Oldest man in the word

Although women tend to live longer than men in nearly every country around the world, several supercentenarians have been men. All of the men on this list lived to be at least 113 years old and mostly come from Japan and the United States. Several of them held the Guinness World Record at some point for being the oldest living man in the world as well as the oldest living person. Nearly all of these men attributed their longevity to living a healthy lifestyle that included not drinking alcohol or smoking, and light daily exercise.

As of March 2020, this list is accurate and will be updated as needed.

10. Yisrael Kristal (September 15, 1903 – August 11, 2017)

Age upon Death: 113 years, 330 days
Country of Origin:  Born in Poland, but moved to Israel
Previous Occupation:  Businessman and confectioner

Yisrael Kristalphoto source: Wikimedia Commons

Yisrael Kristal was the oldest living man in the world prior to his death in 2017. Kristal was born to a Jewish family in Poland, when it was still a part of the Russian Empire. He was 11 years old when World War I broke out and his father was drafted into the Imperial Russian Army and died not long after.

As a young man, Kristal initially worked as a physical laborer, but later became an expert candy-maker. He married Chaja Feige Frucht and had two children with her. Unfortunately, in 1944 Kristal and his wife were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp and his wife did not survive. Kristal managed to survive and eventually rebuilt his candy shop, remarried, and emigrated to Israel with his family in 1950.

Did You Know?

In 2014, when he was 110, Yisrael Kristal was recognized as the oldest living Holocaust survivor, a record which he still holds today.

9. Fred Hale, Sr. (December 1, 1890 – November 19, 2004)

Age upon Death: 113 years, 354 days
Country of Origin:  United States
Previous Occupation:  Railroad postal worker and beekeeper

Fred Halephoto source: syracuse.com

Fred Hale, Sr. was often in the news not only for being the oldest living man in the United States and the world before his death, but for also being the world’s oldest Boston Red Sox fan. Hale died in 2004, just 12 days shy of his 114th birthday. A month before he died, he received an early birthday present when the Red Sox finally won the World Series again after 86 years.

Hale was a railroad postal worker and beekeeper and retired about 50 years before his death. He stayed active even after he retired and enjoyed gardening, canning fruits and vegetables, and making homemade applesauce. After his wife of 69 years, Flora, died in 1979 Hale lived independently until he was 103 years old. In March 2004, he was recognized as the world’s oldest living man by Guinness World Records after Joan Riudavets Moll, of Spain, passed away at age 114.

Did You Know?

Fred Hale, Sr. holds the Guinness World Record for oldest driver because he was still driving at the age of 108.

8. Gustav Gerneth (October 15, 1905 – October 22, 2019)

Age upon Death: 114 years, 7 days
Country of Origin:  Stettin, Prussia, German Empire (modern day Szczecin, Poland)
Previous Occupation:  Machinist, Sailor, and Soldier

Gustav Gernethphoto source: dw.com

Before he recently passed away in late 2019, Gustav Gerneth was one of the oldest living men in the world. Gerneth was able to celebrate his 114th birthday, but died a week later. He was the first German man to ever reach 112 years and beyond.

Gerneth was so old that he was born in Prussia when Poland was still part of the German Empire! Trained as a machinist, Gerneth was also a sailor. Gerneth fought for Germany during World War II and was captured and held by the Russians until 1947. Amazingly, Gerneth was strong enough to live on his own until he passed.

Did You Know?

Gustav Gerneth was the first man in the world to reach the age of 114 since 2011.

7. Joan Riudavets (December 15, 1889 – March 5, 2004)

Age upon Death: 114 years, 81 days
Country of Origin:  Spain
Occupation:  Shoemaker

Joan Riudavetsphoto source: gerontology.wikia.com

Joan Riudavets was the oldest verified person to ever live in Spain, dying at the age of 114 years. A few months before his death, Riudavets was recognized as the oldest living man in the world after Yukichi Chuganji died at the end of 2003.

Riudavets said that the secret to his long life was to “Keep moving, keep going forward.” He practiced this advice even after he turned 100 and often rode his bicycle, took walks, and socialized with his friends. Riudavets also played guitar and football, and slept for at least 12 hours every night. He was proud of the fact that he was still able to do physical activities right until his death.

Did You Know?

Joan Riudavets’ half-brothers also lived long lives: Josep died at 102 years old in 2009 and Pere was 105 years old when he died in 2006.

6. Yukichi Chuganji (March 23, 1889 – September 28, 2003)

Age upon Death: 114 years, 189 days
Country of Origin:  Japan
Occupation:  Silkworm breeder, agricultural specialty instructor, bank employee, and community welfare officer

Yukichi Chuganjiphoto source: gerontology.wikia.com

Yukichi Chuganji died as the oldest Asian man ever with verification. About 20 months before his death, Chuganji was notified by Guinness World Records that he had become the oldest man in the world after the death of Antonio Todde of Sardinia, Italy. After he received this news, Chuganji said that he never expected to live that long, but that he was glad to be the worlds number one.

Chuganji attributed his longevity to never drinking alcohol, preferring a daily glass of milk, hard toffee, and occasionally drinking apple juice. Chuganji had a few different jobs over his lifetime, including working as a silkworm breeder, a bank employee, and a community welfare officer. He got married in 1914 and had four sons and a daughter, seven grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.

Did You Know?

Yukichi Chuganji was the first Japanese man to undoubtedly reach the age of 113 and 114.

5. Walter Breuning (September 21, 1896 – April 14, 2011)

Age upon Death: 114 years, 205 days
Country of Origin:  United States
Occupation:  Retired railroader

Walter Breuningphoto source: Wikimedia Commons

For nearly two years, Walter Breuning was recognized as the oldest living man in the world until his death in 2011 at the age of 114 years. Breuning was born and raised in the United States and comes from a family whose members often live long lives. His paternal and maternal grandparents lived into their 90s and his siblings lived to ages 78, 85, 91, and 100. Breuning’s surviving family members include one niece and three nephews who are all in their 80s.

In 1913, Breuning started working for the Great Northern Railway and continued to work for the company for more than 50 years. After retiring from the railway at the age of 66, Breuning became the manager/secretary for his local Shriner’s Club until he was 99 years old. Even in his later years, Breuning had a sharp mind and memory. For example, he could remember his grandfather talking about his experiences in the American Civil War when he was three years old, and remembered the day President William McKinley was shot as the day he got his first haircut.

Did You Know?

Walter Breuning was a lifelong cigar smoker, but quit when in 1999 when he was 103 because the cigars had become too expensive.

4. Mathew Beard (July 9, 1870 – February 16, 1985)

Age upon Death: 114 years, 222 days
Country of Origin:  United States
Occupation:  Sawmill worker, railroad worker, mason, and preacher

Mathew Beardphoto source: gerontology.wikia.com

Despite being the oldest verified American male and oldest known African American, there really isn’t too much information out there about Mathew Beard. However, there are a few old newspaper clippings detailing some of Beard’s life. Beard was born in 1870 and died in 1985 at the age of 114.

Beard was born in Virginia, but left at a young age and moved around the United States – he spent his later years in Florida. Over his long life, Beard had various jobs, including being a sawmill worker, working on the railroads, masonry, and a preacher when he was older. Beard is also a veteran of the Spanish-American War. In 1919, Beard met his wife and settled down in Florida. Beard and his wife had 12 children and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Did You Know?

Mathew Beard claimed that he built his house when he was 103 with some help from his grandsons.

3. Emiliano Mercado del Toro (August 21, 1891 – January 24, 2007)

Age upon Death: 115 years, 156 days
Country of Origin:  Puerto Rico
Occupation:  Sugar cane farmer

Emiliano Mercado del Toro
photo source: Wikipedia

At the time of his death, Emiliano Mercado del Toro was the second oldest fully validated man ever at the age of 115 years and 156 days. For a few weeks before he died, del Toro was the oldest living person in the world. Del Toro was born in Puerto Rico and the only time he left his country was to very briefly serve in the United State Army during World War I, right before the 1918 armistice was signed.

Del Toro never married or had children, but said that he had two love interests in his life. A few years before he died, del Toro’s family was trying to get the United States to recognize him as the oldest living veteran. The Disabled Veterans of America chapter in Isabela, Puerto Rico also joined in his family’s quest to get del Toro recognized.

Did You Know?

Emiliana Mercado del Toro worked in sugar cane fields until he was 81 years old.

2. Christian Mortensen (August 16, 1882 – April 25, 1998)

Age upon Death: 115 years, 252 days
Country of Origin:  Denmark, but lived in the United States
Occupation:  Tailor, farmhand, milkman, restaurateur, and factory worker

Christian Mortensen photo source: Wikipedia

Before his record was broken in 2012, Christian Mortensen was the oldest verified man in world for 14 years. In 1997, Mortensen became the first man confirmed to ever reach the age of 115 years. Mortensen was born in Denmark and he emigrated to the United States in 1903 when he was about 21 years old. When he was a young man, Mortensen was married for less than ten years and in his old age, he could not even remember what her name was. He never had any kids and Mortensen remained single for the rest of his life.

Over his long life, Mortensen moved around the United States (he lived in 26 different states) and had various jobs, including being a tailor, milkman, factory worker, and restaurateur. When he was 96 years old, Mortensen moved into the Aldersly Retirement Community in San Rafael, California and remained there until his death. Just before he died, Mortensen gave his advice for a long life: “Friends, a good cigar, drinking lots of good water, no alcohol, staying positive and lots of singing will keep you alive for a long time”.

Did You Know?

Christian Mortensen was a vegetarian and drank boiled water.

1. Jiroemon Kimura (April 19, 1897 – June 12, 2013)

Age upon Death: 116 years, 54 days
Country of Origin:  Japan
Occupation:  Retired postal worker and farmer

Jiroemon Kimura photo source: Wikipedia

Jiroemon Kimura is the oldest verified man ever in the world and passed away in 2013 at the age of 116 years. Kimura is also the only man who has undoubtedly reached 116 years of age and prior to his death, he was the last known living man born in the the 19th century. When he was younger, Kimura worked as a government communications worker in Korea under Japanese rule. Upon his return to Japan, he got married and became a postal worker for 45 years.

Kimura was not the only member of his family to live a very long life. Four of his siblings lived past the age of 90, and his youngest brother died at the age of 100. The Guinness Book of World Records featured Kimura, as the oldest living man in the world, in the 2012 and 2013 editions of the book.

Did You Know?

Jiroemon Kimura and Walter Breuning were the only verified men who were born in the 1800s that lived until the 2010s.


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This article is about specific supercentenarian claims validated by modern standards. For the oldest currently living people, see List of oldest living people.

These are lists of the 100 known verified oldest people sorted in descending order by age in years and days.[a]

The oldest person ever whose age has been independently verified is Jeanne Calment (1875–1997) of France, who lived to the age of 122 years and 164 days.[b] The oldest verified man ever is Jiroemon Kimura (1897–2013) of Japan, who lived to the age of 116 years and 54 days.

The oldest known living person is Maria Branyas of Spain, aged 116 years, 41 days.[5] The oldest known living man is Juan Vicente Pérez of Venezuela, aged 113 years, 322 days.[5] The 100 oldest women have, on average, lived several years longer than the 100 oldest men.

100 verified oldest women

The list including known and validated supercentenarians who died before 2015 was compiled by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).[6] Later cases are included in more recent GRG data,[5][7] with administrative reports or press coverage as supplementary sources, as indicated in the table.


Rank Name Birth date Death date Age Place of death
or residence
01 Jeanne Calment[8] 21 February 1875 4 August 1997 122 years, 164 days[b] France
02 Kane Tanaka[7] 2 January 1903 19 April 2022[9] 119 years, 107 days Japan
03 Sarah Knauss[10] 24 September 1880 30 December 1999 119 years, 97 days United States
04 Lucile Randon[5] 11 February 1904 17 January 2023[11] 118 years, 340 days France
05 Nabi Tajima[7] 4 August 1900 21 April 2018 117 years, 260 days Japan
06 Marie-Louise Meilleur[12] 29 August 1880 16 April 1998 117 years, 230 days Canada
07 Violet Brown[7] 10 March 1900 15 September 2017 117 years, 189 days Jamaica
08 Emma Morano[7][13] 29 November 1899 15 April 2017 117 years, 137 days Italy
09 Chiyo Miyako[7][14] 2 May 1901 22 July 2018[15] 117 years, 81 days Japan
10 Misao Okawa[7] 5 March 1898 1 April 2015 117 years, 27 days Japan
11 Francisca Celsa dos Santos[7] 21 October 1904 5 October 2021 116 years, 349 days Brazil
12 María Capovilla[16] 14 September 1889 27 August 2006 116 years, 347 days Ecuador
13 Susannah Mushatt Jones[7] 6 July 1899 12 May 2016 116 years, 311 days United States
14 Gertrude Weaver[7] 4 July 1898 6 April 2015 116 years, 276 days United States
15 Antonia da Santa Cruz[7] 13 June 1905 23 January 2022 116 years, 224 days Brazil
16 Tane Ikai[17] 18 January 1879 12 July 1995 116 years, 175 days Japan
17 Jeanne Bot[7] 14 January 1905 22 May 2021[18] 116 years, 128 days France
18 Elizabeth Bolden[19] 15 August 1890 11 December 2006 116 years, 118 days United States
19 Besse Cooper[20] 26 August 1896 4 December 2012 116 years, 100 days United States
20 Maria Giuseppa Robucci[7] 20 March 1903 18 June 2019[21] 116 years, 90 days Italy
21 Tekla Juniewicz[7] 10 June 1906 19 August 2022 116 years, 70 days Poland[c]
22 Ana María Vela Rubio[7] 29 October 1901 15 December 2017 116 years, 47 days Spain
23 Maria Branyas[5] 4 March 1907 Living 116 years, 41 days Spain[d]
24 Giuseppina Projetto[7] 30 May 1902 6 July 2018 116 years, 37 days Italy
25 Jeralean Talley[7] 23 May 1899 17 June 2015 116 years, 25 days United States
26 Fusa Tatsumi[5] 25 April 1907 Living 115 years, 354 days Japan
27 Shigeyo Nakachi[7] 1 February 1905 11 January 2021 115 years, 345 days Japan
28 Maggie Barnes[22][e] 6 March 1882 19 January 1998 115 years, 319 days United States
29 Dina Manfredini[6] 4 April 1897 17 December 2012 115 years, 257 days United States[f]
30 Shimoe Akiyama[7] 19 May 1903 29 January 2019 115 years, 255 days Japan
31 Hester Ford[7] 15 August 1905 17 April 2021 115 years, 245 days United States
32 Charlotte Hughes[23] 1 August 1877 17 March 1993 115 years, 228 days United Kingdom
33 Edna Parker[24] 20 April 1893 26 November 2008 115 years, 220 days United States
34 Mary Ann Rhodes[25] 12 August 1882 3 March 1998 115 years, 203 days Canada
35 Anonymous of Tokyo[7] 15 March 1900 27 September 2015 115 years, 196 days Japan
36 Margaret Skeete[26] 27 October 1878 7 May 1994 115 years, 192 days United States
37 Bernice Madigan[7] 24 July 1899 3 January 2015[27] 115 years, 163 days United States
38 Gertrude Baines[28] 6 April 1894 11 September 2009 115 years, 158 days United States
39 Bettie Wilson[29] 13 September 1890 13 February 2006 115 years, 153 days United States
40 Shin Matsushita[7] 30 March 1904 27 August 2019 115 years, 150 days Japan
41 Iris Westman[7] 28 August 1905 3 January 2021[30] 115 years, 128 days United States
42 Julie Winnefred Bertrand[31] 16 September 1891 18 January 2007 115 years, 124 days Canada
43 Maria de Jesus[32] 10 September 1893 2 January 2009 115 years, 114 days Portugal
44 Marie-Josephine Gaudette[7] 25 March 1902 13 July 2017[33] 115 years, 110 days Italy[g]
45 Susie Gibson[34] 31 October 1890 16 February 2006 115 years, 108 days United States
Thelma Sutcliffe[7] 1 October 1906 17 January 2022 United States
47 Casilda Benegas Gallego[7] 8 April 1907 28 June 2022[35] 115 years, 81 days Argentina[h]
48 Augusta Holtz[36] 3 August 1871 21 October 1986 115 years, 79 days United States[i]
49 Valentine Ligny[7] 22 October 1906 4 January 2022 115 years, 74 days France
50 Edie Ceccarelli[5] 5 February 1908 Living 115 years, 68 days United States
51 Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper[37] 29 June 1890 30 August 2005 115 years, 62 days Netherlands
52 Bessie Hendricks[5] 7 November 1907 3 January 2023[38] 115 years, 57 days United States
53 Maude Farris-Luse[39] 21 January 1887 18 March 2002 115 years, 56 days United States
54 Mina Kitagawa[7] 3 November 1905 19 December 2020 115 years, 46 days Japan
55 Marie Brémont[40] 25 April 1886 6 June 2001 115 years, 42 days France
56 Yoshi Otsunari[7] 17 December 1906 26 January 2022 115 years, 40 days Japan
57 Koto Okubo[41] 24 December 1897 12 January 2013 115 years, 19 days Japan
58 Antonia Gerena Rivera[7] 19 May 1900 2 June 2015 115 years, 14 days United States[j]
59 Chiyono Hasegawa[42] 20 November 1896 2 December 2011 115 years, 12 days Japan
60 Annie Jennings[43] 12 November 1884 20 November 1999 115 years, 8 days United Kingdom
61 Anonymous of Hyōgo[7] 29 April 1907 30 April 2022 115 years, 1 day Japan
62 Eva Morris[44] 8 November 1885 2 November 2000 114 years, 360 days United Kingdom
63 Kama Chinen[45] 10 May 1895 2 May 2010 114 years, 357 days Japan
64 Mary Bidwell[46] 9 May 1881 25 April 1996[47] 114 years, 352 days United States
65 Sofia Rojas[7] 13 August 1907 30 July 2022 114 years, 351 days Colombia
66 Maria Gomes Valentim[48] 9 July 1896 21 June 2011 114 years, 347 days Brazil
67 Ophelia Burks[49] 25 October 1903 27 September 2018 114 years, 337 days United States
68 Tomiko Itooka[5] 23 May 1908 Living 114 years, 326 days Japan
69 Kahoru Furuya[7] 18 February 1908 25 December 2022[50] 114 years, 310 days Japan
Inah Canabarro Lucas[5] 8 June 1908 Living 114 years, 310 days Brazil
71 Hazel Plummer[5] 19 June 1908 Living 114 years, 299 days United States
72 Mary Josephine Ray[51] 17 May 1895 7 March 2010 114 years, 294 days United States[k]
73 Goldie Steinberg[7][52] 30 October 1900 16 August 2015[53] 114 years, 290 days United States[l]
74 Kiyoko Ishiguro[7] 4 March 1901 5 December 2015 114 years, 276 days Japan
75 Maria do Couto Maia-Lopes[6] 24 October 1890 25 July 2005 114 years, 274 days Portugal
Eudoxie Baboul[7] 1 October 1901 1 July 2016 France (French Guiana)
77 Ramona Trinidad Iglesias-Jordan[54] 31 August 1889 29 May 2004 114 years, 272 days Puerto Rico
78 Yukie Hino[7] 17 April 1902 13 January 2017 114 years, 271 days Japan
79 Delphine Gibson[7] 17 August 1903 9 May 2018 114 years, 265 days United States
80 Eugénie Blanchard[55] 16 February 1896 4 November 2010 114 years, 261 days France (Saint Barthélemy)
81 Venere Pizzinato[6] 23 November 1896 2 August 2011 114 years, 252 days Italy[m]
82 Neva Morris[56] 3 August 1895 6 April 2010 114 years, 246 days United States
83 Hide Ohira[6] 15 September 1880 9 May 1995 114 years, 236 days Japan
84 Blanche Cobb[7][57] 8 September 1900 1 May 2015[58] 114 years, 235 days United States
85 Ethel Lang[7] 27 May 1900 15 January 2015 114 years, 233 days United Kingdom
86 Mila Mangold[7] 14 November 1907 2 July 2022[59] 114 years, 230 days United States
87 Yone Minagawa[60] 4 January 1893 13 August 2007 114 years, 221 days Japan
88 María Antonia Castro[6][61] 10 June 1881 16 January 1996 114 years, 220 days Spain
89 Carrie Lazenby[6] 9 February 1882 14 September 1996 114 years, 218 days United States
Ura Koyama[62] 30 August 1890 5 April 2005 Japan
91 Myrtle Dorsey[63] 22 November 1885 25 June 2000 114 years, 216 days United States
92 Yoshi Baba[7] 3 June 1907 4 January 2022[64] 114 years, 215 days Japan
93 Iso Nakamura[7] 23 April 1903 23 November 2017 114 years, 214 days Japan
94 Faustina Sarmiento-Pupo[7] 15 February 1905 16 September 2019 114 years, 213 days Cuba
95 Cecile Klein[7] 15 June 1907 13 January 2022 114 years, 212 days Canada
96 Anna Eliza Williams[65] 2 June 1873 27 December 1987 114 years, 208 days United Kingdom
97 Eunice Sanborn[66] 20 July 1896 31 January 2011 114 years, 195 days United States
98 Grace Clawson[67] 15 November 1887 28 May 2002 114 years, 194 days United States[n]
99 Mitsue Toyoda[7] 15 February 1902 25 August 2016 114 years, 192 days Japan
100 Tase Matsunaga[68] 11 May 1884 18 November 1998 114 years, 191 days Japan
Kame Ganeko[7] 10 April 1905 18 October 2019[69] Japan
  1. ^ The exact lifespan of people listed with the same number of years and days may differ because of leap days that occurred during their lifetime.
  2. ^ a b Calment’s case was disputed in a Russian study posted online in November 2018,[1][2] and a followup paper published in January 2019,[3] although other researchers have dismissed this hypothesis on the basis of extensive prior research into Calment’s life.[4]
  3. ^ Juniewicz was born in Krupsko near Lviv, then in Austria-Hungary, now in Ukraine.
  4. ^ Branyas was born in the United States.
  5. ^ May have been older (116 or 117); possibly born in 1881 or 1880.
  6. ^ Manfredini was born in Italy.
  7. ^ Gaudette was born in the United States.
  8. ^ Benegas Gallego was born in Paraguay.
  9. ^ Holtz was born in the German Empire; her birthplace is now in Poland.
  10. ^ Gerena Rivera was born in Puerto Rico.
  11. ^ Ray was born in Canada.
  12. ^ Steinberg was born in Chișinău, then part of the Russian Empire, now the capital of Moldova.
  13. ^ Pizzinato was born in Ala, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in Italy.
  14. ^ Clawson was born in the United Kingdom.

100 verified oldest men

The list including all known and validated supercentenarians who died before 2015 was compiled by the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).[6] Later cases are sourced either from more recent GRG data, from administrative reports, or from press coverage.[5][7] From 2017 most cases have not been verified by an organization specializing in age verification, such as the GRG, unless they are aged 113+.


Rank Name[a] Birth date Death date Age Place of death
or residence
01 Jiroemon Kimura 19 April 1897 12 June 2013 116 years, 54 days Japan
02 Christian Mortensen 16 August 1882 25 April 1998 115 years, 252 days United States[b]
03 Emiliano Mercado del Toro 21 August 1891 24 January 2007 115 years, 156 days Puerto Rico
04 Horacio Celi Mendoza[70] 3 January 1897 25 September 2011 114 years, 265 days Peru
05 Walter Breuning 21 September 1896 14 April 2011 114 years, 205 days United States
06 Yukichi Chuganji 23 March 1889 28 September 2003 114 years, 189 days Japan
07 Tomás Pinales Figuereo[70] 31 March 1906 24 September 2020 114 years, 177 days Dominican Republic
08 Joan Riudavets-Moll 15 December 1889 5 March 2004 114 years, 81 days Spain
09 Gustav Gerneth[71] 15 October 1905 21 October 2019[72] 114 years, 6 days Germany[c]
10 Fred Harold Hale, Sr. 1 December 1890 19 November 2004 113 years, 354 days United States
11 Yisrael Kristal[7] 15 September 1903 11 August 2017 113 years, 330 days Israel[d]
12 Juan Vicente Pérez[5] 27 May 1909 Living 113 years, 322 days Venezuela
13 Johnson Parks 15 October 1884 17 July 1998 113 years, 275 days United States
14 Tomoji Tanabe 18 September 1895 19 June 2009 113 years, 274 days Japan
15 John Ingram McMorran 19 June 1889 24 February 2003 113 years, 250 days United States
16 Masazō Nonaka[7] 25 July 1905 20 January 2019 113 years, 179 days Japan
17 Frederick Frazier 27 January 1880 14 June 1993 113 years, 138 days United States
18 James Sisnett 22 February 1900 23 May 2013 113 years, 90 days Barbados[e]
Wenceslao Leyva González[73] 28 September 1903 27 December 2016 Mexico
20 Domingo Villa Avisencio[73] 26 August 1906 3 November 2019 113 years, 69 days Mexico
21 Walter Richardson 7 November 1885 25 December 1998 113 years, 48 days United States
22 Francisco Núñez Olivera[7] 13 December 1904 29 January 2018 113 years, 47 days Spain
23 Henry Allingham 6 June 1896 18 July 2009 113 years, 42 days United Kingdom
24 Eusebio Quintero López[74] 6 March 1910 Living 113 years, 39 days Colombia
25 Efraín Antonio Ríos García[75] 4 April 1910 Living 113 years, 10 days Colombia
26 Emilio Flores Márquez[76] 8 August 1908 12 August 2021[77] 113 years, 4 days Puerto Rico
27 Chitetsu Watanabe[7][78] 5 March 1907 23 February 2020 112 years, 355 days Japan
28 Antonio Todde 22 January 1889 3 January 2002 112 years, 346 days Italy
29 Saturnino de la Fuente García[79][80] 11 February 1909 18 January 2022[81] 112 years, 341 days Spain
30 Moses Hardy 6 January 1894 7 December 2006 112 years, 335 days United States
31 Yasutaro Koide[7] 13 March 1903 19 January 2016[82] 112 years, 312 days Japan
32 John Evans 19 August 1877 10 June 1990 112 years, 295 days United Kingdom
33 Richard Arvin Overton[7] 11 May 1906 27 December 2018 112 years, 230 days United States
34 Delio Venturotti[83] 25 October 1909 1 June 2022[84] 112 years, 219 days Brazil[f]
35 George Francis 6 June 1896 27 December 2008 112 years, 204 days United States
36 Denzo Ishizaki[g] 20 October 1886 29 April 1999 112 years, 191 days Japan
37 Josep Armengol 23 July 1881 20 January 1994 112 years, 181 days Spain
38 Giovanni Frau 29 December 1890 19 June 2003 112 years, 172 days Italy
39 Jules Théobald[86] 17 April 1909 5 October 2021 112 years, 171 days France (Martinique)
40 John Painter 20 September 1888 1 March 2001 112 years, 162 days United States
41 Marcel Meys[87][88] 12 July 1909 15 December 2021[89] 112 years, 156 days France
42 Masamitsu Yoshida[7] 30 May 1904 29 October 2016 112 years, 152 days Japan
43 Sakari Momoi[7] 5 February 1903 5 July 2015 112 years, 150 days Japan
44 Alphaeus Philemon Cole 12 July 1876 25 November 1988 112 years, 136 days United States
45 Augusto Moreira 6 October 1896 13 February 2009 112 years, 130 days Portugal
46 Yang Longsheng[90] 13 December 1910 Living 112 years, 122 days China[h]
47 George Johnson 1 May 1894 30 August 2006 112 years, 121 days United States
Mikizo Ueda[91][92] 11 May 1910 9 September 2022[93] Japan
49 Lawrence Brooks[94] 12 September 1909 5 January 2022[95] 112 years, 115 days United States
50 Salustiano Sanchez 8 June 1901 13 September 2013 112 years, 97 days United States[i]
51 CP Crawford[7] 25 August 1907 23 November 2019 112 years, 90 days United States
52 Jorge Duran Coral[96] 23 April 1909 21 July 2021 112 years, 89 days Mexico
53 Yoshikazu Yamashita[7] 10 April 1907 7 July 2019 112 years, 88 days Japan
54 Gengan Tonaki 30 October 1884 24 January 1997 112 years, 86 days Japan
55 Robert Weighton[7][97] 29 March 1908 28 May 2020 112 years, 60 days United Kingdom
56 Tadanosuke Hashimoto 27 April 1891 31 May 2003 112 years, 34 days Japan
57 Kumekichi Tani 20 April 1891 12 May 2003 112 years, 22 days Japan
58 James Wiggins 15 October 1879 16 October 1991 112 years, 1 day United States
59 George Feldman[98] 2 December 1906 2 December 2018[99] 112 years, 0 days United States
60 Tsunahei Ogawa[100] 9 January 1907 4 January 2019[101] 111 years, 360 days Japan
61 Arturo Licata 2 May 1902 24 April 2014 111 years, 357 days Italy
62 Stanisław Kowalski[102] 14 April 1910 5 April 2022 111 years, 356 days Poland[j]
63 Walter H. Seward 13 October 1896 14 September 2008 111 years, 337 days United States
64 Maurice Floquet 25 December 1894 10 November 2006 111 years, 320 days France
65 Valerio Piroddi[103] 13 November 1905 18 September 2017 111 years, 309 days Italy
66 Shigeru Nakamura[104][105] 11 January 1911 15 November 2022[106] 111 years, 308 days Japan
67 James McCoubrey 13 September 1901 5 July 2013 111 years, 295 days United States[k]
Shivakumara Swami[107] 1 April 1907[108] 21 January 2019 India[l]
69 Ezra Hill[109][110] 19 December 1910 4 October 2022[111] 111 years, 289 days United States
70 Melvin Campbell[112] 22 March 1910 31 December 2021[113] 111 years, 284 days United States
71 John Mosley Turner 15 June 1856 21 March 1968 111 years, 280 days United Kingdom
72 Hermann Dörnemann 27 May 1893 2 March 2005 111 years, 279 days Germany
73 Antonio Urrea 18 February 1888 15 November 1999 111 years, 270 days Spain
74 Choki Miyagi[7] 15 November 1904 7 August 2016 111 years, 266 days Japan
75 Arthur Carter 5 October 1889 11 June 2001 111 years, 249 days United States
76 Jan Machiel Reyskens 11 May 1878 7 January 1990 111 years, 241 days Netherlands[m]
77 Santos Ildebrando Rivas[114] 17 August 1911 Living 111 years, 240 days El Salvador
78 Jesús Mosteo[115] 1 January 1908 28 August 2019[116] 111 years, 239 days Spain
79 Dumitru Comănescu[117] 8 November 1908 27 June 2020[118] 111 years, 232 days Romania
80 Henry Tseng[119] 12 July 1907 27 February 2019[120] 111 years, 230 days United States[n]
81 Joe Thomas 1 May 1875 14 December 1986 111 years, 227 days United States
82 André Boite[121] 6 December 1910 15 July 2022[122] 111 years, 221 days France
83 James Zackry 15 August 1881 14 March 1993 111 years, 211 days United States
84 Tanekichi Onishi 15 February 1900 11 September 2011 111 years, 208 days Japan
85 Roger Auvin[123] 20 March 1908 13 October 2019[124] 111 years, 207 days France
86 Kiyoshi Igarashi 2 August 1897 23 February 2009 111 years, 205 days Japan
Lester Townsend[125] 31 March 1908 22 October 2019[126] United States
88 Herman Smith-Johannsen 15 June 1875 5 January 1987 111 years, 204 days Norway
89 Ernest Pusey 5 May 1895 19 November 2006 111 years, 198 days United States
90 Albano Andrade[127] 14 December 1909 29 June 2021[128] 111 years, 197 days Portugal
91 Dexter Kruger[129] 13 January 1910 20 July 2021 111 years, 188 days Australia
92 Thomas Nelson, Sr. 8 July 1895 9 January 2007 111 years, 185 days United States
93 Jokichi Ikarashi 26 January 1902 23 July 2013 111 years, 178 days Japan
94 Earl Brush 17 July 1893 10 January 2005 111 years, 177 days United States
Qin Hanzhang[130] 19 February 1908 15 August 2019[131] China[h]
Manuel Benavente Sanhueza[73] 25 September 1909 21 March 2021[132] Chile
97 Francisco Juárez Iglesias[73] 8 May 1911 25 October 2022 111 years, 170 days Mexico
98 Antonio de Castro 6 January 1898 22 June 2009 111 years, 167 days Portugal
99 Sukesaburo Nakanishi 15 March 1896 22 August 2007 111 years, 160 days Japan
100 Gisaburo Sonobe[133] 6 November 1911 Living 111 years, 159 days Japan
  1. ^ All entries are sourced to GRG «table B» as of 1 January 2015, unless otherwise noted.[6]
  2. ^ Mortensen was born in Denmark.
  3. ^ Gerneth was born in Stettin, then part of the German Empire, now in Poland and renamed Szczecin.
  4. ^ Kristal was born in Maleniec, then part of the Russian Empire, now in Poland.
  5. ^ Sisnett was born in Barbados, which was at the time of his birth part of the British colony of the Leeward Islands; it is now an independent country.
  6. ^ Venturotti was born in Italy.
  7. ^ Although Ishizaki’s birth date is officially verified as 20 October 1886, he claimed himself to be born in 1884 and asserted that his birth record was «delayed by two years».[85]
  8. ^ a b Longsheng and Hanzhang were born in Qing dynasty China.
  9. ^ Sanchez was born in Spain.
  10. ^ Kowalski was born in Rogówek, then part of Congress Poland within the Russian Empire, now Poland.
  11. ^ McCoubrey was born in Newfoundland, then a separate British colony, now part of Canada.
  12. ^ Shivakumara was born in Magadi, Kingdom of Mysore, then part of British India, now a state of India.
  13. ^ Reyskens was born in Belgium, lived (from 1897) and died in the Netherlands, but never obtained Dutch citizenship.
  14. ^ Tseng was born in Yokohama, Japan, and emigrated to China. He subsequently lived in Los Angeles, United States, from 1975 until his death.


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The greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived is 122 years 164 days by Jeanne Louise Calment (France). Born on 21 February 1875 to Nicolas (1837 — 1931) and Marguerite (neé Gilles 1838 — 1924), Jeanne died at a nursing home in Arles, southern France on 4 August 1997.


She was born on 21 February 1875, around 14 years before the Eiffel Tower was constructed (she saw it being built), and some 15 years before the advent of movies. The year after her birth, Tolstoy published Anna Karenina and Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone. Jeanne Louise Calment from France lived a quiet life. But an unprecedentedly long one.

Her marriage to a wealthy distant cousin, Fernand Nicolas Calment, in 1896 meant that Jeanne didn’t have to work for a living. That may have played a part in her extraordinary longevity: she was free to swim, play tennis, cycle (she was still cycling until the age of 100) and roller skate, all of which promoted excellent good health. Inevitably, in due course, those around her passed away – including her husband (poisoned by some spoiled cherries, aged 73), her daughter Yvonne (who died from pneumonia in 1934) and even her grandson, Frédéric (who died in a car accident in 1963). But not Jeanne.

As she was without heirs, in 1965 a lawyer named André-François Raffray set up a “reverse mortgage” with Jeanne. According to this arrangement, he would pay her 2,500 francs every month until she died, whereupon he would inherit her apartment. It must have seemed like a good deal for Monseiur Raffray (then aged 47) – after all, Jeanne was 90 at the time. Incredibly, however, Jeanne outlived him. He died thirty years later and his family continued the payments. By the time of her death, they had paid Jeanne more than double the value of her apartment.

Jeanne remained in fine health for the majority of her life – she even took up fencing at the tender age of 85. Her diet was good too, rich in olive oil (which she also rubbed into her skin), and she restricted herself to a modest glass of wine every now and then. But she also had a sweet tooth, with a particular fondness for chocolate: she ate almost 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz) of it each week. And she loved her cigarettes: Jeanne had smoked from the age of 21 and only quit when she was 117. She was able to walk on her own until she was one month before her 115th birthday, when she fell and fractured her femur; thereafter she needed a wheelchair to get around.

She lived on her own until the age of 110, when she had to move into a nursing home. Two years later, on 11 January 1988, she became the oldest living person; and two years after that, now aged 114, she appeared in a film about Van Gogh, Vincent et moi (1990), as herself, thereby becoming the Oldest film actress ever. Working as a girl in her father’s shop in Arles, France, she had sold painting canvasses to Van Gogh. “He was ugly as sin, had a vile temper and smelled of booze,” she later recalled:

She even went on to become a recording artist: aged 120, her voice featured on a four-track CD, Time’s Mistress:

Her tranquil state of mind probably contributed to Jeanne’s long, long life (“That’s why they call me Calment,” she quipped at her 121st birthday in 1996), and may have helped her stave off senility – she remained clear thinking right up to the day she passed away in 1997, aged 122 years 164 days.

Jeanne was also famous for her wit, and felt that her sense of humour also played its part in her remarkable longevity. At her 120th birthday, journalists asked her what kind of future she expected. “A very short one,” she replied.

In the video below we look back at the oldest people on record and explore the science behind old age. What makes some people live longer than others? And is it likely that anyone will beat the current record from Jeanne Louise Calment of 122 years and 164 days? Experts give us their take on the future of this record, and what makes humans live to a ripe old age.

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  1. skiff

    a small boat propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor

    He was an old man who fished alone in a
    skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.

  2. gaff

    an iron hook with a handle; used for landing large fish

    It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the
    gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast.

  3. gaunt

    very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

    The old man was thin and
    gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.

  4. benevolent

    intending or showing kindness

    The brown blotches of the
    benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks.

  5. erosion

    the process of wearing or grinding something down

    They were as old as
    erosions in a fishless desert.

  6. humility

    a lack of arrogance or false pride

    “Thank you,” the old man said. He was too simple to wonder when he had attained

  7. stern

    the rear part of a ship

    The box with the baits was under the
    stern of the skiff along with the club that was used to subdue the big fish when they were brought alongside.

  8. subdue

    put down by force or intimidation

    The box with the baits was under the stern of the skiff along with the club that was used to
    subdue the big fish when they were brought alongside.

  9. relic

    something of sentimental value

    On the brown walls of the flattened, overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture in color of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and another of the Virgin of Cobre. These were
    relics of his wife.

  10. fiction

    a deliberately false or improbable account

    There was no cast net and the boy remembered when they had sold it. But they went through this
    fiction every day.

  11. bodega

    small shop selling groceries, especially in a Hispanic area

    “Perico gave it to me at the
    bodega,” he explained.

  12. resolution

    the trait of being firm in purpose or belief

    “I may not be as strong as I think,” the old man said. “But I know many tricks and I have

  13. thole

    a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing

    He fitted the rope lashings of the oars onto the
    thole pins and, leaning forward against the thrust of the blades in the water, he began to row out of the harbour in the dark.

  14. phosphorescence

    the emission of light without heat

    He saw the
    phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water as he rowed over the part of the ocean that the fishermen called the great well because there was a sudden deep of seven hundred fathoms where all sorts of fish congregated because of the swirl the current made against the steep walls of the floor of the ocean.

  15. fathom

    a linear unit of measurement for water depth

    He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water as he rowed over the part of the ocean that the fishermen called the great well because there was a sudden deep of seven hundred
    fathoms where all sorts of fish congregated because of the swirl the current made against the steep walls of the floor of the ocean.

  16. ineffectual

    producing no result

    He watched the flying fish burst out again and again and the
    ineffectual movements of the bird.

  17. plankton

    aggregate of small organisms that float or drift in water

    As he looked down into it he saw the red sifting of the
    plankton in the dark water and the strange light the sun made now.

  18. iridescent

    varying in color when seen in different lights

    But the bird was almost out of sight now and nothing showed on the surface of the water but some patches of yellow, sun-bleached Sargasso weed and the purple, formalized,
    iridescent, gelatinous bladder of a Portuguese man-of-war floating dose beside the boat.

  19. filament

    a threadlike structure

    From where he swung lightly against his oars he looked down into the water and saw the tiny fish that were coloured like the trailing
    filaments and swam between them and under the small shade the bubble made as it drifted.

  20. carapace

    hard outer covering or case of certain organisms

    The turtles saw them, approached them from the front, then shut their eyes so they were completely carapaced and ate them filaments and all.

  21. contempt

    lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

    He loved green turtles and hawk-bills with their elegance and speed and their great value and he had a friendly
    contempt for the huge, stupid loggerheads, yellow in their armour-plating, strange in their love-making, and happily eating the Portuguese men-of-war with their eyes shut.

  22. mysticism

    obscure or irrational thought

    He had no
    mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years.

  23. grippe

    an acute, febrile, highly contagious viral disease

    He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear. It was there for all fishermen who wanted it. Most fishermen hated the taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose and it was very good against all colds and
    grippes and it was good for the eyes.

  24. myriad

    a large indefinite number

    myriad flecks of the plankton were annulled now by the high sun and it was only the great deep prisms in the blue water that the old man saw now with his lines going straight down into the water that was a mile deep.

  25. annul

    cancel officially

    The myriad flecks of the plankton were
    annulled now by the high sun and it was only the great deep prisms in the blue water that the old man saw now with his lines going straight down into the water that was a mile deep.

  26. imperceptible

    impossible or difficult to sense

    As it went down, slipping lightly through the old man’s fingers, he still could feel the great weight, though the pressure of his thumb and finger were almost

  27. intolerable

    incapable of being put up with

    The position actually was only somewhat less
    intolerable; but he thought of it as almost comfortable.

  28. rapier

    a straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges

    When the old man had gaffed her and clubbed her, holding the
    rapier bill with its sandpaper edge and dubbing her across the top of her head until her colour turned to a colour almost like the backing of mirrors, and then, with the boy’s aid, hoisted her aboard, the male fish had stayed by the side of the boat.

  29. longitudinally

    in the direction of the length

    He put one knee on the fish and cut strips of dark red meat
    longitudinally from the back of the head to the tail.

  30. carcass

    the dead body of an animal

    When he had cut six strips he spread them out on the wood of the bow, wiped his knife on his trousers, and lifted the
    carcass of the bonito by the tail and dropped it overboard.

  31. improvise

    perform without preparation

    But he seems calm, he thought, and following his plan. But what is his plan, he thought. And what is mine? Mine I must
    improvise to his because of his great size.

  32. sustenance

    a source of materials to nourish the body

    My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other. My legs are all right. Also now I have gained on him in the question of

  33. interminable

    tiresomely long; seemingly without end

    He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish’s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and
    interminable in the water.

  34. astern

    at, near, or toward the stern of a ship or airplane

    The shark closed fast
    astern and when he hit the fish the old man saw his mouth open and his strange eyes and the clicking chop of the teeth as he drove forward in the meat just above the tail.

  35. malignancy

    quality of being disposed to evil; intense ill will

    He hit it with his blood mushed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. He hit it without hope but with resolution and complete

Created on October 31, 2013
(updated November 7, 2013)

You know them when you see them. Old men differ but they share similar traits: wrinkles, gray hair, a flab or two, slow movement, and etc. They may also share the gains of experiences, advice, and talents that go along with old age. Spot the many shades of aging with the following slang words for old man.

Slang Words for Old Man (in Alphabetical Order)



  • (Noun) An old British slang for an old man who says and acts ridiculously.
  • Example: Can you believe that Mr. Holmes would like me to marry his son? What a buffer. Everyone knows his son is foolish and selfish.



  • (Noun) A degrading term for an old person, referring to the fact that they may be getting close to their death.
  • Example: Hiram wants the coffin-dodger to meet his end already so he can stake his claim to the majority of company shares.



  • (Noun) An old man who is slow-witted or downright crazy.
  • Example: There goes that old coot again who wears the sign “the end is coming”.



  • (Noun) A hot-tempered old man.
  • Example: Don’t let your babies run around past 9 PM or else the curmudgeon on the floor below will knock your door and give you a serious lecture.



  • (Noun) An acronym for “Daddy I’d Like to Fuck”, a DILF is a sexually attractive older man.
  • Example: Riley could have any guy her age but she prefers DILFs.



  • (Noun) An affectionate and respectable term for an old man who lives by the countryside.
  • Example: The gaffer you just met is coincidentally our town mayor.



  • (Noun) In the US, this is a degrading term for an unreasonable old man with undertones of disgust.
  • Example: The old geezer had some nerve to come near Ella after being filed a temporary restraining order for stalking.



  • (Noun) A humorous yet degrading way of calling old men.
  • Example: The saleslady likes to contract with graybeards since they are easy to convince with the insurance product she sells.



  • (Noun) A Canadian slang for an old man who likes to be in relationships with much younger women. 
  • Example: That mac spends a lot of fortune on whoever young lady he is fond of at the moment.

Old Bean


  • (Noun) An affectionate term for an old man who is not there at the moment.
  • Example: Do you remember Mr. Redfield? The old bean used to give good cash to whoever perfected his exams.

Old Chap


  • (Noun) Another friendly term for an old man typically used when the person is directly responded to.
  • Example: 

Person 1: Life is getting hard.

Person 2: Cheer up, old chap. Lots of people have problems just different from you.

Old Man Winter


  • (Noun) Viewing the winter season as an old man responsible for the very season. The well-loved childhood character Jack Frost is among its many personas.
  • Example: The old man winter is definitely angry. There’s no way this blizzard is stopping soon.



  • (Noun) An informal American way of calling an older man that kind of rings the word “papa”. This is popularized by a widely popular American comic book series.
  • Example: Hey Pops, can we get two milkshakes here please?



  • (Noun) Coming from Latin that means “a man of old age”, a senex is usually the sage figure in movies and theatre plays.
  • Example: After Iron Man, Doctor Strange plays as the senex across the Marvel cinematic universe.

Top Dog


  • (Noun) An old man who is the most accomplished in his field.
  • Example: Atty. James only attends to top dogs who can pay his ridiculous consultation and court fees.
Er wartet auf den Mittagswind
die Welle kommt und legt sich matt
mit einem Fächer jeden Tag
der Alte macht das Wasser glatt

Ich werf den Stein zu meinem Spaß
das Wasser sich im Kreis bewegt
der Alte sieht mich traurig an
und hat es wieder glatt gefegt

Im weißen Sand der alte Mann
zitternd seine Pfeife raucht
nur das Wasser und ich wissen
wozu er diesen Fächer braucht

Die Ahnung schläft wie ein Vulkan
zögernd hab ich dann gefragt
den Kopf geneigt es schien er schläft
hat er bevor er starb gesagt

Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
und um Erlösung wirst du flehen

Den Fächer an den Leib gepresst
im Todeskrampf erstarrt die Hand
die Finger mussten sie ihm brechen
der Fächer bleibt zurueck im Sand

Den Alten ruf ich jeden Tag
er möchte mich doch hier erlösen
ich bleib zurück im Mittagswind
und in dem Fächer kann ich lesen

Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
und um Erlösung wirst du flehen
He waits for the midday's wind
the wave comes and lies down wearily
with a fan every day
the old one makes the water smooth

I throw the stone for fun
the water moves in circles
the old one looks sadly at me
and swept it smooth again

In the white sand, the old man
trembling, smokes his pipe
only the water and I know
why he needs this fan

The premonition sleeps like a volcano
hesitating, I asked him then
his head bent, it seemed he slept
before he died he said

The water shall be your mirror
only when it is smooth will you see
how many fairy tales are left for you
and you will plead for salvation

The fan pressed against his body
the hand stiffens with rigor mortis
they had to break his fingers
the fan stays back in the sand

I call the old one every day
for him to save me here
I stay back in the midday's wind
and I can read in the fan

The water shall be your mirror
only when it is smooth will you see
how many fairy tales are left for you
and you will plead for salvation

This song is about a man who watches an old man stare at himself in a reflecting pool and fan the water smooth when it is disrupted. The old man is possessed by the reflection of himself. After seeing this, the one who threw the stone in the beginning looks into the water and sees the same thing the old man saw and also becomes possessed. He then calls for the old man to save him from the same fate. This song is possibly about the cleansing of society.

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