Now listen to you word i said it

Little talks


Hey! Hey! Hey!

I don’t like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I’ll walk with you, my dear

The stairs creak as I sleep, it’s keeping me awake
It’s the house telling you to close your eyes

And some days I can’t even dress myself
It’s killing me to see you this way

‘Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There’s an old voice in my head that’s holding me back
Well tell her that I miss our little talks

Soon it will be over and buried with our past
We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love.

Some days I feel like I’m wrong when I’m right
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear

‘Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


You’re gone, gone, gone away
I watched you disappear
All that’s left is the ghost of you.
Now we’re torn, torn, torn apart,
There’s nothing we can do
Just let me go we’ll meet again soon
Now wait, wait, wait for me
Please hang around
I’ll see you when I fall asleep

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Хэй! Хэй! Хэй!

— Я не люблю бродить по этому старому и пустому дому.
— Возьми меня за руку, дорогая, я буду идти рядом.

— Лестница скрипит и не дает мне спать.
— Это дом говорит тебе закрыть глаза.

— В некоторые дни мне сложно даже одеться.
— Мне невыносимо видеть тебя такой.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

Хэй! Хэй! Хэй!

— В моей голове звучит старый голос, зовущий меня назад.
— Скажи ей, что я скучаю по нашим разговорам.

— Скоро всё закончится, погребенное под грузом прошлого.
— Мы играли во дворе, когда были детьми,
полные жизни и любви.

— В некоторые дни мне кажется, что я ошибаюсь, хотя я права.
— Твой разум играет с тобой, дорогая.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
Все крики звучат одинаково.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.


Тебя нет, нет, нет,
Ты исчез(ла) на моих глазах.
Всё что осталось — твоя тень.
Теперь мы разорваны, разлучены,
Ничего с этим не поделать.
Просто отпусти меня, и мы скоро встретимся.
И жди, жди, жди меня,
Пожалуйста, будь неподалёку,
Я увижу тебя во сне.

Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
Все крики звучат одинаково.
И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
Все крики звучат одинаково.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

И, хотя истина может быть разной,
Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

Понравился перевод?


Перевод песни Little talks — Of Monsters and Men

Рейтинг: 5 / 5   
47 мнений

jump. next. glimpsed

Consonant clusters at the end of words

.< ) A26 There are many more combinations of consonant sounds possible at the end of English words

than at the beginning (see Unit 7). There can be up to four consonant sounds in a final

consonant cluster:

Words with…

2 final consonants

3 final consonants

4 final consonants

hone Istl


prompts Imptsl


next Ikstl

glimpsed Impstl


cri IspsI

texts IkstsI

A27 Some final clusters with three or four consonants can be difficult to pronounce even for native

English speakers, so in some words these are commonly simplified. For example, the middle consonant of the clusters Ikts/, Imps/, Impti, Ints/, IndzJ and Isktl is hardly heard or sometimes even left out (see also Unit 29A):

products -+ produc s IprodAksl

jumps -+ jum s Id3AmPsI

camped -+ cam ed Ikremtl

clients -+ clien s Iklargntsl

hands -+ hantls /hrenzJ

asked -+ askd lo:stl

Notice also:

fifths -+ fifths IfI8s1 or fifTlts IfIfsl

twelfth -+ twelfth Itwel81

Leaving final consonants out of consonant clusters at the end of words can cause misunderstanding, and you should avoid this. For example, say:

product (not: produc ) jump (not: jum ) hand (not: hantl)

In particular, avoid leaving out /zl or Isl in plurals and third person singular verb forms, and ItI or Id! in -ed verbs and adjectives:

jobs (not: jobs)

sleeps (not: sleeps)

laughed (not: laughe4)

curved (not: curve4)

Don’t be tempted to add vowels to consonant clusters in order to make them easier to say, as this can also cause misunderstanding. You should —

avoid adding an extra vowel (usually /il or Ig/) between consonants:

watched (not: watch1d)

health (not: heal;!th)

dogs (not: dog;!s)

avoid adding an extra vowel (usually Igl or lu:/) at the end of the word:

last (not: last;!)

announce (not: announce;!)

attempts (not: attemptsu:)

avoid adding an extra vowel at the end of an adjective, as this can sound like a comparative form:

fast (not: fast;! because it sounds like ‘faster’) damp (not: damp;! because it sounds like ‘damper’)

You can find more practice of consonant clusters at the end of words in Section E2.


English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

Section B Pronunciation ofwords and phrases


8 . 1 How many final consonant sounds 1 , 2, 3 o r 4 d o the words i n the box have when they are spoken slowly and carefully? (Note that the number of consonant sounds may be different from the number of consonant letters.) Write the words in the appropriate row.

against aspects ll eHiflts









ledge next


sculpts stamps tempts


1 final consonant sound


final consonant sounds


final consonant sounds !ntsl

4 final consonant sounds

tI++e.r1Ap1-s Imptsl

Now check your answers, listen and say the words.

8.2 Listen to some of the words from exercise 8.1 (in bold) used in conversation. Some final clusters are simplified. Underline the words which are simplified and show which sound is left out or reduced.

EXAMPLES It was a long jump, but he risked it. (the Ik/ sound is left out)

He helped us a lot. (no simplification)


It’s my turn next.


The question has a number of aspects.


It’s a recording of regional accents.


She loved diamonds.


Don’t forget to buy some stamps.


It was taken out of context.


I’ve always been against it.


They grasped it easily.

8.3 Listen and underline the word you hear.

EXAMPLE I accept / accepted the award gratefully.


I couldn’t go on without more paint / pain.


The company has some innovative designers / designs.


I couldn’t go faster / fast in my oid car.


The factory makes trays / trains.


We wore heavy boots with thick, ridged / rigid soles.


They’re one of Brazil’s main exports / exporters.

8.4 Anna failed her test to become a newsreader for her local English language radio station. Look at the transcript of the news item that she read. Then listen to the news being read clearly and correct the words that Anna pronounced wrongly.


The police tftffithe rose on the south coat will be pack when the seven Felton Pop Festival beginners neck weekend: Lass year more than 10,000 pop fan pack into the feel where the festival was hell. There is simpler accommodation on a nearby farm, but most people will camper in small tense.

Now check your answers in the Key. Then read aloud the (correct) news item.

Follow up: What is the maximum number of final consonant sounds that can occur in your first language?

English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)


abstract. next Friday

Consonant clusters within and across words

,Jp;1′; Consonant clusters also occur within words. For example:

Clusters with…

2 consonant sounds

3 consonant sounds

4 consonant sounds

e ape



aQillaco h

con trol


di ike




transla te

em.uisite Ukskw/)

iillorta.Qn t



&Note: Some clusters found within words can also be found at the beginning of words (di ike — ow), at the end of words (iill.tantQorlarrml, or both (e ape — Scotland/aili; but others can’t (abstract, invisible).

AH. When a word ending with a consonant or consonants is followed by a word beginning with a consonant or consonants, a new consonant cluster across words is formed. These can be particularly difficult to pronounce when they come within a speech unit without a pause (see Section E4 Glossary for a definition of speech unit):

II it’s an elm treell

II there’s a childre.!li.J2laygroundll

When consonant clusters are divided by a pause, they are often easier to pronounce:

II if Tom can’t take you to the film/I try Mikell

II there’ll be three suitcasesll two of Joan’sll plus my ownll

m_ 1:4/7AII.the consonant clusters within the speech units in this conversation are underlined. listen and follow (lt1Apor’h:r f- /. the notes. Some clusters are simplified with sounds left out or changed to make them easierto

liS.f-e….i… pronounce. (Units 26-31 give detailed information on all these features offluent speech.)

» «‘ ‘w ,W»’ ,»»_, W»

pronounced Iksfrl ItI and /j/ are pronounced ItSI

Idl is left out

One lengthened



nex)FridaYII I’lLmee nd ItI is left out

Isl is said



by the bus stationll



noli the artgalieryll theD….aru;ollect!’£e c Steve



ItI is pronounced 1 is ed

In ro 1 is left out

like Ikl

like Iml

like IDI

Words that commonly go together in phrases and compounds (examples of these are given in Units 1 6-1 8) are generally said within speech units. Consonants at the word boundaries are usually run together in a cluster. For example:

Clusters with…

2 consonant sounds

3 consonant sounds

4 consonant sounds


vacuum cleaner

television screen


flash flood

winning streak

electriuen ce


false friends



lu nch break


passive smoking

film credits


English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

Section B Pronunciation ofwords and phrases


9. 1 Underline all the consonant clusters within the words in this text (i.e. not at the beginning or end of words). Note that some words have two consonant clusters.

When I started playing badminton, I was sixty and I hadn’t done any strenuous exercise for almost twenty years. But after just a few months I’d won the over-fifties national championship and an international competition. My husband thinks I’m crazy and that I’ll injure myself. But I’ve found a number of advantages in taking up a sport. I feel much healthier, and it’s important to be active at my age. And meeting new people has improved my social life. So I’ll carry on playing until I get too oH

Now check your answers in the Key. Then read the text aloud, focusing on the pronunciation of words with underlined consonant clusters.

9.2 Listen and repeat phrase 1 in column A with a slight pause between the two speech units. Then listen A36 and repeat phrase 1 in column B,making sure you run the words together without a pause. Then do the same for phrases 2-10 (notice that the underlined clusters are the same in columns A and B).

Some underlined consonant clusters in column B are simplified. Try to make the same simplifications when you repeat them (see Key for details of simplifications).




1/ Jack was in the audiencell trying not to laughl/

1/ she’s a freelance translatorl/


1/ the ring looked very elega.ntLL2Qarkling in the sunlightl/

1/ the president spoke nextl/


// here’s some mil.lsLLdink.itrnowl/

1/ she wore a silk dressl/


1/ I hear you won the contragLLgreatnewsl/

1/ it looked green to mel/


1/ if you’re going to the coa y therel/

1/ it’s on the first floorl/


1/ if you find any of my oid booksll throw them awayl/

1/ he speaks three languagesl/


1/ it’s got two bedroomsll slightly smalll/

1/ lift your arms slowlyl/


1/ it’s very olQLLfuidget saysl/

1/ there was a cold breezel/


1/ there was a footprintll small like a child’sl/

1/ what’s that unpleasant smelll/


1/ it was sad in some par1illumorous..h

in othersl/

1/ it’s hugel/

9.3 Match a word from box A with a word from box B to make compound nouns. Say the compounds aloud, making sure you run the words in the compound together.























therapist trap


EXAMPLE bloo oiso i q (Id! in ‘bloog’ is pronounced like Ibl)

A37 Listen, check your answers and repeat the compounds, making the same simplifications of consonant clusters where these occur (see Key for details of simplifications).

Follow up: Find two-word compound nouns used in a topic that interests you or in your area of study. Which of them have consonant clusters across the two words? Record yourself saying them, and listen to the recording.

English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)


,contro’versial and controVERsial

Word stress and prominence

In this book we use two terms that are related but different: stress and prominence. Most dictionaries which give the pronunciation of words also indicate which syllable(s) have stress. For example, CALD shows that ‘party’ and ‘remember’ have stress on only one syllable:

party /’pa:.ti/

remember /n’mem.b;)f/

and that ‘controversial’ and ‘kindergarten’ have stress on two syllables:

controversial /,;)’V3:.Sal/ kindergarten /’krn.d;),9a:.tan/

, shows main stress and , shows secondary stress.

When a word is used in conversation and emphasised (see Unit 33), one of the stressed

syllables is made prominent. In a one-stress word this is the stressed syllable, and in a two-stress word it is usually the syllable with main stress. Prominent syllables are shown in this book in capital letters:

I’m going to a PARty.

I can’t reMEMber.

It was controVERsial.

She goes to KINdergarten.

‘ I >’u’U A39 Prominence can move to the secondary stressed syllable in a word like ‘controversial’ when it is followed by a word with another prominent syllable, particularly when the first syllable of the following word is prominent:

She gave a CONtroversial ANswer.

This is sometimes called stress shift. Stress shift can only happen in words where a secondary stress comes before main stress. Here are some more examples:

,under’ stand

I UNderstand EVerything.


It was a DISappointing OUTcome.

Other words which often have stress shift include:

,alto’gether, ,inde’pendent, ,indi’stinct, ,medi’ocre, , satis’factory, , uni’versity, ,week’end, ,worth’while.

some place names which have main stress on the last syllable, such as: ,Ber’lin, ,Kow’loon, ,Montre’al.

-teen numbers — ,thir’teen, ,nine’teen; and two-part numbers — ,forty-‘five, ,seventy-‘eight.

For others, see Units I IC, 12A and ISC.

Note: Some other words with secondary stress rarely have stress shift. For example: a,pproxi’mation,

‘: ‘@]

,corre’spondence, , inde’ cision, pro, nunci’ation.


For particular emphasis or contrast, syllables other than those with main or secondary stress can

be made prominent (see also Unit 47C):


A: I agree with you that it’s HOPEless.

B: No, I said it was hopeFUL.


A: Apparently, Kim’s been dePORTed.

B: No, he’s been REported.


English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

Section B Pronunciation of words and phrases


1 0. 1 Are these one-stress words (write 1) o r two-stress words (2)? Circle the main stressed syllables and underline the secondary stressed syllables. Use your dictionary if necessary.

EXAMPLES e ment (I)

therm c (2.)


occasional (



cosmopolitan (


electronic (



supplement (



pedestrian (



spectacular (



temperamental (


incoherent (



documentary (

A41 Now listen, check your answers and repeat the words.

1 0.2 Underline the syllable you think is most likely to have prominence in the words in bold. In which two of these words is stress shift not possible?

EXAMPLES We used to live near the Berlin Wall. She’s got a job in Berlin.


I’m working on my pronunciation.


I love living next to the Mediterranean.


It was just a routine job.


It cost sixteen euros.


The film was made for propaganda purposes.


The book was just political propaganda.


The region has a Mediterranean climate.


The operation was quite routine.


Next month she’ll be sixteen.


They appointed an independent judge.


There was a satisfactory outcome.


The result was satisfactory.

7 The country was declared independent.


I’m doing a pronunciation course.

A42 Now listen and check your answers. Then say the sentences aloud.

1 0.3 Listen and underline the syllable that has main stress in these words.










Now use the words to complete these conversations. Then underline the syllable in the word that you think is likely to be prominent.

EXAMPLE A: So we have to take the old footpath?

No, I said it was ………………………………..

mm .m

..£.(;)<?± .r.{<:If1 .

B: No, we take the old


A: So you thought the work was precise?




2 A: You’ve lost your handbook, have you?


B: No, I’ve lost my ………………………..


A: Yes, I thought the performance was lifeless, too.

B: No, I said I thought it was

… …

. . .. .. . .

4A: I didn’t think his findings were very objective.

B:No, they were very

S A: Does the tabletop need washing?

B: No, the ………………………….. .

6A: I’ve brought you the paintbrush you asked for. B: No, I wanted my ……………………

7 A: Did you say the country’s rearming?

B: No, it’s ……………

………………………….. .

A44 Now listen, check your answers and repeat the corrections .

Follow up: Do you know of any differences in stress in words in British English and in another variety of English you are familiar with?

English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)


‘comfort and ‘comfortable

Suffixes and word stress (1 )

A4S’ Some words are made up of a root and a suffix:



Ilousl ….If—




e) 11





In some words with suffixes, the stress stays on the same syllable as in the root. Compare:

‘ danger and: ‘ dangerous

In other words, the suffix changes the stressed syllable. Compare:

‘commerce and: com’ mercial

,146 Suffixes which don’t usually change the stress pattern in the root word include -able, -age, -al (but see Unit 12 for -ial), -er, -ful, -less, -ness, -ous and -fy. For example:

‘comfort — ‘comfortable

per’cent — per’centage

e’ lectric — e’ lectrical

‘ amplify — ‘ amplifier

re’ gret — re’gretful

re’gard — re’gardless

‘ foolish — ‘ foolishness

di’saster — di’sastrous

‘ beauty — ‘ beautify

Exceptions with -able and -al include:

ad’ mire — ‘ admirable

pre’ fer — ‘ preferable

‘ medicine — me’ dicinal

‘ agriculture — agri’ cultural

Note that before the suffixes -ious, -ulous, -orous and -eous main stress usually comes in the syllable before the suffix:

‘ industry — in’dustrious

‘ mystery — my’ sterious

‘ miracle — mi’ raculous

‘carnivore — car’ nivorous

ad’ vantage — advan’ tageous

‘ outrage — out’ rageous

A47 Some suffixes themselves usually have the main stress. These include -ee, -eer, -ese and -ette.

For example:

,absen ‘tee

, refu ‘ gee

,engi ‘ neer

, mounta i ‘ neer


, Nepa l ‘ ese

,cigar’ ette

d i ‘skette

Exceptions include: ‘omelette, ‘etiquette, em’ployee (although less commonly we use ,employ’ee).


Note: Some people say ‘cigarette.

Words with these suffixes can often have stress shift (see Unit 10):

She’s japanESE. but: She’s a JAPanese JOURnalist.

He’s a refuGEE. but: We saw photos of REFugee CHILdren.

You can find more practice of words with suffixes in Section E3.


English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

1 . 1


1 .2


1 .3


Section B Pronunciation of words and phrases


Complete the sentences with pairs of words from B opposite. You should also mark the stress.

The journey was a


. . .


. di<:.i I

H.. .



purposes, although it isn’t usually


The herb is used for .

thought of as a .

. . .






… . .


. . .

. . .



fact, the whole vacation was ………………………….



The decision was an

. …..



. .


. — quite

….. . . .



. . . . .. .. ….



.. . I was appalled.

H .. …

.. …. .



.. .



.. . .

.. .. .. .


his mistakes, the president continues to be held in high


Workers in the steel ..

.. ... .

…. . …


.. are generally skilled and

H .. . .. .. . . .


is now eight



. . . . .

. .. . . …


points, and

has risen three

The Democrats’ lead

.in. . .the. . …last. . .Hweek..

. .. . .


.. . ..



Her ..



was. ..never. . explained,. .

and her whereabouts remain a

7 The region is……………………mainly

until today.

.. ……

… .. ……. ……. land and most people here still work in

Now listen and check your answers. Then say the sentences aloud, paying attention to the stress in the words you have written.

This speaker is talking about the difficulty of getting cars repaired. Focus on the words ending with the suffixes -able and -al (in bold). Listen and tick (,f) the words which follow the rule given in B — that is, they have the same stress pattern as their root.

You hear about the poor quality of car repairs so often nowadays. You just can’t find dependable (,f) mechanics, and the problem seems to be universal (X).

For example, the other day I was having problems starting my car, so I took it to a reputable ( ) garage. At least I’d heard it was quite reliable ( ). The people there seemed quite professional ( ), and they said it looked like just a minor mechanical ( ) problem.

They said it would cost about €lOO, which seemed quite acceptable ( ). But when I picked it up, they’d

badly scratched the paintwork. They apologised, and said it was accidental ( ) and offered to re-spray it, but whether they’ll do a good job is debatable ( ).

Here are some extracts from a radio news programme. Underline the syllable in each word in bold that you think is likely to be made prominent. Remember, some of the words in bold are likely to have stress shift.

EXAMPLE An aircraft that crashed three years ago in the Andes has been found by mountaineers.

1 A report on the problem of absentee landlords is to be published today.

2 Five thousand volunteer helpers are to be recruited for the next Olympic Games. 3 Mandarin and Cantonese are the most widely spoken languages in China.

4 The government is considering a ban on roulette.

5 There has been an outbreak of cholera among Sudanese villagers.

Now listen and check your answers. Then read the extracts aloud.

Follow up: How many other country adjectives ending in -ese can you think of? How would you say them:

(i) on their own; (ii) in the context ‘the …………………….. people’ (e.g. the Japanese people)?

English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)


:;ltsJ . A51


:=J[) A52

ac1celerate and ac1celel ration

Suffixes and word stress (2)

In words with the following suffixes, main stress is usually on the syllable immediately before the suffix: -ial, -ic, -ion, -ive, and -ity. For example:

‘ editor — edi ‘ torial

‘ atmosphere — , atmos ‘ pheric

ac’ceierate — ac,cele’ ration

‘ instinct — in’ stinctive

‘ generous — ,gene’ rosity

d i ‘ verse — d i ‘ versity

Note: In words ending -otive, stress is usually on the same syllable as in the root word. For example: in’vestigate — in’vestigative ‘speculate — ‘speculative

Many words with these suffixes can have stress shift (see Unit 10) . For example:

He faces proseCUtion. but: He’s a PROSecution WITness.

When a word ends with one of the consonants t or s and the suffix -ion, this is how they are


-tion is pronounced

ItJ;ml after the letter s: suggestion, digestion

If’;ml after other letters: education, adoption

-sion is pronounced

IJ;ml after a consonant: extension, comprehension

13 nI after a vowel: decision, persuasion

-ssion is pronounced

IJ nI: admission, expression

In nouns and adjectives ending with the suffixes -ant, -ent, -ance, or -ence, stress placement depends on the spelling of the syllable before the suffix (the pre-su{fix syllable).

If the pre-suffix syllable ends with a single vowel letter (V) or a single vowel letter plus a single consonant letter (VC), stress usually goes on the syllable before the pre-suffix syllable

if there is one:

‘ ignorant (VC)

‘ variant (V)

‘ fraudllient (VC)

con ‘ tin!!ance (V)

‘ reference (VC)

‘ambience (V)

If the pre-suffix syllable has any other spelling, then stress is usually on the pre-suffix syllable itself:

ap’ pearance (VVC)

,corre ‘ spondent (VCC)

con ‘ vrrgence (VCC)

If the pre-suffix syllable ends with the letter i and the root word ends with the letter y in a stressed syllable, the stress is usually on the pre-suffix syllable:

com ‘ pl): — com ‘ pJiance

re’ l): — re’ Jiant

Some of these words ending with the suffixes -ant, -ent, -ance or -ence have a different stress placement from the root:

ig’ nore — ‘ ignorant

re’ fer — ‘ reference

while others have the same stress placement:

con ‘ tinue — con ‘ tinuance ap’ pear — ap’ pearance

@J A53 Notice that the suffix -ment doesn’t usually change the stress pattern in the root:

a ‘ gree — a ‘greement

govern — ‘ government

although a common exception is:

‘ advertise — ad’ vertisement

You can find more practice of words with suffixes in Section E3 .


English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)


-tion, -sion and

Section 8 Pronunciation of words and phrases


You will hear some short definitions. After each definition press ‘pause’, choose from the box and write the word that it relates to. When you press ‘play’ again you will hear the correct answer. Repeat it and then continue in the same way.









2 ……………………………….



.. ……. .. .. . .g.!I?



Having an allergy.










One of the words in the box above is an exception to the rule given at the beginning of A opposite. Which is it?

Write the words from the box in the correct column according to the pronunciation of -tion, -sion, or -ssion.















/tf;;m/ (e.g. suggestion)

/J’;Jn/ (e.g. education)

/3′;Jn/ (e.g. decision)

ccoMMod +ioll

Now listen and check your answers. Then say the words aloud.

Underline the syllable which you think has the main stress in the following words.
















Now listen and check your answers. Then say the words aloud.

One of these words is an exception to the rules in B opposite. Which is it?

Decide whether the words in

exercise 1 2.3 have the same stress pattern as their root word


write S)

or a different stress pattern

write D).

EXAMPLES resident



( ‘resident — re’side)



(per’formance — per’form)

Now listen to the root words and check your answers.

Follow up: Next time you read a book or an article, note down words ending in -ion. Mark the stress on them, then check in a dictionary to see if you were right. You can also add words ending in

to the appropriate column in the table in exercise 1 2.2.

English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)

3 I

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Don't Listen To A Word I Say Lyrics

Song Details: Don’t Listen To A Word I Say Lyrics by Of Monsters and Men.. The song name is Little Talks sung by Of Monsters and Men.

Don’t Listen To A Word I Say Lyrics

Hey! Hey! Hey!
I don’t like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I’ll walk with you, my dear
The stairs creak as you sleep, it’s keeping me awake
It’s the house telling you to close your eyes

And some days I can’t even dress myself
It’s killing me to see you this way

‘Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There’s an old voice in my head that’s holding me back
Well tell her that I miss our little talks
Soon it will be over and buried with our past
We used to play outside when we were young
And full of life and full of love.

Some days I don’t know if I am wrong or right
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear

‘Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


You’re gone, gone, gone away
I watched you disappear
All that’s left is a ghost of you.
Now we’re torn, torn, torn apart,
There’s nothing we can do
Just let me go we’ll meet again soon
Now wait, wait, wait for me
Please hang around
I’ll see you when I fall asleep

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Don’t listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Video Song

This is the end of Don’t Listen To A Word I Say Lyrics


“Little Talks” debuted on Philadelphia’s Radio 104.5 to mass acclaim before Of Monsters and Men even released an album. Later, it became their first song to reach the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at #20 on February 16th, 2013. It was also certified 5x Multi-Platinum by the RIAA on December 7th, 2017.

The song is a romantic, cathartic back-and-forth between two lovers, one of whom has passed away. Nanna described in an interview with Interview Magazine:

It’s about a couple and the husband passed away and it’s from the conversation between the two of them. We don’t know if she’s going crazy or if someone’s actually there. We’ve kind of been inspired by people that lived in my house. This old couple that lived there for 30 years.

Ask us a question about this song

Ask a question *

What have the artists said about the song?

Okay. “Little Talks” is… How we usually make our lyrics is, Raggi and I, sometimes we come up with stories or situations. That one is about a relationship. Sometimes we haven’t wanted to give too much away. We like people to read their own things in the lyrics. I guess I could share it. It’s about a couple and the husband passed away and it’s from the conversation between the two of them. We don’t know if she’s going crazy or if someone’s actually there. We’ve kind of been inspired by people that lived in my house. This old couple that lived there for 30 years. The woman passed away, so it was kind of different.

Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir in a 2012 interview with Interview Magazine

Is there an official lyric video?

Has this song been recorded live?


Assistant Mixing Engineer

Recorded At

Studio Syrland (Reykjavik, Iceland)

Release Date

September 20, 2011

Little Talks Live Performances

Little Talks Translations

View Little Talks samples





8 лет назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.
1. I am listen to you now.
2. Little Roo don’t like to eat.
3. Rita watches TV at the moment.
4. She is visiting her Granny now ?
5. Are you play basketball?

Смотреть ответ



(26 оценок)



8 лет назад

Светило науки — 356 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. I am listening to you now.
2. Little Roo doesn’t like to eat.
3. Rita is watching TV at the moment.
4. Is she visiting her Granny now?
5. Do you play basketball?

(26 оценок)

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