One piece word for friend

С-слушай, Чоппер… Д-д-даже если м-мужчина умирает… Даже если он не может победить… Бывают времена… К-к-когда убегать нельзя… Тогда, когда смеются над мечтами твоих друзей.

Есть многое, чего я хочу, но, если на другой чаше весов будут мои друзья, мне ничего из этого не нужно.

— Естественно, я не знаю ничего о мечах, придурок! Я также не знаю навигацию. Я не умею готовить. Я даже не умею врать! Я знаю, что мне нужна помощь других людей, чтобы выжить!
— Ты действительно бесполезен… Жалкое зрелище. И такой жалкий тип является их капитаном? Они должны быть тобой сильно недовольны. Почему они рисковали своими жизнями, чтобы спасти тебя? Почему ты можешь быть их капитаном, они же не могут гордиться тобой? На что ты способен?
— Я могу выколотить из тебя дерьмо!

Не думай, что ты один что-то потерял. Потерянного уже не вернуть. Думай о том, что у тебя осталось.

Это не навык и не боевая техника, он просто превращает всех вокруг в своих союзников. Вот что я бы назвал самой опасной способностью во всем океане.

Да, они ни капли не похожи на других людей, но теперь они твои накама. Надо только привыкнуть.

Пояснение к цитате: 

Накама — это больше, чем друзья, у них есть общая цель, поэтому они остаются вместе. Это больше чем семья, потому что обстоятельства не дают им разбежаться.

Вы можете обливать меня вином, оскорблять и швыряться объедками, я посмотрю на это сквозь пальцы, мне плевать, но я не прощу никого, кто поднимет руку на моего друга.

Не печальтесь! Путешествия, расставания идут рука об руку. Но запомните: для настоящей дружбы не важно, сколько вы знаете друг друга!

Когда твоему другу плохо, ты должен быть рядом с ним!

Мы оба сражались на одном поле боя, а значит, мы боевые товарищи! И я, конечно, тот еще засранец, но друга в беде никогда не брошу!

— Ты отправил моего друга в тюрьму!
— Если тебе так дорог твой друг, возьми и попытайся вытащить его из тюрьмы, как один идиот пару лет назад.

Если сегодня мы бросим наших товарищей, рискнувших жизнью ради нас. Сможем ли мы завтра наслаждаться едой также как раньше?

У меня с самого детства никогда не было друзей. Не было никого, кто бы заступился за меня. И прежде всего потому, что я сам никому не помогал.

Цветок дружбы распускается даже в аду. На песке, омываемом волнами, на память остаются лепестки. Он расцветет снова в стиле окама.

Для зарождения дружбы неважно, сколько времени вы провели вместе!

146 Most Memorable One Piece Quotes (EIICHIRO ODA)

November 9, 2022November 9, 2022

77 Straw Hat Pirates Quotes

“I love heroes, but I don’t want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!”

Monkey D. Luffy (Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates)

The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn’t a sin! There’s no crime in living! - Franky (One Piece)

The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn’t a sin! There’s no crime in living! – Franky (One Piece)
I don't care now. I wanted to look like a human because I wanted friends. Now I want to be a monster who's helpful to Luffy! - Chopper
I don’t care now. I wanted to look like a human because I wanted friends. Now I want to be a monster who’s helpful to Luffy! – Chopper
There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight! That time is when his friends' dreams are being laughed at! And I won't let you laugh at that! - Usopp
There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight! That time is when his friends’ dreams are being laughed at! And I won’t let you laugh at that! – Usopp
Man or Child, Strong or Weak, None of those matters once you are out at sea! - Usopp
Man or Child, Strong or Weak, None of those matters once you are out at sea! – Usopp
Then stand up right away! And don't act like you're about to die! It's not like you! - Usopp
Then stand up right away! And don’t act like you’re about to die! It’s not like you! – Usopp
Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew! - Usopp
Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew! – Usopp
Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life. - Nami
Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life. – Nami
What good is a treasure if I am alone? - Nami
What good is a treasure if I am alone? – Nami
Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense. - Nico Robin
Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense. – Nico Robin
Fools who don't respect the past are likely to repeat it. - Nico Robin
Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it. – Nico Robin
Before the heart of truth, there is no need for words. - Nico Robin
Before the heart of truth, there is no need for words. – Nico Robin
What do you know of death?!! Have you ever died?!! You think death will preserve your cause forever?!! Ridiculous!! Death leaves nothing behind!! - Brook
What do you know of death?!! Have you ever died?!! You think death will preserve your cause forever?!! Ridiculous!! Death leaves nothing behind!! – Brook
Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones! If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life! - Brook
Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones! If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life! – Brook
What keeps me alive in this world is neither bodily organs nor muscles, it's my soul. - Brook
What keeps me alive in this world is neither bodily organs nor muscles, it’s my soul. – Brook
Neither God nor the Devil can give aid to those without the will to fight… - Brook
Neither God nor the Devil can give aid to those without the will to fight… – Brook
All for one, one for all! There are times when a man has no choice but to act! - Brook
All for one, one for all! There are times when a man has no choice but to act! – Brook
No matter how deep the night, it always turns to day, eventually. - Brook
No matter how deep the night, it always turns to day, eventually. – Brook
Don't start a fight if you can't end it. - Sanji
Don’t start a fight if you can’t end it. – Sanji
It's a man's duty to forgive women's lies. - Sanji
It’s a man’s duty to forgive women’s lies. – Sanji
Any person who hurts Nami-san's feelings! I won't let them live peacefully! - Sanji
Any person who hurts Nami-san’s feelings! I won’t let them live peacefully! – Sanji
I don't care if you're a god. If you lay even one finger on Nami-san, I'll become the devil of the blue sea! - Sanji
I don’t care if you’re a god. If you lay even one finger on Nami-san, I’ll become the devil of the blue sea! – Sanji
I couldn't confess my feelings for you, so I watched you from afar, being happy with someone else. - Sanji
I couldn’t confess my feelings for you, so I watched you from afar, being happy with someone else. – Sanji
Men who can’t wipe away the tears from a woman’s eyes aren’t real men. - Sanji (One Piece)
Men who can’t wipe away the tears from a woman’s eyes aren’t real men. – Sanji (One Piece)
Food is a gift from god. Spices are a gift from the devil. It looks like it was a bit too spicy for you. - Sanji
Food is a gift from god. Spices are a gift from the devil. It looks like it was a bit too spicy for you. – Sanji
I know the Marines dont give a damn about me... But soon enough the man who will be most feared by the marines will be me... Black Leg Sanji..
I know the Marines dont give a damn about me… But soon enough the man who will be most feared by the marines will be me… Black Leg Sanji..
If I can't even protect my captain's dream, then whatever ambition I have is nothing but talk! Luffy must be the man who becomes the Pirate King! - Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
If I can’t even protect my captain’s dream, then whatever ambition I have is nothing but talk! Luffy must be the man who becomes the Pirate King! – Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows. - Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows. – Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
You sure can talk the talk, but you're not quite ready to walk the walk. Time's up, it's my turn. - Roronoa Zoro
You sure can talk the talk, but you’re not quite ready to walk the walk. Time’s up, it’s my turn. – Roronoa Zoro
If I die here, then I'm a man that could only make it this far. - Roronoa Zoro
If I die here, then I’m a man that could only make it this far. – Roronoa Zoro
Being strong isn't just about having power or move, it about one's spirit. - Roronoa Zoro
Being strong isn’t just about having power or move, it about one’s spirit. – Roronoa Zoro
If I lose to someone as pitiful as you, with such a small injury... my fate is already sealed. - Roronoa Zoro
If I lose to someone as pitiful as you, with such a small injury… my fate is already sealed. – Roronoa Zoro
When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you've done! Don't blame others! - Roronoa Zoro
When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you’ve done! Don’t blame others! – Roronoa Zoro
I do things my own way! So don't give me any lip about it! - Roronoa Zoro
I do things my own way! So don’t give me any lip about it! – Roronoa Zoro
I'm going to be the world's greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous...but it's gonna shake the world! - Roronoa Zoro
I’m going to be the world’s greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous…but it’s gonna shake the world! – Roronoa Zoro
A scar on the back is a shame for a swordsman. - Roronoa Zoro
A scar on the back is a shame for a swordsman. – Roronoa Zoro
I don’t care what the society says. I’ve never regretted doing anything. I will survive and do what I want to. - Roronoa Zoro
I don’t care what the society says. I’ve never regretted doing anything. I will survive and do what I want to. – Roronoa Zoro
I'll become stronger for her! Until my name reaches Heaven itself.... I'll become stronger!... I'll become the strongest swordsman in the world! - Roronoa Zoro
I’ll become stronger for her! Until my name reaches Heaven itself…. I’ll become stronger!… I’ll become the strongest swordsman in the world! – Roronoa Zoro
You've underestimated me, snow woman. When you thought you couldn't beat me, you should have run. - Roronoa Zoro
You’ve underestimated me, snow woman. When you thought you couldn’t beat me, you should have run. – Roronoa Zoro
It's true that there are some things that I'd rather not cut... But let me ask you... Have you ever met a beast... That you were sure would never bite? - Roronoa Zoro
It’s true that there are some things that I’d rather not cut… But let me ask you… Have you ever met a beast… That you were sure would never bite? – Roronoa Zoro
Convey my will to this blade... now let's see if I am able to cut Steel. - Roronoa Zoro
Convey my will to this blade… now let’s see if I am able to cut Steel. – Roronoa Zoro
The fact that you can fight better as a giraffe... and the fact that you can use four swords... are all completely irrelevant... when you're FACING ME! - Roronoa Zoro
The fact that you can fight better as a giraffe… and the fact that you can use four swords… are all completely irrelevant… when you’re FACING ME! – Roronoa Zoro
When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It's not like somebody's gonna save you if you start babbling excuses. - Roronoa Zoro
When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses. – Roronoa Zoro
Bring on the hardship. It’s preferred in a path of carnage. - Roronoa Zoro
Bring on the hardship. It’s preferred in a path of carnage. – Roronoa Zoro
"Nothing... Happened." One of Zoro's Most Epic Scene
“Nothing… Happened.” One of Zoro’s Most Epic Scene
There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day… not even Death himself can take my life away! - Roronoa Zoro
There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day… not even Death himself can take my life away! – Roronoa Zoro
If you do anything that would cause me to abandon my ambitions... You will end your own life on my sword! - Roronoa Zoro
If you do anything that would cause me to abandon my ambitions… You will end your own life on my sword! – Roronoa Zoro
You need to accept the fact that you're not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face. - Roronoa Zoro
You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face. – Roronoa Zoro
Well, how about this. My “luck” versus this thing’s “curse”… wanna see what’s stronger…? If I lose, then I’m just that much of a man anyways… - Roronoa Zoro
Well, how about this. My “luck” versus this thing’s “curse”… wanna see what’s stronger…? If I lose, then I’m just that much of a man anyways… – Roronoa Zoro
When I decided to follow my dream I had already discarded my life. - Roronoa Zoro
When I decided to follow my dream I had already discarded my life. – Roronoa Zoro
Ha, you want to kill me? You couldn't even kill my boredom... - Roronoa Zoro
Ha, you want to kill me? You couldn’t even kill my boredom… – Roronoa Zoro
Over the nine mountains, across the eight seas, there is nothing I cannot cut. - Roronoa Zoro
Over the nine mountains, across the eight seas, there is nothing I cannot cut. – Roronoa Zoro
So, are you stupid enough to fall for such a stupid trap that such stupid people set up? - Roronoa Zoro
So, are you stupid enough to fall for such a stupid trap that such stupid people set up? – Roronoa Zoro
If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future. - Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future. – Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
If I give up now, I'm going to regret it. - Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
If I give up now, I’m going to regret it. – Monkey D. Luffy
If I die fighting for it, that's fine. I will fight... - Monkey D. Luffy
If I die fighting for it, that’s fine. I will fight… – Monkey D. Luffy
I don't want to conquer anything. I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean... is the Pirate King! - Monkey D. Luffy
I don’t want to conquer anything. I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean… is the Pirate King! – Monkey D. Luffy
I've set myself to become the King of Pirates... and if I die trying... then at least I tried. - Monkey D. Luffy
I’ve set myself to become the King of Pirates… and if I die trying… then at least I tried. – Monkey D. Luffy
Are we friends? Or are we foes? That kind of thing you decide for yourselves! - Monkey D. Luffy
Are we friends? Or are we foes? That kind of thing you decide for yourselves! – Monkey D. Luffy
I don't care who you are! I will surpass you! - Monkey D. Luffy
I don’t care who you are! I will surpass you! – Monkey D. Luffy
Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal but it has already left a scar. - Monkey D. Luffy
Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal but it has already left a scar. – Monkey D. Luffy
Power isn't determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams. - Monkey D. Luffy
Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams. – Monkey D. Luffy
I have Nakama who are not strong... But I still want them to be with me! So I have to be stronger than anybody else... or else I'll lose them all! - Monkey D. Luffy
I have Nakama who are not strong… But I still want them to be with me! So I have to be stronger than anybody else… or else I’ll lose them all! – Monkey D. Luffy
Being alone is more painful than getting hurt. - Monkey D. Luffy
Being alone is more painful than getting hurt. – Monkey D. Luffy
No matter how hard or how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal. - Monkey D. Luffy
No matter how hard or how impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal. – Monkey D. Luffy
So, you don’t like to get hit, huh? Well, you’re about to have a very bad day. - Monkey D. Luffy
So, you don’t like to get hit, huh? Well, you’re about to have a very bad day. – Monkey D. Luffy
We already came this far. Anyway, we’re gonna save you (Nico Robin). And then, if you still want to die. You can die after we save you. - Monkey D. Luffy
We already came this far. Anyway, we’re gonna save you (Nico Robin). And then, if you still want to die. You can die after we save you. – Monkey D. Luffy
It’s not about whether it’s impossible or not, I’m doing it because I want to. - Monkey D. Luffy
It’s not about whether it’s impossible or not, I’m doing it because I want to. – Monkey D. Luffy
You want to keep everyone from dying?That's naive. It's war, people die. - Monkey D. Luffy
You want to keep everyone from dying? That’s naive. It’s war, people die. – Monkey D. Luffy
Then just become stronger. I have my ambition, you have your ambition too. Which means you should just keep walking forward towards that goal. - Monkey D. Luffy
Then just become stronger. I have my ambition, you have your ambition too. Which means you should just keep walking forward towards that goal. – Monkey D. Luffy
If you hurt somebody... or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed. - Monkey D. Luffy
If you hurt somebody… or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed. – Monkey D. Luffy
If you ask this old man anything about it here and now... Then I'll quit being a pirate! I don't want to go on a boring adventure like that! - Monkey D. Luffy
If you ask this old man anything about it here and now… Then I’ll quit being a pirate! I don’t want to go on a boring adventure like that! – Monkey D. Luffy
There is something mysterious about the life of a pirate. - Monkey D. Luffy
There is something mysterious about the life of a pirate. – Monkey D. Luffy
I am going to save you even if it kills me. - Monkey D. Luffy
I am going to save you even if it kills me. – Monkey D. Luffy
It's not like "thanks" are something I can eat. - Monkey D. Luffy
It’s not like “thanks” are something I can eat. – Monkey D. Luffy
Don't you dare make my navigator cry! - Monkey D. Luffy
Don’t you dare make my navigator cry! – Monkey D. Luffy
You wait out here for us, ok, Usopp? We're gonna level that stupid house to the ground. - Monkey D. Luffy
You wait out here for us, ok, Usopp? We’re gonna level that stupid house to the ground. – Monkey D. Luffy

14 One Piece World Government, Marines, & Cipher Pol Quotes

Note: I’m including Kuzan (Aokiji) in this section because he was a Marine admiral at one point in the story.

This thing called Justice…changes its shape depending on where you stand. - Aokiji (One Piece)

This thing called Justice…changes its shape depending on where you stand. – Aokiji (One Piece)
Have you ever heard in the world, there are things best not to ask? - Aokiji
Have you ever heard in the world, there are things best not to ask? – Aokiji
Don’t ever think there’s any perfect society made by humans!! If you think that way you’ll overlook the enemy! Don’t be fooled by appearances! - Smoker (One Piece)
Don’t ever think there’s any perfect society made by humans!! If you think that way you’ll overlook the enemy! Don’t be fooled by appearances! – Smoker (One Piece)
Did he know he would be saved? No. In that instant, he must have understood that his life was going to end. Death. He accepted it. He was fully prepared for it and smiled. - Smoker
Did he know he would be saved? No. In that instant, he must have understood that his life was going to end. Death. He accepted it. He was fully prepared for it and smiled. – Smoker
With my own hands, JUSTICE will be served. - Smoker
With my own hands, JUSTICE will be served. – Smoker
We shouldn't worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it. - Coby
We shouldn’t worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it. – Coby
I have no sympathy for criminals but for my family, I do. - Monkey D. Garp
I have no sympathy for criminals but for my family, I do. – Monkey D. Garp
If you were to be troubled over something as trivial as losing face, then it's better to not have it at all. - Fujitora
If you were to be troubled over something as trivial as losing face, then it’s better to not have it at all. – Fujitora
If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn't have any in the first place. - Fujitora
If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn’t have any in the first place. – Fujitora
Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love! - Sengoku
Don’t try to find a reason for somebody’s love! – Sengoku
Without strength, you won't be able to save anyone. - Kizaru
Without strength, you won’t be able to save anyone. – Kizaru
Victory or defeat can be determined in a single moment misstep. - Kizaru
Victory or defeat can be determined in a single moment misstep. – Kizaru
Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light? - Kizaru
Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light? – Kizaru
Power increases with training, and at close range, animals are the strongest! - Robb Lucci
Power increases with training, and at close range, animals are the strongest! – Robb Lucci

15 One Piece Yonko (4 Emperors of the Sea) Quotes

Note: I’m including White Beard pirates in this section because they were part of the 4 Emperors at one point in the story.

By experiencing both victory and defeat, running away and shedding tears, a man will become a man. It’s okay to cry, but you have to move on. – Shanks (One Piece)
You can spill drinks on me, even spit on me. I'll just laugh about it. But If you dare to hurt my friends... I won't forgive you! - Shanks
You can spill drinks on me, even spit on me. I’ll just laugh about it. But If you dare to hurt my friends… I won’t forgive you! – Shanks
Your honor isn't worth your life. - Shanks
Your honor isn’t worth your life. – Shanks
You're dreaming bandit. If you want to fight us, bring a warship. - Benn Beckman
You’re dreaming bandit. If you want to fight us, bring a warship. – Benn Beckman
It doesn’t matter who your parents were. Everyone is a child of the sea. - Edward Newgate (One Piece)
It doesn’t matter who your parents were. Everyone is a child of the sea. – Edward Newgate (One Piece)
I am only one man with one heart... Call me a demon, call me a monster... but I can't be the strongest forever! - Edward Newgate
I am only one man with one heart… Call me a demon, call me a monster… but I can’t be the strongest forever! – Edward Newgate

“Although he’s dead, his body doesn’t collapse! And the way he mowed down enemies with wounds all over his body was certainly monstrous. The number of sword wounds he received in this war is indeed two hundred sixty-seven. The number of gun wounds: one hundred and fifty-two! And he was shot by a cannon forty-six times! Yet, on his proud back, or in his whole pirate life, there is no scar he got while running away!”

Narrator on Edward Newgate (White Beard) – *No Scar on the Back*

Sometimes the blood rushes to my head and I feel like, if I run I'll lose something important. - Portgas D. Ace

Sometimes the blood rushes to my head and I feel like, if I run I’ll lose something important. – Portgas D. Ace
We have to live a life of no regrets. - Portgas D. Ace (One Piece)
We have to live a life of no regrets. – Portgas D. Ace (One Piece)
I don't wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that'll be enough. - Portgas D. Ace
I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough. – Portgas D. Ace
Everyone! Even though I've been good for nothing my whole life, even though I have the blood of a demon within me... You guys still loved me! Thank you so much! - Portgas D. Ace
Everyone! Even though I’ve been good for nothing my whole life, even though I have the blood of a demon within me… You guys still loved me! Thank you so much! – Portgas D. Ace
The world hates us for what we are, you know it makes us happy... Even if it's just a word. - Marco
The world hates us for what we are, you know it makes us happy… Even if it’s just a word. – Marco
People's dreams... Never end! - Marshall D. Teach (Black Beard)
People’s dreams… Never end! – Marshall D. Teach (Black Beard)
Let the heavens deal with life and death, even the most fearful lose to that... let's live for another moment. - Marshall D. Teach
Let the heavens deal with life and death, even the most fearful lose to that… let’s live for another moment. – Marshall D. Teach
There is no such thing as impossible in this world. - Marshall D. Teach
There is no such thing as impossible in this world. – Marshall D. Teach

6 Worst Generation Quotes

Compared to the “righteous” greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born. - Eustass Kid (One Piece)

Compared to the “righteous” greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born. – Eustass Kid (One Piece)
The weak don’t get to decide anything, not even how they die. - Trafalgar D. Law (One Piece)
The weak don’t get to decide anything, not even how they die. – Trafalgar D. Law (One Piece)
There are things you can't see unless you change your standing. - Trafalgar D. Law
There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing. – Trafalgar D. Law
You can't see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside. - Trafalgar D. Law
You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside. – Trafalgar D. Law
I don't need the cards to tell me that your strength is incredible. - Basil Hawkins
I don’t need the cards to tell me that your strength is incredible. – Basil Hawkins
Let me make two things clear; first of all, I hate to joke, furthermore the shadow of death looms over you on this day. - Basil Hawkins
Let me make two things clear; first of all, I hate to joke, furthermore the shadow of death looms over you on this day. – Basil Hawkins

17 Shichibukai (7 Warlords of the Sea) Quotes

“I lost my mother when I was 8…and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of “Executive” or above…are my “family”, with whom I’ve shared my joys and sorrows. They’re the only thing I have! I won’t forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?”

Donquixote Doflamingo “Joker”

Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous?… Justice will prevail, you say? But of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! - Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)

Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous?… Justice will prevail, you say? But of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! – Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece)
There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man. - Donquixote Doflamingo
There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man. – Donquixote Doflamingo
That's right! Whatever the tragedy or the blunder is, only the things that actually happened are written in stone! - Donquixote Doflamingo
That’s right! Whatever the tragedy or the blunder is, only the things that actually happened are written in stone! – Donquixote Doflamingo
The time is almost here. Go and lay the groundwork. A world where only true pirates can survive will soon be upon us. Those without power, flee while you can. - Donquixote Doflamingo
The time is almost here. Go and lay the groundwork. A world where only true pirates can survive will soon be upon us. Those without power, flee while you can. – Donquixote Doflamingo
That's ridiculous. People usually have a stereotypical idea or an assumption like that and that's what creates a blind spot. - Donquixote Doflamingo
That’s ridiculous. People usually have a stereotypical idea or an assumption like that and that’s what creates a blind spot. – Donquixote Doflamingo
Stop counting only those things you have lost! What is gone, is gone! So ask yourself this. What is there... that still remains to you?! - Jinbe
Stop counting only those things you have lost! What is gone, is gone! So ask yourself this. What is there… that still remains to you?! – Jinbe
You can’t bring back what you’ve lost, think about what you have now! - Jinbe
You can’t bring back what you’ve lost, think about what you have now! – Jinbe
It is a sad truth that greater the authority a person possesses, the more he tends to fear change. - Jinbe
It is a sad truth that greater the authority a person possesses, the more he tends to fear change. – Jinbe
It's not some sort of special power. He has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas. - Dracule Mihawk (Hawk-Eyes)
It’s not some sort of special power. He has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas. – Dracule Mihawk (Hawk-Eyes)
Find yourself and your true world. Become stronger! No matter how long it takes, I will await you in my strongest form. Surpass this sword! Surpass me! - Dracule Mihawk to Roronoa Zoro
Find yourself and your true world. Become stronger! No matter how long it takes, I will await you in my strongest form. Surpass this sword! Surpass me! – Dracule Mihawk to Roronoa Zoro
The world has too many heroes. It needs a monster. - Dracule Mihawk
The world has too many heroes. It needs a monster. – Dracule Mihawk
I don't remember the name of every weakling I crush. - Dracule Mihawk
I don’t remember the name of every weakling I crush. – Dracule Mihawk
If you want to protect something, do it right! Don't let them get their way anymore! - Crocodile
If you want to protect something, do it right! Don’t let them get their way anymore! – Crocodile
Ideals can only be spoken by those powerful enough to carry them out. - Crocodile
Ideals can only be spoken by those powerful enough to carry them out. – Crocodile
Fine! Go see for yourself, Straw Hat... What a real nightmare is... In the New World! - Gecko Moria
Fine! Go see for yourself, Straw Hat… What a real nightmare is… In the New World! – Gecko Moria
A true pirate should fear nothing, not even death! - Gecko Moria
A true pirate should fear nothing, not even death! – Gecko Moria

5 One Piece Revolutionary Army Quotes

Miracles only happen to those who never give up. - Emporio Ivankov (One Piece)

Miracles only happen to those who never give up. – Emporio Ivankov (One Piece)
Believe me... This town smells worse than Gray Terminal. It smells like rotten people! If I stay here... I'll never be free! I'm... ashamed to be born a noble! - Sabo
Believe me… This town smells worse than Gray Terminal. It smells like rotten people! If I stay here… I’ll never be free! I’m… ashamed to be born a noble! – Sabo
There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away. - Monkey D. Dragon
There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away. – Monkey D. Dragon
Someday, I promise you, they will all watch as I change the world. - Monkey D. Dragon
Someday, I promise you, they will all watch as I change the world. – Monkey D. Dragon
Those who willing to fight beside me in the battle for freedom, come aboard my ship, I will change this world someday, I swear it. - Monkey D. Dragon
Those who willing to fight beside me in the battle for freedom, come aboard my ship, I will change this world someday, I swear it. – Monkey D. Dragon

15 Other One Piece Quotes Worth Mentioning

“In the last moment of his life, he turned his fading “flame of life” into a huge fire that enveloped the world. I’ve never laughed more than on that day… I’ve never cried more than on that day… I’ve never drank more either. He was our captain… and he was a magnificent man!!!”

Silvers Rayleigh talking about his Captain, Gol D. Roger

Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, and The Dreams of the People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease to be! - Gol D. Roger

Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, and The Dreams of the People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease to be! – Gol D. Roger
Seek freedom, and it will stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit, seize it! Raise your flag, and stand tall! - Gol D. Roger
Seek freedom, and it will stretched out before your eyes. If the endless dream guides your restless spirit, seize it! Raise your flag, and stand tall! – Gol D. Roger
My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it. Look for it, I left all of it at that place! - Gol D. Roger
My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it, I left all of it at that place! – Gol D. Roger
Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form. - Silvers Rayleigh (One Piece)
Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form. – Silvers Rayleigh (One Piece)
People don’t fear god, fear itself is god. - Enel (One Piece)
People don’t fear god, fear itself is god. – Enel (One Piece)
No one is born into this world to be alone. - Jaguar D. Saul (One Piece)
No one is born into this world to be alone. – Jaguar D. Saul (One Piece)
To true friendship, how long you’ve known each other means nothing. - Bentham (One Piece)
To true friendship, how long you’ve known each other means nothing. – Bentham aka Bon Clay (One Piece)
Even in the depths of Hell... blooms a beautiful flower of friendship... leaving its petals as mementos... bobbing back and forth on the waves... may it one day bloom once more...the Okama Way. - Bentham aka Bon Clay
Even in the depths of Hell… blooms a beautiful flower of friendship… leaving its petals as mementos… bobbing back and forth on the waves… may it one day bloom once more…the Okama Way. – Bentham aka Bon Clay
When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No… It’s when they’re forgotten! - Doctor Hiluluk
When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No… It’s when they’re forgotten! – Doctor Hiluluk
A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword. A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything. - Koshiro (Zoro's teacher)
A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword. A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything. – Koshiro (Zoro’s teacher)
No matter what happens, don't be sorry you were born, don't forget to smile in any situation. As long as you're alive there will be better things later...and there will be many. - Bellemere
No matter what happens, don’t be sorry you were born, don’t forget to smile in any situation. As long as you’re alive there will be better things later…and there will be many. – Bellemere
This pain is nothing when compared to the pain I've received in the past 12 years. - Kyros
This pain is nothing when compared to the pain I’ve received in the past 12 years. – Kyros
I'll die smiling! Because if you ever think of me in the future, I want you to remember me smiling. - Donquixote Rosinante
I’ll die smiling! Because if you ever think of me in the future, I want you to remember me smiling. – Donquixote Rosinante
Even if armed with hundreds of weapons... there are times when you just can't beat a man with a spear of conviction in his gut. - Red-leg Zeff
Even if armed with hundreds of weapons… there are times when you just can’t beat a man with a spear of conviction in his gut. – Red-leg Zeff
When a guy gets flustered, because someone calls him weak, it's proof that he recognizes he is weak. Let the outcome determine the weak and the strong. - Don Krieg
When a guy gets flustered, because someone calls him weak, it’s proof that he recognizes he is weak. Let the outcome determine the weak and the strong. – Don Krieg


The creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda is a genius story-teller and dubbed to be the best foreshadower in the world of anime.

One Piece is full of awesome plots, amazing plot-twists, and story-anticipation.

Though the One Piece anime may seem childish, the storyline isn’t.

Many viewers were tricked to reckon that One Piece is meant for younger audiences due to its cartoony aesthetic (compared to other classic animes like Naruto & Bleach).

Contrary to popular belief, the storyline is loaded full of intense, emotional and heartbreaking moments that will bring tears to viewers’ eyes.

The emotions are so strong that they allow viewers to connect with the characters extremely deeply despite their aesthetic.

This explains why there are so many fervent and hardcore One Piece fans today (including yours truly) even when the show has been continuously airing for more than two decades.

No anime has done as good as One Piece in terms of loyal fans and longevity.

Further reading:

  • Here’s Why You Should Finally Give One Piece A Chance – Ranker
  • Why is One Piece so popular? – Quora
  • Why You Should be Watching ‘One Piece’ – Fandom

Here are the most memorable One Piece quotes so you can be inspired by the loyalty of the Straw Hat Nakamas and the world of pirates.


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Read: Most Memorable One Piece Quotes of All Time (ANIME)

A brief description of the manga One Piece:

Wealth, power and glory. The man who fought for all this was Gold Roger, King of the Pirates. When he was executed, his last words were: “You want my treasure? You can have it! Look for him! Somewhere I have hidden the greatest treasure in the world.” This treasure is the One Piece and it lies somewhere on the Grandline.

Thus the great pirate age dawned… Monkey D. Ruffy is 16 years old and has a big goal: He wants to become king of the pirates and find the treasure One Piece! Ruffy has special powers from the devil’s fruit “GumGum” and is a rubber man. He has his dream of the pirate Shanks, who once saved his life and Ruffy shortly before his departure gave him his very important straw hat.

First he has to find a crew and a ship… No sooner said than done! With the strong swordsman Zorro, the liar Usopp, the pretty Nami, the master chef Sanji and later also the moose chopper and some others he creates a strange but perfect team. The now created “straw hat gang” (derived from Ruffy’s straw hat) has a lot of trouble with her crazy rubber cap, but that’s by no means the only problem, because many creeps get in the way of the gang. For example Captain Black, who wanted to destroy Usopps village, Arlong, who is to blame for Nami’s dark past, etc. Also the Navy gets in the way of the gang…

One Piece characters mentioned in this post:

  • Monkey D Luffy.
  • Roronoa Zoro.
  • Nami.
  • Jinbei.
  • Fujitora.
  • Brook.
  • Usopp.
  • Sengoku The Buddha.
  • Nico Robin.

And plenty more names you’ll recognize as a fan of One Piece.

Each quote will give you something to walk away with. Whether it be inspiration, humour, or something else that will make your day.

Now that’s out of the way…

The Greatest One Piece Quotes Fans Will Love:

Jinbei Quotes

Jinbei Quotes

“It may be hard right now… But you must silence those thoughts! Stop counting only those things that you have lost! What is gone, is gone!” – Jinbei

Brook Quotes

Brook Quotes One Piece

“Loneliness” is no longer part of my vocabulary.” – Brook

Anime Motivation Soul King Quotes 1

“Death is never an apology.” – Brook

Brook quotes one piece

“What do you know of death? Have you ever died? You think death will preserve your cause forever?Ridiculous! Death leaves nothing behind! Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life.” – Brook

Fujitora Quotes

Fujitora quotes

“If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn’t have any in the first place.” – Fujitora

Roronoa Zoro Quotes

Roronoa Zoro quotes

“If I die here, then I’m a man that could only make it this far.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 1

“You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 2

“Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 3

“Bring on the hardship. It’s preferred in a path of carnage.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 4

“Either in belief or doubt, if I lean to one of these sides, my reaction time will be dulled if my heart thinks the opposite of what I choose.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 5

“When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 6

“When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you’ve done! Don’t blame others!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 7

“When I decided to follow my dream, I had already discarded my life.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro quotes 8

“There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day…not even Death itself can take my life away!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece

Being strong isn’t just about having power or move, it about one’s spirit.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (11)

If I can’t even protect my captain’s dream, then whatever ambition I have is nothing but talk…” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (6)

A wound that’d make an ordinary man unconscious… I won’t lose to it. A wound that would kill an ordinary person… I won’t lose to it! To face one who is extraordinary, Hawk Eyes… I can’t allow myself to be ordinary!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (12)

You’ll never understand…your swords will never be as heavy as mine!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (9)

Well, how about this. My “luck” versus this thing’s “curse”. Wanna see what’s stronger..? If I lose, then I’m just that much of a man anyways…” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (7)

There should be a limit to how similar a couple looks like.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (15)

“I’m going to be the world’s greatest swordsman! All I have left is my destiny! My name may be infamous…but it’s gonna shake the world!!!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (3)

You want to kill me? You couldn’t even kill my boredom!” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (4)

You sure can talk the talk, but you’re not quite ready to walk the walk. Time’s up, it’s my turn.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (14)

“I do things my own way! So don’t give me any lip about it!” – Roronoa Zoro

roronoa zoro quotes one piece

I don’t know. I’m not sure why myself. But if I were to take even one step back, I believe that all those important oaths, promises and many other deals ’til now, will all go to waste and I’ll never be able to return before you, ever again.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (13)

If you do anything that would cause me to abandon my ambitions… You will end your own life on my sword!” – Roronoa Zoro

roronoa zoro quotes one piece 5

I’m a pirate hunter.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (2)

I don’t care what the society says. I’ve regretted doing anything. I will survive and do what I want to.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (1)

You’ve underestimated me, snow woman. When you thought you couldn’t beat me, you should have run. Of course, there are things that I don’t wanna cut. But… let me ask you something. Have you ever seen a fierce animal you were sure would never bite? Because I haven’t.” – Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro Quotes One Piece (8)

If you kill yourself, I’ll kill you.” – Roronoa Zoro

Sengoku The Buddha Quotes

sengoku buddha quotes

“Don’t try to find a reason for somebody’s love.” – Sengoku The Buddha

Usopp Quotes

Usopp quotes one piece

“Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew!” – Usopp

Nico Robin Quotes

Nico Robin Quotes

“Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it.” – Nico Robin

Nico Robin quotes

“Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense.” – Nico Robin

Donquixote Doflamingo Quotes

Donquixote Doflamingo quotes

“There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man.” – Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo quotes 1

“I lost my mother when I was 8…and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of “Executive” or above…are my “family”, with whom I’ve shared my joys and sorrows. They’re the only thing I have! I won’t forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?” – Doflamingo

Gol D. Rodger Quotes

Gol D. Roger quotes

“Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideas are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth.” – Gold D. Rodger

Trafalgar Law Quotes

Trafalgar Law quotes

“There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing.” – Trafalgar Law

Trafalgar Law quotes 1

“You can’t see the whole picture until you look at it from the outside.” – Trafalgar Law

Sir Crocodile Quotes

Sir Crocodile quotes

“Wake up princess, I’m tired of your useless ideals. It’s gotten pathetic. What good are your happy ideals if you can’t do anything to make them a reality? They’re nothing but dreams, and your dreams don’t stand a chance.” – Sir Crocodile

Sanji Quotes

Sanji Quotes one piece

“I couldn’t confess my feelings for you, so I watched you from afar, being happy with someone else.” – Sanji

Sanji Quotes one piece 1

“Don’t start a fight if you can’t end it.” – Sanji

Sanji Quotes one piece 2

“A real man is someone who forgives a woman for her lies!” – Sanji

Sanji Quotes one piece 3

“I don’t care if you’re a god. If you lay even one finger on Nami-san, I’ll become the Devil of the Blue Sea!” – Sanji

Sanji Quotes one piece 4

“Cooking is a gift from the gods. Spices are a gift from the devil. Looks like it was a little too spicy for you.” – Sanji

Smoker One Piece Quotes

Smoker quotes one piece

“Don’t ever think there’s any perfect society made by humans! If you think that way you’ll overlook the enemy!! Don’t be fooled by appearances!” – Smoker

Boa Hancock Quotes

Boa Hancock quotes

“Whether I kick a kitten… Tear off your ears… Even slaughter innocent people… The world will never cease to forgive my actions. Why, you ask? That’s right, it is because I am… Beautiful.” – Boa Hancock

Nami Quotes

Nami Quotes

“Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life.” – Nami

Nami quotes one piece

“Everyone is expecting help from you, but you come here and don’t think about doing anything to help those people?” – Nami

Monkey D Luffy Quotes

Monkey D Luffy Quotes

“Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal but it has already left a scar.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy Quotes

“If I get reincarnated… I wanna become a clam.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy Quotes

“Being alone is more painful than getting hurt.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy quotes

“If you hurt somebody… or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy quotes 1

“You want to keep everyone from dying? That’s naive. It’s war. People die.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy Quotes

“No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal.” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy quotes 3

“Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Luffy quotes 2

“Dying is not repaying a debt! That is not what he saved you for. Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!” – Monkey D Luffy

Monkey D Dragon Quotes

Monkey D Dragon Quotes

“There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away.” – Monkey D Dragon

Portgas D. Ace Quotes

Portgas D. Ace quotes

“We have to live a life of no regrets.” – Portgas D. Ace

Eustass Kid Quotes

Eustass Kid quotes

“Compared to the “righteous” greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born.” – Eustass Kid

Tony Tony Chopper Quotes

Tony Tony Chopper quotes

“I realized that back then, the reason I wanted to become human, was that I really just wanted to have friends. Now, I just want to be a monster that can help Luffy.” – Tony Tony Chopper

Kizaru One Piece Quotes

Kizaru quotes one piece

“Without strength, you won’t be able to save anyone.” – Kizaru

Silvers Rayleigh Quotes

Silvers Rayleigh quotes

“Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form.” – Silvers Rayleigh

Dr. Hiluluk Quotes

Dr. Hiluluk quotes

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” – Dr. Hiluluk

Whitebeard Quotes

Whitebeard quotes one piece

“It doesn’t matter who your parents were. Everyone is a child of the sea.” – Whitebeard

Featured image source: One Piece Characters


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One Piece: Unlimited World Red Strong Words List

Welcome to the One Piece: Unlimited World Red Strong Words list that aims to guide you to find all Strong Words in the hack ‘n slash action-adventure game.

Let’s take a look at the complete list below that reveals how to unlock all One Piece: Unlimited World Red Strong Words…

Index of One Piece: Unlimited World Red Guides:

  • This Page: One Piece: Unlimited World Red Strong Words List
  • Next Page: How To Unlock All One Piece: Unlimited World Red Characters
  • Next Page: How To Unlock All One Piece: Unlimited World Red Costumes
  • Next Page: One Piece: Unlimited World Red Walkthrough
  • Next Page: One Piece: Unlimited World Red Cheats
  • Next Page: One Piece: Unlimited World Red Trophies Guide

One Piece: Unlimited World Red Strong Words List


Here are most of the requirements for unlocking all the Strong Words:

1. Finish each quest once, because they all have at least 1 word as the default reward; except for the Boss Rivals and DLC quests.
2. From item exchange events in Trans Town you receive 12 words. Note: Stay idle in Trans Town to unlock these item exchange events**.
3. From getting over 100 balloons in the Balloon Mini-game you get 1 word.
4. A lot of words come as secret rare rewards from quests.
5. Treasure chests have some words as well.

** Item Exchange Examples:

A) At the side of the bridge on each side of the river there is a guy that exchanges one of the rare frogs for a item.
B) The south guy gives can give 2 types of items: one of them you can exchange with a old lady for a mysterious item and the other you can exchange with a kid for another mysterious item (both NPCs are in the south).
C) The north guy gives a item that you can use in the farm and get mysterious seed. Also you can plant the mysterious seed for a plant that you can get a flower to exchange with a woman (near the museum) for another mysterious item.
D) You need 3 of each of those 4 mysterious items that I mentioned and exchange them with a girl at the west side of the south part of the town (bordering the water).
E) Also each NPC only exchange items once per time you enter Trans Town.

Where to find all the unlocked Strong Words:

While you’re playing the game, press on the Start button to enter the Pause Menu. After that select Equip Custom Word or Set Item Word.

So in case you want to set an Item Word to the character you’re playing as, then you can select it from the on-screen menu.

To see from the full Strong Words overview what’s available to you, from the same Pause Menu go into the Info tab and select Word List.


Strong Word complete Gallery by Orthmann organized per character.

Luffy Strong Words

1. All right! Let’s go!! [?????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Prologue.
2. This’ll be over in no time!!! [?????????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Prologue.
3. No… I’ll protect them all! [??????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
4. I’ve had enough of your face!! [????????????!!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: random reward for quest #12 Level East Blue.
5. Food makes me… [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
6. My left arm is a giant’s arm! [??????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
7. The rubber pirate!! [????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
8. If your poison is going to beat me… [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level East Blue.
9. I hope we meet again!! [?????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #23 Level East Blue.
10. …I’m coming with all I got! [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
11. Let me take care of that! [???????????!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level East Blue.
12. I’ll be stronger than Ace!! [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level Grand Line.
13. I’m cured!!!! [????????!!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level New World.
14. I’m not alone!!!! [??????!!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Marineford.
15. I got you!!! [???????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level East Blue.
16. You need allies to live!!! [??????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Alabasta.
17. I’ve trained for two years… [????2?????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
18. … I’ll leave no ally behind!! [??????!!!???????!!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
19. This fight is ours… [?????!!???????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
20. You don’t stand a chance! [???????????!!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level Grand Line.
21. We’re off to the Grand Line! [???!!!??????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level Grand Line.
22. My rubber saves the day!!! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
23. Where’s that useless god!? [???…!!!??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level New World.
24. Atlas and Hercules… [”????”?”?????”???]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #23 Level East Blue.
25. I’m gonna destroy you! [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #13 Level East Blue.
26. Keep ’em coming!!! [????????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level East Blue.
27. This is between us!! [??????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level New World.
28. Give up and regret it!! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level New World.
29. Damn it. I’m as good as dead. [????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #23 Level Grand Line.
30. Even if only one…!!! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #15 Level New World.
31. If you want to live, say it!!! [??????????!!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level New World.
32. This mark means “conviction”! [?????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #02 Level New World.
33. We need to get out of here! [??!!!??????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #23 Level Grand Line.
34. It burns!!! [????????!!!]
— Custom (4);
— Get: reward for quest #06 Level New World.
35. The Pirate King will be me!!!! [”???”?!!!??????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
36. I know you’re strong… [??????????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #02 Level New World.
37. Here we go, you guys!!! [??????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.
38. Lightning won’t work on me! [???????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #08 Level Grand Line.
39. This reeks of adventure!! [???????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level East Blue.
40. Look at it as a challenge!! [????????????!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #15 Level Grand Line.
41. I’m gonna really let loose! [???????????!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level Four Emperors.

Zoro Strong Words

1. Is that the strength to cut iron? [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.
2. Sounds like a party here… [???????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
3. What an uncanny relationship… [????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
4. This’ll be over in 5 seconds! [5????????]
— Skill;
— Get: default.
5. Not even the reaper… [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
6. Press and then press some more… [??????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
7. I’m several times stronger! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
8. How lame! [?????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level East Blue.
9. I got on the wrong ship!! [??????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level East Blue.
10. I’ll show you my worth! [???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
11. Survival is all that counts! [?????????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Alabasta.
12. I’m getting fired up!! [??????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #06 Level East Blue.
13. Leave it to fate! [???!!!??]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #14 Level East Blue.
14. I have my own burdens to bear! [?????????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #08 Level New World.
15. To be the greatest swordsman! [???????????!!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
16. What a long neck!! [????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #14 Level East Blue.
17. Luffy will be Pirate King! [????????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level New World.
18. I can grow even stronger. [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
19. Teach me of swordsmanship!! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level Grand Line.
20. I started this fight… [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level Grand Line.
21. Back wounds are for cowards! [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level East Blue.
22. I will never lose again!! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level Grand Line.
23. I’ve never prayed to “God”! [“?”????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
24. If i die… [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #08 Level New World.
25. Please accept my life instead!! [????????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level New World.
26. I’ll work tirelessly… [?????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level Grand Line.
27. In order to surpass you!! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level New World.
28. I’ve been waiting for this!! [?????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level New World.
29. I’ve been waiting for this!! Shut up and watch this fight! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level New World.
30. In the depths of hell. [???????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – My. Colubo.
31. Desiring superiority… [????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #19 Level Grand Line.
32. You should have run away. [???????????]
— Custom (4);
— Get: reward for quest #12 Level New World.
33. I’ll cut you all down! [???????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
34. Get it together! [????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.
35. Let’s make a fight of it!! [??????????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level Four Emperors.
36. I’ll get the ones with swords! [???????????!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #03 Level Grand Line.
37. I want to head to the beach… [????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level East Blue.

Nami Strong Words

1. Was a thief, now I’m a pirate! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
2. The power of weather science! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
3. Come out. Nin-nin-nin! [????????!!????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
4. One leg, two legs, three… [?????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
5. I’m neither kind nor gentle!! [?????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
6. It’s 100% my fault, but… [100%??????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #15 Level East Blue.
7. My Happiness Punch costs… [???????10?????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level East Blue.
8. Huh!!? That’ll never work! [?!!!???????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level East Blue.
9. If i die, you come with me!!! [????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #20 Level East Blue.
10. Test it at your own risk! [??????????!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
11. Nothing better than money!! [????????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level Grand Line.
12. My secret stash is 80% of it. [?????????8?]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level East Blue.
13. Old habita die hard. [????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level East Blue.
14. The loot will be split fair… [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level Grand Line.
15. No limit to their strength!! [???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Fishman Island.
16. Watch for heart palpitations! [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #12 Level Grand Line.
17. How about the “navigator”!!? [?????????!!?]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level New World.
18. My forecasts are spot on!! [?????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level New World.
19. Wanna join me and get rich? [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level Grand Line.
20. Now I’m having fun! [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level Grand Line.
21. You’ll get me home!? [???????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #20 Level Grand Line.
22. Luffy… Help me… [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #22 Level Grand Line.
23. I’m a navigator! [??“???”!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level New World.
24. Ok, I’ll bite. [??????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
25. My forecasts are not guesses!
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level New World.
26. You’re going down!!! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #15 Level East Blue.
27. A horrible death! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #12 Level Grand Line.
28. I’ll lend it to you… [??????3??]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
29. I want the power to meet him. [?????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level New World.
30. I’m no ordinary navigator! [????????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Skypea.
31. Time to get real! [???????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
32. You can call me a wizard! [????????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
33. Face to face with danger… [???????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
34. Listen well to the forecasts. [????????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level East Blue.
35. Sometimes it’s up to me. [???????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level New World.
36. Get yourselves going!! [?????????????!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #09 Level East Blue.
37. I rather have nothing at all!! [???!!!!??????!!!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #06 Level Four Emperors.

Usopp Strong Words

1. My new weapon. Pop Green!! [??????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
2. I’ll be the true Sniper King! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
3. Check out my new weapon! [????????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
4. My name is Captain Usopp!! [??????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
5. Did you see my sniping skills? [??????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
6. Captain Usopp will swim! [?????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level East Blue.
7. I’m Usopp, brave warrior! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level East Blue.
8. D-Don’t worry about me!! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #06 Level Grand Line.
9. I’m done setting my traps. [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
10. Is anything impossible? [???????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
11. I’m it’s keystone! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level East Blue.
12. A weak rope is useless… [?????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level New World.
13. No one aims better than me! [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level Grand Line.
14. Think you can keep up with me? [???????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #04 Level East Blue.
15. I shouldn’t have been mean! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
16. The “Usopp workshop” is up! [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
17. I can overcome anything. [??????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #10 Level Grand Line.
18. Usopp’s Adventure begins!! [??????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
19. I’ve always been…! [??????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
20. Let’s get out of here! [????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level Grand Line.
21. This isn’t Hell!! [????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level East Blue.
22. Let’s get out of here!! [????!?????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #15 Level Grand Line.
23. Save me, Sogeking!! [??????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level Grand Line.
24. Sometimes you have to fight! [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level New World.
25. Attack!! It’s an attack!! [???!!!????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level New World.
26. Don’t tell me what to do… [???????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Skypea.
27. He’ll be Pirate King [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level New World.
28. H-Hey, listen up… [??…????????…]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #21 Level New World.
29. I’ve already figured out… [?????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Enies Lobby.
30. Nothing’s gonna take me down! [????????????!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level Four Emperors.
31. We’ll forge our own path… [????????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level New World.
32. Face me in battle!! [????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #18 Level New World.
33. Time to get to work! Wooh!! [???!????!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
34. I’m way stronger now! [??????????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
35. I’ve got you covered! [??????????!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #10 Level Grand Line.
36. We’re all going home together! [???!!!??????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #24 Level East Blue.
37. Oh, sorry! [???????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #02 Level East Blue.
38. I’m in a special mood today!! [???????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.

Sanji Strong Words

1. Monster? Hah! [???????!!!???????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
2. I need to burn them away! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
3. You got zero to worry about! [?????????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: default.
4. Thanks for taking care of me! [???!!!?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
5. That’s it! I’m killing you! [??????!!2???????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
6. This is a “trial of love” [???????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
7. The All Blue of my heart!!! [????????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level East Blue.
8. I ran right into the heavens!! [??????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level East Blue.
9. I’m your will-o-wisp! [?????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
10. Damned tasty, right? [???????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level East Blue.
11. I am but a slave to love!! [??????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
12. I’ll guard her with my love!! [????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level East Blue.
13. Love in the pits of Hell… [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
14. I heard… a woman’s tear fall. [??????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #07 Level East Blue.
15. Thank heavens it was me… [???????!!!??????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #07 Level East Blue.
16. I only want praise from women! [“??”???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
17. I’ve found it! [??????!!??????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Fishman Island.
18. I spiced this a bit too much. [???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level Grand Line.
19. Take my life…!! [???????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level New World.
20. I’m so full of anger… [??????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #20 Level New World.
21. My name is Sanji… [?????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level Grand Line.
22. Men must forgive womens’ lies. [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level New World.
23. I’ll do whatever you can’t… [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #10 Level New World.
24. A guy’s heart defines him. [???????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
25. I love all ladies!! [???????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #07 Level Four Emperors.
26. Your man is back from Hell! [??????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #15 Level New World.
27. Sanji’s gotta do this!!! [??????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level New World.
28. I’ll never kick a girl…!!! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #14 Level New World.
29. I’m never gonna stop!!! [????????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #01 Level Grand Line.
30. I’m taking this on!!! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Mt. Colubo.
31. Bad luck brings fortune too… [???????????????]
— Custom (4);
— Get: reward for quest #24 Level Grand Line.
32. I’ll give you the support… [?????????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
33. Love comes like a hurricane!! [??????????????!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #23 Level East Blue.
34. How could I cook if I was… [????????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #02 Level Grand Line.
35. When I get angry… [?????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
36. Lemme bash the table manners. [???????????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #02 Level East Blue.

Chopper Strong Words

1. I’m good at digging, too!! [?????????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
2. My name is Tony Tony Chopper! [????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
3. I’ll do anything to help you… [??????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
4. You’ll be relying a lot on me. [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
5. I got just what you need! [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
6. Yes! I’m a reindeer!! [?????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #20 Level East Blue.
7. How can think like that… [?????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level East Blue.
8. Get hurt as much as you want! [????????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
9. Teach me how to be a doctor! [???????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
10. I’ll make a remedy next time! [???????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
11. Keep yourself together! [?????????!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level Four Emperors.
12. Who you callin’ a gorilla?! [??????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #18 Level Grand Line.
13. I…I’m a real pirate now!!! [?????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Drum Island.
14. No! No more running away…!! [??????????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
15. I can heal you up, at least. [?????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level Grand Line.
16. I’m a doctor!!! [??????!!!????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level Grand Line.
17. I’m Chopper Mask!! [?????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #14 Level East Blue.
18. I’ll do my best! I’m “hope”! [????!!??????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level Grand Line.
19. That wasn’t anything scary… [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #15 Level East Blue.
20. This is the perfect climate! [?????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level Grand Line.
21. I wanna be the best monster… [????????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level New World.
22. I’m one mean monster!!! [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #11 Level East Blue.
23. I need to act like a pirate! [????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #05 Level New World.
24. Something’s setting off… [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
25. I’m not a stag beetle!!! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #08 Level East Blue.
26. Whew! We’re still alive!!! [?????????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level New World.
27. That doesn’t make me happy… [?!!?????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level New World.
28. Leave this gut to me, okay? [???????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Marineford.
29. I’ll get way, way stronger! [??!!??!!!????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level New World.
30. People should be free! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: get 100+ ballons in the Balloon Mini-Game.
31. Doctorrrrr!! That’s meeee!! [?????!!!?????!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.
32. Ah! I need a pitch in, too!! [????!!!????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
33. I’m gonna be the medicine! [???”???”?????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quests #05 or #21 Level New World.
34. I’m a monster! And I’m strong! [?????!!!??????!!!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level East Blue.
35. I see it! Your weakness!!! [????!!!???????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #11 Level East Blue.
36. You okay, guys?! [????!?????!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #11 Level Grand Line.

Robin Strong Words

1. I was looking for… [????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
2. My body can bloom anywhere… [????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
3. I wanted to become stronger… [??????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
4. It’s to grant my wish! [??????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
5. Maybe you’re stronger than me. [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
6. The fault…is yours. [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level East Blue.
7. Do whatever you want. [???????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level East Blue.
8. I’ll give it my all. [???????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
9. Too many enemies in the way… [???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level Grand Line.
10. Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. [??????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level East Blue.
11. Thank you, everyone. [????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #24 Level East Blue.
12. Our world’s history sleeps… [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
13. I ate the Flower Flower fruit. [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level Grand Line.
14. I felt I was rising to heaven. [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #14 Level Grand Line.
15. Stay out of my way!! [??????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level Four Emperors.
16. This could be fun. [???????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #03 Level East Blue.
17. Such violent people. [?????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
18. My fate puts you in danger!! [?????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #13 Level Grand Line.
19. I never thought of voyages… [???????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level Grand Line.
20. I’ve got friends. [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level Grand Line.
21. I’m not alone anymore!! [???????????????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level New World.
22. I must bring the passages… [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #03 Level New World.
23. There’s darkness within me… [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level Grand Line.
24. This is so embarassing… [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level New World.
25. I’ll do anything nexessary! [????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level New World.
26. I want to live!!!! [?????!!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: random reward for quest #11 Level New World.
27. I need to return to. [???????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Marineford.
28. This is horrible… [???????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Skypea.
29. I just love a thrill. [???????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
30. I don’t mind helping. [??????????]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
31. History does repeat itself… [??????????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #12 Level Grand Line.
32. It will all be over soon… [????????????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #04 Level Grand Line.
33. Leave the moving to me. [??????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level Grand Line.
34. I won’t forgive you ever! [??????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #12 Level Grand Line.

Franky Strong Words

1. I gotta make a weapon. [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: default.
2. Time to finish this with… [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
3. Docking!! Iron Pirate!!! [??!!!????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
4. I’m a Cyborg. [?????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
5. My fists are real steel! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
6. I have surpassed all human… [???????????????!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
7. I’m a guy, okay? [??????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level East Blue.
8. Don’t worry about the ship! [??????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #14 Level East Blue.
9. I’ll take on all of you!!! [???????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 1.
10. Transfooooooorm!!! [???????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
11. Ahhhh… Damn, I love you guys! [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level Grand Line.
12. You! You’re super going down!! [???!!???????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level Four Emperors.
13. Mmmmmm! Fresh!!! [??????!!!???????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Enies Lobby.
14. How manly you are now! [??????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
15. I’m gonna go out for a while!!! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #09 Level Grand Line.
16. Let’s look for it! [???!!???????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
17. Your attack doesn’t mean… [???????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level East Blue.
18. He’s gotta be a lion. [?????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
19. It’s time for Tactics Fifteen! [???!!?”???15″?!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #24 Level Grand Line.
20. Maintenance is taken care of. [???????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level Grand Line.
21. My punch was quite wimpy… [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #01 Level East Blue.
22. Thanks for the compliment! [??????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #20 Level New World.
23. Hrraaaaahhhhh!!! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #06 Level New World.
24. Did that sting, you bastard?! [?????????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level New World.
25. Hey hey heeeeyyyy. Tank! [??????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #12 Level New World.
26. On the Steely Road! [?????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level Grand Line.
27. My cola tanks are filled up! [????????!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #06 Level New World.
28. Let’s cross the waves together! [?????????!!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level New World.
29. I don’t care if I die. [????????????]
— Custom (4);
— Get: treasure chest – Marineford.
30. Armored Me!! [???????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 2.
31. Die and I’ll make you pay!!! [??????????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
32. Franky… Invincible! [??????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #17 Level East Blue.
33. I’m super strong, man! [????????????]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level Four Emperors.
34. Okay! I’ll take care of this! [???????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level East Blue.

Brook Strong Words

1. My legs are too sore to go on! [?????!!???????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
2. Today is the best day! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 3.
3. Behold, my freezing sword! [????!!????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
4. Bones have lots of nutrition. [?????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 4.
5. Every bone of mine is ready! [???????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: story related, Episode 7.
6. Here’s a poem… [?????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #08 Level East Blue.
7. I’m as light as a skeleton! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #21 Level East Blue.
8. See? Music is on our side!! [????????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: story related, Episode 6.
9. I’m sick of losing friends! [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #12 Level East Blue.
10. If my bones aren’t hurt… [????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: reward for quest #11 Level Grand Line.
11. This shivering sensation… [???????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #10 Level East Blue.
12. I worked myself to the bones!! [“????”???????!!]
— Custom (1);
— Get: random reward for quest #06 Level Grand Line.
13. Can I look at your panties? [?????????????]
— Custom (1);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
14. Is it okay if I join up? [???????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #03 Level Grand Line.
15. Promises can’t ever be broken. [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #23 Level Grand Line.
16. This’ll be the best concert! [?????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #14 Level Grand Line.
17. Yohohoho! Music is power! [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #18 Level New World.
18. If you cause more trouble… [???????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level Grand Line.
19. The winds of the underworld… [??????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #17 Level Grand Line.
20. My heart is quivering… [????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Drum Island.
21. I’m going to rescue your soul! [????????!!??????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #01 Level New World.
22. Creature up ahead! [???????!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #04 Level New World.
23. I’m so glad to be alive!!! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: random reward for quest #01 Level New World.
24. What’s left to be scared of?! [??????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: reward for quest #20 Level New World.
25. I’ll finish this!! [?????!!]
— Custom (2);
— Get: item exchange in Trans Town.
26. What a day this is!!! [????????????]
— Custom (2);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
27. I just gotta help somehow… [?????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #10 Level New World.
28. Because once, a man swore… [???????!!!?????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #16 Level New World.
29. The power that sustains me… [??????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #09 Level New World.
30. The Revive-Revive fruit power! [?????????????!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: treasure chest – Marineford.
31. I’m ready to die for this!! [?????????!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: reward for quest #19 Level New World.
32. My music has gained strength!! [?????”?”?…]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 5.
33. I’ll save you no matter what! [??????!!??????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: story related, Episode 8.
34. Look out! [?????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #22 Level Grand Line.
35. Be careful. It’s a bit chilly. [?????????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #15 Level Grand Line.
36. This makes my soul tremble!!! [?????????????!!!]
— Item;
— Get: reward for quest #05 Level Grand Line.
37. I’ll just pretend I’m dead. [???????????]
— Item;
— Get: random reward for quest #07 Level East Blue.

Other Strong Words

1. The world’s greatest scientist! [?????????????]
— Custom (3);
— Get: defeat Cesar on a quest and/or random reward for quest #12 Level East Blue.
2. I’ll protect what’s mine! [??????????]
— Custom (5);
— Get: defeat Crocodile on a quest and/or random reward for quest #18 Level East Blue.
3. In the name of dark justice! [??????????!!!]
— Custom (6);
— Get: defeat Lucci on a quest and/or random reward for quest #24 Level East Blue.
4. Fishmen are the superior race! [?????????????]
— Custom (5);
— Get: defeat Hodie on a quest and/or random reward for quest #15 Level Grand Line.
5. I am Whitebeard! [???????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Whitebeard on a quest and/or random reward for quest #01 Level New World.
6. The true power of Munch Munch! [???????????!!!]
— Custom (4);
— Get: defeat Wapol on a quest and/or random reward for quest #05 Level New World.
7. Now is the age of Blackbeard!! [???????!!!!]
— Custom (7);
— Get: defeat Blackbeard on a quest and/or random reward for quest #18 Level Grand Line.
8. Fear itself is god! [?????????]
— Custom (5);
— Get: defeat Enel on a quest and/or random reward for quest #12 Level Grand Line.
9. You all loved me…! [??????????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Ace on a quest and/or random reward for quest #11 Level Grand Line.
10. I will sacrifice my own life… [??????????]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Jimbei on a quest and/or random reward for quest #21 Level Grand Line.
11. Speed times mass equals power. [????????]
— Custom (5);
— Get: defeat Kizaru on a quest and/or random reward for quest #22 Level Grand Line.
12. A Marine is “Flexible Justice”! [?????????]
— Custom (6);
— Get: defeat Aokiji on a quest and/or random reward for quest #05 Level New World.
13. Evil pirates must die!! [?????“?”????!!!]
— Custom (7);
— Get: defeat Akainu on a quest and/or random reward for quest #24 Level New World.
14. Hello everyone! [????????!!]
— Custom (4);
— Get: defeat Buggy on a quest and/or random reward for quest #07 Level New World.
15. Gird your loins… [????????????]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Mihawk on a quest and/or random reward for quest #01 Level Grand Line.
16. The throne shall be mine!! [??????????????!!!]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Law on a quest and/or random reward for quest #17 Level East Blue.
17. Love is always a hurricane! [???????????]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Hancock on a quest and/or random reward for quest #23 Level East Blue.
18. I’ve come to end this war! [????????????!]
— Skill;
— Get: defeat Shanks on a quest and/or random reward for quest #23 Level Grand Line.
19. I took your old dream…! [???????????!!]
— Custom (3);
— Get: defeat Black Franky on a quest and/or random reward for quest #06 Level Grand Line.
20. Keep your hands off ’em!! [??????????????]
— Custom (6);
— Get: treasure chest – Trans Town.
21. The first steps to my dream! [??????????]
— Skill;
— Get: reward for quest #01 Level Four Emperors.

All credits for the list go to Orthmann & MJW at PST and Lugialex. Huge thanks to them!

Please comment if you’ve discovered how to unlock any more Strong Words.

What are your favorite Strong Words to equip in One Piece: Unlimited World Red?

About the author

Ferry Groenendijk By Ferry Groenendijk: He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+.

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