Sentences)
  • Sentences With Semicolons (;) 50 Examples
  • Sentences with Either – or
  • 50 Example Sentences with However
  • Do Does Did Sentences (50 Examples)
  • Has Have Had use in sentences | 50 Examples
  • Was Were Sentences | 50 Examples
  • There is – There are Sentences | 50 Examples
  • Is am are sentences in English (50 Examples)

Herndon hadn’t actually entered the structure because you can see the whole thing from the steps

commitment, then you’re wrong! Because the C is not commitment, that’s important, you have to be committed but that’s not the C in the ABCs of

to their points of view — because I hate everybody equally

Because of that he didn’t go into the bedroom

The reason I am saying that, it is because when you think

it but to think supernatural, because that is how He

» Jorma knew that Herndon was pretty excited about his boat because he popped back out the hatch and lifted one of the seat cushions to show him

I believe the reason they are not expecting it, is because

Because walking with God is always accompanied by His

Have you ever said “I can’t do that because this always happens?” Well, now do you see how the C and the A in can’t are two really disempowering words?

What about N? Do you use the word never? “I can’t do it because this

Do you see how those four words: can’t, always, never, and try, start out as thoughts in your head and then they become real because you say them, you declare them and you bring them into existence

You will begin to do the things that you need to do because your thoughts, based on these two words, will solidify a belief system of confidence within you

Gen: 12:17: And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram’s wife

sister was not entirely a lie, because she was indeed his

Gen: 20:11: And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife’s sake

I want to emphasis this point more, because of the

have to live this way because I real y don’t know how long I have to

who are admired because of their

pay tithes and offerings because that is what God

influence this world? Games are addicting because they give you a sense of accomplishment

“I don’t know about everyone else who’s stayed on, but I left the Militia because I thought it was temporary

I’m asking for an opportunity to work for you because I am passionate about what you do

He got picked on in school as a kid for stuttering, so my parents told me never to pick on kids, which is fine, but their reasoning was more out of fear that the kid might “snap,” not because it was the right thing to do

«Because you have two clone mothers

the decision to write a character out, it will usual y be because of the fact that the actor wishes to depart or because the part has run its full course

In recent years it has become clear that not only does interest and capacity for sex continue well beyond menopause, but that many women report an increased enjoyment of sex because worries about unwanted pregnancy are no longer a concern

«We don’t know for sure,» Ava said, while Herndon scowled, «but you have to understand that because of the exchange rate there are sums of money involved here that even we can’t calculate

because we were not there when it was made

because you may be using your time ineffectively

So when you want time for yourself, you don’t have it because you wasted it

We walk with God because we are in a

Well, what is that getting you? What do you have because of what you are being? Do you have an argument on your hands with

What would you have done differently? ; Difficult to say because it

· Your secrets are safe with your friends, because they can’t remember them either

deal because you have repented on the spot

understand because I explained it to you in a step by step system? Do you think that you would have the ability to do that? If you do, then by all means go ahead and spend an hour explaining to them exactly what you just learned

They knew because he had been over to Raltain’s at least once in each of those weeks since Venna disappeared and told many who asked for her

with in your life because those associations are going to affect your life

Now your parents, hopefully, wanted you to associate with other kids who they saw as good associations, good influences on you, because

It was good and cold because there had already been heavy snow the previous Dawnsleep and Raltain’s kegs were well packed in it

dump your friends, and go live with the monks at the top of the mountain because you want inner peace

«When I was with Ava, I didn’t understand how wealthy she is because she doesn’t act it

because Jesus made it clear, that He came for the

Because walking was essential to our survival during our developmental years, our bodies have developed so that walking and movement are essential to health; as it has been said, form follows function

So who did he want to share this sunshine with this dawn? That girl heading north, why did her face spring to mind, just because she was so exotically Elvish? It had been years, she was a cartoon in his mind now, it had been two meals and a sleep

Because when you have an expectation of how you think other

A cop could force someone into a car because they are in

“So I should be miserable because of the world?”

fear and obey God because we love Him

three times, and He is able to deal with our sins, because

However, I hope you don’t do that because that’s doing what? That’s not honoring your commitments and that’s not living with integrity

Two years of academic work binned because of him, and seven years’ worth of Raw Sex Object judged worthless without his even looking at it

It was moving too slowly to be a meteor, but he knew it looked like that only because of its tremendous size

be acknowledged, because that is the only reason why

before they pray when they wake up; because most of us

Because the truth

How we know that, is because of the difficult test that God

thoughts and maintain your energy because you are motivated by your

that, God did this because He claimed Levi from birth as

If the car that you are driving doesn’t have the energy it needs to get to where you want to go because you didn’t put the gas in the car, you are not going to get there, so choose to have energy

Or he’d check up on her because he found out she was hanging out with some guys he didn’t like

Before you start figuring out what you want (because I know it is not an easy task) here are some questions to help stimulate your thinking

Additionally, because of lifestyle changes and a lower metabolism, it is important to consider how we eat as well as what we eat

This technique is called that because you flush out the snails from any particular area and remove them

Heed this mantra because our breakfast is THE most important meal of the day

Ava laughed, «Don’t bet the lives of the crew on it,» Ava said, «Because I couldn’t

crushed because something bad happen to Him, but this

I have resisted giving my recommendation because there was

All of that sensory information is deteriorating as you get older because of loss of sensory cells and changes to the sensory receptors

The brain is less able to process that information because of loss of neurons in the brain

Isa: 26:3: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee

They called themselves the Fourth Wall because they thought they were all so big that if they had one more member they could hold a roof over their heads

Because moles seldom venture to the surface, they are seldom seen

The skill of his hands and the hormones this body produced and his patience made it more likely she would force him, but there was never a need because he would grant any desire

Even so, she told Hermann that she still loved her mother and they should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

Are you becoming confused about all those bottles in the medicine cabinet? If you’re taking multiple medications, it’s very important to keep track because you may be seeing more than one doctor for different reasons

These are just a few examples selected from IG commercial members’ catalogs, because I know these products and feel confident in recommending them to you

«Bom Dia!» she said, but remained in the native language after that because it had been so long now, fourteen decades, since she had used a word of any other language

During the more than twenty Earth years they lived together, other than a bit of post-American and Brazilian slang that they taught each other, they lived their life together in the Kassidorian language because it was the language they had in common

No doubt he was already grumpy because she hadn’t been down to breakfast

should be outclass and stand out, because you are there

Technically he did have it, because Ms

cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth

Deut: 32:47: For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days

because He is testing you to see what is in your heart

God does this because

Also, because much stress is now psychological or emotional, there’s nothing obvious to run away from or fight and so the stress hormones build up in the body with damaging effects

because He owes you anything

blesses you because He can and He loves you

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, mostly because Ackers was scrutinizing them from the view screen, the elevator finally came to a stop with a sudden lurch

The reason I do not believe in this, is because I never read

It wasn’t much of a graphical enhancer because Ackers looked almost exactly the same as he did on the screen except for a few subtle shifts here and there on his face there wasn’t much that was different

Kulai finally gave up his security blanket at the Kassikan because he has me to back him up and you want me to go away for how long? A year?»

» He might not have taken the winding nature of the interconnects into account because he had never been there

«Because of that missing aluminum,» she replied

because they fail to put into effect what they learn or

1Cor: 1:25: Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men

Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep

Moyo knows he won’t get cholera because he’s strong

Can you start a sentence with “because”? 

The short and simple answer is yes, you can. 

Yet it seems that a lot of people don’t know this and think you can’t.

We’ve been asked this question numerous times by readers of our “word nerd” books and listeners of our NPR-affiliated podcast “You’re Saying It Wrong.” 

Maybe it’s because it was drummed into their heads as kids by well-meaning adults who thought “don’t start a sentence with ‘because’” was a rule (like so many other “grammar rules,” it isn’t), or maybe it’s because they’ve seen it used incorrectly (it often is). 

But for whatever reason, people often avoid starting a sentence with “because.” 

Can you start a sentence with because?

Because this happens so often, let’s cut to the chase.

Yes, you can absolutely start a sentence with “because.”

And…you caught that, didn’t you? Right there we started a sentence with “because,” and it’s completely correct.  

Why? Because it’s used at the opening of a subordinate clause that’s connected to a main clause and—

Wait a second! We just did it again, but in a different way! See, as you just read, there are actually two different but completely acceptable ways of starting a sentence with “because.” 

Starting a sentence with because: Two ways that work

The thing with “because” is that it’s a subordinate conjunction, which means it’s usually used to connect two clauses — a subordinate clause and a main clause. A subordinate clause is, yes, subordinate to the main one; it describes it. 

As such, it’s not a stand-alone sentence like the main clause is. When you start a sentence with “because,” you have to be sure that you use both clauses to make the sentence a complete one, like this: 

“Because I’m confused, I’m reading about starting sentences.”  

It’s a perfectly legal sentence. No grammar guru can complain about it. If you split it into two discrete units, however, that guru would get quite perturbed.

“Because I’m confused. I’m reading about starting sentences.”

This doesn’t work because the first clause isn’t a complete sentence on its own. It’s a sentence fragment. To be correct grammatically, it needs to be followed by the second clause, the main one. 

That’s the rule of thumb about starting a sentence with “because” — you need two parts to the sentence, two clauses connected by a comma, to make it work. 

Nice and simple, right? 

But this is English. And English has a way of bending the rules, so here we go… 

Another way to start a sentence with because

There is another time when you can start a sentence with “because” and not follow that two-clause rule: if you’re using it conversationally to answer a spoken or unspoken “why” question. 

The perfect example of this is the time-honored kid-to-parent question: “Why can’t I stay out later?” “Because I said so” is a perfectly acceptable (albeit infuriating) answer.  

Persnickety nitpickers would argue that it’s not correct, that it’s a fragment that needs a rewrite. They’re right …technically. 

But most modern grammarians and writers disagree and feel it’s fine to use in more casual writing, when you’re trying to sound conversational, and, of course, when you’re writing dialogue. 

Pick up virtually any novel and you’ll see a lot of questions being answered with “Because I …” constructs. Clearly, this is one of those times when it’s good to break grammar rules.

And there you have it, two distinct and accepted ways of using “because” to start a sentence: either as the opener to a subordinate clause that presupposes the following clause, or as a conversational way of answering a “why” question. 

So don’t listen if anyone tells you that you can’t start a sentence with “because.” Why not? Because we say so, of course. (And, no, you can’t stay out later. Not until you’ve finished writing.)

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In my grade school days, I recall a teacher proclaiming to the class:

You should never start a sentence with the word «Because».

Of course, I’ve since seen lots of examples to the contrary, and done so my self that seem to be perfectly correct, grammatically.

Did she shorten some other rule that allows for specific exceptions?
Did she just make it up because writing sentences starting with because is a little tricky for young and inexperienced minds?
Is there some other reason?

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Aug 13, 2010 at 21:11

BIBD's user avatar


It is appropriate when you have simply flipped the clauses:

I stayed inside because it was raining.

Because it was raining, I stayed inside.

What the teacher was trying to teach was that a a subordinate clause is not a complete sentence:

I stayed inside.

This is a complete sentence.

Because it was raining.

This is not; the conjunction because makes it subordinate and therefore, it requires an associated independent clause.

apaderno's user avatar


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answered Aug 14, 2010 at 2:18

user459's user avatar


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Because I don’t know your teacher, I can’t know her motivations. However, there is nothing wrong with starting a sentence that way if you are careful to write a complete sentence.

answered Aug 13, 2010 at 22:07

JohnFx's user avatar


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The rule is really made up to prevent primary school children splitting their sentences up randomly. This is just one of those rules that’s made to be broken… when you know it sounds ok.

answered Aug 13, 2010 at 21:47

Kin's user avatar


Because you asked this question here, I’m obliged to say yes.

answered Sep 7, 2010 at 17:09

OneProton's user avatar


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Because you can, it doesn’t mean you should…

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 14:40

J. Bruni's user avatar

In addition to what others have said, I’ll just note that this usage is seen all throughout English literature. I’ll give you just a single example, from Emily Dickinson’s poem Because I could not stop for Death:

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.

answered Apr 15, 2015 at 16:44

Robusto's user avatar


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You can use it for emphasis.

«Did you skip school just because you were sick?»

«Because I was vomiting.»

«Oh, sorry.»

T.E.D.'s user avatar


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answered Sep 14, 2010 at 17:58

Picturepocket's user avatar


Because is a conjunction.

Hey, I started the sentence with ‘Because’, and I’m sure no English Teacher would object to this!

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 3:33

Vaibhav Garg's user avatar

Vaibhav GargVaibhav Garg

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It can be more poetic to begin with «because». Consider: «The world turns me on because it is round.»

answered Sep 8, 2010 at 8:21

Tony Andrews's user avatar


I’d say your teacher was wrong in saying that. There are perfectly grammatical sentences beginning with «because». However, replying to «Why didn’t you go to the cinema?» with «Because I had to work» is incorrect, obviously, because it is a fragment, not a sentence.

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 12:36

WeNeigh's user avatar


Traditionally it might not have been considered grammatical, as because is a conjunction, so it needs two phrases to conjoin.

However, you will often hear it in spoken English. There is no real problem with this, if the first half of the sentence is somehow implied. For example, if someone asks you a Why... question, it is perfectly reasonable to start your answer with Because.... If it makes the language lawyers cringe, they can pretend the previous sentence has been implicitly reused as the first half of the new one.

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

answered Jul 8, 2011 at 18:31

T.E.D.'s user avatar


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На этом уроке мы разберем сложные предложения с союзами because, as, sinceпотому что, так как, soпоэтому, так что, то есть предложения, выражающие причину и следствие. В разговорной речи обычно используются союзы because, so, в письменной встречаются as, since.


  • Предложения с союзами because и so.
  • Предложение с that is why.
  • Разница между because, as, since.
  • “Because of” в простом предложении.
  • Упражнения.
  • Словарь.

Предложения с придаточными причины проще сложных предложений, которые мы разбирали на предыдущих уроках. Самое главное — понимать разницу между союзами because и so. Оба союза нужны для выражения причины, но используются по-разному.

  • Союз because значит «потому что» — он стоит перед той частью предложения, где называется причина (подчеркнуто в примере).

I stayed at home because it was raining. – Я остался дома, потому что шел дождь.

I called the dog just «dog» because I didn’t know the dog’s name. – Я звал собаку просто «собака», потому что не знал, как ее зовут.

  • Союз so значит «поэтому» или «так что» — он стоит перед той частью, где называется следствие, то, что последовало за причиной.

It was raining, so I stayed at home. – Шел дождь, поэтому я остался дома.

I didn’t know the dog’s name, so I called it just “dog”. – Я не знал, как зовут собаку, так что звал ее просто «собака».

Еще раз:

  • because — «потому что», стоит перед причиной.
  • so — «поэтому», «так что», стоит перед следствием.

Приведу еще примеры:

I live in the country because I don’t like noise. — Я живу за городом, потому что мне не нравится шум.

I like cats because they are nice. — Мне нравятся кошки, потому что они милые.

I have no money so I’m looking for a job. — У меня нет денег, поэтому я ищу работу.

I didn’ know those people so I didn’t tell them your phone number. — Я не знал тех людей, поэтому я не сказал им твой номер телефона.

Учтите, что придаточное с союзом so никогда не ставится в начале предложения, как и в русском языке придаточное с «поэтому»:

  • Правильно: I have no money so I’m looking for a job. — У меня нет денег, поэтому я ищу работу.
  • Неправильно: So I’m looking for a job, I have no money. — Поэтому я ищу работу, у меня нет денег.

Придаточное с because поставить в начало предложения можно, но лучше этого избегать. Конструкция получается не совсем элегантной:

Because it was raining, I stayed at home. — Потому что шел дождь, я остался дома.

В русском языке мы используем союз «так как» вместо «потому что», если причину нужно поставить в начало предложения, в английском используется союз since – так как:

Since it was raining, I stayed at home. – Так как шел дождь, я остался дома.

Учтите, что since, как и «так как» в русском языке, звучит суховато и чаще встречается в официальной речи, а не повседневной.

Предложение с that is why

Вместо союза so иногда более уместна конструкция that is why (that’s why)вот почему, по этой причине. Это, скажем так, усиленный вариант союза so, используется, если нужно подчеркнуть причинно-следственную связь.


I have no money, that’s why I’m looking for a job. — У меня нет денег, вот почему я ищу работу.

It was raining, that’s why I stayed at home. — Шел дождь, вот почему я остался дома.

Разница между because, as, since

Союзы as и since похожи по значению на because, но есть очень отличия:

  • Во-первых, союзы as и since используются реже и преимущественно в письменной формальной речи,
  • Во-вторых, в предложениях с because акцент делается на причине, а в предложениях с as или since — на результате.

We declined your application as/since you did not fill it in properly. — Мы отклонили ваше заявление, так как вы не заполнили его должным образом.

  • В третьих, придаточные с as и since часто ставятся в начало предложения.

As/since you did not fill in your application properly, we declined it. — Так как вы не заполнили ваше заявление должным образом, мы его отклонили.

«Because of» в простом предложении

Слово because может использоваться в простом предложении в составе конструкции «because of + существительноеместоимение», выступающей в роли обстоятельства причины. Например:

I did it only because of you. — Я сделал это только из-за тебя.

I stayed at home because of the weather. — Я остался дома из-за погоды.

Обратите внимание: местоимение после because of стоит в объектном падеже:

  • Правильно: I did it because of her/him/us/them.
  • Неправильно: I did it because of she/he/we/they.



Запомните эти употребительные наречия:

only [ˈəʊnli] только
even [ˈiːvən] даже
just [ʤʌst] просто, всего лишь
  • only — только

Наречие only обычно ставится перед существительным. Если перед существительным стоит прилагательное или определитель, only ставится перед ними:

I have only one chance. — У меня есть только один шанс.

Его можно поставить перед союзом because:

I did it only because you asked me. — Я сделал это только потому, что вы меня попросили.

  • even — даже

Even может стоять перед определяемым словом:

I play football, volleyball, tennis, even cricket. — Я играю в футбол, волейбол, теннис, даже в крикет.

Также even часто ставится в начале простого предложения или предложения в составе сложного:

Even my cat watches TV. — Даже моя кошка смотрит телевизор.

We need a new TV because even my cat watches TV. — Нам нужен новый телевизор, потому что даже моя кошка смотрит телевизор.

  • just — просто, всего лишь

Just ставится перед определяемым словом, обычно существительным, прилагательным, глаголом.

It is just a scratch. — Это просто царапина.

I am just tired. — Я просто устал (уставший).

Just tell me the truth. — Просто скажи мне правду.

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